
The Official TTC Thread!


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I'm thinking about you today and hoping your bloodwork reveals that you Oed!

BB, I'm glad to hear that the IUI went smoothly and am sending positive implantation vibes your way! How many rounds of IUIs do you plan to do before moving on to IVF? I'm hoping you won't have to worry about it and that this IUI will be it!

Monkeyprincess, I'm glad to hear you had a normal cycle after coming off of BC! That's great! I was definitely excited my first round off of BC, too, knowing that my body was doing everything it was supposed to!

brown_eyes, congrats to your SIL! I'm sure her sharing her news is making the 2WW even harder for you! I'm thinking positive thoughts!

LC, how are you doing?

AFM, just waiting for AF to show up so I can start my first "trying, but not really" cycle. It should show up this week. We're down to one condom :naughty: which I'm referring to as the "emergency" condom. If DH feels overwhelmed or freaked out, he has one reserve.

We also did a little bit of furniture shopping over the weekend to look at a few things including nursery furniture. I mentioned that we need to paint the future nursery at some point (it's currently white) and D was concerned about me painting the room after I was pregnant. So my options are to let him paint it (oh dear lord) or paint it a gender-neutral color in the next couple of weeks. I think I'm just going to do it myself because it's a small room and I can knock it out in a day. If D were to do it, it would take...I don't even know how long.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NewEnglandLady|1301321432|2881797 said:
Lizzy, I'm thinking about you today and hoping your bloodwork reveals that you Oed!

So my options are to let him paint it (oh dear lord) or paint it a gender-neutral color in the next couple of weeks. I think I'm just going to do it myself because it's a small room and I can knock it out in a day. If D were to do it, it would take...I don't even know how long.

You know you're a PS'er when I saw NEL's "Oed" abbreviation and I immediately thought Old European Diamond? Oooh la la! :bigsmile:

NEL, Oh dear Lord I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I'm planning on painting my future nursery too! It's currently my office/guest room so there's a TON of big heavy books and bookshelves that I need to get out of the way before I paint. But I'm like you it's a small room so I think I can bang it out in a day. I'm going to do a pale, earthy teal color. LOOOVE it! Haven't tried a swatch yet. I bought a sample. I need to prime everything first because the current color is a pretty dark sage color and it might bleed through.

Katy, I was wondering where you went. Bummer about the damaged lapper but hooray that you get a new one right? Sorry about AF, but sounds like you have a good marathon plan. I'm sure it can be tough hearing everyone else getting KU around you, but it's not a race. And

BB, keeping fingers crossed for you! I'm glad you find this thread so helpful. I totally do as well. I think having all these wonderful ladies here makes you feel like you're not alone, KWIM?

Brown, I can only imagine how impatient things are during the 2WW, but you're totally ahead of the game. Take a breath and enjoy your DH. :) In the whole grand scheme of things, if it doesn't happen this month, it's really not going to matter much. And besides if you're a few months after your SIL, think of all the free baby stuff you won't have to buy... :lol:

So my dad left it was actually a pretty good visit. It was kinda stressful/anxious before my dad got there, and at times it was a little stressful, but my DH was really supportive and in the end it was a good visit. I got a new razor thin wedding bad 14K "bead set" (I think that's what it's called) half eternity. I like it, but it needs to be resized.

TTC-wise, I'll have to tell my DH that we need to do a BD Marathon starting next week. FF says my min/max/avg O date is CD31/CD40/CD36 respectively. So I figure if we marathon from CD 27 to CD 37, hopefully that should cover it. My hope is that all this BDing WON'T get to the point where we're like, "Gah, AGAIN?"



Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy – you’re in my thoughts today. I hope everything goes smoothly and you get the results you want.

BB – I hope this is your cycle!

Katy – welcome back and try to stay positive. If I remember correctly you’re still in your first few months of trying. Try to enjoy it and not worry too much (I know this is easier said than done)

MP – I’m hoping that if this is not my month I at least get a normal cycle length like you.

NEL – exciting that you guys are talking furniture and paint for a future little one already! We will still be doing the apartment thing for our first child because DH wants to do his PhD and a move could be imminent or in the next year and a half. If I had a nursery that needed painting, I would definitely want to be the one to do it. I think us girls just have a little more drive and pay more attention to detail than our loving hubbies.

LC – I’m glad that your dad’s visit wasn’t too stressful for you and yay for the supportive DH. I hope your BD marathon plans go well. It must be so hard to be patient with cycles that are so long. I’m hoping they shorten soon. Remind me, are you planning on using the OPK’s this month?

AFM – I’m trying not to think about the TWW so much and thinking more about how fun it will be to be an aunt. I had my annual this morning and talked to my OBGYN about TTC. She ordered some blood work and started me on some pre-natal vitamins. Am I the only one that has trouble swallowing those horse pills?? I wish she would prescribe me a chewy one. :bigsmile: Haha! Hopefully I'll get used to them. Other than that she just asked some general family history questions and went over diet and exercise stuff (more fruits and veggies, less pasta and sugar :cheeky: and starting some kind of an exercise routine to up endorphins). She said if we don't have luck in the first 6 months to come back and see her, but that she wasn't worried. I'm having one of those days where I cannot believe that we have made it to this stage. So exciting!

Also, can I just say that I love this thread and this community! It is so nice to have a such a supportive group of women to talk to and ask questions about these things. Oh, and can someone fill me in on what KWIM stands for? Thanks!


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Brown, Sorry KWIM (Know What I Mean). Nothing TTC related.

Glad your OB appt went well. I take over the counter (OTC) prenatals. I guess I'm used to taking multi-vits so I didn't have a problem with them. NEL takes the chewables and loves them. :)


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

D'oh, Katy, I accidentally forgot to mention you when I was catching up this morning. I'm sorry AF showed up...I'm hoping this is the last time she shows up for a long while! Taking the laid-back approach is fun and games until it gets frustrating and then you have to bring out the big guns (i.e. OPKs). Hopefully you can pinpoint it better this month and get positive results!

LC, have fun marathoning! And I laughed about your Oed comment...I have definitely thought the same thing before. More than once. And I love the idea of doing an earthy teal...blues/greens are my favorite. I think I'm leaning toward a light apple green color. I'm lucky that our future nursery is completely empty and white, which does make it easier. But I also need to paint the guest room and it does have furniture in it, so I should probably take a weekend and do them both. Anyway, you'll have to post a pic when it's done!

Brown_eyes, the timing of your annual was good! I like the plan! I also need to up my fruits/veggies and decrease sugars. I've been saying that for years, though. I haven't seen my lady doctor since last spring and at that point I was very much in the pre-TTC phase, so I didn't get a script for a pre-natal, but have heard they are huge pills.


Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC - thanks for filling me in on KWIM. I've seen it a million times, and never knew what it meant. I'm not sure what the difference is between the OTC prenatals and the prescription ones, but I figured I would try out the samples she gave me. I have enough to last me two weeks, so maybe by the time those two weeks are over I will be used to swallowing them.

NEL - The timing was not planned and could not have been better. The comments on the diet are also things I've been trying to improve for a while. I'm blessed with a high metabolism, and have never had to watch what I eat. I am finally drinking enough water, so now to move on to those fresh fruits and veggies!

I'm 7DPO today... down to one week of the 2WW. Trying to be patient, but it's not really working.


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Brown_eyes, hopefully the time will pass quickly for you! In terms of OTC vs. prescription prenatals, I *think* I remember my doctor mentioning that the prescription pre-natals had iron in them. She mentioned that I didn't necessarily need any iron until I was pregnant, so simply taking OTC prenatals (which only have folic acid) was fine until I was pregnant. Again, it's been almost a year, so I might be wrong, but I think that's what she said.


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies! Just a quick drive by post.... I called my RE today for the results of the progesterone blood work I had drawn yesterday. And guess what? The lab screwed up my blood work and tested my prolactin level not my progesterone level. So I have to wait another day so they can redo the blood work. I hate the anxiety waiting for test results. I am so annoyed...

On top of this, my DH is traveling this week and my son woke up sick around 1am and stayed up till 5am. He is coughing, sneezing, and is congested. Hopefully just a cold, but it was a rough night followed by no news on the bloodwork. eh.

I am 8pdo. I'll try to write more tomorrow night because my DH will be home by then and I should have the results.

Hope everyone is having a great week! I will respond to everyone tomorrow night!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, that's too bad they screwed up the test, but at least you'll get an answer tomorrow. I don't really have much reason to believe my hormones are anything but normal, but I'm paranoid that I have either high prolactin or low progesterone because my sister was treated for both when she was TTC. Hope your son feels better soon. Not too much longer before you get to test.

Brown, I'm pulling for you to be a one hit wonder. But if not, I'm sure it won't take too long. I've definitely been more conscious of what I am eating these past few months and working out much more regularly. I still splurge once in awhile, but It is much easier to eat healthier and work out when you have a goal of getting pregnant and staying fit during pregnancy.

LC, congrats on the new ring and a successful visit with your dad. Wow, your BD marathon sounds ambitious. Not sure we'd be up for that challenge, but I hope it does the trick for you :)

NEL, yay for nursery room planning. I'm on strict orders from my husband that we cannot do any of that until there actually is a baby, but I'm already secretly scoping things out. The room is a neutral beige color, and I'll probably leave it that way and brighten it up in other ways.

BB, glad the IUI went well. Crossing my fingers for you.

Nothing new on my end. I'll probably start up with the OPKs again and hopefully will get a positive sometime this weekend or early next week. Just in time for DH's birthday.


Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NEL - Thanks for the info on the difference in the pre-natals. I figured there must be some reason for prescription vitamins to exist.

Lizzy - boo to the lab for messing up your blood test. I hope your son feels better soon. No lab results and a sick son does make for a crappy day, but at least you dont have to go in and get more blood drawn. All will be well tomorrow with hubby home and test results in hand. Hang in there.

MP - I agree that having a healthy pregnancy is just the motivation I need to jump start some healthier habits. Hubby and I are now taking long fast walks with the dog after dinner which has been nice.


Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh, and I'm a little jealous of NEL and LC and all the pre-work you girls get to do on the future nursery. My DH does not want anything baby until there is a bun in the oven. But like MP I've been scoping out bedding and design ideas since we started talking about being ready. 8)


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies! Got some great news! The nurse called me back and said that she called the lab after I got off the phone with her and pushed them to get the new results today. And it looks like I ovulated based on my progesterone being at a 17. So she was happy that she had good news for me! I am waiting till Sunday to test!


Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy - :appl: :appl: :appl: YAY!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

I'm just one day behind you. Hope this is the month for you!


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann01|1301435845|2882922 said:
Hi ladies! Got some great news! The nurse called me back and said that she called the lab after I got off the phone with her and pushed them to get the new results today. And it looks like I ovulated based on my progesterone being at a 17. So she was happy that she had good news for me! I am waiting till Sunday to test!

Great news! Now just to wait and let nature take its course!


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy!!! GREAT news!!! I'm so happy that you and your DH got some prime BD action in :) I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Brown, ha, I don't tell DH that I'm painting the office/second bedroom with a nursery in mind :) I just tell him I want to paint it. I'm sneaky that way. Ha ha ha!!!

MP & Brown, aw boo your DHs are "stifling" your decorating creativity. My DH is like "whatever, as long as I don't have to do it" mentality right now so that's why I get a pass. So this is the ONE TIME lazy = good. Ha ha! But I think a lot of men are "N gate" wired. Meaning first X has to happen THEN Y happens. SO first a baby needs to be in the picture THEN nursery will be in the picture. I don't get it. I learned to just accept it and move on....

NEL, I love the pics of on your wood wall thread. That looks like it'e be a really bright happy room for a nursery. Green's my fav color so I'm all 100% for it!!!

On my business trip. I'll come home and start using OPKs this weekend. Then I need to have a talk with my DH about my need to "step up his game" for the next two weeks. He'll either love this, or think I'm crazy. :)



Nov 16, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy: so excited you probably 'o'ed!'
LC: im a big fan of the marathon BDing :) worked for me! And im so excited that you guys are really pulling the goalie...since you haven't reallly triied, I have hopes of youu being a jerkstore ;-)

Good luck, ladies! We need somme new preggos, or we are going to have quite the dryspell after fabcrab and I give birth!


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy!!! Yay for ovulation!! I'm glad the nurse pushed for quick results so you didn't have to wait until today. It's also good to know that a positive OPK for multiple days isn't unusual for you. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

AFM--the only reason I think DH is on board with me painting the nursery is because he doesn't want me doing it post-pregnancy and he knows he's terrible at painting, haha. We spent some time up there last night deciding what to do with the wood wall and I told him it was his call...I want to make sure he feels he has a voice. He liked the idea of stripping it, so we're going to try that this weekend. I also asked him how he would arrange the furniture and I got lucky because his ideas were the same as mine. I don't want to get too excited about the nursery because who knows how long it could take us to get pregnant--I'm going to go ahead and paint the room, but I'm making a promise to myself not to start buying furniture for the room until I'm pregnant.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, that’s great news. I hope you get even better news this weekend! But if nothing else, at least you know you are ovulating.

NEL, I think it is smart that you are getting the painting out of the way. I saw your other thread, and your nursery is going to be super cute. My sister used a very similar color for her little ones’ room, and the bedding and accents are black and white toile and gingham. Super cute. We are going to grow out of our house in the near future, so we are trying to leave the paint colors as neutral as possible, but luckily, if we do decide to paint it, my husband’s a better painter than I am.

LC, hope your trip is going well and that you get a smiley face soon! I’ve started up on the OPKs again and hoping I get a positive sometime in the next week.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkey, I'm so jealous you've got a handy hubby. My DH isn't very handy, and he's an engineer!!! :confused:

NEL, sounds like you have a plan for the wood-wall-room (don't want to use the N word just yet). Our wood-wall-room is currently an office so dunno what we're going to do with all the books etc. I talked to my sister and said I was thinking of installing overhead shelves that will allow us to put books away without sacrificing floor space. Not sure how that'll work but we'll see.

Hi Charbie, I've been following you in the preggo thread. Hope you're doing well friend :)

Dreamer, sounds like you're doing well, friend.

Back home from my trip, really happy to be home. DH said the dog missed me. Aw. Other than that, I'm totally going to blow a deadline at work which s NOT going to make me happy. :( Or my boss too happy but I'll keep trying to get there. Crazy work!!!

So I guess I'll start using my OPKs. This weekend. I'm actually looking forward to giving this a straight up go.


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies! My DH is finally home so I can finally type a full note to you all!

Monkey, sounds like you learned a lot from your first cycle. Hopefully, you do not have any hormonal problems. I wouldn't worry about it. If you start to get antsy without a BFP in the next couple of months, it doesn't hurt to ask your OB to run some bloodwork to be sure. Maybe your DH will make a birthday baby this cycle!!!

Browneyes, I hear you on having a laid back attitude, but personally I feel that once you start TTC you can't help but get caught up in it and want to be pregnant sooner than later. It is just so exciting! How is the 2ww coming along? when will you test?

BB, I am glad your IUI went well. Did you end up calling your Dr about the bleeding? Has it continued? Crossing my fingers for you!

Katy, sorry AF showed up, but sounds like you have a plan for next month. I really like OPK's. They help you get to know your cycles and there ain't nothing wrong with that!!!

NE, thank you for the kind words. I am so excited for your first trying month! Sounds like you and your DH are having fun painting the nursery. Guess your DH is liking this baby idea sooner rather than later! Maybe you won't need the backup condom! :naughty: ha ha!!! How is Byron doing?

LC, woo hoo for a BD marathon!!! Glad you had a nice visit with your father. How is your mother in law doing?

Dreamer, thanks for popping in! The confirmation of ovulation made me feel really good!

Charbie, thank you! How are you feeling?

AFM, I am 9dpo. Technically I could test tomorrow (10dpo), but I am going to wait till Sunday. The nurse at the RE told me to wait till Tues or Wed but I don't think I can wait that long. I am so relieved that my progesterone was a 17 and that confirmed I did O. I was so worried that I had a "new" problem of not O'ing.


Nov 20, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for the show of support ladies... I really love having you all to talk to! I know it's only our first few months trying, but man I just can't shake the feeling that something is wrong somehow! So hopefully this month I can figure out when I O - I started OPKs yesterday and plan to do two a day until I know for sure O has come and gone.

I started the couch to 5K program too a few weeks ago - figured if I can't be pregnant, at least I can be skinny! I'm really liking it so far! Hopefully by the time I do get pregnant it will be normal exercise for me and it won't be recommended that I stop. I'm not doing marathons, so I don't think it's too much, but we'll see. :))

Other than that, we're making big plans for our house this spring/summer. We're going to dig up the front of the house and put in slightly raised beds and I'll plant some bushes along the house, medium plants in the middle, and flowers in front. I'm excited, I think it'll look super cute. We're also going to replace all the old 70s wood doors and trim in the house with white 6 panel doors and white trim, put up crown molding, and paint most of the house!! (We just redid our bedroom so that stays!) The nursery is going to be painted gray, to eventually be gray and yellow... or gray and any gender-specific color should I decide to go that way!

mp - good luck this month! It's nice to have someone cycling close to me =) (Though now that I look at it, I think we're closer than a week - I'm hoping for a positive OPK this weekend to early next week too!)

LC - I hope you have a fabulous time with the BD marathon!! I gotta admit - I do like this perk of TTC ;-)

NEL - I love the wood wall! I hope stripping it will turn up some beautiful wood - and if not, well hell, you can always paint it! So fun to think about what our brand of nursery will look like, isn't it? Love the "emergency" condom. Too funny!!

brown eyes - congrats on being an auntie!!! And good luck with the rest of the TWW! The weekend will fly by, and you'll be testing before you know it :bigsmile: We haven't had a jerkstore in a while, I don't think, so I hope it's YOU!

lizzy - so excited that you O'ed!!! I have my fingers and toes crossed for you!! Is it Sunday yet??


Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC – you are very sneaky with your decorating plans. I don’t think I could sneak that one past my DH, but we live in an apartment, so I’m not planning on painting. Don’t stress out over work. Stress + TTC = no bueno. Your BD marathon sounds like it’s going to be intense. Hope it works!

NEL – good luck stripping the wall this weekend! I can’t wait to see what it looks like underneath. So sweet that your DH will talk nursery with you. My DH is definitely in the baby THEN nursery group.

MP – good luck this month!

Lizzy – the TWW is excruciating. I’m 9DPO today, I think I may test Saturday (11DPO). If it’s a negative, then I’ll wait until Tuesday or Wednesday to test again. I’m hoping Sunday will give you a BFP!

Katy – I’m also hoping I’m a jerkstore. Sounds like your keeping busy with exercising and the house! I hope you find your prime time this month and rest easier knowing that your hormones are doing the right thing.

AFM – I am 9 DPO and plan on testing on Saturday for the first time. I just don’t know if I can wait longer than that. I’ve never paid attention to my body this much and I keep thinking that I’m having pregnancy symptoms, they’re more like phantom symptoms and I’m feeling like a crazy person. Haha, this TWW thing is harder than I thought it would be.


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Katy, congrats on the couch to 5k program! Sounds like all of the house projects are certainly going to keep you busy!!!

Browneyes, wouldn't it be awesome if we both get BFP's this month! We'd have basically the same due date! Anyways, I also feel like I have been experiencing symptoms, but they could also be from my progesterone suppositories or I could be getting sick. I have been really moody and short-tempered. I also have been feeling nauseous in the morning and have been having a lot of dry mouth and feeling very thirsty. But my BB's don't feel any different so who knows? They could also be psychological symptoms! What are you experiencing? I just need to focus on getting to Sunday. On saturday you'd be 11 dpo right?


Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy - yes, 2 BFP's would be awesome!! I think I'm just a day behind you. When I woke up this morning I had some cramping while I was in bed, and I had a light wave of nausea before eating breakfast. I've also had some mild lower back pain for a good part of the day. I feel like all of these can be explained away by one thing or another and my BB's don't feel any different either. I know the brain is a powerful thing, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was psychological. Uhg, can we just get that BFP already?!

ETA - yes Saturday is 11dpo


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy and Brown, I'm really pulling for you! I hope your symptoms are the real deal. Two BFPs would be a great way to kick off the month!

LC, too funny that your engineer husband isn't all that handy. Mine is an attorney, which doesn't scream handy, but he is much more methodical and precise than I am :) Hope you are able to get your project done. I'm coming up on a deadline on a project for a difficult person at work right now who I seriously do not think I will ever make happy, so I can totally empathize.

Katy, sounds like you have a lot going on right now to take your mind off TTC. I hope you get your positive OPK this weekend. It is only my second month off BCP, so I'm not entirely sure I'm regular yet, but if it is like last month, it should be coming around Sunday or Monday.


Aug 19, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

BFPs tend to come in groups on PS, so you never know what could happen this month:)

I started couch to 5k in the flal and stopped when it got icy, but I am scheduled to pick it up again next week! yay!


Sep 6, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

brown_eyes|1301597998|2884412 said:
Lizzy - yes, 2 BFP's would be awesome!! I think I'm just a day behind you. When I woke up this morning I had some cramping while I was in bed, and I had a light wave of nausea before eating breakfast. I've also had some mild lower back pain for a good part of the day. I feel like all of these can be explained away by one thing or another and my BB's don't feel any different either. I know the brain is a powerful thing, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was psychological. Uhg, can we just get that BFP already?!

ETA - yes Saturday is 11dpo

I was just passing through and had to tell you that about the time my baby would have implanted, I felt the exact same way you just described. Don't want to get your hopes up, but I just had to put that out there!! Good luck to you (and everyone else, of course)! :bigsmile:


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkeyprincess, your sister's nursery sounds like exactly what I have in mind. I would also love black/white toile and gingham. I saw a pic of a nursery just like that online and saved it as an inspiration pic. It really does depend on what we're having, though, so for now it's just an idea. Have you started using the OPKs?

LC, sorry to hear about the deadline, I hate that feeling of being overwhelmed...I'm glad today is Friday! Keeping my fingers that you get a positive OPK soon!

LizzyAnn, I'm hoping the next couple of days pass quickly for you!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Sunday! Byron is doing fairly well--he's stil paralyzed in his rear legs, but after the last round of chemo he's able to maintain a standing position on his own. I scheduled a water therapy session for him tomorrow in order to hopefully start building some muscle in his I just think he'd enjoy being in the water again.

Katy, bravo for doing the couch to 5K program! And all of the house plans sound great! I keep trying to prioritize home projects, which is tough, haha. I love the idea of a grey nursery (I painted our bedroom grey last summer and really like it). My friend's nursery is grey and it looks fantastic. I hope the twice-a-day OPK testing is going well!

Brown_eyes, keeping my fingers crossed for you tomorrow...or possibly today if you break down and test :) I'm sure it makes it especially hard to wait when you're curious about the symptoms. I'm really rooting for you and LizzyAnn!

AFM, it seems as though I'm having an odd cycle (again). I'm on CD38 with no sign of AF. I ran out of OPK strips around CD21 and thought I had a positive on my last strip, but can't be sure. If so, then I'd be 17DPO. I'm frustrated that I've been off BC for 9 months and had fairly normal 30-day cycles until just recently. Not exactly great timing to just "have fun" the first couple of months!

On a positive side, D seems more comfortable with the goalie being pulled. He's probably been okay with it because I've been expecting AF this week...he still has his emergency condom. I'm glad he hasn't felt the need to use it, though.

Okay, off to peel a little bit of paint before my first meeting!


Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NEL - I wasn't going to mention it, but since you did... I broke down and tested this morning. It was a BFN and I know I should have waited, but I just didnt have the self control. Now I'm really going to try to wait until AF is late to test again. I think this is a good thing. I'm assuming that this was not my cycle, so if AF decides not to show up, I will be delighted! If she does show up, then it gives me some more time to hang out with you lovely ladies here on this thread.

Lizzy - I'm hoping you have more self control than me, and I'll be thinking of you on Sunday.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Brown, don't get discouraged just yet. From what I've gathered, it's still very early regardless of what kind of test you took. Still crossing my fingers for you!

NEL, sorry about the longer cycle. I wonder if the stress of your puppy and deciding whether or not to start TTC might have delayed your ovulation. I just finished TCOYF, and she talks a lot about how stress can cause a delay.

Lizzy, hope you are managing the wait okay. Crossing my fingers for you as well!

AFM, I've had a very stressful week at work, and it is starting to make me question whether this is really the right time to TTC. I'm dealing with most difficult person I have ever worked with. Everyone warned me that I would experience this with her, so I know it is not me, but life is too short to be miserable at work, you know? DH thinks we should keep TTC and stick it out until maternity leave and then transition to something else, but at the rate things are going, I don't know if I can hold out that long. This doesn't come at a good time because I should be ovulating soon, so we're going to have a serious conversation about it tonight.

Hope you all have a good weekend, and I'll be thinking good thoughts for lost of postive OPKs and HPTs!
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