
Single Ladies Small Talk


Mar 18, 2007
Nothing on this front. Just packing for vacation and getting pumped to see my family. Trying to figure out New Years plans...this is my first single New Years since high school, so OF COURSE I'm on call for work! I'm still going out. I'll just keep the phone with me.


Jun 4, 2008
princesss|1292388440|2797303 said:
Nothing on this front. Just packing for vacation and getting pumped to see my family. Trying to figure out New Years plans...this is my first single New Years since high school, so OF COURSE I'm on call for work! I'm still going out. I'll just keep the phone with me.

I'm so jealous of your holiday trip! When do you leave? Gah, I so want to tag along!

I need to go buy my San Francisco plane ticket. I think I can get one for under $500 - it only involves 2 layovers and about 10 hours to get back here.....

Btw, I am SO glad I am not flying home from Chicago this winter....shudder.


Aug 14, 2009
Wowza - BEG, so this is where all the action is :naughty:

hottubs and coffee dates and waxing, oh my! :bigsmile: Yeah - my best friend is a lot like CV in some ways - always had someone to plan everything for her. Drives her BF nuts 8)

Hope you get to see him again before things get crazy busy though!


Jun 4, 2008
Yssie|1292391233|2797325 said:
Wowza - BEG, so this is where all the action is :naughty:

hottubs and coffee dates and waxing, oh my! :bigsmile: Yeah - my best friend is a lot like CV in some ways - always had someone to plan everything for her. Drives her BF nuts 8)

Hope you get to see him again before things get crazy busy though!

Scandalous huh? And I don't even share all the details on here! That's reserved for FB :razz: Might see him this weekend but I'm not holding my breath - we'll see!


Mar 7, 2005
Oh hai! Sorry I have been MIA as of late, things are CRAZY here.

First on the docket- glad to hear things are going well for my ladies here. I have been having a bit of fun too that may have turned into something I didn't see coming. No complaints, he is pretty great. So, there you have it. I have to be a bit brief because 1) he knows my handle here and 2) he occasionally checks things out on the forum. LOL.

In other news, I am off to Australia in 2 WEEKS EXACTLY!!!! Wahoo!!! I can't WAIT!!! Just found out we are taking the boat down to the vineyards in Southern Australia and playing down there for a few days- I seriously can't wait.


Oct 17, 2008
Hello single ladies! Mind if I join you? I'm mostly lurk and just love reading everyones posts.

My ex and I broke up several weeks ago so I've been picking up the pieces and moving forward with my life. I haven't had much to share with all of you until recently. If any of you had seen me the first week or so after the break up you'd know how far I've come because I was an absolute mess and thought I'd never find love again because my heart was so broken. But now...I'm feeling so much better about myself. I've developed a great workout routine, I've lost close to 20lbs...hope to drop the final 2 this week to make it a nice round 20! Which is huge for me because I've struggled with my weight for several years. I'm feeling more confident and really the best I've felt in the past 3 years which says a lot since the ex and I were together for 3.5 years! I've been on a few dates now which are pretty comical so I'd love to be able to share the stories with all of you in hopes that you can relate!

I did have the most amazing first date last night, though and just can't wipe this stupid smile off my face for the life of me so that's pretty exciting! I'll call him WG (Work guy) since he works at the same company (in a completely different field though so that's good!) We have another date planned for Friday night to go to dinner and then ice skating! :appl: Definitely felt those butterflies that I haven't felt in a long time! No awkwardness at all, just felt very natural to be with him and he said the same thing!

There also was BG (Bobblehead guy) last week. Which hopefully his nickname says enough. He was a nice enough guy but there was no attraction or butterflies like there was with WG last night. BG has a huge head (I promise I'm not shallow but I just couldn't get past the head) and when you can't look at someone's head, where else do you look?! He was also very flamboyant with his actions and just kept moving his head around when he talked much like a....bobblehead! He seems to have really liked me but like I said, just no sparks and very awkward.

I'm sure all of you can relate to the stupid smile that is on my face right now from last night's great date though! :bigsmile:
Hopefully I will have more to share after Friday's ice skating adventure!

Any updates from all of you?


Aug 25, 2004
How did all the single ladies fare over the holidays?

... I'm exhausted from traveling. I'm back at home for a few days switching out clothes in my suitcase and doing copious amounts of laundry. I *did* have a lovely dinner date out last night. Black tie and quite swank. Otherwise, doing well enough here. Satisfying semi-single holiday!


Mar 18, 2007
Are you ladies ready for Throwback Thursday recap?

Did I tell you guys about P? A friend of my friend K's, she tried to set us up and there was a ton of drama. We tried to hang out again a month later and there was minor drama, and no time to hang out. So I stopped caring, moved him to "IGNORE" on my phone, and moved on with my life.

Well, I went to happy hour last night to celebrate K getting a promotion, and P was there. We didn't really talk other than a quick joke or two, and then when I went to leave he stood up and gave me the most awkward hug ever. Then texted me a few minutes later to apologize for the awkward hug. We texted a little bit back and forth and then out of nowhere he says "So are we too far gone to try hanging out again?" :confused:

Not sure if this is Throwback Thursday because it's a blast from the past, or Throwback Thursday because I want to throw him back...haven't decided yet. But thought you ladies would get a kick out of it.


Jun 4, 2008

Anyone out there?

In my news, things with CV and I fizzled a couple months ago. I am currently single still and being semi-stalked by Creepy Yoga Guy. And I have a major thing for one of my ski instructors.

Oh and I'm moving to CA in June!!


Oct 7, 2004
B.E.G.- where in CA? :)


Jun 4, 2008
Bay Area! :) I got accepted to Stanford's M.Ed/Teaching Credential program and I'm starting in June. I'm still looking at apartments but I think I found a strong contender in San Jose!


Oct 7, 2004
Congrats! I love the south bay area and am up there several times a year. You can come w/ us on our next tahoe trip! :)


Jun 4, 2008
ForteKitty|1300679296|2876267 said:
Congrats! I love the south bay area and am up there several times a year. You can come w/ us on our next tahoe trip! :)

Wonderful! I can't wait to meet you! Where in Tahoe do you ski/board? I'm already thinking of season passes for next winter! I was there last weekend and skied with Claritek and Claritek's DH at Homewood - we had a lot of fun!


Oct 7, 2004
So lucky, i want a season pass too! We've been going to squaw and northstar because my norcal friends have passes there, but i prefer squaw. I only get to go up once or twice a season since i'm in LA. ;(


Aug 25, 2004
B.E.G.|1300677320|2876223 said:

Anyone out there?

In my news, things with CV and I fizzled a couple months ago. I am currently single still and being semi-stalked by Creepy Yoga Guy. And I have a major thing for one of my ski instructors.

Oh and I'm moving to CA in June!!

No longer single. Dating a guy... one who hadn't made an appearance in this thread but who's been around since just after Thanksgiving. Dating exclusively since New Years. It's cute. Fun. I've met his family several times and we going on vacation together in the coming weeks.

Creepy Yoga Guy doesn't sound like fun. But CONGRATS(!!) on CA!


Mar 18, 2007
Hi! Still around. Still single. Still having fun.

Did have a major bout of loneliness a little while back and did a 3 day free trial on Shhh, don't tell my friends! It felt weird, though, like I was pretending to want something I don't, and once I got my head out of my rear end I canceled and feel much better. It's not anything about online dating, it's more that I felt like a fraud. Realistically, I don't want a relationship.

Actually, realistically, what I wouldn't mind is a cute guy in NYC or DC or something that I could visit sometimes and talk to, but not have to deal with changing my life too much or getting too serious. A girl can dream, I guess...


Mar 7, 2005
hi there ladies.

I have to say, I am NOT single anymore. :)

Australia was good to me in many ways. :bigsmile:


Mar 18, 2007
Strawdermangrl|1300725667|2876550 said:
hi there ladies.

I have to say, I am NOT single anymore. :)

Australia was good to me in many ways. :bigsmile:

YOU! I have stories for you. Just FYI.


Mar 7, 2005
princesss|1300725733|2876551 said:
Strawdermangrl|1300725667|2876550 said:
hi there ladies.

I have to say, I am NOT single anymore. :)

Australia was good to me in many ways. :bigsmile:

YOU! I have stories for you. Just FYI.

YOU!!!! I have missed our love affair on PS. I need these stories. :) Also, ummm...did you see the post about NYC?


Mar 18, 2007
Strawdermangrl|1300725793|2876552 said:
princesss|1300725733|2876551 said:
Strawdermangrl|1300725667|2876550 said:
hi there ladies.

I have to say, I am NOT single anymore. :)

Australia was good to me in many ways. :bigsmile:

YOU! I have stories for you. Just FYI.

YOU!!!! I have missed our love affair on PS. I need these stories. :) Also, ummm...did you see the post about NYC?

I did. And I can't make it. :'(


Mar 7, 2005
princesss|1300727525|2876571 said:
Strawdermangrl|1300725793|2876552 said:
princesss|1300725733|2876551 said:
Strawdermangrl|1300725667|2876550 said:
hi there ladies.

I have to say, I am NOT single anymore. :)

Australia was good to me in many ways. :bigsmile:

YOU! I have stories for you. Just FYI.

YOU!!!! I have missed our love affair on PS. I need these stories. :) Also, ummm...did you see the post about NYC?

I did. And I can't make it. :'(



Jun 4, 2008
Fortekitty - you're in LA! So far away :( We'll have to figure out a meet-up sometime at Tahoe though - would love to ski/board with you! I think I might get the Alpine/Homewood college pass for next year. A few blackout dates (Pres. Day/MLK/Christmas/New Years) but no big deal, and only $259! I'll take it.

MissPru - Oooh do tell about new guy! It sounds like it's getting serious! Yay! And thanks! And no, CYG is not fun at all. It's gotten to the point where my yoga instructor and I might be staging a conversation tomorrow to ward him off (i.e. BEG now has a fake boyfriend....)

Princesss - Hey girl! I haven't talked to you in FOREVER. Um...if you want a cute guy in NYC or DC who isn't going to demand much because he's at work all the time, but whom you could sometimes visit or talk to, I know a LOT of lawyers up there.....

Strawder - um I am SO excited for you! The guy has a sexy Australian accent right? :D Btw, I don't think I ever got the full story on this new guy and how you met so SPILL.

Ugh, I have to say, I hate being single. Well, I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. I'm sure part of it is where I live and the scarcity of available, cute guys that I would actually want to date... maybe this will change once I'm in CA. But right now, I'm not liking being single!


Mar 18, 2007
Not gonna lie, 10% of the time, being single sucks and it's super lonely. Luckily, I got that out of the way last week and I'm back in the 90% where I love being single and only being responsible for me and my cats.

Ummm....did have kind of an awkward situation yesterday though. My friend C facebook chatted me and we were talking, and he asked what I was doing at 10, and if I wanted to see a movie. I said I was trying to save money (true!) and he said not to worry, he had $20 burning a hole in his pocket and if I brought my purse he wasn't above sneaking M&Ms and rice crispy treats into the theater.

Begin panic mode in 3...2...1...

C is a great guy. Really, truly great. Buuuuuut....late 30s/early 40s (I'm 24), my friend's ex, and just plain not my type. He goes in waves with me, chatting and asking me out several times, then taking a break for a month or two, then asking me out again. I don't want to date in general, but I very specifically do not want to date him. However, I do still want to remain friends with him. It's a sticky situation.

Slightly less sticky is the situation with my friend I, who got drunk at the St. Patty's Day bar crawl and decided he was going to sleep with me. Ummm, no. I hung out with them for a little while (I spent all day bouncing betweeng groups of people), and after that he called and/or texted me every 15 minutes. It got to the point where I was hanging out with my old boss and some friends from the office, and he called a few times, and when I finally picked up they started yelling, "STALKER!" The next day he texted me and apologized for being so out of control and weird, and then the first time I saw him in person we both started cracking up. I still haven't listened to the 7 (yes, 7) voicemails he left me. Apparently his friend S told him that he left me one when he had the hiccups so "[I is] sure that's a real winner". Hehehehehe....


Mar 7, 2005
princesss|1300801389|2877227 said:
Not gonna lie, 10% of the time, being single sucks and it's super lonely. Luckily, I got that out of the way last week and I'm back in the 90% where I love being single and only being responsible for me and my cats.

Ummm....did have kind of an awkward situation yesterday though. My friend C facebook chatted me and we were talking, and he asked what I was doing at 10, and if I wanted to see a movie. I said I was trying to save money (true!) and he said not to worry, he had $20 burning a hole in his pocket and if I brought my purse he wasn't above sneaking M&Ms and rice crispy treats into the theater.

Begin panic mode in 3...2...1...

C is a great guy. Really, truly great. Buuuuuut....late 30s/early 40s (I'm 24), my friend's ex, and just plain not my type. He goes in waves with me, chatting and asking me out several times, then taking a break for a month or two, then asking me out again. I don't want to date in general, but I very specifically do not want to date him. However, I do still want to remain friends with him. It's a sticky situation.

Slightly less sticky is the situation with my friend I, who got drunk at the St. Patty's Day bar crawl and decided he was going to sleep with me. Ummm, no. I hung out with them for a little while (I spent all day bouncing betweeng groups of people), and after that he called and/or texted me every 15 minutes. It got to the point where I was hanging out with my old boss and some friends from the office, and he called a few times, and when I finally picked up they started yelling, "STALKER!" The next day he texted me and apologized for being so out of control and weird, and then the first time I saw him in person we both started cracking up. I still haven't listened to the 7 (yes, 7) voicemails he left me. Apparently his friend S told him that he left me one when he had the hiccups so "[I is] sure that's a real winner". Hehehehehe....
Princesss- I am sure Matt would be ok with the fact that we are LUVAH's. LOL, girl, I love your posts but hate that things are always working with the guys that you aren't so...well...keen on? ;-) 7, huh? Wow. Reminds me of the German S5C- remember him? LOL, I asked him how his parents met once, he was like 'Mom didn't like Dad but us Germans, we don't give up easily'. I clearly remember my panic button going off into full alert realizing that maybe I would have a *bit* of a similar 'stalker' situation. Good thing for me, I am Italian and, well, we are pretty damn stubborn- so, yeah, no more German.

I love that you are loving being single. To be honest, I am glad I had my single years, makes you realize when you are 1) ready and 2) appreicate the great things that you have when you are ready to settle down and find that person you want to do exactly that with.

B.E.G-, Matt and I met through a pretty crazy string of events. Ready? Ok.

1) I was married, to the worlds biggest Dbag, remember? Right. Yeah. So, let us call him....ahem....Charlie Sheen. Because they probably have the same train of thought. LOL. So, Charlie and I were married and I met a friend of his that he had known his whole life, Carolyn. She, and I remember this specifically, upon meeting me announced 'WTH are you doing with Charlie Sheen?! You are WAY too good for the crap he is about to put you through'. Needless to say, I got her in the Divorce. Wise, she was. So, Carolyn was dating a guy named Ross who is from Perth. He worked for Woodside and they sent him to Houston about 6 years ago to work on a contract that was supposed to be for about 2 months and lasted 2 years. Ross and Carolyn dated but when he moved back to Perth, she didn't want to go and they ended their relationship. She did, however, stay in contact with him and they are still pretty good friends. SO, I met Ross through her years ago but didn't really get to know him until the last few years when he would travel through and visit. Last summer, Carolyn and I were living together and Ross came through on a month long holiday for his birthday and brought a few of his friends with him. They started in NYC and traveled the entirety of the US and spent some time with us in Houston. Matt and I met and I won't lie, it was instant. Like we had been together for years. I don't get along with men like that, I am NEVER comfortable and mostly always doubting and a bit cynical. I can't tell you how that week was, it was surreal. When time came to leave, well, we both knew it was just- not going to work. He had a great job in Australia and I wasn't moving there and he wasn't coming here. We said we would keep in touch, blah blah blah. We shot sporadic emails back and forth over the following 6 months. SO, my trip to Australia was coming up and I was so excited to see Ross and spend time with my other friends that are in Australia. Matt made the trip from his town to Perth and we ended up spending the entire trip together. We eve stayed with his parents for a bit when we were traveling to Margaret River and that was just a dream, talk about feeling like second nature with someones family. I was just so at ease and at home.

Move forward to my last week in Australia. He breaks down, professes his love, tells me that he won't love another and will only love me till he is old, blah blah blah (it isn't blah to me but this is all so wonderfully sentimental to me, I will leave it as that for you. ;-) And that was it. We are in love. It is disgusting, we are that couple. LOL, he is SO not internet/phone/email type. Refuses to get on FB, not a huge texter and doesn't really email. The day I left, he got a webcam, headset and promised to write more than a sentence email to me. We talk everyday on the phone or via webchat. It is pretty damn cute how we have made this work from 10k miles apart and despite a 14 hour time difference.

That is all I have, B.E.G- and only because you asked. :) Sorry for the run on. <3


Jun 4, 2008
Omg, that is soooooo cute!!!! Well, obv you already know how I felt about all that, but with the backstory, squeal!!!!! So cute!

Can I just say, I am totally happy for you, and just a smidgen jealous :D

I HATE being single. Or rather, I hate being single here in my tiny little hometown, and trust me, I cannot wait to move to CA where there is actually a dating scene.

I mean, it's nice in that hey, good to find myself again, I did a lot of new things this year (not the least of which was learning how to ask a guy out, lol!), and I'm still young, but damn it! I hate being single! And it's not even like I can start something, availability, and two, I'm moving! Pout.


Jun 4, 2008
princesss|1300801389|2877227 said:
Not gonna lie, 10% of the time, being single sucks and it's super lonely. Luckily, I got that out of the way last week and I'm back in the 90% where I love being single and only being responsible for me and my cats.

Ummm....did have kind of an awkward situation yesterday though. My friend C facebook chatted me and we were talking, and he asked what I was doing at 10, and if I wanted to see a movie. I said I was trying to save money (true!) and he said not to worry, he had $20 burning a hole in his pocket and if I brought my purse he wasn't above sneaking M&Ms and rice crispy treats into the theater.

Begin panic mode in 3...2...1...

C is a great guy. Really, truly great. Buuuuuut....late 30s/early 40s (I'm 24), my friend's ex, and just plain not my type. He goes in waves with me, chatting and asking me out several times, then taking a break for a month or two, then asking me out again. I don't want to date in general, but I very specifically do not want to date him. However, I do still want to remain friends with him. It's a sticky situation.

Slightly less sticky is the situation with my friend I, who got drunk at the St. Patty's Day bar crawl and decided he was going to sleep with me. Ummm, no. I hung out with them for a little while (I spent all day bouncing betweeng groups of people), and after that he called and/or texted me every 15 minutes. It got to the point where I was hanging out with my old boss and some friends from the office, and he called a few times, and when I finally picked up they started yelling, "STALKER!" The next day he texted me and apologized for being so out of control and weird, and then the first time I saw him in person we both started cracking up. I still haven't listened to the 7 (yes, 7) voicemails he left me. Apparently his friend S told him that he left me one when he had the hiccups so "[I is] sure that's a real winner". Hehehehehe....

Um...awkward!! Guy needs to get a hint! Actually, BOTH guys need to get a hint. What IS it with guys?!

Had a great moment today. My awesome friend J has offered to be my pretend BF to ward off Creepy Yoga Guy. J and I were talking about our "relationship" jokingly today at the gym right as CYG walked up. Talk about perfect timing!


Mar 7, 2005
B.E.G.|1300852815|2877910 said:
Omg, that is soooooo cute!!!! Well, obv you already know how I felt about all that, but with the backstory, squeal!!!!! So cute!

Can I just say, I am totally happy for you, and just a smidgen jealous :D

I HATE being single. Or rather, I hate being single here in my tiny little hometown, and trust me, I cannot wait to move to CA where there is actually a dating scene.

I mean, it's nice in that hey, good to find myself again, I did a lot of new things this year (not the least of which was learning how to ask a guy out, lol!), and I'm still young, but damn it! I hate being single! And it's not even like I can start something, availability, and two, I'm moving! Pout.

B.E.G- Thanks Darlin. :) I am kind of smitten. LOL, I keep waiting to wake up. How freaking cheesy is that? Anywho, I am glad I had the series of CRAP because it truly does make you appreicate.

I can't wait for your MOVE!! I am SO excited. Totally going to come and play when you are all settled in. I just invited myself.


Mar 18, 2007
So, what I didn't tell you was that the Match thing did result in one phone conversation, and Match Boy has been texting me on and off. Just kind of joking around, chatting a bit. Our phone convo was really good, very comfortable and easy. My friends and I have been calling him "Emmy" because...well...he has one.



Mar 7, 2005
princesss|1300899021|2878266 said:
So, what I didn't tell you was that the Match thing did result in one phone conversation, and Match Boy has been texting me on and off. Just kind of joking around, chatting a bit. Our phone convo was really good, very comfortable and easy. My friends and I have been calling him "Emmy" because...well...he has one.



EMMY?! Girl, you had better spill more than 'match' details. Don't make me get my big white butt on a plane.


Mar 7, 2005
Oh, and for the record?

I has emmy.
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