
Ring Preferences 2013!


May 9, 2012
2012 here:

1) Do you know what kind of engagement ring you want? Diamond (or other stone), size, shape, metal type, side stones vs. solitaire, etc.? Post some pictures!

2) Does your FF know what you want? If not, will you tell him/give him some ideas, or leave it all up to him to choose?

3) Will you/Did you go ring shopping with him?

4) Do you have an idea of what his budget is?

5) How about a wedding band? What do you like? Do you want it to be part of a matching set with the e-ring?

6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring?

7) Finally - what don''t you like when it comes to rings! For your engagement ring, for your wedding ring or for his wedding ring! And it''s okay to be honest. We all have different tastes, likes/dislikes, etc.


May 28, 2012
Oooo, I'll bite!!

1) I want a 1ish ct (but will happily accept larger) OEC set in a rose gold milgrain bezel with a petal gallery... exactly like this one: [URL=''][/URL]

2) Yes, he knows. I have drilled the details into his head. Poor guy. :bigsmile:

3) We have gone 'shopping' together, but not really seriously. Because I want something so unique, I've never been able to try anything on that is even close to what I ultimately want. We mostly went shopping for size... and thats when we discovered around a carat would be perfect (while keeping the budget in mind of course).

4) Originally I thought $3-4k. After he found out more about what a carat would be worth, I think he may stretch it up a bit. I wish it could be $7k so I could get my dream diamond!

5) For now, I want it to be a simple rose gold band (matching set). Maybe one day I'll get a diamond band.

6) He really likes the brassy/old look. He might even be interested in a brushed/hammered rose gold. He wants the band to be super super thin, so it's really comfortable.

7) Ugh, this is gonna be such a negative answer... haha. I hate princess cuts. I don't like really high profiles or when diamonds are set really high... it's just a comfort thing for me. I'm not a huge fan of 3-stone rings either. I also really don't like swirly settings, or many fancy cuts like marquise. I don't like rings with lots of metal/bulky/clunkiness. Oh, and I really dislike when men's wedding bands are gaudy and blingy... seems so wrong to me. I could go on... :lol:


Mar 26, 2012
1) Do you know what kind of engagement ring you want? Diamond (or other stone), size, shape, metal type, side stones vs. solitaire, etc.? Post some pictures!
Tiffany solitaire the real one. Lol

2) Does your FF know what you want? If not, will you tell him/give him some ideas, or leave it all up to him to choose?
Yes, we both wanted the novo, then I wanted the solitaire, he still wanted the novo - he is now sold on the novo because he likes the .56 shared prong 7 stone from T&Co with it...

3) Will you/Did you go ring shopping with him?
Yup. We have gone numerous times, the last time was to get him on the solitaire train.

4) Do you have an idea of what his budget is?
Was 12,500, I put a strict 10ishk budget on it lol

5) How about a wedding band? What do you like? Do you want it to be part of a matching set with the e-ring?
7 stone shared prong .56ct from T&Co.

6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring?
He wants the platinum milgrain band from T&Co

7) Finally - what don''t you like when it comes to rings! For your engagement ring, for your wedding ring or for his wedding ring! And it''s okay to be honest. We all have different tastes, likes/dislikes, etc. illusion settings!!!


Sep 23, 2011
Um, CHEWY, you can't start these posts w/o sharing your own thoughts!!!!

This was my post from last year:

madelise|1334719345|3173929 said:

1) Do you know what kind of engagement ring you want? Diamond (or other stone), size, shape, metal type, side stones vs. solitaire, etc.? Post some pictures!

Yes. Too many. I have a problem :oops: I want an OEC or tranny. I also want a H&A. And I want an antique chunky cushion that's almost half OEC and half cushion. Like Anne_H's I want a warmer colored diamond (L, M, N?), a white diamond (up to H or I?) and a light yellow diamond (whether it be a W-X, Y-Z, or FLY).

Size = as big as $ permits. HAHA. Wait. Does this all have to be realistic? I mean the thread says 'preferences', right? Because I'd prefer me a 7 carat honker. Yes. 7 carats! I want to be able to say, "sorry honey, I can't wash the dishes tonight, my hand is sore." Haha. Realistically? I'd love to have a 10mm diamond one day. Technically, if I don't vacation, don't shop for all the crap clothing and junk I always do, and don't waste $ on eating out, I *COULD*, right?

Metal = white gold or platinum. Heck, I'd want a YG and RG one just for variety, too!

Setting = I think Victor Canera is god. I'd put a halo on my hypothetical H&A and my light yellow. I'd go to SingleStone for my hypothetical OEC/tranny 5 carat warm colored diamond ;-) I like halos. I like filigree. I like intricate metal work. No side stones. Unless I get a hypothetical 4th ring. Then it'd be a huge honking emerald cut 3 stone.

2) Does your FF know what you want? If not, will you tell him/give him some ideas, or leave it all up to him to choose?

Yes, he knows I'm crazy. I think he's going to stick with the H&A route, since it's so much easier for him to pick out with the idealscope and HCA tool. He knows I'll murder him in his sleep if he dares buy me a diamond without my input-- anything that costs $$$$$ should have my stamp of approval first! The only thing he's allowed to attempt himself is H&A. And he knows I want it all negotiated and written on paper: buy-back, trade-in, and return policies.

3) Will you/Did you go ring shopping with him?

I'll kill him in his sleep otherwise!

4) Do you have an idea of what his budget is?


5) How about a wedding band? What do you like? Do you want it to be part of a matching set with the e-ring?

I want a matching WB that can sit flush with whatever e-ring I end up with. I don't mind wearing a spacer. But THIS is where I think I can more healthily divulge in my need for variety, since e-rings are much pricier. I want a Cartier tricolor rolling ring. I also want a bling-a-licious, thicker band like the Tiffany's Victoria.

6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring?

I also would like him to have a variety. No, it never has to match my rings. His key thing is that it has to be comfortable. And he hates yellow gold.

7) Finally - what don''t you like when it comes to rings! For your engagement ring, for your wedding ring or for his wedding ring! And it''s okay to be honest. We all have different tastes, likes/dislikes, etc.

I hate those invisible clusters. I don't mind old vintage cluster rings, but I can't stand those that are sold at those teenage kid ran maul (:lol:) stores. 4 0.25 ct princess cuts put together to look like a 2 carat. I can't help but roll my eyes at those. And I don't like bad quality diamonds. I have seen way too many larger, but spitball looking diamonds. Princess cuts are also on the bottom of my list.

So, any tips on how I could strike it rich? ;))

Nothing has changed.


May 9, 2012
SO SORRY! :naughty: I looove seeing your ~dreams come true~!

1) Do you know what kind of engagement ring you want? Diamond (or other stone), size, shape, metal type, side stones vs. solitaire, etc.? Post some pictures!
My first love is inexplicably the EC - I always come back to it! BUT, I've been cheating on stepcuts with PSer Ganesha's warm OEC 8 prong for a couple of months now. I think it might be LOVE?

2) Does your FF know what you want? If not, will you tell him/give him some ideas, or leave it all up to him to choose?
Yes, he knows I am being insane about this. He'll propose without.

3) Will you/Did you go ring shopping with him?
Yes, unless he surprises me (eek).

4) Do you have an idea of what his budget is?
I have a fair idea.

5) How about a wedding band? What do you like? Do you want it to be part of a matching set with the e-ring?
I am obsessed with the idea of a 6mm+ YG band to wear with a diamond band on either side. Apparently I'm very tacky! 8-) Not sure how I'll squeeze all of this plus a Ganesha-special onto my size 3.75 finger!

6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring?
I know what he likes, and I don't care if it matches! There is a possibility that he won't wear one. We'll see when the time comes!

7) Finally - what don''t you like when it comes to rings! For your engagement ring, for your wedding ring or for his wedding ring! And it''s okay to be honest. We all have different tastes, likes/dislikes, etc.
I would say that the furthest from my taste is anything extremely modern looking.


Dec 23, 2010
Here's mine from last year. If there's updates, I've bolded those parts.

1) Do you know what kind of engagement ring you want? Diamond (or other stone), size, shape, metal type, side stones vs. solitaire, etc.? Post some pictures!
Yes, and no. I keep switching between a three stone setting, and just a classic solitaire. I like both, and have tried on both kinds. I'm most certainly set on a princess cut, and as far as metal goes, definitely white gold. Platinum would be nice, but it's not in M's budget. (And I use "budget" loosely, as I don't know what, or even if, his budget may be). As far as size goes, I'm not too picky. I have small fingers, so anything over 3 carats would probably look gawdy on me. (Or maybe not....)
I want the Infinity Diamond Ring from WhiteFlash in white gold. I have my eyes set on a beautiful princess cut stone from WF, too. It was reserved, and then available again... and it's available now. I wish M would get it! :angryfire: Oh, and I don't think I'd want more than 2 carats... 3 was a bit unrealistic :lol:

2) Does your FF know what you want? If not, will you tell him/give him some ideas, or leave it all up to him to choose?
He has an idea. Many moons ago, he told me to "start giving me ideas." Well, I had no clue myself, so that's when I went to mall stores to try rings on and get an idea of my faves. I try not to say much these days, as I keep changing my mind and I don't want to be vocal about my choice until I'm at least 99.9% sure of what I want.
I have emailed him the links to both the ring and stone. So, he's well aware.

3) Will you/Did you go ring shopping with him?
I don't know if we'll go shopping together. If he brings it up, sure. But I have a feeling he's the type that will take into account what I want/like, and will go pick it out himself.
He refuses to go with me. He compared it to when we were picking out our new t.v. I could care less, but after a year of researching, and hitting four different stores, we have a fabulous (albeit, expensive @ss 55 inch Samsung Smart TV) :roll: boys and their toys. But yeah, he compares ring shopping to that. I remember how bored I was.... so I guess I can relate.

4) Do you have an idea of what his budget is?
As I stated above, not a clue. Although we live together, we haven't comingled our finances. Until then, it's the "what's mine is mine and what's yours is yours" mentality. I'd like to think he's saving up, but he got me a pre-owned car three months ago, and HE is the one making monthly payments. There's still at least 5 grand left on it.......... so needless to say, I don't think there'll be a ring for a while. But, I love my car, and I'm appreciative of it! Don't get me wrong there!
It went from being "around 6K" to my wanting my ring that costs about $3300 and that's "too much." So, I don't know what to think anymore. He brought home his most recent statement on the car - $3306 left! Which breaks it down to about 44 more weeks until it's paid off. Yuck.

5) How about a wedding band? What do you like? Do you want it to be part of a matching set with the e-ring?
I honestly haven't given this one much thought, and haven't looked at any rings.
This hasn't changed.

6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring?
Again, haven't given it thought.
ETA- he's mentioned a few he likes, and pointed them out, but I honestly didn't pay attention at the time. Why? I can't remember. I've been having a difficult time with my job (first one out of college), and even a year later, it has destroyed me, mentally. My self-esteem is shot and I just don't pay attention to life anymore. I just go through the motions day in and day out. Next time, I'll pay attention to him.
He's mentioned he wants something simple.... with maybe a small diamond or two. That doesn't help me much.

7) Finally - what don''t you like when it comes to rings! For your engagement ring, for your wedding ring or for his wedding ring! And it''s okay to be honest. We all have different tastes, likes/dislikes, etc.
I do NOT like yellow gold. It doesn't look good on me, and I've just never been a fan. Also, not a big fan of that rose gold or whatever it's called. I dunno. I guess I'm just a very simple girl that loves silver/white gold jewelry. I don't care for marquise (sp) or heart shapes, or halos. I don't know! My dislikes change just about as consistently as my likes!
Still pretty much the same.


Feb 29, 2012
Haha oh man has it really been almost a year since I joined PS?? What a year it's been! Well I will go ahead and condense/update my post from last year...even though we already have a ring ;))

1) Do you know what kind of engagement ring you want? Diamond (or other stone), size, shape, metal type, side stones vs. solitaire, etc.? Post some pictures!
I want a cushion. I really love the look of a cushion with a thin pave shank (a la Tiffany Novo) but at the same time I love the detailed basket of Tacori rings. So really I'm hoping for the Tacori 2638 but maybe modified so that the prongs aren't as thick/obtrusive? Maybe even if it would be at all possible to get the basket to be more continuous like in the 2620 but idk how the prongs would work on that one since they seem to come from the inside and are hidden by the halo on the 2620. Anyhoo those are just thoughts rambling through my brain! I don't have a huge pref for metal, but prob 18k so we can save some on the setting and put it towards the center stone. If I don't get that, I'd honestly be happy with a stand-out 6-prong solitaire!! (I know, it's so weird how different it is...if it's a RB I like it on its own and not with pave sides, but cushion I much prefer the Novo look with pave shank).
SO currently has in his possession a 1.13 G/SI1 AVC in a plat Tacori 2620 ::)

2) Does your FF know what you want? If not, will you tell him/give him some ideas, or leave it all up to him to choose?
Not yet, but he most definitely will know exactly what I want when the time comes!!!
Yeah, I pretty much told him that I know what I want and he was totally okay with that because he doesn't know anything about diamonds and didn't really have an interest in learning so he left it all up to me :bigsmile:

3) Will you/Did you go ring shopping with him?
I probably will
We did go look at rings once but he showed so little interest that it was almost awkward/uncomfortable like we weren't ready to be looking at them or something haha. He did ask some questions about diamonds in general though

4) Do you have an idea of what his budget is?
Not yet, but I do have an idea of how much we will be making once we graduate (we're in the same profession...and as long as we can still get a job ) and I would be comfortable with at least 1 month salary to about $7500
We spent under one month's *future* salary!

5) How about a wedding band? What do you like? Do you want it to be part of a matching set with the e-ring?
I don't particularly care for matching sets, but I would like them to complement each other. I love the fingerprint bands! Where there is an imprint of your OH's fingerprint on the inside of the band. I also really dig infinity bands or braided/woven bands.
I like the infinity and more intricate bands but I have decided I don't have the real estate for more than a few eternity stackers with my ering. I want a round/marquise or round/pear bezeled band (like the Tiffany Swing), large/small alternating round bezel band (like the Tiffany Jazz), or a round/baguette or round/French channel band. Eventually I want a 5-stone but that'll probably have to go on a different finger lol

6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring?
Haven't gotten this far. I imagine he'll like something simple though. Matching fingerprint bands would be awesome!
Still haven't asked him but this hasn't changed.

7) Finally - what don''t you like when it comes to rings! For your engagement ring, for your wedding ring or for his wedding ring! And it's okay to be honest. We all have different tastes, likes/dislikes, etc.
I don't like cluster where a bunch of smaller diamonds come together to make a larger shape. Especially when surrounded by another halo that is very large and also cluster looking (or like flower petals? I have seen some halos that look like petals that have been done well, but the majority have not). To me, it just seems too flashy, and like you are trying to make it look like you have a larger ring when you just have many smaller and (usually) lesser quality stones thrown together.
No changes here either!


Jun 12, 2012
1) Do you know what kind of engagement ring you want? Diamond (or other stone), size, shape, metal type, side stones vs. solitaire, etc.? Post some pictures!
I want an AVC, about .7 - 1ct (tried on bigger stones but seem to prefer a smaller diamond in a pretty setting)
In the JbEG 'Anya' Halo Setting :love: love it!

2) Does your FF know what you want? If not, will you tell him/give him some ideas, or leave it all up to him to choose?
I have vaguely mentioned AVC's to him but in my attempts to not look like a crazy person I don't think
I have said it with enough conviction for him to know I HAVE TO have one. Next time I weasel it into conversation I am not holding back and pictures will be shown.

3) Will you/Did you go ring shopping with him?
No I haven't and I doubt I will because what I am set on is not available here so I don't want him getting a silly idea to buy me something from a retail store here :tongue:

4) Do you have an idea of what his budget is?
At the moment it's $0 haha which is why it hasn't happened yet. I have told him in the past what I want will probably be $5-6k, which he seemed happy with especially as this came up after us talking about a friend who spent $13k on the ring for his fiancé (nothing wrong with that if you can afford it, and this friend can, HOWEVER he got exceedingly ripped off as he paid Perth prices. I wouldnt be comfortable spending that much, especially as I can have something that will be much nicer for less than half the price now
I know what I'm doing!)

5) How about a wedding band? What do you like? Do you want it to be part of a matching set with the e-ring?
I think I just want a plain WG band...but will try on once I have my precious and see what suits the best. I just want there to be a distinction between ering shank an WB, but either way there will be with the Anya setting.

6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring?
I don't mind if it doesn't match. I know he wants something really wide and chunky, WG and simple design.

7) Finally - what don''t you like when it comes to rings! For your engagement ring, for your wedding ring or for his wedding ring! And it''s okay to be honest. We all have different tastes, likes/dislikes, etc.
Oh god could go on all day. I don't like Yellow gold, or rose gold for a ring (I have a rise gold bangle on my list though).
Stone wise I don't like princess, heart shape, I don't mind pear or marquise but wouldn't choose them for my ering.
Setting I don't like wide bands, intricate/twisted bands, three stones, tension settings, bezels can be nice but not for my ering, I also don't like ENORMOUS diamonds! And obviously poor quality diamonds :razz:


Jun 21, 2010
1) Do you know what kind of engagement ring you want? Diamond (or other stone), size, shape, metal type, side stones vs. solitaire, etc.? Post some pictures!

I'd love a vintage cushion, ideally 1.5-2cts, set in a Harry Winston type halo.

2) Does your FF know what you want? If not, will you tell him/give him some ideas, or leave it all up to him to choose?
Believe it or not, he asked within our first month of dating, but we haven't discussed it since. But I think he knows I have a Pinterest board with over 100 images, details and links to what I want. :oops:

3) Will you/Did you go ring shopping with him?
I'm not sure. I'd like to at least be able to tell him which vendors to use since I am so particular about the type of stone that I want.

4) Do you have an idea of what his budget is?
No clue. But I hope he's saving his pennies (nickels, dimes and quarters too!) I'd be extremely surprised to see one anytime soon, so hopefully that means time to save up!

5) How about a wedding band? What do you like? Do you want it to be part of a matching set with the e-ring?
I'd like more vintage-y, non-matching stackers. A matching band would be ok too.

6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring?
He actually mentioned after Christmas that he liked my brother-in-law's ring, out of the blue. I was glad he was looking and then mentioned it :appl: I would want him to have something he loves, although I would prefer that its not gold.

7) Finally - what don''t you like when it comes to rings! For your engagement ring, for your wedding ring or for his wedding ring! And it''s okay to be honest. We all have different tastes, likes/dislikes, etc.
I do not like gold anything, non-pave bands, any shape other than a vintage cushion, or a round if there was no other option.


Jun 24, 2011
1) Do you know what kind of engagement ring you want? Diamond (or other stone), size, shape, metal type, side stones vs. solitaire, etc.? Post some pictures!

I want a BGD Signature/Whiteflash ACA. 1.7 to 2 cts. Set in a Leon Mege solitaire.


2) Does your FF know what you want? If not, will you tell him/give him some ideas, or leave it all up to him to choose?

He knows. Oh, he knows.... :lol:

3) Will you/Did you go ring shopping with him?

Yes. The plan is that I will send him a number of diamonds to choose from, and he will surprise me with one from that group.

4) Do you have an idea of what his budget is?

Yes, and he says he'll go higher if I find something I really love.

5) How about a wedding band? What do you like? Do you want it to be part of a matching set with the e-ring?

Dainty eternity band that does not compete with my future e-ring.

6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring?

Wide-ish (6mm?) yellow gold band, maybe with milgrain.

7) Finally - what don''t you like when it comes to rings! For your engagement ring, for your wedding ring or for his wedding ring! And it''s okay to be honest. We all have different tastes, likes/dislikes, etc.

I've found that I like almost anything when it's well executed, but for me, a solitaire is definitely the way to go.


Nov 25, 2012
1) Do you know what kind of engagement ring you want? Diamond (or other stone), size, shape, metal type, side stones vs. solitaire, etc.? Post some pictures!
Yes, I want a bezel set super low profile graduated five stone ring custom (think Tiffany Jazz band-esque) from BDG around 1 cttw in WG/Platinum, sort of like this: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
2) Does your FF know what you want? If not, will you tell him/give him some ideas, or leave it all up to him to choose?
Yes, we've exlicitly discussed it but I gave him some options.
3) Will you/Did you go ring shopping with him?
Nope, unless online shopping/ PS lurking counts?
4) Do you have an idea of what his budget is?
under $5k for the set, I really placed this limit on myself for his sake.
5) How about a wedding band? What do you like? Do you want it to be part of a matching set with the e-ring?
No, I want some sort of YG/RG band with engraving inside, we both want our wedding bands to match each others (maybe both? I like the symbolism of the three metals together).
6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring?
He wants a plain YG wide band engraving inside.
7) Finally - what don''t you like when it comes to rings! For your engagement ring, for your wedding ring or for his wedding ring! And it''s okay to be honest. We all have different tastes, likes/dislikes, etc.
I don't like solitaires (I love them on others but I can't fathom wearing one myself because of the high profile). I hate the 4+cttw full eternity bands, they just look so damn uncomfortable to wear!


Dec 4, 2012
Hi Ladies! Newbie here. I recently found PS a few months ago when I seriously started looking at rings. If all goes as expected, I believe that there will be a ring by the end of 2013 (hopefully sooner rather than later!). Anyway, looking forward to getting to know you all and please find my answers below!

1) Do you know what kind of engagement ring you want? Diamond (or other stone), size, shape, metal type, side stones vs. solitaire, etc.? Post some pictures! My ideal ring is a round brilliant solitaire in the 1.5 range. I absolutely love this setting from Brian Gavin:

2) Does your FF know what you want? If not, will you tell him/give him some ideas, or leave it all up to him to choose? Oh, yes. He knows exactly what I want. ;-)

3) Will you/Did you go ring shopping with him? We have gone ring shopping. We live in NYC together so we took a spontaneous trip to Tiffany and the diamond district on a quiet Saturday recently. I bet you can guess which one was a more enjoyable shopping experience.. :)

4) Do you have an idea of what his budget is? I do within reason.

5) How about a wedding band? What do you like? Do you want it to be part of a matching set with the e-ring? I actually really loved the wedding bands I tried on at Tiffany with the signature setting. I will have to go in once I receive my engagement ring to see what goes nicely with it. I do have a soft spot for the channel setting.

6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring? He is VERY simple, so probably a plain platinum or 18k gold band. We will not be matching since I definitely want some diamonds in mine.

7) Finally - what don''t you like when it comes to rings! For your engagement ring, for your wedding ring or for his wedding ring! And it''s okay to be honest. We all have different tastes, likes/dislikes, etc. I do think there is an element of beauty in each engagement ring but I suppose there are styles that aren't right for me. I am not a fan of halos or 3-stone rings. Really anything that looks busy I don't like - I just think that it takes away from the beauty of the single stone - especially halos.


Dec 27, 2007
I'll play. I was on this site several years ago with a previous relationship. That didn't work out, but I've recently started looking here again with my current relationship. We are in our mid-30's, have been dating since May, 2011, and started talking seriously about engagement around September of 2012.

1) Do you know what kind of engagement ring you want? Diamond (or other stone), size, shape, metal type, side stones vs. solitaire, etc.? Post some pictures!
Ideally, I'd like a cushion cut in a Tiffany Legacy style setting.

2) Does your FF know what you want? If not, will you tell him/give him some ideas, or leave it all up to him to choose?
Yes, he definitely knows. :D

3) Will you/Did you go ring shopping with him?
We went shopping together once so he could get a good idea of what I like, but he prefers to shop by himself.

4) Do you have an idea of what his budget is?
I'm not sure. He has a family diamond that he might reset. If he does that, obviously the budget would be a lot smaller, and he could afford it a lot sooner. I do know the amount that he absolutely doesn't want to go over. And I also know that he hasn't saved up that much yet.

5) How about a wedding band? What do you like? Do you want it to be part of a matching set with the e-ring?
I would probably want a Legacy style band to match, but I haven't tried any on yet.

6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring?
We haven't even talked about it yet! But his taste is very simple.

7) Finally - what don''t you like when it comes to rings! For your engagement ring, for your wedding ring or for his wedding ring! And it''s okay to be honest. We all have different tastes, likes/dislikes, etc.
I'm personally not a fan of solitaires - a bit too plain for me. And I don't wear any yellow gold anymore.


Jan 1, 2013
1) Do you know what kind of engagement ring you want? Diamond (or other stone), size, shape, metal type, side stones vs. solitaire, etc.? Post some pictures!

Basically, I want audball's ring - the half-bezel Sholdt. (Sorry for stealing. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?) That or the version with the channel set diamonds flanking the half bezel. Yellow gold all the way for me. For the major stone, I'd really like a lab-created diamond somewhere in the general vicinity of 1.0-1.5 carats.

2) Does your FF know what you want? If not, will you tell him/give him some ideas, or leave it all up to him to choose?

I have basically convinced him that, if he asks, I get to pick my own ring. Basically, I went with the "you get the how, the where, and then when, can I pretty pretty please have the 'what' I want?" :saint: He knows I'd say yes with just a twist tie for a ring, but that I'd probably then use our $$ to buy myself something I'd actually wear.

3) Will you/Did you go ring shopping with him?

See above

4) Do you have an idea of what his budget is?

None whatsoever. I'm hoping it's about what I am hoping for.

5) How about a wedding band? What do you like? Do you want it to be part of a matching set with the e-ring?

I'd want a similar band. If I get a plain band e-ring with a solitare diamond, for example, I'd want a plain band e-ring.

6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring?

I don't particularly care if it matches my ring, but it would be very important to me that we pick it together. I want him to get something he will love and cherish forever.

7) Finally - what don''t you like when it comes to rings! For your engagement ring, for your wedding ring or for his wedding ring! And it''s okay to be honest. We all have different tastes, likes/dislikes, etc.

I really don't like heart-shaped diamonds. And I realize this makes me in the vast minority here, but I really don't like rose gold either. Whatever - more for you guys!


Jan 16, 2013
1) Do you know what kind of engagement ring you want? Diamond (or other stone), size, shape, metal type, side stones vs. solitaire, etc.? Post some pictures!
I am all over the place sometimes. I think I want either an RB or an OEC as a center stone, probably no bigger than .5. I keep going back and forth between rose gold and white gold. I love rose gold, but I don't know if I'll love it forever (I'm not really planning to upgrade). I love the timelessness and simplicity of a solitaire, but part of me also wants side stones. Soo hard to choose.

2) Does your FF know what you want? If not, will you tell him/give him some ideas, or leave it all up to him to choose?
Not yet! I keep changing my mind, so I want to have a more solid idea of what I want before I start throwing a million ideas at him. Ultimately, he wants to pick my ring himself. I'll definitely give him ideas, though.

3) Will you/Did you go ring shopping with him?
I know that he really wants to pick out my ring on his own, which is totally fine with me. I'm sure we'll at least go try some on together to get a better sense of size and stuff.

4) Do you have an idea of what his budget is?
I don't. I know it's not huge, but I don't want it to be. I'm taking it upon myself to be budget conscious because I'll have to help him through (at least some of) the process.

5) How about a wedding band? What do you like? Do you want it to be part of a matching set with the e-ring?
I think I just want a plain band. I'm not usually a fan of matching sets.

6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring?
Haha. He came to me the other day talking about his friend's wedding band which he described as "grayish and cool." I guess he meant Titanium. Lol. I really don't care if it matches my ring. I just want him to have what he wants. :mrgreen:

7) Finally - what don''t you like when it comes to rings! For your engagement ring, for your wedding ring or for his wedding ring! And it''s okay to be honest. We all have different tastes, likes/dislikes, etc.
I really don't like heart shaped diamonds. I'm usually not a fan of illusion settings, either. And while I think there are many beautiful halos out there, they are definitely not for me.


May 9, 2012
Ch-ch-ch-changes! ;-)

1) Do you know what kind of engagement ring you want? Diamond (or other stone), size, shape, metal type, side stones vs. solitaire, etc.? Post some pictures!
My first love is inexplicably the EC - I always come back to it! BUT, I've been cheating on stepcuts with PSer Ganesha's warm OEC 8 prong for a couple of months now. I think it might be LOVE?

2) Does your FF know what you want? If not, will you tell him/give him some ideas, or leave it all up to him to choose?
I will soon give him the details, and he will purchase in secret.

3) Will you/Did you go ring shopping with him?
Not until wedding bands I guess!

4) Do you have an idea of what his budget is?

5) How about a wedding band? What do you like? Do you want it to be part of a matching set with the e-ring?
I am obsessed with the idea of a 6mm+ YG band to wear with a diamond band on either side. Apparently I'm very tacky! 8-) Not sure how I'll squeeze all of this plus a Ganesha-special onto my size 3.75 finger!

6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring?
Without trying them on yet, he is sure he wants stones - diamonds and coloured.

7) Finally - what don''t you like when it comes to rings! For your engagement ring, for your wedding ring or for his wedding ring! And it''s okay to be honest. We all have different tastes, likes/dislikes, etc.
I would say that the furthest from my taste is anything extremely modern looking.


Jul 11, 2007
I'll play! :appl: (even though we kinda already did everything)

1) Do you know what kind of engagement ring you want? Diamond (or other stone), size, shape, metal type, side stones vs. solitaire, etc.? Post some pictures! YES! Asscher all the way! Loved this cut since I first stumbled across it in a local B&M over 10 years ago and it's never changed. My ER from a prev relationship was a cushion (loved that too) but only because I was talked out of my asscher. I'm so excited to be getting my dream stone now... here's the link to my SMTB with the loose stone:

Here's a link to the setting we're going for...we're having it done custom but kind of used this Vatche for inspiration because SO liked the surprise diamonds:
So it will be a platinum solitaire, except the prongs are going to be delicate double claw prongs (see next link for picture)

Here's a link to my DREAM RING... third post down

2) Does your FF know what you want? If not, will you tell him/give him some ideas, or leave it all up to him to choose?
He knows! :lol:

3) Will you/Did you go ring shopping with him?
Yes, we went together. He told me when he was ready to go shopping, but then I steered him towards PS because I knew I'd want to get a stone from a PS vendor. We meant to go to some local stores to check out settings and get an idea of stuff we liked, but never actually did...kind of sad about that. But I knew we'd have a hard time finding asschers (or at least good ones) so we didn't really waste our time. Maybe I can make up for this during WB shopping.

4) Do you have an idea of what his budget is?
Yup, SO let me know. He was actually pretty flexible, he was like "Well budget is $xxx-$xxx but if we find something amazing I'll go up to $xxxx." We actually stayed totally under the original original budget...makes me wonder if I should have pushed it :Up_to_something: But I'm glad I was responsible....I guess... haha

5) How about a wedding band? What do you like? Do you want it to be part of a matching set with the e-ring?
Not totally sure here, I like non-matchy things and vintage looks, so probably something antique or antique re-pro. I like something like this: But, OMG to the price!!! :-o

6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring?
I don't care about it matching mine, and I don't think it will. He's been looking at Tungsten and Titanium and likes the black look of some Tungsten rings. I was nervous about Tungsten because people say you can't cut the ring off in an emergency, but then I read here that someone had an emergency removal kit for one and it was easy to break in a vice type machine or something. The jeweler making my ring was telling him that he should definitely go with gold or platinum and was showing him some fancy stuff, but I don't know if that's SO's style. I'll be fine with anything that he likes

7) Finally - what don''t you like when it comes to rings! For your engagement ring, for your wedding ring or for his wedding ring! And it''s okay to be honest. We all have different tastes, likes/dislikes, etc.
For me personally I don't like anything too modern, and I definitely don't like things set super high. And I don't like tension settings because they just make me nervous!!! I don't love really intricate or fancy stuff for a man's ring, the simpler the better, but I wouldn't make SO pick something different just because I didn't like it.


Jul 11, 2007
krispi|1358273846|3356168 said:
I'll play. I was on this site several years ago with a previous relationship. That didn't work out, but I've recently started looking here again with my current relationship. We are in our mid-30's, have been dating since May, 2011, and started talking seriously about engagement around September of 2012.

Just had to say that when I read this I thought "That's like my EXACT life story" (as it relates to PS at least)....Yay for coming back with new (better ;)) ) guys!


Dec 27, 2007
BeeCushion|1361317715|3384822 said:
krispi|1358273846|3356168 said:
I'll play. I was on this site several years ago with a previous relationship. That didn't work out, but I've recently started looking here again with my current relationship. We are in our mid-30's, have been dating since May, 2011, and started talking seriously about engagement around September of 2012.

Just had to say that when I read this I thought "That's like my EXACT life story" (as it relates to PS at least)....Yay for coming back with new (better ;)) ) guys!

Yes, definitely yay for newer and better guys! And since I wrote that last post, I got my ring!! It was what I wanted, but even better.


Jul 11, 2007
krispi|1361318230|3384836 said:
BeeCushion|1361317715|3384822 said:
krispi|1358273846|3356168 said:
I'll play. I was on this site several years ago with a previous relationship. That didn't work out, but I've recently started looking here again with my current relationship. We are in our mid-30's, have been dating since May, 2011, and started talking seriously about engagement around September of 2012.

Just had to say that when I read this I thought "That's like my EXACT life story" (as it relates to PS at least)....Yay for coming back with new (better ;)) ) guys!

Yes, definitely yay for newer and better guys! And since I wrote that last post, I got my ring!! It was what I wanted, but even better.

Yay, congrats on the ring :appl: Now that you mention it I remember seeing your thread about the family stone in the gabriel setting :love:


Feb 29, 2012
Chewbacca|1361242147|3383894 said:
6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring?
Without trying them on yet, he is sure he wants stones - diamonds and coloured.

ooooh he fancy huh?? ;))

BeeCushion I'm so happy you ended up with your true dream stone (and dream man!!!) Erica's ring is truly GORGEOUS and such a piece of work.


May 9, 2012
pandabee|1361337098|3385085 said:
Chewbacca|1361242147|3383894 said:
6) Wedding band for you guy? Do you know what he likes? Do you want it to match your ring?
Without trying them on yet, he is sure he wants stones - diamonds and coloured.

ooooh he fancy huh?? ;))

Fancy? As tacky as I am, perhaps? :lol:

He has described his vision as a hammered YG band with stones, along the lines of this Werk it!


May 24, 2012
Ring preferences, you ask?

Hmmmmm.... I would prefer my e-ring to be... on my finger.


May 9, 2012
cygnet said:
Ring preferences, you ask?

Hmmmmm.... I would prefer my e-ring to be... on my finger.

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:


Feb 29, 2012
Hehe cygnet true story!!! Soon dear!!!

Chewie that's pretty cool actually!! Very manly but a bit of bling. Always surprising but nice when guys want bling on their hand!


Jul 11, 2007
cygnet|1361347812|3385174 said:
Ring preferences, you ask?

Hmmmmm.... I would prefer my e-ring to be... on my finger.

Hahaha, :lol: :lol: :lol: Don't we all!


Dec 4, 2012
pandabee|1361365262|3385226 said:
Hehe cygnet true story!!! Soon dear!!!

Chewie that's pretty cool actually!! Very manly but a bit of bling. Always surprising but nice when guys want bling on their hand!

Agreed!! You don't see men sporting bling often but it's nice when we find one that is! My SO definitely wants the plainest band possible! He was even against ME having too much bling!! Silly men.... :confused:
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