
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
MrsS, I will keep an eye out for sales. She loves ringing the little bell. Haha. I am lazy so I have never taken my camera off auto. I know I really should spend the time to learn/play around with it but it seems there is never enough time in the day.


Sep 21, 2006
Quick drive by to say hi!

Puffy, Noah is adorable!!

Tacori: T got some awesome gifts as usual!

Christmas was great for us and also exhausting (4 different houses and gift openings over 2 days!). C just loves the tree and I''m getting nervous for when it''s time for it go be taken away. She looks for it every morning and squeals when she sees it. She had fun opening gifts but by the time we got to family houses, she had too many distractions to want to rip the paper, so I did most of it. She had some cranky moments as it got past her bedtime--I always feel bad b/c everyone wants her to "perform" (open gifts, dance around, be carried), but as we all know, toddlers do their own thing!

She got a billion gifts, but her absolute favorite is the Anywhere chair! I would never have guessed. She crawled right into it as if she''d had it forever! Got some more musical toys and now the playroom is overwhelmed. Not sure how to make it look nice and neat anymore!

Not much else new other than C is getting more and more demanding. When I''m in the kitchen she literally hangs on my leg until I pick her up! A few times she practically pulled my pants down! Not making dish cleaning so easy haha.

Hope everyone had a great holiday..


Nov 14, 2004
How funny that J acted like she didn’t do anything after putting the ornament back on the tree. Meena does things like that. She would be touching something, and she runs away when she notices us. So sneaky.
So jealous of Amelia sleeping 12 hours. M only sleeps 9 hrs from 9pm – 6/6:30am, and she yells for us when she wakes up.
How nice that your DH does the morning duty. I wish DH would do that, but he doesn’t wake up until after I leave for work.
When people ask how old M is, I tell them the months. But I sometimes feel silly doing that b/c I am sure they don’t want to convert the months to year. It’s just easy for us to keep track for dr. visit, etc. I definitely won’t go by months once she turns 2 though.
Sounds like T got lots of great gifts. M got a doll along with stroller, carseat, p’np and some accessories. We opened the doll for her, but she isn’t really that interested. So we haven’t open the doll gears yet. She also got a Radio Flyer trike, but the one without the push bar. She loves sitting on it; she puts her feet on the pedal, and DH had been bending over to push her around. I kind of wish we got the one like T’s, so it’s easier to push.
Can’t wait to see pics of T’s Christmas program and your family celebrations.
I was considering working up to my due date or taking a month off to spend time with M, but I decided to just take two weeks before off like last time.
I like your resolution. Definitely want to hear more from you and your boys.
Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. Yay for a new DSLR camera.
Aww B is so sweet and caring with his baby brother. That’s so awesome. Glad you are doing well.

Sounds like an awesome Christmas for you guys. So interesting how each kid is different. M didn''t care about her gifts as much as she does with riping off the wrapping paper.

I mentioned this in the pregnancy thread, but I am getting nervous about having a toddler and newborn in a month. I kept thinking that M will be very needy and wouldn’t let me take care of the baby. I am mostly concerned with M wanting me when I am breastfeeding the baby. I mean, other times, I can pass the baby off to DH, but he can’t breastfeed the baby. I know I am probably just stressing for no reasons, but I can’t help it.

We had a great Christmas. We had all the relatives over, and we were trying to get pictures of each kids opening their set of gifts. But of course they didn’t want to wait their turn, so everyone just starting unwrapping gifts. Wrappers were everywhere. It was great though to see their happy faces.


Dec 29, 2004
puffy, Noah is adorable! And I do see the resemblance between him and B!

MrsS, which DSLR did ya get?

Sounds like everyone had a great holiday. I want to make individual comments, so will be back later also to address those made to me. Holidays were great, the play kitchen is a monster but a huge hit. Christmas is pretty fun with kids, for sure!


May 9, 2006
Tacori~Thanks so much!! I bought her that exact one, but got it at TRU on a whim and paid WAY TO MUCH!! I''m taking it back and will stay on the look out at Target. I may mention the scooter to my MIL too.

Janine~Sounds like C had a great Christmas!!

QT~2 weeks sounds great. I am going to kind of play it by ear and see how I feel and how my class is going. We start a new semester the end of January so I am hoping to get my kids on the right track before taking leave so I don''t come back to h***!

Tgal~T is having some sleep issues again and I mentioned to DH what your friend did and we are considering giving it a try! We''ve tried everything else and I just can''t imagine having my 2 year-old waking once a night a few times a week when I''m up feeding my newborn. DH travels a lot and if I''m here by myself I''ll want to pull my hair out!! How does A like her kitchen?


May 9, 2006
Forgot to ask...I''m looking into some storage stuff for the playroom and really like this from PBK. Does anyone have it or something similar? I''d like to find something similar for a little less money but am okay getting it from PBK if I know we''ll love it. I like that it is a height where the kids won''t have problems accessing the toys. Thoughts anyone?


Jan 3, 2005
tgal, I got the Nikon d3000. it came with the 18-55mm VR Lens and the 55-200mm VR Lens and a nifty black carrying case. I was already amazed at the differences in my pictures I took Christmas morning with my P&S and later in the day with the new camera. I took an upclose shot of Jake and you can see the faded bruise on his head that I can barely see in person. crazy....I already love it though.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 12/28/2009 2:26:43 PM
Author: mrssalvo
tgal, I got the Nikon d3000. it came with the 18-55mm VR Lens and the 55-200mm VR Lens and a nifty black carrying case. I was already amazed at the differences in my pictures I took Christmas morning with my P&S and later in the day with the new camera. I took an upclose shot of Jake and you can see the faded bruise on his head that I can barely see in person. crazy....I already love it though.
MrsS, play around with the camera in P mode. That''s what I leave my D40 on most of the time. That way the flash isn''t always going off and you can see how the lens does in lower light.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 12/28/2009 2:23:55 PM
Author: Burk
Tacori~Thanks so much!! I bought her that exact one, but got it at TRU on a whim and paid WAY TO MUCH!! I''m taking it back and will stay on the look out at Target. I may mention the scooter to my MIL too.

Janine~Sounds like C had a great Christmas!!

QT~2 weeks sounds great. I am going to kind of play it by ear and see how I feel and how my class is going. We start a new semester the end of January so I am hoping to get my kids on the right track before taking leave so I don''t come back to h***!

Tgal~T is having some sleep issues again and I mentioned to DH what your friend did and we are considering giving it a try! We''ve tried everything else and I just can''t imagine having my 2 year-old waking once a night a few times a week when I''m up feeding my newborn. DH travels a lot and if I''m here by myself I''ll want to pull my hair out!! How does A like her kitchen?
Burk are you talking about that story I told you offline about what my friend did? THAT story?

OMG, if so...have fun!

A loves the kitchen...I''ll post a video later on.


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 12/28/2009 2:29:38 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 12/28/2009 2:26:43 PM

Author: mrssalvo

tgal, I got the Nikon d3000. it came with the 18-55mm VR Lens and the 55-200mm VR Lens and a nifty black carrying case. I was already amazed at the differences in my pictures I took Christmas morning with my P&S and later in the day with the new camera. I took an upclose shot of Jake and you can see the faded bruise on his head that I can barely see in person. crazy....I already love it though.
MrsS, play around with the camera in P mode. That''s what I leave my D40 on most of the time. That way the flash isn''t always going off and you can see how the lens does in lower light.

okay, I will. I''m going to try and get my kids to bed early tonight so I can watch one of the instructional video''s too.

I bet A will get a lot of use out of her kitchen. my girls had one very similar, wasn''t quite as deluxe and A''s and they played with it for a long time. They used to play restaurant and cook us up all sorts of food and treats.


May 9, 2006
Tgal, um yea. That friend! Desperate times call for desperate measures!! She''s fighting going to sleep...wants us to "rock rock" her every time. Not that big of a deal, as we don''t rock her to sleep, just for a few minutes before we put her in her bed. BUT, the getting up in the middle of the night is getting OLD. We have tried reasoning with her, bribing her, letting her cry, rocking her and it''s just become a nightmare. Last night I had to rock with her for 45 minutes before she''d let me put her back in her crib!

Can''t wait to see the video of A!!


Nov 18, 2004
Poor you.
Does K have a nightlight in his room?
Sounds a little like one of my niece who was always waking up in the middle of the night when she''s by herself.
But when her sister sleeps in there w/ her, then she''s ok.

Taking some time off is nice.
I worked til the very end w/ J too...but the next time around, I''m definitely taking the 2 weeks before the EDD.
T''s nigttime wakings are that bad huh?
I''m interested to see if TGal''s friend''s method work.

for selling your house and your new year''s resolution.
Like QT said, we''ve missed your posts and seeing updates of your Jackson and Logan.

Yay for the new we should see more pictures of your kiddies now huh?
Sounds like Jake had a great time opening his gifts.
J did enjoy unwrapping the gift until she unwrapped the zebra toy that her uncle and aunty got her.
Then all she was interested in doing was putting that thing together -- taking out the screws and putting them in the holes and trying to assemble the base.
I think I might get her a toolkit for her bday :D
And like most kids, she lit up when she opened gifts that are toys.
Basically shoved the clothes back in the boxes when she saw them

That is a bummer that the ILS didn''t insist that your DH take a few days off (or at least not work a full day for the first week of Noah''s arrival).
Sounds like B had a great Christmas and is every bit a doting big brother that he said he''d be
So sweet.

Wow, T got a lot of stuff and her bday was just not too long ago.
Your house must be packed w/ toys from floor to ceiling!
That trike T got, can you turn w/ the parent''s pushhandle?
I know some models just allow you to push and not control the steering wheel.
I''m looking to get one for J''s bday or maybe belated christmas gifts from uncles since they give cash instead :razz:

Wow, sounds like C was spoiled over the holiday :D

LOL....I''ve gotten my pants pulled down many times too.
And J would even squeezed herself between my legs and the cabinet and pushed me away from the sink so that I can''t continue washing.

It is going to be tough w/ a toddler and a newborn.
And M will definitely be more clingy to you, but she''ll learn that mommy is not going to be available to her every time she wants.
Since you are living w/ your ILs, I''m thinking the adjustment may not be as bad for M.
J''s the same way w/ dolls too.
She loves dressing up her stuff animals and all, but was not that interested in the doll that you got.

Can''t wait to see videos of A cooking up a storm w/ her deluxe kitchen set.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Janine, sounds tiring! I needed a nap after I read about your holiday. I think I am going to take our decorations down soon. I never put up a big tree so I don''t think T is too attached but she LOVES my IL''s huge tree. T has a little chair too that she loves. I call it her throne.

QT, I did months until she hit two. Now I can''t be bothered to keep track. I feel like T started being obsessed with her dolls around 18 months. Now she is obsessed with taking their clothes off (and her own) and calls them "naked babies." Can you return the bike for the one with the parent''s handle. I cannot imagine having to bend down and pushing her. That''s a daddy job for sure!
I think it is 100% NORMAL to be nervous but things have a funny way of working out. M will adjust. You all will!

TGal, BTW T LOVES her tea set. We have daily tea parties now. Glad A loves her kitchen. I agree the holidays are much more fun with kiddos.

Burk, return it. It won''t be spring for awhile where you live right? I will keep my eye out for sales. I found the scooter for $35 on Amazon. I need to get her a helmet now. Good luck with the sleep issues. My fingers are crossed for you. Personally I would never pay that much for toy storage. Real furniture yes not not for a playroom. Try Ikea. They have some really cute, practical storage ideas. I got my two toy bins which I love but think they no longer carry from Pier One. They were around $100 each. If you are building a house maybe you could have some built-ins that will be practical for bigger kids too.

MrsS, glad you are having fun with your new camera. That video was so boring but I think I have attention issues. Haha. I totally spaced out.

Lili, she is DONE with gifts until her next b-day. Yeah right. My mom sent her a huge box too. Our toy room, living room and her nursery is getting pretty full. You CAN turn with the handle. That is one of the reasons I asked for this trike. Some of the others have the handle but can''t steer. Not sure what the point of that is. J would LOVE it!

So I have noticed that T now smells EVERYTHING before she eats it. Do your tots do that too? It is cute but kinda annoying at the same time. Haha. Her sleep bear is MIA again. She did nap without it. Maybe I should hide it if we ever find it. I looked everywhere and know it has to be in the house somewhere. Off to search again.


Nov 14, 2004
Is there such a thing as the 18 months sleep regression? Starting last Monday, M had not been able to fall asleep without CIO. There were a couple night when I had to hold her until she falls asleep. I don''t want that to become routine for obvious reasons. How long did it take your toddler to get back to falling asleep by herself?


Jan 3, 2005
hey everyone! good to see you all back and posting after the holidays :) hope you had a good time and got to spend it with ur loved ones..

Burk: where are those pics on FB!?!?! i keep checking every time im on hoping to glimpse ur cutie little T! hope ur doing well !

MrsS: must have been so nice to have everyone there!!! and congrats on the new camera!! ull LOVE it!

Puffy: K doesnt nap..AT ALL!! not at home, not at pre-school..he is up all hours of the day till bedtime!

its SO sweet how B is so considerate around his brother! im sure that on its own is a huge relief to have someone not bang and scream and wake up baby noah!! im sorry DH couldn''t take some time off
must have been very tough!

Tacori: sounds like Ms T was pampered this year :) she must have been so confused with all the toys around her and which one to play with first! so cute about her sniffing the food, but i havent seen many toddlers do that to be honest! wonder where she picked it up from..

Janine: awww!! how cute that C gets all excited when she sees the tree!!

QT: sorry for feeling that way
that is something im stressing about too and im not sure how to handle it even though K is older than Meena...I''m just wishing and hoping K acts a little like Puffy''s son B
and REALLy sorry about the sleep regression! it seems like a lot of PS mommies are suffering thru that..wonder what happens that causes our little ones to switch so drastically!

Burk: im so sorry T is waking up in the middle of the night! i dont have much advice to give since im suffering the same way with K but wish you luck!! (and im trying to figure out if i saw TGals suggestion on FB or not coz im wondering if i should try the same method u ladies are talking about too!! heheheh

lili: K doesnt have a night light..he HATES lights..if he sees it he wont HAS to be dark
ill actually try that again and see if it makes a it up after he falls asleep and see if that works..

all is well over here...K is getting quite opinionated if i do say so IS pretty funny at times as he speaks up on how he feels on certain things, but it can be quite annoying when ur trying to get things done and he is sitting there voicing his opinions on everything!!


Sep 21, 2006
tacori: it was exhausting but not all bad. No SIL (the one I don''t get along with) since they were off on vacation #4 so that made it a pleasant holiday for me! That Anywhere Chair is awesome...

lili: hehe, she did get a bit spoiled. She''s the only grandchild on my side, plus the first great grandchild on my mom''s side, so everyone sends gifts to her. Then there''s DH''s side, so it adds up. J is such a cutie in all pictures meanwhile, she is the sweetest thing. Looks like she loves her gift--what a great choice!

Burk: I''m sorry to hear about T''s sleep issues, we''ve got a bit of that too. I go in C''s room a couple times a night sometimes. Luckily I don''t have to take her out of the crib, but it''s still annoying! Wondering what this secret tactic you and TGAL know about!

Qtiekiki: how are you doing? I''m sure you will balance M and the newborn, but it''s normal to be worried! That''s what keeps me unsure about #2, but then I''m old too!

Not much else new except really hating the dishwasher and fridge..C is all over them, I don''t want to open them anymore!!


Dec 16, 2007
Puffy Noah is so cute! Congrats!

Thanks to everyone who commented about H''s napping. In the end the problem was that we were trying to push his bedtime in the hopes he would sleep in later. When we caved and allowed him to go to bed at 6:30pm when he wants to, then his naps got back on track. Of course, he wakes at 5:30 am raring to go each morning
I will never ever get used to that.

Another question about BFing when you go back to work So I start work again on the 4th and I am not sure what to do about feeding Hunter. I want to keep nursing but I am not having much luck with my pump. It is old, so I am going to rent an industrial strength one this week and see if it helps. But I wondered what all of the working moms did when they went back to work, if you were nursing still? Did you wean partially? All together? Switch to formula? Gads I am at a complete loss.

Oh, and I will most likely be joining you all here a little early
Hunter is 10mo and almost the oldest baby in the newborn thread and I am finding that most of the things I need to chat about are things you all will be more familiar with!

from your newest member!


Nov 8, 2005
Date: 12/29/2009 10:30:35 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Oh, and I will most likely be joining you all here a little early
Hunter is 10mo and almost the oldest baby in the newborn thread and I am finding that most of the things I need to chat about are things you all will be more familiar with!

from your newest member!

DD, if you head to the toddler thread I may be not too far behind you. A is just a few weeks younger than Hunter. There are just a few of us on the newborn thread with older babies. I haven't posted much there lately because I feel like my concerns are kind of in between.


Nov 14, 2004
Are you adding in pumping sessions at home now before you go back to work and not getting a lot from pumping? I didn’t get as much milk when I do that compare to when I was pumping at work. When I went back to work (M was 4 months old), I got the most from the morning pump and the amount decreases from each sessions. I was able to keep up with M’s demand up until I got pregnant again (M was 9 months), and my supply started dipping. At that time, I started adding from my freezer stash. Then at 11 months, I really couldn’t keep up and was starting adding whole milk to make up the difference. I still nursed her at home. We found out M was sensitive to dairy, so we switched to soymilk. By 11.5 months, I stopped pumping and nursing, and she was fully on soymilk (I use the term fully loosely here since she didn’t drink very much soymilk at that time). She wouldn’t take it from her bottles or the munckin straw cup. It wasn’t until we got sip-n-toss straw cups when she would drink a full cup of soymilk. The switch wasn’t easy for us, and I asked for advices on this thread with transitioning if you want to go back to look for it. Since Hunter is already 10 months, I would skip formula and go directly to whole milk (if you and your pedi are ok with that). It’s just one less transition/switch to go through.

My supply also dipped right before each period. So I took fenugreek to help increase my supply on those days. I also ate oatmeal everyday when I was pumping. If you are not opposed to taking supplements, then you can try fenugreek or Mother’s Milk Plus. It helped me.

I also noticed that when I had a long weekend, the amount I get from pumping on my first day back at work is slightly less. It’s almost like my body had to get used to the suction of the pump.

That''s my experience. Hopefully others will chime in.

Good luck with pumping. It’s very hard work and time-consuming.


Dec 29, 2004
Welcome DD and TDM! Toddlerhood is right around the corner and it''s a blast!!

Burk, I''ll be interested to see if it works out!

Tacori, did you get that green tea set too?

QT, I think there are sleep regressions along the way. Amelia started crying when I put her down around that time too. Mostly because she didn''t want to go to bed. She would stop crying when I left the room, but it was strange to see her cry before bed. Now sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn''t, but I just put her down and go on my way.

msb, I told Burk about some stuff offline and privately. And for the record, it''s NOT my method.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 12/29/2009 11:13:40 AM
Author: qtiekiki

Are you adding in pumping sessions at home now before you go back to work and not getting a lot from pumping? I didn’t get as much milk when I do that compare to when I was pumping at work. When I went back to work (M was 4 months old), I got the most from the morning pump and the amount decreases from each sessions. I was able to keep up with M’s demand up until I got pregnant again (M was 9 months), and my supply started dipping. At that time, I started adding from my freezer stash. Then at 11 months, I really couldn’t keep up and was starting adding whole milk to make up the difference. I still nursed her at home. We found out M was sensitive to dairy, so we switched to soymilk. By 11.5 months, I stopped pumping and nursing, and she was fully on soymilk (I use the term fully loosely here since she didn’t drink very much soymilk at that time). She wouldn’t take it from her bottles or the munckin straw cup. It wasn’t until we got sip-n-toss straw cups when she would drink a full cup of soymilk. The switch wasn’t easy for us, and I asked for advices on this thread with transitioning if you want to go back to look for it. Since Hunter is already 10 months, I would skip formula and go directly to whole milk (if you and your pedi are ok with that). It’s just one less transition/switch to go through.

My supply also dipped right before each period. So I took fenugreek to help increase my supply on those days. I also ate oatmeal everyday when I was pumping. If you are not opposed to taking supplements, then you can try fenugreek or Mother’s Milk Plus. It helped me.

I also noticed that when I had a long weekend, the amount I get from pumping on my first day back at work is slightly less. It’s almost like my body had to get used to the suction of the pump.

That's my experience. Hopefully others will chime in.

Good luck with pumping. It’s very hard work and time-consuming.
OK, this is all very interesting. I am not pumping much/at all right now. I get literally .5oz max, but I am nursing him too. I have no freezer stash!
But I think it could be my pump, so I will try the rented one this week. I am worried though that I am just not responsive to a pump but I want to keep nursing him for another 8 months at least

I have fenugreek and milkthistle, I will try that out.

ETA What signs clued you in to M's milk sensitivity? Burk T is sensitive to dairy too, right? My DH is VERY intolerant of dairy and I am vigilent for such a thing in Hunter too, but not totally sure whether to wait longer to introduce it or whether to just try it out and see what happens. He got some parmesan in his food last night (didn't notice until later) and no ill effects so I am crossing my fingers!


Feb 27, 2006
DD - You''re going to pump less if you''re doing it in addition to regular nursing than if you do it to replace a nursing session, and so you''ll probably be able to pump more at work than you can right now at home. If you''re not consistently trying to pump but want to, I think one place to start would be to add some regular pump sessions in so that your body gets the signal that it needs to start producing more. Since H''s bedtime is pretty early, maybe trying to pump once or twice after he goes to bed in order to build a freezer stash. I hear that a good pump can make a ton of difference, too, so I hope that the new pump helps out as well.


Nov 14, 2004
M would get red spots around her mouth when we gave her cheese and yogurt, and it was the same when I first added a couple oz of whole milk to BM. Very mild reaction that would go away in an hour. As I added more whole milk, she got more red spots on her face and neck (it wasn’t just around her mouth anymore) that didn’t go away as quickly. So we stopped adding in the whole milk, and I pumped extra at night after she went to bed. At the next pedi appt, our pedi told us to stop giving dairy completely until M is 2 and we can try soymilk but be aware that a large percent of babies who are sensitive to dairy is also sensitive to soymilk. He said we can try rice milk or just give calcium supplement. We recently gave her some yogurt, and she didn’t get any red spots on her face. So I think we’ll try offering a little more dairy products again to see how she does.


May 9, 2006
lili~I think I''ll take a week at least. We''ll see how I feel!!
The night wakings are just frustrating because she''s always been a really good sleeper and I just can''t imagine what I will do if she is waking at night when I''m home alone (DH travels a ton) with Kade.

Tacori~Trike is going back. It''s not spring for a while but I will probably let her ride around our house (hardwood floors). If you see any sales please do let me know. I so wish we had an Ikea in our town...I did look online a bit though. I''m hoping to make it to the one closest to us (3 hours) soon. I''ll also try Pier One. DH and I are having some built-ins added to the new house so adding this storage in the play room is def. an option too! THanks!

QT~T had a regression in sleep at 18 months. We let her CIO and it was over within 2 weeks but it was pretty miserable.
I think all kids go through regressions at times. T is going through another regression now. I do wonder if those of us who are preggo are having sleep problems with the older babies b/c of that, though?!?!

msb~I know, I''ve been terrible. I''ll try and get them on FB tonight!! Like I said to QT I wonder if our little ones don''t sense the whole new baby thing and are trying to just steal extra time with us?

janine~Sleep regression is NOT fun. It''s annoying having to wake and go into her room, especially since she''s always been a really good sleeper at night.

DD~Glad you got the nap stuff figured out! T was intolerant to dairy. Her pedi GI specialist really wanted us to "test her" right at 12 months. So, we started whole milk right at 12 mo. and it did NOT go well (puking, diarrhea, ect). We backed off for a couple months and then slowly re-introduced yogurt, cheese and then finally whole milk again. Luckily we had better luck at that point and is now doing great now with it and just needed time for her system to outgrow the intolerance. I think gradually introducing it is the way to go.

Tgal~I''ll keep ya posted. We''re trying a few things first....


May 9, 2006
Okay so I decided yesterday that this sleep regression stuff needs to end. I cannot have a toddler who wakes at night and needs me to comfort her before she''ll go back to sleep. So, I decided that we were NOT going to rock any more. It was a long night...she was probably up a total of 2.5 hours and I''m exhausted but I think she will start to understand that she''s not going to get her way so it''s no longer worth it to cry to wake me up. I don''t really care if she is awake and wrestling around/playing in the middle of the night. She quite frequently does that because she''s a VERY light sleeper, it''s the needing my attention before she can put herself back to sleep that needs to end. I think we''ll probably have a few more rough nights but am hoping we''re going to be back on track. Oh, and I also moved her bed time back a bit and took her to daycare for a few hours today to try and get her back into her "routine" in hopes that this all combined will eliminate the night wakes. Wish us luck!!


Jan 3, 2005
Burk: good luck! i really hope this works for you..

TGal: hehehe, sorry for being so nosy

DD: hi and welcome! Well this is what i did with K when i went back to work..a week or so leading to going back to the office i started changing my nursing routine where id give him a bottle in the morning (i had a stash so i used breast milk, but i guess u can use formula ?) anyhoo, id give him a bottle in the morning and id pump as much as i can before heading out from both breasts (id get about 5 oz or so from each since K stopped nursing at nite by 7/8 weeks) so id wake up quite full. then i''d do one pump at work around 10:30/11 (where i would normally give K his next milk feed) and thats the time i was done work (4ish) i was quite engorged, but ready to feed K as soon as i walked thru the give him one breast and pump the other..i would then again pump around 9 pm...hope all that made sense :) pretty much this was routine (give or take since its been a while :) )

7 am: bottle feed & pump at home
10:30/11 am: bottle feed & pump at work
2: bottle feed- no pumping
4: breast feed (from one breast and pump the other)
7: breast feed
9: pump

IF i felt like it and i was sleeping in late, id do another pump before hitting the sack, so maybe around 11ish..

TDM: hi and welcome :)


Nov 8, 2005
MsB thanks!

Burk: I was going to say pretty much what Tacori said. We have something from Ikea that is doing the job of toy storage and is a lot cheaper. I found baskets from Target that fit it perfectly. My DH does woodworking for a hobby and would probably make a built in unit if we were in our forever house. I think you said you will be moving soon. Maybe if your DH is handy he can build something or you can hire a carpenter to do it. I don't know how the price compares to the pottery barn one, but it would be really nice and custom to your space.


Feb 17, 2007
Good luck Burk! Hope Tayva doesn''t give you too much hassle-sleep training is such a PITA!


Nov 18, 2004
that''s what i do w/ J.
she can''t sleep w/ the nightlight either since then she''ll just want to play.
i always turn it on after she falls asleep.

lol...that is so funny and great that K can voice how he''s feeling.
makes it a whole lot easier when you try to figure out what is bothering him ^.^

ahh....the first grandchild.
C will be spoiled rotten.
thanks, but she is anything but sweet.
my camera is too slow to capture those impish smiles and laughs.

DD --
I continued BFing J for another 9 months after returning to work full time.
I bf''ed her when she''s home w/ me.
I pumped once or twice depending on schedule when I''m at work and once at night before going to bed.
Like QT said, good luck w/ pumping because it is hard work and time-consuming.
Welcome btw ^.^
Can''t believe your little Hunter is 10 months old already.

Good luck w/ the sleep training.

LOL...that''s so funny.
J does that too. She doesn''t play w/ dolls, but we put her baby clothes on her bears and monkeys.
And she''ll take them off or pull them down and say monkey is naked :D or else she''ll be streaking and screaming that j is naked.
It appears that J is going to the au natural phase too. Took hubby and myself to corner her and put on her pj.
It''s tougher now too because she knows how to pull the shirt off over her head

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Burk, I LOVE this from Ikea. I think it is awesome looking and I see it often on design blogs. They make baskets, doors and drawers to fit into the "cubbies." If I had the space I would do something like this in a heartbeat (screwed into the wall of course). It comes in different sizes, colors and you can buy it online. This could work for secondary storage. Maybe in a closet. Perfect for blocks, dolls, etc. My neighbor built an entire wall using this system and labeled the outside of the buckets. They come in different colors. Here is more details on that. This is cute from target. I can see three in a row with some colorful totes. This could also work. A couple of these would be ADORABLE in a playroom and also good for extra seating. There are lots of other products at Target too, Those are just a few ideas. Also look here! I LOVE the Avery 3 bin storage unit. Is that too girly though? These stackable units could give you a more custom look. Point is I don''t think you need to spend $1,000 on toy storage. But we all know I love me a bargain!
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