
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Aug 31, 2005
Thank you all for the diaper advice! After ANOTHER blowout this morning (and one yesterday) in the Cruisers, we''re trying Huggies. So far so good, but it''s only been one day and just a few poops. Wish us luck!


Feb 17, 2007
Ebree We have had no blowouts with the Kirkland (Costco) brand diapers believe it or not. Love them.

Janine I wouldn''t worry! We used a random picture too-it was the only recent one where both kids were relatively happy! Here''s the picture we used on the holiday cards this year with the caption "reaching out to say happy holidays". Seemed cute. And was easier than trying to force them to pose for us!.
I''m a fan of the non-posed shots but to be honest I don''t really scrutinize other people''s kids in their photos! So I doubt people will comment.

I say send em if you are comfortable and don''t if you aren''t. Don''t stress!

Can you all believe my little peanuts are going to be 1 this Saturday??? Crazy!!



Sep 21, 2006
great photo neat and happy early b''day to the boys!


May 9, 2006
Hey there mommy friends! Today is our last day before a 2 week break!! Yay!! We took T to the mall to see Santa last night and she was so excited all the way there and in the line but once we got to him she freaked out and wanted nothing to do with him! I finished ALL my Christmas shopping last night now all I have left to do is wrap. We have our nephews 1st b-day party tomorrow afternoon (1pm....seriously, who has a toddler party at 1??? Is that not a typical nap time or am I just crazy?) and then we''re going to spend Sunday finishing Kade''s nursery! Hope everyone has a great Friday!!

Tacori~My T does the same thing asking for kisses when she''s "hurt." As soon as I even get my lips close she says "feel better. Thank you mommy." Silly girls. I hear such great things about minivans, too, but I just can''t do it. I like our Acura MDX because it is a great size and has the possible 3rd row. DH will be driving the Tahoe/Escalade and then we''ll just take it for family trips, ect. I think you''re right and T senses upcoming changes because she has been so clingy to both of us. Last night we took her to the mall to see Santa and then DH took her home for bed and I stayed to finalize some shopping and he said she cried for me the whole way home. Sad.

DD~Sorry poor Hunter is having a tough time with naps. I think it''s probably a phase and I would let him CIO. T went through a similar phase (closer to 18 months so she would actually say "out mommy peeeees"
) and we just stuck to our guns and she quit within a week. Maybe he''s trying to get into a new nap schedule since you mentioned he''d gone to later naps and skipping morning naps?

neat~Happy early b-day to the boys!! That pic is adorable!!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 12/18/2009 12:50:59 PM
Author: Burk
Hey there mommy friends! Today is our last day before a 2 week break!! Yay!! We took T to the mall to see Santa last night and she was so excited all the way there and in the line but once we got to him she freaked out and wanted nothing to do with him! I finished ALL my Christmas shopping last night now all I have left to do is wrap. We have our nephews 1st b-day party tomorrow afternoon (1pm....seriously, who has a toddler party at 1??? Is that not a typical nap time or am I just crazy?) and then we''re going to spend Sunday finishing Kade''s nursery! Hope everyone has a great Friday!!

Tacori~My T does the same thing asking for kisses when she''s ''hurt.'' As soon as I even get my lips close she says ''feel better. Thank you mommy.'' Silly girls. I hear such great things about minivans, too, but I just can''t do it. I like our Acura MDX because it is a great size and has the possible 3rd row. DH will be driving the Tahoe/Escalade and then we''ll just take it for family trips, ect. I think you''re right and T senses upcoming changes because she has been so clingy to both of us. Last night we took her to the mall to see Santa and then DH took her home for bed and I stayed to finalize some shopping and he said she cried for me the whole way home. Sad.

DD~Sorry poor Hunter is having a tough time with naps. I think it''s probably a phase and I would let him CIO. T went through a similar phase (closer to 18 months so she would actually say ''out mommy peeeees''
) and we just stuck to our guns and she quit within a week. Maybe he''s trying to get into a new nap schedule since you mentioned he''d gone to later naps and skipping morning naps?

neat~Happy early b-day to the boys!! That pic is adorable!!
Neat, happy early bday to your cuties!

DD, agree with Burk. Amelia went through the same stage...a couple of times, including again the last week or so. She just hates going to bed and gets upset. My first line of defense is to put her down and try to make her stop crying by making her giggle. I just do something stupid like sing "opera" with my hands extended out (I guess I sound so bad it makes her laugh?) or if that doesn''t work, nuzzle and tickle her. At the first sight of the giggle, I smile at her and walk out of the room singing. Sometimes she resumes crying, but generally it''s been working. If she does start crying, I ignore it and it stops in a few minutes.

As of the last couple of nights, she still protests but stops cold when I walk out the door and shut it.


Nov 18, 2004
Like NF said, send it if you feel comfortable w/ it.
Most people, I think, know how difficult it is to get a good picture w/ babies anyway.
Personally, I like those non-christmasy christmas cards if you know what I mean.
Kinda like the one that TGal had of A

Hehe....don''t you just hate it when they do that? Grabbing for the camera?
It''s one of the reasons why I don''t have many pictures of Jadie now.
That and plus the fact that I''m getting lazy :razz:

That''s great.
Bummer about the return of the veins in future pregnancy though....but will that only be if you carry low again

Haha...we got those.
I got that reusable placemat too....but it''s still in the box after 1 yr.
Disposables are so convenient.
They are lifesavers for when we go to places that aren''t too high on the cleaniness.
And it also keeps J busy for a few minutes before the food arrives :D

haha....that is so cute.
J does the same thing too. She''ll do that w/ her toys or her daddy.
She''ll tell him to "hide" and walk out the door and said "bye bye, close the door".
So DH hid and she''ll come in and look around with both hands turn up to her shoulders and say "where''s daddy".
Then when she spots him, she''ll exclaim "there he is" or "there''s daddy" and squeal and run out the door again and say "bye bye".
Kept doing that for 10 minutes.

haha...yep...telling people where to sit too.
"mommy sit over here and daddy sit over there"
and narrating -- so funny and cute huh?

Hehe....I bet you J is just the same in terms of being a difficult child.
though I have to say that J is a bit more reserved when we are in public just because there are strangers around.
She did have one meltdown at a restaurant -- all out bawling w/ tears streaming down her face.

Awwww.....Max and Dexter are so cute.
Look at those smiles. I''m so used to seeing Dexter w/ his serious thinker look, so this smile is different :)
Can''t believe they are going to 1 already. Wow.
That''s a cute Christmas card by the way and love the caption ^.^


May 9, 2006
Tgal~You know, it's good to hear that even Amelia has these things happen with her sleep pattern!!
And LOL about your opera signing! I try distracting too....haven't tried opera yet, though!

lili~Carrying low is def. not helping my cause. At this point I doubt there will be a 3rd pregnancy but if there is they'll be further apart and therefor I may not carry quite so low so maybe I would have a chance...the other thing that caused them is all the exercise (especially the jumping in volleyball). I think J and my T are similar because T is pretty well behaved in public too, until she gets to know the people and then who knows what will happen!

ETA: puffy we must have been posting at the same time. T likes to help me wrap too. So cute! I can't wait to get home and put yoga pants on tonight!
When's your next appt? Will your doc check you again to see if there's any progress?


Nov 20, 2006
lili haha, not too sure of we''re going to find out THAT soon whether i''m super fertile during spring or not. DH is having a really hard time trying to convince me that we should even try for a third. i''m having such a hard time right now with being almost done with this pregnancy and watching over B, i can''t even imagine doing it all over again but with watching over 2 kids. i was BARELY 1cm at my appt yesterday and head was still high, so i am hopeful that he will come after christmas. haha, J sounds too cute!!!

tacori awwww, T sounds like she is doing well and just as cute as ever. B loves to open gifts too. so i just give him something small for him to open in the mornings, and it totally makes his day. he even promises to be good and "no fighting with mommy." haha.

jas12 hope you have a wonderful 2 weeks off with Co!

burk YAY for being almost done with xmas stuff! B''s been helping me "wrap" some small gifts and it is the funniest thing ever. i''ll get the wrapping paper out and he''ll tell me it''s not big enough then insists that i have to cut a piece that is 5x what i need. of course i end up doing it all over again when he is in bed. but it''s fun to watch him get so into it. have a wonderful 2 weeks off and enjoy wearing yoga pants everyday! you look great BTW!!

neat wishing your cute little guys a very happy early birthday!!

DD agree with burk and tgal. it could totally be a phase that he''s going through and he could be back to normal in a few days. good luck.


May 9, 2006
Oh, and forgot to mention that T has her Christmas program at school tonight! If I get any good video or pics I''ll post them on FB later tonight!


Nov 18, 2004
TGal--''s good to know that even A has her bouts of fighting sleep too.
Too funny about your opera singing.
W J, I just her stuff animals and doll to get her to comply.
Or else just turn off the lights and then she knows that she can''t finagle more time out of the night.

Burk-- true once they are in their comfort zone.
Ah.....forgot about the amount of jumping that you''ll have to do for volleyball.
Are you going to be teaching until your due date?

Puffy-- never know. You didn''t plan on having this one until later too :D
Finger tip dilated is progress :)
Maybe your little one will hold out until after B opened his christmas presents....and presents himself as another gift to B the next day ^.^
B is so cute w/ helping you w/ the wrapping.
J tried helping and ended up crumpling a whole roll of wrapping paper

Ahh....enjoy your 2 wks w/ Co and Charlie.


Jun 7, 2007
THANK YOU EVERYONE for your advice on tantrums! Some days are really good, others not so much.

Re: Nap strikes. James does this sometimes and it makes for a groucy baby. We use CIO, even though we don''t like it. We''ve had success with it though and James has been sleeping really well lately. He''s well on his way to 1 nap/day at almost 18 months.

Re: Diapers/blowouts. We''ve tried Pampers, Huggies, Up&Up (Target), Kroger brand (Comforts) and Meijer brand (Drybabies). The Up&Up ones did not work well for us at all but all of the others did. The Kroger brand are similar to Huggies and the Meijer brand are similar to the Pampers Cruisers. We buy whatever but tend to use the brand name at daycare and the cheap ones at home. Sometimes blowouts just happen, but for us if they''re happening a lot then we go up a size. James is transitioning into a size 5 right now. Also - the Kroger brand run small and the Meijer big compared to the brand name counterpart.

We need to take James to see Santa this will be so much fun! I got most of our holiday cards done but I still need to put some cute stickers on them and mail them out. Just in time!

I''ve been super busy at work and we have family coming into town this weekend for the holiday so if I''m not around have a Merry Christmas!


Jan 20, 2006
aww Neat, Max and Dexter are just so adorable!!! I love that picture!!!


Jan 3, 2005
hey mommies, How is everyone doing? we are gearing up for a wonderful fun and family filled Holiday week. My brother is coming tomorrow from AZ and staying with us for a few days and I can''t wait. I''ve got all of my shopping done other than waiting on one item to arrive in the mail and keeping fingers crossed it will make it. I think I''m as just as excited as the kids are about Christmas.

this morning Jake was walking in our kitchen and looked back at something and when he faced forward ran straight into the corner of the wall where the opening in to go into the family room. a bump and bruise showed up immediately and he of course was balling. poor little man. I just hate it when kids hit their heads
. He''s a-okay though and has been a happy camper all morning. Still waking up around 5:30am every day despite no change to his routine at all. I thought about moving his bed time back a little bit but he goes down with no trouble at 7:00 and I don''t want to mess with that. His naps are shorter now too.

tgal-are you still putting A down at 6?


Nov 18, 2004
Poor Jake. I hope the bump and bruise goes away soon....else he''ll have a ton of pictures of Christmas day to remind him.
How fun that your brother is coming to visit for the holiday.
Hmm...for some reason, I was always under the impression that you only have a sister :D

Poor you w/ Jake''s early wake-up.
J''s been waking up really late, but then again, she''s been going down late too (after 10:30 pm).
It was 9 this morning and when daddy went to get her, she sat up and just did a nose dive back into bed

How long is Jake''s nap?


Jan 29, 2007
Hi guys, I posted something several months ago about getting our son to sleep in a big-boy bed, and I just wanted to post an update, even though he is "technically" 37 months old now :)

We finally decided to move my son out of the nursery & crib when I found out I was pregnant this summer, so we ordered the twin size bed and furniture back in August, when he was 33 months old. It took 4 MONTHS to arrive, but it finally came on Friday.

Even though he was super excited about getting the furniture, and loves his new room, he was hesitant to sleep in the big boy bed, and asked for his baby crib.

So, Friday night, we told him that he had to spend 10 minutes in the big boy bed, and if he wasn''t asleep yet, then we would put him in his crib. When we checked him after 10 min., he was awake & asked for his crib, so we moved him over. Sat. night we did the same thing, but 15 min. Again, we moved him over after 15 min.

But yesterday, Sunday, he took his full nap in the big boy bed, and last night he agreed to try to sleep in the big boy bed. He slept for 13 hours last night, and didn''t get up and run around the house as I had feared! Then today he asked if he could nap in his big boy bed again. It took only 3 days to fully transition him to his new room - I was worried that he would want to go back to the nursery, since we''re keeping everything set up in there for the new baby that will arrive in April.

Anyway, I just wanted to share our success story. Thanks for listening!


Nov 18, 2004
that''s great!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Tessa is TOO funny. I drew a picture of a house (I am pretty good at drawing, figure drawing was my concentration in art school if you can believe that) and I showed her and she said "House! Knock knock!" and proceeded to knock on the door. Then I drew a christmas tree and she said "ooooh...kissmas tree. NO TOUCH!" Haha.

By the way when do you stop counting their months? I kinda a stopped once she hit two but this guy told me his daughter was 41 months

Vesper, glad he transitioned so easily? Probably helps that he is older. I have no plans to move her but she is trying to climb out of her crib which makes me nervous.


Burk, so cute she has little concerts! Hopefully she will adjust to Kade quickly. It must be confusing and scary for them when they are so young.

Puffy, you are a nicer mommy than I am! B cracks me up.

Lili, I love the pics of J on FB. She is so cute and really a beautiful little girl. I think the narrating is a bit annoying. She gets pissed if I don''t sit EXACTLY where she wants me too.
She even tries to get the cats to sit where she wants them too (which of course NEVER works). T is not reserved. If she is in a good mood she will flirt and talk to any stranger she sees.

Hello to everyone else! I am FINALLY done shopping. Still have to wrap a few things but no biggie. Hoping to have the motivation to hit the gym tomorrow.


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 12/21/2009 11:34:42 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
By the way when do you stop counting their months? I kinda a stopped once she hit two but this guy told me his daughter was 41 months

Lol-did you look at him confused for a few minutes while you tried to figure it out? I would have!

I personally think 24 months is about my limit.

More pics will be up on FB of the boys' party soon! They're 1 officially.

Thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes, they had a great party if I do say so myself!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Date: 12/22/2009 12:11:53 AM
Author: neatfreak
Date: 12/21/2009 11:34:42 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

By the way when do you stop counting their months? I kinda a stopped once she hit two but this guy told me his daughter was 41 months

Lol-did you look at him confused for a few minutes while you tried to figure it out? I would have!

I personally think 24 months is about my limit.

More pics will be up on FB of the boys'' party soon! They''re 1 officially.

Thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes, they had a great party if I do say so myself!

Yes! I was like ok...she is over 3 but I was trying to figure out the remaining months. I will say 2.5 but that''s as detailed as I plan to get. LOVE the video you posted. She is a great photographer!


Dec 29, 2004
mrss, it depends on her nap. If it''s short and she wakes up before 2 for any reason, we put her down at around 6-6:15. That rarely happens anymore because she is pretty consistent with her naps, waking up somewhere between 2 and 2:30. If that''s the case, she goes down at 6:45 (and that''s because by the time everything''s done, I never seem to get her in her crib by 6:30).

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
Tacori, that is so funny - christmas tree, no touch! Love it! I also wish that 'don't touch' didn't sound like a fun challenge to A.

Is anyone else's baby cranky after a nap? A never liked to nap, but we've finally got into a routine where she'll nap for an hour to an hour and a half in the afternoon. She always goes to bed at the same time at night and wakes round about the same time most mornings, so the routine is pretty set, but we have up to an hour of tears and tantrums after every nap. It's getting to the point where I almost want to skip the nap. I don't know why she's like this, except that I'm the same. If I sleep in the afternoon, I feel awful when I wake up, for about an hour. My mother told me that I was the same as a toddler.

NF, that's a fantastic pic of the boys, they look so grown up!



Nov 14, 2004
Meena is trying to unwrap gifts as I wrap them; she just wants to play with the wrapping papers and bows. Her cousins came over yesterday to drop off some gifts since Christmas is at our house again this year. Yay. All the aunts, uncles and cousins will be over. Even though it''s a lot of people, I prefer it at our house because there''s more to do (board games, Wii, poker, etc). But our nephews were touching and grabbing the ornaments, and I had to keep telling them "no touching". I am ok with the 16 months old going back and grabbing (I just chalked it up to him not understanding), but the 4 yrs old is out-of-control.

We went out with some friends for Christmas get together last Sunday, and we all took picture with Santa. M was ok with sitting next to Santa when I was holding her, but she cried when we try to get her to sit on Santa''s lap. The guy took a pic of her crying and wiggling to get off. Totally failed. LOL.

Glad the transition went well.

LOL on the "kissmas tree. No touch". Surprisingly, M hadn''t been trying to touch the tree or ornaments, but she did touch the stockings. DH kept taking the stockings off, and MIL and SIL kept putting them back on. He finally told them to leave it off, so M can''t pull on it. I am pretty happy that DH is aware of the hazard without me telling him.
Yay for finishing Christmas shopping. We finished this weekend too, well we started this weekend.

Happy Belated Birthday to the boys.

Happy Holidays to everyone else.


Nov 20, 2006
hi mommies...

hope everyone has a great holiday on friday.

i am now the mommy of 2 kids!! baby noah was born this morning at 7:54. had a pretty smooth L&D. anyways, take care mommies and kids!! i''ll be reading, but probably not posting.


Sep 21, 2006
I think 24 mo''s is my limit too. Even now I alreadyl say C is one, even though tech she is almost 15 mo''s. I clarify it for family etc., but when randoms ask, I say "just over one". In a few months I''lll say 1 1/2 etc.


Nov 18, 2004
OMG Puffy--
Can''t wait to see pictures of baby Noah!
The timing couldn''t be more perfect huh since now you can spend time w/ all your boys for Christmas.


Sep 21, 2006
Date: 12/22/2009 4:30:33 PM
Author: puffy
hi mommies...

hope everyone has a great holiday on friday.

i am now the mommy of 2 kids!! baby noah was born this morning at 7:54. had a pretty smooth L&D. anyways, take care mommies and kids!! i''ll be reading, but probably not posting.
I saw this on the pg forum, but going to say congrats again!! Sounds like a picture perfect L&D. yay!!

can''t wait to see pics :)


Nov 14, 2004
Congrats puffy! Can''t wait to see pics of Noah.
It''s wonderful that you will be able to spend Christmas with B and little Noah.


Nov 18, 2004
LOL....J does the same thing when I drew a picture of the house.
She''ll say the same thing and knock on the door.
Then I have to draw the door open and she''ll pretend to open it.
It''s funny how they like to have you draw things and identify them huh?

Hehe....too cute and funny about the "don''t touch" when T is talking about the Christmas tree.
J is actually pretty good about hands off w/ the decorations.
She''ll ask to have the lights on and she''ll just stand afar and admire it (even though it the tree is as bare as can be. I should put some ornaments on it). Oh, and she''ll sing ''oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, lovely your branches'' whenever I plug in the light

Funny thing this past weekend when we were at my sister''s house.
J was touching one of her ornament of a rocking horse and she accidentally pulled it off.
She gently put the horse back on the branches and stepped back from the tree with her hands behind her back like she had nothing to do w/ it :D

Regarding the age in months. I''m like you-- stop after 2yrs. I will say just over 2 yrs, 2.5 yrs, or almost 3 to be more exact.

Man, how I envy Amelia''s sleep schedule!
What time does she get up in the morning?

Oo...better get on over to FB and check out your cuties.

How does Amelia behave w/o that nap?
Could it be that she didn''t nap enough?

Ha, I don''t think I''ve come across a toddler who is happy to sit on Santa''s lap.
As much as Jadie likes santa and snowman, she''s ok w/ them from afar.
When we were looking at the decorations, she shied away from the huge decorations when we walked too close....but she was "oh, pretty" from afar.


Oct 6, 2004
Congrats puffy, mommy of two boys! Welcome baby Noah! Can''t wait to see pictures! So happy that you get to spend Christmas with B and baby perfect!


Dec 29, 2004
Puffy, congrats! Wow, went so fast!

lili, she wakes up between 6:30 and 7, but usually at 6:45 (go figure, exactly 12 hours after I put her down). I don''t go into the room until 7:30 since she is happy to sing and hang out by herself.
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