
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Jun 7, 2007
I need some advice from my mommy friends! James is really getting into tantrums these days. Fine. BUT, he bangs his head on things when he doesn''t get his way
For example, when he decides he''s done eating he''ll throw the spoon on the floor (okay with me) and then bang his head on the back of the highchair!
The other thing he does is he''ll throw himself on the floor (again, okay with me) but then bang his head on the floor. Ahhhhh! I don''t want to encourage the behavior by rushing over to him and giving in to his demands, but I do not want him to get hurt.
Anybody have any experience with this? It breaks my heart to watch it.

BURK - James loves his daddy soo much too. Luckily he''s usually around but when he does have to leave (for work in the a.m. or if he''s on call and has to leave suddenly) James will throw a major tantrum (see above). He''s only 17 months though so I''m hoping that the tantrums will calm down when he understands that daddy will be back soon.

JAS - James says da da all the time. Hardly ever says ma ma though. He''s funny because he does make a lot of sound effect type noises! Cute cute cute! We live in the burbs and love it!! Hahahaha at the boys climbing in the cabinets!

CURLY - I think kids are better behaved with relatives too.


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 12/15/2009 9:39:44 PM
Author: DivaDiamond007
I need some advice from my mommy friends! James is really getting into tantrums these days. Fine. BUT, he bangs his head on things when he doesn''t get his way
For example, when he decides he''s done eating he''ll throw the spoon on the floor (okay with me) and then bang his head on the back of the highchair!
The other thing he does is he''ll throw himself on the floor (again, okay with me) but then bang his head on the floor. Ahhhhh! I don''t want to encourage the behavior by rushing over to him and giving in to his demands, but I do not want him to get hurt.
Anybody have any experience with this? It breaks my heart to watch it.
Diva, my friend has a son who is 26 months old and has been doing the headbanging tantrum thing for a while. She picks him up and puts him in his room (they have a mattress on the floor right now, but I''m guessing she''d put him on the bed if the mattress wasn''t there) and tells him he can come out when he''s ready to be calm. It prevents him from doing any damage to his head (he proceeds to tantrum on the mattress) and the consequence is he''s removed from the situation and attention he would garner otherwise. Sometimes she has to bring him back to his room several times, but he knows the drill. Sometimes it takes a while but it seems to work well for her.


Jan 3, 2005
hi everyone!! i've been a bad bad baddddd pser!!! i really admire u ladies for being able to keep up with this thread!! i always seem to get a chance to go thru the threads and before i have time to reply am pulled into doing something else!

life has been hectic to say the least..the cupcake business is going really well and its hard keeping up with the orders especially with a toddler and a growing belly!

I had my 3 month NT scan two days ago!!! all is well and great..ive attached a picture of the little bean :) he/she was asleep for most of it..wouldnt budge at allll!!! then started doing cartwheels and flips and was hilarious and as my husband said "these little suckers really know how to make u fall totally and madly in love with them!!"

so i can start telling ppl IRL now!!! im excited about them finding out ...but not sure how to let them know..i guess my growing belly will be enuf :) (is it just me or does the tummy REALLY come out quickly the second time around???)

K has been throwing tantrums NON is NOT fun!!! he does the whole throw myself on the floor and bang my head thing too...i just tend to ignore him (he doesnt bang his head too hard and usually has his hands out so he bangs against his hands)..the more i "address" the situation, the more he flips..i realized the quicker i pretend like he isn't doing anything to get my attn, the quicker he gets over it...again this depends on how 'extreme' of a tantrum he is throwing and what sort of possible damage he could cause himself, but ignoring him for the most part works...hes calmed down a bit though coz he realized that he will NOT get what he wants if he throws a tantrum but WILL get it if he asks nicely..


very self-centric post....argh..i hate being this way!!

sorry...i miss u ladies!! but i keep up with most of you on FB which is nice..(but i can no longer access FB from work!!! hrmph!!!)



Dec 9, 2002
Add me to the tantrum set. Delaney is a little force to be reckoned with. I have no idea what to do other than ignore her if we are home or put her in a time out.

At the store is another thing entirely. She''s amazingly capable of melting down COMPLETELY in public.

MSB....that''s an awfully adorable bean you''ve got there. I love him/her! Awwww.....sweet bebe...

My ring should be back tomorrow!!! YAY!

nitey nite ladies...Catch you manana.


Jan 3, 2005
awwww diver! so sweet of you :) i love this shot coz u can see the profile very clearly! the ears, eyes, nose and still amazed how all these features and limbs are there and yet the bean is only 5 cms!

and public tantrums!!eeeeek..those r the worst!! those moments ignoring them just gets u dirty looks from other ppl!


Aug 31, 2005
Hello! Lurker popping in to ask a quick question about diapers.

We''ve used Pampers Swaddlers with no problems since H was a newborn, but since we''ve upgraded to the Cruisers, he''s had over half a dozen blowouts in two weeks! Has anyone else had this problem? Which diapers are your favorites for size 3 and up?



Apr 9, 2005
msb, so great to see you and your little bean!!! Are you going to find out the sex?

Tantrums. Yup, we''ve been in full tantrum mode since Lily was about 17-18 months old. She''s now 2.5 and they haven''t stopped yet (they are pretty darn bad too and in public) and Lucy is hot on her heels but she''s easier to ignore so she just moves on when we don''t pay attention to her!
Good times, good times!

Ebree, we haven''t had any problems with Cruisers. If he''s blowing out, you may want to try sizing up. Also, if he''s sitting up and it happens, regardless of the size of the diapers, poop goes up!
I''ve heard Huggies work better for boys but I have no experience with that. I''m sure some of the other moms will chime in.


Sep 21, 2006
msb: your bean is so cute and what a clear shot!

curly: I''m so happy you had a great vacay with DH! I had similar expereince with C when we went away, she seemed to barely notice and kind of blase when we returned! And she def has a different persona with family and even DH compared to me. I come home and my mother is quietly doing her thing while C is doing her thing. When she sees me she gets very whiney and needy and wants to be carried 24/7! I don''t really mind but it amazes me that she switches or turns on aspects of her personality with me!

re tantrums: mini ones so far, not huge ones. I am not good with ignoring her I may be creating a beast (that''ll show up around 18mo''s)..and come to think of it, may be the reason for what I described above (whining when I''m around). Need to work on that!


Nov 9, 2005
Date: 12/16/2009 1:02:15 PM
Author: EBree
Hello! Lurker popping in to ask a quick question about diapers.

We''ve used Pampers Swaddlers with no problems since H was a newborn, but since we''ve upgraded to the Cruisers, he''s had over half a dozen blowouts in two weeks! Has anyone else had this problem? Which diapers are your favorites for size 3 and up?

Ebree - like Curly mentioned, we had to use huggies once we were done w/ swaddlers. The cruisers and I think baby dry?? didn''t work. We''ve had no problems w/ the huggies at all.

Since I''m here

Burk - we tried the nebulizer last night w/ TV distraction and it worked for some of the time! I''ll take it! Hopefully the more we do it, the more he''ll start to relax during treatment....a girl can dream anyway


May 9, 2006
Greetings, all. I had a terrible final improv class last night, and have been so cranky. We have one young man, maybe 22. He lets everyone know right off the bat that he has social anxiety disorder and then proceeds to take every opportunity to be as nasty as possible to and one other woman in particular because, as he puts it, "it''s more fun" to be hostile to us. When anyone calls him on it, he says it''s his disorder. (My understanding of social anxiety usually doesn''t include open hostility) I know that he''s acting like this because he truly feels terrible about himself and in some ways is trying to "prove" what he thinks we all think about him, but it''s hard to deal with. Last night, because it was our last class, I think he was undergoing separation anxiety...and spent 2 hours telling me I am ugly, untalented, manly, a bad parent...on and on. I finally told him to stop and he said, "No." He''s slippery like quicksilver, that one.

I''m exhausted. I''m also worried that for our show on Saturday, he''s going to rush to pair with me, because no one else will let him "win" in a scene. I have never in my life met anyone who tried so desperately to get a rise out of me...for kicks. It would be almost funny if...well, if it were funny at all.

It''s hard to be called a bad parent, even by someone with minimal people skills who''s never seen me parent at all. Even by jerks.

He has sent me running for donuts the morning after class for almost a year. Fortunately, extracating 2 babies from cabinets keeps my metabolism running high.

Yes, I am well aware that the preceeding paragraph had nothing to do with parenting. I just like sharing the wackadoo stories of my life.

So for purposes of staying on topic -- Dang it all if my kids don''t poop a lot. There ya go.


Mrssalvo -- shows and more shows! goodness!

Burk -- yes, I think I''ve mentioned this house before. The proximity to both my family and DH''s has led us to some productive discussions, but I''m still tense about it. I do love the house and the schools, though, so we''re just going to have to be consistent about our boundaries. I actually had to specify that "calling ahead before visiting" does not mean "calling when you are pulling into the driveway to tell me you''re here." I''m SO glad you got some sleep the other night.

Janine -- The boys are 15 months. Slow to talk, but jabbering away and signing and nodding and gesturing. Everyone in my family were slow talkers, so I''m not worried. I am just mildly amused that "cheese" comes before "mama" Oh NO on the dishwasher discovery...I hear you on that!

Puffy -- I''m so excited for you!!!!

Hi Curly!

Diva -- I have no tantrum advice, although I''m sure mine are coming. I''m the only one in the house who has them at this point. I can only imagine how hard that is to watch. Hang in there.



Sep 21, 2006
jas, C is almost 15 mo''s and a slow talker too. A few words but mostly babble (with enunciation) and gestures. I know she understands a lot, but doesn''t care to mimic words. So kind of reassuring to know she''s not the only one..


May 9, 2006
Janine -- some day in a few months, we''ll be looking back on this and saying, "Now, why exactly were we in such a rush to have them talk?"


May 9, 2006
janine~It is cute in some ways that she misses her daddy. It wasn't like this until just recently-I used to be her favorite!
I'm sure C will get to a daddy's girl stage as well!

puffy~I am not above running to the grocery store in my PJ's!
T asks for DH when he's not there or will talk about how he's at work but never is she okay with it!

curly~Sounds like the girls did awesome! Yay for a good trip all around!

Diva~So sorry about the head banging. That would concern me as well. T throws some crazy tantrums but never has done that. I would maybe just remove him from the situation (maybe put him in a time-out spot if you have one) and then walk away and ignore again. I like what Kimberly's friend did with the crib. Maybe try that? Good luck!

msb~Yay for the little bean! Great pic!

Ebree~We switched to Huggies for size 3 and up and love them. Maybe move up a size or try a different brand?

cdt~Yay for some success with the TV. I think over time he'll realize he has no other option and just relax. T still has days where she gets mad she has to do hers but for the most part just started to get into the routine of it and knows no different any more.

Jas~Okay, so I'm not losing my mind! I'm glad you've been able to set some boundaries. I hope they're able to follow them!! Sorry about the weirdo in your class!

DH came home early (well, 5, which is early for him) last night and he and T had daddy bonding night. I met my sister at the mall to finish up some Christmas shopping and T and daddy had dinner together, played, they went to the store together (to pick up batteries for one of her toys he kept forgetting to get the batteries for) and he did bed time routine. Wouldn't you know it, she did not wake once last night! I'm hoping she's at the point now where she's feeling close to 100% so the night wakings will stop and therefore the freak-out sessions for her daddy in the middle of the night will stop. Cross your fingers for us because she won't see DH tonight......



Nov 20, 2006
msb awww, so cute!!! love the u/spic. i can''t believe you are that far along. hope you are doing well.

jas thanks...i''m pretty excited to have a newborn again but those sleepless nights..YIKES!

burk awww, that''s so cute that T and her daddy had the night to hang out and even better that she didn''t wake up at all!! oh believe me, i would go out in my pjs but B doesn''t like it when i don''t change and try to go out. so weird that kid is!! have you finished your holiday stuff?

hope everyone is taking care.


Nov 18, 2004
Awww....what a cute us.
Congrats and have fun telling people in IRL.
So have you clue K in that he''s going to be a big brother yet?

Burk-- cute that T misses daddy that much...but I bet it was hard on you seeing her not handling his out of town trips that way.
Anyway, just wanted to say that you great and adorable....and can''t believe at some of the comments you are getting.
What surprise me more is that they are from males.....kinda creeps me out though since that meant they''ve been looking that closely at your body huh?

And sorry to hear about the varicose veins...are they painful?
Hope the infection and the veins go away soon (or once baby Kade) is here.

Bobo--''s funny how they seem to pick up those naughty words so quickly.
So is DH more cautious about what he says when B is within ear distance?

Wow, you are quite the hostess.
I could never handle that many people, let alone 8 5 yr olds under one roof.
Lily must be grinning from ear to ear w/ all the festivities centered around her.

Hehe...that''s so cute Jake is obssessed w/ coloring.
I don''t think J would sit more than 2 minutes w/ any type of sedentary activity.
She''s like Lily and needs to get up on her feet and move.

Haha....we''ll see if you are indeed fertile around the spring time

The good thing about having all of them with the same bday is that you can make one big party for all of them at the same time (if you are lazy like myself :)
That was our plan initially -- to try and have 2 babies in the same month....but that pretty much goes out the door...unless it''s going to take me a whole year to TTC :razz:
Good luck w/ the apt tomorrow.
Hope you get some progress.

LOL...your boys are a riot.
I hope you were able to capture their cabinet stunt on tape.
Can''t believe they are 15 months already.
too funny about them not saying mama. I think they do know and is just holding out on you....their ploy to see what you''ll do to entice them to say it.
Good luck w/ the move!

I can just picture C going on and on once she figure out talking.
She''s an animated one for sure.
LOL...about the dishwasher...but scary about the knives.
J loves the dishwasher too...fortunately, I only use the dishwasher as a storage for cookie bowls and chopping boards.

LOL....those fake cries are pretty funny.
I can tolerate them as long as they are not full on shrieking.
How''s C liking the laptop? Or are you saving it for Xmas?


Nov 14, 2004
Cute cute u/s pic.

I just ignore M when she go on her little tantrums or I''ll take her out of the area, and she usually stop pretty quickly after that. M does head banging, not for tantrums but for fun; she''ll bang her head on her highchair or side of her crib and laugh. We just tell her no, take her away and give her something else to do. It doesn''t stop her from going back to do it though. I am actually not that worry of her hurting herself b/c I don''t think she''ll bang it so hard that it''ll actually cause harm.


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 12/16/2009 6:53:07 PM
Author: qtiekiki
I just ignore M when she go on her little tantrums or I''ll take her out of the area, and she usually stop pretty quickly after that. M does head banging, not for tantrums but for fun; she''ll bang her head on her highchair or side of her crib and laugh. We just tell her no, take her away and give her something else to do. It doesn''t stop her from going back to do it though. I am actually not that worry of her hurting herself b/c I don''t think she''ll bang it so hard that it''ll actually cause harm.

LOL...J does the headbang too for fun.
She''ll drive her head (gently though) on the headboard and said "bang".
Then she''ll rub the back of her head and said "that hort" and do it again


Sep 21, 2006
Date: 12/16/2009 6:59:27 PM
Author: lili

LOL...J does the headbang too for fun.
She''ll drive her head (gently though) on the headboard and said ''bang''.
Then she''ll rub the back of her
head and said ''that hort'' and do it again
Lili that is just so cute!


Sep 21, 2006
Just wanted to get some mommy input on something minor--we took amateur family shots for our Xmas card. C was really not in the mood and cried (tantrum style) everytime we got in pose position and camera was ready. Or she''d go nuts reaching for the camera (she is obsessed with gadgets).

Bottom line is the pics are not good. She either has head turned or looks sad. The LEAST bad one was with us smiling and her kind of staring, but she doesn''t look thrilled and nose is a bit red. I had to rush things so used that shot...(my mom told me kids never look perfect in these photos), but now that I look at the mock up a few days later I''m kind of bummed--she clearly is not happy. All the cards I''ve received show smiling babes and kiddies. What would you do....send it out and know people say things like "Oh man she looks cranky!" or pass this year...
Doing proper portraits next year!


Apr 9, 2005
janine, we got over the whole posed photo thing for our Christmas cards after the first year because it''s impossible to get either one of them to sit still and even harder to get a posed shot of the two of them together. So we just used random cute photos. They are not in any kind of holiday clothing and DH and I aren''t in the photos. For us, it''s more about sharing our kids with our friends and family and it seems to work. Plus, I couldn''t deal with the stress of the "photo shoot" and picking out coordinating outfits, etc. We were going to use the pro photos that they had taken at school but they actually look like mug shots so we''re just going with candid photos that show their personalities. Fortunately, I''ve actually been able to capture some moments of the 2 of them hugging and being super cute together so that''s what we''re using. I don''t think holiday card photos need to be "perfect". Most people look at them and throw them out anyway!!


May 16, 2006
Hi gang. Just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday in case i don''t get the chance to before Christmas.
I am off for 2 glorious weeks as of tomorrow aft. and since i''ll be at home with Co and family i probably won''t get to post much.
So i hope everyone has an amazing holiday. Enjoy watching the kiddies open their gifts, Christmas is so much fun with kids isn''t it?!


Jan 3, 2005
janine-I like curly''s suggestion of finding a few other good pics and using them in a collage or something. I ordered mine from snapfish this year and it''s 3 photos, one of Jake, one of the girls with santa and one of the 3 of them. I think most people really do just like seeing updated pics and it doesn''t matter how they are really dressed. I probably wouldn''t use a pic where you think people will think she''s cranky, unless you decided to play on that look and turn it into a joke like Tgal''s card (did you see it on FB?)

jas12-Merry Christmas to you too. I hope you have a wonderful time home with Co and yes, seeing the kids open presents at Christmas is just the best!

jake just left the room and I''ve got to go hunt him down before he climbs up on back in a bit....


Sep 21, 2006
thanks mrssalvo and curly. I kind of realize now I should have just found a good photo of her and not worry about the xmas background. We managed it last year b/c C was too little for it to matter what her expression was. Lesson learned.
Problem is I already put an order in for 30+ cards to make the xmas deadline.

I think what I will do is try to take a better shot of her on my day at home and then just have it done at Target (immediate turnaround). At least I can make a handful to send to the A list so to speak. We don''t really have any great recent shots...

Like I said, lesson learned and no wonder all my friends send pics of kids without the parents (ie just a good shot of the kiddies vs. family). Although they all have multiple kids so I figured it was harder for them vs with just one....

And Curly, you have so many great shots of your girls, I''m sure it wasn''t hard!

Thanks again!!


May 9, 2006
puffy~I think it was really good for both of them to have some time together and do there own thing. So funny that B won''t let you where your PJ''s out!! I am almost done with my Christmas shopping. Just have to buy for SIL so she and I are going shopping and she''ll pick the stuff out and I''ll buy it!

lili~It is hard for me to see her so upset at his absence since I am so helpless but it melts my heart that she misses him so much. Thanks for the reassurance on my preggo state. I was a little surprised at the male co-worker but really nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to what people will say to a preggo! The varicose veins aren''t painful at all...just odd. Infection is gone (3 day med) and doc says the veins will very likely go away after Kade is here. He did say that even if they do go away they will very likely return for any future pregnancies!

janine~You saw our pics for holiday cards....not much to choose from in the family photos. I chose one where T isn''t smiling and then a pic of just her where she is. I figure it''s the thought of sending the card that counts. Getting toddlers to cooperate is near impossible!!

Jas12~Happy Holidays to you too!! Hope you enjoy your 2 weeks off...I know I will!!


Jan 3, 2005
all you smartie PS mom's may have already found these but I wanted to share just in case. I always love the disposable placemats they offer at Chick Filet and found these at Target. they fit right in my diaper bag and are great for on the go eating! oh and the container with placemats was only around $8 and the refills are around $7 a pack.


May 9, 2006
mrss~I have one that''s reusable but it''s a PITA to have to bring it home and clean it after use so those look way better to just toss when done. May have to check them out! Thanks!


Jan 3, 2005
burk, I seriously love them. i did just notice they are BPA free so Tgal and Tacori would approve

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I am so behind. Life is going here in NC. Just trying to concentrate on getting through the holidays. Tessa has been speaking more and more sentences. Not sure how she even learned some of the stuff she says. She is OBSESSED with our cats and will try to find them "where''s kitties?" and when she does "I found kitty" and says their names, tickles them (while saying "tickle, tickle") and when they fight she narrates the fight. It''s pretty funny. She has been LOVING lighting the menorah. She always signs happy birthday and tries to blow them out but still gets excited. And of course she is totally into opening her gifts. She will be well practiced by the time x-mas rolls around. I love the expressions and facial expressions. She is getting SO bossy and likes to tell DH and I (and even strangers) where to sit. Exactly where and gets quite annoyed if we don''t comply. I took her to our weekly McD''s date (we spend two long hours there) and she was telling these older kids where to sit. Then a 6 year old (maybe) told her he didn''t speak baby anymore and couldn''t understand her. He said he stopped speaking it when he was 4. It was hysterical. Poor T. She still tried to communicate with him. It is impossible to get her to leave and it is always a fight. I have to either bribe her or carry her out kicking and screaming. Makes me not want to take her but I give in b/c it is nice to have something to do.

Tantrums, I think I mentioned a few weeks ago how brutal T''s have gotten. She can get really physical where she runs into the wall or closed doors. I ignore her. I do get mean looks or comments like " you know your daughter is crying" in public but I refuse to give into bad behavior. I did go comfort her and try to talk her down yesterday after 20 mins of her screaming b/c I didn''t let her go upstairs. I know she is just testing the boundaries but it is scary when they hurt themselves.

MrsS, I love those. They make some really cute ones and makes eating out easier. I cannot believe you had 14 people staying with you. Wonder woman!

Janine, our holiday card is a family pic but I lucked out since it was a pro pic from my sister''s wedding. Otherwise it would have just been of T. Don''t worry. C WILL talk! 18-24 months is when I really noticed T''s vocab improving. I don''t feel that young. I''ll be 30 soon. But I am in no rush.

Jas12, have a great 2 weeks off!

Ebree, pampers still work for us (we are in size 5). Guess it depends on the shape of your baby. I only get blow outs when I need to move up in size.

Jas, sorry you are dealing with a bully. Do we EVER outgrow middle school? How horrible. Remember these are HIS issues not yours. You are an amazing woman, an amazing comic, an amazing mom...don''t let him win.

Curly, yay to a great vacay. Your girls are too funny. I love how they perked up when they remembered mommy''s food is better than grandma''s.

msb, I am so happy for you. Beautiful u/s! I have heard 3 is worse.

diver, yay for your new diamond. Take lots of pics!!!

Q, what will be, will be. I try not to think about it too much and just focus on T.

Lili, I am youngish and T IS a difficult child. Haha. You have never met her! Haha. I have some canon video camera with mini discs.

Bobo, I e-mailed one of the professors and he told me not to worry about the delay. Phew! I HATE it when T repeats a word she shouldn''t. It''s like they KNOW.

Burk, if we have a second kid I might convince DH to get a minivan. Everyone seems to love them. Hope T is feeling better! I do think her attachment to her dad is normal. Plus kids are smart. She senses the changes that are about to happen. I think it is normal for her to be clingy for awhile. Breaks my heart when she looks for DH and he isn''t home though.

Puffy, you aren''t going to try for a girl?
We are doing well. Hope you go into labor soon!

Diva, unfortunately those types of tantrums are normal. I try to ignore her unless I think she is seriously going to hurt herself.


Dec 16, 2007

Need some advice from moms of older kids pretty please! Hunter is 10 months old has been going on a bit of a nap strike lately. He used to go down great and now he cries and cries. For a while I was getting him and letting him play a little more, but then he went too long without sleeping (5 hours!). Now when I start walking him to his bedroom he already starts getting upset
Doe I use CIO in this situation?? Did you LOs pull this type of schenanigans?


Dec 16, 2007
Tantrums I wanted to share a technique my friend used with her now 4 year old to great success, as did a friend of mine with her 3 year old. When the kid started pitching a fit, she would try to firgure out what the emotions was -- anger, frustration usually, but sometimes something else. Then she would say get down to the kids level and say, "Zoe''s mad. She''s angrey because mommy won''t let her play with the dishwasher. She''s really mad." Often something about empathising like that would calm her down. Other times she would say that and then say, "When Zoe calms down mommy will be right over there." And then she would go hang out in the other room and just check on her once and a while.
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