
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I finally made it to the gym today. It was difficult but T was SOO excited. It was nice to get a break but I don''t understand how quickly I can get out of shape when it takes FOREVER to get in shape. So unfair. I have a thread in hangout b/c I am trying to find more things to do for myself. Trying to keep the focus on me. I think it is common for moms to sometimes forget about our needs. Anyways I don''t want to get too far into that.

QT, I guess I am lucky b/c once T hit 6 months she has been a sleeper and has never had any regressions. Like Tayva I wonder if she senses change coming and that could be causing her some stress. Good luck with it. My heart goes out to you.

msb, I SWEAR I do not sniff my food. It is so odd. Sometimes she actually touches her nose to the food. She is kinda picky. T always makes out well. She is spoiled!

janine, yay for toxic relatives having other plans!!! Family is tough sometimes. I am only now aware of how much dysfunction there are in relationships.

DD, I only BFed for 6.5 months so I am no help. I introduced organic whole milk at a year. Isn''t he almost a year? Welcome over here. I know change is tough sometimes I also know you will adjust
We are a nice group if I do say so myself.

TDM, come join us. I always learn more from moms who have kids older than mine.

TGal, yes I did. She blows on it and everything. It is hysterical.

Lili, my kid loves being naked. She is behind so she cannot take off her shirt completely by herself yet. It gets stuck. She can take off her pants and diaper which is annoying.

Burk, good luck with T''s sleep. annoying!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I posted this in the best find thread but thought I would repost it here.

Attention is time for Target's toy clearance Wasn't as impressed as last year. Last year was amazing but it might be better in different markets. I picked up a doctor's set for $7. It's cute but I am going to hold off on giving it to her. I don't mind buying toys in advance if they are a good deal. Also saw LOTS of dolls (she wanted them all), play food, play tools, stuffed animals, and cars.


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 12/29/2009 10:50:48 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
I posted this in the best find thread but thought I would repost it here.

Attention is time for Target's toy clearance Wasn't as impressed as last year. Last year was amazing but it might be better in different markets. I picked up a doctor's set for $7. It's cute but I am going to hold off on giving it to her. I don't mind buying toys in advance if they are a good deal. Also saw LOTS of dolls (she wanted them all), play food, play tools, stuffed animals, and cars.

I was just at Target today, and I agree w/ you that the selection this year is pathetic

Or was the clearance sale not on yet because I didn't see any dolls


Nov 18, 2004
Good for you for getting back into the gym.
Hubby pretty much have given up in getting me to go workout.
Surprisingly enough, I was pretty motivated when I was preggo and actually went walking on the treadmill 3x a week.
I haven''t done any exercises (unless you count getting on and off the couch to get snacks) since J was born

Haha....that''s too cute that T is smelling her food.
Reminds me of Hawkeye in MASH.
J doesn''t smell her food, but she''ll always do a taste test.
She''ll eat it and spit it out whenever it is a new food.

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
DD, good luck with the transition back to work. If it''s any help, when I went back to work, I fed A first thing in the morning then again when I got home and once before bed. My supply was ok at that, but she was 14, nearly 15 months, so it was easier. I was never really successful with pumping, max I ever got with a really good pump was about 3/4 oz- it really wasn''t an indication of how much milk was available. Plus it was pointless, since she wouldn''t feed from a bottle anyway.

I switched her to that schedule from on demand about two weeks before I went back so it wasn''t too much change all at once.


Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Lili, they had a lot of dolls where I was. There was a peek-a-boo doll she was pretty obsessed with. She kept putting things in the cart and I kept sneaking them out. Haha. I have gained 4 lbs since thanksgiving. No joke. I am not happy but I was stressed, bored, cold and those cookies sure tasted good! Another reason I cannot lose weight is I crave cookies in the morning. I buy those oreo cakester 100 calorie packs and eat them in secret so she doesn''t ask "can I have some?" Anyways this morning she came really close to me and started sniffing my breath! She even has this hysterical sniffing face. She then said "Cookies! Cookies? Can I have some mommy?" Opps. Busted!


Nov 9, 2005
Date: 12/30/2009 11:10:18 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Lili, they had a lot of dolls where I was. There was a peek-a-boo doll she was pretty obsessed with. She kept putting things in the cart and I kept sneaking them out. Haha. I have gained 4 lbs since thanksgiving. No joke. I am not happy but I was stressed, bored, cold and those cookies sure tasted good! Another reason I cannot lose weight is I crave cookies in the morning. I buy those oreo cakester 100 calorie packs and eat them in secret so she doesn't ask 'can I have some?' Anyways this morning she came really close to me and started sniffing my breath! She even has this hysterical sniffing face. She then said 'Cookies! Cookies? Can I have some mommy?' Opps. Busted!

Ok....I'm normally a lurker on this thread, but I had to post after reading this!! This has be cracking up right now
Tessa is such a little clown! Love it! She must keep you entertained!!!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
cdt, she does make me laugh. She has *a lot* of personality and is too smart for her own good. Or is it for my own good? Probably both.


Nov 14, 2004
LMAO on Tessa sniffing your breath and busting you.
We opened the doll stroller for M yesterday, and she loves pushing it around. But she doesn’t want the doll in it, just random stuffed animals. Then she took the stuffed animals out, and tried to sit in the stroller. I had to keep telling that she doesn’t fit in it. Haha.
I asked DH if he wants to exchange for the trike with the push bar yesterday, but he didn’t really respond. We do have our nephew’s FP or Step 2 trike with a push bar in the backyard that M had been using, so maybe she can use that until she learn to ride the Radio Flyer one. Not decided.
You are much better than me. I didn’t even exercise when I was pregnant with M. The only reason DH hasn’t been on my case is that I lost all the weights from BFing. The funny thing is everyone thinks I work my butt off to get back in shape. No not really.
You are right that it’s probably not going to as bad as I imagine with a toddler and newborn since I do have a lot of help if I need it. I guess it’s just a fear of the unknown type of thing.
I wonder if the pregnancy has something to do with the sleep issues. We’ve been responding to her cries, but I decided not to last night. So I put her down in her crib, she cried for 10 min and fell asleep. Then she woke up crying at 4:30am, and we didn’t go over to her room. She stopped crying after 15 min. I’ll see how it goes tonight. At least I have tomorrow off.
Hopefully T will get back to her routine soon.
Sorry you are having sleep issues with K too. Did you tell K about the baby yet? I guess we’ll just have to take it a day at a time with our toddler and newborn.
Thanks for your encouragement.
Hehe. M tippy toe and holds on to the fridge handle. They are just so curious with kitchen appliances. Hehe.
Good to know that even your great sleeper has bad days.


Jun 18, 2004
Since my little man is approaching 1 year, I thought I''d poke my nose in over here and say "hi" to all the toddler mommies

And my first question for you experienced ladies... when and how did you transition from bottle to sippy cup? Kyle currently gets a bottle of formula in the morning and at night, and sippy only during the day. Is that about right for 11 months? And what the heck do you feed them first thing in the morning when they swtich to cow''s milk? Kyle''s like a zombie when he wakes up, so the bottle is about all he can handle when he first gets up...


Jun 7, 2007
I am always behind!

Re: Sleep Training. James has never slept really well (like his mommy) but he''s gotten better. He will usually sleep from 8pm until 7am sometimes only waking one time at night for an 8oz bottle. He''s been on that routine for several months now. If/when he wakes in the middle of the night we do not go in his room until he is crying like he means business. If we go in too early sometimes he''s still sleeping but obviously dreaming and just making noise. We also have the same bedtime routine every night and I think that helps. Bath, jammies, quiet play (reading), bottle, bed.

Re: Christmas. We have a very spoiled baby. Got lots of toys from both sides of the family so we went through his old toys and put many of them in storage in our attic. He has a lot of new things to play with, but we did specifically ask the grandparents to not get toys since he already has so much.
I guess that''s part of the game. I think we got James the same bike Q was talking about - the little tricycle. James loves to sit on it but hasn''t figured out how to pedal it yet. By spring he''ll have no trouble for sure!

Re: Age in Months. We still use months for James, but will stop when he turns 2 in July. Beyond that I think it''s confusing to others and is maybe a bit of the parents trying to make a toddler sound like a baby.

Re: Toy Storage. We have a big-ish round Longaberger basket in our living room and a large crate in James'' room for his toys. We don''t really have an official toy box yet, but it''s something we''ll get when James is a bit older. I don''t necessarily like having toys in the living room, but he''s too little to play in his room by himself. Plus he loves the area rug in the living room for some reason.

Re: Feeding/Back to Work. I tried and couldn''t breastfeed so when I went back to work James stayed on formula. He seems fine to us!
We started weaning to whole milk at 8 months with the pedi''s blessing and he''s been on it since then. He drinks about 24 oz of milk per day.


Jun 7, 2007
Date: 12/30/2009 12:55:40 PM
Author: MustangGal
Since my little man is approaching 1 year, I thought I''d poke my nose in over here and say ''hi'' to all the toddler mommies

And my first question for you experienced ladies... when and how did you transition from bottle to sippy cup? Kyle currently gets a bottle of formula in the morning and at night, and sippy only during the day. Is that about right for 11 months? And what the heck do you feed them first thing in the morning when they swtich to cow''s milk? Kyle''s like a zombie when he wakes up, so the bottle is about all he can handle when he first gets up...

We started using a sippy cup with James around 9 months, which is when he was on mostly whole milk. At first he didn''t know how to use it so we obviously still gave him a bottle in the morning but now he uses a sippy during the day and only gets a bottle at nap time and at bed time. Sometimes I''ll put water in a bottle for him because he likes to turn it upside down and watch it drip into a cup
When we first started with the sippy we would only put water in it and then started with milk once James knew how to use it so we wouldn''t waste the milk. He''s a pro now at almost 18 months.


May 9, 2006
msb~Thanks! We are having success!

TanDog~Thanks for responding. I so wish we had an Ikea closer....We will be moving in a while so a built in is def. and option and I would think we''d be able to save at least a little money.

neat~Thanks! Huge PITA but hopefully it''ll be worth it!


Tacori~THANK YOU!!! I showed all the links to DH and he was like, wow I can see why you like that forum!
I really like the Avery one a lot. I love a bargain, too, and think $1000 is over the top. I am an anal organizer so what we have going on now is driving me NUTS!! Good job getting back to the gym. I put my membership on hold b/c it''s expensive and I wasn''t making it often enough to be worth it..that, and I can really only walk b/c of those stupid varicose veins and we have a treadmill at home so I might as well do that for free!

QT~I think they have to sense the change. T has been super clingy lately too so I know something is up. Sounds like M did pretty good last night! Hopefully the cries will lessen in time and eventually she''ll be over it!!

Mustang~Welcome! Sounds like you''re on the right track using the sippy during the day. It took my T a while to actually like her milk in her cup (she did fine with water) but she figured it out. In the morning we always did oatmeal mixed with baby food fruit and then usually some waffles, pancakes or something similar. Good luck!!

Sleep update: T did GREAT last night!! I refused to rock before putting her down and just patted her back for a bit and she "spoke up" once but then was fine...and NO wake-ups!!
Hopefully we''re on to something! When I went in to get her the first thing she said to me was "I go to school mommy" so we ate breakfast and I took her. I think being back in her routine is good and I wanted to get the Christmas decorations down and the house cleaned anyway. So, mission accomplished. I feel like a new lady: full night sleep, clean house, no more Christmas decorations and now I''m going to get a mani/pedi before I go pick T up!!! Oh, and DH and his brother are going to pick up Kade''s glider and T''s new dresser from the furniture place today so I''ll get the nursery finished!! Good day. Good day.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Mustang, I was very concerned b/c T refused to give up her beloved bottles. My pedi said that after 15 months is when I should be come concerned. Wouldn''t ya know it the day (I am serious) she turned 15 months she was no longer interested in them. One of the examples of why I take a more laid-back approach. Some how, some way it works out. She would have a morning and night bottle of cow''s milk and a sippy of water was always offered during the day.

Diva, sounds like James had a great x-mas. BTW I was glad my signature helped you out over the holidays. Holidays are ROUGH. I feel like all the dysfunction is magnified.

Burk, no problem. I have fun doing stuff like that. I am not sure Pier One carries the toy bin I have. Mine is white painted wood and kind of looks like the stacked ones and it has four cubbies. Other moms compliment it all the time. My neighbor also has one but her''s is an older version and is green with six smaller cubbies (the outside is the same size). I hate going to the gym but I look preggo. No joke. I am waiting for some poor soul to ask me when I am due. I was SO sore last night. I am going to try to work up motivation to go tonight. We shall see. I have ONE varicose vein (from what I can see) and that thing causes me so much pain. It is ridiculous! I am so glad T finally had a good night''s sleep. I need to take down our decorations too. Enjoy the pampering and I can''t wait to see pics of both kids rooms!


Feb 27, 2006
Another lurker poking my nose in...

Tacori, I just bookmarked a lot of those storage links. Thanks.
And T is a hoot.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Date: 12/30/2009 2:25:15 PM
Author: Blenheim
Another lurker poking my nose in...

Tacori, I just bookmarked a lot of those storage links. Thanks.
And T is a hoot.

No problem! I know there have been more I have seem but can''t think of them right now. The Company Store Kids has some CUTE kid''s furniture. I am thinking of getting her big girl bed from there. Land of Nod also has some nice stuff but like PBK it is overpriced.


Jan 3, 2005
tacori-that is hilarious about T busting you by sniffing your breath. too funny!

burk-yay for a full nights sleep and the mani/pedi. I could soooo use a mani/pedi right now. I might have to schedule one when Jake goes back to school next friday!

mustang- Jake never took a bottle and did not transition to a regular sippy but rather the Munchkin straw cup. He just couldn't get anything out of the sippy cups but once he figured out the straw which didn't take long he became a pro and I introduced it right around 12 months.

so, last night i took the girls to see The Princess and the Frog. the 5:00 was sold out and my mom was watching Jake at her place. We were meeting friends and I asked if she would mind keeping him so we could stay and go to the 7:00. She didn't even try getting him to sleep so he didn't fall asleep until about 9:30 when we were in the car on the way home. wouldn't you know the kid slept until 7:30 this morning. there is no way I'd let him stay up that late b/c I like my quiet time at night too much but it was sure nice to actually wake up before him and it be light outside!

hope all the mommies are doing well today!

ETA: well the joy of sleeping in has worn off b/c now my son will not take his nap. He's been in his crib for almost an hour playing and now is yelling for me. At this point I don't want him to sleep b/c then there is no way he'll be ready for bed at 7:00 and I need some quiet time tonight. ah to play and bake some cookies..


Nov 20, 2006
hi mommies....just a quick pop in to say hi!!!

things are still going pretty well here only cause noah is still so sleepy. B is doing great..learning something new everyday. today someone from the little gym class i take him asked if he was in preschool....NO!! they couldn''t believe he was only 2, i guess cause he just talks way too much and he''s so darn tall. he''s still being super sweet to noah, which is great, and last night i supervised while he changed a diaper all by himself. so now he likes to change noah''s diapers which is pretty funny.

i hope to get caught up tonight since DH is off. take care mommies!!


Feb 17, 2007
A follow up to MGal's question-

How much do your kids drink during the day? My kids eat like champs-but they also DRINK like champs. They love nothing more than a few sippies/bottles worth of milk per day. Is that too much? It seems like my kids drink more than their friends. But they also EAT more than their friends too.

They get water too but mostly play with it and they only drink a bit.

Anyway, nothing exciting over here. Boys are napping which is awesome as they don't always nap in the afternoon well. Wahoo!

And we're going out for yummy burgers tonight with Gypsy and her hubby. Can't wait! They are the sweetest and so good with the boys. Should be fun.

Anyone have any exciting NYE plans?


Jun 7, 2007
Date: 12/30/2009 7:53:05 PM
Author: neatfreak
A follow up to MGal''s question-

How much do your kids drink during the day? My kids eat like champs-but they also DRINK like champs. They love nothing more than a few sippies/bottles worth of milk per day. Is that too much? It seems like my kids drink more than their friends. But they also EAT more than their friends too.

They get water too but mostly play with it and they only drink a bit.

Anyway, nothing exciting over here. Boys are napping which is awesome as they don''t always nap in the afternoon well. Wahoo!

And we''re going out for yummy burgers tonight with Gypsy and her hubby. Can''t wait! They are the sweetest and so good with the boys. Should be fun.

Anyone have any exciting NYE plans?
Neat - James drinks about 24 oz of milk a day. That''s 2 4oz sippys during play, 1 8oz bottle at naptime and 1 8oz bottle at bedtime. We also offer water to him if he turns his nose up at the milk during play, but he usually doesn''t. It seems like a lot to me but he seems to be fine. He''s a big eater too

No exciting NYE plans here. We''re staying in. Probably a good thing since the weatherman is predicting a storm - only around 2 inches of the white stuff though. Still dangerous to be out on slick roads with Lord knows how many drunk people. I get a 4-day weekend so I''m planning on doing some stuff around the house.


May 9, 2006
Tacori~I am sure you do NOT look preggo. It's good to get motivated again, though! I didn't have any varicose veins with T but now they're going crazy. Great.
I feel so much better now that my decorations are down....I think the thought of taking them down and needing to get the house organized was stressing me out. I'm weird like that, though.

mrss~Schedule that mani/pedi for next week, you deserve it!
Hope Jake got a good night's sleep tonight and you're able to relax a bit!

puffy~Hey there! Sounds like things are going well! So cute that B wanted to change Noah's diaper!

Neat~T drinks around 16oz or so of milk and the rest water. I read 16-20 milk. I think that if they still eat well you really don't have to worry. Yay for a good afternoon nap!

Diva~Sounds like you are getting the same silly weather we've been having. Yuck! Enjoy your long weekend!

T did great at bedtime again tonight. No crying at all. We'll see what the night brings but I think we're def. back on track but I'm worried that tomorrow night will throw a wrench in my progress....DH and I are going out to dinner with friends for NYE and so MIL is watching T. I guarantee that T will wrap MIL right around her finger and we'll take a step backwards on the sleep progress we've made. It's a holiday, though, and DH went to a lot of work to set this up and make a reservation so I am just going to try and not worry about it.


Sep 21, 2006
No NYE plans here, kind of bummed. We were supposed to go to dinner tonight but my sister (ie the babysitter) bailed. So pretty much like any other day/night.

Burk: that is great about the sleeping, woo hoo! And no extreme measures by the sounds of it (even though I am still curious about what TGAL''s friend''s method was!).

Tacori: hmm, I hadn''t even thought about weaning from the bottle and C''s 15 mo''s yesterday! I''m assuming the goal is bottle in the morning and night and milk in sippy cups the rest of the day? I think I could probably get that accomplished pretty easily (but not the AM / PM bottles that''s for sure). Seems like it''d be harder to get them to drink as large quantities from a sippy cup though.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
NF, I totally forgot what my pedi said. I want to say around 20 oz is ideal. Not sure. She drinks probably that amount. Sometimes a little more. Gypsy and Mr Gypsy are a VERY sweet couple! I am jealous and wish I could join you all.

Diva, I do NOT miss the snow!

Burk, I totally do. Like maybe 4 months along
I skipped the gym today. Laziness overcame me. I seriously only got one that I didn''t notice until a year ago and it causes my calf to ache. HATE IT. Have fun tomorrow night!!!

Janine, no he meant weened completely off bottles at 15 months. I had her ONLY with AM/PM bottle from 12-15 months and sippy the rest of the day. But don''t freak out. If you are concerned talk to your pedi. It was a major power struggle (as is everything with her) but she did ween herself off them eventually.


Feb 17, 2007
Thanks ladies. I will have to keep track but I don't think they are drinking more than 24 ounces or so. Diva, your schedule sounds similar to what they just seems like so much compared to their friends!

But I guess it can't be bad as long as they are eating other foods well too, right?


Sorry for no NYE plans! It does stink to try and get a babysitter. I thought we might have gotten lucky as our regular sitter said her plans were iffy but it looks like a no go unfortunately for us too. But it looks like Gypsy and her hubby are going to come over and hang out instead. That'll be nice-the guys get along really well so I am sure they will disappear to go smoke cigars in the garage.

We had a lovely dinner with them tonight at a burger joint. Delicious. And the boys behaved wonderfully which was really great. I LOVE that I can still take them to restaurants and they will behave. I hope it lasts into toddlerhood!

Burk Yay for Tayva! Can you be really strict with MIL and explain to her exactly why it's really important tomorrow night in particular? Or will she still do what she wants?

Sarah Did she really just want nothing to do with them one day? I can't imagine Dex ever doing that...Max maybe but Dex LOVES his bottle. We're trying to skip sippy cups and going right to the straw, and while they both get the straw no problem, Dex still doesn't get a lot out of it so it makes him really frustrated. Do you by chance recall why 15mos is the magic age for no more bottles? I'm going to have to work hard to get Dex to work on the straw I think...


Sep 21, 2006
tacori: thanks..not freaking out since it''s more because I haven''t tried to wean vs. her rejecting my attempts. I have a friend who''s 2+ year old is still on bottles and for some reason I thought I had some time as a result! I''m going to leave the AM/PM bottle for now since she really chugs alot and it''s for comfort, and she''s still skinny. Are we still supposed to ensure they drink 20oz min of milk..just seems hard w/a sippy cup. She''s on the straw cup and occasional sippy cup throughout the day, but only water.


Jun 18, 2004
Thanks for the info ladies! Kyle''s only drinking about 20-24oz of formula now, so I guess I''ll just switch the same feeding to milk instead when the time comes. He does great with the sippy, and that''s all he gets now at daycare. He can chug about 6oz fast in the sippy (it only hold 6oz or he''d probably do more). For some reason I was thinking I''d have to eliminate the bottle along with the formula, but sounds like he''ll be fine with it for a while. He''s so squirmy that the only time I can change him and dress him is while he''s eating.

I also have a stripper baby question. Kyle has now managed to strip himself twice, the first time spreading poo all over his PNP, and again last night right in front of me. Isn''t 10 months pretty youngs for stripping? And how can I at least keep the diaper on him, duct tape?

And Happy New Years to you all!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
NF, you have met my girl so you know how head strong she is. That girl was as in love with her bottles as any baby. I tried to only give her sippys and she would throw them across the room and ask for her bottle. I don''t know what clicked but I would usually offer milk in both to her and one day she just started picking the sippy over her beloved bottle. We used nuby sippy cups for a long time. I think they are the most bottle like. She was also used to the shape b/c we used Nuby bottles. I cannot remember why the pedi said 15+ months is when I should actively ween her off them. *shrug* I know personally I always cringed when I saw an older baby (2+) with a bottle. Of course now we have SERIOUS binky attachment and am hoping one day she just decides she is done with them. I have learned a lot the past two years and one thing (regarding *my* kid) is I cannot force her to do anything!
That''s awesome the boys are so well behaved. JEALOUS. I hope if I have a second (s)he is laid back and easy going. I guess there are advantages with having a tough first. If my second is tough I won''t know any better. I have a friend that had an EASY first born and a not so easy second. THAT was an adjustment.

Janine, T didn''t like/figure out the straw cups until later. She did really well on the Nuby sippy cups. The tops are silicone so I think they remind/feel like her old bottles. Just follow your gut. Every kid is so different. Like I said above I cannot remember why weening was so important. I was stressed about it and now I look back and wonder why. Maybe that is why I am not freaking about the binky like my DH is. She''ll give it day.

MG, T didn''t start stripping until recently (when she could undress herself). She LOVES being naked. She also take s all of her doll clothes off and called them "naked babies." She can take her clothes off (except she still gets tangled in her shirt) so that''s annoying. When she was K''s age she would take her diaper off *if* she had no pants on (like we just put her down for a nap in a t-shirt and diaper). I remember my MIL said she used duct tape. Not sure if she was joking or not but I guess my DH did the exact same thing in his play pen. Gross.

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
LOL Tacori, I remember the Battle of the Sippy Cup! You tried everything, as I recall.

I hope the binky transition goes smoothly. Amelia never ever took a binky, she just spat them out with a look of disdain.
We now have a sippy cup attachment issue, if it''s any consolation! I guess it will always be something. She trails a sippy cup of water everywhere. Sometimes she''ll give me a hug, then a moment later I hear an evil chuckle and feel the water drip down the back of my neck.


Feb 17, 2007
Thanks Sarah! If Tessa just gave it up maybe there is hope for my boys too!

MGal Question for you. When he "strips" is he ACTIVELY wanting to strip? Or is it just because he's pulling things off as playthings? I think there's a difference between what Tessa's doing versus the littler kid who just likes to pull things off because pulling it off is fun KWIM?

Max and Dex can both undress themselves if they want-but to avoid that at night, etc. I put them in zip up one piece jammies. They can't get into their diaper then and as long as it's fully zipped they can't get it off either. When they're playing and wearing pants they seem too busy to try for the most part. I don't think they're in the "stripping because they want to be naked" stage yet-they just are stripping because it's fun to take off socks and undo diapers.


Jun 18, 2004
NF - it''s probably a "stripping because it''s fun" thing. He likes to pull socks off, so I imagine that''s where it starts from. Although once he had the diaper off he had to examine his "parts"
. I do put him in the zip up feetie PJs at night, and he didn''t strip last night until I took his shoes off. Guess I''ll just leave shoes on him every waking moment if that''ll stop it for now!
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