
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


May 9, 2006
Hey all! T''s temp has been 98.5 all day long without meds! Hurray! She had a rough night with her asthma, though....we were up most of the night and I had to do nebulizer treatments every 4 hours. Yuck. Today has been is always better though.

Bobo~Thanks! I think she''s on the upswing of the H1N1. Her pedi gave her a prescription for tamiflu. She hates it...must taste yucky!

mrss~Yay for fun at the zoo. The times I took T she loved it too. I''d like to take her a couple more times before it gets cold. Hope your oldest gets better quickly!

lili~Thanks! Yea, I''m kind of hoping #3 works the same as the first couple did then I won''t have to make a killer argument for the 3rd to convince him.


Jan 3, 2005
tacori-Jake is going to be a Dalmatian for halloween. I figure since dog is the first animal word he said it would be cute. Plus he love dogs right now so it's fitting. I may have missed it but did you get T's costume yet and what's she going to be?

burk-i'm glad T is doing better and fever free. My oldest is running a fever and has been laying on couch since she got back home. I'm trying to just keep her pumped with fluids and even got her a sprite just to get something in her. she doesn't want to really eat or drink. I'm sure a day of rest and a good nights sleep tonight and she'll feel better. funny though, all my kids were scheduled for flu shots tomorrow. my oldest can't get one now due to the fever and my guess is she got the same flu/illness that Lily and hubby had last week. her fever does come down with tylenol so no reason to really take her to the dr. so I have no idea if she's got the normal flu/H1N1/or just a common cold. i guess the up side is, she isn't missing any school since it's fall break.


May 9, 2006
Tacori~I swear our T''s are one in the same T was doing almost the same thing to my nephew the other day only he doesn''t walk so it was "sit" and then "mere" (which is her "come here") and any other bossy order she could come up with!
All of T''s hats from last year are from either Gap or Old Navy. I haven''t really looked yet this year, though. Have you? I did get her a coat from Gap that should be here this week. It''s supposed to get down to the low 50''s and 40''s this weekend so I''m glad I finally ordered one!!

mrss~T hasn''t eaten well since she''s been sick, either. I even tried some snacks when she wouldn''t eat dinner last night and she wouldn''t touch them either. As long as you keep her hydrated and her fever stays down with tylenol that''s really all that matters. You all very likely could have had the H1N1 but there''s nothing special to do for it so not really work a doc visit. Hope her fever breaks soon and she''s back to herself!!


Nov 20, 2006
misschi i have one brother but all my cousins are boy/girl. so we do have girls, but we''ve also got boys. i''m sure that T is loving being outside.

janine hope you and your DH can agree on something that will make the both of you happy. a friend of ours has a 14 month old little girl and she so desperately wants to have another but her DH is against having another. he always says that he will not feel that connection with the second child because he was pressured into the child. but low and behold, she is currently 24 weeks and he could not be happier. he takes such good care of the little girl and his wife. no one could see this coming. so you never know.

jas12 haha, i guess i am pretty interested in having a 3rd, or that slight chance that i will get a girl. haha. but seriously, i think that i am more ok with having a third than DH is ok with not having one. he really wants a larger family. and this way i can convince him to get that dream home of ours. haha.

burk hope T continues to be on the mend. and hope her asthma is under control. that poor girl!!

bobo how is little B doing? has he been eating more?

lili TTC is so stressful, just enjoy it!! and i am sure that J will be a great older sister. i can''t believe you guys have seriously gone this long without a crib and a stroller!!! i would have died without a stroller. and i like to have my bed to myself. i can''t imagine sharing it with a toddler who is kicking and moving around all night long.

mrsS hope your daughter gets better!! and a dalmation sounds adorable!!

tacori yeah, DH totally has a great sense of humor. even when B tells him, "no daddy, i want mommy." DH will just laugh it off, but i wonder if it bugs him sometimes. it''s so funny when they just say things out of the blue. the other day i was talking to B and i told him that we''re going to name his little brother brady and he said, "he''s not me." silly guy. DH and i started to crack u like crazy then of course it made him laugh too.

well, i am SICK!! and it SUCKS! i can''t breathe, my head hurts, my voice is practically gone. my parents have taken B for a few days until i get better so he doesn''t get sick. i''m sure he''s having a great time with them..they have a ton of activities planned for him and the weather has been pretty nice out. i talk to him all the time on the phone, and it still melts my heart when he tells me he misses me and that he loves me. then when i say i love you too, he will say i love you more mommy. totally makes my day. then he gives me kisses and tells me to take care and get better.
off to get some rest and maybe a few loads of laundry.


Nov 14, 2004

Thank you Ladies. I just wonder if we should’ve waited until the morning to take her to the pedi, but it’s too late to think what if. So we took M to the pedi yesterday to follow up since the ER dr thought that one of her ears was red and might have an infection. Pedi says everything look fine, her ears look perfect and her throat isn’t red either. He isn’t really sure of the cause of the fever since there aren’t really other symptoms. He said to wait until Thurs since it usually takes 3-5 days for fever goes away. If the fever persists, then he will take her urine for UTI. She did start having diarrhea Monday and yesterday night, so I don’t think it’s UTI. We are trying to get her to drink more fluids, but she doesn’t want to. Today her temp is around 99 degrees, so far so good.

Besides being sick and more fussy than normal, M is doing well. She is giving kisses now, but only when we ask for them. She just opens her mouth real wide on our face, and goes “Maaah”.

DH got tickets to the Lakers vs Clippers season opener, so we are going to take M. Hopefully she’ll have fun and not get antsy from sitting during the game. I am really excited.

DH just IM me and said that our friend is having a boy. They went to the NT scan yesterday. She is probably a little bummed b/c she wanted a girl. They have 9 yrs old son already.


Nov 14, 2004

Now my attempt to catch up.

Thank you for checking in on us. I miss all your adorable Sam’s stories. How are the kids? Any plans for Halloween?
We do have Marshall’s, but I find the selection at TJ Maxx better here. I’ve been looking for a dress for Meena to wear to DH’s cousin wedding next month, so I’ll just keep checking.
I don’t think they really opened up to voting yet for the Gap thing. I was trying to find Tessa, but it seems like the pictures of the same kids are repeating and I gave up.
Lion cupcakes sound cute. How about monkey? Hehe. I only suggest that b/c M loves monkey. When we go to TRU, she always reaches for the stuffed monkey. She has one that she hugs and carries around the house.
T is too funny… covering her mouth while she does her fake laugh.
Hehe. I bet B is styling in his OP shirts. We’ve gotten some of their tees for our nephews. They are super soft.
DH’s preference is a boy. I don’t have a preference per se b/c I am kind of torn. I want a girl for Meena to play and grow up with since I have two sisters, but I also want a boy for DH.
B is going to be so helpful when his baby brother is here.
Can’t believe your DH is planning when to TTC #3 already.
Hope you feel better soon. Get some rest since your parents have B. Don’t do the laundry.


Nov 14, 2004
LOL I don’t think it matter now what method I use for sex determination. It’s already done. Hehe.
Glad T’s fever is gone. It’s tough to be sick when you have asthma. When my sister gets sick, her asthma gets really bad. Hope tonight will be better for her.
My coworker’s dr said that most flu going around now is H1N1. I think CDC really makes H1N1 bigger than it is.
I can’t believer your DH is 42. He does not look it.
Has Co’s teeth poke through yet? Teething is just as bad as if the baby is sick.
I think C is going through a phase too. Ditto on trying to cut down to one nap and see if that helps. M still takes two naps most of the time since her naps are so short. On days when her naps are few hours long, then she takes one nap.
Yay for eating well. Don’t worry about the weight. She is more active now. M is still just 20lbs 9oz at her 13 months and I don’t think she gained anything since (remember she was over that weight when she was 9 months).
C will be walking before you know it. I took over month since M’s first steps before she actually prefer walking over crawling.
Hope you and your DH can decide on #2. DH always wanted two kids, one of each sex. So the decision on #2 was made even before we got married. Now #3 would be a different story.


Nov 14, 2004
OMG your girls are geniuses. Lucy knows so many words already, and Lily is speaking in full sentence.
All of M’s books are board books with every short sentences and some are just words. I do identify things on the page, but she still just want to flip the book. Just have to be patience and keep trying with her.
How did you go 18 months without a crib and stroller? I am amazed. We did a lot of babywearing when she was young, but she got too heavy and we resorted to the stroller.
Oh boy, the bug is going around in your house. Hope your oldest feels better soon.
Jake is going to be an adorable Dalmatian. What are the girls going to be?
Shopping hasn’t been too tough for us yet. As long as M is in her stroller, she is fine. It’s bad when we let her off for a little bit and tried to put her back. She’ll arch her back and fight it.
I forgot to mention that M loves corn on the cob.
How’s little B? When is the dr. checking up on the thyroid again?


May 1, 2005
lili, little B is recovering from his cold and is doing well. Still not eating as much as we like but oh well...I think he only miss us the first day we were gone because we skype with him as soon as we landed and checked into the hotel. He looked confused to see us on the screen and started to cried...

Burk, hope Tayva feels better soon. I know you mention that her pedi said you probably gave Tayva the H1N1, did u recover without meds?

puffy, little B is doing well, recovering from his cold. Sorry to hear your sick, hope you feel better soon. How sweet of your B to give you kisses and tell you to take care. My B is very stingy with his kisses and just started the last couple days to give me kisses before he go "night night" and I''m walking on cloud after his kisses.

QT, hope Meena feel better soon! Little B will get his thyroid check again in Nov. We''re kind of nervous about it, we suspect him not eating is due to his thyroid but I guess we have to wait to find out.

little B still got some running nose going on, don''t know if he can get his flu shot that is schedule this coming Friday. Hope all the sick mama and sick babies recover soon!


May 9, 2006
Hello friends! T went back to school today. She''s still barely sleeping (coughs all night long and only stays asleep for 30 minutes during the day) and so pretty crabby and whiny. I was happy that she was able to go to school because I think she needed to get out of the house and I needed a break from the constant whining. Hopefully we''re on track to get our old Tayva back because this whiny version is NO fun!!!

puffy~Sorry you''re not feeling well. Good idea to let B go have fun with your parents so you can rest up!! Take care of yourself!

QT~Oh I hope poor M doesn''t have a UTI!! Yea, asthma always hits hard when you''re sick. It sucks. T''s pedi said the same thing about the H1N1 being made a bigger deal than it is-he said it''s just the flu. A mild flu at that. It really made me feel a lot better to hear that from a doctor. DH doesn''t look like he''s in his 40''s at all. When we first started dating he was 36 and I was 22 and I would have never guessed he could be a day over 30!! He doesn''t act like he''s 40, either.

Bobo~Thanks! The meds, I believe, are just to help the symptoms, not to actually cure the flu. I didn''t have the meds. Sorry still has a runny nose. So much yucky stuff going around. Hopefully he feels better soon and can get his flu shot Friday. T was scheduled for hers this week, but obviously won''t be getting it!


Jan 3, 2005
HI Jake had his 18 month today. He''s 25lbs and 31.8 inches tall. so just under the 50% mark for both height and weight. Dr. said he''s doing great. he only needed one shot today which was nice and my ped. was out of the the flu vaccine so i''m on a waiting list once their next shipment arrives. my oldest is doing a ton better, her fever finally broke and she hasn''t run one today at all. she''s only complaining now of a sore throat.

qt-the girls are going as Elphba and Glinda from Wicked..I guess we could have made Jake Todo to complete the theme but the Dalmatian costume is just too cute!

puffy -I''m sorry your sick and hope you get to feeling better soon. I had a nasty cold when I was preggo with Jake so I empathize. no fun!

burk-glad T is back at school. I hear ya on needing the break and hopefully just getting back into her routine will help her too.

bobo- jake has runny nose too. they would have given him the flu shot today if they had them. i think it''s okay as long as there is no fever. i hope little b gets to feeling better too.


May 9, 2006
mrss~Glad your oldest is doing better! Sounds like Jake''s appointment was great! Our pedi''s office was out of the flu vaccine as well when I called to make her appt. We then got an appt. but now have to reschedule since it was for this week and we obviously won''t be doing any vaccines this week.
I am hoping routine will help Tayva. It''s been rough around our house the past couple days with no sleep. Terrible when going to work actually sounds appealing!


Nov 18, 2004
Haha, that is pretty funny about the text reminder to do the baby dance.
I probably should set it up to remind hubby :D
Good luck to your sister! Keep us posted.

Glad to hear the Chloe is doing better.
Hope her sore throat doesn''t last too long.

Wow, Jake is a pretty big boy too.
Oh my, I just realized that Diva''s James is a pretty big boy since he''s bigger than our 18 months old right now!
Lucky Jake, only had to do one shot.
J got 4 pricks today

Have fun shopping w/ the kiddies.
Hope you find the dalmatian costume for Jake.
So what are L and C going to be this year?

Haha, T is clearly the boss.
That is so cute that she is determined and takes charge :D
You don''t have to worry about her being bossed around, that''s for sure.
Yea, the time just flew by so fast.
We were never prepared for J in the first place.
Just about the only thing that we got when we went into delivery was the carseat...and even that was put in 2 days before she arrived.
I am not a shopper and hate researching and buying the stroller and crib just got put off.
When it comes time to get one, it was clear to us that J would not be cooperative in the stroller.
Also, she loves to walk on her own, but we do have to hold her just because
otherwise it would take us forever to do a 10 min shopping run.
She likes to walk around and does her own shopping, know what i mean?

Oooo...when is GRE going to be?
Hope it is not around the holiday season.
Good luck!


Nov 18, 2004
Haha, I agree, both your Ts are one in the same.
Too cute and funny. She''ll definitely love having a little brother to boss around :D

That''s funny about your DH. Mine is going to be 42 and is a big kid himself too.
Fortunately, he''s only a big kid in private :razz:

Haha, fortunately she''s only kicked me in bed when she''s under the weather.
Most time, she''s a pretty good bed buddy. She''s like a little radiator, so she likes her space in bed :D
Hehe, don''t know about J being a good big sister.
So far, I haven''t seen her fawned over any babies yet.
She''ll look at them, but more out of curiosity or because she thinks of them as her toys :razz:
My cousin''s kid (who''s the same age as her) is gaga over babies.

Ugh, sorry to hear you are sick.
Hope it is not the flu and you make a quick recovery. sweet is B....that would totally make my day too.
He''s too cute.

J is pretty stingy w/ her kisses too.
She''s very generous w/ her pinches though
They are playful pinches.

Glad to hear that M''s fever is under control.
I wonder if she could be teething.
J was like that for a week when her molars were coming in.
Fever spiked at night. Ok in the morning and then sluggish by mid-day.
That''s the week when she slept and slept most afternoons (so unlike her).
Anyway, hope the fever goes away so she doesn''t need to go in for the UTI test.

How fun w/ the basketball game.
I hope M doesn''t want to go down onto the court to grab the basketball :D

Oh, hope your friend feel better about her little boy.
Are they planning on having 2 only?
Wow, that''s a pretty huge age gap between 2 kids.

Ha, probably the only reason we got by w/o a stroller is J is such a skinny minnie.
Had she weigh more before, we probably just forced her in the stroller and let her scream and cry.

Seems like most babies are sick this time of the year.
J got a cold that she can''t seem to shake for more than a week already.
Like B, she is getting though.
Hope she doesn''t catch another one.
Aw....sorry to hear that B is still not eating well.
Is he still drinking alot of soy milk still?

Oh, B should be able to get the flu shot even w/ the cold.
I checked w/ J''s pedi and they ok''ed it.
The only time they won''t give the shots is if they have a fever.
Haha, just read MrsS''s response -- so yeah, what she said.


Nov 18, 2004
J's 18-month update

weight is 20lb 12 oz
height is 31.5" (which is just a quarter of an inch from her 1 yr appt).
I don't know, either they messed up the measurement last time or this time (or both) because she grew alot since then.
Her pants that were dragging on the floor are now hiked above her ankles -- surely that's more than a 1/4" growth.

Got pricked 4 times today

1. TB test in the forearm
2. HEP A in one thigh
3. flu (not H1N1) in the other thigh
4. 2 vials in the forearm for anemia and lead test

She handled the shots amazingly well.
Cried and fussed when she was being held down, but not a whimper w/ the shots.
The lab tech was astonished she didn't cry when the needle was set in her arm for the blood draw.

In other news...
She's been going potty in the morning (#1 and #2) and before bed for the last 2 weeks.
She went potty a few times during the day when we were home on the weekend.
But I dn't think she'll be PTed any time soon since she's much too busy to be bothered about running to the toilet :D

Saying some 2-3 syllables words -- i especially love her magnetdoodoe(magnet doodle) but her dad loves (go chargers :)
Starting to make 2-3 word sentences.


Jan 3, 2005
lili-J and Jake are almost exactly the name height but he''s got 4 lbs on her. she must be a tiny thing b/c Jakey isn''t overweight at all. poor J on the shots. Jake got his Hep. A today. they didn''t do the anemia b/c they did it at his 15 month to recheck from the low result at the 12 month. so he lucked out. i bet he ends up getting a few at 2 year though.

okay, so i still have not decided on whether or not I''m going to give my kids the H1N1 vaccine...biggest problem I have with it is that many of the doses contain thimerosal. I''ll have to find out what shipment ends up at my ped. office. There is a nose spray version being produced in maryland and it does not contain thimerosal. If I could get that one for Jake I''d do it. but i won''t do it if there are only one''s with thimerosal here.


Nov 20, 2006
qt i am sure that you guys will be happy whether boy or girl. but i get what you''re saying. i wanted a girl but DH and B both wanted boys, so i was extremely happy when we found out we were having a boy. i can only hope that B will be half as helpful as he says he will be. i''m sure M will have a great time at the lakers game. we''ve gotten tickets for when they come to town and we''re planning on taking both kids. that''s definitely going to be interesting!! do you find out the sex of baby tomorrow or is it next week?

bobo hope little B gets better soon!! that''s the good thing about little B being stingy with kisses, you treasure each one more and more. haha.

burk hope T did ok at school and that she is back to her happy old self.

mrsS sounds like jake is doing well!! so glad to hear that your oldest is doing better!

lili awww, sounds like J is doing very well!!! that''s wonderful that she is using the potty!! even if she isn''t PTed soon, it''s a start. that''s good that she''s a good bed buddy. the few times that i have taken B to bed with me, it was AWFUL!! he squirms and kicks all the time, and i ended up in the little corner. haha, that''s so funny that she looks at babies like they are her toys. well, when you guys do have another baby, she''ll be a great big sister then!

well, still sick and feeling pretty crappy. my parents still have B and i miss him so much! i talk to him like 50 times a day on the phone and he asks when we can play together. it''s so cute. hopefully i''ll be able to get him back sometime this weekend, saturday i''m hoping. but my mom said that if i show up to pick him up and i have 1 sniffle, she''s kicking me out. and things need to get done, but i have just been way too pooped to do anything. DH did buy me some macaroons to help me feel better and they were YUMMY.

hope everyone is doing well!!!


Nov 14, 2004
This is what Dr. Sears has to say about H1N1 vaccine: Just got it in my email.

Hopefully everything is ok with his thyroid. Keep us posted.
Pedi said it''s ok to get the flu shot if M has a cold.

The medical community has really differing opinions on H1N1, but like anything else, we just have to weigh out the risks and benefits. We are planning to get the H1N1 vaccine for M.
LOL it''s good to be young at heart. I think DH acts like our nephew all the time (nephew is 5).
Hope getting back in the routine helps Tayva. M is still pretty fussy, though she no longer has a fever, coughing or has a runny nose.

Oh cute... who''s going to be Elphaba and who''s Glinda? Did you take the girls to watch Wicked? Jake should''ve been the flying monkey.
Sounds like J is doing great. He looks taller than 31.8".

Playful pinches... M doesn''t do playful anything. She pinches hard and hits hard.
M is teething, but pedi said that teething doesn''t cause such a high fever. She is getting three molars. Two on top and one on the bottom. The bottom one is already out. The top ones are poking through.
DH keeps asking if we should bring M to the game. He is worried that she will get antsy and make it hard for us to enjoy the game. I guess we still have a few weeks to decide.
My friend seems ok with another boy. She said she preferred a girl, but is happy that everything is good. Their first was an oops; she was 23 and he was 21, and they had a shotgun wedding. When their DS was young, they couldn''t handle another baby. When their DS got older and more independent, the DH liked his freedom and didn''t want another baby (that was for the past 5 years or so). Then I guess she finally convinced him, and he agreed to TTC. We were shocked when they told us she was pregnant b/c the DH was saying no baby #2 just a couple months ago.
Sounds like J''s appt went well.
J will be PTed in no time. Yay for multi-syllables words and 2-3 words sentences. I swear all the PS toddlers are geniuses. I don''t think M will have used the potty or be speaking much when she is 18 months.


Nov 14, 2004
Were B ok with sitting through the whole game last time you took him? That''s my only concern. I don''t know if M can sit through the quarters.
DH actually got tickets for a game in Feb and two games in April. But we probably won''t be taking the newborn.
It''s actually two weeks from tomorrow on the 23rd. Still two more weeks. I am getting anxious.


Nov 18, 2004
Yea, Jake and Jadie are almost the same size.
She is lighter but she doesn''t look skinny though.
She''s got a big ole belly and is meaty everywhere.
I guess she''s got small boned. The dr even mentioned something about her tiny head :razz:

My pedi mentioned about the H1N1 vaccine today.
As of today, he still doesn''t know if he would make any recommendations for it because he said that they still don''t know too much about it.
He said to think about it and see in a month or 2.

Hmmm.....I don''t know if I recall correctly, but I thought that the nose spray version consist of a live but weakened flu viruses instead of the dead one in the shots.
Thought it is not recommended for children under 2.

Ahh....hope you make a recovery soon.
Too funny about your mom kicking you out of the house if you showed up w/ one rest up and recover!
Haha, I hear you on ending up in a least you have a corner.
When J squirms and kick, I end up literally in the corner (ie....sleep in a bent position).
Yea, that is a start in PT. I was surprised she actually sat still to poo.
I guess she has no choice since she''s pretty much stranded on the toilet until I let her down :)
Although there is that one time she slid down w/ her poopy butt
-- had to clean her toilet seat.
She''s probably won''t be PTed until I have her home a whole week or something.
I doubt the teachers at daycare can give her the one on one attention to make sure she goes potty.


Nov 18, 2004
So exciting about your upcoming us.
So is DH still going to not find out?

Haha, J does have her mean streak too where she slaps and poke me like crazy.
It''s funny, but sometimes when she''s upset at me, she''ll start to pinch me and she''ll make this face like she''s using all her might.
But she doesn''t really hurt me. And I''ll give her a look and she''ll let go and stroke my arm

She definitely knows what''s ok and what''s not.

Haha, I don''t know about J being PTed soon.
She is in daycare and I don''t think they have the resources to be following her around to make sure she goes.
I think I''ll need to spend a week w/ her at home if she''s going to be PTed any time soon.


Nov 20, 2006
qt the last time we took B, he was totally fine during the entire game. he really enjoyed it actually. he watched the game and cheered just as we did. but we did buy an empty seat for him just in case. and he loved to have his own seat. you never know, M might love it and be able to sit still through the entire game. but i did bring tons of stuff to keep him occupied in case he did have a hard time during the game, but didn''t need to resort to any of it. oh man, i am getting anxious for you! i thought it was either this week or next week. ok, 2 more weeks!!

lili as long as J is using the potty, it''s great. i can''t believe she slid off the toilet with her poopy booty!! i don''t know whether to laugh or think yuck! haha. must not have been too cute for you though. and that''s great that she is using the regular toilet. sounds like she is taking to it.

i''m going to try to get some house stuff done then back to bed i go.


May 9, 2006
lili~Oh yes, she will love bossing her little brother around! I can''t say that I don''t love that DH is a big kid because obviously I fell in love with the man, but sometimes it''s rather annoying to be the only mature one.
Yay for J going potty. I''m taking my fall break (last week in October) and going to try and PT then. T still goes on the potty here and there but not consistently so we''re planning to give that week a full out PT try! Wish us luck!

puffy~Sorry you''re still not back to yourself. Have you gone to the doctor? T did very well at school yesterday. Not really surprised because she is always angelic for them!
She even took a 2 hour nap!!! Rest up!

QT~You''re right, there are so many different opinions on H1N1. Every family has to make the decision that''s right for them. My DH also acts like my nephew (who''s 3) most times. Cute most of the time but so annoying when I need him to be mature. Glad M is doing better. As for taking her to the game, DH and my mom bring T to a lot of my vb games and she does not sit still and just watch for more than 10 minutes ever. She would NEVER make it at a NBA basketball game where we couldn''t let her play in the bleacher, ect. Snacks and toys and coloring books help, but they always end up letting her go run in the hall or go play with a ball in the corner or run up and down the bleachers. T is very high energy, though, so maybe M will do just fine.

Happy Friday ladies!!


Apr 14, 2006

Saw you on another thread, but figuring you frequent this one the most, I wanted to comment on your new picture of Miss T. She gets prettier all the time. What a darling!! Is she going to be three in November? Time flies, just from watching her grow here...

ETA: Wait, she'll be two. I think. I dunno, but she's a cutie pie for sure!


May 1, 2005
Thanks Burk, it''s like everyone is getting sick. My sister and her family are vacationing in Hawaii and she called me yesterday to tell me her kid is sick with fever for two days now. She is afraid it''s H1N1...

Thanks MrsS, that is what I remember too, ok for flu shot as long there is no fever. The nurse told me they are running out of flu shot in the office so I really want little B to get his dose.

Thanks lili, that is what I remember too, as long there is no fever then it''s fine. he is still loving his "cocktail" more then real food. Hope J will stay sick free, my sister''s kid is sick with fever for 2 days now and it''s a bummer since they are vacationing in Hawaii. Sorry to hear J got 4 pricks, is TB test a must? little B''s pedi didn''t do the TB test at his 18 months check up.

Thanks puffy, good thing little B is forming a new habit which is to kiss me on the forehead and on the lips each night he goes to bed. But he usually paused a few seconds before he plant a kiss on my forehead as if he is looking for the right spot to kiss which is very funny.

Sorry to hear you are not feeling better, I''m sure you miss ur B like crazy. Very sweet of your DH to buy you macaroons, I love macaroons and are always on the hunt for yummy macaroons. Hope you feel better soon, rest up!

Thanks QT! read the Dr.Sears link and is still can''t decide about the H1N1 vaccine

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
MrsS, she is going to be the pumpkin from PBK. Kinda standard and boring but I am sure she will be cute. Jake will be an ADORABLE dalmatian.

Burk, I have no looked for hats. Her jacket is from Janie and Jack and kinda a strange color so maybe I will go with cream or something. It is still in the 70s-low 80s here so I have some time. Our Ts would be hysterical together. Poor T! Hope she is feeling better.

Puffy, that is so funny. B is so smart. Seriously. I am so sorry you are sick. We are all getting a cold too. Sucks but even worse since you are preggo.

Q, poor M! Hope she feels ok. She will become much more generous with kisses. Now T will walk up to me and kiss or hug me for no reason. You are so sweet looking for T! I will send you the link but she will not win. Some of those kids have 4,000 votes. DH didn''t even bother registering . He was kinda disturbed by some stage mom pimping out her kid for votes. I am *guessing* that gap really chooses the model not the votes b/c the "winning" kids are NOT the cutest of the bunch. I feel mean to say that. Gymboree has some cute fancy dresses. My mom found a website with more cupcake ideas so we are going to do lions, monkeys, and zebras. Bring M over and I''ll save her a monkey

lili, she IS the boss.
I feel bad for her future husband.
I love how laid back you guys are. I HATE when I cannot get T to sit in the shopping cart. She wanders all over the place grabbing and knocking things off the shelves. So annoying. My test is on 11/6. So nervous!!! At least it will ALL be out of my hands before the holidays. Then I will find out this spring if I am accepted or not. J sounds like a champ with the shots. I think the height thing could be off a bit. I think they just use it as an estimate. Yay for the 3 word sentences!!!

fisher, thank you so much! She will be two. I am hoping it isn''t as terrible as everyone claims


Nov 18, 2004
Haha, it was actually easier than cleaning her poopy diaper where she pooped and decided that it's fun to sit down really hard afterward

Yea, I am glad that she took to it on the first try.
I was afraid that she'd be so accustomed to peeing and pooing in the diaper that she wouldn't be able to do it w/o it.
Hope you are feeling better.
I can't believe you are still doing housework when you are sick.
Where is that maid service when you need it? :)
Are you going to have help when your son is born?

Good luck w/ PT.
I'm confident that T will be trained w/in a couple of days.
Hehe, come next year, you'll have 3 kids in the house :)

Does B eat better when he's out?
I know J, as is my nephew, eats alot more when we are out.
Yea, it was not fun seeing her get pricked.
I think they only do the TB test if there is someone in the household who has been tested positive for the TB skin test.
That is a bummer about your sister's kid. I hope she gets better soon.

Wow, that's pretty close to T's party.
It's going to be a busy month for you then.
But that's good that it's before the holiday though, so at least you can enjoy your time w/ your family.
Oh, yes, please send out the link for the gap contest.
Sometimes I wonder if those contest are rigged.
I looked at the winners and know about a dozen kids who didn't even make it to the finalist cuter than them.
Haha, I don't know if you can call us laid back -- it's more like too lazy to go get one and just didn't want to deal w/ a screaming kid in the stroller.
J is like T at the store. She'd be going up and down the aisle picking her items and putting them in the cart.
It's quite funny seeing her do her "shopping". She'll grab something and say "this and this and this" as she went along :)
DH and I would pretend to put it in the cart and then put them back.
Oh, we will definitely get a stroller w/ #2.
Don't think we'll be able to carry one and chasing another one.
Yea, I never believe the height measurement either.
One time, she actually shrank from a month before :razz:


Sep 21, 2006
quick question, what foods can we not give at the 1 year stage? I''m giving C pretty much whatever she wants except peanuts, honey, and obvious things like junk food and highly salted foods (ham, Chinese take out, chips,etc). Are there any other no-no''s? I almost gave her strawberry till I looked it up and seems I should wait. Shellfish is another I hear to wait on.


Jan 3, 2005
janine, we gave jake everything minus the things you already listed at 12 months. We just watched him when we introduced something new to make sure there wasn''t an allergy. there is more and more evidence coming out that delaying foods don''t prevent allergies so many dr.''s are going back to the 12 month rule on most foods. my ped. has even okayed peanut butter for Jake. we don''t have anyone with food/nut allergies in our immediate family so he''s not high risk for developing one. i''d just check with your dr. if there is something specific you''re worried about. oh and I think honey is okay after 12 months too. I actually don''t give Jake pure honey but he does eat things that have been sweetened with it or things that it''s been cooked in.


Oct 6, 2004
janine, my pedi said that we can give D anything except for foods we have allergies to. If you give honey, make sure it''s pasteurized. We''ve been very cautious with D and haven''t really given him many new foods yet. Lately we have been giving him cheerios, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, edamame, peas, cheese, yogurt, bananas, apples, nectarines, pasta, tofu, and a few other things I''m forgetting right now.

Hope to be back later today. I need to catch up!
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