
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
A few more. Sorry for the photo bombing. :lol:

Kristie, let me know how comfie your new shoes are. I have never tried espadrilles and am intrigued. They are just so cute. Love the turquoise pair-so beachy. :appl:





Jun 17, 2009
Hi girls!

I'll check in later with everyone but I just wanted to pop in and say hello - the weekend went ok, everyone seemed to have a nice time but there was some bickering going on between dh's siblings that created tension at times so disappointed in them for that, dh is going to talk to the person mostly responsible for it - weather turned out to be better than expected, rain on Saturday but the other days were clear and warm enough where we could do things outside - got home last night and am now heading up to my mother's, I will be back later for a better update - thinking of you all and hoping everyone has a good day!


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Junie! Thank you for checking in and glad you had a good weekend for the most part. :appl:

Sorry about the bickering b/w your dhs siblings. Families getting together can be challenging no matter what precautions you take. Don't take it to heart and sorry it spoiled even one moment of your weekend. (((Hugs))).

See you later. :wavey:

Conference call going slowly. I'm all ready and just waiting for Greg's call to be over so 2 more quick pics for you LOL. Wearing my Brooklyn cycling Jersey and my newest cycling shoes. Matching the bike today. 8)
I have the hugest feet and breaking my leg didn't help. :knockout:

OK really off for now. Enjoy the day girls. :wavey:




Dec 9, 2013
Missy - Snazzy [do people still say that?] outfit for cycling!

Just back from the vet school. Pom loaded easily into the trailer and has his surgery this afternoon. So many beautiful horses there. We are so lucky to have a good place not too far away.
Here is Pom [grownup, top and as a new born with his Mom at the bottom]. img_3010.jpg

These are my Sketchers...I had to post ay least ONE pair of shoes during the NIRDI shoe show : )

I am so heartsick over the surgery and Pom being in a strange place. I was going to bring him home ASAP, but now my own vet says to let him stay there for some of the recovery. I hate that feeling of my animal family not being totally safe and sound near-by with me.
I guess it's good that I'm going away, since all I could do here is worry. The incision will be on the bottom of the foot, he weighs 1200 pounds and will have to put weight on it to walk post-op.
Please send Pom some dust for a good outcome.

I'll be back later. I think I'll go mow something and shift my focus for a while!
This may be a vodka sandwich night. I'm not sure exactly what that is, but it sounds pretty good right now. :lol:


Jul 1, 2014
Hi Everyone! Thanks for the cheering responses =) I know you all understand. Today I'm doing better, staying busy between a workout at the rec center and dusting the house. Hahahaha, its the little things that get me over the hump.

Missy, love your shoe photo bomb!! Your new shoes are great, I love love love the Sarto loafers. Only one pair of those?!??!?! Underachieving, girlfriend!!! I have some Sartos myself, loafers, bought them in 3 colors and even though I've worn them to death I still wear 2 pair of them. Your cycling gear is flash, love it!

Candy/Jimmianne, is Pom your horse that has been sick? I hope the visit goes well today. Those are hard. I will be thinking of you. I'm glad the France trip is almost upon you. Walking to your place, what time of day will it be when you do that walk, and is it a safe part of town? I think your packing decisions were really smart. I used to do the same myself and I bought some great clothes on the fly. I know you will too!!

Rainwood, cheers to world peace, right??? You cracked me up with that :lol: ALJ, that must be a different PS-er, I'm Wobenzym 8-) I looked up ALJ, I could definitely use that help right now here in the Phoenix area.

Junie, OMG, bickering, I just cannot even. My parents are bicker-ers, THEY THINK ITS CUTE. How can anyone think that, its like being in the room with a ticking time bomb. I find myself just wanting to yell JUST HAVE THE FIGHT OR BREAK IT UP ALREADY! :appl: :confused:

Marcy, glad the birthday went well. Don't risk the new white Snoopy wallet, it wouldn't be worth it!! Nooooooo!!!!! The Sunday New York Times Travel section had a big spread on Wyoming, btw. I wish I was on my way this summer.

Scandi, glad to have read that you have taken a 0-risk risk management decision to the contaminated logs, soil, etc on your site. There is no safe residential exposure/risk for petroleum and petroleum related products. I helped write the toxic and hazardous substances regulations and polices for the state of Alaska and was an environmental scientist and project manager on Department of Defense sites where there was a lot of petroleum contamination.

Side story/Construction Site Idiots: My friend's husband is a builder in Alaska, big places---the police station, the hospital, the library, etc. He built the a Native Corporation's HQ in Juneau. Gorgeous building, architect and interior designer out of Seattle. The carpet in the building was custom woven and a work of art in itself with native motifs and colors. Sooooo the building needed to have the heating/cooling system serviced, building less than 1 year old. The service who did the work left and my friend's husband got a frantic call from the interior designer in Seattle, begging him to get over there and view the damage that was done. Apparently, one of their pieces of equipment was leaking oil/hydraulic fluid/etc and they dragged that piece of equipment through every floor of the building, the elevators, you name it. All the carpeting had to be removed and replaced. Some dumbass had to have noticed that they were leaking this stuff everywhere, you'd think they'd have STOPPED. Nope, every floor, every elevator, and then back out in the parking lot.

You cannot trust workpeople to even LOOK at the equipment they are using and dragging through your place. ARGH.


Mar 29, 2005

The Eiffel Tower is prettiest at night if you can go then. And make sure you are in sight of it at night at the top of the hour. I won't say more, but it really is something to see.

Oh, and edited to add: I just saw a bald eagle fly by. There are usually a few around.


Apr 19, 2004
Jimmianne|1464719522|4038563 said:
Missy - Snazzy [do people still say that?] outfit for cycling!

Just back from the vet school. Pom loaded easily into the trailer and has his surgery this afternoon. So many beautiful horses there. We are so lucky to have a good place not too far away.
Here is Pom [grownup, top and as a new born with his Mom at the bottom]. img_3010.jpg

These are my Sketchers...I had to post ay least ONE pair of shoes during the NIRDI shoe show : )

I am so heartsick over the surgery and Pom being in a strange place. I was going to bring him home ASAP, but now my own vet says to let him stay there for some of the recovery. I hate that feeling of my animal family not being totally safe and sound near-by with me.
I guess it's good that I'm going away, since all I could do here is worry. The incision will be on the bottom of the foot, he weighs 1200 pounds and will have to put weight on it to walk post-op.
Please send Pom some dust for a good outcome.

I'll be back later. I think I'll go mow something and shift my focus for a while!
This may be a vodka sandwich night. I'm not sure exactly what that is, but it sounds pretty good right now. :lol:

Yes, you need a vodka sandwich, JA. With popcorn on the side.

Healing vibes to your 4 legged beauty.



Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne, sending bucket loads and bucket loads of good luck and healing PS ****DUST**** to sweet Pom. And please know you are doing all you can and he is in the best place he can be right now. You are doing the right thing for Pom and I know you are heartsick but know you are doing everything possible and that we are right here for you sending you lots of love and hugs. To you and dear sweet Pom. Keeping him in my thoughts and prayers and you too. {{{HUGS}}}.


Feb 27, 2007

Scandinavian, wasn’t it awful to go back to work today? I asked Marty this morning - Do I really have to go back to work? Marty didn’t get far on that project and did tell the main guy today no way no how can he have it ready for them by tomorrow night. Ugh. Good luck PS dust coming your way on those logs.

Jimmianne, I wish I was taller too. Oh well we are just perfect for us, huh? Rats I wish I had seen my “Doctor’s Orders” before I went to work. I’ve noticed that on our light leather seats too from Marty’s jeans. Navy stuff just bleeds color. I dug out another off white Coach wallet I have to test it out. I’ll be really sad if I can’t use my new purses. The Coach Snoopy tote has black fabric inside. I was hoping to hear from that jewelry store today but I guess it’s a bit early to expect it to arrive. Marty’s ring hopefully shows up tomorrow. I am with you and Missy on fake. I had some lab created sapphire studs and bracelet and just couldn’t bring myself to wear them. Your plans for Paris do sound perfect. I’ll be anxious to see pictures and hear about your adventures. Good luck with Pom at the vet and Tony.

Missy, I did have a lovely birthday. Thank you! I guess we will let the guys get away with their CC interfering with our plans. They do help pay the bills and all. Marty’s old job interrupted our lives all the time - night, day, weekends, holidays. It was awful. The poor guy had no peace. It got so I slept in the spare bedroom after the first phone call or text. Marty always turned on the light when they called him - like what you need to see to talk on the phone? Anyway once I see light I can’t go back to sleep so that phone rang and I was GONE! He’s not on call with this job.

I am glad I ordered the Snoopy tote. There are very few left on Amazon. I can’t believe how much they are gouging someone for that last off white bag.

I hope you did catch up with your girlfriend today.

Our vacation is the last 2 weeks of August. I’d rather come see you and go jewelry shopping.

Love all of your shoes!

Kristie, I hope you are having a good day. We might be near 80 on Saturday.

Hi Sharon, LLJsmom, Junebug

Not much going on here. Marty has started watching really old movies - I find them very boring. Good thing I am preoccupied online anyway.

I had leftovers for supper then slow churned ice cream. Tastes great - low calories and fat.

Tomorrow is Wednesday already. Sweet.

Hopefully Marty’s new wedding band shows up.



Jul 1, 2014
jimmianne, buckets of good health and surgical recovery dust for Pom!!! Expert recovery staff, nothing like it. When Maggie had her hip replacement surgeries in Houston, they kept her for 3 nights and had staff with her the whole time. I know you want to be there for reassurance. It will be okay. Have that vodka sandwich, a smallish one! :lol:


Jul 1, 2014
Hey Marcy, 100 today, pool water 82 degrees. Come on 84-88!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Kristie, you'll have warmer water in your pool soon. :appl:


Aug 8, 2005
jimmiannie, lots of good health dust for Pom!

What does NIRDIs mean/refer to?


Mar 29, 2005


Pom is such a beautiful looking horse and what a cute colt! I love those pictures. I hope he's doing okay. I wanted to say that before you leave for France and I'm not sure when that is except I know it's soon.

Missy, I'll keep you posted on the new diet if I think I'm on to something. I need to go grocery shopping now that I'm back because I have almost nothing I can eat. Love all your shoes. So, so cute! I have probably bought and returned 15 pairs of shoes in the last few weeks trying to find something that is both comfortable and not totally embarrassing to wear. None are as cute as yours. I have what I'll call a problem foot, wide in the front, narrow heel, and a high instep. And I've discovered that most inserts have more arch support than works for me because I have a neutral foot (don't lean in or out) and a lot of the arch supports throw my weight to the outside. And I too pack only carry-on luggage (learned the hard way) so will be limited in how many shoes I can bring.

And we can never go walking together because if we see any dogs it will take all day to go a couple of miles! You'll love this. When we first moved back to Seattle, we lived in a condo that had an inner courtyard and our condo was at the very end. Everyone had a little yard or deck and there were fences with rails all along. It could take me half an hour to go 100 feet because all of the cats would come running out for me to pet them. Michael called me the "Cat Lady." It really was funny because once I started talking and petting one, six more would come running on the fences to wait their turn! And you would have loved the sea lions. Watching them slap their tails on the water over and over again was so much fun. I've never seen them do it so many times in a row.

Kristie, I know you're Ms. Wobenzym and I still thank you for that recommendation. I guess the question is: Who recommended ALJ to me if it wasn't you? It's been great for my asthma and I no longer have to worry about doing inhalers. I should thank whoever it was if I ever find out! And 100 degrees outside? I would be that puddle on the sidewalk.

Junie, isn't it crazy that no matter how old we get, we can still have family drama just like when we were younger? I had to work really hard not to fall into old patterns as an adult and I was only sometimes successful. Once the baby, always the baby. That reversion to old patterns may be the case with your DH's family too. There's probably no getting around it. Inside always lurks the child we once were. But I'm glad you didn't let it get to you too much. And so glad the storms didn't ruin the weekend. You needed that bit of fun at the beach!

Marcy, I'm sure your LV Snoopys will find a way to be in your life everyday and coexist with your other pieces. Snoopy gets along with everybody. And glad to hear Marty is no longer on call all the time. It's nice that he can travel and work hard, then have free time when he's home. And I love his sense of fun and yours too. It makes life so much better.

Scandi, hope you're doing well and that the logs aren't getting you down. You have your hands full already!

Sharon, hope all is well. It sounds like the aftermath of the fire is starting to be taken care of. I can't imagine losing everything I owned in a fire.

Gypsy, NIRDI's is short for the "Now I Really Did It" title Missy originally gave this thread.


Aug 8, 2005
Ahh, thank you Rainwood. Very helpful.


Dec 9, 2013
AZ, what is it about that extra 2 degrees to reach 84 that makes a pool good?! It's amazing that it's so hot where you are. Marcy is right - your pool will be warm enough very soon with those temperatures! lol Do your pups care if the water is warm enough? I can just see them now in their little swimsuits [red with polka dots] lounging by the pool and sticking a paw in the water to see if it meets their criteria.
I'm walking to my apt at 9am. I "walked it" on google maps street view yesterday and saw quite a few young people and children on the street.

Marcy, if Marty has his new band and you get the band that's coming into the store to try, would you consider or are you having a little ceremony of renewal? What old movies does he love that you don't? Is he painting rabbits these days?

Thanks, Gypsy and Rainwood and AZ and Sharon and everyone for the good wishes. Pom came through the surgery well and they said they will know more in 24 hours. Missy, I HAVE done what I can, so why do I feel like such a failure when things are not OK with my pets? I read your words with a sense of relief.
Meanwhile the young couple who are building a house here on the farm arrived last night with a moving van, towing their car. Their dog was so excited to be back here. Issy finally has a young playmate! - and me too : ) They are a really fun couple - and kind and upbeat, just a joy to have around.

Gypsy - I think serendipity brought us together on this thread and now you are here too. I originally checked it out because I thought "Now I really did it" meant that Missy had bought the most over-the-top bling ever. Unfortunately it was her leg being referenced in the title, but happily it was the start of great fun & great support.

June - thinking of you this morning. :wavey:

Sharon, here is a factoid you may not have known...when you sit in the back yard having a little vodka sandwich while watching the chickens peck around in the grass, the big white fluffy clouds start to look like chickens. :dance:


Jan 23, 2016
Jimmianne, tons and tons of good luck for Pom! He looks like such a sweet and gentle horse! Also, he is gorgeous! :love: :love: :love:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Jimmianne, glad beautiful Pom came through the surgery and is recovering. Sending tons more ***DUST*** and healing vibes his way. He was the last thought before I fell asleep last night and my first thought when I woke this morning. And you are the furthest thing from being a failure. A better mom doesn't exist. You love and care for your all your animals and always do what you need to do no matter the expense or effort. You move mountains for all of them and you are a beautiful person and a wonderful mom. (((HUGS))).

Please keep us posted on Pom's recovery and also of course let us know what is going on with your ring and Tony. And I love your new Sketchers. So much more fashionable than the ugly ones I bought. Yours look like ballet shoes. Very nice and they look comfie too. :appl:

Rainwood, I am glad you figured out your foot problems and what shoes to wear to keep them comfortable. Like the food challenges that's the main part of the battle and once you know what works for you conquering the challenges is so much easier. Packing light is the *only* way to travel IMO. I went to Europe for 3 months between college and optometry school (I was only 19) and brought only a (big) carry on. In those days they allowed rather large carry ons but still I was proud of myself because many people I know travel with so much and really (for me) it is not worth it. I just want to enjoy my time exploring and not worrying about what outfit to wear etc. Give me comfortable shoes and comfortable clothes and sunscreen (don't forget the sunscreen and big hat too) and we are good to go. :halo:

Haha yes going walking together might be a problem given all the cute dogs all around. But if we were power walking I would be more disciplined enough for the both of us. So cmon over and let's walk. :sun:
Love that you were the "cat lady" :lol: . Cats are smart and they just felt the loving vibes and good energy coming from you. :love:

Marcy, I'm with you. Going back after a long weekend or vacation is that much harder than not taking off at all. Of course the latter is not a viable option but after each vacation (when I was working full time) it was so painful going back to work.
I'd rather you come here for your vacation this summer too. We could do lots of bling shopping and NYC sights plus take a beach house trip. It would be so much fun. Haha I bet when we do get together there will be lots of laughing all around. I think we have similar senses of humor and I think Marty and Greg would get along well.

When is the Snoopy tote due to arrive? I think it was a great purchase and I agree the white one was just price gouging. Not cool but I guess it bear it. Supply and demand and all that jazz.

Yumm to slow churned ice cream. We had ice cream again yesterday at Day's now they are open for the season. I am having ice cream during each bike ride. Hmm no wonder I love riding. :lol: Just hoping the price I pay re my skin isn't too steep. I am only having a small and rest of the year I have no dairy whatsoever and you have to live a little right? :shifty: 8-)

Junie, how is your mom doing? Has she moved in already? How is your brother handling your mom's move?
I am sorry I cannot remember the timeline on the move. I hope all is going smoothly and that you are recovered from the unpleasantness with family this past weekend. Rainwood is right. No matter how old we get family drama never completely disappears. Greg always says I am back to being a teenager when I am with my parents. LOL. I hate myself for it but those closest to us can really push those buttons and perhaps your dh's family members just keep on pushing. :knockout:
Anyway hope your week is going well and that your mom is settling in comfortably and that you are pleased to not have to commute every week to her house. Hoping you hired someone who is patient and good with your mom and can provide much needed relief for you.

Kristie, remember my parents pool invite is open to you and Finn and Maggie. As you know they keep it at 90 minimum. They used to throw doggie pool parties for the dogs birthdays LOL. They were quite the parties. :appl:

Scandi, hi there. Hoping you receive some happy news soon about the logs and your new home to be. Thinking good thoughts for you.

Hi Gypsy, I love all the ideas people are sharing for your new bling to be and hope you end up with the ring of your dreams.
As for the NIRDI acronym sometimes I feel like Lucy from "I Love Lucy" and that is not a good thing. :lol:

I don't know if any of you have checked out the gorilla thread but I cannot bear it so cannot even open the thread. So sad what happened to such a beautiful animal. Heartbreaking. Sometimes I really hate people. :cry: :cry: :cry:

We had a good bike ride yesterday albeit the late start. I am so sorry for photo bombing you guys so much yesterday morning while I was waiting for Greg to finish his work call. LOL all dressed and ready to go and too much time on my hands. I apologize for all the pics. :oops:

Anyway hoping to get an earlier start today so we can get back at a reasonable hour and have time for other things too. Have a wonderful Wednesday and I am keeping good thoughts for Pom. :wavey:


Dec 31, 2006
Hi everyone! :wavey:

Wanted to say a special hello to Scandanavian I think you said hello to me a few threads back and I forgot to say hello back. ::)

missy the gorilla thread is safe - there are no pictures or nothing graphic in there at all - just a discussion.

It is so sad about the gorilla :(sad breaks my heart.

Your input would be so welcomed and valuable there so if you're up to it check it out.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi all!

Missy, you're so sweet! Unfortunately the relative with the short fuse did stress me out and angered my dh - and everyone was talking about each other behind their backs and for some reason I was the person everyone felt comfortable venting to.

Love the pics of you and Greg outside the Stone Pony, I was there a time or two in my younger days lol. I saw Bruce Springsteen there once, he didn't perform, he was just hanging out. My son has played there a few times.

Love your shoe collection! We have similar taste in shoes, there are quite a few I'd like to own myself! I have a pair of Sketchers too and I like them, they're comfortable and I don't think they look too bad. These days I have to go for comfort, especially since my bunions have gotten worse :knockout:

Great pics of Greg and his friends! And you look great in your Brooklyn cycling outfit, it's so cute!

I'm happy you seem to be having a great vacations so far, lots of cycling and ice cream too ha.

My mother is coming to my house June 19th. That's the plan anyway lol. My sister is coming to help me move her and she'll stay for a week or so to help with the transition.

Rainwood, I'm so glad you ended up having a lovely day when you had to make the payment in person! Sounds like you had a nice weekend on the island. The family reunion ended up being so hectic I didn't even get a chance to check in. Congrats on being able to go on such a long walk! Seeing the sea lions must have been amazing. Glad to hear adding gluten back in your diet went well and I hope you can figure out the foods that are causing you problems.

And you are exactly right about people reverting to old patterns - I've known this group since they were teenagers and whenever they get together they behave the same way they did 35 years ago and they become teenagers again. It's exhausting being around them!

Jimmianne, I'm sending tons of healing dust to your beautiful Pom. I know it's so hard not to have him home but he's in good hands and it sounds like it's better to give him a chance to start recovering before he's moved. Big hugs to you and I'm hoping he has a smooth recovery. Love the pics of him, such a gorgeous animal. Please don't feel like a failure, you take wonderful care of your animals. (((hugs)))

Sounds like you had a successful shopping trip and got some cool things! I really like my Sketchers, I hope you find them comfortable too. My husband would be impressed by your packing skills, he does carry on all the time. I really hope Tony will be able to have your ring done before your trip.

Marcy, it's great spring has finally reached Wyoming! I just hope it stays lol. So glad you had a great birthday and a fun dinner with friends, love your Snoopy and Curby plate. I hope you can use your wallet with your purse, fingers crossed. And I'm hoping Marty's band arrives soon.

Kristie, love your espadrilles :love: I really need to get a few pairs, I really don't like wearing sandals or flip-flops now because I'm self-conscious about my bunions. Just lovely :roll eyes: Glad you're posting and I hope you're starting to feel in better spirits, and I'm pretty sure your life is more exciting than mine if that's any consolation lol. And yeah, it was nerve wracking witnessing this family drama and for dh's sake I was hoping his siblings could keep it together long enough to avoid a full-blown fight, which they did but there were some uncomfortable moments. And I got very tired of being the family therapist!

I know I've missed a lot but I'm just going to jump back in - have a good day everyone!

eta - Hi CJ!


Oct 24, 2012
Hi peoples, just catching up. Big family wedding and relative visit is over. It wasn't as bad as I thought. Lots of people just overwhelm me sometimes. I need to run away and hide. When the crowd thins, I can go and have actual conversations with people. Now I am happily back to my usual routine and staying busy.

Jimmianne I hope Pom recovers well. I am sending healing vibes and hugs to you.

Missy, love the biking outfit. I only read this page. I hope the ferals are doing alright. Used any new names. Don't forget Fanta and Izze.

June, thinking about you and your mom's move. I hope it all goes smoothly. Good thing your sister will be helping.

Hi all other NIRDIs. Sorry I should be reading the posts more carefully. It's actually pretty exhausting to think about the day and now it went. It is good to reflect, but still a bit draining for me.

I finished my half last weekend and missed qualifying for NYC marathon by 58 seconds. I am disappointed not to qualify but am glad I don't have to train. I wonder if my running days are over. I am pretty tired and it's mentally exhausting to keep myself on a training schedule. Two girls who ran the full and have been trying to qualify for the Boston marathon for 5-6 years finally did it. I was so happy for them.


Mar 29, 2005
Just thought I'd add a few pictures of my hike over the weekend:

And here's one of my feathered friends searching for lunch:

Not much more to say. Just trying to take care of all the usual stuff that needs to get taken care of. I may be more interesting tomorrow.

And hi to CJ and LLJ!





Aug 8, 2005
I am overwhelmed by how amazing this thread is!

I hope you all don't mind if I pop in occasionally. I'm not as good at you guys about keeping in touch though.

Missy, I have my Lucy (or Ethel) moments too. The chocolate factory especially. I have TMJ and one time it locked up my jaw when I was eating a carrot (which I really shouldn't have been eating). So I tried to get the carrot out of my mouth by sticking the fork into the butt of it and popping it out, it came out like a shot, hit the ceiling mounted light and broke it causing it to shatter all over the dining room table. Such is life. At least those around me are entertained. :cheeky: I love all your shoes. Especially the adorable multicolored suede flats.

I am excited about my project too. It's still months off. But I did go to a local jeweler to see a 5.5mm stone on my hand and see if I thought it would be too blingy as a center stone to the graduated rounds bezel set ring I am considering. It looked just right, honestly, so I am feeling excited about that.

Jimmiannie, thank you for the warm welcome! :wavey: :wavey: Hopefully the next 24 hours will bring you good news.

Rainwood, I have issues with my feet too due to RA. Finding cute shoes that don't hurt your feet can be a real challenge. Honestly I've been dealing with this for 3 years and still don't have the hang of it.

My eldest cat just got a clean bill of health from the vet. So that was good news today. I am struggling with motivation to start back on my diet, to start exercising like I planed to do (even bought a set of work out clothes and trainers), to start writing EITHER of the two novels I have started, and to finish unpacking the last of the stuff I am planning to unpack in this apartment. I am so sick of apartment living and moving and frankly I'm in a funk in general with life.

Here's a gratuitous picture of my 14 year old kiddo Duncan (yes, he's blind now) who is, according to the vet, doing very well for his age.



Feb 27, 2007

I missed some of your posts yesterday and it’s late but I have to catch up with everyone.

Junebug, I am so sorry some of DH’s family had to resort to bickering. Some people just don’t seem to be able to help themselves. I am sorry they all decided to vent to you but they all know what a caring person you are so that is probably why they picked you to talk to. I am glad you had some decent weather and I hope you got to relax some. That is nice your sister will come help with moving your mom and stay for a few weeks at first.

Jimmianne, I love the pictures of your beautiful horses. I am delighted to hear Pom came through surgery okay and hope you’ll get good news tomorrow. Funny you should mention a renewal ceremony; we are having our 25th anniversary towards the end of the month. A friend of ours suggested we have a BBQ and everyone who comes gets to write 4 lines of our vows. That would be interesting. How nice your fun new neighbors are here. That is wonderful. I love your factoid for Sharon.

Hi Gypsy! I love your kitty picture and I am glad he got a clean bill of health. Oh no to your Lucy moment with the carrot. It sounds really awful for you but it does sound like a great comedy routine for Lucy. I am glad you did go check out some diamonds today. The graduated bezel ring sounds great. So is 5.5 about a .6 carat diamond? How cool to have started 2 novels, ugh to unpacking and working out but I need to start doing that myself. Marty is on a serious diet and I need to follow suit but I get stressed / bored at work and reach for chocolate. I hope the world looks better to you today.

Rainwood, that is awesome you drew a crowd of cats so you could pet them. They knew a nice lady when they saw one. Marty definitely doesn’t miss the stress and strain of being on call so much. I get called on evenings and weekends but never as much as he did. We generally do have fun or at least a good chuckle but we both have a case of the crankies today. Your hiking pictures are beautiful.

Hi Scandinavian.

Missy, I agree that you and I would do a lot of giggling and laughing - well because we are so funny. I think Greg and Marty would get along well too. They’d start by talking watches. And then there is shopping and great places to eat. And the beach. It sounds so much more fun than in-laws in SC. My Snoopy tote has shipped so hopefully I’ll get it this week. I agree that ice cream is a good reward for bike riding. I sure hope you don’t pay for eating some. I agree that gorilla story is so sad.

Hi CJ2008.

LLJsmom, I am glad the wedding is behind you now and you can settle in to your daily routine. How is Darryl liking his new job? I know you are loving your new ring. Take it easy for a while; you deserve it.

I got pretty riled up today at work. One of my employees is a very negative person and I swear if you gave them a million dollars they'd bitch you didn't give them a million and one dollars. They are always complaining they aren't appreciated, no one ever tells them they did a good job, blah blah blah. I don't go in and sing them praises all the time but I say thank you or good job a lot. So anyway I went in about 4:30 and said "stuff looked really good today. I saw a few small things and they were already fixed when I checked on them. You guys did a good job today." So that person pipes up and says "that doesn't sound very sincere. It sounds like you are surprised we did a good job". Which fired me up immediately. So I angrily said "I just said you did a good job". Which then they repeated it and I smacked the exit button and said "great I can't do anything right!" I wanted to say a lot more but didn't trust myself for what would come out of my mouth. :wall: :wall: :wall:

So I was not in a chipper mood when I got home and Marty's normal state right now is hangry - eating 1800 calories a day on top of working out 5 days a week is making him cranky, tired and weak and he won't listen to me "that's not enough." Anyway he threw away 2 of my Cuisinart non-stick pans because they are sticking when he cooks his several rounds of eggs every day. Those pans are the kind that once they quit being non-stick you treat them again with a thin coat of oil. He didn't believe me and threw them away. They also had lifetime warranties. Oh well. So we went to Bed, Bath and Beyond tonight. He got another non-stick pan, some silicone spatulas at my insistence because he is using my nice batter rubber spatulas in his pans to fry eggs and I got some new soap dishes for our bathroom.

I did have a glass of chardonnay tonight - I felt I needed it.

Marty's new band was on the Fedex truck for delivery then got changed to "incorrect address". So he goes online and is chatting with someone at Fedex who naturally couldn't tell him much. He finally had Marty tell him what our address was and after that all he would say was the address on the package was wrong. So Fedex calls the jewelry store and they are holding the package at Fedex for Marty to pick up tomorrow. I think I'll make a list of items that jewelry store can send me to compensate me for the stress today. Ha!

But I'll quit crying like Cam Newton and Nancy Kerrigan now - tomorrow is always another fun filled day.


P.S. I still have to get ready for bed and it's 10:36. I briefly thought I won't clean my jewelry. We all know that's not going to happen. I'll lose sleep first.


Aug 8, 2005
Hi Marcy,

I think it's about a well cut .65 carat stone, yes. The total carat weight would be approximately 1.75. Points: 20, 35, 65, 35, 20.

Ugh to your co-worker. People like that drive me nuts. I just gave you a compliment-- don't dissect my diction to turn it on its head. I meant it in a positive way. If you want to, I'm happy to provide you with a complaint so you can see the difference... I'm feeling a nice example of one right now, as a matter of fact.

Diets are hard. Is Marty seeing a nutritionist? If he has a good sense of humor you might want to get him this shirt: They have really nice quality T shirts (I've bought several for my husband John including this one, which is my favorite: )

It definitely sounds like you deserved that glass of wine! I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.


Oct 24, 2012
Rainwood, love those pics of the trail. Looks very peaceful...

Gypsy, good to see you here. I love the pic of your kitty. Want to hug it. Duncan is blind? Want to hug him even harder.

Marcy, I'm so sorry about that negative person. It's very upsetting. It's also sad. This person cannot be joyful about anything in life. I was driving today, and slowing down to make a turn into my driveway and the guy following me screamed at me for not signaling. Well, we are in a residential neighborhood, near my home, and he has no business driving so fast anyway. He leaned out the window and yelled at me. My kids were shocked. I just told them that it was a free country. If a person wants to yell, they can. I did not let this person upset me for long. Clearly, this person has personal issues that have nothing to do with me. But yeah, there are crazies out there, and you happen to have one on your team. Don't let them put their crazy on you... (((hug)))

And sorry about Marty. I went through a phase of constantly being Hangry. I'm much more aware of it and now and try not to put it on my family. To combat it, I am five pounds heavier. :lol: Oh well. But can I say 1800 calories is not enough for me, let alone a man. I'm probably close to 2000-2500 calories per day. He just needs to make sure he is taking vitamins, drinking lots of water, 2-3 liters, and getting sleep. Good luck!

CJ, nice to see you...

Scandinavian, thank you for sharing pics of your in-progress home. I showed my son pics of a real life log cabin. It's cool...

AZ, hi, miss you. Just sayin...


Aug 8, 2005
LLJsmom|1464849399|4039267 said:
Gypsy, good to see you here. I love the pic of your kitty. Want to hug it. Duncan is blind? Want to hug him even harder.

You are welcome to hug him any time. He loves hugs. And yes, he's totally blind in one eye with cataracts and glaucoma (poor kiddo) and partially blind due to cataracts in the other. We were hoping to have the cataracts removed so he could have some of his vision returned, but the veterinary eye specialist says that he's a poor candidate for it and it wouldn't be worth the risk to him and the pain given that it's not likely to help him much, if at all. He still gets around well though, he's become MUCH more vocal now though with his loss of sight, and we leave the lights on at night for him. Cats are very resilient. I love all my kids. But he's my first born, so he's got an extra corner of my heart.

And I recollecting right that you are in the bay area too? We just moved from San Mateo to Alameda, and I ADORE it here. Seriously, we've lived all over the bay area and this is my favorite by far.


Jan 23, 2016
Hello :wavey: and good morning from Scandinavia!
The last few days have been a bit stressful with work and the house (no progress, no updates) so I'm hopelessly behind.. but I'll give it a go anyways, lol.

So first things first, Jimmianne, how is Pom? I'm thinking of him several times a day. Probably not fair to Missy's ferals, I only think of them maybe once a day... But then again I'm a dog and horse kind of girl, so what can I say..? The picture of Pom as a baby is heartbreaking in a good way :love: I know how you feel to leave him. When my dog had to stay at the vet for a day last fall, I camped out on the floor until she could go home for the night and brought her back the next morning. They gave up on me and started bringing me me coffee instead of asking me to leave.. Not so easy with a horse, they are a bit big to carry.. He will be fine, fingers crossed! It sounds like he is in very good hands! And you are doing all that is humanly possible to help him! And he loves you :) I can tell from the pictures :)

Missy, I love your shoe collection!!! So many nice shoes! You wouldn't happen to wear my size, would you..? LOL. I'll come and "borrow" them all :lol: :Up_to_something: :lol: And that biking outfit is gorgeous! Or rather you in that outfit, perhaps, lol Talking about shoes, I love the ones from Tom for something casual with my jeans, as an alternative to ballerinas:
and the one-for-one concept is nice also :halo:

Kristie, again thank you for your support and advice re the logs! Much appreciated and needed! Its difficult when "everybody" (read: so the construction people) are treating us like we are being difficult on purpose! I actually had my DH send them an email so that I wouldn't be the only "bitchy" one of us, lol. That carpet story is horrible and funny! Kind of true, I think, sadly, a lot of people are only interested in doing the work quickly, not well... :angryfire:

Eiffel tower: I also love this sight at night! When its dark, you can see the city lights all the way to the horizon - or at least it feels like you do :)

Rainwood: oh a bold eagle! They are so pretty! When I was a child, I would always ask my parents if an eagle was strong enough to carry a small child / baby - they would say "no" but off course I knew the answer, that is why I was asking to get it confirmed, lol, as there are always some problems with the eagles stealing newborn reindeers (in "the old days" you would shoot the birds, but off course that is no longer allowed and you could go to prison, which has kind of made the problem a bit more difficult to handle, lol, but I guess you would be forgiven if it was an actual baby..)

Missy, I cannot read the gorilla thread either. Our news had some pictures of the gorilla and the child pre the horrible stuff. I don't get it and I think it was a horrible thing to do. Such awful people. Would never happen here. First of all, there are propper fences. Second, the animals are not really wild.. and the guards do have tranquilisers. Oh it really upset me to se that news.

Marcy, going to work is awful! Even today, LOL. I think I need a summer holiday now. Soon. A bit more exercise and a bit more sleep would be nice. Don't get me wrong, I have a good job and a lot of flexibility. But still. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I would be terribly bored after a few weeks if I quit working. Or would I....? :Up_to_something: :lol: :Up_to_something: :lol:

Marcy, has the new wedding band showed up yet?

Carry on luggage: how do you do that??? I only get like one change of clothes and my cosmetics in there??? LOL LOL LOL You will have to educate me and take pictures of your suit

Rainwood, sea lions?? I'm so jealous!

Gypsy :wavey: I always enjoy your posts elsewhere, so I'm happy that I can read them here too :)

Gypsy and CJ: I'm kind of new here, so just a little info: I live in Scandinavia with my DH, our two children (4 and 8 years old) and our dog, an English setter which is the joy of my life and the family baby - and don't she knows it, lol.

June, I'm sorry that the family gathering was less than perfect. I get stressed out by such things too. Why can't grown up people behave? (or stay away? LOL) Hope everything will go smooth with your mother moving in! Fingers crossed! I guess it will be difficult for her and for you as well. But I do hope you remember that you are doing a very nice thing for her!!

LLJsmom: so sorry you did not qualify! But as you say, that means you can relax and not train so hard! :) I need to exercise more.. I consider getting a gym membership close to work so that I can do interval training during lunch hour, lol.

Do you have really expensive gyms in the US / Canada? Here, there are a few where you get your own locker, they wash your clothes, 2 PT hours per week etc so you can just come and go without a bag or appointment. But the price: approximately 1200 USD per month! Kind of expensive, don't you think??? I don't think its worth it, but I do know people who go there..

Gypsy, Duncan is beautiful! Is he doing ok without seeing? Not bumping into things etc? Animals are so smart :) :halo: He looks happy :)

Oh Marcy, I'm so sorry about your work! or employees to be more specific! Please try to rise above it all. It sounds like they are trying to bring you down and that they don't show you the propper respect. I would call them on it. Take the horrible person aside and tell them their place and put them into it fast. Give him/her very boring work and say that until they perform better and have a better attitude, they are not trusted to do propper work tasks. :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: Don't raise your voice. Stay calm... (I know I know, not easy...) And tell them that their behaviour is not acceptable. Give them a written warning. Or in worst case, find someone else. You deserve so much better than this!!!!

Re diets, I guess Marty is eating enough protein? Sounds like it based on the eggs :) I like to add a few protein shakes during the day to keep my energy up.

Thank you LLJsmom, we think the log house will be cool too :) I hope.... LOL

All my best to you all! Hope today will be a good day!


Dec 9, 2013
That Dear Duncan. I know he has had such a good life with you, Gypsy. Animals are so good at adapting to adversity and he is such a great example. hugs to Duncan!

Pom continues to do well and will stay in hospital until next week. Part of me wants to stay to take care of him and part of me is so worn out that I think it would be a mistake to stay home.
"My" kids moved into the studio yesterday where they will live while they build a house. I took my personal items out already but then they had so much of their own furniture that they had to move all MY furniture over here - so now two rooms of my house look like a jumble sale. haha so much for having the house ready for the sitter. I surrender!!

Scandi, I cannot look at that story either. It is the most disturbing thing. They could not use a tranquilizer because it would not work fast enough and the initial shock of being hit could enrage him to lash out. I'm sorry to even talk about it here, but wanted to alleviate any upset that things could have been done differently.

Marcy, love that "four lines per person". It would be very interesting and fun. Congratulations on your 25th! Impressive those rabbits and bears have such a great relationship : )

More later. Leaving here around three. Flight at 6 and arrive at CDG at 8am tomorrow. Hopefully I can figure out how to send replies. My experience is that it all seems so simple until you get there and then nothing works quite right LOL Currently there is a train strike which affects my getting South. as I said above...I surrender!! :whistle:
hugs to everyone!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Jimmianne, glad Pom is doing as well as can be expected and I am glad you are going ahead with the trip. There is nothing you can do by staying and now he needs rest and time to heal. We are all keeping Pom in our thoughts and prayers and will continue to do so. Hope we can keep in touch during your trip and know we are thinking of you too and sending you happy travel vibes. Safe flight and (((HUGS))). And just got your email. Thank you and yes definitely please!

Junie, I am happy your sister is coming to help with your mom's transition and I hope it goes as smoothly as possible. Let me know if/when you might be up for a GTG in Lambertville because I am itching to visit Barbara and Toni at PP Jewelers and if you are thinking you might want to visit there too for a break from everyday life let me know. If your dh can join us that would be great too and we know a lovely place for dinner not too far away if you are up for that as well. No pressure and this invite is open so whenever you feel like it let me know. No expiration. :bigsmile:

Gypsy, OMG I LOVE your sweet Duncan. He is such a beautiful baby and I wish I could hug him in person. I might not let go. :love:
I am so relieved for you that he got a clean bill of health! I am sorry he is blind from cataracts and glaucoma but you are right. They don't feel the same way about disabilities as we do and they manage just fine and go about their happy way. He really is such a love. Yesterday during our bike ride we stopped by our friends house just so I could see Zoubee their kitty who is also an orange love. She is so friendly too. Unlike our crew of 4 who are only loving to us.
She was also a rescue kitty like all of our cats.



I hate that you are dealing with RA. My mom has severe RA and is on numerous meds that cost thousands per month. I don't feel like going into it except to say it is draining their savings and even though they have tried getting it covered most of it is not. I am just grateful there is something that helps provide relief for her even if it is not perfect and I hope you are doing well and find meds that provide more complete relief from your symptoms. (((Hugs))).

Your ring project is taking shape and I am loving your thoughts about the proportions.

I am so happy you and LLJsmom are living in such a beautiful area where the weather is pretty much perfect all the time. I would so love to live there too. Many of my sad feelings and down moods would be helped if we lived in a city where the weather was sunny and bright and always biking ready. Sadly we won't move away from our families and even if we were willing California is just too expensive for us to live the way we would want to live. I love NYC and where we are at the Jersey Shore (I know you lived in New Jersey for a while too) but the weather leaves much to be desired for me anyway.

Please join here whenever you are in the mood Gypsy. I know I am speaking for all of us when I say we LOVE having you come and share in this thread and you are a breath of fresh air. This thread can handle all the Lucys who want to come here and post haha. And yes that was my favorite episode when she and Ethel were in the chocolate factory and started shoving chocolates in their mouth because the convection belt was going too fast. LOL and I have had a few Lucy/Missy moments like that myself. :lol:

Rainwood, love your peaceful hiking trail. Looks similar to the hiking trail we take here sometimes. In fact I am thinking today might be a good day for hiking as it is a pretty stiff East wind at the beach and the temps are very cool today. We had a great run (haha run) of cycling but the next 4 days or so don't look so great. I am over fighting the weather to go cycling and then not really enjoying it and on days like that we just enjoy being done with it. No thanks. Already proved myself to myself last year and this year I am not going to go cycling under inclement weather circumstances. Unless I change my mind. :cheeky:

CJ2008, thanks for letting me know about the gorilla thread being safe but I am not sure I am up for it because I haven't even been able to watch the details on the news so I don't even know the full story. All I know is the gorilla was murdered and there was negligence involved. I am very unhappy about that news and a beautiful animal was murdered because of the stupidity and carelessness of humans. I just don't have the energy right now but thank you for looking out for me and for the invitation to join. Maybe if I can get my strength up but right now I don't feel strong enough for that thread.

We love having you here CJ. Just wanted to add that. (((Hugs))).

Marcy, ugh, I hate such negative people. They are so unpleasant to be around. Well now you know not to give that employee(s) any compliments. In fact I would try to have as little extraneous interaction as possible with that employee and just tell them what they need to do and how they need to do it and if they need direction give it to them and that is that. It feels like you have them battling you and that is not cool. So disrespectful and it makes my blood boil for you. :nono: We need those killer bunnies to take care of this person for you...just saying... :Up_to_something:

Yes whenever you visit we will spend much of the time giggling that I know for sure. I have bouts of laughing fits and usually it is because I crack myself up and Greg enjoys when I do that. Laughing is good for the soul! :halo:

Hoping you enjoyed a relaxing evening and glad you had a glass of Chardonnay. (((HUGS))). I hope work is better today and if not just let me know and I will send my reinforcements to Wyoming to take care of those problem employees. :!:

Scandi, haha I forgive you. Pom takes front and center right now and the ferals will still be here when you have the time and energy to think of them and send them good luck and well being vibes. No worries. There is enough NIRDI love to go around. :appl:
I am sorry the resolution of the log mess is not moving faster but it will be over eventually and everything will be sorted out. In the meantime I am sorry you are going through this additional stress. :(sad

Thank you for the shoe rec. They are adorable and I really like them. Are they super comfortable? I am thinking of ordering a few pairs and want to make sure they have support and comfort. My feet are ridiculously sensitive. How about this pair? Thank you for the rec!

Kristie, glad your days are active and going well and that the weather is cooperating and your pool is swim ready. Looking forward to the package arriving and I will share the pics here when they do arrive. Thank you again. You are a love. (((HUGS))).

Callie, nice you had a successful shopping trip this past Monday and hope your week is going well.

LLJsmom, You already know I am disappointed about not qualifying this year for the NYC marathon but that is more for me than you now that I am reading how you are feeling about it. Sounds like you need a break and it is not a bad thing you didn't qualify this year. Running marathons is punishing to the body and a break is a good thing. I am just disappointed because that means I won't see you this autumn. Selfish of me I know. ::) Glad you survived the family visit and wedding and are back to your normal busy routine. Wouldn't mind more pics of your gorgeous OEC. :love: :appl:

We had a good bike ride these past 2 days and the weather was perfect. Today and the next # of days don't look so great but we will make the best of it and have fun no matter what the weather does. I am determined. Also, I unofficially "bought" something yesterday but it isn't official yet because even though the seller sent me an email saying it is mine I have not yet received her paypal info to send payment so I am not sure what is up with that. But hoping it works out because it is a pretty vintage piece.

I hope I didn't forget anyone or anything and if I did it wasn't intentional. Sending you all happy vibes for a good day and lots of hugs and love and healing dust to Pom and love to Duncan too. :wavey:
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