
Now I really did it :((


Jun 17, 2009
Oh rainwood, you really have had a very rough day! One aggravation after another - I'm beyond frustrated for you that the AC isn't working at your island house, especially after having it looked at twice. These kinds of chronic household problems are so exhausting and frustrating. I'm glad you vented, and hopefully it helped at least a little. I'm so sorry for the lousy day, this too shall pass and I hope if you return home you can try to relax a little and unwind from the stress of today. Things won't seem so bad once you're back home and you get some rest. Do something special for yourself tomorrow, even if it's just a little thing. You deserve it! Hugs and I hope you feel better soon.

Marcy, I'm glad the jeweler can stretch out Marty's ring. It's good your boss had a talk with your employee, maybe by some miracle she got the message lol. Glad to hear you're enjoying your bags. The internet really is a great source for information, what did we ever do without it haha. I'm happy to hear your skin is doing a little better, hopefully by tomorrow there will be even more improvement. Enjoy the movie and the popcorn! Let me know how the movie was, I haven't seen it yet.


Feb 27, 2007
Rainwood, I am so sorry to hear you had such a horrible day full of one hassle after another. Did you head back to the city tonight? I am with Junebug, you should do something nice for yourself tomorrow. You deserve a quiet, relaxing day for sure. Hugs to you dear lady.

Junebug, Zoolander 2 was amusing. We liked it. It's silly like the first one. I'll probably put some more Benadryl on itchy spots before I go to bed tonight and you are right it'll probably be all gone by tomorrow.



Mar 29, 2005
The nightmare continues. Decided to catch the 8:45 ferry back which would give me time to do some of the watering at the beach without doing it in the heat of the day. Plus there isn't a wait at that time of night on a Saturday. Had to cut a little of the watering short and hurry to load up everything I'd packed up this morning plus the groceries I never had time to eat. Would make it just in time if the boat was on time, which I doubted it would be. Lots of tourists on the island which means people going way slower than the speed limit - 25 in a 40 mph and ramping up to 30 in a 50. Me sweating whether I'm going to make the boat. I didn't need to worry. The ferry line was backed up so far, I couldn't stop fast enough to get in line and had to do a U-turn. I wasn't even close to the only one who had to do that. Wasn't even close to making the 8:45 which was 20 minutes late so had to wait the hour and 10 minutes for the next boat. Still hot, but at least my spot in line gave me a nice view of the weather. Was able to read for awhile until it got too dark. My boat was late too but the next boat was not only after 11, but takes a different route that takes an extra half hour. I'm sure there were lots of people in line who were going to have to take that boat and had no idea it was the milk run.

Got home at 11:15. Spent more time on the road and in the ferry line today than I actually spent at the house. I'm mentally exhausted and can't decide if I do yoga first to try and calm down or just go to bed and put this day behind me. If I want to look at the positive, I didn't hit a deer, I didn't get bitten by mosquitos, and I had some nice cold watermelon when I got back. And I have lovely A/C to bask in when it's 90+ tomorrow.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls.

Rainwood, I hope as I am writing this you are sleeping peacefully and having sweet cool dreams. That yesterday is a very distant memory when you wake up and one that will be erased by a lovely Sunday. I am so sorry you had the day from hell yesterday and that it continued through the evening. Ugh. So frustrating when you do everything right and still this happens. I feel you on the A/C issues too. Why are these things so complicated at times to figure out.

The ferry situation is a pain in the arse. Ugh. Though it is pretty great they take cars. I wish our ferry here did that as then we could take the car and kitties on the ferry and we wouldn't have to drive here with them. So that is a big plus that your ferry takes cars but I wish they would get back to the proper number of ferries running for you because this is not a pleasant situation. I hate waiting in long lines especially during the hotter weather. If I could (and not sure you can but just throwing this out there and you probably already do this generally) I would go totally off peak when many less people are taking the ferry. So if it is possible I would travel let's say early Friday morning (instead of Fri afternoon or night or Sat morning) and come back Tuesday morning. If possible. And I know you already do some version of that anyway and sometimes you have no choice but to travel during peak hours. Hopefully this is the last time you have to go through this kind of travel mess for the rest of the season.

The way you told your adventure was very captivating and it held me the whole story through. You are a very good writer and I felt like I was right there with you as it was happening. Of course if I had been right there with you it might have been a more humorous experience at the time. Sometimes I have a knack of helping make awful situations less so and more funny as they are happening. But you were all alone and that's a whole hell of a lot harder to put a funny spin on than when you have a friend with you. And you're right. No mosquito bites, no deer hitting, sweet watermelon and cool A/C. That was a Lucy day for sure and as most Lucy days it had a happy ending. (((HUGS))).

What are your plans for getting the beach house A/C fixed? Another big advantage of having 2 homes (and there are so many disadvantages that it is good to remember the advantages too) is that when something breaks in one home you can go to the other. LOL it is true. I remember during hurricane Sandy and Irene we stayed in Brooklyn and it was a relief (though I felt badly about leaving the home to fend for itself we had no choice as we were evacuated) to have another place that was safe to go. And when the power goes out in one home we have the other home. Or when the A/C goes out in one we go to the other. So it is nice to know we have a backup home. LOL. Just another positive though it is a pain in the neck taking care of 2 homes especially now for you with Michael gone. I know that makes it so much harder sweetheart and I know it highlights even more how much you miss him. I don't know if you believe in this at all but in my heart I know he is so proud of you seeing how amazingly you are dealing with all these challenges and being so strong. (((HUGS))).

Marcy, glad you enjoyed the ice cream pics from yesterday and it is a sweet ice cream shoppe from another era. The whole town is and I love it there. That is good news Marty's ring can be stretched to his proper ring size so yay for that. I am glad your sunburn and hives are much better and that the Benadryl cream works so well for you. No Greg would not do the Polar Bear club but my BIL (and sister once or twice) did it for a number of years. Crazy. Hope you enjoyed Zoolander and the popcorn last night. We never saw that movie. Oh and I wanted to tell you we love the doorbell video thingamig. I can see what's happening on my phone. Cool. Thanks for the rec Marcy.

Junie, sounds like you have everything under control and almost ready for your mom's move. I hope your brother is there to help and support you especially since you are making his life easier now by taking your mom to live with you. Fingers crossed. Sounds good re Lambertville so I will keep you posted and when it is convenient for you we can make plans. They are closed Mondays and Tuesdays. We almost went Friday but decided not to and enjoyed some shore antique shopping/hunting instead in a few of the beach towns south of us. It was fun but not as much fun as bling shopping. :cheeky:

I hope everyone enjoys a lovely Sunday. We are expecting Ann today with the kittens so hoping that still happens. My sister told me that everything the kittens touch needs to be bleached since we don't know if they carry any diseases etc since they have not yet been tested and if they do they can be contagious to our kitties. :(( Now I am concerned and have to figure it out. Greg thinks that bleaching everything the kittens touch is overkill but my sister is the vet yanno? So I am trying to figure out where we can let the kittens play that would be easy to clean up with bleach and I am coming up blank. All the rooms have furniture we cannot bleach but there's the shed but I don't think that is fair to have Ann hang out in the shed and I prefer to bring the kittens into the house to be more comfortable. Sigh. We will figure it out. Will take pics for all of you too. Have a good day! :wavey:

Adding some cheerful pics for everyone. Rainwood, this is what we need when we have stressful days. We will make yours dairy free. They have those options just so you know so when you visit we will be ready. :appl: First pic is one of the breaks we took yesterday during our long bike ride. Nice scenery throughout our bike rides. Pretty. And then of course ice cream is always welcome. :lickout:






Jun 8, 2008
I'm back because I just want to add a few more pics of the sweet town we love at the shore. The house on the corner is one my favorites and is across from the ocean. We call it the Wave House. We have to name everything lol. IDK why but we do. Anyway sharing the Wave House and a few others in this lovely town. Ha good to know I don't just love Victorian bling but Victorian homes too. I am consistent. :love:





Jun 8, 2008
Ok just another (bad) poem that started coming into my head while working out to music. Sharing it for all of you but dedicated to Rainwood because of her day yesterday. It's from the heart as always. To all the NIRDIs. XO.

Life is full of ups and downs, the good and bad
Happy times, sad times, and those that make you go mad

When things go awry all one can do is think
This too shall pass and it's just another kink
In the road that is life
Full of challenges and strife

But full of wondrous experiences too
Each day different- some bright and some blue
But always filled with much change anew

The one thing we know we can count on
Is that if we wait things change yet again
For better or worse
Sometimes we feel we are about to burst

But when one is in the middle of a crap storm
Hold on stay strong and soon it will be a new morn
Hang in the NIRDIs are here
Diminishing the sting of life, its harshness and fear

Lean on us we are collectively stronger than anyone alone
With us here you always have a support system via email, in person or by phone

Wishing much happiness and lots of bright skies
May the lows we experience be much outweighed by the highs
Pushing out of our heads the darkness and the storms
Leaving days sunny and bright with gentle breezes to keep us warm

We are here for each other and always happy to bring
The warmth and support and don't forget sharing the bling

The NIRDIs make it all worthwhile allowing us to diminish the stress
For sharing stress is stress cut in half and make it less of a mess
And sharing joy helps it overflow and feel endless
Yes it's true sharing can really help make it the best

Wishing happiness, love, joy, and much good health
Knowing with the NIRDIs as friends we have priceless wealth

((((Hugs))) to all the NIRDIs and their furry crew
Encouragement and support we always can do
We are on your side, here for each of you
and sending lots of hugs, kisses and love too


Dec 9, 2013
What a great poem!


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne|1465137857|4040453 said:
What a great poem!

Jimmianne!!!! How are you? How's France treating you?
And how is dear Pom?

Miss you. XOXO. Hope you're having a wonderful adventure! :appl: :wavey:


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, have fun with the kittens! I'm wondering if the kitchen would work? You could just wash the floor afterwards. Maybe the shed is the best bet in the long run. Just thinking out loud and I know you and Greg will figure something out.

Love the pics of the beach! Those houses are just beautiful, I love Victorian homes. And such a quaint ice cream shop, how great to have such a nice town to visit on your bike.

Rainwood, I'm so sorry your crummy day ended up lasting even longer! Oh my gosh what a rigamarole. If I had seen your post I think I would have recommended you call it a day and just go to bed! I hope you got a good night's sleep and are feeling better today - and I hope you can relax a little and you pamper yourself a bit. You definitely deserve it! You make such a good point about how things could always have been worse - that's how I comfort myself when I'm feeling overwhelmed by life. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but it's always worth a try!

eta - Missy, your poem is awesome! I love it! :appl:

eta again - Jimmianne!!! :appl: How is your trip going so far? Miss you!


Feb 27, 2007

Rainwood, I hope you woke up to an entirely new and better day. Yesterday just wasn’t your day. That is good thing to do put it in perspective; things could have been worse. I hope you are enjoying a relaxing and cool house today with with your AC. Missy is right you are a good story teller.

Missy, I think the ice cream shoppe made up like it’s from a simpler time makes it a more special place to go. I was going to get some ice cream when I was out running errands this morning but the ice cream place wasn’t open yet. Rats.

Your sister and BIL are braver than me joining in on the Polar Bear Club. I’d still be cold.

I am glad you are enjoying the video door bell.

Have fun with the kitties and I hope you can figure out an easy place to play with them and not have to clean a lot of things afterward.

The Wave house looks very cool. Thank you for the wonderful pictures.

Great poem Missy. It is awesome! You know it’s heartfelt when it brings tears to my eyes.

Hi Jimmianne. I hope you are having a wonderful time.

Junebug, I hope you are having a relaxing day today as well.

I picked up a few things at the store, got some flowers for the cemetery, and went to the post office. Since my in-laws are coming today I had a donut for breakfast. Ha! Now I am starving and it’s 1 pm with no in-laws in sight.

Today would have been my parent’s 68th anniversary so I took some carnations out to the cemetery. It was certainly less busy than Memorial Day weekend.

Then I picked up stuff from our PO box - I haven’t been since February sometime. People in the astronomy club get upset when I don’t cash their checks right away but it’s not a high priority to go check that box. And it’s not like they pay me to be the club treasurer. Ha! The reason we got a PO box is there is this kind of scary guy who would show up at our old house, unannounced and bring his dues. He had his $12.00 rolled up like a small straw, it had been in his hand and a taxi would bring him over. It was all yucky, etc. I didn’t like him just coming to our house because he has demonstrated paranoia and anger in the past so need I say more? Once we moved we got a PO Box for the club and hopefully club members never find where we live unless we invite them here.

I am watching “Finding Nemo”. It’s a cute movie.

Have a fabulous day.


Mar 29, 2005
Hello, everyone, and thank you for your kind thoughts. And Missy, thank you for the poem. It means a lot.

I ended up going upstairs for a bit last night and listening to some of my favorite uptempo dance music (yes, I'll admit there's some Justin Bieber in there!) and decompressed then went to bed. I decided my treat for today was to stay in bed until I wanted to get up more than I wanted to stay in. I'm a night owl and hate going to bed, but once I'm there I hate getting up. So I decided to let my body tell me what to do rather than the clock. I got up at noon! If the world were structured around what I want, I'd go to bed at 2 in the morning and get up at 10, take a leisurely shower, etc. and be ready for brunch at 11, just like everyone else. Unfortunately, the world doesn't work that way and most people are morning people by nature or necessity so I rarely sleep in guilt-free and never could once Michael died and Nina came to me to say "Where's my breakfast?' So that was today's treat.

One of the good things about having a really bad day is that it forces you to think about what is happening and why. Good days we don't, okay days we don't, and even mildly bad days we don't. On really bad days, it's hard to avoid thinking about what's wrong, why it's wrong, and if we can or want to fix it. So this afternoon, fresh as a daisy, I've been doing that. And forcing myself to be absolutely honest. I won't bore you with most of my conclusions, but I will on one that's jewelry-related.

I've been debating whether to buy a solitaire (stone with custom-designed setting) for ages which isn't like me. I'm not a ditherer by nature, but even when I decided on the exact stone, I just couldn't bring myself to buy it. So there had to be a reason for that. It's not money, I can afford it (in the "if I spend it I won't miss it" category of "afford" for those of you who participated in that thread). And I've told myself and probably even said here that the reason I'd buy this ring is as a symbol I'm going to be okay on my own. Sounds nice, even inspiring, right? But it's actually a complete load of crap. I don't know if I'm going to be okay. I'm only going to be okay if I do the hard work to make my life work on its own and have the luck of good health and good choices. Buying an expensive ring isn't going to affect the outcome either way.

And if I'm even more honest, I'm not much of a "symbols" kind of girl anyway. I told Gypsy in her thread that she shouldn't put the pressure on herself of this next one being her "forever" ring. I need to take my own advice and not put pressure on myself by giving this ring a label it shouldn't have. If I buy the stone and design a setting, I need to admit that I'm spending a lot of money because it's pretty and I would enjoy looking at it throughout the day, the same way I like looking at a nice piece of art or listen to music. And that's all. And that I'd be wearing it on my left hand partly because it would get banged around too much on my right, partly because I'm used to having something pretty to look at on my left hand, and partly for reasons I'll keep private but which I'm honest to myself about. So I need to be okay with buying the stone and creating a ring for those reasons, not for reasons that sound good but aren't true. So there's a bit of my self-therapy session.

Now on to someone who isn't me!

Missy, is that Cape May? What lovely houses and such charm! And I hope you have great fun with the kittens today. You deserve a reward for all the hard work and anxiety you and Greg have invested in the cats. And I'm in love with that red helmet! I can see why you'd want to wait until that comes in your size rather than settle for something else.

Junie, I really do have you in my thoughts these days. You are going on a journey that will be filled with joy and frustration and anger, and everything in between. And there will be days where you have thoughts and emotions that will startle you, make you feel ashamed of yourself, and feel like the worst daughter in the world. But, if it's any comfort, we've all had those emotions even the people who don't admit it. I could tell you things I thought or said when my DH and my mother were sick, and you'd think I was a terrible person. I learned I wasn't terrible though, I was just a person going through terrible stress. There's a big, big difference.

Marcy, I'm glad Marty's ring can be stretched because it's really striking. I always wondered how that actually works though because metal wouldn't seem like it has that much give unless you heat it up enough to change shape. But this is another area where I have zero actual knowledge. And 'Finding Nemo' was such a cute movie. I've said "Go to your happy place, go to your happy place!" more than once in honor of that line from Allison Janney (I think she was a starfish?).

Jimmianne, glad you popped in and hope your trip is what you want it to be despite the flooding.

Hi to everyone else as well. Hope you're having a fun and uneventful weekend. And that if you aren't, you feel free to rant about it. I certainly did!


Feb 27, 2007
Rainwood, I wish I had the words to help you sort out all those thoughts and questions in your mind. I found the best way to work through things for me is tackling one thing at a time and dealing with things when I am ready to face them. Wouldn’t it be great if all of us could see the future and know if things will turn out okay? All we do can is make the best and most logical decisions we can and hope for the best. I think it is perfectly fine to buy yourself a pretty solitaire to wear and enjoy no matter what your reasons are for wanting it. Having that sparkly diamond on your finger might just be the one thing that brightens your day. Hugs to you. Using “Go to Your Happy Place” is always a good idea to think as well. Sometimes when I am in bed and can’t turn off my mind I actually start saying to myself “la la la teddy bears”. Then I think of some silly rabbit / bear thing and it calms me down enough I can fall asleep. It is sad that I have to resort to a la la la thought but I’ve used it a lot in the last few years.

Good point about sizing Marty’s ring. I am questioning that myself if they can size it up uniformly since it is so thick and deep.

I had to watch Finding Nemo again since Finding Dori is coming out this summer. I love Allison Janney in Mom; she is so sarcastic. I didn’t recognize her as the voice of the starfish today but I knew the voice sounded familiar. Ellen was great as Dori. I have her TV show on after work in the afternoon and there is a little boy that she’s been helping him and his mom because he had a bad heart and recently had a heart transplant. Anyway she is taking him to the Hollywood premiere as her date. I thought that was really cool.

My in-laws got here about 2. We all went to lunch and Marty headed off to Denver for a Bare Naked Ladies concert. He is stuck with 2 extra tickets. His sister who told him not to buy her one went back to Arizona sick on Friday so he has her ticket and some guy in Denver he knows said he’d go but never paid for the ticket or got back to him. I told Marty to move between all 3 seats and get his money’s worth.


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, The kittens are just the cutest little things. What a fun afternoon today must of been for you. The only hard part must have been watchjng them go back with Ann. Is their a possibility of keeping one of them. It sounds like you and Greg had a fun weekend. We went to dinner at a restaurant that had outdoor seating tonight. A couple was eating dinner and brought there tiny Yorkie with them. When they left they got on there bikes with a basket for the Yorkie on the woman's bike. The dog looked so happy as they all rode off together.

Rainwood, Your post made me cry. I can only imagine all you are going thru and how difficult it must be for you. You are a very good writer and it is obvious how much you miss your dear husband. I went thru a dark time in my life many years ago (not nearly as hard as what you are dealing with). I was young at the time and remember how hard it was just getting out of bed some mornings. During this difficult time if something made me smile or made me happy for 5 minutes I did it, Many dresses ended up in my closet during this time just because they made me happy. A little retail therapy never hurts. If looking down at the ring makes you smile on a hard day or just an ordinary day, isn't it worth it? You can easily afford it so go for it. I know this is none of my business but have you considered getting a dog? Nothing can brighten up a sad or hard day like the love of a pet. I say this with an eight pound bundle of joy sleeping on my lap as I type this. She has been a huge bright spot these past few months for me. The day's that were really hard she always seemed to know and wouldn't leave my side. If you don't want to talk about it I completely understand.

Marcy, I know today brought up a lot of memories for you with it being your mom and dad anniversary. You were so lucky to have them in your life. They sounded like wonderful people. I hope you enjoy your time with Marty's parents. How long will they be staying? Too bad we don't live close by. My husband would have gone to the concert with Marty and paid for the ticket! He also enjoys going to concerts. Are things going better at work for you?

Hi Kristie, I hope you had a good weekend.

Hi Sharon, I hope all is well with you.

Junebug, I hope you are doing well and please know we will be here for if things get rough in the months ahead. Will your sister be coming up to help at all once your mom comes to stay? have you been able to arrange for help with someone you feel comfortable with? I'm sorry things didn't go as smoothly as you would have liked with your husband's family at the beachhouse? Family can be so exhausting at times.

Jimmianne, I'm sorry to hear Pom has been having a hard time and hope your poor baby is feeling better now. I hope you doing well in France. The flooding sounds awful there.

Scandinavia, I hope you are closer to coming up with a solution regarding the logs. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this. It sounds very stressful and frustrating. I loved the picture you posted of your sweet baby. Aren't dogs the best!

CJ and Zestfully Bling, I'm so happy you started posting here.

Gypsy, I have a five stone ring made with 20 pointers. I know it's not exactly what you are looking for but I would be happy to ask my jeweler to size it to fit you. You could wear it for a few months to decide if you think it would be too blingy. I would suggest a seven stone ring if you go with stones close to this size . It's currently a size 5 and the stones fit the width of my finger. You can see the side metal easily if the ring moves slightly. Please know that it's an option for you to try for a few months.


Aug 8, 2005
Hi Everyone, I'm sorry I'm so behind. You've all been so welcoming.

I'm happy the snow story made you guys laugh. It's a good one. And so is DH, yes.

First Rainwood, I did not know you were going through such a hard time, my friend. You've always been there for me, I hope I can be there for you, even if it's only from here. Your strength and your grieving comes through so clear in your writing. I am so sorry you lost Michael, it must be like losing a limb. It is good you are taking time to reflect and be kind to yourself. If there is anything I can do, please let me know, seriously.

I do live in Alameda now. It's right next to Oakland, but it's an island and the "moat" of the estuary make it its own world. I am hoping rather desperately we can stay here and maybe even buy a condo or a townhome. A two bedroom town home here is much more reasonable than other parts of the bay area that are close to the city and have a low crime rate. But you are still talking about 700k plus some work/renovations for that. 650k or so for a condo. So... ya know, ridiculous. But it's better than the peninsula where we were before. 900k for a one bedroom condo out there. :shock:

As for bling. Yes, do buy something just because you want it and it will make you smile. That's priceless in and of itself. I totally agree with Callie about the love of a pet. I can't tell you what a solace my kiddos have been when I've suffered a loss. They are little miracles.

LLJ, I get that same feeling with shopping sometimes. Like an itch. I usually end up on ebay buying my husband yet another tie. I really like buying them and it satisfies the itch. And yes, he has a nice tie collection as a result. LOL. I like your belt though, it's beautiful!

Missy, I tell John the same thing, "You married ME." He never has any Lucy moments though. Kittens are so much fun. I love socializing them. Oh, if I were near you I would love to help you find a home for them. And socialize them. I love holding kitten paws, and (gently) pulling on their tails and rubbing their bellies so they get used to it and don't lash out. Use Facebook for rehoming them. I recently had to find a home for a stray and I was amazed at how many lovely people there were on Facebook willing to take in a kiddo. I found someone a friend vouched for, with a fantastic home. Might as well use your social media powers for good. Love the Lucy pictures! I am going to have to DVR some episodes I can tell. I just recently finished a Golden Girls re-run. So much fun!

I know exactly where you live. Yes, the rain is great for the green. I was so shocked when I first saw DC/Maryland/Virginia area. CA is beautiful but OMG the bright green out there. I've always said to John that if we moved back to NJ I want to live in Coltsneck, personally. I am not a city girl. I am not a big country girl either, I am more so that an a city girl. Definitely a suburb girl. If there is such a thing.

I love the saying on that plate. One of the most important things I learned as an adult, and I WISH I had known earlier was what a true friend is, and how to recognize a false one. But then, I suspect we all wish that. Bobby looks very proud of himself.

Great poem. And I love those homes. There are so many Victorian homes here in Alameda. And 1/3 of them are in bad repair as they are so expensive to upkeep. They look like fussy old lady's to me. I see them and say to my husband, "NEVER gonna buy one of those." Not that there's any risk of that give their price tags. LOL! Still they are charming to look at.

Zestfully, my life would bore most people to tears. I like it that way though. There is a certain freedom in boring, I find. I am not really a fan of excitement. When I was younger one of my biggest wishes was for 'stablity' and 'contentment.' Strange thing for a young woman to want, but that's what I wanted. And I jealously guard what I have now.

AZ, I could probably include the story, or one similar to it, into one of the books I started. Hmmm... great suggestion.

Hi Marcy, YIKES on the sunburn. Do you like hats? I admit I am not a fan, but even with my darker complexion I break them out when I am likely to burn. Target has some decent ones cheap that look okay on. It's amazing how WHITE Lucy looks in that picture with Liz Taylor. WOW. I need to watch Finding Nemo again too. Maybe tonight after Game of Thrones. Something light is usually needed after an episode of that drama.

The "evil" leaking out of you? LMAO @ Marty!

HI Scandi, you write VERY well. I never would have guessed you aren't from the US originally. I am pretty darned conservative when it comes to my personal safety, so I can't imagine living somewhere that it's relatively safe to hitchhike! It's always sad though to think that the generations to come will not have the same safety we have had though. Your baby is a BEAUTIFUL boy. Wow. So handsome!

Callie, honey. What an EXTREMELY generous offer. I can't have you size it 1.5 sizes though for a few months. It's not good for the structure of the piece and I would never let you do that. But just that you offered is so amazing. Thank you! I actually have to pick my wedding band up at Joe Escobar this week after a repair. They have a ton of stuff there and they'll let me try on anything I want. So don't worry about me. I am not going to have the cash for my piece for a WHILE, unless something miraculous happens (*snort*) so there is no rush.

How are you doing though? I haven't caught up with you forever!

Hi CJ! Hi Sharon! Hi Junebug! Hi Jimmianne!


Jan 23, 2016
Hello girls :wavey:

How are you all today? I'm good - I think - all things considered, lol. In other words, no progress on the logs. Still waiting for the lab report. My DH is the one who has been communicating with the lab, so I think I'll send him an email and ask him to call them.. :wall:

The weekend has been uneventful. Nothing much going on. A bit of work (took the day off Friday so had to make amends, lol) and two birthday parties. And poff - Monday is here again. I have made a decision to start exercising during lunch break. So bored with the lunch at work (and a lot of trouble with the food mysteriously containing gluten..) so I'll exercise instead! Much better idea, lol :angel:

I love the movie Nemo as well :) Thought I was the only one.. :lol: gotta love the NIRDIs :)

Missy, those houses!! I'm lost for words!! Oh so nice! I love that kind of places :) Makes me want to go on a holiday :love:

Might go on a cruise to Hawaii next summer (2017) - have any of you been there? Looks incredible! And it might allow me to stop by NYC on the way :love: All excuses for some shopping are good excuses :bigsmile: One of our friends (i.e. my friend with DH and 2 children) always go on cruises, and they say that they are great fun, so I think we might give it a try and maybe go with them next year - their children and ours are good friends and on holiday it is always nice that the children have someone to play with (allows me to drink more coffee and build less sand castles, lol) Missy, have you seen the baby-kitties yet? I'm sorry, can't remember when they were supposed to visit you. The red helmet looks very (!) good! Sporty and stylish all in one! And it will go very well with your biking outfit :) Love the new jacket by the way :love:

Jimmianne - how is Paris?? :love: :wavey:

Marcy, so annoying about Marty's new ring! Hope the resizing goes well! How is work?? Thinking of you and hoping for an uneventful and nice work week with lots of cake!

Callie, you are too kind :) She really is a doll that dog of mine :) She is really a family dog, but she and I both pretend that she is mine, lol. Very much a mommy-girl :lol: Could you please post a picture of that ring of yours by the way? The five stone 20 pointers you mentioned? I'm dreaming of an eternity but clueless to which size I should choose for the stones..

Rainwood, if you want the ring, buy it because you want it. No need for another reason :) And please know that you are not alone. You have us - even if we are a bit far away! For example, if you buy the ring and you don't like it - you can always count on us to help you use it! I'll happily meet you and relieve you of it on your Scandinavian holiday! (Bad joke, sorry. Sometimes joking helps.. You know we are here for you!!!) And as Callie says, you are a very good writer! Perhaps you could take all your stories and feelings and write a book? (not joking this time! A friend of mine published a book last year, wish it was in English so that I could send it to you! Perhaps it will get translated soon, she has actually won a lot of prices for it :) It is all about loss and family and new beginnings and how people can support each other - sounds boring but it is not, actually)

Missy, Gypsy, everyone, I tell my DH exactly the same thing. He knew all my not so nice sides before he proposed, so they are not a reason for complaint / cancel wife purchase :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm also trying for the "your money is my money and my money is non of your business" LOL but we shall see how that goes.. might backfire, that one... LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:

Gypsy, I also love hats for wearing out in the sun! I'm scared of wrinkles (and discoloration in some old acne scaring) so I always use SPF 45 or 50, plus a hat if there is a lot of sun. I probably look like an idiot, but I pretend that I'm cute, lol. You are too sweet re my English, but I do the main part of my work in English, so at least I get a bit of practice :lol: 8-)

June, fingers crossed for a good week :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
Quite complicated
My Trains cancelled but
Have tentative train with
No seating on 4 hour trip lol
Big protest demonstration in the station so I left...
Meanwhile shopping at galleries layfaette
Of course!
Left my heavy Michael kors purse
Two outfits , shoes
In bag on the street! (On purpose)
It was gone in 2 seconds to some lucky soul
Too heavy to carry in current situation
Making me laugh I did say I wanted to travel light!
Hugs. Nirdis!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! How did Monday get here so darn quickly?

Junie, I wish you were with us yesterday enjoying the kittens. Maybe next time. Greg thinks (but I cannot remember where you are located) you are probably 2 hours away or so therefore not really close enough to just hop in the car and say hey. Darn. Those kittens would have loved you. Are you sure your mom wouldn't want a kitten or 2? Zoe is yours but your mom could have some kitten loving all for herself...just saying. :love: :cheeky:

Rainwood, That sweet little town where we always get our ice cream during our bike rides is Ocean Grove and is not far from us. It is similar to Cape May (a town I also love). They both highlight Victorian architecture and are beautiful places to visit.

I'm not into symbols either. I had no qualms about getting rid of my original ER and in fact did so several times. :lol:
I agree we shouldn't put pressure on ourselves to make things permanent or forever. We would all be much happier with putting artificial measures on ourselves and things.

I love how introspective and aware you are of yourself and life in general. That is not a gift many people have and once you realize how you are feeling and why and know it is time to make a change you are ahead of the game. The battle is knowing you have a problem and knowing you have to make a change. I hear you and get what you are saying and understand.

While I realize this is something only you can do it helps knowing you have others in your corner rooting for you and who are here for you however they can be and however you need them and want them to be. I'm here for you. (((HUGS))).

Marcy, I was LOLing with what you told Marty about switching seats during the concert to get his money's worth. :lol: You are so my kind of gal. :halo:

The video doorbell failed yesterday and Ann was sitting in her car for 10 minutes before I realized she was there. LOL. Just when we needed it there was no sound when she rang. No clue why.

Sorry the ice cream didn't work out for you the other day. I will have double portions for you today OK? :lickout: :cheeky:
We watched Summit on Netflix last night. It was fantastic.

LLJSmom, Tell your dear son I think he is an amazing young man and anytime he wants to come and visit he can stay with us (kids don't mind sleeping bags right?) and visit all our kitties. And if you and your dh change your minds my offer to cover travel costs stands. 8-)
Allergies do suck though I agree and not everyone wants to deal with the allergy shots though I will say they were life saving and life changing for Greg. He said he didn't know what he was missing when he couldn't live with the fur babies and I know he is sincere when he says that. How having them has enriched his life. I told you he's a keeper. :bigsmile:

Callie, we had a lovely weekend thank you. Sounds like you had a good one too. I love that couple was able to bring their sweet Yorkie to dinner and then rode away on a bicycle. So cute. Not sure what we are doing yet. Traveling with 4 cats back and forth from NYC to the beach is challenging and really reluctant to add a 5th.

Gypsy, I have heard of Coltsneck and actually visited there to go to an organic market called Delicious Orchards. Yes I get what you are saying and there is such a thing as a suburb gal. I think. I am a city gal and Greg knew that too before we got married. But he is more of a country guy though he loves the city too. But push comes to shove he wants land and space to enjoy his woodworking and other hobbies such as gardening and we cannot do that in our Brooklyn home. I will be sad to move when we do but I think it will be necessary at some point. Where you live now sounds lovely and I hope you can purchase the home of your dreams there.

Scandi, Umm did I just read if you take a cruise to Hawaii summer 2017 you will be stopping by NYC???? I sure hope you have some time for me if you do. :appl: OMG. Getting excited. :bigsmile:
We visited with the kitties yesterday. Will share pics below. I have so many pics and PS is so slow for me with loading them but will get to share at least some this morning.

That's a good idea to exercise during lunch but please don't forget to nourish yourself and eat OK?
Sorry there has been no real movement re the log situation. Hoping things get going soon. So frustrating dealing with this. I am sad you are going through it but it will work out in the end I hope sweetheart. (((Hugs))).

Jimmianne, glad Pom is doing well. I am continuing to send healing vibes his way. I'm sorry traveling is proving challenging. OMG for getting rid of heavy stuff. LOL it was the best choice under the circumstances. Wishing you happy and safe (even if a bit tricky) travels! Thank you for checking in with us. (((Hugs))).

Ann visited us with the 3 kittens yesterday. All boys. It was their first real outing. The only other one before yesterday was when she brought them to the vet because one of them was having some spitting up issues. All seem well now. They were quite shy to come out of the carrier when they first arrived but slowly and surely they did and started exploring. Their different personalities quite evident during our 3 hour visit. The time flew by and I couldn't believe they were here for 3 hours LOL. Ann hasn't named any of them yet so I will just being saying Sprites kitties for now. I hope she is still adopting the white one but I was afraid to ask yesterday. The white one is the bravest and the biggest and the smallest one is attached to the white one. Partners in crime and also braver than the middle size one who just sat on our laps the entire time. Greg and I took turns holding the middle weight one who is also the shyest and who Ann refers to as (Sprite's) mommas boy. 8) They are all vocal however and OMG when we moved them they squealed so loudly and surprisingly the shyest one was the loudest. This kitten is going to be a demanding lap cat. Not a bad thing though. :halo: And OMG Ann forgot to clip their nails and they felt like little but razor sharp needles all over my body when they were climbing and sitting on us. I have the marks to prove it too. :lol: What we do for our love of animals. :lol:

OK enough already because I know what you really want to see are the pics. PS is extra slow for me today so just going to add them the easiest way I know how which only allows me 4 per post but it's the only way I can do it before our bike ride this AM. They are really so adorable and precious and I am hoping with more socialization and exposure to people they get less shy. With the 3 hour visit the change was remarkable in that they weren't really scared of us anymore. It took them an hour or so to warm up but they did start becoming more adventurous.






Jun 8, 2008
Pics continued...the first pic here is the shyest kitty on Greg. Look at his nails. They can do some damage. :lol:






Jun 8, 2008
At first they were hesitant to come out of their carrier. But they warmed up.
Second pic you can see my sparkly new sneakers girls. Haha I'm so not a sneaker girl but I think they are cute especially with kitties sharing the pic. :big smile:

Third pic is of the shyest middle weight kitty on Greg again. Sweet. He is struggling to stay awake in the last pic. That kept happening throughout their visit. This kitty kept falling asleep. Poor sweeties need their sleep and it was a big day for them. Lots of excitement. I bet they all slept well last night.






Jun 8, 2008
pics continued...






Jun 8, 2008
More cuteness.






Jun 8, 2008
Last batch. Gypsy, thank you for the rehoming suggestions and hopefully we can find good homes for all of the kitties who need one. Fingers crossed Ann will adopt the white one and hoping we can find the others loving homes.






Jan 23, 2016
Eating lunch at my desk (so really 2 lunch breaks, haha!) and looking at these adorable kitties! I don't think you will have any trouble finding them good homes, they are gorgeous and sweet and look very trusting in the pictures :love:
I even picked up a large soy latte coffee on the way back (and some new sneakers and gym stuff going to the gym :oops: so no worries re my nourishment, lol. Coffee is nourishment, yes???

Jimmianne, I could not stopp laughing! I love you - leaving those things on the street - I would have done the same and my DH would never have understood why :lol: (He is big and strong and never minds carrying things, me included when I broke my ankle, lol so should not complain). Safe travels!!

Missy, off course I'll have time for you next time we're in NYC! :appl: :wavey: :appl: But I'll probably have to settle for window shopping diamonds if we are going on a cruise, surprisingly expensive for a holiday, LOL. (will probably need a 2 bedroom suite as we will be bringing the children - the two of them without a tail, that is.. :shock: :lol: :shock: )

Hugs to all!


Jan 23, 2016
Missy: PS: Cola is still my favourite ;))


Mar 29, 2005
Hi, everyone, and welcome to Monday.

Missy, that is just too much cuteness!! No matter who adopts these kitties, and whether Ann takes one or you take one, you will know that each of these cute little boys will have a much better life than their mama because of you. And that mama may have a different but also a better life than she otherwise would have had because of you. That's a big deal so don't ever worry you're not doing enough.

And Ocean Grove looks so lovely. I'm not sure I'd want to own one of those houses (too much maintenance) but they are so beautiful to look at! And I hear you on the wedding ring. I switched out so many times. The ring I wore the longest (probably 15 years of the 36) was a really wide, heavy sterling band I bought at Nordstrom or someplace like that. I can't even remember where I bought it. So I had no sentiment about keeping the same ring. Only cared about keeping the same husband! Speaking of which, Greg likes to do gardening!!??!! Please send him out my way STAT! I've got plenty of things that need attention from someone who likes to garden. It certainly isn't me! I'd like to be a gardener but finally realized it's all yard work to me.

Scandi, I've been to Hawaii many times, but never on a cruise. You'd be traveling a long way to get there, and I just don't think you'd see as much on a cruise. Cruising the Caribbean (which I've also done a couple of times) makes more sense than cruising Hawaii. You might go to all or most of the main Hawaiian islands, but I don't think you'd have enough time to see or experience what they really have to offer. You need to be staying there and driving around and enjoying the sites and the beaches. Each island is really different and there's so much to do and see. I think you and your family would have a better time staying in one of the nice resorts that cater to families. There are lots of good ones. If you're there for a week, I'd pick one island. If you're there 10 days or more, I'd probably stay on two.

Callie & Gypsy, I do plan on getting another dog at some point. Nina died in March (in less than a year and a half, I lost my husband, my mother, and my dog), but I want to take some time before I get another one. I'm going to travel and do some of the things I haven't done for a long time that would be hard with a new pup, and I think I need time to adjust to the loss of Nina (who truly is irreplaceable) so I don't put those expectations of filling her paws on my next dog. And I need to right my own ship before adding the responsibility of any more passengers.

Gypsy, thank you. I appreciate the offer to help. It's funny how talking to other people about their problems sometimes makes you more clearly focus on your own. And how sometimes we're much better at dispensing advice than taking it ourselves. Alameda sounds lovely and a nice way to make the Bay Area work for you. I know you've had mixed feelings about California, and talked about moving to Texas for awhile. I never weighed in, but thought that would be the wrong place for you. Housing is cheaper, but it's a very different place, not attuned to your sensibilities at all, and I think that would be important to you. I know it's important to me. And I hate when the stereotype is true, but why are all of us lawyers aspiring novelists? Do we just love words so much? I finished my starter novel years ago, never wanted to publish it although there was some interest because I didn't think it was good enough. My second and much better one has been 85% done for years. I've started to get back to it because writing makes me happy.

Marcy, I feel for you on having a Negative Nellie to manage. They change the energy of the whole office and you can NEVER make them happy. If I had to choose, I'd rather manage someone who is incompetent than someone who is vocally discontent. The incompetent ones often affect only their own performance. The Nellies affect everybody's. Bah!

Jimmianne, you have the right attitude about the loss of the bag. Shit happens and you either let it spoil your trip or you let it roll off your back and keep moving. I've only had two brushes with crime in my travels and both, surprisingly enough, were in France. The first was when they broke into our car in the south of France. We'd done everything right, nothing in sight, didn't move things around after parking the car, parked in a lot with an attendant, but they broke in anyway. I let it bum me out for way too long. This was back in the age of film cameras and they stole the bag that had every roll of film I'd taken in Italy. Including what I thought was the best photo I'd ever take. It was in Venice when everything just came together at the right time for the perfect shot, the light on the canal, the gondolier, everything. I'll never know because I never saw it. The second time was in Paris when a man slipped between my 78-year old mom and my sister on one of the Metro escalators and he pickpocketed my mom. I'd taken precautions not to have her carry anything important so he got only a few American dollars and her favorite coin purse. It put a damper on the rest of the afternoon, but I'd learned from before not to let it spoil anything else and we just made sure to stay so close to her it could never happen again. So roll on, Jimmianne, and have fun anyway!!

I don't think I got to everyone, but will try to do that later.


Jul 1, 2014
Hi Everybody! :wavey:

Gypsy, my dad's family is from the East Bay (Oakland) and I was born in San Francisco. You and LLJs make me insanely jealous. I miss California so so much. Enjoy every minute there you two :love: :appl:

Rainy (I'm a liberty taker with names, Rainwood!): You go, girl. Get down with your bad bad self :bigsmile: This is why people like you!!

Jimmianne, thank you for checking in, I've been thinking about you every night as Paris and its weather has been in the news. You can always get more 'stuff,' heehee, good idea to bonus someone and lighten *your* load same time. In my younger days, I'd take old things to wear and then throw away, but I wasn't lightening my load really because I bought a lot of stuff that went in those spots in the suitcases, :lol: I hope things work out and you still have a great time. I'm betting you will, because you'll make it so.

Missy, the kittens are adorably cute and sweet. They look to be in tip top health to me, I know you mentioned they are a tad small, they sure look healthy though. The Victorians are fantastic, who wouldn't want to live in those. They are immaculate, did they not get hit too badly in Sandy? Or are they completely redone at this point?

Junie, hang in there. How is Zoe, speaking of adorable small kitties?

Callie: Hey GF!

Marcy, I'm glad you could take flowers to your folks on their anniversary. Whenever I went to my grandparents graves, I took flowers. It made me feel good. Glad to hear Marty's ring can be made more comfortable for him. It sure looks great on him. Is there a manly equivalent to beautiful hands? He has them, its hard to believe he golfs, no sun damage---he must wear gloves when he golfs!

LLJs: Lovely work you did this weekend! Welcome to the world of loose CS :lol: Just keep your wallet out, bwahahaha.

Scandi, my folks and several friends have done the Hawaii cruises. My parents liked (not loved) it. My friends my age (50s) didn't like it because they were the YOUNG folks on the trip and all the shore excursions were slowed down or cut short due to that. My one friend and her husband were on one of the boats that came down with Norwalk, not fun at all. Bob and I plan to fly in to Oahu and have the city experience, then we plan to charter a sailboat and sail to Lanai and then Maui. We'll have the captain to handle the sailing duties, we will just buy out the rest of the boat, basically. Bob and I have lots of boating experience from our time in Alaska but we are not licensed and we wouldn't want to work that hard on a vacation cruise, we're happy to pay the owner/captain to be there to handle sailing duties.

I'm in sick bay today, NIRDIs. I think I might have a UTI, have only ever had 1 in my life. Went to the doc today, not sure we have a correct diagnosis---she felt I do not have a UTI, thinks instead its the lovely effects of menopause on my genitourinary tract. :roll: Its not pancreatitis, its not gallstones, I'm thinking UTI in early days or cystitis. I'm drinking a boatload of water, taking cranberry/probiotic/mannose several times a day, and MY LOVELY CANADIAN ASPIRIN/CODEINE/CAFFIENE combo that I buy as much as possible when I'm north of the border :wavey: Hi Sharon! :wavey:

So I hope you're all well today. ---Kristie


Mar 29, 2005
Jimmianne|1465206751|4040701 said:
Quite complicated
My Trains cancelled but
Have tentative train with
No seating on 4 hour trip lol
Big protest demonstration in the station so I left...
Meanwhile shopping at galleries layfaette
Of course!
Left my heavy Michael kors purse
Two outfits , shoes
In bag on the street! (On purpose)
It was gone in 2 seconds to some lucky soul
Too heavy to carry in current situation
Making me laugh I did say I wanted to travel light!
Hugs. Nirdis!

I'm an idiot! I guess my "adventures" in France made me assume it was stolen. But very smart way to pack light after the fact!


Feb 27, 2007

Calliecake, isn’t it wonderful how your fur baby can sense when you just need them to snuggle with you and watch over you? That is very cool she took care of her mom. My parents were wonderful people and I definitely consider myself lucky to have them. My in-laws are here through Sunday. They are up here from Kristie’s neck of the woods. Marty would definitely have enjoyed having your DH go to the concert with him last night. No one showed up and I am rather ticked off that one guy didn’t offer to pay for his ticket. He sent Marty a text today and said he forgot and he was fishing but he didn’t offer to send us a check for the ticket. I sure would have said something but Marty is nicer than I am about that kind of stuff. Work wasn’t bad today but my bundle of negativity called in sick. My boss and I both talked to the 4 that were there though about why it’s important to work on improving their accuracy. Your 5 pointer ring sounds pretty. I’d have one as a band but I worry about wearing it with my ering.

Gypsy, and I thought house prices were high here. When we were at Pebble we’d pick up the brochures of houses along the golf courses - way out of our price range but fun to look at anyway. I keep thinking I’d record some Lucy shows at work but I would be way too distracted when I played them because I’d want to watch them. Last night we watched some Carol Burnett skits on PBS. Those were funny. A life of stability and contentment is definitely a good place to be. I don’t mind hats and I have quite a few but they are all in my spare bedroom rather than in my car where I might actually use them. I like watching something fun before I go to bed; it helps relax me for sure. I haven’t watched Game of Thrones but I know people like it. Yes Marty does think he is pretty darned amusing. Lucky for him I am easily amused. Do keep us informed (and pictures are a plus) if you try on bands this week.

Scandinavian, ugh to how long the log decision has been in limbo. Good idea to get in some exercise. Nemo is awesome. I love Dori and other assorted characters. A Hawaiian cruise would be fun. My in-laws love to go on cruises. I don’t know I’d ever be anxious to go on a cruise in my mind it’s way to many people in a small (relatively) space. I hope this week goes better at work too. I have lots to keep me busy anyway. Cake does sound really good. Your friend’s book sounds really nice. I like your money approach. I think I’ll try that.

Jimmianne, you are having an adventure for sure. You were a little angel to someone who found your treasures on the street.

Missy, Marty did move around to all 4 seats at the concert but several general admission people kept encroaching in his territory. I figured we were out that money (it qualifies for that answer would you miss it if it was gone) anyway so he may as well get our money’s worth. You got to love this story though, a very young couple both of them probably 1/2 of Marty’s size “took” over 2 of those seats and she kept screaming and flapping her arms around and she kept hitting Marty in the face with her purse. He told her about 5 times to knock it off and the next time she did it he snatched her purse and threw it. Her boyfriend kind of gets huffy and Marty growls at him “what?” and they both left. He did LOVE the concert though. Marty can take A LOT (hence why he puts up with me) but once you get him mad he is going to win. Oh no - I can’t believe your video doorbell failed. They’ve had decent reviews online. Hopefully Greg can figure it out. I bet Costco would exchange it for you guys too. Thank you for having some ice cream for me. I feel better. I will have to watch Summit. The kitties are so cute. I enjoyed seeing Bea in the pictures too. Are their claws that long because they are feral kitties or do all kitties have that long of claws? We had cats when I was a kid but I don’t remember.

Rainwood, I did laugh out loud at your difference between being a gardner and doing yard work. That’s awesome. You’ll know when it’s right to bring home another pup to love. Good idea to get some of your travel and other plans done first. That is awesome you do enjoy writing. You are so good at writing. That is spot on about the difference between negative nellies and incompetence. I would so like to believe I could make her realize how she acts but Marty keeps telling me don’t even try. That is awful about the 2 incidents in France and especially sad you lost your film.

Kristie, I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I hope you are feeling better soon. I’d visit California again in a heart beat. We sure had a wonderful time at Pebble Beach. I probably take flowers to the cemetery about 10-12 times a year. I pick up the $5 to $10 bouquets at the grocery store. They work good because I just take them out of the wrappings and they are all bunched up with a rubber band so they shouldn’t blow away. It makes me feel good and I guess that is what matters. Marty is pretty tan already but yes he does wear gloves on one hand when he golfs. Your trip to Hawaii sounds fabulous.

I gave myself a 25% raise today - it took me longer to get my normal work done so it’s like I worked less hours for the same money, right? That’s my logic anyway as flawed as it may sound. I wasn’t really goofing off just had a meeting, answered questions, visited with some people, filled out an IT ticket - you know stuff. I did resist that eat me eat me M&M jar on my cube neighbor’s desk.

Marty got home from the concert at 2 am, then went to work and was going to take a nap when I got out of the shower. He and his folks lost track of time so thought I came home an hour early when I got here but that might have had something to do with their martinis. Marty made them chicken tacos and me beef tacos for supper.

We had a lovely rain shower tonight; Wyoming is pretty green for June.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.


Aug 8, 2005
I want the spotted guy on the right in this picture:


Unfortunately, unless he comes with a trust fund ( :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ) I can't afford to have him.

I can't look at kittens without wanting one. And a Gray and White shorthaired kittens with blue gray eyes??? Forgetaboutit. That right there is cuteness personified for me.


Aug 8, 2005
Scandi- HAHAHA! I hate math and though EVERY SINGLE woman in my family would CRUCIFY me to know this, I am not the checkbook keeper. DH hates handling the finances. But despite my mother's best efforts to train me to the contrary, I am like Lucy with money, more than anything else, and having me handle our finances is just asking for trouble.

I have an olive complexion and tan very easily, instead of burn, so I don't have to fret too much about the sun, honestly. And I own a lot of high SPF sun block, but I'd rather just stick on a hat than slather the stuff all over my face, if I know I'm not swimming, so I've come to rely on them quite a bit.

Missy, I ADORE Delicious Orchards. DH would often go there for afternoons off. We'd pick raspberries and apples and peaches there, buy some cold cuts and some fresh juice and fresh bread and have a picnic on the picnic tables. I miss that place SO much. Especially in the fall, my favorite season in NJ.

Rainwood, I know exactly what you mean. I didn't know you had lost your pup. And applaud you for looking to first to your own ship before bringing another life into it. I rushed too soon after Hally passed. The house was just too empty even with the other 5. She had the biggest personality. It took me too long to realize that it was just a hole that would never be filled, and that was how it was meant to be. When someone makes that big an impression in your life, when they pass nothing will ever take their place. But that doesn't mean your heart won't expand to make room for someone else. It just means you need time to grieve for what it lost. And you've lost so much, in such a short time. My offer stands.

And yes, I am much better at offering advice. Though I am getting better at taking it. As for TX. Yeah, a person close to me told me made the point to me that "quality of life" is what I should focus on not housing prices, but the overall attributes and comfort of my choice. Just that was enough to get me to really think things through. Yes, I am very much a homebody and NOT at all a social butterfly. But the casual conservative-ism of Texas would have been all wrong for me. I know that now. Things happen for a reason. And I know there is a reason that the 'perfect' job I had lined up for that move fell through. So I am just having faith (in what, I don't know these days... God, fate???) that I will see some reason for the events of the last 2 years eventually. I'm still in the middle of it, and I know it's hard to see the pattern when you are standing in the middle of things. So I am waiting right now.

As for writing. Well, I don't know about you, but when I was in college pretty much EVERYONE told me the only way to make money off an English undergraduate degree was to go to lawschool. Add to that my *ahem* direct personality, 99th percentile LSAT score, and I was pretty much shown ONE WAY. Only one very smart person told me not to do it. One of my professors who told me I would be "utterly wasted" on law school. And I didn't have the... whatever it is, confidence? The right priorities? The perspective? I don't know. But whatever it was, I didn't have it, and didn't take the (best) advice I was given at the time. And I've always written. When I was younger poetry. But that's been burned out of me now. Requires having one foot in dark "real" places. And these days I like my reading to help me escape. So, fiction it is. And I think, from talking to other 'recovering lawyers' that the fact that we ARE so good with language coupled with our need to 'escape' is what drives us as writers, plus many of us are control freaks. We have to work within fairly strict confines. It's nice to view a blank page and know there is no limit, no confine other than what you yourself impose. It's nice to be the AuthorLORD. KWIM?

What are you books about? Mine are very different. One is a 'chick lit" type book with a character who had a law degree and had no idea what to do with her life. It was too autobiographical though and I was in the middle of a pattern then too, so I couldn't see a way out of my own cage, let alone help my character out of her cage. I've since gotten some perspective, and gotten out of that particular cage, and that has made it easier to write that story. I'm not that girl anymore, and I can advise her. Much the way you advised me. I will never forget you telling me that it is a lawyer's job to persuade, not argue. No one had ever said that to me before. And it just like a laser in a dark room. Went right through me. My other book is an urban fantasy, but I've only JUST started it and the plot is just an outline.

AZ-- where in AZ are you? Surely you aren't too far? You can come and visit. I'd love it if you did and we could meet up!

Marcy, yeah property prices out here are in another realm. Put the hats in the car. Just keep all but one of them in the car(s), and put on in DH's car too. I will keep you informed on the band front. I have to go to Joe E to pick up a repair, and I am thinking I will do that later this week or early next. We'll see. If DH is off on Sunday, I may prefer to go then. There is a really nice Persian Restaurant there and we can make a nice afternoon of it by having lunch there. John also thinks he's a comedian, FWIW. I tell him his superhero name is Sarcasmo. His superpower is sarcasm and he manages to do it without being mean, which is impressive.

Jimmiannie-- :wavey: :wavey: :wavey:
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