
Now I really did it :((


Jan 23, 2016
missy|1464866630|4039292 said:
Thank you for the shoe rec. They are adorable and I really like them. Are they super comfortable? I am thinking of ordering a few pairs and want to make sure they have support and comfort. My feet are ridiculously sensitive. How about this pair? Thank you for the rec!

Missy, I think they look very nice! Only thing is that I don't have any in leather, I have 3 pairs of these in different colours:

Leather is usually more comfortable, don't you think? So that should be safe :) The only thing is that I can't promise that the sole is good, as it might be another sole than the one on the ones that I have? With the rope sole I mean. However, I see that the text says that the ones in leather have extra cussioning, so that *should* mean that they are more comfortable than the others. I love mine and I think they are comfortable - not as much as sneakers, off course, but much more than ballerinas. I lived in these the first summer after I broke my ankle. But then again - I will feel very guilty if you do not like them, lol. Please note that they were a pain in the *** to put on the first couple of times! They get better :D Now I think that I want the leather ones too... :) Plus these :lol: Would go well with a lot of my more casual white summer dresses :angel:

Jimmianne: bon voyage! Didn't realise that you were leaving so soon! Fingers crossed that you can update us along the way :) :) And if you get bored in France, I'm only a short flight north ;)) (Pom will be fine!! They will take good care of him! And you can't stay hand cuffed to the barn forever, you deserve a holliday!!)


Dec 31, 2006
Gypsy|1464838154|4039233 said:
I am overwhelmed by how amazing this thread is!

I hope you all don't mind if I pop in occasionally. I'm not as good at you guys about keeping in touch though.

I feel the same way.

I feel loved every time I come by and visit. ::) kisses and hugs to you all.

And Gypsy - that is the most cutest picture Duncan is a cutie (yes I realize the grammar is wrong but that's how I want to say it! :cheeky: ) I see that his eyes look cloudy :(( but I know he must be one happy kitty anyway.

and missy OMG Zoubee is soooooooo cute :love:

It really is so hard not to be able to meet and hug all these kitties!

jimmyanne glad to hear Pom is doing well - beautiful beautiful horse.

Scandanavian I can tell you're already so appreciated by everyone glad you're here ::) have you posted pictures of your doggie?

marcy - sounds like you're a manager. Hardest job in the world. I cannot do it. I have no patience for all the people "stuff". All you can do is be fair and some people *will* appreciate you. Sucks that it affected you for the day. Hope today is better.


Jul 1, 2014
Gypsy, love seeing you here and SUPER LOVE Duncan :love: He's one gorgeous kitty! I know his quality of life is 110% even *with* the cataracts. He has a great home with you :appl: Heehee, the carrot/broken light story, I thought that kind of thing only happened to moi :lol:

CJ, always love your posts and particularly when you are posting here too.

JIMMIANNE/CANDY: Paris is having extreme weather with flooding, art moved from the Louvre, possible state of emergency being declared in the next several hours. Please check this before you leave and also when you are in the airport but before you hop onto public transportation OR plan to walk to your apartment. Don't walk without being 100% sure you're going to be able to get to that apartment. Have a hotel possibility in your hip pocket should you need it.

Marcy: Bless. His. HEART :twisted:

Scandinavian: I managed a lot of sites where no one resided (industrial parts of cities) and I still made the responsible party do complete removals. So stick to your guns. I hope you don't have to get a lawyer but it very well may come to that. Get a *very aggressive one* who has experience with contaminated sites/toxic and hazardous waste. Don't get a beginner. Get a firm with lots of experience and they should be able to scare the responsible party enough to do a complete removal through negotiations and REMEMBER YOU WANT AT LEAST 10 YEARS OF MONITORING the air/soil/water which will be reported to you by a neutral lab/sampling company. You need the monitoring or you don't know for certain there is no lingering or undiscovered as the years roll by. You will also need this to eventually turn around and sell that property someday. Without complete removal and continued monitoring, you'll find it almost impossible to ever sell. I'm sorry to tell you that, and you may have already figured that out on your own.

Junie: My DH and his idiot brother. BLESS MY BIL'S HEART.

Rainwood: Argh, you're bringing back very fond memories of all my years in the PacNorthwest, in Juneau. I used to come to Seattle every month for meetings with EPA and I did all my shopping before I left: Nordie's, Target, the Bon Marche (I bet you remember the Bon), etc. You live in an amazing area, GOOD ON YOU!!!


Jul 1, 2014
Scandi: Here is your largest problem in a nutshell: Land use.

When you bought the property, it was residential, which is considered the 'highest' use. It is safe for the young, the elderly, and everyone in between. NO RESTRICTIONS ON USE WHATSOEVER.

With the contamination, the land is downgraded due to risk. So the value has thus plummeted.

So the party who spilled the oil/petroleum/hazardous substance took the property and changed its use and value. You've thus been damaged.

*If* they remove the logs *and* do a study to determine how much soil has to be removed on your property in order to be clean, AND they agree to monitoring for 10 years (not a long time in the environmental biz so they should not complain) AND agree to be held responsible until YOU DON"T OWN THE LAND ANYMORE, this is what you want in an agreement.


Aug 8, 2005
Scandi, Thank you for your kind words. I look forward to getting to know you better! Thank you for the introduction. Are you originally from the states, or are you from Scandanavian youself, if you don't mind my inquiry. Duncan does occasionally bump into things, but much more seldom than you'd think. The biggest challenge is that he's always underfoot (meowing for something) and avoiding him (and the other four) while walking around my apartment takes a lot of care. It feels like doing the hokey pokey sometimes.

Jimmianne-- how is Pom today?

Missy-- Zoubee is a beauty! And she looks like a doll. My kids are very human friendly in general and they are all rescues as well. They have their quirks, of course, but in general they are well socialized. My Frodo, who passed in January was my half feral kiddo, he really only came out for me and John, so I understand how that is. I would have 20 cats if I had the space and the resources to keep them all happy and healthy and safe.

The RA is what it is. My whole family pretty much as Lupis, or RA, or osteo arthritis, so I knew early on I would get it. I do wish the onset had been later, I'll admit. Still it's being managed well by my current medications, so I am blessed. I am pre-diabetic right now though, and that's part of what has me in a funk. I'm mad at my body for it's betrayal, if that makes any sense.

The weather here is lovely, but honestly the cost of living is unsustainable by and large, as a result. Where in the Jersey Shore do you live? My MIL lives in Brick and the weather there, for the east coast, is actually quite pleasant.

Us Lucy's and Ethel's have to stick together!

CJ-- yes, he is generally a happy cat. His nicknames include "heart of my heart" so ... you might say he's our favorite and knows it. He gets preferential treatment in all things due to his first born "angel kitty" (another of his nicknames) status, his age, and his blindness and he milks it for all its worth.

azstone-- nope. I have several stories in that vein. If you are ever in need of a LONG but funny story, let me know, I have one about my first time driving in snow that will make you feel less alone in your 'lucy-dom".



Feb 27, 2007

Gypsy, that sounds like a good size and combination of diamonds for your ring. What a fun project. I like your comeback to my employee. My boss talked to her today about something else and she tried to throw me under the bus. He said it stopped it but I don’t know what was said. We always do a team building event in the summer and she complains about everything we’ve done in the past so he pulled her in and said since she always complains about what we do he wanted her idea for something to do. She of course denied she was negative or complaining. Marty is seeing a trainer at the gym and reading all sorts of information or should I say misinformation online. He does have a sense of humor. Great T-shirts. Glad to hear Duncan is resilient and gets around well.

LLJsmom, I feel bad for my employee. They started in another department and was treated horribly, made fun of and called names (on the side of course). I actually kept asking to move them over to my team. Their childhood was horrible, drug / alcoholic parents, moved around to foster homes and grew up when they had a kid. Good for them but they are still angry, bitter and can’t shake the victim mentality. Is happily married now with 2 good kids and IMO that anger and bitterness is self-defeating.

Sorry you got yelled at by that angry person just for turning in to your driveway.

Marty is taking vitamins and drinking protein shakes. He is not getting enough sleep. He did go to bed by 8 tonight though.

Scandinavian, darn it no progress on the house. How frustrating. I often think I’d hate being retired and be bored but I hear people adjust to retirement quickly. Marty has been getting up to start work at about 3 since he is conversing with people in Dubai so he goes to the gym in the afternoon and said he wasn’t as weak or tired then. Maybe after his hours adjust again he can keep that up. He is eating high protein and limited carbs, etc. I have a one on one with my employee next Tuesday and I am going to tell them they need to check that attitude at the door. My boss talked to her today and her negativity came up so I left it alone today.

Jimmianne, I am glad to hear Pom is doing well. Hugs to Pom and you from me and the teddies. Glad your kids got moved in for now. I think 4 lines from our friends would be very funny or at least interesting. Safe travels and have a wonderful time on your trip.

Missy, Zoubee is a cutie. As I was telling LLJsmom above that employee has had a difficult life but no one is mistreating them now - get over it and be appreciative of what you have. As you probably guessed I am a softie and take a lot but I am tired of that constant struggle.

Yep, we are also alike in that we crack ourselves up. I can get to laughing so hard about the silliest thing I almost quit breathing. One time I printed a few updates and a few of use were out at the printer waiting for our print jobs and I swear 500 pages had come out and kept going and going and I finally said “what a*hole is hogging the printer?” I flipped up the pages and see it was my update. I said “oh it’s me” and I couldn’t quit laughing over finding out I was the a*hole.

Ooh do tell us about this vintage piece.

CJ2008, I am a supervisor and have 5 employees and will soon be adding another one. It is a totally thankless job. If you have 2 employees they generally all get along but after that it becomes babysitting. Some of the finger pointing and things they say about each other is unreal. Some of the things I’ve been accused of absolutely floored me. I am generally very patient, tolerant and try to support them but stay out of their way.

Kristie, Bless His Heart indeed. I am still excited you have a meteorite.

I met a friend at lunch and we sat outside. I got a sunburn too. I usually make sure I put my back to the sun but it was cloudy when I sat down. Oh well. My face is rosy.

I got my Coach tote bag and Marty got his ring. He didn’t go to Fedex to pick it up until about 11:30. I told him if it was my ring I’d be at the door when they open. As you can see the tote bag will be convenient to carry around Teddy Bears. I also included my new Fossil and Marty's ring.

I know you ladies will appreciate this. Fedex opened at 9 so I text Marty about 10:30 - well what do you think of your ring? He hadn’t even gone to get it yet. Now no self-respecting PS member would wait until almost noon to go pick up a new ring.

Tomorrow is Friday. Yippee!



Feb 27, 2007
And it doesn't mean a thing without the pictures

Here is my new Coach Tote bag that will easily carry around some of my Teddy Bears and Killer Rabbits, my new Fossil and Marty's ring.



Jul 1, 2014
Marcy, I love your Snoopy tote :appl: :dance: Good going, Marty :D I'll email you a pic of my meteorite. (I'm surprised you don't have one, you teach astronomy!!!!)

Gypsy, come on, bring that story!!! I lived in Alaska for 7 years, I love driving/snow stories!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Thanks Kristie. I just got my new tote bag ready to use tomorrow. I do have a few meteorites. I'll see if I can find them a get a picture of them. They are little pieces but still. [SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH]



Aug 8, 2005
Okay so driving in snow story. First a little bit of background: I'm from CA and the worst weather I'd ever driven in at 25 years old was rain. This was in the DC metro where the roads, frankly are quite terrible because the entire area is in denial that they get snow on a regular basis.

DH and I had just started living together, and our car was in the shop and we had a rental car. The car had the oddest automatic locking doors. If the car was in gear it would auto lock no matter what you did, no matter if you were standing still and not actually moving. I was planning a nice romantic night and picked up a dinner of finger foods from Whole Foods and was driving home on the freeway to pick up DH from night class.

I took the sharp turn for our off ramp too fast. I ended up in air for 20 feet before the landing in the ditch on all fours where the car sank down into 3 feet of snow and sank, stuck.

No cell phone. No call boxes. So I bundled myself up in my heavy coat, struggled to get the door open, and went to the side of the road and flagged someone down. They stopped and rolled down the window, I pointed to the ditch and explained the problem and the gentleman offered me a ride. My response, "your not a murderer or rapist are you?" He, of course replied "no" and I got in making it clear the locks would stay unlocked the whole trip. At that point I was in the car and in danger all ready so instead of having him take me to a gas station, I asked him to drop me at the campus (it was just a few blocks down). I got there safe and sound and tracked down DH, who made it clear I was never ever to hitchhike again (it was my first and last time) and we called a tow truck to the car and took a cab to the freeway and walked up the off ramp for DH to see the problem.

We got there and DH was amazed. It looked the like the hand of God had picked up the car and set it down in the middle of the ditch 20 feet away from the road. There were no tire tracks at all (I got serious air), so we went over to the car and he saw there was no hope of moving it. So we sat there waiting for the tow truck to come with the heater on inside the car. And then I had to go the bathroom. So we both get out of the car and just as I'm about to close the door (to the driver's side) DH says, "Don't ..." I slam the door shut "close the door." CLICK. The car door locked, keys inside the car, car and heater on, us outside because for some reason I had left the car in gear. So I went behind some trees and did my business and DH and I stood outside the car and waited for the tow truck for 20 minutes.

Tow truck comes. Unlocks the car, we turn it off. And the hooks a large metal cable to the car and attempts to drag it out of the ditch. Nada. No movement. Cable SNAPS. Tow Truck driver says that's all he can do, and offers to call a truck with a heavy duty cable that might be able to drag us out of the ditch. So we get back in the car and wait, with the heater on again and this time we start eating the finger foods I had so conveniently provided for us.

After another 20 minutes I see flashing lights on the off ramp and a cop's voice blasts out asking if we need assistance. So I get out of the car and DH says, "Don't" I slam the door shut, "close the door." And CLICK the damned thing locks again and AGAIN the car was in gear (I don't learn). And this time DH comes toward me with his hands out as if to choke me (he was just kidding). At which point the COP 's voice says, "Sir, please step away from the lady immediately" and he comes out of his car, WITH HIS HAND ON HIS GUN.

We explain the situation, and DH explains this is the SECOND time I've locked us out of the car and the cops says, "I'd be wanting to strangle you myself, at this point." And this time HE calls a heavy duty tow truck for us. And when it finally gets there and drags the car out.

So that, is my Lucy "first time driving in snow" story.



Oct 24, 2012
LMFAO Gypsy!! Ok, I know it was probably absolutely zero fun that night, and terrifying besides, flying through the air and landing in snow (at least) but I swear it sounds like an episode of Seinfeld. I'm glad you and your DH were ok, had food, and did get help, and that you weren't kidnapped and chopped up into 100 pieces. But that is one crazy a$$ story. Thanks for sharing. I needed that at night, 12:23 am, and my daughter asks me to check three pages of math homework. :lol: :lol:


Oct 24, 2012
So it's late, and I've had a long day. It's not over. The kids are still up. I'm correcting homework, and all night I have been feeling like if I didn't buy some jewelry for myself I was...I don't know. Can't move past today. So I was considering everything I had ever considered. Eternity bands at Singlestone. Too expensive, except this on engraved platinum band that was about $1500. But I kinda want to put that off. I don't love the shiny platinum band with it, but don't feel like spending $1500 on another platinum band.

Looked at tennis bracelets from WF. I want a tiny little one to wear every day. My 4.7 seems a little blingy. (like that is ever a problem). Look at Cartier and VCA stuff on eBay. I've been wanting the Cartier bracelet with two love circles and the black cord to wear with my love cuff, something that won't scratch my Love. But can't commit. Feels expensive for a cord. So I went to Hermes. I have a weakness for their leather bracelets. I think I found something. I tried this on in the store, but I wanted it in black with rose gold, AND in an XS, which is usually impossible to find. It was available! And the second wrap will separate the hardware from the Love bracelet, and it's returnable.

I ordered it and it will probably take a week. I'll go pick it up in the store in SF.

There, the demon has been exorcised. For now. I can't stand it when I am dying to click "buy". WHAT IS THAT?



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

LOLOLOL :lol: :lol: :lol:
Gypsy, thank you for sharing that story and yes that is so Lucy. :lol: You are in good company. :oops: :bigsmile: I have gotten stuck in the car during bad weather a couple of times but have yet to lock myself out. Greg did that however one time and let me tell you I made the most of that one because I'm usually the Lucy in our relationship but well once or twice he manages it. 8) If but for a few facts that could have been my story. :lol: You had to know your dh was a keeper right then and there Gypsy. Like I always tell Greg, you knew what you were getting into and you still wanted to marry me so that's on you. :devil: :halo:

Brick is about an hour's drive from us. We are in the Atlantic Highlands section of NJ. Less than a mile from the SeaStreak which you probably know is the high speed ferry (though now it takes 40 minutes vs the 30 plus minutes it used to take due to an accident a few years ago) into Manhattan. One of the main reasons we bought here is because we can easily get into the city without driving and if we do retire here that would be convenient. The weather isn't too bad and could be worse but there is more rain and less sunny nice days than I would like. I think the old statistics are (and I know nothing of the new stats) we get as much rain as Seattle in total amounts. Of course rain is good for the grass, flowers, trees etc and for the reservoirs but I just would like more sun and a bit less rain. But I do enjoy living in the area. SO much to do because we are near NYC, never bored and lots of great cycling. I really love living where we do in Brooklyn but most likely going to sell there in the near future and move to the Jersey Shore full time. At least when my dh retires we probably have to do that in order for him to retire. We will see.

Thanks for the chocolate factory memories. That is my favorite episode. But here's one that I feel I am sort of living now with all the extra feral kitties that keep multiplying and coming by for food.


And well remember when little Ricky got a dog. Haha so funny and so true. Madness of course ensues. 8-)


I'm with you Gypsy. If we had the land and the space I would have 20 cats too. LOVE them all. And of course my heart goes out to the ferals who have no one to love and care for them.

Speaking of which Ann (our TNR lady) called me yesterday girls and guess what? She said Sprite's newborn kittens who are not newborn anymore can come for a visit and she is bringing them to us this Sunday woohoo! Now some of you might remember it is on me to find them homes. I hope Ann is still adopting one but I cannot be sure since she didn't mention it. She said she is bringing them so I can take pics because she never did and get to play with them too. I am hoping they are friendly so I can find them good homes. Excited for the visit but a little nervous too because I am responsible for these little babies and know it won't be easy finding them loving homes with so many rescues needing homes. And the feral list keeps growing for the outside kitties but I am definitely handling it better. I realize it is an overwhelming problem and I have no choice but to take it one day at a time and deal with issues as they arise and I can only do the best I can do. I have internalized that and feel calmer so want you all to know that and I appreciate all the support you have given me through this whole feral kitty situation. Thank you.

Marcy, I love your new Snoopy tote. Smart and sophisticated and way more practical than white. Good decision. How is that new Fossil bag doing? Do you think it is safe for your LV wallet yet? Love Marty's new ring and no he is not a PSer but since he is married to one we will give him a pass. Silly man not picking up the bling first thing. Where are his priorities? I like to think if it had been your bling he would have gotten it as soon as they opened and brought it right to you. 8-)

Haha that printer story sounds familiar. Fortunately we are quick to realize our errors and apologize and then laugh at ourselves. All valuable gifts IMO. It's true I am quick to anger but I am quick to get over it usually depending on the seriousness of it.

Long story re the antique piece and I am frustrated because I am dealing with a lovely lady who just seems inexperienced with shipping and that is one of the reasons I never sold my bling on diamond bistro or loupe troop. I am not a seller and have no clue re shipping other than USPS 2 day priority mail. So I am not criticizing her as just feeling frustrated with the situation. International shipping even from Canada seems to be a pain. The seller quoted me a price to ship and I agreed to pay paypal fees (so that's on me) but they were a bit more than expected all around. The paypal fees no biggie but the shipping quote was nuts-$140. Her original quote to me was about $50 so I was surprised.

So now the seller wants to send Canada Post and I don't feel good about that decision and wish I could just call the whole purchase off but I also know she is counting on the purchase to buy something else and she is a PSer and a nice one. I just prefer sending it Fed Ex but for the resasonable price she originally quoted me. To be fair she said she wasn't sure but it sounded like it would be in the ballpark and then it was almost 3 times what she said. She has not yet shipped it and she knows I don't want it shipped Canada post but I don't have any clue what she will do.

I asked several times if I could talk to her over the phone but so far no go. And there were different reasons she could not talk via phone i.e. phone battery, child just woke up etc... I felt if we could have just chatted via phone we could have cleared this up. And I paid via paypal yesterday before all this happened because she asked me to and we agreed I would pay shipping and paypal fees after she shipped it. That was when we thought shipping was $50. If I had realized I would have told her I wasn't interested and only sent payment because she said shipping would be around $50. Sorry for the long story. Marcy you have to remember who you are asking. I cannot tell stories succinctly it seems. :oops: Will keep you guys posted. Again I don't blame this PSer but the whole situation is frustrating and if she wasn't a PSer I would have called Am Ex and told them the story and received a refund. I am holding off hoping this will work out despite the initial mess.

Ugh sorry you got a sunburn! Hope it heals fast and please remember hat or sunscreen or both. Even on a cloudy day those harmful rays get through.
Yay today is Friday and I hope you have a good day at work Marcy.

Scandi, thanks for the shoe rec again. Will take some time and decide what to do and I appreciate your input. No worries I won't hold you responsible. Shoe comfort is subjective and what works well for one might not for another. I love the style of the shoes you shared. Thank you. Hoping things are getting sorted out re the log and land mess. (((HUGS))).

CJ, all the kitties would welcome a visit and hugs from you. :appl: :halo:

LLJsmom, love that Hermes leather bracelet and that fact that it is in XS well sounds like it is meant to be. Hope you love it when it arrives.

Jimmianne, hopefully your trip went smoothly and also hope Pom is recovering well. Thinking of you both and sending more good thoughts.

Kristie, thank you for the tracking # and also for yesterday. Don't be disappointed I didn't call it off. Read above explanation. It still might not work out but I am giving her the chance to make it OK.

Junie, sending you more hugs and good thoughts honey. One day at a time.

Rainwood, thank you for looking out for me. Much appreciated! What are your weekend plans?

We actually got to go bike riding yesterday and did an inland route since it was windy and cool. It was fun albeit hard and I felt beat up when we got back home. Here is the newest heated jacket Greg made for me. Yesterday was its maiden voyage. It's pretty good. The other heated clothing he made for me was a vest and I prefer this one because the heat is a bit further from my skin and if you remember I get rashes from the heat so it is an experiment that is ongoing but so far so good. I can control it from the front of the jacket and the battery pack is on the back as you can see from this photo.


Today is raining so we are thinking of going to Lambertville but I am lukewarm on the idea as it is cool out and not sure I want to walk around in the cool rain today. But it involves bling so that is a motivator. :lol:

Have a good Friday girls. :wavey:


May 27, 2010
Luv the Lucy pix. LOL That chocolate factory scene is the best!!! :lol:

My life is not as interesting as all of you, but I would like to be apart and check in with you once in a while. I don't do FB. So being apart of this community would be nice for me.

Missy you look so cute in your biker outfit. :)) Exercise is good.
Boxing is my sport, started last October. It keeps me motivated, in shape, and Im able to take my frustrations out on the bag. LOL .

NIRDI...I hurt my shoulder from boxing. Dr. said its swollen a little and I need therapy. It doesn't hurt while I box just afterward. So now I just try not to put as much pressure on the right shoulder while working out. So...did I start therapy? Nope. Bad I know.

Have a good weekend ladies!!!


Dec 31, 2006
Kristy - I feel the same about you. So nice to hear 8) ((hugs))

Gypsy - chuckling about Duncan being a favorite and milking it for all its worth ::) Love the angel kitty nickname.

Today - as every other day probably ::) - I was looking at my kitties and just feeling so glad they're here.

Gosh how I love them.

marcy - I hear you - I wouldn't last longer than a week.

(the tote is cute, and the ring is gorgeous - enjoy!)

Hi missy

LLJsmom - so is that a bracelet? That is seriously gorgeous.


Jun 8, 2008
ZestfullyBling|1464964530|4039773 said:
Luv the Lucy pix. LOL That chocolate factory scene is the best!!! :lol:

My life is not as interesting as all of you, but I would like to be apart and check in with you once in a while. I don't do FB. So being apart of this community would be nice for me.

Missy you look so cute in your biker outfit. :)) Exercise is good.
Boxing is my sport, started last October. It keeps me motivated, in shape, and Im able to take my frustrations out on the bag. LOL .

NIRDI...I hurt my shoulder from boxing. Dr. said its swollen a little and I need therapy. It doesn't hurt while I box just afterward. So now I just try not to put as much pressure on the right shoulder while working out. So...did I start therapy? Nope. Bad I know.

Have a good weekend ladies!!!

Hey ZestfullyBling! Welcome and we are glad you are here. :appl: LOL believe me I am at my happiest when my life is boring and not as interesting. Bring on the boring please. :appl:

I love that you enjoy boxing. One of my closest friends is a boxing enthusiast and his dad was a boxing champion many decades ago. It is a great way to get out one's frustrations. I have tried boxing at his place and can see where it might be addictive. I'm sorry you injured your shoulder though. :blackeye:

I hope you come here often and share with us. No pressure either way. We are here for you when you want us to be. Have a good weekend and I hope your shoulder is all better very soon. :wavey:

Hey CJ, hope you are enjoying your sweet kitties. <3


Apr 19, 2004

Missy, FWIW, when I sold the one and only piece of jewellery to a PS'er (to TravellingGal) I sent it registered mail with Canada Post. I trust CP (I've never ever had issue with them). It was around $50 bucks but that came with the necklace insured for its entire replacement value. It was a seamless process.



Jul 1, 2014
GYPSY---------Omg, I laffed myself senseless!!!, You have to write an e-book of some sort and get paid for that experience :lol: :D :appl:


Oct 24, 2012
Missy, even though I had amazing time running both the New York City and Boston marathon, the pleasurable memories of both those experiences was the bling shopping. When I think about the time I spent with you and Greg that day, I forget I even ran the marathon. I would be more than happy to visit you without a marathon thrown in there. Come on. NYC! I love that city!!


Mar 29, 2005
Hello, NIRDI's

Missy, you've probably heard enough from me already, but I'm so glad you get to see and play with Sprite's kittens this weekend. And I still think, despite my previous advice not to get another cat, even I'd make an exception here. And I say that because, whatever else happens with the ferals, every time you looked at that kitty, you'd see the difference you and Greg have made. That's priceless. If, however, Greg is opposed, you'd want to respect that too and I know you would. I'm thinking there was something else I wanted to tell you, but it isn't popping into my head right now. Oh, and did I miss what you're buying or may be buying if the shipping issue gets worked out?

Marcy, that Snoopy tote looks like just the right size if you ever have to bite one of your co-worker's heads off and need to get rid of the evidence! But bunnies work too. And I'm going to weigh in from Kristie's meteorite thread that I had no idea they were so heavy! Just when I think I'm smart, I realize how much I don't know about all sorts of things, and astronomy is one of the many. And it's all your fault that I bought a bright blue cross-body bag yesterday. I'll be sending you the bill shortly. It will be a good travel bag because it has this very secure area to keep a wallet, etc. which is unusual and kind of hard to explain. It has a flap but the flap has a zipper all the way around, and if you unzip it and put your hand all the way down through the flap and into the bag, there's another compartment that can only be accessed that way. I'd like to see a pickpocket get their hand in there! I'll try to get a photo.

Gypsy, love the snow story. It's hilarious to read, probably not so hilarious to live through but your DH showed his true colors so it's nice to have evidence when you've found a keeper. And you're in Alameda now, I think you said. That's East Bay, right? I could go Google Map it, but I'm too lazy. One of my BIL's lives in SF proper. I've been to Oakland and Berkeley to sight see, Berkeley for a hiring trip back when I was in private practice (stayed at the Claremont on the firm tab), and stayed with a friend in Concord a looooooooong time ago (during law school). The weather is quite a bit warmer as I remember it which would be a problem for me as I'm a weather wimp. And I know the housing prices here are insane, but the Bay Area's are even insaner if that were a word.

Jimmianne, I know you've headed off to France and may not be checking in to read this but I just wanted to say I hope you're okay. After Kristie posted about the Paris flooding, I went and looked and OMG! And one of the phrases you learn pretty quickly in French is "la greve." The French use strikes to make a point a lot (especially compared to the US). I hope you've found workarounds for the weather problems and any of the continuing strikes. That's part of the "joy" of traveling.

LLJ - I admire that you are a serious runner and honest enough to admit, it's not always a joy and sometimes shopping with Missy is a lot more fun! I haven't run in years and really wouldn't be able to now (part of the broken ankle, pins and plates club plus seriously out of shape), but loved that sensation of being out there. Not sure I'd have ever wanted to train for a marathon or half-marathon, but I understand why people enjoy running so much. Have you decided on an AVC/AVR yet?

Kristie, I've never been to Juneau but used to go to Anchorage for work a lot and was even out in Dutch Harbor once. Alaska is many things, but has some of the most remarkable scenery anywhere. I may still have the sweatshirt I bought up there at the office staff's urging: "Alaska men: the odds are good, but the goods are odd." They all said it was so true!

Sharon - glad to hear you trust Canada Post. I've had a few glitches sending mail to my sister and she's had the same down to the US, mostly because something can take 2 days or 3 weeks and you never know which it's going to be.

Junie, I know you're probably overwhelmed getting things ready right now, but thinking of you. Hang in there!

CJ, so glad you're back to posting. I feel the love here too. And you may have answered this ages ago, but what's your avatar? I always find it intriguing.

Zesty - nice to see you here. Do you do boxing like punching people or cardio/kick boxing for fitness?

If I missed anyone, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.


Mar 29, 2005
Opps, Scandi, I didn't mean to forget you! I'm sorry there's no progress on finding a solution to the oil on the logs. It must be so frustrating for you to start building and have everything stop because of this! I'm sure it was scheduled so that certain parts would be in place before the weather changes during fall and winter. I'd be stomping around like a madwoman if it were me! I hope you're having a good weekend anyway!

Oh, and Missy, I'm headed to the island on Saturday for a few days. It's supposed to be hot and I might even go down and wade in our freezing cold water!


Feb 27, 2007

Gypsy, what a great snow story! Definitely a memorable experience for you.

LLJsmom, love the bracelet! It looks fabulous.

Missy, I swear your conversation with Greg about you knew what you were getting in to when you married me sounds like the conversations we have around here. We locked ourselves out of our house onetime and neither of us had our keys. We had to call my parents from a neighbors house to bring us over their keys. Naturally it was cold, windy and snowy.

Great picture of Lucy and Ethel with all the baby chicks. I see they have about 6 episodes on really early in the morning on Hallmark. I need to see my work DVR to record them and then I’ll have entertainment while I am pouring through reports.

How exciting to meet Sprite’s kitties on Sunday. I hope they are nice and friendly; I know they are cute.

I used my new tote today and liked it more than I thought I would. It is larger than my normal sized purse, it doesn’t have a lot of pockets but I am sure I’ll use it. I really like the Fossil bag; it is perfect sized and has many pockets. My other off white wallet wasn’t turning blue so I think it’s safe to use my Snoopy wallet. I was all Snoopy today.

Marty’s ring is tight. They used a different set of ring sizers for that ring too but it was very cold that day so his finger was probably smaller from that. It’s not too tight on him but it’s hard to get off and on. Of course he leaves it on but I am worried it’s too tight. I suggested he call them right away about it. I know it can’t be sized by maybe they can stretch it a little.

Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves because they will always be amused.

My sunburn actually deepened today and my face watch itchy - but I tried to keep myself from scratching on it.

How utterly frustrating about the shipping fees on that pretty pendant. I still feel she should honor charging you $50. That is what I’d and I’d eat the rest of the shipping cost.

Your new heated jacket looks great. I hope you don’t get rashes from it.

ZestfullyBling, my life is dull and I like it that way! Ouch to hurting your shoulder. I hope it gets better for you. Boxing has to relieve a lot of stress - punch that frustration away.

CJ2008, I am glad you enjoy your kitties.

Sharon, glad to hear CP is trustworthy for Missy.

Kristie, I watched a few videos of that meteorite coming in. It turned the sky in to daylight. COOL!

Rainwood, LOL at sneaking someone’s head out of work in a tote bag but I’d use my cheap cloth one I carry my lunch and water bottles back and forth in. Most of the meteorites we find are iron because they look so different from our earthly rocks which is why they are so heavy. I’ll watch for your bill for your cross-body bag. That sounds like a very safe travel bag for you too. I love those pockets to hide things. My Tumi handbags have all sorts of hidden pockets and I use everyone of them. I can’t remember what I stuck where but by gosh it’s safe!

I got my employee manual done today and printed. 6 copies times 63 pages. I fired up that printer for sure. Then I punched holes in all of the pages. That little hand machine worked great for that and it didn’t take me anywhere near as long as I thought it would. Now I need to order binders in for us. I dug some old ones out by the printer that are too big to work for now.

I went to lunch with a girl friend today so that was nice to get out of the office.

Marty’s big got an extension till Wednesday so he decided to play golf tomorrow.

His sister was in Denver but flew home to Arizona instead of coming up for the weekend because she didn’t feel good. The in-laws get here Sunday.

Marty is hungry so he is trying to figure out if he wants me to make him popcorn.

Have a great weekend.


Feb 27, 2007
So I guess this was from the Lucy show but here is Lucy with Liz Taylor's 68 carat diamond. That was a funny episode too.



Feb 27, 2007
Rats. My forehead has a big patch of hives right in the worst part of my sunburn. No wonder that spot was driving me crazy today. My bangs on it were driving me bonkers. Best wrap my hands up in my blankets to sleep or I will be scratching the heck out of myself in my sleep tonight. Sad thing is I don't know what triggered them. Oh well. Marty would say it's the evil leaking out of me.

Good night.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


Jan 23, 2016
Hello girls and good very late morning from Scandinavia! :wavey:

Yesterday, we went to the summerhouse (and back home again) to fix the concrete foundations for the garage (for the car and the small boat). It is on an island - the summerhouse - and the bridge out there is only for cars and not for heavy machinery.. So the truck with the sement (you know, the large ones with the continuing rolling tank to keep the cement / concrete from hardening) could not drive across the bridge. So we had ordered a tractor to drive between the truck and the summerhouse. The problem was finding labour - here, no one will do an honest days blood-sweat-and-tears labour anymore, lol. So the lowest offer was for USD 30.000. And we did not want to pay that for a days work for 2 men. Felt like blackmail because they knew that a helicopter was the only other option.. So we had decided to do the "lets drag the concrete out across the floor from where the tractor dumps it in the corner of the garage" ourselves. Almost regretted it. So (so so so so!!!) heavy work. My hands are full of blisters, my back is in pain (not actual pain, just sore muscles), my arms are sunburned. Even my stomach muscles are crying.. LOL. But fortunately for my DH (who otherwise would have been even more tired than he is, lol) I'm stronger than I look. So from 10 - 18 we worked! And we made it before the concrete hardened :) Probably healthy for us office rats :lol: . Now I feel like Lucy too :)

If you are still reading posts Jimmianne (I do hope you have internet and can respond every once in a while, PS and especially this thread will be strange without you) I hope you are having a good time, that the plane was ok, and that you will have a wonderful holiday!! And I do hope for pictures along the way.. :bigsmile:

Gypsy, that snow story was hilarious!! Thanks for the laugh!!! :lol: My DH would have strangled me, not just threatened I think.. I'm borne and raised Scandinavian, so any questions re Scandinavia - I'm your girl :) And especially when I'm tired or typing from my phone (with auto spell corrector in another language) it's easy to tell that I'm not native English / American. I'm very outdoorsy, I love skiing (especially cross country), hiking in the mountains, sailing etc. So you will be subject to a lot of pictures like that... LOL So fun the difference between countries. Here, hitchhiking is no biggi, not exactly something your parents would recommend, but not really dangerous either. More like the cars are afraid of picking up people, because they think why would they hitchhike?? But in remote locations like the mountainside etc, its almost a normal way of getting back to your own car after a few days of hiking :lol: . In general, the Scandinavian countries have little crime, although Sweden is having some problems now due to the large number of refugees. The strategies for getting people included in society has failed, the numbers of refugees are so high. And some of the refugees are not really refugees, but criminals taking advantage. And the large numbers makes the application process go too slow, so there you go - problems are bound to happen. The larger cities (in all the countries) are also having problems with segregated living areas (due to real estate prices, not by intent) - some parts have 80-90 % immigrants/refugees. Oh well. I'll probably have to kill my children if they are not a lot more carefull than we had to be growing up...

CJ, yes, a lot of pictures of my little DB (darling baby) dog on this thread. I'll post another one just for you.

Kristie, thank you for all your advice, yet again. They are appreciated. We are doing all we can within the boundaries of our legal system. Still waiting for the test results to get back from the lab, fingers crossed. (Trying to stay positive for as long as possible..)

Marcy, I love Marty's new ring!! I would never have been able to wait like that, I would have been there the second they opened :lol:
The coach tote bad is wonderful! I think black works with everything (I know, I'm so exiting.. lol) Pictures of the meteorites please :) Oh don't you hate getting a sunburn! My arms are so red today, because it was so warm yesterday so I kept "bading" in the waterhose to stay sane..
Oh and Marcy - you are so kind - also as a boss for your staff. They should bake you cake! You are a true sweetheart!

LLJsmom, nice new bling :) :) I'm like that too. If I get stuck on something (or even worse if I want something but can't find exactly what I want) I can't think about anything else, lol. Much better to just buy it - not enabling at all... :) :lol:

Missy, I'm so (SO!) exited about Sprite's newborns and you getting to meet them!! I want to see them too! So I do hope for a lot of pictures, descriptions, stories and anecdotes :bigsmile:
Oh I do hope you get the antique bling piece soon! I'm dying to see the pictures! Please tell her that she is tormenting the hole PS community... :lol:
I actually found some Toms shooes at the summerhouse that I had forgotten :oops: They are with the rope sole and they are super comfy. Put them on yesterday after being hosed down outside... LOL

Sharon :wavey: How is everything? Hope you are well!

Rainwood, no worries! You are much better than me at keeping up with everyone! So how are you doing? Are you off to the Island for the weekend? Hope you are having good weather. I forgot to say, but we are having the weekend of the year right now, its is sunny, no wind and 30 C (86F?) so it is soooooo warm for Scandinavia! Never like that here except a few days every year. Very nice, except when doing heavy work outside.. LOL.

68 carat diamond. Good thing it was not me that she lent it to... :halo: :devil: :halo: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something:


Jan 23, 2016
My baby :)

(and my very Scandinavian self, lol)



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

LLJsmom, right back at ya. We had a great time visiting with you and I am looking forward to your next NYC visit and hoping it will be sooner vs later. There is always more bling to shop for and enjoy but the company makes the experience memorable. :appl:

Rainwood, sorry to disappoint you but no I would never get tired of your input and concern and friendship. I love having you on my side and having you as my friend. Greg agrees and is interested in adopting one of Sprite's kittens. But I am unsure about adding a 5th because it is challenging traveling with the 4 we have back and forth to the beach house. They aren't super easy travelers big surprise. :lol: Plus then that leaves the other kitten all alone without a sibling but we really cannot adopt both. Just hoping and praying Ann still wants one of them so that only leaves 2 we need to find homes for...we have to start with TNRing the other ferals who have not yet been TNRd. We might start that soon depending on Ann's schedule as she is the one who will be housing them.

So glad you are heading to the island today! I hope you have a great trip and enjoy the (freezing cold) water. You are braver than I because until the water hits mid 70s here I am not even interested in touching it with my toes. Right now the water temp is about 60-65 degrees so it will be a while till I go wading. Greg is ready when it is 65 so that might be now. Hoping you have good weather for your getaway this weekend. It will be raining here tomorrow but we will be playing with Sprite's kittens inside so no matter there. Today cloudy all day with small chance of rain and we are going cycling so looking forward to that.

Marcy, Ugh, I am sorry about your sunburn and hope it is better today. Do you have Avene Cicalfate around? It is so healing and soothing so if you can get some easily that is what I would apply on the sunburn. Hopefully it is healed by today. The good thing about the area it is located in is that it heals quickly usually. Sorry Marty's ring is a big snug and I agree he should contact the jeweler today to see what can be done. It is a good looking ring.

LOL on getting locked out of the house. We did that too once (Greg did it actually-maybe his Lucy side is stronger than I think :lol: ) but fortunately we had a key hidden somewhere on the property so we were able to get in the house. When he locked us out of the car no such luck. We had to call AAA and wait. I wanted to open it with a wire hangar but Greg tried and couldn't. Then the AAA guy came and opened the car with a sturdier version of the wire hangar we had been trying. Hahaha. The whole ordeal was funny even during it though Greg was not as amused as I was. :lol:
Love that saying you shared "Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves because they will always be amused." Thanks for sharing it and I agree. :bigsmile:

Yes our men knew what they were getting into when marrying us so that's on them. :cheeky:
But I am sure Marty agrees with Greg when Greg tells me he would marry me all over again. Even when we are fighting. That's true love right? (Or true insanity :loopy: ).

The seller is charging me what it cost her and the way she sent it is within the agreed amount but read below for more details as to why I am upset. Mainly because she absolutely and completely ignored what I told her (and she had initially agreed to send it the way I wanted it sent) without contacting me to see if I was OK with her doing the opposite of what I told her. I wasn't and am not OK with it.

Thanks for the compliment re the heated jacket. Only wore it once so far and so far so good. No rashes. I don't know if I will need it today as it will be warming up to the 70s and high humidity so may not take it. We were searching for a good looking red helmet yesterday but the model I want is sold out in my size everywhere. It is one of the top rated helmets and a perfect red. Thinking about chancing it in a smaller size because it might fit. My head is right on the cusp of small and medium. Which is weird because I always thought I had a small head. Guess not. Just small brain (sometimes). :oops: :razz:

Glad you enjoyed lunch with your girlfriend and that Marty is getting to enjoy golf today. Did Marty get his popcorn last night?
Yay its the weekend though Princess Francesca always asks when I say that what is a weekend? Ahh the life of a princess. :halo: Princess Francesca has her eye on that 68 carat diamond you posted. 8) Watch out Aunt Marcy because I think your princess niece is about to ask for a blingy gift from you... :devil: :halo:

Sharon, thanks for the info and I appreciate it. Hoping it arrives safely within the time the seller told me it would. It's a long story and I am a bit aggravated because I feel she purposefully did something I specifically told her I didn't want her to do...and I am too trusting. I know it's hard to believe a hardened NYer LOL. But she asked for the money and I sent it thinking we had agreed to a certain delivery method and had agreed to no to the other shipping method. That is the only reason I sent the money and before I did I told her in no uncertain terms how I didn't want it shipped.

If it doesn't arrive before we leave the Jersey shore it has to go back and I want my money returned. Period. She told me she shipped it 3 day shipping but when I track it shipping time is 2-9 days. :???: That won't work and we will be gone if it doesn't arrive within 5 business days. So that is what I am giving her. I think I am being more than fair as she knew the time constraints and I am frustrated with how she ignored me throughout this transaction. Kristie knows the details and I am already going too much into it here but that is because I am disappointed in this whole affair and wish I never got involved. I should have listened to Kristie who told me to cancel the transaction and call Am Ex but I didn't want to disappoint this PSer as she was buying something else she wanted from the money I sent her. Plus once I say I am going to do something I do it and stand behind it. My bad.

Hopefully I can update this thread in 3 business days saying yay it arrived and I am pleased with the purchase. Fingers crossed. Again she seems like a lovely person but she didn't do the right thing here no matter what she thinks. She knew my terms and then went ahead and did exactly what I asked her not to do and didn't even contact me about the fact she sent it the way I asked her not to send it till I emailed her many times about this. Lots of excuses. Poor communication purposefully on her part. Lesson learned on my part.

LOL sorry for the long winded explanation. You can see I am still aggravated by the way it went down. ::)
OK moving onwards and upwards with will arrive in good condition and within the time period we are here this coming week and all will be good. And a valuable lesson learned on my part. And it is only (gasp) bling. 8-)

Junie, any weekend plans? Are all the renovations complete for your mom's arrival? Hope you are having a lovely weekend.

Scandi, so glad you found an extra pair of those shoes. I love shopping in my closet haha. Love your sweet pup's newest photo and love your sweet mug too. :halo: I promise I will do the best I can re photos and descriptions...Cola is waiting for you to adopt her you know... :devil: :appl: Hang in there re the logs. I am sending bucket loads of good luck dust your way sweetheart.

Oh no to being Lucy yesterday but good for you and your dh accomplishing to much yesterday (!!!) and I hope your blisters and sunburn heal quickly. (((Hugs))).

Jimmianne, thinking of Pom and hoping he is doing very well! Also hope you are recovering from jet lag and starting to enjoy your French adventures.

Attaching a Bobby pic from last night. He is so adorable. The cats just jump from the floor straight up. Quite amazing isn't it?


Have a great Saturday girls and hoping everyone enjoys some outdoor activities and good company. :wavey:
Sharing a plate we saw yesterday when we were antique shopping and thought of you girls. You are all precious and rare to me. True dat. 8-)


And here is the helmet I am searching for in my size. Pretty isn't it?



Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone! I've fallen behind but wanted to check in -

Missy, I am so happy you're feeling better about the feral situation and you've been able to internalize that you are doing all you can to help them - I'm also trying very hard to keep my stress level under control and I keep telling myself if I let my anxiety run rampant I won't be any good to anybody. It is a challenge sometimes but we have to try, and please know I'm thinking of you and you have my total support.

It will be fun to see Squirt's kittens! I understand the dilemma about keeping one, it's a bit complicated and there are several things to consider.

Wow, love your heated jacket, that is very cool! I'm glad it seems to be working well for you so far.

I'm sorry this bling purchase is turning out to be so stressful for you, I'm hoping it all gets resolved to your satisfaction. Hoping for good news on this :pray:

I would love to get together with you in Lambertville at some point - I just need to get a routine established here so that I can reach a point where an aide is able to take over for longer periods of time.

I just noticed I don't think I answered one of your questions - My brother seems ok with the move at this point, I'm not sure exactly what he's feeling but I'm assuming he's relieved . It will be interesting to see how much support I get from him. Things are going ok - I tracked someone down to put up the doors, hopefully we can coordinate and have them in this week, and I still need to get a bed and a commode, ordering those today.

Love the pic of Bobby, he's so cute. The plate is very sweet and I really like that helmet.

LLJsmom, glad the wedding went well - I'm the same way with large groups of people, I get very drained and exhausted after being with a lot of people for a while. Sorry about not qualifying but I do think sometimes things happen for a reason and maybe it would have been too tough for you to train right now. My husband ran in a half-marathon a while back and it was really difficult for him to train for it while working full-time. It's just so time consuming and a big commitment. For now you can relax and just continue to run for enjoyment,exercise, and stress reduction.

Rainwood, the pictures of your hike are so pretty. I hope you have a lovely and relaxing weekend at the island. Thanks for thinking of me, yes, I'm busy getting things together and I'm in pretty good shape but still some things to do.

Marcy, I'm going back a bit but I'm so annoyed about your employee speaking like that to you, she was out of line and very disrespectful. I have empathy for her rough life and it's fantastic she was able to turn her life around but you don't deserve to be treated that way. I love Marty's ring, but sorry to read it might be too small. And I'm so sorry about your skin issues, it sounds really uncomfortable and I hope those hives clear up quickly. I love your Snoopy bag, so thoughtful of Marty. :love: And it sounds like your fossil bag will work out with your wallet, whew.

Jimmianne, I feel so badly I didn't get to say goodbye - Hopefully you can check in with us, I'm thinking of you and hoping your trip is going smoothly so far. Try not to worry about Pom, he's in good hands. (((hugs)))

Scandi, I am just so upset for you about the log situation, I know it's such a stressor and I hope you can get back on track soon. Wow, it's impressive you and your husband were able to do all that hard work with the cement! I hope you can have some down-time now and you get a chance to relax, I know you're a busy lady.

Kristie, yeah, lol, bless my bil's heart too! I have no great desire to be around him anytime soon, not until he gets a grip on the anger issue. I think moving forward we're better off seeing members of dh's family separately - and I'm in no rush to do that anytime soon. I have enough problems ha!

Hi Gypsy, CJ, ZB, and Sharon!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far!


Feb 27, 2007

Scandinavian, even your late morning is early for me. Marty is talking to people in Dubai for work and has been getting up at 3 am our time. Fun for him.

Ugh, I am tired and sore just thinking about how much work that was for you and your DH today with the concrete. That was a lot of money to pay someone though.

Sorry to hear you got sunburnt too. My Benadryl cream worked wonders over night; this morning you can only see a slight difference in color and my hives went down.

I will try to remember to get my meteorite pictures. Mm cake.

I am glad you are having very nice weather this weekend. I continue to send PS Good Luck dust to you so the log situation is resolved soon.

Missy, I still want ice cream.

Are you saying you and Greg wouldn’t be in polar bear club (where they jump in to freezing water?) I sure couldn’t do that.

Have fun with Sprite’s kitties tomorrow.

I did call the jeweler today about Marty’s ring. He says it’s not a problem at all they can stretch it up; 1/4 size at a time and it takes about 5-10 minutes. When I had a 4mm comfort fit band I knew they could size it up with a ring sizing wand. He says they can’t make it smaller but stretching it works fine. He was very nice about it and said to call ahead to make sure he is there.

That is funny the AAA guy did the same thing Greg did to get back in your car. I am sure Greg is amused about it now. Marty had stitches on his left hang and nerve damage so that hand was useless and he was delivering supplies for the state. The truck was real high off the ground so he had a hard time getting in and out of it with one hand. The very first stop he locked himself out of the truck because when he got out he hit the lock with his left elbow. He called a locksmith who charged him $75 to break in with a hanger. Marty asked him if he could keep the hanger and it’s a good thing he did because he locked himself out about 5 more times on that trip.

Of course Greg and Marty would marry us again. I tell Marty all the time he never had it so good.

That is pretty rotten about the shipping deal; I am sure it will be okay but I hate your wishes weren’t honored and what was originally promised wasn’t delivered. It does look very pretty though.

Good deal for no rashes from your jacket. I hope you find the red helmet you want.

Bobby looks great on his one of many perches.

Junebug, i hope your stress level settles down once you get your mom moved and settled in. I know you have so much on your mind right now. Glad to hear your brother seems okay with the move and it’s good you are finalizing what you need for the house.

My employee has definitely pushed me once too often. She is going to hear about it Tuesday. Since my boss talked to her about attitude and negativity I dropped it this week but it’s coming.

Marty’s band looks great. I am relieved it won’t be a problem to get it tweaked up in size. I called on that ring I want to see at the mall and it’s still on order to come in.

I am enjoying both of my new bags.

My skin is slightly better today but a little bit itchy.

Jimmianne, I have read about the flooding over there and hope you are avoiding any problems with that.

We slept in until about 7:30. I thought it was way early when I woke up since Marty was still sleeping. He’s been getting up at 3 to 4 am.

He played golf. I worked on house stuff and found a program for our next astronomy meeting. I love the internet - search for things - print them and voila new program!

I have one more blanket to dry and the spare bedrooms are ready for the in-laws.

Have a great evening.

We are going to rend Zoolander 2 and have popcorn.



Mar 29, 2005
I hope everyone is having a better weekend than I am. Was originally going to go to the island on Friday but couldn't because the HVAC guy had to come to get the A/C working in the city house. This is an ongoing issue, and I've had the guts of the system replaced but with very little improvement in the problem. Didn't sleep well and got a late start, but knew I needed to get to the island because it was going to be really hot this weekend and needed to water some plants I don't want to get heat stressed.

I should have packed last night, but didn't (which is a separate problem) but finally got things together and headed out. Got about a mile away and realized I forgot to pack the one supplement I really need for this latest food sensitivity experiment. So i went back for that, then partway down the hill realized that I hadn't brought my new water bottle, just the old one with hardly any left. I wasn't going to go back a second time so decided to tough it out despite the hot day. Called in my lunch order from the car which took 2 tries for some reason, then stopped to pick it up and found out they'd gotten the order wrong - two orders of something I didn't want instead of one order of something I did want. Didn't really have time to wait for them to fix it so just took the wrong order which was also more money. Lovely.

Drove down to get to the ferry line which is reaaaaaallly long, and involves sitting in the car in the full sun behind a big tall van so I can't tell what's happening in front of me. It's very hard to eat chicken teriyaki before it gets cold while also having to inch forward in the line but not being able to see when it's going to happen until the van in front of me starts moving. The line was moving, but slowly because of new ticketing procedures that require every car to stop at the ticket booth and get a receipt even if they have a pre-paid commuter card. No one can figure out why they decided to use technology to make things slower rather than faster. So I just had to shovel food in when I could while driving. Not very relaxing.

And while the line is moving closer to the toll booth, the door to the console compartment where I keep my pre-paid ferry card will not open. The line keeps moving and I'm furiously trying to get the damned thing open. If I have to buy a ticket, it's close to $30! Finally get the thing open, but then have lots of time because they can't get any more cars on the dock until the next ferry loads.

Ferry schedule this summer is particularly bad because they've taken away our largest boat to cover a damaged boat on another route and they gave us a really small one as a substitute. They do this a lot because we are the poor stepchild of the ferry system. So lines are long because of that and summer is always crazy. And the ferry workers must have a rule to stick to the schedule no matter what because they decided to let the ferry ahead of us leave half-full, and two lanes of cars who should have been on that boat were furious. So a bad vibe on the ferry dock. And they load the boat I'm on oddly because they put those waiting cars on first rather than last even though they get off later than we do at a different destination and decided to do this by putting cars on the boat in one line rather than the usual two so it took forever to load and go. Not sure how any of this is supposed to be more efficient for the ferry system, and it certainly isn't for the passengers.

Because of seismic upgrades being done to the ferry dock on the island, they also have to unload one lane of cars instead of the usual two so it takes forever to unload too. I decided to stop at the grocery store because this new food regimen I'm on eliminates a lot of the food I usually eat and I'm not sure I brought enough to last through Monday. It too is a mob scene because it's Saturday afternoon. Was greatly looking forward to getting to the house, putting up my feet and relaxing in the cool of the A/C. You guessed it. I get to the house, load up all the stuff I brought (finding the full water bottle which was hiding under something else). Open the door. It's an oven. Thermostat says "Your cooling system is not operating" and tells me to contact the service people. Aaaaaaaaaagh. It's Saturday. They are difficult to get during the week and impossible to get on the weekend. I've had two different people here to check it in the last two weeks, most recently last Monday morning so I'm really surprised it isn't working at all. But I call and leave a message on the machine which I know won't be checked until Monday, on the cell phone they say to call after hours (which is the owner who never responds to service calls) and I text one other guy whose cell phone I happen to have. He responds that he'll call the owner and see if he can come over. That was an hour and a half ago and I know he's not coming. So at this point, I will probably water the plants, eat that second teriyaki for dinner, and take a late ferry back to the city. And it makes me so mad. My to-do list is long enough without everything that's been crossed off jumping back on.

Sometimes I wonder why I try so hard to make all this work. This is the stuff my DH used to handle and I hate having to spend so much time dealing with it now that he's gone. Life is difficult enough. Thanks for letting me vent. I'm not sure it made me feel better, but it was worth a shot.
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