
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Callie, LOL your poor sweet fur baby. She did the "Fred" cry. Haha Greg will get a kick out of that when I tell him Fred has a cry named after him. LOL. Big hugs to your sweet baby and I know how relieved and happy she is to be back safely home with her mommy and daddy. Woohoo it is vacation time for you and Jeff! 5 whole days! Weather seems like it will be good for the most part so double woohoo! What are you guys doing for the extended time off together?

Junie, very happy your eye is all (by today I am sure it is) better. Have a fantastic vacation at your new beach house. R&R and lots and lots of fun!

That's good your mom may be getting interested in knitting again. Perhaps you can request she knit some specific things for you guys and that would make it more interesting for her? I always like a goal in mind as it makes the task more relevant in a way if you kwim.

Boredom can be challenging to overcome but if one sets goals it can help. Remember I had almost 8 months of disrupted routine and boredom was one of the challenges though I admit it wasn't too difficult for me to overcome but I am younger than your mom and so it was easier for me for sure. I forget does she not care to read or watch movies? Knitting might be just the activity for her. My mom and grand mom were big knitters and I reaped (or sowed/sewed haha) the benefits for sure. In fact my mom still knits for my nieces and they have some lovely clothing for it.

Colored gems are beautiful and I love the colors you want. The right shade of pink and green are lovely together in fact. And red is always a favorite.

Marcy, I love that you put an astronomy newsletter out. Instilling refresh (or other rewetting drops) tears before you take out contact lenses is a good method to avoid disrupting the corneal layers when your eyes are dry. After we cycle I do the same because my contact lenses are practically stuck to my eyes. Lovely visual right?

You don't drink coffee? Do you drink tea? How do you get your caffeine? LOL I love caffeine. It is my favorite drug of choice at all times. :cheeky:

Yay for pizza for supper and even better yet for leftovers. From memory I think pizza tastes even better the second and third day out served cold. :lickout: But I know I'm weird that way.

You will never find my fridge or freezer empty (unless it broke down) as I like to keep it full all the time. I think in another life I was a depression era baby because I always need to have plentiful food around just in case. Greg is still amazed by that I think. I am always stocking up haha. But for the benefit we never run out of food or toiletries etc. We always have lots and lots to go round. So c'mon over Marcy. What's mine is yours. :appl:

What are you reading now? I love being immersed in a good book. Time just melts together when one is reading something delicious.

Jimmianne, love the pics you just posted. Beautiful butterfly and those colors wow. And your ear selfie too. tiny never looked so good. :love: I am also digging your glasses from what I can see in that pic. Lovely temples.

Glad the cleaner is such a huge help. Having a nice clean house is a pleasure. For us though it seems to only last a day until the cat hair starts filling the house haha. Well we enjoy it while we can. :bigsmile:

LLJsmom, I hope your 12 hour workdays are going well and that you are enjoying being immersed in it. Just wanted to update you as promised re the silk pillowcase. LOVE it! It is way better than my satin pillowcases. So much softer and I don't slip off it like I sometimes do with the satin cases. Really lovely to sleep on and worth the money IMO. I am ordering a few more in the lovely light blue color. :love:

Have a great day girls! Happy pre-holiday weekend! :wavey:


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, Do you a weekend full of bike riding planned? We don't have much planned. We are going shopping one day and out to steak dinner another night. We are also getting together with friends one day. I thought we would probably all do something together but found out yesterday the guys are golfing and my friend and I are going shopping and out to lunch. It should be a nice weekend. Mmy furbaby always does the Fred cry when we get close to the groomers but yesterday she did the cry for most of the car ride. She is so much happier when the three of us are in the car together. She knows if we are all together she isn't going to the groomer. Crazy little dog! She was so funny yesterday because she was excited to see the groomer. She ran up to her so excited and stopped very quickly and then ran back to me and wanted me to hold her. The groomer was laughing because It was as if a light bulb went off in her little head that said "oh no, mom is going leave me here". She could not get back to me fast enough.

Marcy, it's only 10:00 AM and I want a piece of pizza now. Maybe we will order one for dinner tonight. Is Marty planning on golfing this weekend? I was teasing my husband last night that he better golf as much as he can this month because he only has about a month left until the weather gets cold.

Junebug, Do they have golf courses near the beach house? I know your husband is like mine when it comes to golfing. I have to admit I am pretty envious of you today. A walk on a beach sounds perfect and I know you can do a lot of this over the weekend. I would also love to take my dog to beach. I think it would be so much fun for her. I bet you are so excited to get away from everything for a few days with your husband.

Jimmianne, One of my friends got married at the courthouse here and had a wedding in France. Everything worked out perfectly. How exciting for your family. Will they love in France after the wedding? In any case it sounds as there will be many trips to arrange in your future. I also love coming home to a clean house. My cleaning lady laughs at me because she says the house looks no different when she is finished cleaning. My husband says he also can't see any difference with the exception of the house smelling like Pinesol.

AZ, I hope you are having a great day. I'm going to look at purses when I go shopping this weekend.


Oct 24, 2012
hi girls, i love reading all your updates. it's such a nice quick break after sitting at my desk for 4 hours straight. my poor daughter is trying to get me to help her with homework, and i'm just thinking "hurry up" and "dang, she talks a lot".

Jimmianne, can you please post a pic of your WF bracelet?? :pray: It would be amazing to see it!! I love your logic. Of course you could use another tennis bracelet. :Up_to_something:

Callie, what are you up to?

Kristie, hope you are doing well and estate nightmare is all wound up, right?

Missy, after a certain event takes place, I am going to get me a silk pillow case...

Marcy, I didn't read carefully enough, but gosh that injury to your eye sounded bad. You and Marty must have really been at it. I hope you are better now. Or was that a long time ago?

Junebug, how is your vacay? Are you enjoying your house?? And I sure hope your eye gets ALL better. It's funny what we don't appreciate until we don't have it.

I have a 17-20 mile run planned on Saturday. Then driving the kids everywhere. Then pizza dinner!!

It's my birthday on Saturday, and this is my new favorite restaurant. EVERYTHING there is good, and that NEVER happens. I wish you were all here and we could go together.

Missy, I'll be out in NYC in November. I wish I could see you.

Ok, gotta sleep. Hugs everyone!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDIs!

Callie, yes hoping to cycle this long weekend. So far (not sure about today though) so good weather wise this weekend. Threat of thunderstorms today sadly but still hoping to get some bicycling if possible.

Your plans sound good too. Low key but fun. Hope you find some good buys this weekend.

LLJsmom, Happy birthday in advance!!! I hope you have a super happy birthday sweetie!!!

Let me know if you have any free time at all in November when you come to NYC for the marathon. Even for a quick cup of coffee. If I can make it happen I will. I would love to meet you in person! No pressure though as I know you will be very busy and scheduled with activities. So happy you are getting this opportunity to run in the marathon!

Enjoy your run this Saturday. OMG that's a lot of miles but you have that pizza dinner to look forward to after the run!

Jimmianne, I would also to see a wrist shot of your WF bracelet. :appl:

Hi Junie, hope you are enjoying the beach house and the beach!

Kristie, did you ever take your pocketbook to the cobbler to get the zipper replaced?

Hope all the rest of you girls also have a fun holiday weekend planned. See you later. :wavey:



Dec 9, 2013
Just a quick.

If you, LLJsmom, have time, and you, Ms.Missy, have time and you plan a coffee, please put me in the loop.
I've been thinking about meeting you for lunch, Missy, and this would seem like the perfect time if it were to work out.

here is the WF glam shot & an an on-the-wrist-shot - although neither in focus, darn it. I will do better when I get it back [around Sept.10th]. You can see how it dearly needed to be re-sized.

three-prong-diamond-tennis-bracelet-in-14k-white-gold-by-whiteflash_42169_14499_g.jpg img_9853.jpg

edit. LLJs I just clicked on the pizza link. Missy I think we should go THERE for coffee! or ask LLJs it she can fit one of the wood-fired beauties in her suitcase... :lickout:


Jun 8, 2008
I'm in Jimmianne!! I'm in!!! :appl:
Pizza, coffee, whatever works for you girls. I'm easy. I just want to meet you in person so I can give you all big hugs! Hope you're all comfortable with that. I'm a hugger. I know that comes as a surprise :lol: so just warning you. :cheeky:

I love the bracelet and once it's resized it will be a wall of bling on your wrist. Truly lovely. :love:

OK, hope it's OK to post first and second day of school pics from my nieces. I am picture happy I know haha. But they are so cute. Look at Bethany in her glasses. And I love the girls and their friends walking with their rollaway backpacks. When did this happen? OMG I don't even remember if we had backpacks. They are way too heavy if the girls need wheels on them dontcha think??? Anyway I still think they are all adorable so just could not resist sharing.





Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, our earrings look fabulous. Your daughter’s church wedding in France will be so romantic and exciting. Very cool! Come on down and have some cold pizza. I sometimes reach a point where it’s fun to see what creative dinner you can make out of almost nothing. Pretty flowers and butterfly too. I like having to pick up things around here since the cleaning lady is coming. Sadly I have 2 “stick it” spots that I need to clean out. Your bracelet looks fabulous. I complain about the same things on my WF images. They need to increase their focal length huh? My shots are usually focused on the foreground in the reflection pictures or the background.

Missy, you and Junebug are inspiring me to get my knitting out. I am working on a scarf and it will be cold again soon. I miss wearing contacts; I could see so much better (distance) with them but since I always needed reading glasses I thought what’s the point? Also I was having problems with my eyes being too dry for them. My caffeine fix comes from Coke. I usually only drink one of the mini cans or bottles though; the 8 oz. size. I am on book 9 of 10 of The Corps series by W.E.B. Griffin. The series is on the Marine Corps who were in the Pacific side of WWII. I would recommend them. Your nieces are adorable. It does look like they are packing out enough stuff for a trip though.

Callie, your weekend plans sound similar to ours. That is kind of funny that your furbaby knows what is going on and the Fred cry is making me chuckle. That’s too cute she was excited to see the groomer then had the “hey wait” moment. I don’t dare bring up the end of golf season to Marty; he’ll start his when are we moving mantra. When we were buying the truck the guy was trying to sell us their maintenance plan and asked if we were moving in the next 5 years and Marty said no. I didn’t say a word.

LLJsmom, glad you are taking a break to check in on us. The pillow fight was very brief, I’d hit him once, he picked up a pillow on the bed and hit me and that was it. It was about 15 years ago but I do still give him crap about it. Happy Birthday tomorrow and have a great dinner. It looks fabulous.

I spent my morning chasing down my problem child; he is working very hard at not working. Sigh. My boss was ready to YELL at him and he must have sensed it because all of a sudden he went back to the room and did some work. I sent him back in there about an hour later because he was sorting papers to file when there were some updates to verify. Sigh. I can’t wait to be done with him.

I got off at 3 today. I met another board member of the astronomy club at a retirement home to see about using their place to hold meetings. We’ve always had them at the local botanic gardens but they are renovating the place and we are out of there for at least a year. I can’t say I’ve missed doing / going to meetings this summer.

Marty is on his way to DIA right now. He bought wifi and sent me this cool picture. He was upgraded to first class. He said they came and got him out of his seat and there was much jealousy. I told him he should have dug the killer rabbit out and had him hiss at them.

I got 2 pictures from Whiteflash of my band. It looks pretty. I learned this from a past purchase; the photographer said the band would be shipped on the expected date. That is the 12th so I immediately responded well since it’s done can’t it be shipped now? Ha! He said he forwarded my email to shipping and maybe they can ship it Tuesday. That doesn’t make sense to me to not ship something once it’s completed.

I have no idea what we are doing this weekend. We are meeting friends for supper tomorrow night. I am sure Marty will want to play golf and probably go for a drive or two in his new truck.

I hope everyone has a fun, peaceful and lazy weekend! We all deserve it.

Take care.





Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne, these WF photos are from earrings I bought about 6 years ago and the jewelry is pretty much in focus. Much better photos! BTW these can be tiny treasures by PS standards; they are 1/2 ctw. I like that size on me.





Dec 9, 2013
Marcy - beautiful tiny treasures! They look very well cut. Do you ever get your loupe out and spend time with them?
Nice photos too - WF used to do a much better job. oh well.

When does your band arrive so we can see GREAT crisp shots of it???

I am more than half-asleep, waiting for my DD to text me that she has arrived safely in Atlanta. She has a dance performance there this weekend. I think I will go to bed. I'm driving an SUV-full of artist friends to a multi-gallery "crawl" in Durham tomorrow and want to be well rested.
Talk to you all tomorrow : )


Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne, I have not really studied my PC studs. They were the ready set to go ACA WF used to sell. I had 1/2 ctw from Kays and you can sure see a difference putting them side by side. The PC from Kays are now side stones on a rhodolite garnet ring. Hopefully they will ship my ring on Tuesday and I'll get it Wednesday or Thursday. I am glad your DD made it to Atlanta okay. Have fun on your outing tomorrow.


Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, I used to do a nerdy thing a lot, & still do on occasion; sit with my diamond jewelry with a loupe, UV light and ideal scope. Just a nice meditative visit : )
Excited that you will soon have your new ring in your possession!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDIs!!!

LLJsmom!!! Happy Birthday and may all your birthday wishes come true!!! I hope you have a great run today and a marvelous birthday. (((HUGS))).

Marcy, I love that diamond band. And I'm with you. Shipped the 12th? Huh? Yes, please WF ship it right now thank you very much. Tuesday? Why not yesterday? OK we'll take Tuesday but let's get that band out OK. Our dear Marcy needs the bling and we need the hand shots. :appl: :cheeky: The band looks beautiful Marcy and I am also loving those diamond studs. Sweet. :love:

Great cloud pics and I agree. I see teddies and bunnies. LOL it's catching. :bigsmile:

Sorry about your problem work child but hopefully that soon will be resolved. And more importantly yay for a long holiday weekend away from work and all that trouble. :appl:

Enjoy the holiday weekend. Good luck to Marty in his playing golf this weekend and have fun with your friends and driving in the new truck. I agree we all deserve a fun laid back lovely weekend and your sounds to be a perfect weekend.

Hi Jimmianne, have fun at the art crawl in Durham today. Sounds great. Hope your dd arrived safely in Atlanta and that her dance performance goes well there.

Kristie, OMG now I so badly want that sweet kitty who is not even up for adoption. LOL how bad is that? So many homeless kitties and I am fixated on a rescue who already has a home and the name Shoprite. LOLOL. She is such a pretty girl and gray just like my Billy.

Junie, hope you are having a blast at the beach.

Callie, good luck to Jeff and his golf game too this weekend and enjoy your outings.

Have a great Saturday everyone and enjoy!


Feb 27, 2007



Jun 7, 2014
Happy Birthday LLJsmom!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day! :wavey:


Jul 1, 2014
LLJs!!! Many happy returns of the day!!!! Whoo Hoo!!! :appl: :wavey: :dance: :lol:


Jul 1, 2014
Jimmianne|1441443938|3923914 said:
Marcy, I used to do a nerdy thing a lot, & still do on occasion; sit with my diamond jewelry with a loupe, UV light and ideal scope. Just a nice meditative visit : )
Excited that you will soon have your new ring in your possession!

Heehee, Jimmianne, whatever blows your hair back, right??? :lol: At the Tucson show I take more than one pass through the kiddie blacklight tent---the kiddos ooh and ahh over the minerals and I'm rotating my diamonds around and grinning :lol:


Jul 1, 2014
Missy, the girls look adorbs! :appl: When I was teaching, I loved to see the kids and their outfits on the first day of school and then again on picture day. So cute and sweet. Thank you for sharing!!!

How did Shoprite get her name????? How was she at the Clinic, does she belong to a vet there?

Big big hugs to you and Greg for your Paws Antimicrobial/Metal Hips Ride of Mercy yesterday. You are both the best!


Jul 1, 2014
Marcy, re Marty bonused into First Class--- when I traveled a lot working for tge Alaska DEC, I usually used upgrades into First Class or the ticket agents would put me in there on check in---10% of an airline's frequent flyers fly 90% of their business, so they take care if those 10% very well. Now that I'm an infrequent flyer I'm in coach all the time. Ugh. Marty is too tall for coach but at least in the exit row he'd reliably handle the emergency exit door.


Oct 24, 2012

Thank you for the lovely and heartfelt bday wishes. They definitely give me the warm and fuzzies. It's weird bc I don't even tell people here that it is my bday. I think I don't feel very comfortable with bdays bc my parents never made a big deal about them. As I get older I feel more comfortable with the idea of marking it. But I'm also ambivalent about turning 44. It's a weird number for me. I'm Asian so the number 4 does not have good juju. But that shouldn't be the issue. You know what is weird? I would rather mark it with jewelry rather than a big dinner. I have some friends that are all about the big celebration. :). I did my 20 miles today!! At 17 I wanted to stop cause my legs were burning. But at that point I told myself that it was all mental. I have felt worse and finished. So it was a matter of making my body do it. However, the second my watch beeped 20.0 I stopped. It is the longest I have run since April 2014 when I did the Boston Marathon.

Missy, I would love to meet up with you. I will email you the details of when I arrive and where I will be staying. I have been very nervous about saying that I would run the NYC marathon bc I didn't know if my ankle would hold up on a long run. But since I did 20 today, I think I will be able to finish without crippling myself. Your nieces are so adorable and charming. You are so lucky to get to see their radiant, smiling faces.

Jimmianne, I love your little treasures. I have two tiny necklaces I will share when I can take a picture of them. I think that your 2ct WF bracelet is just never going to come off your arm. It's smaller that you want his very low key in your eyes. I never take off my VCA butterfly bracelet. It's small. I don't always even notice it. I keep on through all my workouts and my 20 miler.

Marcy, your band is beautiful and it will look fabulous on you. I can't wait to see it.

Callie, Kristie and JB, Thank you and hope you all have a great weekend. I'll be working when I'm not running, but at least I am balanced now. I may sign up for a 10k on Labor Day. My son is doing the 5k, so maybe I will run with him. :)


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

LLJsmom, I am looking forward to meeting up with you and hope you had a great birthday. 20 miles OMG you rock! That is amazing. You are ready for any marathon to come your way that is for sure. :appl: :appl: :appl:

Kristie, Hugs right back at ya girlfriend. The kitty was found at the Shoprite near their clinic and that is how she got her name. LOL what an original name for sure. A bit weird but original name for a cat haha.

The clinic has about 4 or 5 rescues and I don't think it is the veterinarian's cat as she said it was the clinic's cat but I really didn't talk with them very much about that as I was on a mission that day for sweet Maggie. They were very nice and helpful and that is why I always prefer to go in person. When I was making phone calls Thursday afternoon after I got home from work it wasn't as good as going in person to the local clinics Friday.

I wanted to go back yesterday to say hi again to Shoprite and also find out her story in terms of is she looking for a home but they closed at 11AM and since you didn't need me to we didn't go as it would have required us leaving earlier than we did yesterday morning.

Another time perhaps but well suffice it to say Greg still doesn't want to adopt any more animals. Dogs or cats. I know I am a big talker re this issue but honestly I question if I really want another rescue as it can be difficult with the 4 sometimes. Rounding them up when we travel every weekend back and forth, cleaning all their litter boxes, feeding them watching them to make sure they don't steal the others food etc. And when there is a health issue or even just their regular checkups we have to make separate trips as it is to the vet so time consuming at times. The list goes on but then again I see another animal and I want them. I know I am insane at times. :lol:

Girls, I hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend and enjoying something you love to do. I am looking forward to hearing all about your weekend. We have been cycling and enjoying a great 2 days looking forward to the next 2 days that we have left to ride at the shore. We hit 2800 miles on the bike yesterday. Woohoo. :appl: It has been cooler and a bit windy but we are loving it so much. A nice change from the heat though that is predicted to return Monday I think.

Have a great Sunday all! :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Adding 2 pics I took last night right before sunset. The kitties assuming their usual positions just staring at us while we were hanging out on the couch LOL. Cats are strange and wonderful beings. :))




Dec 9, 2013
Wow, Missy, love these shots.Two intense beings. Are they saying "no more kitties than us, the royalty" or "bring us new playmates"?
They are obviously trying to hypnotize you... maybe they are just saying "Fish!".


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Jimmianne! LOL I think they are saying the former. :cheeky:

Just stopped by for a minute as we just got back from our marathon ride today and I took pics just for you and couldn't wait to share them. I have been meaning to take these pics for you for ages. Today I just said OK stop the bike I need to take these for Jimmianne. Not that you haven't seen horses every day of your life LOL but I get so excited when we see them. They are so gorgeous. I had to go on private property to get them but I have a feeling the owners would not mind. Hopefully. They are beautiful horses. I think all horses are beautiful so that might not be saying much but here they are. I wish I could go over and pet them but I wouldn't dare as I don't have the owner's permission.

OK off to take a dip in the bay with Greg. Hope everyone is enjoying the day. :wavey:






Dec 9, 2013
Missy, I :love: seeing those horses - mothers and babies, yes? So shiny and well-taken care of. Here is an ancient photo of me with my young horse "Well Pleased" 20 years ago. She is long gone but I love seeing the photo. What you can't tell here is that I was terrified of her because she was unpredictably volatile , and also remember thinking I was NOT all that attractive at that time. Good heavens. If only we could be wiser younger. img_1442.jpg

Now I have her son, "Je Ne Sais Pas". [really! he is a Selle Francais with a French passport lol] I'm still wary [he is huge] and still sigh about my old face. I dreamed last night that I looked in the mirror and saw that I was beautiful. I think I am going to stick to that plan as a way of thinking. I believe we see the beauty in nature and in gems because we are beautiful. When we wear them, they should be reminders to us of our inner light. N'est pas?

This is the countdown to WF week with the NIRDIs! As much as I am looking forward to having that bracelet on my wrist, it's the new band we are getting that I can't wait to see On Hand... yay!

The art crawl was GOOD. Some wonderful art. I almost got a painting, but don't have wall space for it. Still thinking about it. Maybe should hang out in NY a bit before Succumbing to Art. The most memorable part was visiting a hotel that has been converted to a fashionable bar and art gallery - the bathrooms in particular. They were - man/woman/man/woman- all along the 2nd floor balcony that overlooked the bar...and were made of clear glass that turned opaque when you locked the stall door. These, I did not like! Some of them would not turn opaque and I wondered if the one I was in would suddenly become clear. :lol:

I hope each and every one of you has something fun planned today, and that you write to say what you are up to.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and happy Labor Day!!!

Jimmianne, what a gorgeous picture! :love: And you are still beautiful! Truly! Thank you so much for sharing this picture. I love it. Gorgeous horse and a gorgeous Jimmianne. I love horses and when I was young we used to go (Western) riding at ranches my parents took us to on vacations. Some of my best memories growing up though it has been at least 25 years since I was on a horse. They are such regal animals and I always want to hug them when I see them.

I am glad you had a terrific time at the art crawl. We have some lovely art galleries here in NYC and in Lambertville NJ and New Hope PA too. We bought a beautiful painting a few years ago of one of our favorite living artists Robert Cardinal. We even visited his studio in Provincetown many years ago.

We have our Cardinal painting hanging in Brooklyn for now because it reminds us of the beach in a way and we plan on taking it here when we move here full time. I love art and wish we had lots of money so I could purchase all the pieces I wanted. HA something in common with the bling I guess which is wearable art IMO.

Have a good Labor Day and hope to chat with you girls later and to hear about how you spent your weekend. Happy unofficial end of summer ( ;( )...that's OK though. Autumn is one of the best times of year anyway. :halo:


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I am so behind with everyone's posts. I love the pictures of your kitties and the horses. I hope you had a wonderful weekend at the beach house. Can you believe we are nearing the end of summer? We had a good weekend. My husband and I went shopping yesterday and he actually gave me more than an hour to shop. That was quite a surprise. I had lunch with a girlfriend today while our husbands golfed.

Jimmianne, You are gorgeous! What a great picture of you and your horse. I also laugh at old pictures when I think back on how hard on myself I was about my looks. I can't wait for the new bracelet to arrive and am sure you won't regret this purchase.

Kristie, Did Maggie and Finn enjoy their steak. My husband was laughing out loud when I told him how Finn was barking for his steak.

Marcy, Your jewelry pictures are beautiful. Did Marty golf much this weekend?

LLJ'smom, How was your birthday dinner?

Junebug, I hope you are enjoying your weekend with your husband! Are you happy with the new dining room set?


Feb 27, 2007

Happy Labor’s Day!

Jimmianne, I am glad you have fun with your loupe, ideal scope and UV light. I bought a little UV light but sadly I don’t seem to know how to use it or my faint fluorescent diamond doesn’t show up in that light. I do play with my loupe and ideal scope though. Now that I think of it; I didn’t get the ideal scope until I bought my ACA last year; I should check out the PC studs with that. I love the picture of you and Well Pleased; you are very lovely and look so happy. I am anxious to get my band this week. I am glad your art crawl was a nice time.

Missy, when I get my notification that my ring has shipped I might ask them their logic behind waiting to ship something that is completed. I am glad you see bunnies and teddies in the clouds too. We were driving home Saturday night and I actually did see bunny ears off the top of a cloud. Too funny. You are a good mom to the furbabies you adopt and I know you’d bring home each and every one of them if you could. Wow, 2800 miles on your bikes? That is amazing. You and LLJsmom both have something to be very proud of this year. I love the kitty and horses photos.

Kristie, Marty definitely tries to get the exit row when he is in coach; he is definitely too tall for those crammed spaces.

LLJsmom, I think all of us would rather have jewelry than a big dinner for our birthdays. Congratulations for running 20 miles. That is awesome!

Callie, Marty didn’t play golf this weekend but did go to the range a few times. Our husbands will be sad when winter returns. I am glad you got in some shopping and had lunch with a friend. It sounds like you had a nice weekend.

Our weekend was uneventful.

I finished the series of 10 books about the Marine Corp (in the Pacific) during WWII and Korea. It is fiction but has a lot of historical people and history in them.

We met some friends for supper on Saturday and a friend of mine from college and her husband stopped by to visit this afternoon. The live north of Houston; since I want to visit Whiteflash someday I told them we might just stop by and see them sometime. Her husband travels a lot for work so he and Marty had a lot of travel stories to swap.

I know we ate well this weekend because I did quite a few dishes. I made homemade biscuits this morning and made Marty some sausage and gravy to go with them. I think I got 9 or 10 biscuits out of the batch, I ate 3 of them and Marty ate the rest of them. Biscuits and gravy are one of his favorites. Poor guy couldn’t move off the couch for 2 hours after eating that much. We made pizza this afternoon. I rolled out 2 pizzas so we each “decorated” our own. Woo hoo leftovers for lunch. We had marinated London broil yesterday with rice pilaf.

Wow, it is getting to be autumn. It’s 7:37 and it looks like the sun is setting already.

I hope all of you had a wonderful long weekend.

Take care.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone, will write more later but just wanted to touch base with everyone, I know I'm behind -

Missy, love the pics of the girls' first days of school, they are so cute - love the pics of the horses too, I love horses, they are such beautiful creatures. The kitty pics are great, love their little faces, and cats are just so cool. Hope you and Greg are enjoying the weekend at the beach. Congrats on cycling all those miles!

LLJsmom, I hope you're making it through your busy time as well as can be expected. I'm sorry I missed your birthday and I hope you had a wonderful day. Congrats on running 20 miles, that's amazing!

Calliecake, I hope you had a good weekend, sounds like you had a few fun things planned. One of the reasons my husband loves Kiawah is because of the golfing lol. Unfortunately, he couldn't play very much this trip because of the weather. Only the chairs and rug ended up being delivered so far, I think the table is coming next week.

Jimmianne, your bracelet is beautiful, I'm looking forward to seeing it resized and on your wrist. You are still an extremely lovely woman! I understand how you feel though, I have the same kinds of dreams sometimes, and I always feel a little sad when I wake up. The art crawl sounds like it was a really fun experience. But yeah, I could do without those bathroom doors!

Marcy, love your new band! I can't wait to see it - I agree, I don't see why they can't ship it right away if it's done. I don't blame you for being fed up with your employee, hopefully he is moved very soon, his attitude is terrible. Sounds like you and Marty had a relaxing weekend, and those are the best kind.

Kristie, hope you had a good weekend too!

I was at the beach for an hour on Thursday and got a phone call that my mother was doing very badly - extremely weak to the point of not being able to move, feed herself, hold a cup etc. She was the same way last August when she was hospitalized for dehydration and a UTI. I started looking at flights and planned on returning the next day. I told my brother to give her lots of fluids and she started doing better towards the evening- was able to walk (with walker), feed herself, get in and out of bed by herself, etc. I ended up not coming home, my brother said she was doing well enough that it wasn't necessary, but honestly I couldn't really relax because I was constantly fretting and debating whether I should just go home. Now we suspect she might have a UTI but I haven't been able to make an appointment with the visiting doctor agency because of the holiday weekend so I'll call first thing in the morning. I was going to drive up tonight to take her to the ER if she was doing badly, but my brother said she's doing ok so I'm heading up first thing in the morning. If I can't get her an appointment with the doctor very soon we'll just take her to the ER anyway.

Hope you're all having a good night and I'll check in soon!


Jun 7, 2014
Junebug, I'm so sorry about your mom. I can imagine how overwhelming it must have been to receive that phone call from your brother. I'm sure your brother was being honest with you about her doing better so try not to worry too much. I'm sure you will be able to have her seen by a doctor tomorrow and if not you have the ER as a back up plan. I'm sure your stress level was thru the roof the whole weekend. Try to think positive. I'm finding from being with my own parents is it always something the older they get. You just pray that whatever comes up is fixable and you go from there. Please let us know how you are doing tomorrow. We are all here for you to offer support. Hugs
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