
Now I really did it :((


Oct 24, 2012
Girls, I have to pass out but I wanted to share the results from my son's first real race. He did a 5k today. He ran it by himself without any person running with him. He placed third in his age group and division. I'm so proud of him but i feel a little weird by posting too much stuff on FB about him. He's a kid with a lot of potential but isn't very aggressive and doesn't have a lot of "killer instinct". I'm so proud that he went after it!! He surprised himself. Thanks for indulging me and letting me brag. Have a great day tomorrow everyone!



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDIs!

LLJsmom, woohoo you must be super proud of your son! That is a huge achievement! How wonderful that on his first 5K he placed third. AMAZING! He takes after his awesome mom that is for sure! :appl:

I hope you had a great birthday weekend. And I am with you. I much prefer bling over an expensive birthday dinner. No question.

Junie, I am so sorry your mom was doing poorly over the holiday weekend and I hope she is doing much better now so you don't have to take her to the ER. Hoping you can get her a doctor's appointment today or tomorrow. I am glad you did not have to cut your trip short however I am sorry this marred the vacation somewhat and even more sorry your mom is not doing well. Such a difficult time for you and I am thinking of you and sending good wishes and healing vibes your and your mom's way. I know she was in good hands with your brother though so I hope you are not beating yourself up about being away. Have a safe trip home and(((Hugs))).

Hi Marcy, wow I never had biscuits but want some right now LOL. I asked Greg about them and he said they are good and I know the ones you made are more than good! I am glad you enjoyed the weekend and uneventful is right up my alley.

Congrats on finishing that book series and I am glad you enjoyed them. I have to look into that because my dad loves reading books about history and that would be a great gift to get him. Thanks for the idea.

Yes it is getting dark so early now and is still dark for hours when I wake up in the AM. Summer where are you going? Get right back here please!

Callie, it sounds like you had a lovely weekend. Jeff got to golf and you got to enjoy time with your dh, shopping and time with your gf too. Perfect. Sorry we missed each other yesterday and the weekend just flew by. Today there is a lot to do for us and the day is sure to be hectic traveling back and getting things together and lots to take care of once we get back to NY. Sigh. I am always tired the day we are leaving but on a good note we did reach and we passed 2900 miles now on the bike so I am pleased about that. Though there is no way we are going to come close to our 4K goal now that the weather will be turning cooler in just a short period of time. We'll see. Either way I am happy about how our biking went this year.

OK girls, have a great Tuesday. Hope to catch up with you later. :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
June, I'm sorry to hear about your Mom. This stage in life is the pits. I hate it. My Mom had a stroke and the Doc insisted it was a UTI. At the time I thought he was crazy, but apparently, in the elderly, the two can be confused with each other?? But I digress. Obviously stokes don't get better after you are more hydrated. Good luck with your Mom's Doc visit today. Will be thinking of you.


Jun 17, 2009
Thanks girls -

Missy, thanks, I'm not feeling badly about being away - my brother calls how my mother was on Thursday "ground zero" and by Friday she was doing better and he assured me it wasn't necessary for me to come home…believe me, he would not have hesitated to tell me she was still at ground zero and needed help with the situation. And if she had declined at any point over the weekend I would have headed home. And the option to call 911 is always there if she really takes a turn for the worse. I'm at my mother's right now and she's still sleeping, but she woke up briefly and I could tell by her voice she's doing ok for now at least. Doesn't seem like an emergency situation.

Good luck heading back to the city, I hope it all goes as smoothly as possible.

Jimmianne, thanks for the understanding…yes, UTIs and dehydration can cause all sorts of bad reactions in the elderly - both conditions are common and can be very debilitating from what I understand. The fact that she improved so much after having more liquids leads me to believe she was dehydrated. It's something we just constantly have to keep on top of I guess.

Callie, thanks for the support! and the hug, I need it today lol!

Marcy, your menu this past weekend sounds soooo delish! Your post made me hungry ha.

LLJsmom, that is so fantastic about your son! :dance: Wow, what an accomplishment, I can see why you are so proud, and I'll bet he feels really good about himself, that's great.


Oct 24, 2012
Junebug, I bet that was totally it! Dehydration with UTI. My dad prob had the same thing in Paris when it was 100 degree weather without aircon. He refuses to drink water bc he has a colostomy bag and he can't control his bowels when he does drink. So he spiked a fever of 102 even when he just finished a round of antibiotics one day ago! The doctor ordered 8 oz every 2 hours and rest. He got better. I'm so glad your mom is improving. It can be stressful bc you never know when you may be needed immediately. (((Hug)))


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Junie, thanks for filling us in on how your mom is doing and what a relief. Hope she continues to hydrate and feel better! (((HUGS))).


Feb 27, 2007

Junebug, what a scary situation with your mom but it sounds like getting liquids in her really helped. Good idea to get her in to a doctor for a check though. I am glad you were able to stay at the beach for the weekend but I am sure you were very worried and stressed out. I am glad your brother was there with your mom. Thank you for letting us know your mom sounds okay right now.

Callie, Marty got new weights for some of his clubs today; now he is all excited to go play golf again.

LLJsmom, your son did great in his first 5K. Very cool!

Missy, biscuits are awesome and I have to admit I put more butter on them than I should. One of our baking sheets is really heavy and takes forever to cool off so I always bake biscuits on it because the biscuits stay warm if you want seconds. I do recommend the W.E.B. Griffin books. You get quit attached in the characters. Summer is fading away. Rats.

Jimmianne, getting old definitely isn’t for sissies. It is rough on everyone. I hate to hear your mom was misdiagnosed.

Good news! My band will be here tomorrow. Sweet. They are sending me a WF water bottle – one of the ladies added this comment on my invoice “Whiteflash Water Bottle – because carrying around all those rocks makes you thirsty”. Too funny.

Sadly I have Marty errands to run tomorrow but I told him I am picking up my band first. We are dropping his truck off tomorrow to get the truck bed sprayed with a bed liner and then will pick up lunch. Marty has to drop me off back at work because he has a doctor’s appointment. His left index finger has been swollen and sore for over a week now with a definite bump on it so he is getting that checked.

Work was very busy today. I stayed 15 minutes late to finish something until my old boss told me to go home. I obliged.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! It's another hot day here today in NYC. Hope you are all staying cool and comfortable.

Marcy, good luck to Marty today at his doctor's appointment. I hope it turns out to be nothing serious and a quick fix. Please tell Marty we are thinking of him and sending him healing dust.

Doesn't everything taste more delicious with butter. :lickout: Thanks for the book recs I am definitely checking it out for my dad.

How exciting today is the WF band arrival day woohoo! I am looking forward to you getting the band Marcy and please don't forget to share pics with us. Haha a water bottle because you will get thirsty carrying around all those rocks. Love it LOL. Another NIRDI treasure coming our way and we are all excited about it. :appl:

Junie, I hope your mom is continuing to do well. Thinking of you both.

Have a good day girls. :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
Awfully quiet here tonight.
Just saying goodnight
and ... did the WF arrive?!

bonsoir, mes amis.


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, for better or worse it will be cooling off there soon. Marty’s finger is probably a cyst but they sent him for X-rays and will follow up with him when he gets back from DC. He is having troubles with his upper arm / elbow so they want him to take ibuprofen and see if it clears up. His weight lifting might have pulled a muscle or something. Everything does taste better with butter.

Jimmianne, bon nuit! It is quiet here today.

Yes my WF band arrived and I am very happy with it.

I picked it up about 11, met Marty on the opposite side of town from FedEx where he dropped off his truck to get a bed liner sprayed in (okay opposite side of town here is about 10 minutes but still). We had lunch then he took me back to work and he spent the afternoon at the doctor and getting X-rays.

One of the bunnies was up to no good today. Bad Bunny!

Take care.






Feb 27, 2007
This picture was in better lighting earlier today.



Jul 1, 2014
Heheheh, look at Ninja Snacks up there :lol: Crouching Rabbit, Killer Snacks!!!!!!!!!!

Maaaaaaaaarcy, love the yellow gold and those lively gorgeous diamonds. The band looks so beautiful with your RB. TDF. May I ask, what mm size the diamonds are? They sure look generous. :appl: :love:

Is that ring stand the item you bought at Michael's???

Bonne Nuit, cher Jimmianne et Marcy!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy, I love your new band. Bright and beautiful diamonds in a buttery (see everything does go better with butter lol) yellow gold setting and it looks perfect with your ER. :love: A gorgeous combination. :love:

LOL that killer bunny is such a rascal. :lol:

You are right about it cooling off. If I heard right on the news this AM it will be a high here of 79 today. What a difference a day makes. I think I will be needing my heated cycling vest very soon. That is if the rain lets up as it looks like a wet weekend. I don't love cycling that much to deliberately bike ride in the rain so it looks like we might have to make different weekend plans. Oh well.

Glad it is probably just a cyst on Marty's finger and I hope the pain in his upper arm and elbow resolves soon.

Hi Jimmianne, I think everyone is mourning the end of summer and perhaps that is why things are quiet in the NIRDI thread.

I had the strangest day yesterday and one of the cats had a huge accident all over our bed yesterday AM and then I found out I had let a very important document expire and well it was mayhem yesterday morning LOL and I am glad yesterday is over. Hoping today is better.

Unfortunately Greg's last living uncle died Tuesday (he was 93) and today Greg is driving a long distance for his uncle's funeral. It is heavy rain here throughout the day so I am concerned about his long two and a half hour plus drive each way in the inclement weather. I get nervous when he has to drive long distances in heavy rain (or snow/ice) and I wanted to go with him but he thinks it is better for me not to due to all the patients I have on my schedule today. Though sometimes there are a lot of no shows so I hope I am not going in to work in vain when I could be there supporting Greg. Rescheduling patients these days is challenging because there are no days where my room is not in use so there are no makeup days available anymore. Our clinic is overcrowded and we are due to expand but it has been delayed.

Kristie, thanks for listening yesterday and sorry if I sounded a bit off. I was exhausted when I was talking to you and you probably realized that but just mentioning it because I didn't feel 100%. I slept on and off last night too so just want to get through the day today and have Greg get back home safely and then I will be relieved.

Callie, I hope you are having a good week and that all is well.

LLJsmom, hope your week is going smoothly and the kids are liking their new teachers and classmates and enjoying the new school term.

Junie, how is your mom doing? How are you holding up? When did you say your new dining room table and chairs would be arriving and when are you planning to return to the beach house? What is happening with your other beach it on the market yet?

Thinking of you and your mom and sending continued good thoughts and hugs your way!

Have a good day girls. :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, yay!!! :appl:
It's beautiful, the two rings together are beautiful, the gold & diamonds are beautiful together :love:
and here is another inquiring mind wanting to know the size of those sparklers. They are quite substantial.

I think you are in luck as it is a known fact that buttery gold wards off killer rabbits and makes them do your bidding.
Other than sharing that factoid, I have a polite demand for more photos when you have time.

Missy, we have so many bikers out here - I am on the bike route - and think of you when I see the tandems. Sorry to hear that the weather started to be kind by being cooler, then decided to rain on you. Greg has a long drive, but he will be OK. I will worry about Greg for you so you can relax. OK?

Two of my dogs are around 5 pounds each and hate storms, so I let them sleep on the bed last night. Issy, who is a big lug, jumped up on the bed this morning threatening to crush us all with love & kisses and throwing herself down on top of us. We all had to protect ourselves from Issygodzilla, but are safe now. Izzy just turned two - is a big clown, very loving and very soft. A great cuddle dog who is so careful about gently attacking. Also she is very smart and does things to help. She brings in my old deaf dog when he wanders, rounds up the chickens and gets them in the coop at night, closes doors and drawers I've left open and picks up her toys. I had a camera bag hanging on a doorknob and found it full of her tennis balls. A Very Busy Dog and I've been very pleased with her.

---more later. off to have the truck inspected and meet a new male friend for breakfast while waiting for the truck [no no no, just friend]. I have to walk a mile or so to the cafe and wondering if it will be fun or not. LLJsmom I'm sure that makes you chuckle with that 20 miles under your belt : )



Jun 8, 2008
Omg what a sweetie. Love Izzy. :love: :love: :love:

Thanks for taking the worry off my shoulders Jimmianne. You're such a dear. (((Hugs))). Enjoy your walk and meeting with your friend. :wavey:


Jul 1, 2014
Awwww Miss Izzy! I love her, she's beautiful AND tidy and helpful!!!! You cannot ask for more, sweet girl.

Regarding end of summer blues, my a$$ is dragging, that's for sure. The estate issues, my issues I've been dragging around for a few too many decades. I'm just feeling it. I'm in the mood to buy a FitBit and just start walking right to the Pacific or Atlantic. Think that'd be around 10,000 steps, ha.

Jimmianne, love the pic of you and your beautiful horse. You were both beautiful, you're STILL beautiful. I know what you mean about not knowing our beauty at the time we have it. There's a difference between vanity and seeing beauty in your physical self. I think we can see our own beautiful selves even now as time is marching on.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Missy, I am sorry you had such a bad day yesterday. hopefully everything will go smoothly today. Are you kitties okay? Try not to worry too much about Greg. You know how careful he is. He will be home safely before you know it. It is much cooler here today and raining. Our high temperature for Saturday is supposed to be 62!!!!! Summer is gone! I'm off to go shopping with my niece this afternoon.

Marcy, I'm so glad the doctor feels the lump on Marty's finger is just a cyst. That's a relief! Your ring pictures are beautiful! How is working going this week?

Jimmianne, Izzy is adorable. I live that sweet little face if hers. I think we could all use her clean up help. My furbaby is not very happy with me this morning. It's was bath morning which never seems to make her very happy. She sees me getting her shampoo and runs and hides.

Kristie, Hang in there honey the estate issues are almost over. Lets hope everything goes smoothly now and there are no hiccups before the board meets in the next few days. You are in the final stretch now! I was talking to my husband about getting a fitbit this weekend. I wish they would come up with an attractive version. I just can't see me wearing the thing when I leave the house. My husband said he would have bought one for me months ago if they looked better. I wish we lived closer. Heck we could fly thru 10,000 steps quickly together and it would be a wonderful incentive to get going. Thank you for yesterday. You always brightened my day!

Junebug, I'm so happy to hear your mom is feeling better.

LLJsmom, You must be so proud of your son. He definately takes after his mom! Are you back to being swamped at work?


Feb 27, 2007

Junebug, your sapphire ring is gorgeous. What a luscious color of blue. How is your mom doing?

Kristie, LOL to Crouching Rabbit, Killer Snacks. The ACA melee are listed as .03 carat and so they should be 2mm but I agree they look a little larger. Yes, the little ring stand is the one I picked up at Micheal’s. I like it for pictures. I am sending mega PS dust your way that the 15th brings some resolution to the estate. Marty had a fitbit for about 4 months then lost it on a plane.

Missy, yes that killer bunny is a rascal. I found him chewing on Snacks this morning in the den. Which reminds me I haven’t checked to see what is going on with them since I got home. I so agree everything is better with butter. I picked up some cinnamon chip bread on the way home and had 2 pieces of it with butter. Marty might be on his own for supper now. I am so sorry to hear about Greg’s uncle. I hope his drive there and back went okay. Hugs to him. Was today a better day for you? It sounds like yesterday was a rough one.

Jimmianne, I have always liked diamonds more in YG; I think they pop out more. I am with you and Kristie those diamonds do look a little larger than 3 pointers; I’ll have to measure them. If only I could get those rabbits to do my bidding. Issy is a total cutie.

Callie, how was shopping? We are cooling off but still in the 70’s during the day. Work is about the same so I am going to try some mini training sessions starting next week. It will make them made but the little stuff is really piling up more work coming our way.

Thank you ladies for your kind words about my new band. I am very happy with it. It really sparkles for small diamonds. I am pleased that the 2 rings look like a set or go together pretty well.

I had my monthly training session today so got home about 3:30. I baked a cake for supper tomorrow night. My sister and BIL are going to be here and maybe the other sister and BIL will join us.

Take care.


Dec 9, 2013
Cinnamon chip bread with butter?! Marcy, you're killin' me. Oh for some of that. and...what kind of cake???


Jun 17, 2009
Hey there everyone -

Missy, sorry to hear you had such a stressful day yesterday, I hate days where everything just seems to go wrong! Sorry you're feeling a bit under the weather due to not enough sleep, I'm hoping you can catch up tonight. I hear you about your concern for Greg, I've already shared I worry about that kind of thing too - but try not to worry too much, it's not good for us lol. By the time I post this he'll probably be back home. Sorry to hear about the loss of his uncle too.

Thanks for thinking about my mother - fortunately, she seems to be doing better just in terms of energy and alertness. A doctor is coming to the house tomorrow to check her out and see if she has a UTI.

The chairs showed up while we were at the beach but we're still waiting on the table. No plans as of right now to go back to the beach anytime soon. We have our house on the market but no bites yet. If anyone is curious to see the listing, just let me know, I can email the link.

Marcy, I LOVE your new band! :love: Oh wow, it's gorgeous and looks so great with your ering :dance: I love the warm yg combined with those white diamonds. Those stones really do look bigger than 3 points. I'm so glad you're happy with it, it really makes for a beautiful set! Thanks for the nice words about my sapphire - you have an amazing collection yourself!

Oh that killer rabbit is just so bad lol!

I hope Marty's finger gets resolved, and I'm sorry to hear about his upper arm pain, I hope he's not too uncomfortable and I hope it just goes away! Ugh, I'm sure these physical problems are the last things he needs right now.

Thanks for thinking of my mother, she seems ok and is certainly doing better than last week. I appreciate you keeping us in your thoughts!

Jimmianne, Izzy is SO adorable! :love: Oh, I just want to reach into the pic and snuggle with him and bury my face in his fur - and he sounds so smart too! A dog who picks up his own toys, who could ask for more.

Lol to questioning whether walking a mile will be fun or not - I've done similar things, and sometimes ended up asking myself what I got myself into. It seemed like a good idea at the time…

LLJsmom, thanks for your support - yeah, it's just difficult sometimes to get people to do things that they need to do to feel well…my heart goes out to your father, he has difficulties when he takes in liquids so it's kind of understandable that he doesn't want to drink, but it's so important to stay hydrated. I'm really glad you were able to get him to follow doctor's orders and he improved. We're constantly making sure my mother drinks every few hours, and she's not thrilled but is cooperating for the most part.

I hope the beginning of the school year is going well and you're doing ok handling your busy work period.

Calliecake, thank you! Yeah, she's doing better and fingers crossed it continues.

Kristie, I hear you, feeling kinda *blah* myself lately…sometimes when I'm driving on the NJ Turnpike I'm tempted to keep going and just drive forever lol. but then I tell myself I probably wouldn't get too far anyway because my husband would just cancel my credit card. I'm sorry the stress of everything is getting to you, I can relate and I do hope you're feeling better soon. Hang in there, this estate business will be resolved at some point, and hopefully very soon.

Thanks to you all for your support, and for just being here! It helps!


Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne, there is a bread store here that makes wonderful bread but the cinnamon chip is my favorite. I made white cake with white icing. The steaks Marty picked up would feed 2 people each and the baked potatoes are huge. So much for sending Marty to pick up groceries. No one is going home hungry. Both sisters and BIL are coming to dinner though. That will be nice.


Feb 27, 2007
Junebug, we were posting at the same time. I think it is so nice you can get a doctor to come see your mom at her house; that makes it easier on both you and your mom. I am glad to hear she is a more alert and has more energy. That’s great your chairs showed up at the beach house and I am sending you lots of PS good luck dust with selling your house. Thank you for the compliments about my band and sapphires. I do like the 2 rings together so maybe my search for the perfect band might be over. Hugs to you on those blah days; you probably do some serious thinking when you are on the road. We are definitely here for you.


Dec 9, 2013
June, the next time you are on the turnpike and feel as though you want to keep driving remember that you have a friend in NC =)
yes! you get what I meant about "walking the mile". I walk a lot more than a mile every day, but not in a straight line...on a town. I actually very much enjoyed looking at everything I usually speed by.

We had a terrible time getting my Mother to drink water. She had edema from heart failure and could not wrap her head around adding more water to her body to be healthy.
Maybe a cute water bottle with something more palatable than H2O? I know even adding a little lemon juice to my water makes it easier to drink, and the goal of drinking the whole bottle over a morning is like a game. [easily amused here : ) ]

Marcy, your company is so lucky to be coming to your house. I am betting everyone will have a great time. I hope you are planning to have candles on the table for your new band to reflect.

Missy, happy Missy Saturday where all things will go well and cats will behave.

Callie and AZ - :wavey: Hoping you are doing well and planning some nice things for the weekend.

Izzy says thanks for the compliments from everyone and nose-kisses to all. She is a total love-bug and would love to meet & greet you all. She doesn't have a tail so her whole self wags instead, which makes for lively encounters with new friends. Today is a school day for her.

and today is WF day for me. Another almost hour's drive to the FedEx facility. Always worth it when there are diamonds waiting.
They sent me new glam photos of my increasingly smaller [ha oxymoron] bracelet. They took out 5 links.

Now that Marcy and I have gotten the NIRDIs new bling, who is next?!?!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDIs!

Marcy, I am getting hungry reading all about the yummy food you are making and baking. I know your house must smell delicious. Mmmmm good!
I don't know what white cake is with white icing but I know I want some! :lickout:
How nice that both sisters and BILs are coming to dinner. I know you will all have a lovely visit. I love that you enjoy getting together with your sisters so often.

Your new band is perfect with your ER as I already wrote but I just wanted to say it again. Love it together. Looks smashing. :love: Speaking of smashing what is happening with the killer bunny and how is darling Snacks holding up?

Junie, I am so glad your mom is feeling better and that you were able to arrange to have a doctor come to her house to check on her and see if she has a UTI. I hate water too. Can she drink a flavored drink that might be more palatable so she will drink more of it? I know this is not the healthiest drink mix but I think it tastes good and it might get more water into her system. Crystal light. The orange flavor is all natural (supposedly). Anyway just throwing that out there in case it helps her. Good luck and please keep us posted.

And good luck with the beach house sale too. I would definitely love to see the link if you don't mind emailing it to me. I love real estate and still search the Jersey shore real estate though we have no intention of buying a house again LOL. You never know. :lol:

Jimmianne, ooh very excited for you. Yay for making the bracelet fit. 5 links should do it. Yes, it is a worthwhile drive today. Please drive safely and please share pics as soon as you possibly can. I will keep checking PS today if my phone cooperates as I am hoping we can get in a bike ride this afternoon. We are leaving a bit later than usual as I needed to sleep this AM and I woke up only a little while ago so the whole day is pushed a bit back.

I so want to give Ms Izzy big (((HUGS))) so can you please give her some from her Aunt Missy and also please don't leave Puffy boy out either. I miss him! What is going on with sweet Puff? How is he doing these days?

Callie, how was shopping with your niece yesterday? My good friend is flying to Chicago this afternoon to attend her Optometry school reunion and we were going over her clothing wardrobe due to the transitional weather. She was bummed because all the sundresses she was planning to take are not going to work with the change in temps and the rain. She told me people dress very differently in Chicago and that they are more casual. I told her to bring what she feels good in and forget what others will be wearing. I mean she is from NY so dress like the NYer she is. Nothing wrong with that right? If she is comfortable and feels attractive in what she is wearing she will be more confident at her reunion. I have never gone to any reunions but I know they have some pressure associated with them so I want her to feel as good as possible so she has a fun time.

What are your weekend plans? I know you have a fun trip planned soon and hoping everything goes according to schedule.

Yesterday went well. Much better than Wednesday. Thanks for all the good thoughts girls. Greg had a very hectic day but was able to attend his Uncle's funeral, go to work in the later afternoon for a few hours and then make it back in time for the Co-op board meeting that evening. Whew, I am exhausted just writing it all out haha.

My work day went well though very hectic. This EMR really does take much longer than writing it all down on paper. And I officially submitted my resignation to my other job where I had not worked for 18 months. The new head administrator whom I had never met (new to me as she started last summer when I was not working due to the accident) there contacted me via phone and asked if I was coming back. She was very nice but wanted to know if I had made up my mind as they still had me as active. They were certainly very patient that is for sure.

I told her I wasn't planning on returning and faxed her a letter of resignation so she could officially close out my file there. I am sad. Weird right? I worked there since 1990 which is the longest any Optometrist ever worked there. I guess that is a testimony to me hating change more than anything else LOL. Oh well the end of an era. I still feel sad this morning thinking about it but no way I was returning. Time marches on.

Kristie, just a few more days and we hope good news is coming sweetheart. Sending more good vibes and thoughts and hugs your way.

I was tempted to buy a fitbit but then I thought it might feed into my OCD tendencies so I decided against it. My friend who has one loves it however. Though she has a similar personality to me and is very OCD about her steps. So just one caveat about that. She is a bit hyper about getting all that activity in where she takes it over the edge if you kwim. It consumes her so for me since I know my personality I am passing on the fitbit. For now at least.

LLJsmom, more hugs to you. Hope all is going smoothly.

Have a good day girls and I will be checking back to see your new bracelet Jimmianne. Cannot wait!


Dec 9, 2013
Thanks, Missy.

I have hesitated to write about Puff. He has been a bad, bad boy. I don't understand birds, but he had a month of flying at me and biting, so maybe it's hormones/nesting season/moulting. Who knows. Now he is lovey-dovey again. It is hard to trust a bird! but even a low-down sneaky biting bird needs love, so on we go. lol


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne|1441970871|3926468 said:
Thanks, Missy.

I have hesitated to write about Puff. He has been a bad, bad boy. I don't understand birds, but he had a month of flying at me and biting, so maybe it's hormones/nesting season/moulting. Who knows. Now he is lovey-dovey again. It is hard to trust a bird! but even a low-down sneaky biting bird needs love, so on we go. lol

Oh no, bad behavior sweet Puffy boy. :blackeye: Don't feel badly about that Jimmianne. My cats sometimes go crazy too and well Bobby has injured us more than once as has Tommy (unintentionally) and so it goes. Who knows what is going on in that bird brain of Puff's LOL but he loves you and definitely doesn't mean to hurt you. Always be aware though so you are safe. We have to be vigilant that way with our psycho kitty Bobby. Petting him with him purring majorly and then Wham he swipes and cuts us. Not good. :(( So you are not alone. When I speak with my sister I will ask her about birds and that behavior. Perhaps it is hormones. (((HUGS))) to Puff because as you wrote even bad boys need loving. :kiss:

Glad he is all lovey dovey again and tell him his Aunt Missy wants him to behave or else he won't get to visit his first cousins (Fred, Tommy, Francesca and Bobby) in NY OK? :cheeky:


Jul 1, 2014
Jimmianne, re Puff. I saw a documentary on birds and parrots are heartbroken when their people leave them (vacations, etc). They truly believe you have died and are grief stricken. They self harm (pull out feathers, etc) and don't know how to handle it when you return.


Jul 1, 2014
Okay, all NIRDIs who are just DONE with whatever and are on their last nerve, we're meeting up with Junie on the Turnpike, we're stopping for mini ponies and dogs and Puff at Jimmianne's, and we're headed south. Key West, anyone? Then we head to Miami for the jewelry show. :lickout: :appl: :lol:


Jun 17, 2009
azstonie|1441986264|3926588 said:
Okay, all NIRDIs who are just DONE with whatever and are on their last nerve, we're meeting up with Junie on the Turnpike, we're stopping for mini ponies and dogs and Puff at Jimmianne's, and we're headed south. Key West, anyone? Then we head to Miami for the jewelry show. :lockout: :appl: :lol:

Kristie, you never fail to make me laugh :lol: And yeah, I'm game! :lol: Road trip! :dance:


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I'm glad to hear Greg arrived home safely. You gave your friend great advice about dressing for Chicago. You never know what the weather will be here. I had to laugh about your comment that everyine dress more casually here. My nieces tell me I look like I should live in New York because I like to dress up. It's pretty funny coming from young girls who have never been to New York. Whatever your friend wears will be fine. I hope she enjoys her time in Chicago. It really is a beautiful city. My niece and I didn't find exactly what she was looking for yesterday's so we are going again next week.

Junie, I'm glad the doctor was able to visit your mom at home. Hopefully she is on the road to recovery now. Your credit card comment had me laughing. Are you sure we aren't married to the same man? I think we all have days like you had. That's when friends are truly a godsend. Nothing like a good laugh with a girlfriend to put everything back in perspective.

Jimmianne, Puff sounds like quite the character! I'm glad you are back in his good graces and he is being a good boy again. Animals are so funny.

Kristie, I will gladly go on that road trip with you. But like Junie, my husband may put a halt to my credit card spending! What time will you be picking me up in Chicago? I want to be ready and waiting!

Marcy, Are you coming in the road trip with us. If so can you please bring the cake. I'm sure between the 6 of us we could have that baby polished off in a few minutes! I'm picturing my husband face if he came home and found a note saying I went on a road trip with Missy, Kristy, Junie, Jimmianne and Marcy. I hope you have a wonderful time with your family tonight.
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