
Now I really did it :((


Jul 1, 2014
Hi Jimmieanne, I LOVED going through each page of the Etsy vendor you discovered! Thank you for sharing that. I thought she had some good deals on diamonds. There is a ring on there, the pinkie/lavendar sapphire with diamonds, very modern setting, that I would buy in 2 seconds except its not quite quite size dammit.

here was the interesting thing for me on her site too: I lived in Alaska for just about 10 years and I learned a lot about native jewelry and artifacts while I was there. She has two native silver bracelets on her site and the one with the whale with the man inside, that piece is signed by an extremely famous and expensive and collected native Alaskan silversmith. I could not afford his work when I lived in Juneau but I know it well. The owner of the shop doesn't know the jeweler's mark she got the pic of but I do. I'm toying with buying it today....


Jun 8, 2008
Buy it Kristie!!!!! Meant to be! :appl:


Jul 1, 2014
Missy, I'm seriously considering buying the bracelet. I'm going to post a link to it so you all can see it. Its kind of a creepy (for me anyway) image: Its a whale with a man (dead, i think) inside the whale.

I'm going to see what I can find out about it, if its a bracelet for a dead person I won't buy it.

That pic of the frozen bay outside your place, great pic! Now you can have the five seasons at the beach house: Summer, Fall, Winter, Winter From Hell, and Spring :doh:

Re stealing and abusing caregivers. This was an argument I used when I was touring CCRCs with my parents. CCRCs offer better pay and benefits than agencies offer independent contract employees AND in CCRCs there is not a lot of 'alone' time, there is usually somebody bustling in and out which reduces the unobserved time of employees. I had planned on getting a nanny cam for my parents when they transitioned from independent living to assisted. I planned to put up a sign in their room stating the nanny cam was there and monitored by me via computer---if they know they can get caught, they tend not to do bad things....


Dec 9, 2013
That's exciting Azstonie,

you found a deal there too!
waiting to hear if you buy...


Feb 5, 2014
Keep posting links Girls, it is tons of fun! I am curious about your bracelet Kristie, lol I am already calling it yours.

Missy that necklace is truly spectacular, wow, more details please? I too adore JAR, my colleague and I keep sharing pix of his work. I find some of his pieces too much with too much pave but I still think he is the modern day Faberge, amazing workmanship and talent.

Jimmianne, your blue collection is stunning, wow.

I too used to be a fan of blue but I think I wore so much blue at one point in my life that I got sick of it, same thing happened with red. I have gone in completely different directions now, wearing lots of yellow, orange, coral, green and my all time favorite color has been teal, turquoise, acqua, all shades, intensities and mixes of blue and green.

I am home now after a very long day of travelling, meeting, grocery shopping. I am sneezing again, what is it? I am getting sick of this by now. Sapphie is ok tonight I think, she was hungry when I got home. Perhaps we keep giving back the same virus to each other.

I also feel that my darling Vinnie is neglected a bit, I need to have my parents visit soon, well, they should late March, so then all the pets will have tons of attention from my mom who cooks for them like all day long and they are so round by the time she leaves. I just hope her cancer checks turns out ok again. Her husband is so nice and helpful around the house. I hope that all goes well on her trip to Germany to the doctors and they can come, not to help but to spend time together. I miss them.

I am not going out tonight or this weekend, I mostly plan on staying in and working at the house and my own business, etc. And of course write to you girls and read forums, blogs, etc. That sort of stuff, I also decided against going for the salsa weekend next weekend, at this point I am not quite ready I think and really would rather save up to go to NYC.


Dec 9, 2013
I hope Sapphie is all better. How old is she? Is she usually in good health? Maybe you told us, but I don't remember : (

I know why you are REALLY staying home - - - to read & write on this thread! :lol:
I just love it.

Off to the barn AGAIN. Life here is so glamorous!


Feb 5, 2014
Ok, that one is WOW, you girls are truly killing me. Funny how I always wanted my stones to be either icy white or fancy, now especially in old cuts I am loving these low colors. Jimmianne your hunt is truly exciting, hope you girls will blind us with more links.

Yikes, Jimmianne you caught me, of course I am staying home to talk to you girls! Hey, I thought you all knew that.:))) Ok, ok, I love working at home on my business and play with gems and jewelry at times, I also love spending time with the animal kids. I do have to get out after a couple of days but then when I am not home I always miss talking to the NIRDIs too much.

I will never say how old a cat will be anymore, not after I said that about Puma and Niello and lost them so suddenly and so close. Sapphie was 11 last August. I remember her from the moment she was born, she was so special, the best temperament, she would climb me when she was 3 weeks old to kiss me along with her awesome brother Kelsey. I posted this pic before on another thread but this was her, so into people. She has always been a real adorable and real smart girl. Also very playful, I think she is not like a lightning anymore, she was even a couple of years ago and even a couple of months ago she would run past me faster than I could catch a glimpse of her but I think her buddies's death was very hard on her, that said people still think she is 11 months and not years, even the vets. We shall see, she has had her tummy issues most of her life but some Abys can have sensitive stomachs. She definitely loved the steak I made tonight, so I should be feeding her filet mignon I guess.:)))



Jul 1, 2014
Awwwwwww, she is so sweet and soft and ADORABLE! What a great pic of the two of you :D If you don't give her some filet mignon I will!!!

Ovi, I give Finn and Maggie probiotics every day. I note that cats can take this supplement too. Have you tried Sapphie on probiotics?


Jul 1, 2014
Okay, I've been hassling with my computer for a couple of weeks now trying to post pics. Here is a test run for me, you *should* see my wedding ring, let's see what happens. Crossing fingers.



Jul 1, 2014
I just about fell outta my chair, it worked!

Okay, you NIRDIs are going to get very tired of pics from Kristie :lol:


Jul 1, 2014
This is a 4 Peaks Amethyst, Oregon sunstone and diamond from my first husband.

Bought the 4 Peaks at Jack Lowell's house, "Mr 4 Peaks."

Bought the sunstone off the truck bumper of the miner at the mine. It has a schiller.

The diamond, well I never wanted a marquise then and its a crappy color but it looks pretty good on the necklace.

The basket is supported by maltese crosses.



Jun 8, 2008
Ooh Kristie! Love your wedding ring :love: and love that necklace. The colors are so vibrant. :love:

Did you research the meaning behind the bracelet? It's a cool bracelet but I'm with you. Need to make sure it doesn't symbolize anything bad.

And please away with lots of pics. The more pics the better. Believe me we will never tire of seeing pics from our fellow NIRDIs!

Ovi, I LOVE that pic of you and your sweet baby kitty. So precious. I don't think we ever adopted a kitten that young. I showed Greg and he was :love: . Kittens and puppies are the best. Thank you for sharing that.

Jimmianne, Ha, your life on the farm seems glamorous to me. Right now we are about to watch House of Cards season 3 on Netflix. That's how glamorous our life is LOL. Any thoughts about that ring on loupe troop?


Feb 5, 2014
Can't you tell how intense her expression is? Like she is staring at me so intently. She was two weeks old on this photo but I think her eyes show such an old soul and such intelligence. I can tell she was really connecting with me. I have other versions of this photos somewhere, we called it "The Firs Kiss".

My mom and I were talking about buying cat probiotics but come to think of it I think the vets have something too. For now I just mixed a little low fat joghurt rich in probiotics in her food. But of course she ate one small pouch of food, then the steak and now she is not wanting the other pouch but I also bought her chicken breast which she tends to love as well.

Missy, Sapphie was born at my house. You know there is nothing more wonderful than watch baby kittens nurse, the way they purr, knead and move their ears, it is the most calming things in the world, makes your heart sing. But it is very hard and can be excruciatingly painful. Sapphie did not want to nurse for two days, she was very small and she was handfed some. Then when she was four weeks old she came down with something and ran a very high fever. I had a lot of advice from rescue people and we experimented with a med which worked. She was so smart,even when she was so ill, she could barely walk she was so dizzy and still dragged herself into the litterbox at the other end of the baby room. Kittens are very fragile and many of them can die if you are not on top of it and do not know how to give shots and what to give and have no supplies. Unfortunately, even the best vets are not the most knowledgeable about newborn care. So this is definitely not for the faint at heart but if you successfully raise babies, it is the most wonderful feeling.

Kristie, well you know how I feel about your ring, I can only talk in superlatives. That necklace is truly special, very unique and lovely combination. Yes, flood us with pix.

BTW, I too have had problems uploading pix here who knows why, sometimes it decides to work and other times no luck.


Jul 1, 2014
NIRDIs, I'm over on SMTB, I posted my wedding ring :appl: Check it out if you have time!


Dec 9, 2013
azstonie|1425077377|3839391 said:
I just about fell outta my chair, it worked!

Okay, you NIRDIs are going to get very tired of pics from Kristie :lol:

Bring on the bling!

Oh - that kitty is so so beautiful.
I have to share that photo with my daughter if you don't mind. She'll go nuts over it.


Jul 1, 2014
Ovi, here is an inspiration pic for you to give Sapphie more filet mignon. These are the Westies, Finn and Maggie, who are inspecting the Christmas prime rib on offer by Bob here :lol: It passed inspection and they were in doggie heaven.



Dec 9, 2013

I'm a big House of Cards fan [I love Kevin Spacey and in this, he's the man you love to hate lol]
Did you see the movie "The Usual Suspects?" I've seen it at least 4 times.
Is season 3 after he gets to "the top"?
I actually did a search for House of Cards on my TV today and thought Season 3 was old for some reason. I'll go check it out again.


Feb 5, 2014
The Usual Suspects is one of my favorite movies with two of my favorite actors, it is brilliant. Jimmianne, of course you can share pix.:))) I have tons of them. But most of the best ones were taken by my friend and can be seen on her photo sites, these are old photos, when I was still living in the Bay Area. I was a bit off as Sapphie was a bit over two weeks here already.

Sorry Girls you know I am all for bling and will of course want more pix of that, here are a few more kitty pix if you do not mind.

Wow, Kristie that sure is an inspiration ROFL. My dogs would likely tear my hands off.





The first two pix are mine so not so great, this is Vinnie my boy turning 8 in April, he was two weeks old here and he was so teeny tiny and needed feeding that I was worried about him still at his age, he is showing off his personality for the camera and he was such a model already. Then some babies. Lastly, just a kitten pic of Sapphie's beautiful brother Kelsey. Hope I did not bore you Girls.


Jul 1, 2014
Not boring AT ALL Ovi!

First, I thought "Oh, so sweet, so soft, so cuddly so LOOK AT THOSE CLAWS OMG!"

Maggie ruined every piece of antique furniture in my house, chewed the legs of EVERYTHING that had a leg. I'm STILL finding things she chewed on during puppy days.

Love those kitty pics, Ovi, they are AMAZING!!!


Dec 9, 2013
Cats are amazing and I love these kitten photos. Kitten fever!


Feb 5, 2014
Hahaha yeah that is funny, that paw macro type shot, it is like the claw version of Sharks.:))) I think Vinnie was just fooling around, showing off even at that age, he is a real love bug and a real momma's boy. He cannot live without me because he still thinks I am his mom. He loves everyone and is always all over everyone but if I leave the room and close the door, no matter who is in there with him he will stand at the door screaming after me. I once tried to move him stupid me when I was in the hospital for two months and he was so ill when he came back to me but of course he was fine once he was back with me. My parents love him but doubt he could ever be happy anywhere else. Not that I want to part with him ever again.


Jun 8, 2008
OMG Ovi, they are so beautiful. :love: Thank you for sharing them and I now have kitten fever along with Jimmianne. Nothing sweeter than kittens and puppies. So precious. Please post more pics of your kitties whenever you can Ovi. I really love seeing them!

Jimmianne, I love Kevin Spacey and saw Usual Suspects twice. Great movie.
We are on the 4th episode of season 3 HoC already LOL. Yes, he's at "the top" but is hanging on for dear life haha.

Kristie, love that photo of the steak and your babies checking it out. They demonstrated amazing will power.


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice by looking at potential rings and diamonds for me! You are a saint! :D Yeah, my budget is decent, but did anyone ever notice that no matter what the budget, it's never really "quite" enough? :wall: It adds up quickly, between buying the diamond and the setting. I'm fine with second hand and have been checking out the usual suspects but just haven't seen anything yet. I love 1st dibs too! 66 mint is a good site too, kind of pricey but some beautiful pieces. Your pendant is really gorgeous! :love: such amazing detail. And of course I love your aquamarine ring, now that's what I call finger coverage! :naughty: My husband and I love House of Cards, we are completely hooked.

Jimmianne, love your collection of blues! :love: Blue is my favorite color, I am so attracted to blue stones. I am a big Kevin Spacey fan too, LOVE him. He's a very good impressionist, too - he was on that show The Actors Studio and did a routine doing impressions, it's a riot! You can find it on youtube. What are your thoughts on Lia's ring? I've always admired it, it's a beautiful piece IMO.

Ovi, I love your precious kitten pics, they are soooo adorable! I could never get tired of seeing them. I never realized how tough it is to take care of newborn kittens. Sounds like Sapphie seems to be doing a bit better, I hope she continues to do well. Very worrisome when our pets aren't feeling well.

Kristie, I am so excited to see pics of your adorable doggies! Ok, it's official, I want your dogs! Ok, I'll settle for one, please? Seriously, they are just the cutest things. Your wedding ring is really gorgeous! Love the bezeled diamonds in the band, the workmanship looks great. And the pendant is beautiful, love those colors and the marquise really works. So glad you are able to post pics!


Dec 9, 2013

re:the OEC I went back and look at all her posts on PS about it. I"ll have to do more research and perhaps see if she has more photos or even a link to the stone before she purchased it - which might have more photos/videos.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls, I've been gone less than 24 hours and can't believe all that's happened here.

Missy, I love the pictures of your jewelry. They are stunning. Did the pieces come from your favorite antique jewelry store? When you get jewelry as a gift from Greg are you involved in the process or does he pick items out himself? My husband would never attempt to buy jewelry as a gift without my picking it out first. In all honesty, I actually prefer it that way. I'm too picky and enjoy the hunt for jewelry so much. I good search 1st Dibs for hours on end. That is one addicting website.

OV, Sapphie is so cute. I would adopt her in a heartbeat. The picture of the two of you is so precious. Sapphie's mom is also a beauty my dear. Seeing Sapphie and Frankie makes me sad I'm allergic to cats. Thank goodness her stomach is feeling better today. It's so scary and you feel so helpless when they are sick. I'm sorry you are not going out this weekend but glad you will be here with us.

Jimmianne, Your ring collection is incredible! So many stacking options. Sapphires and diamonds are so beautiful together. Any update on your new ring? I'm so sorry for what your poor mom went thru. It so hard to believe someone would pry a ring off someone's finger. I'm so glad you decided to join us here. This thread always makes me smile. I am so grateful for the support I have received from these wonderful women.

Kristie, I love your jewelry and doggie pictures. I can't believe Finn and Maggie weren't all over that filet! What well trained doggies you have. We can't get our little darling to come when we call her if there isn't a treat involved. Your engagement ring is beautiful. I love pears. I have one and love the fact that you don't see them all the time. I also have a cushion shaped diamond and it really bothers me that you see so many people wearing them. So what did you think of gem gossips engagment ring? Do you think it would make a good RHR? I received some news today. My brother is insisting on a biopsy. I'm just praying this all turns out well.

Junebug, Thank you for asking about my brother. It's been a stressful few days but hopefully he will have the biopsy and will get some good news before long. I'm sure you have guessed by now that I often find myself wanting to increase the bling budget. My poor husband will give me a generous budget and it never fails that I fall in love with something out of the price range. What I think of as large has changed so much since finding this site. I know whatever you pick will be beautiful. I'm in love everything you have purchased so far. Are you making an paper rings? I also could care less if a diamond is secondhard.

Marcy, You are killing me with you posting about food. We went to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant tonight and now all I can think about is crusty bread LOL! I could gain 10 pounds a month just by reading your posts. As soon as I finish I'm off to look for something to snack on. It is not having a good effect on my waistline. Did you make a decision on the new dishes? How is your weather now? We are supposed to get another 6 inches of snow tomorrow night into Sunday. It was -11 degrees this morning when my husband left for work.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies,

Ovi, I hate to hear Sapphie is not feeling well. You have a great shopping list; new ring, dresses and yellow bag. Sweet. That’s great you had a nice spring day. That is such a cute picture of you and young Sapphie. All your kitty pictures are so cute.

Jimmianne, you have now definitely peaked my interest to go look at gem gossip. Your sapphires are all gorgeous. I like all of you stackables; how fun to mix and match them alone or with your rings. I am sorry to hear about your mom and grandmother having things taken from them and how awful someone forced rings off your mother’s hand.

Missy, I am glad you guys had an escape plan ready during the fire. Good luck with the new medicine. I chuckled when you said you send yourself an email then lose the email; I’ll send myself one home from work and since I get all my emails in my iPad then I end up deleting that email before I get home. Great pic from your backyard of the frozen bay. I’ve set up our webcam before and put them on my bears. Naturally Marty takes advantage of that and messes with them all day. Holy crap that your colleague and her mother have to deal with things like that with home health care. I hope they catch the thieves in the act and prosecute them. I love your blue jewelry too. Very pretty. Your aqua ring is huge.

Kristie, that is pretty amazing to find a piece online from a silversmith in Alaska. It sounds like it is calling your name. I like your wedding ring. It is very pretty and the band looks amazing. The necklace is very cool; what a great design and I love the colors. Finn and Maggie are adorable.

Junebug, that ring you posted on Loupetroop is very pretty. My budget is never in tune with reality when it comes to bling; actually when it comes to almost anything.

Callie, I would hate to try and catch up on this thread for a week. I am sending good luck dust for your brother’s biopsy. The crusty rolls we have are frozen Rhodes French Bread Crusty rolls. They are absolutely delicious. I didn’t cook anything today; we ate out for lunch and ordered in pizza for supper. We looked at about 25 to 30 different patterns of dishes today and I can’t say any of them really begged for me to take them home. We do have china that was my grandmothers. It’s girly; pink roses so maybe I just need to get some of it down and use it. That would save me lots of money because I don’t really need any new dishes and then I can be using the china I already have. Good plan. Our weather is about the same as yours and the forecast looks to be more of the same. Rats.

I stayed home from work today. I woke up about 3 not feeling too good; stomach was either queasy or telling me I’m hungry and that spot around my shoulder blade that goes numb sometimes was getting my attention. I got out the heating pad but it took me a long time to fall back asleep. I did some stretches today and used the old tennis ball therapy. It comes and goes and one thing that hurts is having my hand on my laptop. Maybe I am on this thing too much!

Have a great weekend.



Jun 7, 2014
Oh Marcy, I hope you are not coming down with something. There is always something going around this time of the year. Hopefully the heating pad worked and you are beginning to feel better. I laughed out loud about your budget not being in tune with reality. Don't feel bad you certainly aren't alone on that one. I have the exact same problem. It just seems to go into overdrive when shopping for jewelry. I have had a taste for crusty bread since reading your post. I'll have to see if I can find the brand you mentioned. They sound delicious. Are you looking for formal dishes or fun casual ones?

OV, They are begining to bring out the spring clothes in the stores here. I can't wait until the summer dresses are in the stores. I bought another dress for spring summer last week. We have two weddings to attend this spring and summer and I have no idea what I will wear. I also don't look great in pastel colors. I sure you look great in coral with your coloring. Have you seen the yellow bag you want to buy or do you just want to begin shopping for one? I know how much you love bags. Have you been wearing your new ring this week?


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Girls,

Good morning, most likely you are all fast asleep, well, except for Miss Missy who will likely join me soon for a morning coffee. My coffee machine broke yesterday but seriously it has taken such a beating. I should have gotten rid of it long ago as it was already having leakage problems and actually had bought a new one exactly one year ago, can you imagine? This is what I am like, I buy something and keep it in the closet for one year before taking it out for a test drive.:))) I bought the new machine because it is first of all orange and second it is very compact, I also got a travel case for it and have not used it since lol. These Nespresso machines are cheap but really cute and sturdy. Last January when I was in Antwerp I had my old one with me and it was leaking which prompted me to get the new one. At least now I finally get to enjoy a spring colored Nespresso machine!

Callie, I have been wearing my new bag, yay, I was good, I did not put it away in the closet. I was thinking of getting pix this morning but the lighting is not right at the moment, I will try later. Yes, I have also been wearing my new ring, of course, haha, bling always gets worn out right away even if it is to try. Wish I could have gotten the second ring too ROFL. This is so typical, we definitely need a larger bling budget than what we have and of course then it would still not be enough.:)))

I was at a mall yesterday but I was not impressed with anything. Malls in Hungary are nothing like the boutiques in Vienna or the outlets, I much prefer more unique things I can get there. I did casually look at colors; lots of pastels, black combined with blush and light peach, pink colors, not me at all. I have seen some yellow though but nothing I actually liked. I have not begun looking for a yellow bag yet, I think that most of those will come out later in the spring as part of the summer collections. I am not in a rush at all, these are ideas I may entertain for a while before I decide to buy.

Callie, I have no idea how I missed what is going on with your brother, how are things looking right now? I think when we miss a day or two it is enough to skip over important stuff and even sometimes miss entire posts, I have no idea how but it has happened to me. I entirely missed this and these are the things that truly matter.

Thanks for your kind words on the kitties girls, I too am allergic but I say I am allergic to life, it is not always easy to deal with especially now that I sleep with Sapphie but I do it somehow, I just love them much more than I could live without them. My allergies also worsened when I already had my cats and there was no way I would have gotten rid of them. This was why they were not sleeping with me, I can maybe sleep with one. Can you imagine if we got allergic to bling??? Fortunately, I doubt that one could be allergic to gemstones, to me being allergic to diamonds would be worse than to metal, the metal part can usually be handled by wearing pure plat.

I have also been enjoying the Gem Gossip site, I tell you she has quite the collection of rings, wow,like really wow, I do not think I have seen anyone own that many rings. The only downside I would see to that if that I do not like wearing more than one ring per hand and they would not be used enough here. I also go through stages when I wear the same bling for a period of time and then swap. I do better with a bit smaller collection I think.:))) Really fun site to look at and I think I will have tons of fun with it.

So sorry you were not feeling well Marcy, I hope you have improved by now. Is Marty staying home for a while? I think the weather may be doing it to your shoulders, I get it too and have been suffering with neck, shoulder and back pain as well. I tend to anyhow. Worse when I get a migraine as a result, hope you did not and that your stomach is fine too now.

Any weekend plans girls? Hope you will all have a wonderful weekend there. Weather is supposed to be gorgeous here all weekend, ok, cold, still only up to low 50s but sunny, this is already a great improvement. They did mention some more snow next week but so far I do not see it on my forecast. I hope not, I want spring and want it badly.
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