
Now I really did it :((


Jul 1, 2014
You can always email me anytime, I check multiple times/day. :bigsmile:


Jun 7, 2014
June bug, Please check out show me the bling today. There is a gorgeous 4 carat yellow cushion in a halo. Getting your husband on board may be a little more of a problem. He sounds an awful lot like my husband :angel:


Jun 17, 2009
Calliecake|1424891967|3838094 said:
June bug, Please check out show me the bling today. There is a gorgeous 4 carat yellow cushion in a halo. Getting your husband on board may be a little more of a problem. He sounds an awful lot like my husband :angel:

Callie, I'm way ahead of you, I've already seen it! :lol: Absolutely gorgeous! :love: definitely beyond my budget, and dh would probably pass out if I suggested it… but if I ever win the lottery I'll be all over it! :cheeky: That thread is actually pretty helpful to me, it gives me an idea of what an YZ colored diamond will look like. haven't seen any yellow diamonds in person yet, and I guess I need to do that. I feel funny wasting the time of salespeople when I have no intention of buying though. Probably silly to feel that way, but I've never been able to get past it.

eta- just saw your other post - this ring would probably be an alternate ering, I usually don't wear rhrs. I don't even always wear a left hand ring lol! I agree that so much of this boils down to personal preference. I think I prefer an all white halo - although the all yellow DBL ring Missy posted is gorgeous and I keep going back to look at it. That is such a shame about your tennis bracelet! I'm going by memory here, but I think there was a PS'er with a similar problem and a jeweler was able to shave down the prongs so they wouldn't catch on things. I don't know what was involved but it might be worth looking into. It's a shame to have diamonds sitting in a box rather than on your wrist! Thanks for asking about my mother, she's actually doing pretty well right now and things are going ok for me. And yes, I'm counting the days to my trip! You'd think I was going to Hawaii for a week, the way I'm carrying on.


Jun 7, 2014
junebug17|1424892524|3838097 said:
Calliecake|1424891967|3838094 said:
June bug, Please check out show me the bling today. There is a gorgeous 4 carat yellow cushion in a halo. Getting your husband on board may be a little more of a problem. He sounds an awful lot like my husband :angel:

Callie, I'm way ahead of you, I've already seen it! :lol: Absolutely gorgeous! :love: definitely beyond my budget, and dh would probably pass out if I suggested it… but if I ever win the lottery I'll be all over it! :cheeky: That thread is actually pretty helpful to me, it gives me an idea of what an XY colored diamond will look like. haven't seen any yellow diamonds in person yet, and I guess I need to do that. I feel funny wasting the time of salespeople when I have no intention of buying though. Probably silly to feel that way, but I've never been able to get past it.

Junebug, I completely understand about wasting the sales person's time. I do think with yellow diamonds you need to see how the diamond color looks with your skin color. If you know you will not be purchasing from a store near you, would it be possible to go at a time when they are not busy. This way you know you are not standing in the way of a possible sale for the salesperson. I have also gone into a store with no intention of making a purchase with them only to fall in love and make a purchase.

The trip will be a perfect break for you. Worrying about family issues is really the most draining. I told my husband last night that I wanted to go back to work so I would not have time to worry about the family stuff. His comment was that I wouldn't worry any less I would just be more stressed. Sometime a much needed break can do wonders for our emotional well being. I'm so happy you are going on this trip and are getting a much deserved break.


Jun 17, 2009
Calliecake|1424893235|3838101 said:
junebug17|1424892524|3838097 said:
Calliecake|1424891967|3838094 said:
June bug, Please check out show me the bling today. There is a gorgeous 4 carat yellow cushion in a halo. Getting your husband on board may be a little more of a problem. He sounds an awful lot like my husband :angel:

Callie, I'm way ahead of you, I've already seen it! :lol: Absolutely gorgeous! :love: definitely beyond my budget, and dh would probably pass out if I suggested it… but if I ever win the lottery I'll be all over it! :cheeky: That thread is actually pretty helpful to me, it gives me an idea of what an XY colored diamond will look like. haven't seen any yellow diamonds in person yet, and I guess I need to do that. I feel funny wasting the time of salespeople when I have no intention of buying though. Probably silly to feel that way, but I've never been able to get past it.

Junebug, I completely understand about wasting the sales person's time. I do think with yellow diamonds you need to see how the diamond color looks with your skin color. If you know you will not be purchasing from a store near you, would it be possible to go at a time when they are not busy. This way you know you are not standing in the way of a possible sale for the salesperson. I have also gone into a store with no intention of making a purchase with them only to fall in love and make a purchase.

Calliecake, you make a good point, I just might find something I love locally…I guess I just assume I will get better pricing online, but I shouldn't assume that haha! If I go into the store thinking I "might" be buying something, maybe I won't feel so guilty!


Jun 7, 2014
The last large purchase I made was at a jewelry store near the hair salon I go to. I had 20 minutes to kill before an appointment and had never stepped foot in this particular store. It ended up costing my husband a fortune but they had exactly what I wanted. I just didn't know I was looking for it before going into the store! :love:


Dec 9, 2013
Calliecake|1424893896|3838106 said:
The last large purchase I made was at a jewelry store near the hair salon I go to. I had 20 minutes to kill before an appointment. It ended up costing my husband a fortune. :love:
That's wonderful. Seize the moment! I'm sure your being happy made him happy.


Jun 7, 2014
Jimmianne|1424894143|3838109 said:
Calliecake|1424893896|3838106 said:
The last large purchase I made was at a jewelry store near the hair salon I go to. I had 20 minutes to kill before an appointment. It ended up costing my husband a fortune. :love:
That's wonderful. Seize the moment! I'm sure your being happy made him happy.

He surprised me with the ring. I'm not sure if it was to make me happy or just to get me to quit talking about it!


Jun 17, 2009
Calliecake|1424894341|3838113 said:
Jimmianne|1424894143|3838109 said:
Calliecake|1424893896|3838106 said:
The last large purchase I made was at a jewelry store near the hair salon I go to. I had 20 minutes to kill before an appointment. It ended up costing my husband a fortune. :love:
That's wonderful. Seize the moment! I'm sure your being happy made him happy.

He surprised me with the ring. I'm not sure if it was to make me happy or just to get me to quit talking about it!

LOL Calliecake! I think our husbands ARE very similar! :D


Dec 9, 2013
Calliecake|1424894341|3838113 said:
Jimmianne|1424894143|3838109 said:
Calliecake|1424893896|3838106 said:
The last large purchase I made was at a jewelry store near the hair salon I go to. I had 20 minutes to kill before an appointment. It ended up costing my husband a fortune. :love:
That's wonderful. Seize the moment! I'm sure your being happy made him happy.

He surprised me with the ring. I'm not sure if it was to make me happy or just to get me to quit talking about it!

:lol: either way it sounds win-win : )


Dec 9, 2013
Callie, re:oec thread...thanks! I looked on Grace's site & I had contacted LADs because that's where my 7mm came from. It would be logical to get an upgrade there, and I can trust that Erika will set me on the right path : ) but I want to see everything first.


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Girls,

Sorry that I missed talking to everyone, I tried reading through posts but I am dead tired at the moment. I promised myself I would go to bed early tonight, I am literally falling over. I started out Sunday night sleeping two hours and heading out very early because I knew ex and his monster dad would try to harrass me Monday morning and they had upset me so much that night, it turned out that my ex wrote he would not pay me the large chunk of money he owes me because his parents took over his phone and wrote me the texts, I cannot even comment on this. They literally wanted me to have a stroke.

Anyhow, we would agree with my lawyer to go for collection, it is pretty easy here if you have a contract. I am so glad that when things were getting bad I insisted on settling things in writing. Still, it can be hard to collect. He of course did a 180 later but we shall see, I cannot trust the guy. Or his family, they seem even worse. I am sure his personality and behavioral patterns had to come from somewhere. I just hate it that I still feel they are playing with me and trying to do whatever they want to do with me. I think I will say I am gone all weekends from now on.

It also turned out that ex badmouthed me to my boss and said he would want to work alone next week, I was livid because I do not want to be forced to take vacation but maybe next weekend I am going away for a salsa weekend. I am a bit worried about my pets but I think two days is fine, I have done it before. I would need this and supposedly next week the weather will be more like spring too. I did do salsa last night and had well a bit too many palinkas and I am so tired. I cannot believe it is not even 10 here and never go to bed before midnight but tonight I am hitting it soon.

It is really really nice hearing from all of you, loves all the photos you NIRDI Girls are posting, blindness from bling I call it, well, this is only an unhealthy blindness as far as wallets are concerned.

Yes, sorry, Junebug, I cannot comment on specific pix or your choices and options what would be good and what prices are good, etc. I could only make general comments here. Of course I love giving advice and helping people, so it is not because of that. You do know I am slightly biased when it comes to yellow diamonds.

This week I have been wearing many colorless diamonds though, not sure why, I was in that mood and because I kept the ring I fell for last week and wore her sister too and colorless halo studs but naturally I always wear at least one yellow diamond.:)))

I love hearing from all of you though I am not happy that your skin is doing so badly Missy. I have no idea what to suggest anymore and wow ivermectin is a pretty strong option and did not know it worked on rosacea too but hey I really hope so because now you are going to try something new. I get weird red spots and strange areas but for me you know the La Mer works, it mostly keeps it under control. I think you need something stronger now for sure as the things you have been trying have not worked. I am convinced that eventually you will improve if not heal completely, I know you will, you are so strong, we are here to cheer you on too. I hope that if you are working, then all is going well.

Marcy, Callie and Kristie I have missed talking to you. Now that I will have four days off I will have time and would definitely love to talk to you. It is so nice that you are staying here with us Jimmianne, we appreciate you being here.

Junebug I hope your mom is as well as she can be under the circumstances and that you are not too stressed.

LLJsmom I too have had times when I went offline or did not spend so much time on a forum, it happens and life happens, sometimes our lives are going in a different direction. I hope we do still get to hear from you. I keep thinking whether I responded to your email but I think I did, I am so tired, hard to keep things in mind.

In my case it would be hard to imagine not being on PS, I am so grateful for it because I have met you girls here and also because it is an amazing forum on my favorite subject.

I hope I will be able to relax and not stress too much over these coming four days, my weeks are so odd, I have three very long, very difficult days and four when I am free and then I am still busy one more day but then I get a bit depressed at times being at home and the contrast is too much, when I am home too long I feel that I want to go out and do things and when I am working then I want to just be able to get some sleep. Best days are when it is my first workday of the week, or salsa days and then days off when I go out a bit or work at home. This is a very new situation that I have to adjust to. I am trying my very best and keep Marcy's advice in my head all the time that I should not let things get to me. Most the time I do ok with that but sometimes I still cannot. But one step at a time.

Hugs to all of you and have a wonderful day, hope I will hear from all of you soon.


Dec 9, 2013
I wrote to the seller of this ring and asked to have it sent to look at. il_570xn_122.jpg

But also I really like this ring [shown below] and an upside would be that I could trade up.
I just can't tell which stone would be brighter.
I have complete confidence in LAD and am a little nervous about using a seller I don't know. img_2187__62476.jpg

Any thoughts?


Jun 8, 2008
OMG I go to work and look what I've missed LOL. :D

Junebug, Please please please post all about your yellow diamond search in this thread! It is a thread for ALL of us now. Not just me. I LOVE hearing all about your lives and bling and please don't feel like you cannot share here. That's why this thread is still going OK?

Personally I like a ring where the halo is pleasing in proportion to the center stone. Now what that ratio is varies for each person of course but I like a relatively delicate halo surrounding the diamond. Not too bulky and also not showing too much metal. I like more diamond and almost invisible metal lol. I do like some double halos but the proportion has to look right to me if that makes sense. I had a long day at work so I may not be making myself clear, sorry!

Jimmianne, I love that pink diamond halo ring you posted and many others. Variety is the spice of life and I would love a yellow diamond ring and a pink diamond one too haha.
Ooh I am so happy you are going to Las Vegas. You will have the best time. I hope all the NIRDIs are going and I cannot wait to hear all about the amazing time you had and all the BLING. One day maybe I will go but it is too far for a weekend and well I am not making any commitments right now with the way things are going. NIRDIs please all go and come back with pics and stories to share. :appl:

As for the last 2 rings you posted I need more pics to give my opinion but in the pics you posted they both look beautiful though I would rather go with a known seller like Grace but it depends on the ring of course. I do love sapphires with diamonds. The second ring looks a bit dark but from one static picture I cannot tell. Is there a video we can see?

I hope the huge snowstorm headed your way turns out to be a little baby storm instead. Stay warm and dry and same for your animals!

Callie, your niece is doing well on Accutane right? That might be my next step except my skin is very different than your niece's since I have rosacea and that is my main issue right now according to my derm. It is pretty bad and I have these red welts all over my face. Not a pretty sight and makeup can only do so much. Plus it hurts. Sigh. I am in a perpetually bad mood and right now Greg is getting the worst of it. Almost everything he does annoys me lately and I know it is me and not so much him though some of it is him lol. But I am in such a bad mood that I don't even want to tell him I know it is because of my face. I am that pissed off LOL.

I hope your friend convinces you to join her in Hawaii next trip. That is one place I really want to go that I have not yet been. Except by watching the house hunters shows haha. LOVE the Hawaiian Life house hunters.

I am so sorry about your brother and as usual Kristie's advice is spot on. Hope things work out.

Ovi, I am exhausted too and will be going to bed early hopefully. Long day and so tired. Just making dinner right now. Will catch up on what is happening with you tomorrow and I hope you had a good day.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Missy, i am so sorry you face is still not better. The Accutane has been working wonders now for my niece. It took about two months before she started seeing results. I know it seems crazy but your symptoms and hers were extremely similar. Hopefully this new drug will work and you will start seeing results soon. Just think of Greg's butter cookies when he is ticking you off. The man has some really wonderful qualities LOL! You are also soooo correct. What on earth would we do without KRISTIE! I am so grateful for her! Did work go well today?

Kristie, Thank you so much for everything today!

Junebug, See what I mean about our husbands being similar? I'm also very glad he grew up with a mom who loved jewelry. Have you considered asking for help selecting a stone in RockyTalky? I am always amazed at the gorgeous stones Gypsy, Niel and DiamondSeeker find for those asking for help.

Jimmianne, I love both the rings. I think seeing both in person is the only way you can make a decision. Which ring are you leaning toward? I also like the idea that you can trade up. I wish I had that option with a few of the rings I have purchased. It sure takes the sting out of changing your mind on a purchase. I have considered going to the GTG in Vegas. The girls on this thread have also talked about getting together later in the year in New York. I'm not sure what I will do. Are you definately going to Vegas?

OV, I'm sorry everything is has been so stressful the past couple of days. Hopefully we will be able to catch up the next few days.


Jul 1, 2014
Ovi, just want to let ya know I emailed you today. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies!

Missy, I was thinking the exact same thing; I need a ring with a rabbit and a bear. You are a very strong person and you are right; just take things one day at a time. I know what you mean sometimes you’ve just had enough. Hugs to you. I haven’t brought up another furnace with Marty but to me it makes the most sense. Our main floor is over 2100 square feet and we have a walk out basement with the unfinished portion built in to the ground. We have 9 or 10-foot ceilings downstairs and about 60% of the basement finished. We had the HVAC guy in twice to try and fix it while the house was under warranty and the tried aiding return vents near the ceiling; that didn’t do a darned thing. If we have the upstairs about 85 the basement is warm enough. The AC works fine in the summer for both floors but the heat sure doesn’t. The closet, exercise room and pool table in the attic at the beach house sounds perfect. I would worry about a pool up there too.

Jimmianne, I will look in to some duct-less mini heaters. It sounds like you’ve found very effective ways to heat your different rooms. Too cute the dogs nap in front of the electric stove. I hate to hear another big storm is coming your way. Our high tomorrow is going to be 12 (below zero with wind chill) and we are getting anywhere from 1 to 6 inches every day until next week sometime. This winter just doesn’t want to end!

Junebug, I’d probably be looking for yellow diamond rings all night; are you getting any sleep? Of course you can dream about pretty yellow diamonds too.

Callie, I have been looking at china patterns online but haven’t really decided on anything yet. Lenox was teasing me today though with a 17% off site wide through the 28th. I’m glad to hear your huge walk in closet stays cool and warm; I think we just need to explore our options. Marty uses a space heater in his office and it works quite well. I am glad you had a lot of documentation on that guy. We had a similar incident about 3 years ago now and my documentation helped on that too; both attempts to sue failed. I think you just can’t document too much information. That was one reason I got a mini iPad for work. I hate to hear about your brother having health issues. Being on the sidelines is certainly difficult.

Kristie, are you still polishing pretty geodes? Enjoy that warm weather for me. I love your college story.

I keep forgetting my snooze button doesn’t work anymore on my alarm. 6:20 my alarm goes off, I mumble a curse word, hit my snooze alarm then wake up at 6:59 and utter another curse word. I made it to work on time though. If you don’t check your email and Facebook a couple of times in the morning that cuts a lot of time off getting ready for work.

We had big, beautiful snowflakes off and on all day and baby it’s COLD outside. I am ready for spring too.
Take care,

ETA: I just check the forecast; our wind chill is going to be -15 for about a week. Phooey!


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Girls,

Hi Marcy, I missed you! I will catch up on the latest posts later on today.

Jimmianne, I am going to tell you I would kill for the stone in that second ring and the ring itself is A amazing too. The choice is never easy because the first ring has a gorgeous design too but the second one caught my eye. I can tell you the way I feel about the design and what I think about the stone but besides that the decision is yours and you have to know what seller to trust and go with, if you have had a really good relationship with one and know absolutely nothing about the other and if you love the ring the one you trust is selling then it would be a safe choice to go with that but that is just me. Sometimes we should take the plunge and take risks too, not knowing a seller is not always a bad thing either and that stands true when I buy also and even though I am usually very loyal to those that I know I can trust, I sometimes try out new people to see if I love something and it often ends up a very good experience. No matter what you decide I would love to see your bling and it will be truly stunning IMHO. You have awesome taste. Of course my taste can be quite similar so maybe I am slightly biased. You deserve a treat for sure!

I doubt that I will go to LV this year though I have considered it though I would love to go to a GTG with you girls. If we are still planning on NYC sometime this year then I will do everything in my power to be there. I really want to visit with you Missy and meet you all NIRDI Girls! The LV GTG is a bit early for me this year with all that has been happening.

I am still very tired today, too many phone calls, everyone starts calling when I want to go to sleep and they wake me up in the morning too. I also have to run a lot of errands today which I do not feel like doing at all. I would rather snuggle in bed with Sapphie all day and be online, just too tired and would rather go and do stuff tomorrow but no choice really as it is the last day of the month and certain things have to be taken care of.

I will talk to you all later. Marcy, ROFL a piece of bling with a bear and a bunny would be way too cool or one for you and one for Marty. This sounds like a totally cool project and would represent your bond and relationship. Sometimes like this I think could be e.g., a great anniversary gift.

Yes, Missy I will definitely try to catch up with you also. Hugs to everyone.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Jimmianne, I love the setting on the first ring. BEAUTIFUL. However that stone looks much warmer than its stated color. It looks as if it would be yellow IRL.

I prefer the faceting on the second ring but concerned about how many of the facets darken at once. Can you confirm with Grace if many of them turn off at once or if this is (hopefully) not true. I love the faceting on it and am just concerned how much of the center turns off at the same time.

Callie, it's wonderful your niece is improving so much! She must feel like a different person. Work went well thanks for asking. I did EMR on a few exams today. Took forever but I'm getting the hang of it. The Clinic Admin Chief was quite pleased. Now I just need more hours in the day LOL.

How is your brother doing? I hope things are improving and sorry I missed your text yesterday. I want you and the other girls to know if I don't respond to an email or text it's because I didn't see it. At work my mobile goes dead immediately as we are underground and there is no wireless and it is constantly searching for a signal and I never bother to shut it off and just let it die so it is basically useless at work. And I couldn't check my emails all day because I was so busy. When I got home I had over a hundred emails (basically junk mail) and missed a few important ones until I was ready to go to bed and just started mass deletions of the emails. SO if one of you emails or texts me and I don't respond send again. I would NEVER ignore any of you. Not my MO.

Marcy, we had a similar issue at the beach house on the second floor. The A/C just wasn't making the rooms cool enough up there. They redirected the air flow and fixed the vents upstairs forcing more air into 2 of the rooms that needed it. It took a long time to figure it out if my memory serves me correctly. I find that the heat at the beach house is never enough unless I keep the thermostat up very high. I don't get it as the same temp in our apt feels so much warmer than at the beach house. If it is 72 in our apt in the winter time that feels good but feels too cold at the beach house. Weird.

Lucky Marty gets to use a space heater at work. I am not allowed to use mine there and it was 56 degrees when I got to my office yesterday and during the course of the day it went to 70 but that was after being there for 6 hours already. It's crazy cold in my office but there is a strict no space heater policy at work. I have one in my locker and once I get more settled in and comfortable with EMR I just might sneak it out again lol.

Thank you for your hugs Marcy. Right back at ya! Stay warm...-15 degrees is too cold for sustaining any type of human life IMO. Sending warm bear hugs your way!

Ovi, I hope you had a good night's sleep and that your day is progressing smoothly. Will catch up with you tomorrow.

Enjoy the day girls of NIRDI! :wavey:


Feb 5, 2014
Wow Missy, that IS indeed freezing, I think I would be sick the whole season, as it is I am still recovering from the flu, as you know it never got that bad but it lingers on forever. I think my taking all these herbs, immune supplements and homeopathic remedies have helped a great deal but I am still fighting whatever it is probably due to stress. My house gets very cold at times especially when I have no energy and skip heating in the evening or the morning but it will get warmer soon and for now I use space heaters too in the frequented areas. I would die if it was 56 degrees. I hope you are ok as this is truly unhealthy and you could end up sick with a cold or a kidney problems, that has happened to me, I am worried, it is unbelieveable that they do not let you use a space heater.

Ah, ok, I see your point Missy about Jimmianne's ring, honestly I found the second stone very contrasty with very sharp lines and defined facets and considered this a good thing. You know how modern ideals can darken too but it is due to contrasts and also the cut, sometimes I do not like this but it is a choice. I looked at the pix now and in the sunshine the stone seems very bright with no darkness but again it is good that you have raised this point and Jimmianne can ask about it. Or order it, look at it and then see it IRL whether it holds up to Jimmianne's expectations. Exciting to be on the hunt! I love looking at antiques as you all know at one point I really wanted to work for auction houses and still think of it sometimes but have given up on the idea of having an antique store for now, just having gone in different directions. But keep blinding us with beauties!

Have a great day dear Missy and yes do write to me when you have a bit more time to relax. I hope this new treatment will work for your face, I am really hopeful and positive, I know you will get better! Love to all of you NIRDI girls!


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Ovi, yes it could be that the ring Jimmianne is considering is bright with many of the facets on at once. As you said I just wanted to point out the possibility of it being a potential issue and to check it with the vendor.

OMG antique jewelry is my favorite type now and always I think. There is something so wonderful about a piece that is over a hundred years old and how different diamonds were cut in those days. I just LOVE the chunky facets and soft light play and colors emanating from the old cuts. Of course I appreciate all the different beautiful diamond cuts (and gemstones for that matter) but old cuts and specifically OECs and their settings will always hold a special place in my heart for me.

Oh I am so sorry you are still not 100% better. That darn flu really hangs on doesn't it? Please take care and sending big healing hugs your way. Have a great day and we'll chat soon!


Dec 9, 2013
Yes! I did make a chart! Then when someone has news I add it to their "page". Really ladies, I am approaching " a certain age", so don't tease me for having to write it all down.
We did not get the foot of snow, maybe six inches. Very heavy and the trees that once held a tiny owl are bowed to the ground.
Officially snowed in!

I would rather attend a GTG with NIRDs than go to Las Vegas!


Feb 5, 2014
Jimmianne, YAY! Yes do joint, let's go to our own GTG too! We have been planning one forever but somehow for the moment it is still in the planning stages? I think we all agreed it would be in NYC because of Missy but not the time of the year yet, it is hard to plan for so many people. I of course have to come from pretty far but I definitely want to do this more than anything else, that will be my vacation of the year.

Ah, sorry Missy, today I am really not in great shape or making sense. It is also hard to go into detail but let me just say that yes you know I too prefer antiques but at the moment I prefer making reproductions and inspired custom because I feel that the very old piece can sometimes have workmanship issues, not so great stones and of course wear which I also love and yes I own real grey cut in half diamonds in Art Deco bangles and such but I like to see how it could be made the same today and even better. It is just a direction for me and now I stay quiet, no more jewelry talk from me and this is just in general saying how I appreciate the challenge and the style.


Jun 8, 2008
OMG huge electrical fire outside my apartment building.Lost electricity. Greg said it looks very BAD. I hijacked someone else's internet to post. Sheesh this might last for days with no electricity. Going to lose all the food in the fridge and not sure what I am going to do about work. Also cannot get the car out of the garage to even go to the beach house to find refuge. Man, it's always something these days. Not sure what to do about work today either. If I cannot get back online know why guys. :cry:

Oh and I am definitely up for a NYC GTG!


Dec 9, 2013
missy|1424950752|3838430 said:
OMG huge electrical fire outside my apartment building.Lost electricity. Greg said it looks very BAD. I hijacked someone else's internet to post. Sheesh this might last for days with no electricity. Going to lose all the food in the fridge and not sure what I am going to do about work. Also cannot get the car out of the garage to even go to the beach house to find refuge. Man, it's always something these days. Not sure what to do about work today either. If I cannot get back online know why guys. :cry:

Oh and I am definitely up for a NYC GTG!

:errrr: take care! If you lose contact you will need a chart too!
but I hope it resolves quickly.


Feb 5, 2014
Just what you needed Missy, NOT! Now I am worried about you, hope you are ok and will be ok. I hope the electricity is restored quickly and people are safe. Thanks for letting us know but stay safe. Hope we hear from you but we will only feel at ease once we know all is ok.

This of course when you have already been dealing with so much. BTW, I forgot to address that I totally understand being in a bad mood and sometimes Greg paying for it but it happens all the time and I am sure you are not mean to Greg and he is a very understanding and patient guy so all will be well and surely he will support you. The best thing is when one can open up and talk about how they feel but sometimes even that seems to take too much of an effort and it is difficult to talk about what is constantly bothering you.

Sapphie has been having awful diarrhea and some vomiting ever since she went off the AB, now it is worse. She was in great shape but now she is a bit thin again. Always something. I worry but try my best to make sure my babies are well.


Dec 9, 2013
Waiting for a post from Missy......


Jul 1, 2014
Missy, ya need the POWER!!!

Your homeowners coverage most likely includes a small amount for loss from the fridge, I have never made a claim for this because I figure the next year's premium will be jacked up accordingly :angryfire:

Its infuriating. I only ever lose power or have a broken fridge when I've got about $1000 in there between meat and supplements and organic milk, veggies, fruit, etc.

Hang In There!

(I can just imagine the women and heck, probably plenty of the MEN in your neighborhood with bad hair, bad makeup, wrinkly clothes,e tc)


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Missy, I hope the electricity is back on. That has to be fun, especially when you have a busy day ahead of you.. So frustrating! Were you able to get to work today? How is your face feeling today? Any improvement.

Jimmianne, Please don't feel like you need to make a chart. I do know what you mean though, once I hit fifty I had to start writing things down too. I also would prefer to go to a Nirds get together. Hopefully we can get something planned for later in the year. We were thinking New York would be a great place to meet. What have you decided on regarding your ring??? The suspense is killing me! I hope you and your animals are staying warm.

Kristie, What have you been up to today? If you are at home, please stand on the patio for a minute and think of us. It seems we are all getting hit with cold and snow. You are so lucky! Also, if I have ever called you hon, sweetie or honey (which I probably have) it was never my intent to be disrespectful or rude. I think I say it to people I care about without even giving it a thought and you know you are one of my favorite people.

OV, I hope Sapphie is beginning to feel better. Are you taking her back to the vet? I know how upsetting it is when our babies aren't feeling well. I hope you are resting and enjoying your day. I find it funny that you, Missy and I all love antique jewelry.

Marcy, As much cooking as you do, you deserve any set of dishes you want! One of my girls friends has multiple sets. She also cooks and entertains all the time. She also loves fun and pretty glasses. I'm sorry you are getting more snow. Please be careful coming home from work. We had more yesterday and overnight. Nothing too bad, just enough to make driving difficult. They are also calling for more snow over the weekend here in Chicago. This winter has seemed to go on forever.

Junebug, I hope you are doing well. I'm not sure if you at your moms today but if you are, please be careful driving. How is your diamond search going. Have you made any decisions?
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