
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Ovi, hope I'm not too late to have morning coffee with you. How is Sapphie this morning? I'm the same way. I have spares but will use the old one till it breaks usually. We actually have 2 coffee machine backups lol but the one we were using broke a couple of months ago so we had to take one of the new "spares" and use it so now we only have 1 coffee machine backup. LOL. Cannot be without COFFEE. No no no. :errrr:

And LOL on being allergic to life. That's how I am feeling these days too Ovi. Truly allergic to life these days for me. My face is worse than ever. The POD is much improved but the rosacea papules are all over my face and so itchy. OMG the itching where the paps are located on my face is constant and nothing I do helps. I do feel allergic to life or at least physically hypersensitive to everything these days. :((

Both Greg and I are allergic to the kitties and Greg has been getting allergy shots for well over a decade now but he is down to going only once every 4 weeks now. He used to go every week for a long while and then every 2 weeks so once every 4 weeks is not bad. I OTOH have never gone for allergy shots as they probably would kill me. Leaving well enough alone. Most of the time I am OK now and I think it is because I have had cats since 1992 so I am desensitized to them. An allergy shot does that in a different sort of way but by me being exposed to them for all these years I am actually usually just fine around them. Though sometimes I have an asthma attack or raised welts when they lick me but for the most part I am fine around them now. Thankfully LOL because I had no other option IMO.

In the beginning years I had terrible asthma episodes and that was all from the kitties as I never had asthma till I got them. I remember in the early 90's after I developed the severe allergy I never had before I had to go to a pulmonologist because breathing was a real problem and he said I needed to get rid of the cats and if I did I would never need an inhaler or deal with asthma again. Of course I looked at him like he was crazy (and I am sure he thought the same of me) and I told him there was no way I was getting rid of them. Hahaha. He said most of his patients do get rid of their pets when he tells them they would be able to breathe no problem if they did. And I said then most of his patients don't really love their animals and consider them a part of the family as I do. ::)

And then Greg came into the picture and he was terribly allergic and never thought he cared for cats as he was always allergic and avoided them but it never deterred him from getting to know me (and the cats). I asked him did he think I was the crazy cat lady with 3 cats when we first started dating and he said because I was smart, cute and fun and funny he decided he would overlook that and get to know me. And it didn't help that my phone message at the time included the cats on the phone machine. It went something like this if I remember correctly: Hi, I'm not in right now but you can leave a message with Buster, Billy and Butch and one of us will get back to you. LOLOLOL and he said he thought that could indicate I was a lunatic but he decided to withhold judgment till he got to know me better. :cheeky: And we are both very glad he did! :bigsmile:

Callie, I am relieved your brother is getting a biopsy and hope it turns out to be nothing. Family can really drive us crazy that's for sure. I always tell myself we cannot choose our family so just do the best we can and that's why I cherish the people we do choose to be in our lives because they are there because they want to be and not because they have to be.

I always pick my own jewelry too Callie. It's just that I like Greg there with me so he can confirm my thoughts about whatever piece I am purchasing. Much of my jewelry does come from the estate jewelers in Lambertville. The sapphire, diamond and aquamarine necklace is one of them. I blame Greg for getting me hooked on jewelry in the first place actually now that we are discussing this. When we were dating he bought me jewelry on a number of occasions (his taste was remarkably good) and that's all I needed to get me bling obsessed I guess LOL. I have all the jewelry he ever bought me on his own while we were dating and I still love it all. I have stories to tell but will reserve for a later date or this post will never end and I am sure you girls have better things to do with your time than read this post all day haha.

Junebug, how is your search going? Any other ideas you want to share with us so we can better search with you? Are you set on getting a round or open to other cuts? I think you are flexible on the color grade if I am remembering correctly. I am going to try searching later today when we get home as we are planning a trip to the beach house so I can check out the new paint colors in the living room, dining room and kitchen and ceilings. Sure hope they look good or else repainting will have to be done.

Jimmianne, I can never tell from a pic or 2 either if a ring is a winner. Definitely check out as many pics as you can and also ask for a video because that really helps show the stone in more of a real life situation. Though ofc, nothing beats having the stone in hand. If you don't find one before the NYC trip we will all be there (hopefully!) to go with you and find one in person! :appl: I just might be wearing a paper bag over my head though. It's that bad. But I will not let it deter me from meeting you girls and going bling shopping!

Marcy, I'm sorry you are not feeling well and when you wake up this morning I hope you are all better. And I sure hope your hand doesn't hurt anymore today and you are able to go on the laptop and join us! Don't kid around now... :shock:

Kristie, I love the Show Me The Bling pics you posted! Please post more pics when you can...your jewelry is beautiful and I cannot believe you felt the least bit intimidated have amazing taste and gorgeous bling so post away! :appl:

ETA: Adding a pic (with Greg's permission) of Frankie and Bobby in 2009 when we first adopted them after our darling beloved Billy died :cry: :cry: :cry: . We went from having 2 cats (Fred and Billy) to having 4 cats. Here we are in our old beach house in Sea Girt. Not the best Greg pic but he's a guy so doesn't care haha. And I am also posting a random pic I just found while searching through my computer files of Greg with 2 of his dearest friends. A trip down memory lane. One of his friends in this pic is gone now sadly. Motorcycle accident in 2002 and that was actually the impetus for Greg getting rid of his motorcycle. 2 of his friends died from motorcycle accidents within a 12 month period. A terrible loss. :cry: :cry: :cry: Anyway, this pic is from happier times.
And I just found another old pic (this one much older) that I cannot resist sharing. Greg might kill me if he knew haha but since this is the last post on this page my guess is only the NIRDIs are going to see these last 2 pics. :cheeky:





Dec 9, 2013
Good morning!
I way overslept [up too late watching House of Cards], woke up in the couch, dressed for Pete's sake.
The strangest thing has happened...this morning my OEC looks bigger! I have never heard of REVERSE DDS :lol:
Of course I'm not going to stop looking looking just in case DDS returns.

My daughter is driving to New Orleans tomorrow with her adorable 20-something housemate - a French business student who is here to study before returning home to run the family winery. When she travels it is dangerous for ME because I often search for and buy bling to keep the anxiety down - that is how I ended up finding PS a year ago.

Has Sarahb stopped posting here? AM I missing something? This thread moves so fast! Wondering how she is doing.

Oh Missy - your bumps sound awful. I am so sorry to hear that. The dry winter weather probably makes it much worse. NO paper bags! Smiles trump bumps.

Is it OK if I'm in love with Greg too? He looks like such a sweetheart - you can tell him that he is the token heart throb on the NIRDs thread!

Callie - I missed the post about your brother also. How is he doing? I hope you will keep us in the loop.

PS.Thank you for all the kind words about my "blue" collection. It's fun to get out all the rings and do Gemfever hand shots. I hope all of you will try it and post here. Putting all similar rings together does look like something!
oh! I found another of those blue-striped rings on eBay last night that was a deal! [the one I bought at Tif. is too large for ring finger, so I've been hunting for a 5.5] They were asking $145, which is less than it costs new, so for a lark I offer $115 and this morning there was an eBay invoice in my mailbox. yay! amazing! It looks authentic and she said it is in excellent condition - which is always a question with enamel.

can you tell my coffee has kicked in? I could write all day. haha Puff sends loud love.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning Jimmianne! OMG I would love reverse DSS. How does one go about catching that LOL? I know Greg would thank you if you could tell me how haha. And a most definite yes- it is OK to be in love with Greg. I love all you girls so of course I want to share the love. I am sure he loves all of you too because of all you have done to help me through these last 8 plus months! What's that line from that show I like (sister wives I think is the name?) should be multiplied, not divided. :D

I love your pithy and wise saying smiles trumps bumps! I am going to remember that. THANK YOU Jimmianne!

We got up to episode 5 of House of Cards last night and then I was so sleepy we had to go to bed. More episodes tonight! Though I don't want to finish the whole season so quickly. Why can I never savor things I enjoy. If we finish it this weekend I will be sad. But I want to watch all the episodes. I cannot help it. :cheeky:

YAY for ebay deals, Woohoo! I cannot wait for you to get your new striped ring. I LOVE that ring and so glad you got another you can wear on your ring finger. Please post lots of pics when it arrives.

I am sending loud love to Puff! And lots of love to all your fur babies. And wishing your daughter a very safe and happy trip!!!

Sarah, we miss you and hope you keep improving and feeling stronger each day! I have been thinking of you too but didn't want you to feel pressured to post here so haven't been mentioning it but Jimmianne is right. We miss you and hope you are doing well!!!

ETA: Adding a pic of Frankie in Sea Girt from 2009. Oh, how quickly they grow. This is exactly why whenever I start going through things trying to organize my life (i.e. closets, drawers etc) I never get too far. I stop at each item thinking about all the memories. Going through old pics this morning has really set me behind schedule. LOL.



Dec 9, 2013
Episode 5 - impressive! I'm going to watch Ep.3 with breakfast.
Rx: An overnight soak in initially very warm water with a teaspoon of dawn makes diamonds look bigger - I think that's what got rid of my DDS.
Good and Happy day to everyone.


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Girls,

Thanks for sharing pix and stories, memories are something we must cherish. All your kitties are dolls. Yes, I too started developing asthma but it stopped after I started taking calcium supplements and later limited myself to sleeping only with one kitty at the most. My mom is a doctor and is allergic and has a cat too. There are many cat lovers who are allergic but like I said since I am already allergic to life cats are part of my life.:)))

I am fighting a terrible migraine, have been all day long and I am at the point that I want to just take a nap. I meant to do cooking today and still will tonight but I feel that even though I want to work, I cannot take this headache anymore. I may lie down for an hour. I am not productive this way. I am sure it is this sudden spring like weather for the first time and rain coming in a couple of days as well as my hormones.

I will definitely write more soon. Wow, reverse DSS Jimmianne, I sure wish I had that.:))) Which OEC are you talking about? Have you posted a pic of that one before?

Hope you all have a great day girls. Yes Sarah has disappeared from here and I am worried. I hope she is ok.


Apr 19, 2004

I glanced in to this thread and saw what I thought was the reference to NERD'S. I had to read back (and get my eyeglasses) to realize it is an acronym NIRDI (title of the thread)! I'm thinkin' really people are calling each other NERDS--and it isn't insulting?? :lol:

I guess I need your services, MIssy, after all. (or just use eyedrops more often...dry eyes = blurry vision). Speaking of that, congrats on going back to work--and managing well. :appl:



Feb 5, 2014
Hi Sharon, have a great weekend! Nice that you came over to visit here. We have not had much activity lately on FOTD. BTW, I just got some organic lavender orange oil body spray and lotion set for days when I want something relaxing but not strong. Hahaha, no we are not calling each other NERDs, guess we must appear to be a clique by now though, yeah we are the NIRDIs and others are always welcome to join, I am sure that our queen Missy will allow it too.:)))


Jun 8, 2008
canuk-gal|1425137557|3839735 said:

I glanced in to this thread and saw what I thought was the reference to NERD'S. I had to read back (and get my eyeglasses) to realize it is an acronym NIRDI (title of the thread)! I'm thinkin' really people are calling each other NERDS--and it isn't insulting?? :lol:

I guess I need your services, MIssy, after all. (or just use eyedrops more often...dry eyes = blurry vision). Speaking of that, congrats on going back to work--and managing well. :appl:


Sharon! Hi, how are you? I am back at work and glad to be back despite the challenges. I forgot how much I missed it. Funny how you can compartmentalize things when you need to. The mind can be very protective thank goodness.

I am here for you if you need my advice re your eyes. Please ask anything you want. You are one of my favorite PSers you know and Ovi is so funny. LOL Queen Missy indeed. No clique here. Everyone is welcome! :appl:

How is winter by you? I can only imagine how cold and snowy it must be. But spring is on the way or so I've been told. :big smile:

ETA: We are at the beach house and I LOVE the paint colors we chose for the kitchen and DR but not sure about the LR. I think I would like the kitchen color for the Living Room. I will live with it for a while and see how I feel as time goes on. They are all different shades of blue.


Apr 19, 2004
OVincze|1425137756|3839736 said:
Hi Sharon, have a great weekend! Nice that you came over to visit here. We have not had much activity lately on FOTD. BTW, I just got some organic lavender orange oil body spray and lotion set for days when I want something relaxing but not strong. Hahaha, no we are not calling each other NERDs, guess we must appear to be a clique by now though, yeah we are the NIRDIs and others are always welcome to join, I am sure that our queen Missy will allow it too.:)))

Thanks! I am sure you smell (and look) gorgeous!



Apr 19, 2004
missy|1425148002|3839787 said:
canuk-gal|1425137557|3839735 said:

I glanced in to this thread and saw what I thought was the reference to NERD'S. I had to read back (and get my eyeglasses) to realize it is an acronym NIRDI (title of the thread)! I'm thinkin' really people are calling each other NERDS--and it isn't insulting?? :lol:

I guess I need your services, MIssy, after all. (or just use eyedrops more often...dry eyes = blurry vision). Speaking of that, congrats on going back to work--and managing well. :appl:


Sharon! Hi, how are you? I am back at work and glad to be back despite the challenges. I forgot how much I missed it. Funny how you can compartmentalize things when you need to. The mind can be very protective thank goodness.

I am here for you if you need my advice re your eyes. Please ask anything you want. You are one of my favorite PSers you know and Ovi is so funny. LOL Queen Missy indeed. No clique here. Everyone is welcome! :appl:

How is winter by you? I can only imagine how cold and snowy it must be. But spring is on the way or so I've been told. :big smile:

ETA: We are at the beach house and I LOVE the paint colors we chose for the kitchen and DR but not sure about the LR. I think I would like the kitchen color for the Living Room. I will live with it for a while and see how I feel as time goes on. They are all different shades of blue.


Oh I am fine--eyes are just dry early AM. I recently had my vision checked and it has not changed. I was just complaining for the sake of it! :lol: I really just wanted to say I am very glad things are working out. I bet everyone has missed you at work!

We have been having very warm temps--for the Foothills--and it has been Spring "like" for well over a month. But just last week, it has returned to crummy cold and a little snow. I will not complain, tho, because Eastern Canada has been suffering terribly. But you know that since you are not too far from there.

I, too, feel buoyed by the day light when I drive to work and when I come home. It is just depressing--when it is dark all the time! Changing of the seasons--from Winter to Spring--is very welcome!!

Keep well. I just heard from my sister that her nephew sustained multiple fractures of his lower leg--with ACL damage. Ski accident. I do not have the details, but I think it cannot be happy or welcome news.



Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls, I hope everyone is having a great day. I apologize. I haven't said much regarding my brother on here. We have a strong history of male breast cancer in my family with a few realatives passing away from it. A female cousin has also been recently diagnosed with the same type of breast cancer her dad had. My brother has found a lump in his breast. The doctor did an ultrasound and told him to check back in 6 months. No biopsy! My brother has finally decided that he is going to make them do a biopsy and decided not to wait the 6 months. I'm so grateful he is not waiting. My mom and I have been a nervous wreck the past week about this and unable to sleep. I love my brother dearly. Hopefully they will schedule the biopsy in the next week or two. Sometimes I just feel like I have put too much personal stuff about my life on here for the whole world to see. I really have no problem at all sharing details of my life you you girls privately. Am I the only one whole feels this way?

Missy, I love the picture of Greg when he was younger. I remember that haircut well. All the guys had that style back in the day, my husband included. I have a funny story about the sister wives show. My husband walked in the room one night as I was watching it. I told him I would love to have the NIRD's as sister wives. He laughed and said he could not even imagine trying to pay for all our combined jewelry wants. He said I was bad enough all on my own! I told him that I would be impossible to live with if I had access to seeing Missy's beautiful ring everyday. The begging would never stop until I had one of my own, on my hand! He is already tired of me showing him pictures of your beautiful Bea! Do you also have spares of your favorite clothing. I'm terribly guilty of this. My girlfriends used to tease me endlessly about this until they came around to my way of thinking. Now they have spares of their favorites as well. I've been told by doctor that I shouldn't have a dog due to my allergies, She feels she is the cause of my sinus infections being more frequent. I think I told her that would happen over my dead body and it would be no different then me telling her to get rid of one of her children. She started laughing and okay, enough said. My poor furbaby needs to have a bath every week due to my allergies. I made sure it was okay with her vet. I'm so thankful she doesn't have any skin conditions and that it hasn't bothered her skin at all. I also had the shots every week for two years and it didn't help at all.

OV, I wish we lived near each other so we could go shopping together. I love black dresses and think a black and blush colored dress sounds beautiful. Do you think it may wash you out? Can you imagine the dress shopping we would do together, and bag shopping, and bling shopping. Okay the shopping is pretty much endless. I'm so proud of you for using your new purchases right away. You need to stay on me about wearing my purchases as well. I wish I had the money for all the clothing purchases from the past three years that I never wore. I just keep buying more. I swear I am a clothes addict!

Jimmianne, I hope your reverse diamond shrinkage syndrome finds it way to me. Pricescope has had the worst effect of diamonds appearing smaller on me. My poor husband buys me a larger stone and six months later I still want bigger! It's really is a serious disease.
I hope your daughter arrives safely so you can quit worrying. I love the ring Junebug found. I have no idea if it is a fair price. Is this one a contender?

Sharon, It was so nice to see you popped in this thread! I'm so sorry about you nephew's skiing accident.

Sarah, I hope you are continuing to feel better and have just been busy with other things to pop in.

Girls, I want to apologize if I have ever offended any one calling them sweetie or honey. I know I say this especially if I am trying to comfort someone I care about. I realized this when I was working and I overheard one of the younger girls, who was going thru a rough time, telling someone she will feel better as soon as I was back from lunch. She told the other girl I would hug her and say "oh honey, everything is going to be okay" It kind of made me realize I said it often. If I say anything that bothers you, please let me know and I promise I will do my best not to say it again.

Gosh I also apologize for this being such a long post!


Jul 1, 2014
canuk-gal|1425137557|3839735 said:

I glanced in to this thread and saw what I thought was the reference to NERD'S. I had to read back (and get my eyeglasses) to realize it is an acronym NIRDI (title of the thread)! I'm thinkin' really people are calling each other NERDS--and it isn't insulting?? :lol:

I guess I need your services, MIssy, after all. (or just use eyedrops more often...dry eyes = blurry vision). Speaking of that, congrats on going back to work--and managing well. :appl:


Hi Sharon: For maximal politesse, please make that Ms. NIRDIs, heehee, never NIRDI Hons, NIRDI sweeties, etc. (Still laffing over yesterday's HON/SWEETIE/DEAR thread).

NIRDIs and Proud! We're letting our NIRDI flag fly! :lol:


Jul 1, 2014
Callie, I know I said I hate "honey" "hon" "sweetie" and "dear" and I should have been more specific: I don't like it when its condescending or patronizing, I don't much like it from men, I don't like it in the workplace, and I don't like it as a patient.

From my friends? I love it! I count you there, Callie, so the next time I'm down in the dumps I'm going to call on you for a honey/sweetie/dear okay????


Feb 5, 2014
Dear Callie, you see as I have said I do the same thing, honey, darling, dear, all these things are said to comfort another person you care about, I do the same thing and take my apologies too if someone considers it offensive, we all have our way of saying things and no I do not think anyone has ever taken it the wrong way from you.

I can feel your desperation in your post, I wish you had said something to me, you kept caring about me very much, worrying about me and asking me how I was yet you said nothing about your pain and worries. Please do if you want to share because know that I want to be there for you too, I am not so self absorbed that I do not want to offer a shoulder. Yes, perhaps I have had days where I was really down and really suffering from anxiety and though I know those days are not completely over yet, we all experience them in our lives. Maybe those days we cannot listen as well but I am here for you even then and all the other days.

I totally get what you mean. I also cannot post about everything here. This is why we talk to each other privately. There are details that I definitely do not and probably should not share here, such as litigation, any legal proceeding and some real scary or negative stuff. I sometimes feel it is too much. I am sure everyone understands what you mean. Then we say it in PM-s to each other not to leave others out but because we do not want to overwhelm others and because sometimes it is scary to write about such stuff publicly on the net.

I still remember how you were here for me when Puma died, I remember you wanted to take me out to dinner when I was really suffering and cried for days and spent NYE alone, that was very touching. Then things spiralled out of control in my life and you were still there. You are special, you made me happy just making me think that you would come over and drag me out of the house to enjoy your company.

Yes, it would be awesome to go shopping together. I do wear lots of black, especially to work and for business meetings. You are right I love nude too but I am not so sure if it is really me. I think that black looks good on everyone and is so classy and chic and I have tons of black dresses too, some with a bit of color or pattern and some without. I was dying for that black lace Burberry dress at the outlets in December. It is probably a good thing I did not buy it as I lost almost 7 pounds afterwards and it was the kind of dress that looks best when fitted. It is just that to me spring is about color, summer even more so, I get tired of wearing mostly black and taupe and such colors in the winter by this time of the year. I do wear color in the winter too but there are those dark months when I do not so much.

Right now I am trying to remain responsible and good anyhow and not shop just dream and focus on other things I need to do, anyhow I got myself bling, a bag and a perfume in the last month so I am good for a while.:)))

Please do keep us posted about your brother dear Callie. My mom is also going March 9. Her lump has been there for a couple of years and she is going for rechecks every six months, I wish they had just taken that darn thing out because now we have to be scared every six month.

I am sending you cyberhugs, lots of them.


Feb 5, 2014
Ok NIRDIs and all Girls here I missed the now infamous Honey thread. I will go and look. I am guilty too. Kristie, one of my favorite friends here will now hate me too, yikes!

I told you Sharon that Queen Missy will let you in, we think that you are cool and she confirmed and approved you joining the NIRDIs.:)))

BTW, thanks so much for saying such nice things about me Sharon. I do absolutely love scent. I truly miss those Basenoter days before sending fumes was banned. I guess that there is one thing I love even more than scent, and that is... bling, you guessed it right, are we surprised?

Ok, in reality of course I love my family, my friends and my pets the most in the world but just talking hobbies, passions, fun things, material things.

I did not nap today but I am having pain. My mom has had horrible pain today, something is in the air, of course I inherited her autoimmune disease but I am much younger and it is not as bad. I feel like just going to bed like now which would be way odd for me at 10 on a Saturday night.


Jun 7, 2014
azstonie|1425155288|3839841 said:
Callie, I know I said I hate "honey" "hon" "sweetie" and "dear" and I should have been more specific: I don't like it when its condescending or patronizing, I don't much like it from men, I don't like it in the workplace, and I don't like it as a patient.

From my friends? I love it! I count you there, Callie, so the next time I'm down in the dumps I'm going to call on you for a honey/sweetie/dear okay????

Anytime KRISTIE, You know I love you and will be happy to provide comfort to you any time you need it. You can always count on me hon! You do remember we became sisters a few months ago, right???


Jul 1, 2014
Callie, fer sure (Valley Girl voice heehee)!

I only got up to Episode 2 last night of HOC. Its even MORE chilling so far than the last 2 seasons! Luv it.

For any of you who enjoy a good binge watch, I also LUVd Pretty Little Liars, highly recommend it. It really evolves into a great Whodunit and it will make your inner high school chick laff, it'll take ya back to The Day :sun: Bob plays Candy Crush while I watch PLL (He calls it Dirty Little Liars because the girls pretty much all dress like hookers for school, haha) and everyone now and then in each episode one of the girls says something really droll and he just cackles away :lol: So guys like it but prolly won't admit to that.

Last night, I saw a 4-mm red patch just below my eyebrow. I went back to look 20 minutes later and it was a wheal or hive!!! I pitched my CeraVe eyecream right into the garbage. I swear, I cannot find a moisturizer for the eye area. I put some Benadryl cream on the wheal/hive and it went away. Urgh. Dry skin, who doesn't look GREAT with dry skin, ha.

Thanks to my NIRDIs for your comments on my two postings on SMTB. I really was intimidated to post because years ago when I posted on Colored Stones, OMG, the nasty things that were said in those days. Terrible. I still don't visit Colored Stones even though I have some slammin' colored stones. But my diamond, its only 1.24, its not perfect (I call it Quasimodo because one part of the arc of the upper curve is 'high') and its a warm color in a modern stone. So its not impressive or anything but the cra cra thing is I love that ring/diamond because Bob bought it for me when I broke my leg/knee and he could easily have said "not a good time to buy a diamond" but he did it and that just made my heart sing so when I look at the ring I don't see the high shoulder or the warm color I see love and caring there on my finger.

That said, Bob DID say I could have a 2+ carater for 20 years of marriage.

That's next year!!! ;-)


Jun 7, 2014
OV!, Your post really touched me. Please know I am here for you no matter what is going on in your life! I hope everything goes well for your mom. I truly understand how you feel about just wanting them to take it out. To me, being worried and anxious is the absolute worse. I find I'm also worrying more the older get, especially about those I care about.


Jul 1, 2014
Callie, I'm glad your bro had the ultrasound but I'm MORE glad he is requesting the biopsy. Given the family history of mortality due to breast cancer, a biopsy will definitively solve the Is It question and if it isn't everyone can go back to life as usual and if it IS, then treatment can commence. If it is, a removal will be easiest done at its smallest dimensions.

That is good news, Callie.

If any of us have any kind of testing, here's is what you should ask for:
1. Copies of the imaging on BOTH disc and jpeg. This is SOP so don't feel afraid to ask.
2. Copies of the pathology report, or the radiology report. #1 requires #2 and vice versa, you must have both in your possession.

Then you can send your slides or blocs plus the radiologist's or pathologist's report to another institution of excellence for diagnosis. Never start treatment unless you are DOUBLE DOG SURE of the diagnosis. For me, that means I want another pathology or radiology interpretation.

I can't tell you how many patients have terrible trouble with the disease because they don't have their imaging and they don't have their reports and they don't know where their pathology slides or blocs are stored and how long will they be stored. Hospitals and clinics lose these things all the time or they just take too long to send them along to your next docs, etc etc. If you have these in YOUR possession you will never depend on someone else to keep the ball rolling.


Feb 5, 2014
Kristie, you know how we discussed that we do not have perfection disease.:))) Even if I have seen many superideal diamonds I can so love the not so perfect and that is perfectly fine (pun intended). I adore your ring and your pear stone. We also discussed that but I love inclusions, I find myself sort of an inclusionist and truly adore stones with lower clarity grades because their inclusions are like their birth marks to me and I find them fascinating to study. Unlike many claim and I know Gary said this in another thread, inclusions are really not so likely to cause chips. A cutter friend cuts industrial and funny how stones hardly held together stay together through cutting. Not to say your pear has inclusions, this part I cannot remember but listen if it has a tint, I never noticed it on pix and I am very color sensitive and if it does, so what? Some of mine do too and if it is a bit out of proportion, it is still not a Quasimodo. Hope we are talking about the same bling and will visit your thread for sure but it is a beauty.

I have a little stone, it is a small diamond, horribly chipped, it is my lucky stone. It was once a perfect stone, looks icy white and inclusion free otherwise and I would never part with it as it was a gift from my mom. It was already chipped as she was just given this stone the way it is. I am crazy enough that I even thought of setting it this way because it means something special to me. Many antique diamonds are also quite chipped, many of the famous ones too.

Callie, thank you for saying those kind words to me. I am very scared too, my mom said to me tonight that she wanted me to be ok because she does not know how long she will be around. I had a very bad feeling last year and stayed in this marriage so long for that reason. I would feel completely alone in the world without her. She is the only one left of my family, those people that I could really consider family, my grandmas passed away and you know my dad, grandpa on his side and sister I really cannot consider family. I understand how you feel. I have no idea why I have this knot in my stomach tonight. Not sure what this feeling is, I know myself how I can sense things and hopefully it is not something bad. I am definitely here for you and crossing all my fingers for your brother, just know that. And yes no matter what happens we can still go on a virtual shopping trip together.:)))


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies!

Callie, I hate to hear about the breast cancer than runs in your family. I don’t blame all of you for being very concerned about your brother. I think he is wise to have the biopsy done now. I completely understand a hesitation to post private things on PS. I often think I put too many personal things on here but you know I think talking to you guys finally about my parents was kind of a turning point for me. It’s a tough call. I do feel better today, thank you for asking. When I upgraded to my 1-carat diamond I was arguing with myself whether to spend that much money. I told Marty is was going to cost more than I planned and he said “doesn’t it always?” I couldn’t argue with him on that. But sometimes we just need to get that jewelry that is calling our name, right? Those crusty rolls are really good so I hope you find them in the store. How fun to start shopping for spring and summer dresses; our minds are willing now lets get Mother Nature to cooperate with us.

Ovi, Marty misses his Nespresso machine when he’s traveling. He loves his coffee. I am glad you are enjoying your pretty new ring. Yes, we all need more bling money. I had a yellow Fossil handbag and loved it but it sure got dirty fast. I used some leather cleaner on it a few times and finally quit using it. My back is feeling better today. I notice the right shoulder blade is kind of achy but nothing like the other side yesterday. I agree the weather could certainly make our backs and necks sore; I am delighted you are enjoying some nice spring weather. I’ve been playing with different gems on that emerald ring today to see what I could do to bling it up a little. You, Missy and me certainly have more than our share of allergies. I hope your migraine is gone when you wake up tomorrow.

Missy, sorry your face is so itchy today. That is so miserable. Good thing you have bling and us to help distract you. I loved your story of the beginnings with Greg. We are glad he stuck with you and your cats. I love your old phone greeting, that is awesome. I am better today, thank you. I’d find a way to type and post on your thread somehow. Great pictures of Greg, kitties and his friends. I am sorry to hear about Greg losing 2 friends to motorcycle accidents. My best friend from college was killed on one too. I told Marty after that he wasn’t ever going to have one. He went through a spell where he really wanted one but I held firm. He won’t wear a bike helmet when he rides his bike, which doesn’t make me very happy. The old picture of Frankie is very cute. Glad to hear you like the new colors at the beach house.

Jimmianne, I can understand being nervous when your daughter travels. I tend to buy more things when Marty travels. We are glad you found Pricescope. That sounds like a great deal on another blue striped ring. How is Puff doing? Can he say bling yet?

Sarahb, I was wondering how you are doing too. I hope you are getting better every day.

Sharon, that’s great you’ve had mild weather. I hate to hear about your sister’s nephew that is awful.

Kristie, I definitely can hear a Valley Girl “for sure” going off in my head. I do well with the eye crème from Clinque; ugh to getting a hive so near your eye. Benadryl cream saves me a lot of times too. I will have to go find your SMTB threads. I do understand being hesitant to post in CS; I’ve been disappointed at how some people get treated in there so I rarely go there anymore. Sweet to begin thinking about a 2+ carat to celebrate your 20th anniversary.

As for the discussion on calling me hon, sweetie or honey – trust me I’ve been called a LOT worse. I guess I only mind it if it’s from someone I don’t know or like.

I was really tired and went by bed by 10:15 last night. I slept with the heading pad again and was definitely better this morning. We had another lazy day. Marty didn’t really wake up until about noon. I ran some stuff to the post office and picked up window food. We had some leftovers for supper and I tried my new mixer so we had a piece of cake. This mixer is certainly quieter that my old one was.

The expected snow didn’t show but we had flurries off and on all day. It is still way to darned cold here though.

Take care.


Jun 17, 2009

Missy, I'm so sorry about your skin, the itching sounds terrible and it must be driving you crazy. I'm glad you were able to get to the beach house this weekend, hopefully it's a nice distraction for you. My husband and I watched the first episode of House of Cards tonight, and we were so tempted to watch another one, but he was getting tired and he wants to make the episodes last! Love the pics of Greg and the kitties, what a great smile he has. I loved hearing about the early days of your relationship! That's a shame about the loss of his friends, such a hard thing to experience. I've never been a big fan of motorcycles, just seems so easy to have an accident on one. My husband bought one years ago while we were still dating and luckily the novelty wore off pretty quickly and he sold it after a few months. Not much new going on with the ring shopping…don't hate me, but I'm still looking at that first DBL ring I posted! :cheeky: I know it's a little OTT, but I honestly think it will be more delicate IRL…but I'm keeping my options open - I just feel like I've exhausted the online options. I've checked out DBL, Leibish, and Enchanted diamonds and have found a few diamonds in my budget. I'd like to stick with companies that seem reputable and that others have used. I didn't realize yellow diamonds were so expensive lol. I normally lean towards a more vintage/antique style so I'm revisiting the idea of y-z August Vintage cushion in a setting along the lines of something like these. That means going the custom route, which I've never done before.

This is turning into a bigger production than I thought! I might just hold on to the money and buy less expensive things when the mood strikes!

Marcy, glad to hear you're feeling better, hope you're doing even better tomorrow. I'm glad the heating pad made a difference for you. Sounds like a lazy day was just what you needed! Have another one tomorrow, you deserve it. Stay warm, I agree that this cold weather is really getting old.

Calliecake, I'm sorry to hear about your brother's health issue, I can understand how worried you must be and how stressful this is for your family. It's terrible that you are all going through such a scare. I'm so glad he is insisting on a biopsy, so much better to know what's going on right now, instead of putting it off and prolonging the worry. I will be keeping him in my thoughts and hoping for the best possible outcome. Hugs to you, please take care of yourself and try to get some sleep, easier said than done I know.

And I'm loving the idea of being sister wives! Maybe Missy would let us take turns wearing her ring heehee!

Hi Ovi, sorry you have been having some pain, I hope you get some rest and are feeling better soon. Please know I'm keeping your mother in my thoughts, and hoping that she remains healthy and is with you for a very long time. It is so hard to go through this kind of worry and concern about our loved ones, please take care so that this anxiety you're feeling doesn't start taking its toll on you. This is something I struggle with as well and I know it's very hard to control our emotions when we are so scared and worried. Hugs to you, hang in there.

Kristie, I really do love your pear, and I was so excited to see your ring - and I love what it represents even more - I love the story of Bob getting it for you even though the timing wasn't perfect; he wanted to make you happy - now that's true love. and a 2 carat stone sounds like the perfect way to celebrate 20 years! Exciting!

Jimmianne, I agree with you - I think a good cleaning does make a diamond look bigger! I cleaned my studs today and they really did look larger on my ears. And I could swear they look a little whiter too lol.

Sarah, I'm thinking of you and hope you're doing ok!

Ok, this isn't good…I'm downstairs in the kitchen and I can hear my husband snoring upstairs. Yikes.




Feb 5, 2014

Happy Sunday to everyone. It is always very nice to hear from every one of you.

I too am wondering how Sarah is and does anyone know her contacts so they can check? Perhaps she has posted elsewhere too?

Missy, I miss hearing from you and hoping you had a great time at the beach house, you have no idea how much I envy you. Although technically I live by a lake, it is still some 5-10 minutes drive from me, I cannot truly enjoy that and there is nothing like the ocean. I love that so much. Maybe I will get to see it when we do our GTG. Talk about GTG, does anyone have an idea when we should do it? I have thought of end of summer or winter but I think December is not the best time to visit NYC and of course most people are preparing for the holidays so that is likely out. I want to plan for this as I so want to do it. I am sort of thinking that August would be awesome but others should make their suggestions and we can come to a conclusion, if we want to see Queen Missy, we should plan on it soon.

Junebug, how is your mom? I know how hard it is remembering how long my grandma suffered but I was not there as I lived in the capital. Still, I had a hard time even last night thinking my mom is not well. I just keep thinking that she has always defeated the odds and lived through so much that nothing can defeat her but I also know that this is not true.

Beautiful rings you posted, as everyone knows I too love antique style, I love modern halos too but somehow antique settings always knock me off my feet. I of course cannot comment on your choices and options but yellows should not be so bad and you should be able to get your dream ring within your budget, I know you will and remember that the hunt is a huge part of the fun of getting a beautiful piece whether purchased or custom made. Although I do not hunt for bling for me also designing and making the bling creates a lot of joy and then seeing how things are transformed and the end results. Enjoy the ride for now, you will be rewarded at the end.

Marcy, hi girlfriend, nice to hear from you. Haha Marty is like me that he does not step out of the house without a Nespresso machine.:))) I remember you post from a while ago that he misses his espresso machine when he is gone. I do too. I am a very serious Nespresso addict. Fortunately, we do have Nespresso at work so you can imagine it does not help my addiction. In the US I had a very bad Starbucks addiction and always said that I would miss that the most in Europe, now that we have Starbucks here I almost never go. I am into my home Nespresso. My orange machine made me really happy, it is such a happy color for the warm season. Marcy, I always sleep with a heating pad, well a large electic blanket underneath, now I am not sure that I could sleep without one anymore, love that so much.

Kristie, wow I did not know you were already coming on twenty years, big congrats soon for you. A 2+ carater? That is my HG too. I am being patient waiting though for the moment but watch it one day it may come as a total surprise that I get one. I am thinking next year too perhaps and then we will be rock sisters too.:))) That hunt will be huge for you. For now you can enjoy your stunning beauties, to me also something over 1 carat is a great joy to own.

I am thinking that our Missy will join us for coffee soon. Cannot wait, we sometimes write at the same time.

Enjoy your day girls, it is once again beautiful weather here but I am thinking that is one reason my mom and me were having such joint pain last night.


Dec 9, 2013

I had to share this. It was posted on facebook this morning; a video of one of my "kids" running with the mini horses.
We are now iced in and it will be interesting to see how many more small trees come down. Nature's pruning crew!

Junebug, I know what you mean about the process becoming overwhelming. The reality [details] of buying more expensive rings online is mind-tiring. A lot of soul searching. I thought I was going to buy the LAD OEC, but the response time was slow so I found the Etsy OEC and he promised videos, but I haven't gotten them, so I found another gorgeous OEC on Esty ... and now the whole thing is seeming less urgent and I'm actually changing my mind about what I want... and I am discovering that there are many many beautiful OECs in my price range. eek! what if I had bought the first stone. around & around we go. the hunting is the best part - I always end up buying several smaller items instead, but hoping at some point to pull the trigger on the OTT statement piece.
Is there such a thing as too OTT? What is OTT for you?


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning ladies and happy March 1st!
Gone for less than half a day and looks like I missed quite a bit here.

Sharon, I am so sorry about your nephew's accident and injuries! How awful! I am sure your sister and nephew are on top of things but if she is looking for a great trauma surgeon (at a top orthopedic hospital) Hospital for Special Surgery is one to consider and my surgeon David Wellman MD is top notch. IDK if he has had surgery yet or not though but in any case I am sending many healing vibes your nephew's way and bucket loads of PS ***DUST***. I am so sorry! Please let us know how he is doing. (((HUGS))).

I'm with you. The longer days with more light help elevate my mood and go a long way in making everything seem better. YAY for spring being on the way!

Callie, OMG yes I have spares of much of my clothing and well you know boots too LOL. Bad girls! And like you many of my spare dresses etc have not even had the tags taken off them yet and many of them are well over a year old. :oops: Hmm I guess this should be put in the True Confessions thread haha.

I am not surprised about your allergies to your sweet dog and the fact that it doesn't change your mind either. True animal lovers just deal with the discomfort and the consequences. Maybe we are a bit crazy but I'm glad to be then if not being so means I have to give up my fur babies! I'm sorry the allergy shots didn't help you at all. They helped Greg so much plus he takes prescribed allergy meds that also help. No way could we have gone on to adopt 4 kitties if they didn't help somewhat. We might have just stuck with 2!

I love the color black in my wardrobe also and as you can probably imagine I would say the majority of my wardrobe consists of black clothing. Though I do have many colorful dresses but only because when I go shopping that's what is in the stores and I do like them as well. It's just that I prefer solid colors on me over prints but I get what I can and sometimes it is nice to go for a brighter print dress over a solid color. I think we all share the love of shopping. :devil:

That is hysterical about your dh and what he said about not being able to afford us all. LOL. :lol: But just think of the perks. We "PS Sister Wives" could entertain each other endlessly while the "Brother Husbands" (Hah there's a term for you) can play golf and do other things we don't care to do. Win win!

Oh and please do NOT apologize for calling me honey or sweetie or any other term/word of endearment! I already wrote in the "HON" thread that I love when it comes from someone I care about. OK? Hon? :kiss: And also never apologize for a long post or else I will start feeling funny about my own long posts. :cheeky:

Good luck for your brother's biopsy and please keep us posted Callie. Fingers crossed it turns out negative and sending lots of PS ***DUST*** his way.

Kristie, I agree with you. Not appropriate in the work place (unless one works in a diner or a brothel or somewhere like that haha) and definitely not appropriate from a patient. We know when it is used in a condescending or patronizing manner.

I am sorry you got a hive on your face yesterday. I am glad the Benadryl cream took care if it. So frustrating when they just pop up. I am getting new ones almost daily and cannot figure it out. Antihistamines and allergy meds do nothing for them for me.

Thanks for that info as to what we should get from our doctors and hospitals. I still have to get things from HSS. I needed the reminder and thanks for that.

Yay for Bob being such a wonderful dh!!! And Woohoo on that 2 plus carat ring you will be searching for soon! :appl: And please post more on SMTB Kristie. Your jewelry is GORGEOUS and you have no reason to feel the slightest bit intimidated! I didn't know the colored stone section all those years ago and truthfully I am not on that section much nowadays but the women there now seem lovely to me. There are always a couple of outliers in every group though. Not our group however. We are all lovely. Most of the time. :halo:

Ovi, how are you feeling this morning? Sorry I missed our morning coffee. I didn't sleep too well last night and didn't wake up as early as I normally do. Now I have an antihistamine hangover so I am still a bit fuzzy. Drinking my morning coffee now and I have so much to do today. Very behind schedule. I want us to enjoy our Sunday gosh darn it so need to get through the chores and cooking and extra laundry (Francesca just came onto the bed and proceeded to vomit the breakfast I just fed her poor baby so now the comforter needs to be washed too). But I always have time for my NIRDIs!

How is Sapphie this morning? And how does your mom feel? I am sorry you are both dealing with autoimmune issues. My mom has RA and it is moderately severe and she takes Enbril for it along with other meds so I understand what it is like when dealing with complicated and challenging medical issues. And I am sorry you are suffering with a migraine and joint pain right now Ovi. :blackeye: I hope you are feeling better when you read this.

Do you have anything fun planned for today? It is supposed to snow here in the afternoon so not sure what we are going to do though I might want to go to IKEA so we can return the lights we did not use and also maybe find a new overhead fan for the beach kitchen. It was so nice taking a day trip there yesterday to see the paint colors and also the house as I have not been there since December. It only took us about 65 minutes each way yesterday as there is not much traffic in February going to the beach on weekends with good reason LOL. So cold. Though yesterday felt mild compared to the weather we had been having. It was in the mid 30's I think. A heat wave. :bigsmile:

It is pretty at the beach house and I hope all of you can visit me there. Maybe when you girls come to visit NYC we can take a day trip there as it is not far. IDK what you are thinking in terms of season to visit but I think late spring or early autumn is best though I am A-OK with summer too! Just not winter because that is too unpredictable in terms of you traveling and safety. I don't want anyone flying when it is icy cold. No no no. I already have lots of ideas as to what we can do when you visit. And I think a day trip to the beach house would be so much fun or even longer.

Marcy, we call motorcycles donor cycles here and I think you can figure out the reason. I am very glad you didn't let Marty get one! I was none too pleased but Greg bought his motorcycle while we were dating and I didn't feel as if I could say no at that time as we were just dating and not for that long at the time he decided he wanted one. Well fast forward a few years and then one of his good friends with a wife and little boy had an accident and he died. And then less than 12 months after that another friend died in a motorcycle accident and that was that. He said to me one day how would I feel if he got rid of the motorcycle. LOL how do you think I responded to that. I would never get on that thing (except for once when he convinced me to take a quick ride around the block) and was so relieved when he got rid of it. He still has an all leather very high end outfit he got at that time and a few other souvenirs but for the most part he got rid of all the gear. I have a pic up at the beach house of the 2 of us on the motorcycle and if I can remember when I go back I will scan a pic into the computer and share with you girls. We looked so young!

I'm with Marty. When I travel I need my comforts and coffee is one of them. When I went to Europe for 3 months in between college and Optometry school I traveled with a coffee pot LOLOL. We were students and poor so we didn't stay at hotels (for the most part) that might have offered coffee pots in the rooms. Oh I miss the Italian espressos though. LOVE espresso and somehow drinking it in Italy tastes that much sweeter. :lickout:

Junebug, I LOVE the rings you just posted here. Especially the first one! And I am so sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable about any of your choices! OMG that was not my intent nor how I feel about any of your choices either. I just love exploring all possible options before making a big jewelry decision, that's all. I LOVE any and all of your choices and I do think IRL the rings will look more delicate than they do in super magnified pics here. I really love that y-z AV cushion in the halo ring you posted. Beautiful! :love:

Yes, yellow diamonds are expensive. I remember the ring I *almost* got would have cost almost as much as my OEC that I ended up getting. Though much of that had to do with the jewelry store I was dealing with so perhaps if I went to a PS vendor or someone else that was trustworthy I could have gotten more for my money. Wherever you do buy make sure there is a return policy so once you have it in hand you can see what you really think. IRL is different than online as we all know too well! It is so exciting and I cannot wait for you to have your dream yellow diamond halo ring! :appl:

How is your mom doing these days? Have you discussed getting extra help with your siblings yet? I think your trip is coming up soon. Lots of good things going on with you Junebug. Very happy about that!

Jimmianne, oh no, I am worried you are iced in. Please stay safe and be careful when you go out to feed all the animals. I almost slipped on ice yesterday and that was with me being careful. Slow going please!

We got up to episode 8 of HOC last night. LOL we will be finished with the whole season soon and I will be sad when we are. When are you expecting your new Tiffany striped ring? I love expecting presents in the mail. Exciting!

I love that video, thanks for sharing. Those mini ponies are GORGEOUS!

I agree the hunt is so much of the fun and when making a big decision like jewelry one must take their time and explore all the options if not absolutely sure yanno? I mean don't do it like I did LOL. I think I got one of the first OEC's I saw but that was just timing. I almost ended up with a yellow diamond so it was good I looked at all the different choices as I wasn't sure at the time. But when I saw the OEC I ended up ultimately purchasing I just *knew* it was the one.

And IMO there is no such thing as OTT with jewelry. It's all about what you LOVE and fall in love with IMO. Whatever makes you happy and filled with joy when you look at your ring or whatever other piece of jewelry you are choosing.

How is your daughter? I hope she made it to her destination safely so you can relax and she can enjoy her trip. Hugs to you and Puff and all the other farm animals. Hope you are enjoying your day!

Sarah, we are all still thinking of you and hoping you are doing well!

ETA: Posting a pic of my newest boots. Vince Camuto. I took a chance and ordered them online and they are very comfy. Not as sharp and well fitting as my SW boots but still fun nonetheless and at a much sweeter price tag.

I am also behind on sharing all my other new SW boot purchases. Please accept my apologies. I bought so many new pairs in Jan and Feb and I have not had the time nor energy to take pics and post them. The VC boots I wore yesterday when we went to the beach house and I was able to snap a quick pic for you guys. OK also posting a pic of what I think is the SW mainline boot or Lander boot. Cannot remember which as they look similar LOL. Many more pairs to follow when I wear them and remember to take pics.

You can see the color of the oak flooring we have at the beach house vs the Iroko wood flooring we have at our apartment. The top pic is from the beach house yesterday and the bottom pic is in the NY apt. I much prefer the lighter color we have in NY as the dark oak shows all the dust and cat hair.




Jun 8, 2008
OMG NIRDIs! I just read a post in the L colored thread by Rubies and some of the other lovely PS ladies about a NYC antique jewelry show in August...something to think about... :appl:


Feb 5, 2014
Wow, Missy I said I was staying away for a bit I know but I had to say that I absolutely love those Vince Camutos! Very cool and unique. You see that is how boots tend to fit me too, they stick out where they stick out on you but it somehow does not hurt this pair, they are A Amazing! The SWs are awesome of course and a perfect fit for sure, they are a must try for me though I gotta admit that I have to yet to spend that much on a pair of boots. I tend to not because I feel that in winter weather I would ruin them, so I spend more on sandals and pumps but for years I have promised myself that I would buy a pair of lavish boots, guess that will happen next year again ROFL.

Antique show? I must stay away.:)))


Jun 8, 2008
OK here is the correct info re the NYC antique jewelry show. It's at the end of July.

OMG it would be amazing if the NIRDIs could plan to come...Ovi, start saving up for it please!!!

And I bet the VC's would look amazing on you. You are too hard on yourself believe me. (((Hugs)))!!!


Dec 9, 2013
missy|1425221081|3840145 said:
OMG NIRDIs! I just read a post in the L colored thread by Rubies and some of the other lovely PS ladies about a NYC antique jewelry show in August...something to think about... :appl:


and those VC boots!!!


Jul 1, 2014
Those Vince Camuto boots? LIKEY!!!! :lickout: How fun and chic they are! I like them more than the SWs for that reason!!

I like the beach house floors and I say cat hair is a sign of a well loved home!

The pics of Greg are great. Is he a blingie guy? I can't tell in the pics. He's a good looking guy through the decades that's for sure. Regarding the motorcycle: 1. Thank god he got rid of his. 2. I tell Bob (all the guys in his family have Harleys) that when we are retired and living somewhere safer he can have a Can Am bike, they are the coolest looking trikes! Has Greg seen them? They are amazing and fun.

Marcy, Oh Marcy! Your foodie posts always make me hungry and frustrated so payback time: This morning I went to Panera and got a full fat latte, a BEAR CLAW which was TDF, and a bacon/egg/white Vermont cheddar and applewood smoked bacon sandwich was on the most tasty toasted and buttered pannini toast!!! TAKE THAT! A feast upon which to read the Sunday New York Times!

Junebug, I've done 25 custom jewelry projects. I almost always say NEVER AGAIN DAMMIT. Custom is obscenely expensive too. You will never. Ever. EVER get a price break on a custom piece. You will pay the going price of gold (nail that down, btw, on the day you hand over the first payment) and that is a real tear jerker these days although we're not quite back up to the hell that was gold at $1800/oz. Here is my advice: Do not go with one of the one-person independents because if there is a problem or something you don't like its a total crisis for that jeweler. In fact, when a Colored Stone poster wanted to return an item to a Colored Stone favored jeweler, same jeweler came to me to ask for money to pay that client back :shock: So if you go custom go with an outfit like Wink, Whiteflash, etc because you have some degree of safety there when it comes to customer satisfaction.

I'm down for that jewelry show in July although Missy, is NY hell in July? We'll be all sweaty and with bad curly hair :lol: OTH, I know from experience here that every place ya go is air conditioned.
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