
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Hi girls, I cannot sleep tonight though I was exhausted when I went to bed here I am after midnight and wide awake. Well at least I can keep up with your posts and get started on some of my posting lol.

Dear Sarah, first of all you are doing so amazing. Way ahead of the game. The pain will get less with each week and please don't be afraid to take the pain meds. I was too and also was afraid of becoming addicted. I can see it now. You and I the 2 least likely people to become addicted worrying about that lol.

In the first month or so part of my problem was I was scared to take enough pain meds because I didn't want to get nauseous or addicted but I needed them and finally started taking enough to get a handle on the pain. I stayed in the hospital for 4 days and 4 nights and I was taking morphine via IV and 3 Oxys every few hours for most of that time. I thought I had a high tolerance to pain but I cannot imagine someone who has a low tolerance going through that kind of pain.

So please take it if you need to and do whatever you need to (eat, anti nausea meds) to avoid the nausea and you will not become addicted.But stay ahead of that pain because it makes life miserable. Soon you will not even need the meds but take them while you need them. I remember I was so worried I would run out of the pain meds that I asked my surgeon to write for as many Oxy pills as he could and I have over 100 unused Oxy left lol. And just to reassure you I have no desire to take them ever again.

With each week you will see improvement. I was non weight bearing for 3 months so our individual experience will be somewhat different but as soon as I got to partial weight bearing I did improve much more quickly. I did all my PT faithfully with the goal of walking and walking well in mind. I still have a limp when I get up from a seated position and have to work that out by walking but I am so grateful for the progress I have made. And my ankle almost looks like the other ankle so another amazing change because it was not a pretty sight. The incisions are ugly but like we both wrote earlier. They are our war wounds and show we are leading interesting lives. And that's OK. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger right?

My girlfriend who was diagnosed with breast cancer this summer (in fact she visited me in the hospital the day she got her breast cancer diagnosis at Sloan) and underwent surgery and radiation this past autumn called me today and asked me how it is I'm not angry about what happened because she is having all these feelings of anger dealing with the breast cancer and the treatments. I told her I was angry at first. Angry at myself, angry at Greg because somehow blaming myself and Greg gave me some illusion of control over the situation and made me feel better. Except it really didn't. And my feelings of anger were quickly replaced with gratitude that I was able to get treatment and able to walk again and resume most of my activities.

The surgeon and other medical professionals in the field told me that if my injury happened decades ago before they had this technology I would never be able to walk right again or perhaps even walk so you can bet that I am grateful. That is not to say I am not sad occasionally when I think about the last 8 months ( and really 13 months when my health took a down turn) and all the lost time. Sure I do get sad about that especially because I am still dealing with some issues. But my overwhelming feeling is one of gratitude and thankfulness and appreciation. For my progress and the love and support of my friends and family. And of course you are already at this point but just sharing these thoughts with you in case it helps in any way. We both are so fortunate that we live in the time we do where advances have been made in this kind of technology that allows us the ability to retain most if not all of our functioning that we had before the injury and surgery.

To answer your other questions the pain was excruciating for me for at least a few weeks after the surgery (and 10 days before I was able to have the surgery-that was the worst part for me because I was just waiting for the surgery and no progress was being made during that waiting time) I think and I took 3 oxy pills every few hours during the first week or 2 after the surgery and tapered it down as the pain allowed. Don't be a hero. If you can tolerate the pain meds and the side effects don't make it bad take them as you need to. Eat those small meals with them and take the anti nausea meds before you take the Oxy. The pain was just so overwhelming in the first few weeks and as I wrote before drowned everything else out so I just needed to quiet that pain to function mentally because I wasn't functioning physically at all.

I can feel your pain Sarah. It is still fresh in my mind. I wish I could take it away and make this time speed up for you so you could already be where you want to be but it will come. I promise. And it is so helpful that you are in good shape and ready and willing to be better. You are the best type of patient. One who wants to and will do what it takes to get better.

Sending you the biggest (((HUGS))) and healing vibes for a full and as quick as possible recovery. You will get there and each week the pain will be less and less till it is just a distant memory. Please though don't overdo too much. Listen to your body and rest when it tells you to.

Thanks for your concern about our house during Sandy. We were very lucky as only our backyard got destroyed. The house was untouched. We rebuilt the backyard the winter/spring right after Sandy and while it was something I hope we never have to go through again we were so fortunate and I still cry thinking about those poor people who lost everything.

I only worked part time for the last number of years so I am going back to my usual days. I hope you find a good balance for you when that time comes. I think we know when it is time to let go and when we are just not ready yet. It's all about finding that perfect balance. I don't know what the future holds re work yet because there is a lot of extraneous stuff I am now going to have to deal with (EMR EMR EMR OMG OMG OMG LOL) that I am not sure I will be able to deal with nor want to deal with. Add to the mix all the other stuff I am dealing with and well I am playing it by ear. Day by day. One thing I promised myself during this summer (while I was recuperating and struggling with the pain and the challenge of being non weight bearing where I couldn't even do the simplest task for myself) was that I was not going to put myself through any unnecessary stress and suffering ever again. So while I am going back because I want to give it my all I am not going to stay if I hate it and I am also not going to beat myself up about that if it happens. Been there done that and I don't want to make myself feel badly or guilty if it doesn't work out. Giving it my all but I am mentally prepared if it doesn't pan out like I hope it does.

Callie, oh you poor dear. That is too much snow you were dealing with and I hope all your trees survive. Yes more snow on the way but I am hoping it is not too much. I have that appointment with a new dermatologist Monday and I would hate navigating the streets in the ice and snow but it isn't looking good unfortunately. I think we have that in common. Both ready for the winter weather to be over and longing for a beautiful sunny and mild spring...

Oh I am sure we could have found the perfect pair at the Miami show but not sure my pocketbook could have withstood the blow lol. Still looking though and as I wrote before the search is half the fun. I am ready to find the right pair now though as this has been a very long search.

Marcy, glad Marty drove you to work when the roads were icy the other day and glad they are clear now. You should put that bunny to work helping clear your driveway and street. He certainly has a lot of extra energy that could be channeled for good. Something to think about.

I hear you on the grocery shopping. I used to like grocery shopping but now the stores are too crowded and there is too much traffic everywhere. Truth be told Greg has been doing all the grocery shopping the last few weeks but I am going to try and go with him tomorrow. Of course it is well after midnight and I am still wide awake. Too much on my mind I guess. Same old same old.

Hope your roads stay clear and that you enjoy the weekend together. And I hope Marty is all caught up on his sleep too.

Have a good night everyone with sweet dreams! :snore:


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, how are you today after being a night-owl?
I agree with you, the thrill of the hunt is big part of things.

Sarahb, when I think of what you are going through now I hate it & want to send big hugs through the computer. Are your beautiful earrings giving you pleasure? I would like to think that as your diamonds pull in light and send it back out in the world they are making magic and helping with your healing.

Good morning to every NIRD!
and a good & happy weekend to all.

ps. Puff has started saying his name in a tiny soft voice that sounds like a creaking door hinge.


Jun 8, 2008
Aww Jimmianne, that is so precious! :love: I just want to reach through the screen and hug and kiss them both. SO adorable! Your sweet doggie seems like he wants to make friend with Puff. How does Puff feel about that? And how cool that Puff is saying his name. WOW. I wish we could teach our kitties to talk. Oh wait a minute, maybe I don't wish that. One of the nice things is that they cannot talk back to us LOL.

Thank you for sharing the picture and I would love it if you could post more photos of your animals when you have the chance if you don't mind that is.

OK I am posting this here because I trust you guys. What do you think? Top pair or bottom pair? Which do you prefer if any. Tell me the honest truth please even if you hate one or both pairs. I really don't know if I love either or both or none. My mind is so hazy these days and I don't trust my decision making right now and need your input.

Also what would you think is a fair price for the top pair? They are 1.1 carats and supposedly VS-SI F-G which well I am taking with a grain of salt. Just want to know what you guys think is a fair price for them. They are not antique earrings btw so that's another reason I am not jumping on them...







Dec 9, 2013
Wow - that's a tough one. They are both pretty...I think I like the top ones you posted best.


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks Jimmianne. The top pair has more oomph for sure but I am so undecided for some reason. I loved the pair I originally bought that broke and then I just felt it was a sign they weren't right for me. Plus the original pair was a lot more money so I felt guilty spending that while not working or even if I was working because as many of you (Hi Callie!) can relate we are trying to save for retirement so I don't want to splurge on jewelry these days. Though if you add up all I spent on boots in 2014 I could have bought one beautiful pair of diamond earrings lol.


Jul 1, 2014
Missy, I love the earrings! So pretty and feminine and spring-ie!!! Where are they from, an antique or estate place?

Sarah, please feel free to call me Kristie, "AZstonie" is a keyboardful :bigsmile: I was wondering, you're out of your cast? If you are, look into getting a prescription for some Voltaren gel if your surgeon thinks it would help. Its a very local painkiller, I used it at night on my leg and knee to be able to sleep without pain and discomfort. It also took all the ache and discomfort out of my hands (back when I was still working for Mayo and doing way too much keyboarding) too :appl: My mom used it with great success on her sore neck. Voltaren gel is naproxen sodium in a base ointment. It is contraindicated if you have a bad heart. It comes with an applicator guide to ensure you don't OD yourself on it when applying it. I just eyeball it, myself.

Jimmieanne, how cool is THAT pic? LOL, the furry critter meets the feathered critter! I love that Puff is learning his name. I taught for years and you learn that people acquire language after 300 uses of the word, correct in context. So that Puff is a GENIUS!!!!

NIRDI's, the Tucson show. Frankly, it was a little disappointing. The weather was incredibly rainy and cold and it puts a real damper on getting around and browsing and I was also sad that some of my fave vendors did not seem to be there. So we're going back on Thursday to see if we can improve on things.

After the weather, my problem was Bob's snoring. OMG, it kept me awake the second night. So loud and annoying. The past couple of getaways we have taken have been seriosuly comprised because he sleeps like a baby and I'm up all night with his snoring. I've changed things so we get two queen sized beds in our hotel room but that is not enough with LOUDNESS. He broke his nose when he was a teenager and his parents did nothing about that, so he has that going against him, he's gained 20 pounds in 19 years of marriage, and he likes to have a couple of beers or glasses of wine with dinner and all those things add up to NO SLEEP FOR KRISTIE :evil:

I've broached the topic of having his septum corrected surgically but he flat turns that idea down. He knows he needs to lose the 20 pounds he's gained but that would mean he would have to seriously cut back on the B.E.E.R./Wine or the G&T he likes when he gets home from work. I bought him an elliptical last Christmas but he is not regularly using it . I hate to nag him because he NEVER nags me about any of my bad qualities!!!!

I bought some ear plugs on Amazon, I'm hoping I might get some relief from those, I have Xanax which helps me get to sleep faster. One of our problems is when our heads hit the pillows, he is asleep in 5 MINUTES and then here comes the snoring! It takes me quite awhile to get to sleep, so him sleeping in 5 minutes makes me envious and then when the snoring comes I'm mad on top of that.

Do any of you have snoring hubsters? What do you do about it?

In Tucson I was laying awake thinking of just getting adjoining hotel rooms when we go out of town now. :rolleyes:


Jul 1, 2014
Callie, where did you stay in La Jolla? I'm always looking for nice places to stay in the SD area.


Jul 1, 2014
Regarding a NIRDI GTG in NYC/Jersey:

I'm in. I'll be using frequent flyer miles so where ever it is, I'm there. NY/Jersey GTG? Sweet!! Love to! LLJs mom in NYC marathon? Will glady cheer from sidelines and buy round of margaritas later in the day :sun:


Feb 5, 2014
Hello NIRDIs!

Now I will write and then read about everyone and respond, I have a lot to follow up again.

Today I have the flu, everyone around here does so I was in town, awful cold and windy, brhh. Then I rested and now I am here.

Yesterday was very busy again at work and I prepared for my new bling project, decided what I want, yippee, got supplies for my jeweler too and of course I could no longer resist I went perfume shopping. I just had to. No excuses there. I bought Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady, I have been wanting a rose forever but a rose that is a rose but not an obvious rose, something that will be spicy and have incense and depth with resins but could still smell some rose so make me think of spring. Never owned a rose before. In fact when I first smelled this I thought nah. I took a strip in December with me and for days it haunted me, it is grandiose and one you can never forget. I knew I had to have it. Neither the fume nor the price is for the faint at heart. It was love, well, at second sight but this fume lasts and lasts and has such sillage , I love smelling it on me and how I catch a whiff of the fume even a day later. I think my soul needed this badly.

Then I was invited for the Inhorgenta and now I am really torn. I did not plan on going and it is only two weeks from now and the biggest trade show in the area. Do I go or not go? I so want to and need to and there will be lots of friends but also the cruel ex part owner of my work and that could be a problem. Ex also found out and wants to go with me. This is so hard because for a while now he has not only been on me all the time but also acting exemplary and me the good hearted person, I would lie if I said it does not affect me yet I know he is not the choice for me. I mean he had the time to prove himself not? He could of course change but do people really and do I not deserve my freedom and chance for happiness? So now I am pretty much at this point where I cannot get rid of him again and if he finds out about places I go to he will follow. And seriously you know I would even have the right to date, not that I tried or want to, it has only been a month but if I wanted to, well, this is hard as I feel that I am like a whore then. I should not I think. There is only one person I like anyhow and him I have liked for over a year and wanted to get to know and consider him someone that is a wonderful person. I want to meet this person and been cancelling that for a year now and hope we can meet, if nothing else be closer as friends, right? Take my time and that is much better. I am sorry if I sound confusing.

I think that I am likely forgetting many things to write about because my head is coming off. Jimmianne, I do see the blue flashes. Funny, I was so against fluor like totally against it, I could not even stand just a bit. Maybe because I was always going for high whites. Then I saw a magnificent stone, it was a 3 carat fancy vivid yellow, a top stone with strong blue fluor. Now normally where you do not want it at all is in the yellows but it did not even affect the color of this stone. Now I am more open to fluor and I actually love what I have seen from you guys here on PS those that have them except I would never want them milky. Jimmianne, why is your stone going back? It looks awful nice but yeah I love your other one too and of course this is a very personal decision.

Sarah how are things coming along for you? How are you feeling? Hopefully less pain, I keep thinking of you.

All my other friends, I have to respond to your emails and then read everything here and write more in response, I promise I will. There is a chance that I have to work this weekend from home but will still have a bit more time.

Hugs sent to everyone! Write to you soon too Missy!


Jun 8, 2008
Ovi, I am sorry you are sick! You poor dear. You were just under the weather a short time ago too. Please take care of yourself as you are under so much stress. Hoping you feel lots better very soon. You need some hot chicken soup. That's the cure all you know. Wish we lived nearby as I would have Greg make you some. ((Hugs)) and feel better!

Sarah, how are you feeling today? I hope you slept well last night and are feeling good today. Thinking of you and continued healing vibes being sent your way.

Kristie, woohoo! I am glad you are onboard and yay for frequent flier miles. If there was such a thing as negative miles I would win that award haha. Last flight I took was November 2004. :oops: The margaritas are on me. :appl:

Thank you Jimmianne and Kristie, I made the earring purchase and I appreciate your input. Kristie sorry for all the back and forth emails. You would think I was making this huge decision lol. I got the sweet pair of diamond dangles (in the bottom pics I posted here) from a seller I have purchased from before. Hoping they are nice IRL.

Jimmianne, has Puff learned any new words today? Don't forget I want him to say "I love you Aunt Missy". I know he can do it. :cheeky:

Marcy, I would also like your bunnies and bears to be able to greet me that way. Think they will do it or give you some 'tude for asking? :bigsmile:

LLJsmom, hope Darryl is home again and helping you with the household chores and the kids. Any news re the NYC marathon? When will you find out?

Callie, any snow melting yet? Not sure how much we will be getting but hoping not too much.

Junebug, hope you have a good weekend and are staying warm and dry. Are you visiting your mom this weekend?


Feb 5, 2014
Missy, so sorry, see I keep missing things! I missed your post about your earrings, huge congrats!!! We want to see ear shots as soon as you get them. Glad you finally treated yourself to a lovely pair of earrings, very sweet and very feminine, well deserved. BTW, I did write to you this morning.

Yeah, you know this is the season and I have autoimmune disease so I catch things right away but most the time it lingers on but I do not really get ill, I take lots of echinacea, overdose on it, that has been my go to for the last two years and this way I avoided antibiotics most the time or getting pneumonia. It started as the stomach flu actually on the day I went salsa dancing and lasted for two days. Of course I did not really rest this week and the added stress and boom but really everyone is sick around me and my ex does work with tons of people travelling from abroad and brings in all kinds of vira to work. At least I have the weekend to fight it off but in the meantime I will have some work to do from home on Sunday too, that is ok, nothing major, just some legal work I still do for certain private clients sometimes. I hate it but I do it for some people. Also, it is good so I do not forget. Just in case as you never know.

How is your day going dear Missy, sorry I missed our morning coffee but at least I got to write to you later. No soup for me today but ate some for dinner and drinking lots. I wish I had lemon so I could make lemonade, need to buy some tomorrow.


Jul 1, 2014
Ovi, I'm sorry I missed that you've got the flu! Damn!!! I hope you get lots of rest. I wish you---and the NIRDI queens---were here because I have the most delicious bumper crop of organic grapefruit in my backyard this month!!!

Feel better soon, lots of rest, hot tea, vitamin C.


Jul 1, 2014
Missy I's SO on board! I need another weight loss goal to meet, I figure if I don't they won't let me off the plane because I won't fit in with all the skinny women in NYC :bigsmile:


Feb 5, 2014
Kristie, you just gave me the worst craving for some of that grapefruit, you have no idea how much I would love to have some of that juiced like about right now. I am not feeling awful, just a bit under the weather and dizzy, hoping that I have already improved from megadoses of my echinacea.


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I am so sorry you couldn’t sleep last night. I hope you sleep well tonight. I agree shopping for that perfect piece of jewelry is half the fun. Once I get something new I am usually already dreaming about my next piece of bling. Those bunnies weren’t where I left them last night when I got up this morning. When I went to bed I had some of my bears using the rabbits as pillows sleeping on the loveseat. This morning Marty had the rabbits chewing on the bears and shoved a few of the bears under pillows and blankets. I think we are going to have nicer weather than you at least for the next few days. I hope the new dermatologist has some new ideas for you. Tell the local meteorologists no ice! It’s not allowed. I got out of grocery shopping. Yippee!!! Marty is having a poker game downstairs and since he was going to get snacks I just gave him my list. Sweet. How exciting you have a new pair of diamond dangles heading your way. I guarantee the rabbits will give us both some tude if we tell them to address either of us nicely.

Jimmianne, your picture is adorable. I love the look on both of their faces. I can almost imagine the conversation between them. That is cool Puff can say his name.

Kristie, I have heard many recommendations for Voltaren gel. I hear you on sleeping when your DH is snoring. Of course he would say the same about me. We both sleep with earplugs and it works pretty well. I still have problems falling asleep if he’s snoring but then it doesn’t bother me after I fall asleep. Marty used to move around a lot and wake me up but this mattress has motion control or something like that and that really helped. At our old house Marty would get a lot of phone calls during the night then be snoring the rest of the time so I’d move to our spare bedroom. Once we moved I decided I wasn’t going to that anymore and it took me a couple of weeks to get used to falling asleep through the snoring again but the earplugs mute it enough it’s not as annoying.

Ovi, I hope you recover from the flu soon. That stuff is miserable. You deserve new perfume; especially one you love so much. That is really a tough call on going to that trade show if you’ll have to be around your ex. I would stay away just because of that. I know that’s not fair to you but being around him is too raw for you right now. Either way you decide I understand; you have to do what you feel is best for you. I sure hope all of this is over with SOON.

Marty and of his buddies are play poker in the man cave. I need to go harass them. :bigsmile:

Have a great weekend.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi NIRDIS! I admit I didn't get it, at first I wondered why Kristie was calling us nerds haha! (although in my case it's accurate :cheeky:) But then I thought - yeah but Kristie's really smart, why is she mispelling it? :lol:

Missy, I love the earrings you chose, they are beautiful! Cant' wait to hear what you think of them. Are you venturing out at all into this ridiculously cold weather? I am so tired of it, I just cannot seem to warm up! No special plans for the weekend, I'll probably just get caught up on some things around the house. I'm going back up to my mother's on Monday, so for now I'm just enjoying being home!

Sarah, just want to send you a hug and some good thoughts - you are doing an amazing job recovering from your accident, and it's totally understandable that you would feel a little overwhelmed sometimes. You are going through a lot right now! Glad to hear the doctor's appointment went well, that was a long day for you and I can see why you would be really wiped out. Hopefully you were able to get some rest and are feeling a bit better. I am so sorry you are dealing with this and I am keeping you in my thoughts!

Ovi, so sorry to hear you're sick! You certainly didn't need that on top of all the stress you're dealing with. Take care of yourself and rest as much as you can this weekend - I hope you're feeling better soon. As for the show, I'm thinking it might be best if you don't go, it sounds like it might give you problems with the ex. But you have a little more time to think it over, and I'm sure you'll come to the right decision.

Jimmianne, sorry the diamond didn't work out but now you can start shopping for something else lol! Love the pic of your pooch and the birdie, soooo cute!

LLJsmom, yikes, that science lesson sounded really difficult! I really hope you get into the NY marathon, you are so into running and I just think you deserve to be in it - Fingers crossed for you!

Marcy, I am so glad that Marty eventually got a different job - you're right, that type of continuous stress would have eventually taken its toll on his health. I think it's great that you and Marty are gearing up for some exercise! I've been hanging in there with those exercise tapes but lately I've been a little discouraged that I'm not making better progress. I've been doing them for a while now and they're still really hard and my flexibility is still lousy lol! But I just keep telling myself doing something is better than doing nothing. I hope you and Marty have a great weekend!

Kristie, yes, my husband snores too! It got to the point where I'd gather up my pillows and toddle on down to the spare room. He's lost weight these past few years and that's helped enough that I haven't had to make a trip to the spare room in a while. I notice he snores on weekend nights and I think it's because he has a few beers on those nights. He also snores if he's sleeping on his back. I'll look over and think to myself "do you really have to sleep on your back? Is it really necessary???" I wear earplugs and that helps too, although they're the foam ones and they fall out after a while. My husband uses wax earplugs because he's a light sleeper (in which case you'd think his snoring would wake him up lol) and he says they work really well. I've tried them, and they do block out a lot of the sound but the wax gets stuck in my hair - but they might be worth a try.

Calliecake, hope your weekend is going well, and the snow isn't causing too much of a problem for you. You must be missing that beautiful California weather!

Have a good night ladies!


Feb 27, 2007
See what I found this morning? Silly rabbits.




Feb 27, 2007
Junebug, I am usually pretty good at figuring out acronyms but NIRDIs threw me for a loop. Definitely enjoy spending time at home this weekend. Marty is certainly a lot happier without all of that stress from work. Marty and I definitely need to start doing some exercise. He walks and rides his bike in the summer. He doesn’t mind getting up early to workout. I can’t find that kind of motivation. I’d rather do something after work. I agree with you on your exercise tapes, any kind of activity is better than nothing. Marty definitely snores more when he sleeps on his back; I kind of wiggle around, shake the covers trying to disturb him enough he’ll roll over. Usually doesn’t work though. My foam earplugs fall out too, I used to spend over an hour trying to get them all tight and shoved in and they’d just come back out. I tried different sizes, just about everything. Finally I just leave them the way they are; shove them in as far as I can get them and I’ll wake up later and they are more out of my ear than in. It luckily still mutes noise. I read about those wax earplugs or getting some special made to fit your ear but decided that wasn’t for me. Have a nice, relaxing weekend.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning dearest NIRDI's! Hope none of us have a NIRDI moment for a very long time though I have to say! ::)

Haha Marcy, you're killing me. :lol: :lol: :lol: Those mischievous bunnies are just too much! Just send those bunnies my way for a weekend or 2 and I'll have them behaving themselves. Either that or they might just come home to you with a couple of kitties along the way haha. Hope Marty did well in his poker game last night!

Kristie, Greg snores sometimes and when he does he is usually on his back (and if it bothers me because sometimes it is very soft and doesn't annoy me while other times it does) I gently tap him to move over on his side and usually the snoring stops. Now Princess Francesca OTOH HRH does snore and let me tell you for a 9 lb cat she can be pretty loud LOLOL. Precious though and it doesn't bother me usually. Haha our sweet little kitty snores can you believe it? :cheeky:

And don't worry about the skinny women in NYC. I'll protect you from them and I think you are perfect the way you are!!!

Hi Junebug, I hear you and I am tired of winter too! We are venturing out though. Especially because all week I stay inside. If I didn't get out on the weekends I would be officially a shut in I think OMG. We are probably going to the outlets in NJ today. What else haha. Someplace I can walk inside and look at pretty clothes and shoes...I better not buy anything though lol. Greg is probably going to check out Ikea (not too far away) part of that time as we need new kitchen lighting at the beach house since we repainted. I will let him go while I am shopping though and then he can bring the lighting finalists to me and we can decide.

Glad you are relaxing this weekend and hope you have decent weather to travel to your mother this week. Monday is going to be icy by us but hoping it is not by you...perhaps more rain than snow where you are. In any case enjoy the weekend and be careful traveling on Monday.

Ovi, how are you feeling this morning? I hope it is a cold and not the flu as that lasts so long. As Kristie said drink plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest and no grapefruit juice with any supplements or meds. Also, be careful of the echinacea. Do you have hay fever or other allergies? I believe one can be sensitive to echinacea if you do have allergies but even if not don't take too much of that stuff please. I think in moderation is best.

As for your purchase Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady I am happy you got it. As you said it is good for the soul and you need some pampering of the soul and spirit to be sure. So glad you got this and enjoy!!! As for the show I am torn as to what to advise you. See how you are feeling closer to the date. And by all means develop a closer friendship with this gentleman friend without any pressure of dating right now. You are still raw from your relationship with your ex and these things take time but why not take it slowly and see what develops. There is no need to rush into anything romantic. Some of the best relationships develop from friendships I believe so take your time and enjoy the freedom. Big hugs and hope you wake up feeling well!

Sarah, I hope you are resting and feeling better. Please check in with us and let us know how you are doing when you feel up to it. We are all thinking of you and sending healing vibes your way. (((Hugs))).

Jimmianne, anxiously waiting on the Puff updates...has he learned how to say "I love you Aunt Missy" yet? And now Francesca wants him to learn how to say her full title and how much he adores her too. Sorry, she can be a royal pain in the arse sometimes as you know HRH can sometimes be...she is so particular. :cheeky:

Callie, what are you up to this weekend? I hope you are not missing sunny California too much. I know the change in weather is drastic and in your shoes I would be longing to be back in California and near H. Moradi. :bigsmile:




Jul 20, 2012
Hello my wonderful ladies!!!! So much to catch up on. Today when I got up could not believe the difference in movement. In the ability to move with out an associated muscle hurt, hip hurt etc etc. WOW WOW. Am not going crazy with movement as a result, but man alive, I can move so much better today!!

Thur-Fri were kind of down days, just feeling a bit down--impatient with the situation, always having to compromise. Ie, just want to walk over & do something (anything) but hacked that it just wasn't as simple stupid easy as it should of been. Hence the reason when I read Missy's posts it jerks mind out of the ditch & back to reality. This too shall pass. I will be back to my old self again. Its not a feeling sorry my self, but a lack of tolerance for the situation, YKWIM. My cup is always half full so a down day is sort of rare.

Today, am switching pain pills a bit. 2 oxy at 645p 1145p, & 5a. Then 1 Roxy at 10a, then tramadol every 3 until the 6-7p dose. Took the first tramadol at 1p, & its 150p, & things feel like this may be the trick instead of that awful narco--hydrocodone & even another oxy! Missy, no addicts here sister!!!! Thank you dear one for your long post on pain. I am at the beginning of the road & your journey is giving me courage. My first surgery on the same leg resulted in non weight bearing for quite a long time, Im thinking months as well. We found, quite by accident, a 4 inch tumor in my power femur that had to be removed. Cut a 6 inch long window in the femur, scooped the tumor out , cleaned out the interior, burred down the interior surface, then packed it with all kinds of stuff, put the window back in, then added a 7-inch plate held in w/ 6 screws. So, recovery was very very slow & much different then this one. It was diagnosed as chondrosarchoma, a life saving surgery that one was. So Missy, with your recovery, I totally get the non-weight bearing issues, it WAS so DARN SLOW. When you said that was your case, it all registered with me, the difficulty of YOUR journey. & you are at the end of it, YOU DID IT WOMAN!! I am so so happy for you & know the elation you are feeling right now XOXO.

Ok am so happy, I have a contribution!!! Kristie! Re snoring. Hubby the absolute worst freight train. Kept up the whole house. REALLY BAD. Had to sleep in separate BDRMs until we could get the situation under control. We got him into a sleep clinic, & he has apnea pretty significantly. Now he sleeps with a breathing machine & oh the difference!! He sleeps like a baby, the snoring has diminished significantly. I do wear ear plugs though. I get them in by rolling the ends in my finger, making the ends round & circular. I wet them,, not from the sink, but my fingers/saliva, & insert. They slide in quite easily. You may have to try a few different brands, as the cut is different on each, & not one ear canal is the same I'd imagine. So maybe an appt at a sleep clinic can potentially clear the way to his answer, & potentially yours? Sleep, the absolute worst thing to have an issue with, hope it resolves itself soon!!

Ovi--Hope you are doing well & feel better this weekend--hang in there sister, enjoy your perfume!

Junebug--I am humbled by the support everyone has extended to me--this has been greatly appreciated & needed right now. Thank you for yours. This thread has provided an outlet, & a chance to 'socialize' to take your mind off things. I hope you are doing well my friend. I added the ear plug part up in my address to Kristie, but it looks like you were the original one who had ear plug problems, try it out & see what works, you have to kind of finesse them in. Enjoy your outting & hope your mom is getting along well.

Missy, I can't wait to see your ear shots, I've always like that antique design, very nice & chic looking.

Jimmianne, loved that Puff the Parrot Photo. What a doll baby!

Ok guys, its time for nap. Nodding out here--see you gals soon, & hope everyone has a great weekend!! XOXO


Feb 5, 2014
Wow, Sarah you have been through a lot, seriously you had a tumor in the same leg? This is extremely scary and I am so happy that you recovered, when was this? Is this leg more susceptible to injury because of that? I believe this is a rare type of cancer, not? At one point my mom was scared that she had it too but it turned out that fortunately in her case it was not that. Are you fully recovered from it and ok now? I am so worried about you now but at the same time you are so strong, have such courage and your being such a survivor is inspirational. I am definitely thinking of you and sending you as much positive energy as I can.

Marcy you keep cracking me up with those sweet teddies and those killa wabbits, Marty sure has a sense of humor too.

Junebug how are you our dear NIRDI friend? You always care about us but rarely talk about yourself, we would like to know how things are for you, what you are up to, any bling plans, family plans, etc.

Missy and everyone, I am glad and definitely not sorry I bought POL. It is really mesmerizing. I love, love, love it and also enjoying the samples I took home along with it. Now if I have more of something than bling and clothes then it probably is perfume, having been a perfumista for so long even though I gifted away so many, I still have hundreds of samples and dunno how many perfumes but there is always a hunt for something new even though I lately only buy maybe two a year but find that really hard. I know though that just like with bling if I bought twenty a year I would end up keeping maybe two or three so now when I buy La Mer, it is also a niche perfume store, I get many samples, so I get to enjoy new fume and decide what I really love. Malle is not carried there though but Vienna is a great city for perfume and there is a store that Americans always visit here, you know people from basenotes, etc., Le Parfum and it is two steps from where I work, always full and usually I do not go in but this time I did and bought what I wanted and looked at last time. I just so hate it that perfume cannot be shipped anymore as that ended most the fun for me when I could no longer do Blind Sniffs and swapping on basenotes.

About the show, I so want to go but at this time it really depends on my job situation and many other factors, I feel that I would likely spend a lot and it would cost me and if I cannot get away from either my ex or the evil ex part owner goldsmith maybe I should not go. Yet, I have this terrible itch that I want to go, we shall see.

Yes, I am trying to give myself time with people, even friendships, you are all so special but unfortunately it is not always that way IRL. Dating, well, most I say no to or just try to tell them that right now it is not time for me yet and I agree that meeting my friend that is already a friend may be for developing another even deeper friendship with him and who knows what in the future. Sometimes I just hope that I still have a future. But then I remind myself to be positive. Things will change even if slowly. I already feel a lot better but still have a lot ahead of me I know and the job situation. We may know a bit more by Wednesday.

Hugs to all and have a wonderful weekend.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls, I was sick all day yesterday and didn't read any posts until now.

Missy, I hope you are having a great time shopping! It's a great time to find boots on sale. I can't wait until they start putting more of the spring clothing out in the stores. I can't believe Francesca snores. Too cute! Isn't it funny how it's annoying when our husbands snore but it's sweet when our furbabies snore!

Kristie, We stayed at the Marriott in LaJolla. We stayed there because the other couple wanted to use their Marriott points. It was advertised as having a balcony which I thought would be great. The balcony was seriously about a foot wide. I don't know how you would even go out there if you had large feet. Usually when we go there we stay at the Grande Colonial which is located on Prospect St. I prefer staying there because you step outside and all the great jewelry shopping is right there. There are also great restaurants overlooking the ocean. It's probably a good thing we didn't stay there because there is a Hagen Daaz stores about a block from the hotel. I had it once everyday. If we were at the hotel I know it would have been twice a day! My husband golfs, he takes the car and I can walk to all my favorite places if we stay at the Grand Colonial. There are other nice hotels located there as well. I took a brochure from a great hotel in Del Mar. It was gorgeous! I think it was called the L'Auberge. We will probably stay there next time we go. Look up the website. I know you would like it Kristie.

Well it sounds like we all have husbands who snore. My husband snores loudly too. He never used to believe me when I told him until all his buddies went on a golf trip. They all gave him a hard time because they could hear him from their rooms down the hall. One of them told him they could not believe I sleep with him. In my husbands case I really believe it's the weight. He is 25 pounds heavier then he probably should be and he had lost about 20 pounds 10 years ago and did not snore at all. He gained the weight back and has been snoring ever since. I hate to say anything about the weight to him. I know it bothers him to begin with and the last thing I would ever want is someone pointing it out to me.

Marcy, You must be on happy Marty changed jobs. The taking calls at all hours of the night is a killer. My husband has to do that occasionally so I know how hard it is. Most of his calls start at 6:00 am and that is bad enough. Your animals are so cute.

Jimmieanne, I love the picture of your bird and sweet doggie! How cool that he can say his name.

Junebug, It looks like more bad weather is headed toward both you and Missy. Please careful driving to your moms! I don't what I miss more, the weather or the beautiful jewelry. You can tell I'm on Pricescope a little to often. It pretty pathetic when you start thinking very large diamonds are the norm instead if the exception.

OV, I'm with everyone else that is concerned about you being around your Ex. I just don't trust him and feel he is getting desparate because you haven't gone back to him. Of course I could be wrong but I feel he really thought everything would blow over in a few days and now that it hasn't turned out that way, I'm worried about what he will do.

LLJsmom, I hope your husband made it back safely and life is back to normal soon!

Sarah, I'm glad you are feeling better. It's only normal that you would get down. You have been thru a lot. I love the pictures of your fur babies on the other thread.


Feb 5, 2014
Callie, so sorry but somehow I missed that you got sick too, are you feeling better today? I am allergic to just about everything but echinacea, it has been my miracle herb, honestly, for the last two years I resisted the usual sinus infection, pneumonia, every time I got sick before which was at least three-four times a year I would have a secondary infection. Now I take echinacea as a preventative and the highest dose ok when I feel sick and I am better in a day. Let's hope it stays that way. Some people cannot take it and there are other "miracle" immune supplements I am horribly allergic to but this one. I have always taken Vitamin C daily but sometimes that is not enough. Guess I am lucky that I do not react to this stuff as I tend to react to most everything.

Thanks for caring Callie and I know that you are right, my ex just does not get it and somehow he is sure that I will take him back, after all that was how he was raised, a very screwed up family with aggression but always afraid he would leave them and no matter what he did to them they took him back. We cannot blame our families for everything of course but they can be blamed for plenty. I have no idea how will he get it and when if ever. He does not understand the word friendly. He also does not take no for an answer. I wrote to him before to stop molesting me at work, harrassing me non-stop as he will force himself on me there all the time and then he called a million times after I told him this and then finally wrote back that I am neutral to me then he goes that he does not understand how I can be this way towards him when he adores me. No, he does not, he is obsessed and is not ok with no and no thanks I prefer not to put my life on the line here, I know nothing would change, in fact he is dangerous. I just wish he found another job so I would not have to see him. I think that would help greatly. IF and that is a big IF I get to stay here, otherwise if he knows I am home a lot he may harrass me. But no worries we take it one day at a time. He cannot get it that I do not want to go to places with him. Not sure how to stop people like this. Sooo, yes I agree with you girls here totally but I am afraid that I have no easy answer or solution. I am happy with the bit of freedom I have now and that yes I can sometimes enjoy my life now.

Hope to talk to all of you soon, hugs to everyone.


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Saturday!

Missy, I should send those bunnies to you and that would really shock Marty and I if you sent them back and a couple of kitties jump out at us. Surprise! Marty did win at poker but he didn’t tell me how much. There were only 4 of them and they didn’t play long. That is pretty funny to hear Francesca snores. I hope you get to go shopping and find some new clothes, boots and Greg finds some nice lighting fixtures. Have you picked out what to wear on your first day back to work?

Sarah, that is great you can see an improvement in movement today. I am sorry you had a few down days; I think that is a normal reaction to such a dramatic change in your life. I am sure your recovery will seem slow at times and you’ll get discouraged on occasion but someday this will all be a memory of a challenging time in your life. Missy and other NIRDIs have lots of good advice from going through something like this themselves. We are here cheering you on. That’s good they found the tumor in your leg with your last injury. I hope your pain continues to improve every day. Are you sleeping okay?

Ovi, that’s great you have such a love of perfume. I rarely wear any due to allergies but there have been some scents I really like. I don’t even recall what they are though since I haven’t worn any for years.

Callie, I hope you are feeling better this afternoon. VIsiting LaJolla sounds fabulous. After hearing about your friend looking for aquas, I dug mine out to wear yesterday. They rarely see the light of day because I always seem to pull out a sapphire ring. I hope your husband does get off hour phone calls too often.

Marty got up again about 4. I slept until about 7:30. I made us hash browns, toast, bacon and eggs for breakfast. I didn’t get hungry again until after 2 so I decided to make beef stroganoff out of leftover London Broil. I just kind of made up the recipe based on what I had. I used a gravy mix, canned mushrooms, onions and sour cream and noodles of course. It tasted pretty good. Of course I made the mistake of telling Marty before he tasted it I have no idea how it will taste; since I just made up the recipe. Every bite he’s setting there acting like he’s about to get sick. Then when he dished up seconds I asked him why he was going to eat more if it was so bad? He said he didn’t want someone else to have to eat it. He even had one of the bunnies smell it and pretend to gag too. He’s too funny. As my mom always said, life is never dull with Marcy and Marty around.

The highlight of the day was seeing a huge filament on the Sun. We have a little solar telescope. I like stargazing in daylight when it’s warmer.

Off to finish laundry and make cookies.

Take care


Feb 5, 2014
Lol the M&M world, that was so funny, I bet the beef stroganoff was just delish.:))) Wish you had taken a pic of those gagging bunnies. Don't forget to send me some pix when you have the time Marcy, going to bed soon, it is already well past midnight over here, hope that everyone has a nice weekend.


Jul 20, 2012
Wow, zonked out big time--great nap this afternoon, hope I sleep tonight. Son is home for winter break, & it SO GOOD to see that face. :love: :love: He is grilling chops for dinner tonight for us :appl:

Everyone, am fine today, just the last few days feeling just eh. Thank you everyone. Hope everyone is having a great evening & a restful night. You are all in my prayers. XOXO


Feb 27, 2007
Ovi, the beef stroganoff was good but my cookies were awful. I hadn't used that recipe for 15 years and I think I remember why. They are way too sweet. I am going to throw the cookies and recipe away. It called for margarine instead of shortening and I used unsalted butter so maybe it needed more salt. Oh well, Marty had espresso to get the extra sweet taste out of his mouth and I dug out some nuts. We are both going to have a sugar buzz for awhile.

Sarah, that's great your son is home for winter break and how nice he is cooking you supper. Glad to hear you had a nice nap today.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi there everyone!

Missy, I hear on needing to get out! I don't want to go outside, but then I start feeling so cooped up I'm willing to deal with the cold. I hope you had a good time shopping, and maybe even treated yourself to a little something! :halo: We drove past Talbots tonight and they're having a good sale, so I might just mosey on over there tomorrow and see what I can find.

Sarah, you have been through so much! What a difficult time you have had, I'm even more impressed now with your positive spirit and your strength! It's great you were able to get some rest, you sound like you're feeling quite a bit better. It's really understandable that you would have some bad days and we are always here to listen and offer whatever support we can. Also glad to hear you're moving around more easily and not feeling so achey but I agree, don't overdo it! It's great that your son is home, I'm sure it will be so nice to have the company. How sweet he's making dinner too! Thanks for the tip on the ear plugs, I'll give it a try - I usually just need them to fall asleep, after I'm asleep I'm usually ok and don't wake up much. There are earplugs all over the floor lol.

Marcy, those pics are too funny! You have some really bad stuffed animals there haha! I just realized I keep saying exercise tapes :oops: I am SO old, I mean dvds, how embarrassing. Your stroganoff sounds delicious, how funny Marty was acting like it wasn't! :D Life can be kind of tough sometimes, it's so great you guys can laugh and just make your own fun and have a good time.

Calliecake, sorry to hear you were under the weather yesterday, hope you're on the mend. The Grand Colonial in LaJolla sounds like it would be perfect for dh and me! He'd be happy as a clam going golfing, and I'd have a grand time shopping, the perfect vacation ha! I know exactly what you mean about getting used to seeing the large rocks here on PS. It's like your eyes just get used to seeing 3 to 5 carat diamonds! I'll be looking at these large stones like it ain't no big thing, and then all of a sudden it will hit me how big they are and I'll think "omg, these diamonds are HUGE!" :D It's crazy.

Ovi, I'm so sorry your ex is bothering you so much - he's starting to sound like a stalker, and I'm sorry he's scaring you. I wish I had a solution. I guess you could try to just not communicate with him at all and ignore him as much as you can. Sounds like he thinks if he tries hard enough you will change your mind. I know it's tough to ignore him, since you work together. I truly hope he ends up going someplace else. Things will eventually work out, it might just take some time. Thank you for asking about me! I unfortunately don't have anything very interesting going on in my life right now! A lot of my time is spent at my mothers, and when I'm home I just do things around the house and run errands. I feel a little isolated and lonely sometimes and that's why I'm so grateful for this thread, it really helps! Oh, I do have an upcoming weekend trip planned at the end of March, a trip to San Antonio Texas - it's just for a few days but I'm really looking forward to it. And yes, I do have bling dreams, I'd really love a yellow diamond set in a double halo and it's fun just thinking about it. Haven't really discussed any of this with dh yet though! I'm thinking maybe June, it's my birthday and anniversary month so I think I can get him on board by then lol!

Hope everyone is having a good night, hugs to all!


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Marcy, Please tell Marty if he complains about your cooking one more time you are going to send him to our house for a week. I don't cook and neither does my husband. He will beg you to let him come home! Believe me, you will never see a gagging rabbit again!

Sarah, What a pick me up it must have been for you to have your son come home from school. It sounds like you are feeling well. Please know we are also here to support you on the bad days. I have no great advice like Missy and Kristie, but I will try to help you any way I can.

Junebug, You would love LaJolla. I tried on a 5 1/2 carat Emerald cut that I felt really did look to large on my hand. My husband laughed and said if it were mine I would be telling him a month from now that it looked perfect and wasn't too large. I felt the 4 1/2 carat emerald cut looked perfect on. It looked like it was made for my hand. Okay my little fantasy is over now!

Im not sure how the mall jewelry stores are near you are but around here the largest you usually see are about 2 carats. The mall jewelry in LaJolla have many 3 carat and over stones in the window. In downtown LaJolla they have guards outside and inside the stores and you see many 5 carat stones. It's like being a kid in a candy store. It works out perfect because my husband goes golfing at Torrey Pines while I try diamonds on. He always makes an early tee off time so he is back by noon.


Feb 5, 2014
Lol, Marcy you always describe things in such a funny way, those cookies cracked me up, surely they could not have been so bad.:))) I have such a hate relationship with margarine, I cannot stand it in even minute quantities but that is another story, I would have used butter too. Yes, it may have been that salted butter would have worked better, who knows? Sometimes when it comes to cooking and baking it is trial and error, I rarely have to throw things out but it happens to everyone. With cooking it is easier but baking is much harder. There you have more possibilities of disaster happening.

Sarah I am glad you slept and that your son visited and hope you are well today and on the road to recovery. Still shocked to find out about that tumor, I guess someone was really looking down on you.

Jimmianne how are you today? How are all the animals?

I always forget to respond about Sapphie. I think she has gained weight lately and she has really opened up and become super affectionate since losing her companions. She is still taking antibiotics but otherwise seems fine. The one thing that makes me a bit nervous is that when she upsets herself which only happens when she meets Vinnie, she starts coughing and choking, not sure if that means her heart is weaker? I have to ask the vet because the heart is so hard to diagnose diseases in when it comes to cats, perhaps an ultrasound could work but with heart problems, a weaker heart not sure you can do a whole lot. I am trying to love her now knowing that yes it can hit so fast that you lose them. I still hear Niello talking or imagine it is happening, he had such a dominant strong voice and liked to talk to me so much. I do not want to think about it and think how I could have spent more time with him and Puma. Today they have a special Sunday candle ceremony on pet loss and I think I need that for my soul but have not logged on to chat even though I am a counselor there now because lately I felt too overwhelmed and busy.

Today I have to work some , the flu thing is lingering on, I think I am better and then I am not really, I think I am mostly ok, really but just not perfect yet.

Junebug, I am sure that you can share things about yourself and of course you are welcome to share about yourself, your mom, your family, even if it is not big things or anything so-called exciting to share, we care about you. I just think that perhaps it may help sometimes to open up about what you are feeling and how you are doing. Thanks for caring about me and us. I agree my ex is stalking and he still acts and thinks like we are married and a couple. It is very difficult. I set limits but he does not seem to get it. I do not want him to control me by calls or coming to my town, etc. At least I do not live in the same town. I do agree that if the work situation is settled then it will be better, I just worry how this will be settled and who will be leaving but you all know this and I do not want to keep repeating myself. Junebug, yumm yellow in a double halo, well, dreaming about something is only the beginning, then dreams become plans and so on, I know this all too well.

Callie, I am sure that you had tons of fun. I think you can most likely get used to any size and I have loved 5+caraters in rings but I would imagine it takes getting used to wearing them every day. I think I may find it uncomfortable in a ring, I can imagine wearing a very large stone in a pendant though, even a ten carater. I am not in a rush to do it just yet.:))) Everyone is different when it comes to what they prefer. I am happy with stones between 30 points and 1.5 carats with only one or two larger ones but also where I live culturally people wear smaller stones. I like having just really good ones, not huge, different colors and switching them. There was one old cut 5+ carater I saw in a ring at an auction locally though that I cannot get out of my mind.

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. Hugs to all of you and talk soon.
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