
Now I really did it :((


Feb 5, 2014
Hi NIRDI Girls,

I promise that I will write tomorrow, yes, I have just been too busy because on top of everything I got a lot of private work, then last night was salsa dancing and before then beauty salon, not enough sleep, I was exhausted and now I of course feel that I cannot sleep and I must because even though I am off tomorrow, I have to do a lot of work till early afternoon. Everyone has been sick around me and I always think I am better then a throatache or something hits but most other things are really just fine. I will tell more tomorrow. Of course I had a severe allergic reaction but that is all that was truly not a pleasant thing.

That pendant wow and yumm Jimmianne, I sure understand why you are 110% happy.

Sapphie is a blue Aby BTW. She is not a youngster either and lately we have been so close, well, she is also a submissive girl and now that she is alone with me she has opened up so much. Now she talks quite a bit but before she did not, Abys are not huge talkers for the most part, mainly they purr loudly all the time and chirp but now Sapphie talks too, I have hadsome that hardly talked and some did talk a lot though they have very soft, baby like voices. I love sleeping with Sapphie, her fur is looking so nice now, hope that is a good sign.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies!

Missy, how was your first day back at work? I was thinking about it today. Did you wear your pretty new earrings to work? I like to meet Marty for lunch when he’s in town so he can at least get out of the house. Now that he has his new man cave furniture he may never come out of the basement.

Jimmianne, your pendant is really nice. I think a DBTY necklace would be fabulous. Carhart is awesome warm weather gear. I have a lot of Carhart in my wardrobe too. I probably have more thermal tops than I do socks. Stay warm!

Ovi, I am glad to hear Sapphie is talking to you and looking better. That’s great. I hope you take some time to relax tomorrow since you have the day off.

Marty’s man cave furniture showed up about 4 today. It is very comfy. I went down and tried them all out. I will probably only see Marty for supper now. I’ll disconnect his Joey from the receiver up here so he can’t watch TV. Ha Ha.

I bought window food for supper and probably will tomorrow too. Everything I have to cook is frozen.

Take care. Have a great day tomorrow.



Jun 8, 2008
mary poppins|1423664596|3830817 said:
Hi, Missy. Just randomly popped in to see how you are doing and noticed that today is your first day back at work. Congratulations and best wishes for a wonderful day. I''m glad to hear you're returning to normalcy after being sidelined for so long. You've come a long way!

Your new earrings are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Did I mention they are beautiful? :love:

Sorry to hear you still haven't found something to help your skin. I hope you find something that works for you soon. Long term unresolved medical conditions are so frustrating.

I saw your sensitive skin thread the first day you posted but didn't comment there as I had no suggestions to offer. Upon reading your criteria I noted that not only did the products I've been using for years contain ingredients that you ruled out, but they were specifically name in the cited articles as particularly awful. Reading about the effects of certain ingredients was very eye-opening. Although I wasn't in a position to help you, I want you to know that your thread enlightened me and inspired me to change. After doing some research, I switched to using jojoba as suggested by other PSers and am really happy with the results. I'm not quite sure what to do about sunscreen now as my prior daily moisturizer contained it and jojoba does not, but I'll figure it out.

Hi mary poppins, thank you for your good wishes. I am very glad my sensitive skin thread helped you find better skin care products. They really hide those ingredients sometimes and one needs to do their research. I learned so much about that too. Glad the jojoba is working for you. I like hemp oil as it is very light and still moisturizes my dry skin without being comedogenic. I found this chart helpful as I was looking for ingredients that wouldn't clog pores.

For sunscreen I think using zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide is your safest bet.

Jimmianne, I love your new pendant. Especially with the long underwear. It's a perfect match that will add warmth to your cold days and nights with the beautiful and dazzling lights shooting out of that baby. I love the idea of getting a DBTY necklace to add the pendant to. Thank you for the pictures, stay warm and enjoy!

Ovi, so glad Sapphie is improving. Enjoy your salsaing and the rest of the week and looking forward to hearing more about how everything is going when you have the time.

Marcy, glad the furniture is as comfy as it is attractive. Too bad you will only see Marty occasionally now that he will be down there much of the time. Try to get the bunnies to hang out with him and give you and the bears a bit of a break. :bigsmile:

I wore my favorite earrings yesterday (ruby diamond antique earrings) but might wear the new ones today. Just have to figure out what dress and boots I will be wearing with those hahaha.

First day at work went well, thank you for asking. Greg rode the train with me just because it was my first day back and that was sweet of him. I felt like a little girl going to her first day of school haha. Everyone greeted me very warmly at work and I do not have to do EMR until we can arrange for the doctor who took my place while I was gone to come in on my workdays and help me with it. It is not intuitive and it is complex so they are scheduling that for me. She might come in soon to help but I am not in a rush as I prefer doing the paper charts though I know I am going to have to join the EMR bandwagon very soon.

It was freezing in my office as I knew it would be but not sneaking the space heater in yet as I know the clinic chief administrator would have a cow and then take it from I have to be discreet and wait a bit. He's around all the time right now and so are some of his lackeys. Willing tattletales so must be careful lol.

Of course things went wrong. My slit lamp wasn't working and the doctor taking my place texted me yesterday morning saying she forgot to tell me and they ordered the bulb needed for it. Anyway it wasn't the bulb that was the problem as we found out when we changed it yesterday morning (it had come in this past Monday but no one bothered to see if it was the issue). The wire connection was frayed and not working and I had the operations manager get a technician there ASAP and he came yesterday afternoon but couldn't fix it.

When I left for the day they were supposed to be (in the middle of doing it so I trusted they would finish and left because I was exhausted and delaying my leaving to make sure they were doing it) ordering it as soon as possible but it wouldn't arrive till sometime next week at the soonest. Doing exams without a slit lamp is like going to your internist and him not having a stethoscope. Not good. So one wrinkle I am not happy about and I am going to have to have every single patient I see come back for just a slit lamp eval when it gets fixed and my clinic chief admin will NOT be happy because we cannot bill for that visit.

I also took the time I had yesterday to check out the ophthalmology template on NextGen (EMR program) and it is super confusing. But at least I tried familiarizing myself with it so when I get the instruction I need it hopefully will go more smoothly. Ellen (the doctor who was taking over for me while I was gone) is very computer/EMR competent and she has been doing this at her other clinic since beginning of 2014 but she told me it took her almost a full year to feel comfortable with it. And she's computer intelligent but she did say she would do what she could to make it go more smoothly for me though we are tied by the clinic admin in how much he is willing to pay for the 2 of us there at the same time seeing only 1 set of patients while she shows me the system.

BUT it was good to be back despite all that and fortunately for me it was a slow day yesterday so I wasn't overwhelmed. Today my schedule is more busy but that's OK. Just wish I had all my equipment in working condition.

Callie, Junebug, LLJsmom, Kristie, hope all is well.

Hope everyone enjoys their day today. :wavey:

ETA: Anyone want to adopt a polar bear? We're going to. :love:

Marcy, I'd like to see your killer bunnies wrestle this one to the ground hehe. :cheeky:



Jun 8, 2008
Sarah, I hope you are feeling better. I am thinking of you and your challenge every day and I know you are excelling at handling it all. Just want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers and sending more hugs and PS dust your way for a full and quick recovery.


Feb 5, 2014
Missy I knew you would do well!:))) How nice that you will be able to get training, see we are often scared of things we should not even be of. Did you wear those earrings? BTW, they are serious L-O-V-E. Gorgeous boots? I want to know all about that. How did it feel to be out finally? Yes scary beforehand but afterwards, did you have patients? I think you must be great at what you do as you are also so good with people.

Sarah your story and the story you just told us here are truly inspirational. You are right, we all have our trials and tribulations, some people have it worse than others and of course we have our unique problems but no matter what happens what does not kill us only makes us stronger. I do hope you are doing ok today and on the road to recovery, I am thinking of you.

Yes, I work in Vienna and live in Hungary on the border between Austria and Hungary now. I am a bit in limbo about whether I should stay but for the moment due to my work, as long as I have that, I am staying here. I may move back to Budapest later. It is just that my life has had so many changes recently and not sure I want to continue living here and my expenses of living are enormous here and now I have to cover everything alone but we shall see. I have tons of work, love my work, love my own business and so many things that are great about life. I love the sunshine today and the feeling that spring is almost here. I am only afraid that this will make me want to get new sandals, dresses and so on.:))) I am trying to be really good though as I have tons of both and really want to work on my bling projects for now.

I definitely want to travel in the spring but not sure that will actually happen, we shall see, by the summer and fall things should be calmer and yes for sure I want to come to a GTG in NYC, yes you heard that right Missy!

Junebug, I think it takes a tremendous emotional toll to take care of an elderly person, have done it a bit and seen it too. You are very strong too but yes please take care of yourself and do things you enjoy for you, this is extremely important.

Marcy and Kristie I missed you! Callie I am glad that you are finally better and going shopping, keep us posted please.


Dec 9, 2013
Watch out bunnies! That's one tough & wily looking bear.

Missy, congrats on your first day back at work. I'll bet it was a tiring, but now you are quickly headed into being back in the groove. And lucky you to have a thoughtful husband to ride the train with you.
Puff is still working on "Aunt Missy", but has starting saying "love you" then making a kissing noise.

Sarah, I'm so glad you and this thread found each other. Hearing of Missy's success made me think of you reading the same words and you perhaps thinking that time will quickly pass & you will have your recovery as well.

Ovincze, I hadn't realized how far away you are! What a fun idea to have a GTG in NY. Wishing you all the best in your new life that you are in the process of creating. Onward! Adventures await.

Very cold weather coming in this weekend. The horses are wearing their coats, the feed bins are full, I'm in my Carhartt's [& diamonds haha], and all is well. Silly North next week we will be having a heat wave.


Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, thanks.
One of my favorite things is to hunt on eBay for nice little pre-owned, bargain priced diamonds : )
I think I get lucky every so often because I'm willing to take a chance. Lots of times sellers haven't sold before, take terrible photos and don't clean the stones first.

It's gotten to the point that when I go out with friends and they can't see any diamonds they want to know why. This will be easy to wear 24/7 and unlike rings, will not get caught in farm equipment and I can honestly say I never go anywhere without diamonds.

So - are you an outdoor girl or a fashionista with your Carhartt?


Feb 5, 2014
Jimmianne, yeah anymore I am pretty far though nowhere is too far.:))) I lived in the Bay Area for 9 years but back in Europe now. Sure we have been organizing a GTG, well, sort of right NIRDI Girls?

Jimmianne, did you mean to ask Marcy or everyone? Interesting question, me personally I am definitely a fashionista though I love love love animals and have quite a few and grew up in the country. I totally second what you said Jimmianne and this is why I love pendants and colliers, they are the least susceptible to damage. Rings can bother me because I work with my hands a lot even though not necessarily at a farm but I too take care of a house alone. Lol, pretty funny wearing diamonds while doing farm work. Bargain hunting sounds like tons of fun.

Now I am going to take a nap I never do because I am falling over from having overworked. Talk to you all soon.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies,

Missy, your antique ruby earrings sound great. That is so nice that Greg went with you to work. That is awesome you can work in to using the EMR after you get some training on them. I am glad your day went well though. My office is freezing too; I have a lined sweatshirt that I keep at work to help and a blanket of course. That is too bad your slit lamp didn’t work. There isn’t another one in the clinic you can use? I hate to hear everyone will have to come back later for that eval. I hope your equipment worked well for you today. That is a big polar bear. I think the killer rabbits could dine for months on that size of teddy bear.

Ovi, I am glad you are having nice, sunny weather. Spring will be here before we know it. I hope your week is going well. I hope you catch up on your sleep.

Jimmianne, I think the rabbits would probably pick on that big bear. I can’t believe people wouldn’t clean their jewelry before they try to sell it. I certainly understand why you don’t want to wear rings around farm equipment. I wear Carhart because I like comfy, warm clothes. I also like Woolrich and Land’s End stuff too.

We had supper at Olive Garden. I am very full. Marty got the exercise equipment today. He forgot to have them take the treadmill. He is very excited about it. My legs and knees aren’t very flexible so I had a hard time bending them enough to get going on the recumbent bike. I don’t know how much to push it either. No point getting my knees and legs in worse shape than they are. I’ll have to try working at it very slow.

Tomorrow is Friday!


Jun 8, 2008
Happy Friday the 13th ladies. :appl:

Marcy Haha, Humphrey the Polar Bear would never let the teeth of those killer rabbits near him. He is too clever for that. Plus he doesn't care for the color of red all over his beautiful white hair. :knockout: No, his MO is bear hug em and love em and if they get too close with their killer teeth he will just sit on them.

Oh I am so sorry your knees are bothering you so much. Please be careful. Can you swim without pain? Is there somewhere near you to swim? I agree you cannot push past the pain as you don't want to do more harm. What are your thoughts regarding possible surgery? I so get how you want to put that off as long as you can. I forget, have you done any physical therapy lately? Could that help provide relief?

We only have 1 slit lamp in the clinic as I am (was) the solo eye care professional there.Hopefully the part we need for the slit lamp will be here next week. The doctor who was filling in for me these past months is going to stay on Fridays (I don't work Fridays YAY) to help with the continued backlog of patients. In fact she is looking for more days because she quit her other non profit job since they are moving to the Bronx and not in a good neighborhood. I feel guilty in a way because I am taking my days back but she is being very gracious about it.

I called her and she came in yesterday afternoon and started showing me EMR. It took us 4 hours to input 3 patients. Yup, that's right. 4 hours for 3 patients. LOL. I was very lucky that my afternoon was free so I could have those hours learning the EMR with her by my side. By the end of the day I was bleary eyed and had no clue what I was doing anymore so I need her to come back. She started doing EMR many many months ago at her other clinic and she said that they had someone with her for a full 2 weeks till she got the system and felt confident with it. So a few hours isn't going to cut it for me. It is highly complex, not intuitive and challenging.

The problem is the administrator doesn't want to book me with less patients any day I am there so we cannot get enough uninterrupted hours on the EMR. I need to keep doing it in order to get it in my brain but he wants us to do one or 2 a day because he doesn't want to lighten the patient load. Ridiculous. But I am not worried about that now just glad I got the ball rolling on EMR yesterday. It was a relief to finally start on this monster of EMR. The clinic chief was happy for me to put it off but I just wanted to get it going to see what I am up against. I don't like putting things off if possible.

My big problem is (still) my face. I wore makeup both days and my face didn't like it and by yesterday it was worse and makeup didn't really cover it too well and my skin was so flaky (I guess that's the seb derm). Honestly, I just wanted to hide at work by yesterday late morning because my skin was a flaky mess and I could not do a thing to it as I had nothing with me at work to remove the makeup and start again. Greg said he didn't think it was too bad when he met me on the ride home (I stayed late due to the EMR so Greg and I rendezvoused on the train as we used to do when I stayed late at work). But yes, you could see the makeup didn't do its job well enough and my face was peeling. Not a good look. Oh I so just want my clear skin back and not sure if I am ever going to be able to look in the mirror again and see a clear face looking back at me. ;(

I am glad I am back working but still concerned about my future with my face. I can now see it will not be EMR to cause me to quit but my face issues. It hurts and looks awful so I have to face reality. If it gets worse I don't see how I can continue. I must get it under control. I have a derm appointment Tuesday Feb 24th so we'll see what is my next step. I know it might be that I have to go on Accutane but I so don't want to go down that road as my skin is already so dry and this will make it more so not to mention I seem to get all side effects possible with all meds I ever take...

which brings me to your sweet niece-
Callie, first of all how are you feeling? I know you were feeling better last time we chatted but just want to make sure you are still doing well. How is your niece doing with the Accutane? Has her face cleared even more? Is she pleased with the results so far?

Jimmianne, glad to hear that Puff is making progress with being able to express his love and devotion to me. :cheeky: Make sure to let him know I love him too and Humphrey cannot wait to give him a big bear hug. My kitties OTOH I need to keep away from Puff. They are the jealous type.

I will check out that thread you linked, thank you. I love heartwarming posts.

Ovi, I hope you had a good nap yesterday after your whirlwind week. How are you doing today and what are your weekend plans? Any salsa dancing? Wish we could join you for that because I have always wanted to take dance lessons. When we got married Greg nixed the idea of dance lessons so we just muddled through our first dance but we both love dancing however rudimentary our dancing is lol.

Sarah, how are you doing? Thinking of you and hope you keep feeling better and better and more able to do things you want to do. With each day you are healing and I am sure you are very pleased about that. That's how I made it through each day knowing my body was healing itself no matter how slowly. Hope your pain is much much less.

Hey to all the other NIRDIs and hope everyone enjoys the day. :wavey:


Jul 1, 2014
Hi Kids:

We're back from Tucson yesterday. Our first run through the shows, drenching rains. Yesterday? Insane high winds which in AZ are a valley fever health hazard. All the goods in the tents were COVERED in dust, not their shiny best that's for sure. We bought 100 pounds of uncut geodes from Dugway, Utah. We cut a 10-pound sack of small ones last weekend, they are GORGEOUS, purple and blue druzy on the inside with agatizing all around the rims in pretty patterns. So I look forward to cutting the medium to medium large geodes we bought yesterday. The guy who owns the claim, he had his two sons there, 7th grade and 5th, and they were so cute and smart, their job for dad is to cut forms for septaria (bison, hearts, etc) and to polish the book-end geodes. I told them my job was to polish too and they gave me some good tips on what to do. Then on to the Uruguayans where we bought deep deep purple ammie crystal clusters--rosettes--- and I asked the tall, dark and handsome Uruguayan if he had any stalactite slices (for pendants). He did, two trays worth! Expensive but worth it, I bought three, AND he showed me how to set them in such a pretty way without any drilling. Bob was off looking at something while I had my lapidary lesson, heehee!!! Went to several shows including the big one in its first day at the convention center theatre. Fortunately I learned to drive in Los Angeles so I was able to parallel park our Tundra truck in downtown Tucson :clap: first try OF COURSE hahaha. Its one of the times Bob says he is in awe!

I swear, I'm going to post some pics, I have a camera load full and I just need Bob to help me figure out how to upload them so I can post them here.

Glad everyone is doing well!! I hope everyone has their Valentine lined up for tomorrow including our furry AND feathered friends (thank you for bringing Puff to the Pet Party, Jimmieanne!). Tomorrow is my 19th wedding anniversary :bigsmile:


Dec 9, 2013

I have been reading about your skin issues, but did not get in at the start of the discussion to fully understand what is going on with you.

I just want to share that I had an almost perfect complexion and then about 18 months ago my face when haywire and I had to stop wearing makeup. Painful lumps, peeling. My derm. said it was adult acne...antibiotics and tretinoin helped a bit, but now I'm back where I started : (
So I know what you mean - I don't feel as "pulled together" as I did when my skin was clear. When it bothers me I take solace in the fact that no one else cares or notices it the way I do.
In my case I think what really happened it that I'm on some Rx that's making me sun sensitive.

I know you have issues with products, but I will suggest one [NOT! read on] - it may have bad ingredients for you, so I will check that out. It's called Miracle Skin Transformer and has a translucent matte finish. I recently switched to L'Oreal Miracle Blur. They make my skin look smoother.The ingredients in both are octinoxate, octisalate and oxybenzone. The first is a sunscreen used widely because it is less irritating than others, the second is another sunscreen, and the third ... WOW!
I just looked it up and it said it is linked to sun sensitivity!!! I'm leaving this whole paragraph here instead of editing, but wow,OMG.
Why would they put something like this in sunscreen!?!?!?!

Well, back to the drawing board on SPF's for sensitive skin : (


Dec 9, 2013
azstonie, what wonderful fun!
and Happy Anniversary!

looking forward to the photos.


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne, I'm sorry you are having skin issues too. Yes those products will not work for me. I cannot tolerate any chemical sunscreen ingredients. Thanks for sharing your experience with me. Hugs.

Kristie, congratulations on 19 years!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Woohoo!!! And YAY glad your last adventure went so well. Ooh looking forward to seeing all the goodies you got. :appl:


Dec 9, 2013
Thank you, Missy. I'm happy you brought up the subject. It never occurred to me to be aware [& beware] of the ingredients of topicals.
I hope you find the trigger for your issue very soon.


Feb 5, 2014
Hi NIRDI Girls',

So glad you are back Kristie! Well, it must have been fun but we missed you and tell us all about it, yes, photos please and write to me when you can.

Hi Jimmianne! Hope you are well. I am thinking of everyone, Marcy, Junebug, Sarah I hope your healing is going well.

Callie hope you are finally well and getting out to do something this weekend, let us know all about it.

I have had some particulary bad days, moods, etc. but also my flu came back with a vengeance this morning, I just cannot get over this thing but again I am feeling better tonight as I stocked up on more and different herbal remedies. I am forcing myself to stay home, which I am sure I am going to love, NOT! Yikes just what I need now but I must or otherwise I will fall over.

Ex is supposed to be leaving March 15 last I heard, he had shitfits, either harrasses me and sexually molests me at work or imagine the other day he hit me at work. That was really great,I cannot wait for this to be over. I hope he does indeed leave but now he is blaming me for that as well and he is on a vengeance trip. I cannot say anything specific here but I am not letting this whole thing go unpunished if I can help it.

I bet that no one has skin like me now, finished with lash extensions, my upper and lower eyelids are bleeding. Seriously. Flaking too but so bad that they are now bleeding. My whole eye are and face had terrible edema and looked like it was burnt. Not loving this. I do feel ugly with my own short and thin lashes though. Guess that is my problem as I have to use some natural oils or something on them and curl them. We shall see.

I was thinking about a silly dilemma tonight, I am sure others have gone through this, I loved my original engagement ring. I tell you very honestly that this is not a ring I would make neither is the diamond great yet I love that ring, what do people do with them? In a way I never want to let go of it and want to keep it as it is but yet I will never wear it again. I also feel it would be bad luck but I love it even if it is what I may call and ugly duckling today. I know I could reset it but I love the entire piece and still think the diamond may be bad luck or would it? Thinking of making a bangle with the diamond in the center perhaps but not sure, it was just an idea. I am sure this is not the most important part of a divorce but for us bling loving girls and especially to me feeling so attached to my pieces it is hard to decide. I could have emailed you all about it but I was wondering how others dealt with it if they went through divorce before but perhaps others did not love theirs as a piece as much? No clue, I just thought of this. I can of course give away the whole thing too. That is another option.

Talk to you all later and have a great weekend, hugs to everyone!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies!

Missy, it sounds like Humphrey the Polar Bear would get those Killer Rabbits in shape in no time. I did finally find our missing rabbit. He was over the front door staring it me every night. I have been lax on my PT for my legs and I need to start doing it again. That might help on flexibility so I can ride the bike. I think a standard exercise bike might have been a better option than the recumbent bike but oh well. I didn’t go out and try either one of them. Don’t feel bad taking your days back at work; they are yours and she was hired to fill in for you. That was nice of her to come in and work with on EMR. My sister works pre-certs at admissions for a hospital and I know when they change their software she has to go for a lot of training. I am sure it’s very complicated. I think working at it every day will be the best way to learn the system too. I hate to hear the makeup didn’t set well with your face. I had rashes on my hands and arms for years when I worked at a photo-finishing lab and had to put some topical cream on it to try and keep it under control. It was so bad I couldn’t do dishes and was told to avoid washing my hands as much as possible. If you knew how OCD I am about washing my hands you’d know how funny that is too. There wasn’t a lotion I could put on that didn’t set it all on fire. I finally had to completely stay away from the dark room and chemicals and even then it never cleared up until I quit that job. I am exactly like you in that most medicine bothers me. You could set your watch by how long codeine stays in my stomach. 15 minutes then I have a baby burp and everything in my stomach . . . well you can guess the rest. So I know it’s very frustrating and I sure hope they find something that helps and works for you.

Kristie, I am glad you came home with so many treasures from Tucson. The geodes sound fabulous. I hope your post pictures of all of your pretty finds. I’m in awe of you parallel parking your Tundra truck. Marty had a F250 extended cab full bed pickup and I could drive it in a straight line and that’s about it. Happy Anniversary to you and Bob!

Jimmianne, I agree with you; I don’t think anyone notices our skin issues as much as we do. I can’t stand the feel of sunscreen; I buy Clinque and avoid their sunscreen stuff like the plague. Neutrogena’s has a sunscreen for sensitive skin; it is the only one I’ll use if I need to use some sunscreen and since we’re up here in thin air and I’m fair skinned that’s about anytime I am exposed to sunlight. And yes that is crazy to put something that makes you sensitive to the sun in sunscreen.

Ovi, I hope you rest up and get over this nasty flu. I hope your ex doesn’t go unpunished. Grr to what he did to you. Obviously he didn’t follow through on quitting last week. I am so sorry you are still dealing with him at work. I hope your eyes and eyelashes get better. My tear ducts are clogged (probably allergy related) and I am supposed to put a hot rag on them and massage them every day but I don’t. I quit wearing mascara because getting it off at night irritated everything so much. My original ering has a colored gemstone in it now; it’s a color shift spinel. Sadly I don’t wear it because the gemstone isn’t cut as well as I like (now). I do like the ring though. The center diamond was only .15 ct but I had it mounted in an open heart pendant. I actually like it quite a bit.

I am so glad it’s Friday. We got off work about 30 minutes early. We ordered pizza for supper. Marty is downstairs practicing drawing. We got 2 books last weekend for him. It’s cool he is working on something new and that he enjoys.

Have a great weekend!


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Missy, I'm sorry your face started acting up again. I sent my niece a text after I emailed you asking how her face was this week. She sounded happy and said it seemed better this week. She is on the lowest dosage of Accutane and has not had any of the awful side effects. The doctor has told her to be patient that it may take a few months to get her face clear. She said pain wise it is much better. Her mood is much better because she can see an improvement. She finally feels like things are going in the right direction. Maybe you should give Accutane a try. I'm glad you had a good couple days at work! I knew you would do well. Look how far you have come these past seven months!

Kristie, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow with Bob. It sounds like you had a great time at the show and were able to find some cool things. I can't believe you parked correctly the first time! Pat yourself on the back!!!

Marcy, I love the diamond! Sign me up, I'm in. You did any excellent job of finding one we all could share! Too bad our husbands probably won't be on board. it sounds like Marty is enjoying his man cave. Do you have anything special planned for tomorrow?

OV, I'm glad you rested and took it easy today. I bet your body is just rundown from all the stress you have been under lately. If I were you i would use the stones from your wedding/engagement ring in another ring or necklace. I wouldn't think the diamonds are bad luck. He destroyed the relationship, not the diamonds.

Jimmianne, Are you still enjoying your new necklace? Don't you love it when you get a great deal? Are there any more projects in your future?


Jun 8, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day girls!

A Valentine's poem to my dear friends...(and please excuse how sappy and poorly written this poem is...writing it early in the AM before I can censor myself haha)

My dear friends
you mean so very much to me
So much more than words can say
on this or any other day

My love and appreciation for you
is greater than any jewel could ever be
my affection as strong as the strongest metal
as long lasting as the diamonds we see

Your love, support and caring
bring out the very best in me
You lift my soul with light
with kindness warmth and care
You bring me happiness and peace
Just knowing you are there

That is why I am trying today
my very best to share
on this special Valentine's Day
how I feel about you girls
and how much it means to me
that you are always here for me

how dearly I treasure you
more precious than the most precious pearls
so much more than any words could ever say
how much your unconditional support
means to me every single day

Pricescope brought us all together
with our love of diamonds and gems
I am so very glad you are my friends
and I know our friendship will never end

Your love and caring will always be
so much more precious than any bling
What more can I possibly say
Except your friendship is a priceless thing

Oy vey :oops: poetry was never my thing
but there you go.
And here's a real "poem/quote" below. To balance my homemade one. Hope you enjoy.

Love you all! :kiss:



Jun 8, 2008
Kristie, Happy Anniversary!!! I am sure you guys are doing something special since your anniversary falls on a romantic holiday. Have a great anniversary weekend!

Callie, I am so glad your niece is doing and feeling better. I am also happy she is on a very low dose because from all my research that is the way to go even though it takes longer to do the job. Much safer and allows for longer dosing which will keep her clearer as long as possible.
Have a good night out with your dh. I agree that we can celebrate Valentine's Day when the restaurants don't have "special" menus.

Marcy, please sign me up for sharing that diamond too. Love it.
That's a relief finding the rabbit, I guess...Good luck with the PT. I hope it helps you with the flexibility and pain issue. I think my therapist did say that the upright bike is easier on the knees but I could be wrong with that memory. I think that is what he said. I know the recumbent is easier on the back though. I guess we are at that stage LOL when we have more than one issue and have to choose. How did that happen? It was just yesterday I was 20. :shock:
So glad Marty is enjoying his man cave. Now what did he get you for Valentine's day? Anything you can share here?

Jimmianne, thank you for your always good wishes and I am glad my thread helped in any way. Hope you find complete relief very soon. And give your sweet Puff and other animals big hugs from me.

Ovi, I hope you are feeling better today and sending my hugs and lots of healing vibes your way. Things with your ex will sort themselves out and I vote for doing whatever you want with your ER. Wear it happily if it doesn't hold any bad feelings from your relationship with your ex and if it does reset. Enjoy the bling and do whatever you need to do to make that happen.

Sarah, hope you are getting stronger with each day and feeling well. Thinking of you. (((Hugs))).

Junebug, I miss seeing you here and hope you have a lovely weekend. I hope your visit with your mom went (is going?) well. Hugs to you too my dear friend.

LLJsmom, hope you and your family are well and enjoying a lovely Valentine's day weekend. And fingers crossed about the NYC marathon!


Dec 9, 2013
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!
love & hugs from Jimmi & Puff


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, that's wonderful. You are a poet. :appl:


Feb 5, 2014
Jimmianne those are the kind of roses I would want.:))) No roses for me now but I do not need roses, the diamonds would be enough.:)))


Jun 17, 2009
Hey there NIRDIS!

I started posting a response on my iPad yesterday and the darn thing froze for some reason and I lost the whole thing. :wall: Rather than annoy myself further, I figured I'd just wait until I got home, since I had forgotten my laptop.

Missy, I'm glad to hear your first days back at work went relatively well. Ugh, so frustrating about the lamp, you didn't need that aggravation on top of everything else. I'm so annoyed for you about it. And it sounds like you're feeling a bit better about learning EMR. It's good someone is available to help you. It's apparently a very complicated system that's going to take some time to learn and it sounds like you're not under a lot of pressure to learn it right away. Good for you for jumping right in, I'd be the same way - better to just start, rather than having it hanging over your head and creating anxiety for you! But I am just really sorry your skin is making the transition so difficult for you, and I truly get how you feel. And you know my feelings on this…I'm a big believer in a person doing whatever is best for their mental and emotional health. I will fully support you in whatever you decide to do. (((((hugs))))))

And thanks for your understanding about what's going on in my life right now…and yes, I'm doing just what you suggest, doing little things for myself that will cheer me up a bit. I'm glad about the trip, it's nice to have something to look forward to.

And your poem is so beautiful Missy! I was a bit overcome with emotion as I read it! I feel the same way about everyone in this thread, but I could never express as eloquently as you. Thank you for such a beautiful sentiment dear Missy, your words really touched my heart.

Kristie, thank you so much for your input and advice, it is so helpful to get a more objective viewpoint. Sometimes the emotions involved with caring for my mother and interpersonal relationships with my siblings cloud my judgement. I agree with all that you wrote, I am going to have to follow my own words to Missy and do what I need to do for my own mental and emotional health. I fully intend to honor the commitment I made, I basically just need a break every once in a while, and I shouldn't feel guilty for that and I'm going to make my siblings aware of it and take steps to make sure it happens. I did tell my sister the other day I was feeling burned out, and she said she was planning a visit soon, and was there a time that was good for me and I mentioned the San Antonio trip, so that's when she's coming. I know it sounds like a small thing, but it's a big step for me. I committed to this schedule 4 years ago partly because everyone was worried and panicky about my mother coming home from the rehab center and I wanted to diffuse everyone's worry and concern. Now I'm the one who needs a little help, and I'm going to have to put on my big girls pants and arrange that help myself. Thanks again for your comments, they really helped me.

Happy Anniversary Kristie! I hope you and Bob have a great day! so you were married on Valentines Day? Love it!

Calliecake, thanks for your support too! I hope you have a nice night out with dh, Happy Valentine's Day!

Marcy, thank you too for your support. It really helps to hear some kind words while I'm going through a bit of a rough period. Good for you for getting back to your PT exercises, it's really hard sometimes to do what's good for us lol. I hope they help your knees so that you can feel comfortable using the bike. Oh, and count me in on the diamond sharing! Although I haven't run it by dh yet; I have a feeling he may not be that supportive :cheeky: Have a great weekend!

Ovi, wow, your ex has definitely stepped over the line, it is just terrible and I hope that all of this comes to an end soon. I hope and pray he leaves in March. So sorry to hear you are feeling so terrible, I'm sure this stress isn't helping, and might even be causing these physical problems. Hugs to you, and take care of yourself. And thank you for your understanding about being a caregiver, it's comforting to have the support of friends. I would definitely repurpose your diamond - as long as you're emotionally comfortable with it, why not? I really like the idea of a bangle.

Jimmianne, your pendant is beautiful! Love it. What a great find. l love browsing around on ebay for hidden treasures.

LLJsmom, hope you are doing well - the weekend is here, hopefully you can enjoy some down -time.

Sarah, hope you are feeling well, and that your recovery is continuing to go smoothly. Thinking about you!


Oct 24, 2012

Wow a lot has happened. I have been completely off PS but CHECKED IN for the other parts of my life. When I am checked in, I am too busy to do anything else. :). It's been good, spending time with the DH and kids. I'm running more and regularly working out.

Missy, so glad you had your first day! I'm sorry your face doesn't like make up. But I really think you don't need it. You are beautiful without it. I can count on one hand the number of times a year I wear makeup. It's time consuming and expensive ;-). I think women in general look better and have better skin without it!! :).

Ovi I hope that your crazy EX will just GO AWAY!!!!!

Kristie, happy anniversary!!!!

Happy vday to you ALL!!!



Jun 17, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day LLJsmom!

Missy, saw this and thought of you, hehe!



Jul 1, 2014
Missy, you're a poet! Cool :clap: I bet you got all As in English and in Literature!!! Does Greg get a yearly tribute in verse???

Junebug, its hard to get tone into a thread post. I didn't want you to feel pressured by what I wrote but I did want you to know of my experience in a family with a mom wanting daily visits and help where the one sibling (my DH) was not asked to be part of the caregiving. Families are odd of themselves and you would think no one should have to ASK Bob to help with his mom but in fact the relationships there were so strained with his SIL, who considered herself my MILs 'keeper,' that we had every indication that wanting to help would be taken again as an attempt at taking SILs control away. And then of course some people don't look for problems until they actually are right there---you know, don't fix it if it ain't broken kinda thing. You're a trooper and a dear heart to your mom.

Ovi, that guy has some nerve. Do you have some GOLD KNUCKLES at work, let's say around 10k for maximal DENTAL BREAKAGE? :evil:

Jimmianne, Puff has impeccable taste in gifts, no WONDER you are giving him a home and a family!

Marcy, I'll sign up for diamond time with that stone! Is this like a time share but it's a diamond share?

LLJs, Frappucino today as I'm not counting calories or sugar grams today! :wavey:

Callie, thank you! Marriage has not interfered with my freakish parallel parking skills, heehee! Even in college when my friends and I would cut school and drive into downtown LA to stop, even if I wasn't driving before we got close the car would stop and I would dash into the driver's seat to do the parking. I wasn't sure if my friends liked me or just wanted good parking!!!


Feb 5, 2014
Hi NIRDIs, although I have to say that it is definitely not one of my best VDays and I am hating the whole thing right now, your kindness has been touching, Missy what you wrote is indeed very touching and wonderful, thank you!

Also Junebug thanks for your well very funny post and nice to hear from you and that you are fine and doing little things for yourself, that is very important! I must relearn that too, lately none of that for me, not the last two months or so, well, one perfume purchase but otherwise nothing. Now, hmm, this may not be true because one friend said I should do little things for myself like go out for a coffee and yes I love coffee, enjoy it at home but I do think I am doing small things for myself, such as enjoying my passion and work, hugging the animals, getting my nails done, going to dance salsa and I can list certain things, while they are not that big perhaps except for my work and passion, there are still some small things I do enjoy.

LLJsmom, welcome back! We are so happy that you are fine.

Hope you Girls all have a wonderful VDay and enjoy celebrating if you do.
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