
My Brian Gavin Recut Analysis


Jan 29, 2012
Hello cut mavens!

I am going through a divorce and wanted to give my former e-ring diamond a new, sparklier life before putting it into a pendant. At kenny's wonderful suggestion, I sent my diamond in to Brian Gavin for a recut. I was so excited to get my recut analysis today! The rough weight is 1.269 and the recut weight will be 1.154.

Here's my thread on SMTB for reference:

And here are the reports:




:wavey: Glad this is working out for you.
Waiting for hand pics ... I mean neck pics. :appl:
Fun! I had an ugly diamond recut by them. :)
Very cool! Looking forward too seeing how it turns out. It should be a beautiful pendant! :appl:
fioratura|1446846787|3946434 said:
Hello cut mavens!

I am going through a divorce and wanted to give my former e-ring diamond a new, sparklier life before putting it into a pendant. At kenny's wonderful suggestion, I sent my diamond in to Brian Gavin for a recut. I was so excited to get my recut analysis today! The rough weight is 1.269 and the recut weight will be 1.154.

Here's my thread on SMTB for reference:

And here are the reports:

The cut that is optimal for a ring is not necessarily the same for a pendant. If you don't necessarily need to change it I would consider not doing the recut at all if the destination is a pendant. You will be losing resale value on the diamond and spending money on the recut at the same time. Pendants can do well with more shallow crowns and wider tables and that may even be brighter and preferred given where they are likely to draw light from.

I would tell Brian you intend on wearing it as a pendant and ask what he thinks the optimal cut would be given that use.
Goodness, that diamond looks pretty good already. I don't think a recut is all that necessary as it would be fine for a pendant as it is.

I also had an ugly diamond recut by BG with very nice results, but yours is a very nice diamond, not ugly!
Since it's already at Brian's, just have him set it in a necklace as is. The loss in weight really isn't worth it since your diamond isn't awful to start with.
The OP is going to lose about .1 ct but will most likely get vastly improved symmetry, and probably improved cut (angles) as well. Personally, I would choose a slightly smaller, more perfect diamond over a slightly larger one that's not as well cut... even if it was "only" for a pendant. (And that's not just theoretical... I am starting to look at diamonds for a pendant and I'm considering getting a crafted by infinity stone... which would mean paying a premium for cut.) I know there's some debate as to whether symmetry (i.e. H&A) contributes to diamond performance, but which of us don't like hearts and arrows in our MRBs? And wouldn't mind paying a little more to get them? The OP already owns this diamond, and the diamond she'll end up with will probably be worth more, even with the reduced weight, than the sale or trade-in value of the original stone... plus who knows, Brian might be grinding off some bad juju left over from the former relationship. :mrgreen: In any event, I think she's made a good decision, and I'm looking forward to seeing the new stone!
Its already a nice diamond why bother with re-cut spend the money on the setting
VRBeauty|1446887238|3946554 said:
The OP is going to lose about .1 ct but will most likely get vastly improved symmetry, and probably improved cut (angles) as well. Personally, I would choose a slightly smaller, more perfect diamond over a slightly larger one that's not as well cut... even if it was "only" for a pendant. (And that's not just theoretical... I am starting to look at diamonds for a pendant and I'm considering getting a crafted by infinity stone... which would mean paying a premium for cut.) I know there's some debate as to whether symmetry (i.e. H&A) contributes to diamond performance, but which of us don't like hearts and arrows in our MRBs? And wouldn't mind paying a little more to get them? The OP already owns this diamond, and the diamond she'll end up with will probably be worth more, even with the reduced weight, than the sale or trade-in value of the original stone... plus who knows, Brian might be grinding off some bad juju left over from the former relationship. :mrgreen: In any event, I think she's made a good decision, and I'm looking forward to seeing the new stone!

Yes, it was never a "bad" diamond to begin with, but I do view the recut as a way to make the stone different and "grind off some bad juju left over from the former relationship" as VRBeauty said so well. Resale value was never really a factor for me because I'd be losing so much money selling it anyway compared to what it was purchased for. I thought briefly about selling it and using the money to buy a different stone, but I realized that that made no sense at all money wise. I view my divorce as a really positive change in my life, but I also can't negate the good times and importance the relationship held in my life, so i didn't want to get rid of the diamond all together.

Brian does know that the stone is going into a pendant and Anthony and I talked over all the options for how to put it to use. The price for the recut was really not bad and it's more of a mental thing for me. I always wished the cut was more "perfect" eventhough I always thought it was a nice sparkly stone, and one that i actually picked out (before I started reading PS). I'll feel good knowing that it's more "optimum" and knowing that it's slightly different than it was when it was in my engagement ring. The lost 0.1ct doesn't bother me.

All the same, I'm going to write to BG and make sure they think this is the optimum cut for light return in a pendant. Thanks all of you for your input!
at this time I only wear a diamond pendent and I love :love: that I know it is well cut and super super sparkley.

talk abt a fresh start-and- if you choose to bezel your stone .. . you will make up the .1 size loss and then some

I say :appl:
I read this last night before anyone replied and thought the asset and ideal scope pictures looked good and I would rather keep the diamond weight but thought no you will all go for better cut. Surprisingly I was right and a lot of you agree. Especially as it is over the Carat a bit. In a few years the marriage part will be distant as you get used to having it in a pendant. I would not recut this one.
I'm in favor of the recut, even if it's not going to change the optics *that* much -- it is beautifully symbolic of the OP's journey through this relationship and emerging at the end changed but hopefully for the better. Kinda granola, sorry, but if I were in her position I would gladly take the 0.1ct loss for an optically stunning, and emotionally uplifting, result.
Recutting for emotional reasons is a whole different issue! I think those of us saying that a recut wasn't necessary said that because we see people here buy GIA XXX stones like that here all the time for engagement rings! But by all means, if the desire is for a new diamond, then recut! He will not guarantee that a recut stone will end up equal to his signature stones, though.

Want to see a diamond that needed recutting? :lol:


Congrats on making the decision and going for it. I am sure it will really pop when you get it back. And I loved the idea of giving it a new character. Big change in your life. Out with the old and in with the new! Can't wait to see your reaction to your "new" stone.
For reasons of bad juju I totally get the recut decision! :halo:
diamondseeker2006|1446927522|3946726 said:
Recutting for emotional reasons is a whole different issue! I think those of us saying that a recut wasn't necessary said that because we see people here buy GIA XXX stones like that here all the time for engagement rings! But by all means, if the desire is for a new diamond, then recut! He will not guarantee that a recut stone will end up equal to his signature stones, though.

Want to see a diamond that needed recutting? :lol:

WOW that is really cool to see!!! What did that stone look like after the recut?

I have to say, it makes me feel good to know that my diamond was really not so bad at all to begin with. I always felt kind of bad about it once I started reading PS. I am the kind of person who assigns a lot of emotional meaning to certain objects and I had really wonderful memories of shopping and choosing the stone with my ex so I never wanted to upgrade. Now those memories are still wonderful, but in a bittersweet way. I also spent so much time looking at the stone that I feel like I know every angle. It definitely needs a makeover for my peace of mind.

16ocean said:
at this time I only wear a diamond pendent and I love :love: that I know it is well cut and super super sparkley.

talk abt a fresh start-and- if you choose to bezel your stone .. . you will make up the .1 size loss and then some

I say :appl:

I am going to put it in the Barbara pendant, so it will be nicely bezeled. I've been wearing an AGS 000 pendant (.4ct) and even though I can't see it (except when I look in the mirror) it always just made me feel good! I'm going to match it and make it into a pair of studs. Since I will no longer be wearing a ring, I think knowing that the stones I do have are well cut will make me feel happy :D

evergreen said:
I'm in favor of the recut, even if it's not going to change the optics *that* much -- it is beautifully symbolic of the OP's journey through this relationship and emerging at the end changed but hopefully for the better. Kinda granola, sorry, but if I were in her position I would gladly take the 0.1ct loss for an optically stunning, and emotionally uplifting, result.

^^^ THIS exactly :love: Isn't it funny how the human mind and heart work?

To everyone, I love your honesty and your understanding. This is a very cool community and I've been learning so much from all of you!
I understand all sides of this.
Giving up carat weight is a serious decision.
Selling it and buying another makes lots of money go poof.

I totally get the symbolism of saving the stone but improving it, or 'cleansing' it.

I recall my 'divorce' from a 13-year relationship.
Today I'm improved, but I'm still me ... and so it can be for how she feels about her diamond.
It's all in our heads, but we can think of it as Brian polishing away the negative part to get down to the good part.

I also put WAY more importance on optimum light performance over carat weight, but it's nice you aren't losing more than 10% of the weight.

Congratulations on turning a negative into a positive. :appl:
diamondseeker2006|1446927522|3946726 said:
Want to see a diamond that needed recutting? :lol:

Want to see one I had that needed recutting even more? :errrr: :errrr: :lol: :lol: :lol:



Andelain|1447023231|3947141 said:
diamondseeker2006|1446927522|3946726 said:
Want to see a diamond that needed recutting? :lol:

Want to see one I had that needed recutting even more? :errrr: :errrr: :lol: :lol: :lol:




Good to see you again Andi! Did you get that diamond re-cut?
VRBeauty|1447137978|3947623 said:
Good to see you again Andi! Did you get that diamond re-cut?

Good to see you too, and thank you! :wavey:

Yes, I did get that stone recut, here's the thread. [URL=''][/URL]

Then I had a custom ring for it here, [URL=''][/URL] , but the color was never as nice as it looked in those pics. There's now an E colored AVR in that setting, and it's plated YG.
Really interesting to see all these wonky stones!

My recut process started yesterday. I briefly thought about not going through with it, but ultimately decided that it really was a symbolic gift that I was giving to myself. Can't wait to share the results in a few months :dance:
I am curious and confused. Does a .1 (ten point?) loss matter that much if it is not going to make it go to a whole number i.e. 1,2, 3 etc carat? What is the price of recutting? (Ballpark?). What is the risk of recutting a stone? Does the cutter assume the risk? I thought that better cut trumps a larger stone with a lesser cut.
First of all, Brian is a genius and a master diamond craftsman. I think he can do magic. However, I vote for no recut, because I think your Diamond is already very well cut. To take care of the emotion part, I suggest that you sell your beautiful Diamond as is, and use the money to buy a signature Diamond from Brian. Add more money if needed to get extra size, better color, and etc..

My reason is that if you add the recut fees, re-certification fees, and reduced Diamond value due to less weight, the total amount is better spent starting new. Besides Diamond jewelry, you have options to purchase something else or simply invest the money.

Just noticed that you already started the recut process. Never mind
Enjoy your new Diamond.
lambskin|1447173544|3947826 said:
I am curious and confused. Does a .1 (ten point?) loss matter that much if it is not going to make it go to a whole number i.e. 1,2, 3 etc carat?

The same 0.1 carat drop causing the stone to fall below carat-milestones like 1 ct or 2 ct lowers the value more (per carat) than falling from, say, 1.12 to 1.02.

lambskin|1447173544|3947826 said:
What is the price of recutting? (Ballpark?).
I suspect around $400 for a 1 ct.

lambskin|1447173544|3947826 said:
What is the risk of recutting a stone?

It could explode on the polishing wheel from heat and stress.

lambskin|1447173544|3947826 said:
Does the cutter assume the risk?

No, the owner does.
That's why you want a cutter with a good reputation.

lambskin|1447173544|3947826 said:
I thought that better cut trumps a larger stone with a lesser cut.

It does to me.
But many put a higher priority on weight.

Loss of carat weight decreases value, but better cut increases it.
Whether the value, overall, goes up, down, or is unchanged after a recut would have to be determined on a case by case basis.
I suspect it's usually down since everyone understands carat weight but few understand cut.

If I'm wrong about any of these statements I welcome corrections.
Recutting a diamond generates controversy.

Take this spectacular example ...

Partial Snip:
In December 2008, the Wittelsbach blue suddenly turned up at auction, centerpiece of Christie’s London sale of important gems. Expected to fetch $15 million, the cushion cut stone, described as a fancy deep grayish blue, was fought over by rival diamond dealers and hammered down in a matter of minutes for the extraordinary price of $24.3 million — the most ever paid for a diamond at auction and a sum that may also have rendered the Wittelsbach blue, by weight, the most valuable commodity on earth.

The buyer was Laurence Graff, the billionaire diamond dealer whose clients run to other newly minted billionaires, and in short order its new owner made a series of startling decisions about the stone. First, he had it recut, reducing it from 35.52 to just over 31 carats, to eliminate the chips and “bruises” inevitable in a stone of its age but also to improve its clarity, brilliance and grade. Then he renamed it the Wittelsbach-Graff and struck an agreement with the Smithsonian Institution in Washington to display it.
