
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Mar 13, 2008

Krissie, I'm thinking about you and Baby A. I'm happy to hear that Baby B is doing well. Hugs to you my friend. Hopefully Baby A is just taking his/her sweet ol' time. Y'know, summer weather, no point getting all flustered and stuff... Sorry to hear your DH is away. When you move, will you have a doc lined up? Hugs again my friend.

Katie, So funny that you got another onesie. You DH is probably super excited inside but only half-heartedly said to put it back. I mean, he let you buy the onesie right?? =) Hm dunno how you'd be able to tell your folks. DH plans on telling his folks this weekend. He'll probably tell them and then I'll call him on my lunch break so we can all chat together.

Parrot, sorry to hear the blood screen showed some risk. Right about now, everything is so iffy we worry and worry to no end. I hope the CVS will give you some more answers.

NEL, wow, sounds like we're passing out at the same time. :) I"m surprised I'm still up right now. Actually I'm not that surprised because I've been seriously crampy today, it's kinda keeping me awake.

Pancake, Glad you were able to make it through your shift. Sorry about the nausea and the constipation. I'm dealing with the BM issues as well, I started making fresh juice in the mornings and trying to bump up the amount of veggies I eat.

OK looks like I spoke too soon, I'm fading fast. Going to hop in the shower, take the dog out and hit the hay.

Have a good night, ladies!



Jul 27, 2007

Zoe! Hello! Thanks for stopping by!

Katy, I definitely saw that bear onesie at Target last night. I remember because I saw the fuzzy feet and thought "hmm, this sounds similar to the duck onesie Katy described". I didn't think to look at the butt area, though, so I missed the funniest part! It was super cute, though, and while it wasn't on clearance, it was nice and cheap!

LC, hope you got some good rest last night! I think upping the veggies is a good idea, when I get frustrated with..that, I have a salad.

Ladies, I think I'm now firmly in the "girls who have nausea" camp, which I really, really wanted to avoid. Yesterday I wasn't feeling so great, but it was a hectic day and I chalked it up to that. I forced myself to have two eggs last night and they just didn't sit well. This morning I've been feeling sick off and on. I've been really busy with meetings and people noticed I didn't look so good (probably the sweating I was doing). I have no appetite whatsoever (though my stomach still growls)--I was really hoping it would go away by noon, but it didn't. I made myself eat some yogurt, but now I'm regretting it. I think I'm going to start trying the 2 saltines before getting out of bed trick. I guess I just wasn't expecting some of these symptoms (the nausea, the growing, sore boobs) so early?

N (4 weeks, 6 days)

parrot tulips

Feb 13, 2007

NEL - So sorry about the nausea creeping in. Mine has been super mild, but I haven't been spared entirely. Hope you find some relief.

Today was very anticlimactic for me. I got squeezed in for a CVS this morning. I showed up, had my session with the genetics counselor, had the sonographer take all sorts of pictures & measurements, and watched as a nurse set up a tray of equipment off to the side. I was trying my best to contain my nerves, when the doctor came in...and determined because of the position of the placentas, and an annoying, but harmless fibroid, they would not be able to perform the procedure. Instead, I'll have the 2nd blood test normally combined with the NT scan. If my results change to screen negative, I'll avoid any more invasive procedures. If my results remain screen positive, we'll probably do an amnio. I was hoping for more immediate answers, but was placated (somewhat) with a more communicative sonographer - 2 brains, 2 sets of arms, 2 sets of legs, 2 healthy heartbeats, very normal NT scan measurements, and growth right on track with my estimated due date.

Baby A:

Baby B:

-PT 12 weeks, 2 days


Mar 13, 2008

NEL, Ooof! Sorry about the nausea camp. Bummer! I hope you get some periods of relief. They say it's not uncommon to experience it as early as 4th week. Do you know if your mom had MS? I'm not (yet) in the nausea camp, but I'm in the "Girls who have WICKED cramps" camp. More below

Parrot, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a clean screen. Was the genetic counselor able to give you any more answers or put you at ease at all? I'm glad you had a chattier sonographer, and hooray for the pictures. I'm wondering if I should see a genetic counselor too. I have a recessive hemoglobin trait that my PCP (Primary Care Phys) said I might want to consult a gen couns about when we have kids. But no one in my DH's family has anemia, so maybe it's just nothing to worry about.

AFM, Not much going on. As I said earlier, I'm in the "Wicked Cramps" camp. UGH! It's totally draining. My cramps have actually kicked up 3 or 4 notches to getting quite bad. I was worried so I called the doctor told them they're around a 6-7 on a scale of 10. She asked if they were like menstrual cramps, but I told her I don't get them so I have nothing to compare it with. Anyway, the nurse said it's not uncommon to get cramps, but if there's any bleeding or if it's isolated to a particular side and very painful, I should call them again. Till then, take some Tylenol and call it a day. I'm kinda disappointed in myself to get all "Nervous Nelly" and call the doctor. But oh well. :rolleyes:

Any of your DHs start reading any pregnancy books yet?

~LC (5w-6d)


Nov 16, 2008

LC: just wanted to chime in and let you know I had awful awful cramps on and off (especially in the evening and and night)- it is so hard to not let them scare you, id get totally freaked out by them, but they are a sign that your uterus is preparing for the long haul of carrying that baby! You can take tylonol, which I did frequently. I hope they go away soon for you....I think by about 8 or 9 weeks they went away.,


Jan 7, 2010

Krissie - I am sorry to hear that not all the news is positive. I hope that you and your husband are pulling together in a figurative sense, even though you're geographically emote. Please keep us posted!

PT - squeeeeeeeeeeee!! Look at those kids!!!

LC - your cramps sound exactly like mine were - mine were left-sided and sometimes made me double over. They came on at night time and early in the morning. I found a hot water bottle helpful when trying to get to sleep. I wasn't anxious about them, but only because I didn't know I was KU at the time! solution to intermittent queasiness is currently to eat almost constantly :lol: have had a good couple of days and am trying to worry less until my first appt and 8/40 scan next week.

7w3d today :))


Nov 20, 2008

NEL - Oh no! Not nausea!!!! So soon?! Boo. I hope the saltine trick works for you and you can feel better!!

LC- Sucks about the cramping. I have some too, but not nearly as bad as you do. I did some reading, and did you know that by 7 weeks your uterus is TWICE THE SIZE it was originally?! Holy cow, no wonder we cramp!!

PT - Sorry about the run-around at the docs, I hope the next blood test can bring you some good answers and a nice clear screen! BUT LOOKIT THA BAYBEES!!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

pancake - 7w3d already?! Haha, guess that's what you get when you don't realize you're preggo!! :bigsmile:

AFM, everything's the same. :)) 5 weeks tomorrow!


Jan 7, 2010

Haha Katy - I can definitely believe that my uterus has doubled in size - I pee about 15 times a day!!!

Re being 7+3 already... I know, I feel like I got some kind of head start by being clueless about my cycles! When I was getting all those cramps I just assumed that AF was on the way. In some ways I wish I still didn't know - just because it would be so much less worrying! But then again I would still be drinking and eating sushi...


Mar 13, 2008

Whew! I thought I was the only one that's nearly doubled over in pain. I think I have a pretty high pain threshold so I"m not really doubled over, but it's getting close to it. I'm sure if my DH had to deal with these kinds of cramps, I **guarantee** he'd be whining about it and doubled over in pain. Men are such babies. ;))

Is the cramping because of the uterus stretching?

The doctor's office said I should take acetamitnophen per directions, once every 6 hrs. My cramps was WAY serious again, can I do more than every 6 hrs?

Pancake, what's an 8/40 scan? What do they do there? Is this your first U/S? Does grazing throughout really help? I guess if you're eating healthy snacks it's not so bad, right?

Parrot, Holy cow! I just realized you're ready to graduate to the big Preggo thread! :appl: :appl: Congrats for reaching the 2nd tri!!!

Krissie, how are you doing, friend? We're still thinking about you and you've got plenty of dust for your little beans.

Katy, the same is good so far if you're still symptom free. Twice the size? Maybe that's why I feel SO bloated and gross!

RMFA & Marlie, :wavey:

Hope you ladies are hanging in there!

~LC (5w-6d)


Jan 7, 2010

You can take acetaminophen/paracetamol 4 hourly, but max of 5 doses a day - unless you have liver disease (which I assume you don't). Unfortunately it's not great pain relief for muscle cramps but better than nothing. Definitely recommend a hot pack though. I think they say it's a uterus stretching thing. Initially I thought I was getting gastro, then AF, but as it turns out it was neither!

8/40 scan is just an 8 week scan - it's just the medical abbreviation for 8 weeks' gestation! It will be my 2nd scan LC, my first was at 6+1/40 because of the bleeding. I have found that eating small amounts all the time definitely helps, and keeping it light - fruit, biscuits - does too as I get really bloated and sleepy when I have a big meal at the moment.


Jan 7, 2010

I confess... I bought a pair of Mama J (J Brand's maternity line) jeans online yesterday :oops: I figured that I will wear them at some point in the future even if things don't work out this time. They are underbelly jeans, I don't think I will like the overbelly stuff and the midbelly stuff just looks kind of bulky.

I hope haven't jinxed myself! I keep having to remind myself that I am a rational and clear-minded doctor, not a superstitious silly! But I suppose pregnancy does funny things to us all :)


Jul 27, 2007

Pancake--as long as we're confessing, I'm intending to buy some Bella Bands tomorrow. I almost bought the Target version the other day, but decided to research it (of course). It seems that most like the original Bella Bands better, so I printed out some coupons and am buying them tomorrow since I don't have to work. YAY!

Oh, and it makes me feel so much better to hear you had cramping on your left side. I've been getting awful, awful cramps, mostly on my left side. This morning they were so bad they woke me up, but seem to have subsided now. I didn't want to mention anything here because I didn't want to sound crazy, but I've been so scared that the left-side cramps were further evidence of an ectopic pregnancy. The fact that you had them, too, makes me feel relieved.

LC, see previous paragraph about cramps. I know I've said that I've had cramps every day since I Oed, but they are getting worse. This morning I had some back pain as well, but I really think it was due to the cramps.

Katy, I know, the nausea seems really soon, right? I don't know, I'm finding pregnancy odd for me. First, I got a SUPER early BFP and I seem to have a lot of early symptoms. If I hadn't charted, I would honestly say I'm further along than 5 weeks. Twins don't run in my family as far as I know, but I'm really eager to see next week's ultrasound.

PT, I'm so sorry that you mentally prepared yourself for the CVS only to have it canceled at the last minute--that must have been tough. I'm keeping everything crossed that the results change to screen negative. I'm a bit of a mush right now, but those u/s pics are truly amazing. I can't believe how much they look like babies already--I have no doubt that makes me sound like an idiot, but I'm just in awe. They're adorable!

AFM, I did the 2 saltines before getting out of bed trick this morning and I do feel slightly better. I was also able to eat some bland pasta last night, so I feel encouraged. Even if I'm sick most of the day, but can get a good meal in at night, that would be okay. The hardest part is not revealing how sick I feel at work. I'm so glad to have the next 4 days to myself, it will be so nice to relax a little!

I fell asleep during So You Think You Can Dance last night, which is super frustrating. I can't even stay up to watch my favorite shows anymore!


Oct 28, 2009

Wow - this thread is really moving! Looks like I'm 2 pages behind on my post. If I miss anyone I'm sorry!

MP - Thanks for popping by! I'm really crossing my fingers that you join us soon!

To all you ladies with the cramps - that sounds awful! I get bad menstrual cramps and I cannot imagine having those last for more than a few days sounds like torture.

LC -for the poopy issues (I'm so mature)... I've heard getting in alot of fruit really helps. Fruit is one of the only things that doesnt turn my stomach when I think about it, so I've been eating plenty and haven't had any problems with that.

NEL - I know how annoying it is to have people spill the beans. My SIL did the honor for us, telling a few family friends (who are parents of our friends) when we hadn't told our friends yet! I think it only got to one couple before we were able to tell them. We're planning on letting friends know this weekend, so hopefully those who know prematurely can keep their mouths shut for a few more days. She didnt mean to do it and is just so excited to be an aunt, but it was still annoying. I also understand the bridesmaid worries. I have not changed sizes since high school and have never been a bridesmaid and now I'm slated to be in TWO weddings. One when I am a little over 18 weeks and one about a month after my due date. Sizing bridesmaid dresses should be fun... I'm sorry about the nausea! Mine started just before 5 weeks too. Try to keep eating throughout the day. You don't want to have an empty stomach and don't want to overfill it either. Good luck!

Katy - I love that you can't resist the onesies in the store. My uncle got us a gift after we told him I was pregnant, so we've got a whole bag of baby stuff (he was a little excited). I feel like it's still a little early, but I love looking at the cute little onsies. We'll see how long I hold out before I'm buying them myself. The 13th will be here before you know it! Good for you for pushing the early ultrasound.

Pancake - I'm sorry you're having such a stressful start to your pregnancy. Sounds like things have calmed down a bit, and I hope they stay like that for you.

RFMA - You are so close to telling everyone! What a special weekend you're going to have!

PT - those twins are adorable!! Sorry about the wasted appointment, but I really hope you will get peace of mind from the blood test.

Krissie - I'm sorry one of the baby's isnt doing as well as hoped. Praying that everything turns out ok. It must be so hard to think about being away from your husband right now!

AFM - still dealing with nausea, but I found that taking it easy along with eating lots of smaller meals really helps. I'm working from home 2 days a week now, and I feel so much better on those days as opposed to the days when I have to drag myself into the office. My next appointment is two weeks from today, and I'm so ready for reassurance that everything is going ok. Any time my symptoms let up a little and I get some relief, I worry that it means that something is wrong. This whole experience is stressful and I can't wait until I can feel the baby moving around to know that it is doing ok.

~B (8 weeks)


Nov 24, 2006

PT, awww, your twins are adorable!!! I am so excited for you!!! sending good thoughts for a clean NT. :appl:


Mar 13, 2008

Brown, wow, 8 wks already! How exciting! I'm glad you have the comfort of working from home a few days a week. Much better than trudging to the office when you're a little green. Two weeks will fly by hopefully. Will they do another U/S? Honestly I don't think the worry will ever go away. Just kick up to a whole new sphere of worriness!

NEL, Ugh! These cramps are the WORST! I have crampy-ness in the front, not on any particular side. It was kinda bad last night I had fitful sleep all night. SUCKED. I finally just curled up into a ball and hugged a pillow. Eventually drifted off into some kind of sleep. Considering how WIDE AWAKE I was most of last night, I'm surprised I'm not dead tired. Also all my prior preggo friends *LOVE* their Bella Bands. I'm going to see if I can borrow some from them so I won't need to buy it. Not going to worry about it until I'm too fat to get into my pants though. I hope your appt next week can help soothe your fears about how perplexing this pregnancy is. Maybe you're just more sensitive to the hormonal changes? I'm kinda an ox when it comes to being "in tune" with my body. It's gotta be REALLY different for me to take notice.

Pancake, ha ha, this is a JBP support and maternity/baby purchases confession thread! That's alright, you're just planning ahead right? I admit I've been spying, and giltgroupe kids section etc. I've been half tempted to get some maternity clothes, but I'll be way preggo in the WINTER so no point buying airy summer preggo clothes now.

AFM, so... the nausea kinda started today. I'm doing OK for the most part,but I have a general "UGH" feeling. I feel like I just got off one of those "spinning-dizzy-ing" carnival rides. I don't think I'm on the verge of anything, but definitely feel uncomfortable. :(

My haircut was fun. My stylist is a friend of mine, so it's fun to catch up and chat too. DH said he liked my haircut too. Stylist flat ironed my hair, which she likes to do. I do'nt really care for it that much because I'm Asian and my hair's already straight. But since she styled it so straight and my hair's so dark, I went with a more "edge-y" look at work today: black tight-er top, and thick dark eye makeup, black jewelry.

DH is going to tell his parents today. I'm going to call him during my lunch break in case (a) he wants to break the news while I'm on the phone or (b) they want to speak with me after he tells them.

Hope everyone else is doing alright!

~LC (6wks)
May 17, 2006

:wavey: to my favorite pregnant ladies!! Hope you and your little beans are doing great! I haven't had a chance to catch up on your pregnancies yet, but just wanted to pop in and wish you all well!


Jul 27, 2007

Ally!! I just read your update on the TTC thread--ugh, your O is more elusive than Big Foot! You had all of those LH surges and everything. I'm so glad you came back from Hawaii nice and relaxed, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

LC, did you end up telling your in-laws together? How did the big reveal go? I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling a little queasy--I hope that's as bad as it gets! And I'm glad you like your haircut--I love getting my hair cut, in fact there's nothing left to cut at this point! :)

brown_eyes, it's great to see you and I'm so glad that that you found a regmine that keeps you from getting really sick (working from home + small meals). I feel that if you can find something that works for you, that's half the battle. And so funny that you were asked to be a bridesmaid while pregnant, too. I'm with you on the timing--I've been the same size since high school and have never been a bridesmaid, either, so the timing is humorous. Seems like several of us will be pregnant bridesmaids!


Jan 7, 2010

I woke up before 6am AGAIN this morning!! Blah.

Brown - thank you! Yes, things have calmed down and I'm very grateful for that. A bit too much drama in the first week of knowing! Glad you have the option of working a couple of days from home. I don't have that option, but at least I'm not on call at the moment, which means that I should be working on research stuff, but in reality I'm secretly Googling pregnancy stuff on my iPad and not doing very much at all! :oops: I have just had a very heavy fortnight on call though, so I figure it's kind of more ok...

NEL & LC - I reckon I might get a band this week as well, if for no other reason than that I get, ahem, gas bloating at times and it would be nice for my jeans to not cut into that when it happens! All being well I will be heavily preggo in the height of the Australian summer (and we are due a hot one this year as last year's was weird, a total fizzler) so I suspect that I will just be living in muu-muu-like garments and feeling hot and bothered by then! It's mid-winter right now here, and I think that apart from needing a pair of black pants and a skirt, my pre-preg wardrobe will get me through the next 4 or 5 months.

LC - how did it go with the in-laws? Husb and I are tossing up whether to tell his parents next week. On the one hand, we'd really like to... but on the other hand we're worried (well, I'm worried) that my MIL won't be able to stop herself from telling the extended family, and I REALLY don't want them knowing until we're safely through the 1st trimester. Sigh...what to do, what to do.

NEL - re the cramps - I don't know why mine were left-sided, although my corpus luteum is on the left and apparently quite a "good size" so maybe that was it. But I worried about ectopic too, esp with the spotting.

Ally - you are too sweet, thank you for popping in to check up on us!

AFM, no new news at this point and frankly that is a relief! Husb gets back from his conference tonight. I got my flu shot yesterday. Not much else to tell!


Jun 30, 2009

Hi everybody. I've been a posting slacker but I've checked in on you all and seems like everything is going ok which makes me so happy!

krissie...thinking of baby a! hoping he/she hangs on tight!

parrot...thinking of you and your already adorable babies. hope the results come back soon and bring good news.

Katy...did you end up telling your parents? How did it go?? sorry about the cramps. i had them at first too and they were awful. they've sort of subsided for now (which freaked me out at first) so i hope they stop soon for you too. did you guys end up telling DH's parents? excited to hear how they reacted!

Brown...hope your nausea eases up and glad you found a bit of a non-nausea routine but I know what you mean about the reassurance. This whole process is so nervewracking!'ve been through a lot in the last couple of weeks so i'm glad to hear that all is going well for the moment! you must be so excited for dh to get home!

nel...sorry to hear the nausea started. booooooo. the two saltine trick sounds like a good plan. i might need to give that a try since you said it's helping.

afm... i feel like i've been taken over. soooo tired, nausea, overall blech feeling. no good. i'm only 6w4d so i assumed this wouldn't have started yet, but i was wrong. all i want to eat are bagels but i'm trying to keep a balanced diet. it doesn't help that my dh is a health nut and keeps trying to feed me raw kale (which i dry heaved on the other night). after the dry heave incident, i think he's getting the hint that i can't just eat piles of greens like i used to, at least for the moment. it's hard to function at work too b/c i work in a creative job and writing is hard when you feel like you are going to puke or fall asleep all day! thank goodness for the upcoming 3 day weekend. well that was a huge whine-fest (so sorry! i sound like the hugest complainer. i swear i know that it's all worth it and am happy to suffer if it means a healthy baby!). other than that, all is good. had my first ultrasound yesterday!!!! didn't see much since it's super early but i got to see his/her heartbeat flicker which was amazing. can't believe that it has a heartbeat and it's only the size of a lentil! unreal. i have another ultrasound at 8 weeks and i'm hoping to hear the heartbeat then.

looking forward to laying at a pool this weekend and relaxing! hope you all have fun/relaxing plans for the 4th. sorry again for my slacker-posting behavior and my whine fest!


Jul 27, 2007

Pancake--your husband comes home today! YAY!! And I'm with you on the bloating--I feel like I've been bloated since about 6dpo, haha. I seriously unbutton my pants sometimes when I'm sitting at my desk!

marlie--congrats on your first ultrasound! You got to see the little heartbeat, that's amazing! It's nice that you get another u/s in a couple of weeks.

I'm so sorry you're feeling awful and also sorry that your husband insists that you eat raw kale, haha. I'm sorry about the dry heaving, but hopefully he got the message loud and clear. I hear you on wanting to eat a healthy, balanced diet but also needing to eat what doesn't make you sick. It's very frustrating. And you are not whining at all, these are all things that we're struggling with--it doesn't mean we aren't ecstatic to be pregnant, it's just challenging at times :)

AFM, I'm feeling better today. Maybe it's because I'm not working, haha. I had 2 saltines this morning, but was then able to eat a bowl of cereal and I had a hamburger earlier. Not feeling fantastic after the burger, but it's not that bad.

I didn't get my Bella Bands today---the store didn't have them. I did get a couple of tank tops, though. And I went to a baby furniture store to check out some options. I was convinced I wanted an antique dresser in the nursery, but these dressers were really nice and had this quiet-close feature where kids couldn't slam the drawers or smash their fingers, so now I'm getting all first-time-mom about everything.

Okay, off to run to the dog park. Everybody have a fabulous holiday weekend!!


Apr 28, 2008

Congrats to all the newly pregnant girls!! Such an exciting time.

Parrot, try not to stress too much about the NT blood work. You, Lanie, and I all did fertility meds to get pregnant, and we all had elevated results for Down syndrome. I read that girls who do fertility meds can sometimes get a false positive from their blood work. My son was born perfectly healthy, as was Lanie's. :) I don't want you to worry. Chances are everything is great. Your twins are adorable!!!

Krissie, I'm sending thoughts and prayers for your sweet Baby A. Hugs!


May 9, 2006

Hello all! I'm 5w tomorrow, and I suppose I should hang here, but I already plopped my fat butt in the other preggo thread, and it's just so haaaard to get up. ;)) I look forward to this new sisterhood, ladies!


Jun 18, 2007

Hi friends! Hope everyone has a nice weekend planned?

Tomorrow's my bday, so I bought myself a dress at BR today. I was wondering whether I should go a size up, in case I could continue wearing it throughout the summer ... but they didn't have that size! So I just risked it and got my size. I've definitely got a "pooch" at 8w2d, but I'm not gonna wear Spanx or anything!

Also, today I discovered the show "Pregnant in Heels." OMG guilty pleasure! Speaking of guilty pleasures, I also had a lot of Taco Bell at lunch ::)


Mar 16, 2006

:wavey: Just got my BFP! I will be 4 weeks tomorrow. Still very overwhelmed, but so excited! Looking forward to making the journey with you.

Hope you had a great birthday, Krissie!


Jul 27, 2007

MQ!! Welcome! It's fantastic to see you over here and congrats again on your BFP! How are you feeling so far?

Krissie, hope you had a wonderful birthday! I caught a couple of episodes of the Pregnant in Heels marathon yesterday. D and I were going to watch it together, but he can't stand the blonde lady, so he bailed on me.

Jas, you can post whereever you want--I'll be following your story regardless of where you post it! We'll all funnel into the preggo thread eventually, anyway, so we'll see you soon enough! Congrats again!

I'm loving this long weekend!

parrot tulips

Feb 13, 2007

MQ - Welcome!

Jas - I'm having the opposite problem...I'm having a hard time moving over to the Big Preggo thread. Did I read correctly that you have 2 year old twins?

NEL - I was actually really excited to see the latest US pictures. I couldn't believe they resembled actual babies, with little noses and all. The biggest & best surprise was to see one of them moving. Baby B was waving his arms around and flipping and turning around like crazy. It actually made it a little difficult for the sonographer to get a good picture for measuring the fluid in the neck. I'm thinking that one may be handful. ;-)

AFM, overall, I'm feeling good. While I've (mostly) avoided the MS camp, I do have a bad gag reflex, which pregnancy seems to have aggravated, and now appears to lead to vomiting more often than not. This leads to a small vent. When I had the appointment for my NT scan, a patient walked in smelling like she had bathed in perfume that morning. Really? In an office full of pregnant women, with a heightened sense of smell, you really needed to wear that much perfume? Gag reflex triggered. Luckily I didn't get sick.


Jun 27, 2008

Mannequin - congrats on finding out!


Jan 7, 2010

Congrats, Mannequin!!! Welcome to the thread :)

Morning sickness has hit me with a vengeance since yesterday. Actually yesterday's was afternoon and evening sickness, and I woke at 6 this morning feeling uuuuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhh. It's now 10 past 7 and I am willing myself to get out of bed and make some breakfast. Have just gingerly eaten a rice cake (don't have any dry crackers). I think I'm feeling a bit better but I'm too scared to get up!

Ironically, I spent all of Saturday freaking out because I didn't "feel pregnant", all of a sudden.

8 weeks today.


Jun 27, 2007

Congrats pancake! sorry about the ms, but at least that's a reassuring sign.

Seems like we are about the same weeks pregnant - I made 8 weeks yesterday. You had mentioned spotting earlier and I also had brown/red spotting at 6 weeks - it was very scary! Thankfully everything was ok. Yesterday I was also thinking I hadn't had much morning sickness, and was wondering if I was still pregnant. I feel a bit queasy today but not much. I'm actually hoping ms hits me soon too. :)) Anyway, it's nice to have someone around the same gestational age. :))


Jul 27, 2007

Sha, congrats on your pregnancy! This thread keeps growing and I think it's great!!

PT, I am also having issues with the gag reflex. I usually don't have much of one, but suddenly I do. In fact on Saturday I had to buy new prenatals because the gummies were making me gag. But swallowing the new vitamins isn't much better. Luckily I haven't run into any women wearing too much perfume!

Pancake, I'm so sorry about the nausea--you had to go and and jinx yourself, right? How are you doing today?

AFM, I'm about to go to a bbq at the in-laws' house. I'm not feeling well at all, so I'm having a few crackers to attemp to settle my stomach. They decided to invite the whole family at the last minute, so I'm going to have to come up with some excuse for not eating much.

Oh, and D is at the emergency vet with Bo. He was swimming earlier today and somehow managed to get a fishing hook stuck in his stomach (?). The good news is that it didn't seem to bother Bo at all--in fact, his primary concern was that he had to stop swimming.
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