
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Mar 16, 2006

bee* said:
Just delurking to say Congratulations Mannequin!!!! I'm thrilled for you!!

Thank you, Bee! (((HUGS)))


Jul 27, 2007

MQ, glad to hear the symptoms are manageable at this point. How cute is it that your mom bought a journal for you and has kept it tucked away for months now. Have a fabulous time camping this weekend!

Pancake, I find the work speculation a little funny myself. The good news is that the client hasn't been speculating--our client keeps speculating that another member of our team is pregnant, so it's going to be a bit funny when I announce that I'm the one who's pregnant. And so glad the toast worked for you! I had a craving for toast while walking from the train station a few days ago and I wondered if it would be weird for me to walk into a breakfast place and just ask for toast. I may do that if the urge strikes.

Krissie, congrats to you for booking your NT scan and an appt. with the new ob. I didn't realize you were moving--how far away is the move?

AFM, had my first appt. today, but no u/s. She suggested I do an ultrasound next week, so I have an appt. for my first ultrasound in a week. I may call back and request something earlier in the week. She didn't want to do one today because she felt that 6w 1d was too early. We opted for an NT scan at 11- 13 weeks, so the nurse wanted to be able to accurately date the pregnancy so that we could schedule the NT scan and she felt 6 weeks was too early for accurate dating. When she felt my uterus though, she said that she suspected I was closer to 8 weeks than 6 weeks based on the size. So next week I should get an accurate reading.

I'm glad I have something to look forward to next week! So I'll have an u/s next week, the NT scanning at 11 - 13 weeks, then the gender u/s at 18 - 20 weeks. And I'll meet with my regular ob early next month. I'm so excited!

Oh, and apparently sausage biscuits from McD's are helping my nausea for now. Yeah, not to excited about eating something so unhealthy, but at this point I'm in survival mode and the nurse today told me that was still better than eating a ton of carbs. Whatever, I'll take relief any way I can get it.


Mar 20, 2003

I'll join the fun. I'm due March 3 with #2, so I'm 5w 6d, but I think I'm a couple of days ahead of that based on ovulation. I have my first u/s at 8.5 weeks. For some reason I feel a lot more nervous about telling people or believing I'm really 100% pregnant than I did the first time, when I was so excited that I told everyone. We've told family and a few friends, but otherwise we're waiting for the u/s and then will play it by ear.

I've been queasy with what felt like morning sickness since before my period was due, but recently it's subsided a bit. Now I just feel crappy and lightheaded and queasy if I don't eat often enough. With DD it didn't start until 6 or 7 weeks so I was surprised at the difference, but I've been really affected by hormonal changes since weaning her and getting AF back, and have been queasy and sick to my stomach a lot in those 8 months, so I think it makes sense.

Oh, and my pants are tight. Already. Really? Sheesh . . . Thankfully I got my maternity clothes back from my friend who borrowed them after DD and then never returned them. She lived in a tiny house and she was like, oh, don't worry, I don't mind storing them . . . In retrospect I realize it was because she really wants to be pregnant again (but her DS is only 11 months and she doesn't have AF back yet) and was keeping them just in case. Sorry! Also, I have a small wardrobe in all sizes from 0 to 10 (not because I'm some crazy person whose weight is always fluctuating - because I went from an 8 to a 0 when I finally got in shape in my mid 20s, and I got the 10s from my sister because that's what I was PP with DD), so I just moved up to the 4s today. So at least I have stuff to wear.

I had a c/s with DD, and I feel like I'm having moderately painful twinges around the site of the scar. I guess that makes sense . . . I hope it doesn't get a lot worse as the uterus grows.

I'm excited to keep up with everyone and graduate to the preggos thread soon together!


Jun 25, 2007

PG, congrats! A friend of mine had cramping/pulling early on that her doc suspected was caused by her previous c section scar tissue. It subsided after the first trimester.


Mar 13, 2008

Congrats Phoenix! What exciting news! How old is your DD now? Good you got your mat clothes back, and lucky you that you still have wardrobe options. Hooray for no symptoms yet. I'm glad we have a few BTDT moms around (you and Sha) to help us newbies. But many of the other lovely PS mamas pop in here and give us some assurances. What a great community we have on PS!

NEL,Hooray for the U/S next week. I was thinking about you today and wondering if they'd do one. Did your DH go to the appt with you? Is he coming to the U/S next week? My DH was not planning on going to the appt, but I'd like him to see the U/S also. He is coming after I got my appt moved. And no sweat on the Mickey D's, like you said it's pure survival mode right now. Wow, gin shots at work :-o I hope no one is onto you, or if they are they're keeping their trap shut. Kinda have a somewhat related story later.

MQ, woot woot on the 1st appt! I'm a touch jealous of you ladies getting early U/S etc. My appt I'll be nearly 10 wks, the doctor is on holiday. I dunno why they want me to see my regular doc if I'm just going to rotate through the whole crew throughout my pregnancy. Shrug, oh well. I'm just hanging out till then. Anyway, back to your comments, super cute your mom saved a journal for you. And you'll have to take a pic of the little outfit. It sounds *adorable*.

Pancake, Thanks, I feel like a totally blob so I pretty much force myself to work out. I can't lie though there are days that inertia takes over. But for the most part I'm not *too* tired during the day, it's more of a mental block kinda thing. I'm sure you're going to get that 2nd tri "bloom". What a sweet husband you have to make you toast. :) So funny about the 19-y.o-male version of excited comment. I know what you mean. How's the new bed?

Krissie, fantastic you have your NT scan and a new OB all lined up for after your move. One less thing to worry about. Wow, you sound busy with the move, putting your house for sale etc! Yikes!

Sha, Belly Journal, hm that sounds intriguing. On BabyCenter they say I should make a journal but I'm not really the journal type. If I have check boxes or something that would make it easier for me. I might print out something like that to bind into a book.

AFM, not much going on. Sis and I hit the gym yesterday. Busted out some weight sets and did a lot of walking. Met up with a friend (more Sissy's friend) for a birthday, then had a late dinner and hit the hay. I have resisted all urges to buy things, I'm quite proud of myself.

So last week, Sis and her BF came up to the appt for like a sec. I was running around shutting down the apt, getting ready to leave, and her BF spied one of my preggo books. He's kinda the oblivious type, so he's like "The Joy of Pregnancy! L are you PREGNANT?" Then makes a semi-joking comment of "They're getting ready" in the how cute sense. :rolleyes: So I was flustered/etc since we're not ready to tell anyone, and at the same time, I feel bad for my sis because she was probably WAY embarrassed by him. She did talk to him and said it's completely inappropriate to make comments like that, so I think he'll be more sensitive from now on. I was all set to "come clean" with him shortly after our appt, but now he's gonna have to wait with everyone else :devil: Wow, sometimes boys can be REALLY dumb :rolleyes: Kinda makes me want to have a girl ::)

That's all for me

~LC (7W-1D)


Jun 18, 2007

NEL, your sausage McMuffin comment cracked me up ... I'll have you know that I THRIVED on them in weeks 4-5. :lol:


Jun 18, 2007

So, since we have some February mamas on here ... is anyone due on Valentine's Day or Feb. 29th??


Jul 27, 2007

Phoenixgirl, welcome!! I can't believe how many of us are due within a week or two of each other!

LC, yes, D is insistent on going to all appts. with me. Today I had him step out when they were doing the regular pelvic exam--he doesn't need to see that, haha. And I had to reschedule the u/s FOUR TIMES so that he could make it. The nurses were cracking up by the third time I called, but as a hormonal woman, I was really annoyed with him. I didn't think he would be so concerned about being there. Maybe he'll lighten up over time.

Krissie, the range they gave me today was 2/16/12 - 3/1/12 for a due date. I'll get a more accurate due date after my u/s next week, but I'm sure it will fluctuate slightly after that as well.


Jan 7, 2010

Krissie - my first scan puts me on Feb 13, my 2nd on Feb 14!

will type proper reply to everyone in a sec, am lying in bed with half-eaten pear in hand.


Nov 20, 2008

Krissie!!! I am so excited about the twinnies!!! Thank goodness that Baby A has caught up! Are you planning to find out what you're having so you have plenty of time to prepare an adorable nursery that you will of course share with us all? ;))

NEL - So sorry you feel so gross :(( Hey, if you're having trouble keeping stuff down, seriously a sausage biscuit is not that bad for you! It has protein and carbs, two very necessary components! Just try to remember that the nausea won't last forever and you can get back to a normal diet soon... but for now you have to eat what the bean wants and will let you eat!! Not gonna lie, I was a little disappointed that you didn't have a smooshy black and white pic of your bean to share this week, but next week we both will! Yay!! And it is so cute that D wants to go to all of your appointments. I think DH wants to come to mine too (he says he does at least) and that makes me happy. Although he will not be allowed in for the pelvic either, ew!

LC - What a hoot about your sister's BF!! I mean, I hate that stuff it's so rude, but it's so funny also. Guys are so clueless. And I love that you were going to tell him but now you're not - that cracks me up!! Now that you're officially preggo, have you been working on the officery at all?? Lucky girl on no symptoms!

marlie - How are you feeling? Have any of your symptoms returned? I know they come and go, but it still must be so stressful. I was worried when I hadn't felt any cramping for a couple days, but I needn't have worried! Ooof. I love "nooglet"!!! What a cute nickname. I keep trying to come up with one for ours, but so far we're calling it by it's weekly size. So right now I guess it's a sweet pea. Ahaha.

RMFA - Awwww, so good to hear how happy everyone was!! I don't think my mom will cry, even though it will be the first grandkid on my side of the fam. I can't wait to tell my grandfather that he's going to be a GREAT grandfather. :) And your mother in law screaming!! Aww. I hope for a little shrieking from all the ladies on my DHs side, but we'll see. Glad you're feeling good! You're almost far enough along to graduate to the big preggo thread! Man, the time flies.

Pancake - I am so jealous of your new bed! It sounds divine!! And glad that your jeans were a good buy! I got some Lilac jeans from babysteals last time I found out I was pregnant - probably a good idea because they were pretty cheap and maternity clothes are expensive!!! I really struggle with being tired in the afternoons too... and I'm usually the type who can function on practically no sleep! Argh.

Mannequin - so sweet about the journal your mother bought you!! I almost bought the most adorable dress at Macy's, and then talked myself out of it. Hah! I just have the two unisex onesies and THAT IS HOW IT WILL STAY until I know what I'm having! Ahhh all the baby stuff is so cuuuute thooouuughhh!!

Sha - Aww, Belly Journal! I keep thinking that I should start documenting this pregnancy, but all the stuff I felt at BFP time is what I'm still feeling... so maybe I'll start one after next week's US. :)) Glad you're not queasy yet either, and OMG THE EXHAUSTION. I swear, I have slept more in the last couple weeks than in the last couple MONTHS!!

PG - Welcome to our crazy group!! It's looking like we're having a crazy PS baby boom in Feb/March! Sorry about the twinges and the tight pants! I hope you feel more comfortable soon.

AFM, I feel pretty much the same! I thought I was getting nauseous the other day, but it subsided pretty quickly. Boobs still hurt, still CANNOT GET ENOUGH SLEEP TO SAVE MY LIFE, still feeling some cramping. The tiredness is killing me, though! It's so hard to stay awake and alert, and for someone who used to work late a lot I sure am rushing out the door at quitting time so I can get home to the couch before I fall asleep on my desk! Goodness. I told DH that the kiddo was the size of a sweet pea and so last night he was poking at my belly going "PEA." Ahahaha! I didn't think he'd be the cute type until it got a little more real! I'm quite pleased.

US is on Wednesday! Only 5 days to go and I can relax a teeny bit and also TELL MY FAMILY! I think I'm just going to call and spill the beans, no frou frou stuff here. Money is super tight right now and I can't even figure out why! We have to get our spending in check... we make plenty of money, we just have to get better at saving it! I hope to have the credit cards and my car paid off by the time the baby gets here... that should free up a ton of disposable income! Wish me luck!

Tomorrow should be a great day... farmer's market, Art Fair, and then taking a limo to a suite at the Brewers game for a good friend's DH's birthday! I love the weekend! Let's just hope I don't pass out at the game or on the way home ;))


Jun 27, 2007

Hey! Busy cleaning, but just wanted to log in quickly to say:

Congrats phoenixgirl!! Haven't seen you in a while! How's C? We were pg at the same time last time - it's cool that we're preg contemporaries again. ::)

Belly Journal - it's not a fancy, in-depth sort of journal, really. It's called 'The Belly Book' by amy k. - I ordered it from Amazon. It has checkboxes, places for pics, and short note spaces to record the pregnancy journey week by week/trimester. Also special areas for the major appointments, the baby shower, labour & delivery etc. too. I liked it a lot. It's cute and inexpensive- would recommend it!


Mar 13, 2008

Happy weekend ladies!

Sha, I'll check out that Belly Journal thing on Amazon. What are the check boxes? Just symptoms or what?

Katy, so exciting you'll have your U/S soon! Fantastic! Sounds like your DH is coming around to it. I've been shamelessly napping when I can. It's SO HARD to stay up at work, isn't it? Crazy! Sounds like you have a fantastic weekend planned too! Hooray!

NEL, So cute your DH is so insistent about going. Mine has been kinda hands off-ish, and I sorta had to convince him it might be a good idea to come with me. Good idea to ask him to leave during the pelvic. I'll definitely have to remember that.

Sha and PhGirl, how fun both your kiddos will be around the same age. :)

We've got a birthday picnic for my friend and her husband. They're doing a fiesta theme with a pinata and steak tacos! Sis and I are helping our friend cater some stuff. It should be fun! :) I made a pineapple upside down cake and some black beans. Sissy is making cupcakes and maybe jerk chicken wings. Maybe since the cupcakes probably took more effort. Anyway, that's our plan for the afternoon.

I think I'm accepting the fact that I definitely have the preggo fatigue. But other than that, no other symptoms yet. I'm not letting it fret me that much, but I did tell DH, I kinda wish I had something to reassure me everything's alright. He said he can see why I feel that way, but just consider myself lucky. I guess that's what I'd have to do, and until the 1st appt, I'll take the lack of AF as my best symptom that things are humming along.

That's all for me! Hope the rest of you guys are doing alright!

~LC (7W-2D)


Mar 20, 2003

Thanks for the congrats, everyone!

LC, my DD is 20 months now. She'll be 28 months when #2 is due. And my symptoms are much worse this time around . . . I bet you will be wishing you hadn't wondered about not having too many symptoms if/when the m/s hits!

NEL, I missed the beginning of your story, obviously. With such a range in when you can be due, were you actively TTC? Just with long cycles? Or was it a surprise? ;)) Sorry if that is too personal, just trying to catch up!

Katy, I hope the symptoms don't keep you from enjoying your weekend! I think the money saving plan is a good idea. Have to prepare for new expenses in a few months!

Sha, yay, I'm so glad we're doing this together again! I'm in touch with a bunch of ladies from our preggo time on FB if you are ever interested. Fun to see how everyone's little ones are doing! Claire is doing just great . . . hope the next one is as cuddly and sweet as she is (probably just jinxing myself here). How's D?

AFM, I'm only 6 weeks but I just got a prescription called in for Zofran, which I took while I was pregnant with C (but not until 9 weeks with her). The nausea has gone from being annoying but bearable to subsiding a little (so it only hit when I hadn't eaten in a couple of hours) to being kind of debilitating. I've spent most of today on the couch, sometimes sick in the bathroom, sometimes crying (which weirdly seems to help). DH is going to pick it up tonight (along with meatloaf from a local restaurant . . . mama is no condition to cook!). Boo. Hope the medicine helps. It caused constipation before, but I'll take that over crying on the couch with a bucket demanding that DH procure me high fat foods.

PG, 6w 0d


Jan 7, 2010

NEL - Are your O dates spot-on? Also, how did the midwife feel your uterus? The fundus of the uterus usually can't be felt above the pubic bone until ~12 weeks... wonder if you have multiples?! Exciting about your scan next week! What are "sausage biscuits"? Are they like McMuffins?

PG - congratulations on your pregnancy! Sounds like you are very well prepared compared to us first-timers :lol: I wouldn't mind having a few pieces of clothing a size up from my usual - my clothes still fit fine but with the intermittent bloating the waistbands of my jeans can be a bit uncomfortable. Sorry that your nausea has hit so hard, so early, but at least you have strategies to manage it from last time - and ondansetron is a wonder drug!

LC - LOL re your sister's bf! Your sis is doing a great job of keeping your news quiet, I imagine it's hard not to share with a partner. Keep your head up re the relative paucity of symptoms. I'm sure they will come soon enough and then you will be wondering what you wished for!

Katy - wow, your ultrasound is SOON! Are you having fragmented sleep at night too? I think mine is starting to improve slightly but for 3 weeks I have been waking multiple times during the night, sometimes to pee but sometimes just inexplicably. Your hubby is CUUUUUUTE with the "pea" thing!!

AFM, I am mostly just tired. I haven't felt sick this weekend and looking at the pattern over the last couple of weeks, I wonder whether the nausea dissipates over the weekends because I can sleep more and have more ready access to snacks? Husb has gone to work today (he's doing a long shift - although bless him, he brought me breakfast in bed before leaving) so I plan to spend as much time as possible in bed, trying to store up some rest before the work week ahead. My SIL and a friend of mine recently had babies and they were not working during their pregnancies; I am SO envious of them not having to work during the first trimester! It is really a bit of a struggle at the moment. Apart from that - boobs getting bigger, still has been so much oilier since a few weeks in (having to wash it every day, previously unheard of for me!). Pregnancy is WEIRD!



Jul 27, 2007

Pancake, I feel that my O is spot on--I was charting and using OPKs, so I have no doubt that I ovulated on June 9th. That being said, I also had a very early BFP (at 8dpo), so I wouldn't be surprised if I measured a little further ahead than 6 weeks (I'm 6 weeks 2 days today). She felt my uterus during the pelvic exam--she said she could feel mine very well because I'm thin, but also said that might be why my uterus felt more like 8 weeks than 6 weeks...because she could feel it so well. And yes, a sausage biscuit is exaclty like a sausage mcmuffin, just on a biscuit instead. Today I did go for a mcmuffin, I thought maybe that was slightly healthier?

I was wondering the same thing about weekends this monring: I also seem to feel a little better on the weekends. I think the work week is more draining to me than I thought and the extra rest on the weekends really helps. I've been pretty lazy today!

Phoenix, we were TTC, but you're right about the long cycles. I had them, which was confusing for the nurse I saw. Going by the first day of my last period, I'd be 8 weeks, but going by my ovulation day (I was charting and using OPKs), I'd be 6 weeks, so that's the reason for the range. I'm so sorry to hear that you're so sick, are you vomitting or just feeling really nauseous? I'm not vomitting, but the nausea definitely keeps me on the bathroom floor several times per day. I have a friend with an 18 month old who's pregnant and she says that it's so much harder having the nausea when you're chasing after a toddler, so I feel for you!

LC, it's great to hear that your'e still feeling pretty good despite being tired. I definitely would NOT worry about it, I agree with your husband that you're just a lucky gal! Enjoy the birthday picnic and get some rest when you get home!

Sha, thanks for mentioning the Belly Book, I've been looking for a fairly simple journal to keep. I already have a few things I've stocked away to put in a little journal and it would be nice to jot down some of the thoughts I'm having. I'll have to order this!

Katy, your husband is cute with his "pea" comments--and I also find it cute when they show excitement. Woohoo for paying off the cc and car before having the baby, that will feel good. I'm so excited for your first u/s, I'll definitely be checking back often on Wednesday!

AFM, I'm figuring out the nausea thing a day at a time. I don't get hungry, I just get sick, so if I eat protein-rich snacks (helps me more than carbs) every couple of hours, it helps. If I start to feel sick, it's my cue to have something to eat.

Hope everybody is having a great weekend!


Jan 7, 2010

Oh NEL - I hope I haven't made you feel more anxious! I had no idea about your medical issues and my comments were flippant, I'm sorry. Re dates, I reckon yours are probably more accurate than by palpation, although ultrasound will be useful to confirm. Normally LNMP dates would trump ultrasound dates; in general I think it's actually reasonably uncommon for women to chart their ovulation time and be so aware of it, I suspect your careful charting has given you pretty darn good data, hopefully comparable to most women's LNMP!

I do love a good sausage McMuffin myself. Now I kind of want one, only it's now 11am here and they don't sell them after 10:30 - indiscretion averted!! :lol:


Mar 20, 2003

Hmmm, the Zofran is not working as well as it did last time. I got a tip to try unisom and vitamin B6 so I'm going to try that tonight.

NEL, my sister always lied to her OB about the date of her last period because she had long cycles but she knew when she had ovulated and didn't want to deal with them dating her wrong. I think I'm actually a day or two ahead because my fertility monitor went to peak on CD 13, but I figure that is close enough. The interesting thing is that of the 10 months when we were TTC (that's total for both pregnancies), I ovulated on CD 16 or 17 except the two times I got pregnant, when I ovulated earlier (CD 13 or 14). I wonder if there's anything to that? The only thing I can guess is that the sperm was "fresher" because we hadn't had as much opportunity to try that month? Or my body was more revved up? Who knows.


Jul 27, 2007

Pancake, I promise that nothing you said made me any more anxious and your comments were not flippant in the least! Don't worry about it for a second--and I would give the sausage mcmuffin a shot, it is delicious :)

Phoenix, I did exactly what your sister did and lied about my dates for the first appt.--I didn't want to go in at 4 weeks with them thinking I was 6 weeks along. While in the appt., though, I felt okay talking with the nurse face-to-face about my long cycles.

I erased the paragraph about my medical issues in my last post, but long story short is that I have rods in my spine that make my pregnancy high risk. It's not high risk now--the docs aren't really worried about it until I hit 6 months or so. And I may be just fine, but I've been told to gain as little weight as possible because it's hard on my back. I had x-rays done on my spine last year before TTC so that we'd have the most up-to-date images. I'm meeting with the anesthesiologists in order to determine if a natural pregnancy is an option for me (because of my rods and fused spine, an epidural is extra tricky). My ob told me that I should probably assume that I'll be having a c-section and won't go full-term so I'm not disappointed, which I think is safe. In any case, it doesn't detract at all from my excitement over this pregnancy, and I'd be willing to do anything to keep this baby healthy, but the thought of having multiples scares me a little!


Mar 13, 2008

PhGirl, oof, sorry the Zofran is not helping. :knockout: I hope the combo of unisom and B6 does help. Isn't Unisom a sleeping aid? Maybe I'm getting confused. I'm no where near a medical expert so I can be wrong. Wow your DD will be 25 months when #2 is here! That's fantastic! She'll be old enough to know she's a big sister, but still young enough to play when #2 gets older. How fantastic. Interesting fact that both pregnancies were on your CD13/14 O's.

Pancake, I seriously wish I didn't have to work during this first tri either! Oof the fatigue is a whopper! OMGoodnes your DH sounds like a peach to bring you breakfast in bed! I sometimes feel like my DH forgets from time to time but I'm sure he just doesn't know how to show his excitement. Maybe after the U/S it'll sink in a little more? Oh and I've noticed slightly more pimples now. They're small so easy to cover up, but still sucky.

NEL sounds like your M/S is getting manageable. I really hope it lifts soon. Well sounds like your OB has everything under control for this pregnancy. I totally did the same thing as you did, lied about my LMP, so I'll "fess up" at my appt, like you did.

Quiet day for me today. I might work in the garden and some contract/side gig work. DH wants to go to the "beach" but I might pass. We went to bed at 10PM last night. Holy cow that was delicious!

~LC (7W-3D)


Dec 14, 2007

Sausage egg McMuffins and Wendy's Spicy Chicken sandwiches were my go to foods for the first trimester. You ladies are not alone!


Oct 28, 2009

PS just ate the nice long personalized response I had for everyone. There is no way that I am going to spend the time to type it out again. Sorry girls!

For those that are still feeling good - I hope it stays that way! I'm ready for the second tri and some relief from my symptoms.

For those who have been hit with the MS - I feel for ya and I hope you find some tricks that help you soon! I try to eat before I get hungry because I tend to feel sick before I feel hungry.

I loved all the stories about telling family! We have shared our happy news with friends, and it is so fun to see everyone's reaction. We kept the fact that we were trying on the DL, so pretty much everyone was surprised.

AFM - I'm still feeling about the same. I feel much better on the days that I am home and on the weekends. Relaxation and stress free days are the best. My next appointment is this week on my 10 week mark. I'm hoping to hear a heartbeat, but I have no idea what to expect. We have our NT scan on August 1st (at about 12.5 weeks) and I can't wait to see our sweet little baby again, especially since it will look more like a human and less like a gummy bear this time. Hubby has been so incredible good to me, taking care of me and running to get me a glass of cold water when I'm on the verge of losing my breakfast. I feel so incredibly blessed.

I hope all you ladies are having a wonderful, relaxing weekend!

brown_eyes (9W3D)


Jan 7, 2010

Brown - it's funny how the weekends are SO much easier, isn't it? Although I suppose it's not that weird... yesterday I spent the entire day at home in my pyjamas, moving between couch, bed and fridge, and only exerted myself enough to make a cheesecake for my little brother's birthday (today)! I'm not that busy at work today but I already feel much wearier and weirder in the tummy than I did all weekend.

LC - I'm sure things will be much more tangible for your husband after your first scan. You are only a week and a bit behind me, but I have had two scans so it has been more "concrete" for my husb than for yours - plus mine is also a paediatrician so kids are always on the brain!

PG - blah re the refractory nausea! Did you have it all the way through your last pregnancy, or did it settle in the second tri? Hopefully your new cocktail will help things, it all sounds a bit miserable at the moment.

NEL - it sounds like you and your obstetrician are very much on top of things and that there's been a lot of forethought about this pregnancy. Fingers crossed that you remain as mobile and well as possible for as long as possible! Not long until your scan, and then you will know for sure about the (hopefully) singular nature of your resident bean!

AFM, I am at work today, eating my bodyweight in carbs (although trying to keep it wholegrain and fruit-based!). Mondays are a bit of a trial at the moment as it just seems like SO LONG until the weekend! We have a new cleaner starting next week and I am really excited - totally thrilled to be giving over most of the housework! It was already hard to juggle with our work schedules and then my sappedness (of energy) has made it that much harder.

(9w today)


Jun 30, 2009

Hi girls! Hope you all had nice weekends. Can't believe it's Monday again. UGH.

PG...Congrats on your pregnancy! SO sorry that the remedy that worked last time on your MS isn't cutting it. Fingers crossed that your new cocktail does wonders.

NEL...sorry to hear that you are still plagued with the dreaded nausea. i'm sure you've tried every trick in the book already but i can tell you that what works for me is eating honey wheat pretzels. not sure why, but that works better than bread or crackers or gingerale. i just snack on a few whenever i feel it creeping in. i'm so excited for you for your US especially to get a better sense of due date. Must be exciting to think you could be as far as 2 weeks ahead of what you thought! sorry to hear how fatigued you are. it's like a new form of tired, right? and i'm glad that you aren't experiencing the other symptoms but i know what you mean about them being reassuring. but like you said, the missed period is probably the #1 symptom so you are good! maybe i missed where you said this, but when is your first US? are you getting excited for it?

Pancake...glad you are doing well! i hear you on eating your weight in carbs. and yay for less housework! that's a load off!

Brown...yay for upcoming ultrasounds and scans. that's great. i'm sure you'll definitely hear the heartbeat and at 10w your baby will definitely look like a baby! so exciting! hope you are feeling well and the nausea has subsided a bit.

Katy...sounds like you had a fun weekend planned so i hope it was great! your US is just two days from now..yay!! late in replying to this but I wanted to say that i'm so glad that both of your babies are doing well!! awesome news!!

MQ...hope you are doing well!!

I hope I didn't miss anyone but if I did, Hi! I hope you are feeling well!

AFM...I'm feeling okay. my symptoms returned but are now more on and off. i am feeling more reassured than my panic attack last week. more than nausea i've got major food aversion for basically anything healthy of course. i'd be super happy if i could live off of bagels with cream cheese but i'm trying to eat more balanced (though admittedly, it's not working). so bagels, pretzels, bread and eggs are what i've been able to tolerate. plus i've been drinking lots of lemon water or lemonade b/c i've been wanting that a lot. tomorrow i have my next us and this time i'm hoping to hear a heartbeat and see something baby-like on the screen. i guess i'll see when we get there. i'm not in love with the doc which is hard for me too. i only had one appt with her pre-preg and switched to her for her hospital affiliation. she was recommended by a friend. the doc is ok, but not warm at fuzzy at all. plus, i keep trying to ask her the process of how things happen and when and she keeps telling me to take it one day at a time which frustrates me. i'm hoping for a more thorough appt tomorrow with lots of answers.


Jun 30, 2009

I'm hogging the thread today but I have 2 random questions and figured you ladies would be best to ask.

does anyone pee BRIGHT yellow after taking their prenatal? i take it every morning and my first pee afterward is super big bird yellow. is this tmi? anyway, i wondered if that meant that my body is getting rid of stuff it actually should be taking in.

second boobs are getting huge! well, i guess relatively huge since they started off fairly small. i'm a pretty petite person and went from tiny barely B's to spilling out of my 32B bras. wondered if that is supposed to stop after first trimester or if they just continue to grow and grow until the end. I'm wondering if I should buy new bras or wait.


Jul 27, 2007

Hey, Marlie, here's my experience in regards to your questions: 1. I never had the bright yellow urine when taking the prenatal gummies, but do have bright pee on my new capsules. I always had brighter urine after taking a multivitamin as well. I think it's normal. and 2. I'm also spilling out of my bra. In one of my books it had a plan for what you should do with your bras. The recommendation was to just buy some cheap, larger bras for the next few months--once you hit the 7 months mark, I think it said to invest in some good maternity bras. I'm still fitting in my current bras, but I'm definitely getting marks on my skin from where the bra digs in.

Pancake, I just want to echo you in saying that Mondays are the worst because the next period of rest feels like decades away. I literally went into the bathroom this morning, sat on a toilet and said to myself "Oh my god, I can't think about going through this for another 4 days. Or another 4 weeks." I was literally on the verge of tears. My friend (who is 3 weeks further ahead than I am and has awful all-day sickness) said that I cannot think about more than a day at a time right now because it's overwhelming. She's right--I'm not a person who's easily overwhelmed, but I have to get through this an hour at a time sometimes.

brown_eyes, I'm so glad to hear the hubby is helping you out as much as possible. It's amazing how helpful even one small task is right now!

LC, did you end up going to the beach yesterday? Hope you had a good day today!

AFM, I really need to figure out what to do about work right now. I may break down and tell a few people early because my nausea affects my ability to concentrate and get work done. This week I'm supposed to be working on a client deliverable in the mornings, then in meetings all afternoon, but I can't make progress in the mornings because I'm just too sick. And I don't have the energy to take the work home with me and get it done at night. I wish I weren't so busy. I was supposed to call my doctor today and ask for some meds to help me through part of the day, but didn't have time. I seem to be able to manage the nausea in the afternoons, but no matter what I do in the mornings, I just can't feel better. Sorry to vent, ladies, I know it will pass.



Apr 25, 2008
Re: Re:

marlie|1310408129|2966610 said:
I'm hogging the thread today but I have 2 random questions and figured you ladies would be best to ask.

does anyone pee BRIGHT yellow after taking their prenatal? i take it every morning and my first pee afterward is super big bird yellow. is this tmi? anyway, i wondered if that meant that my body is getting rid of stuff it actually should be taking in.

second boobs are getting huge! well, i guess relatively huge since they started off fairly small. i'm a pretty petite person and went from tiny barely B's to spilling out of my 32B bras. wondered if that is supposed to stop after first trimester or if they just continue to grow and grow until the end. I'm wondering if I should buy new bras or wait.

I don't know about the pee, but that is strange!

Boobs - um, prepare yourself. Ha! They DEFINITELY get bigger in the second tri too. I started out 36B... which got tight during 1st tri, and now I'm pushing 38D. So not only did the cups get bigger, but the ribcage grew in second tri. I went to Target and bought this double pack of bras for SIXTEEN dollars! 2 Bras! That way when I am officially overflowing C, I can buy Ds when I'm ready and not feel bad about the price. They're pretty comfy for just cheap bras!


Feb 20, 2008

marlie -- my urine was neon yellow on and off! How are the symptoms...did they return? Are you feeling better about it? I hope you are!!!

NEL -- Call your doctor!!!! Before you start getting even sicker and using sick days, because those are precious. I had all day sickness and was literally on the couch all day long, even with the medicine, but it did make it better. Are you throwing up at all, or just nauseous? You'll hate this, but "it will all be over" hopefully in a few more weeks. :knockout:


Jun 30, 2009

NEL..oh no. i feel awful that you are feeling so terrible. i wish that there was a cure all i could recommend to fix it! it's so hard to work when you are feeling like crap too, especially when nobody knows. i have bad nausea that comes and goes so i guess i'm lucky that i get a day here and there that are better where i get more work done. maybe it does make sense to tell your office so that they take it easy on you a bit. sounds like you could use some tlc anyway! like you said, take it one day at a time. any way you could use some vacation or sick days to help get you through? and thanks for chiming in and answering my questions when you weren't feeling well. glad to know i'm not the only one with blaringly yellow pee.

elledizzy...oh boy. bigger boobs than these? i'm only 5'0 so if these turn to d's, i might fall over.

lanie...yay! you had it too! it's so weird to analyze your pee color but now that i'm pregnant i basically analyze (and overanalyze) everything. my symptoms did return and they suck but part of me is happy to have them back. i've had nausea on and off (mostly in the morning, waking me at 6 and then subsiding a bit in the early afternoon), sore boobs are back and i've been tired. thanks for checking in on me!


Jul 27, 2007

Lanie, I'm going to call the doc in the morning--I have nothing to lose! I'll use a sick day if I really need to, but I'd like to fight through it. I'm not throwing up, and I'm thankful for that, but the sickness can be so overwhelming that I have a hard time thinking about anything else. I do feel like I might puke at any minute. I'm honestly okay enough to work by around 1pm. It's the time between taking a shower in the morning and lunch that is hardest for me. So at least I'm not miserable all day!

marlie, I'm trying to use a little bit of flex time each week to make the week more manageable. I'm taking a half day this Friday, so that will be nice. And I hear you on the boob issue--I'm a 32 full B/barely C. I tend to wear 32 Cs, but I definitely don't look like a c-cup kind of girl. The thought of needing a D soon is so bizarre to me. I can't imagine being even bigger than that. And my sister said the same thing as Elle--the the ribs expand a little, too. I can't tell you how many times a day I touch them--they feel so foreign to me. And sometimes I stare in the mirror and think "whose boobs are these?"


Mar 13, 2008

NEL, you poor thing! Take it one mile-marker at a time. E.g. make it until you leave for work, until you get to the office, until your first meeting, until lunch, etc. If you can break the day up, it maybe won't seem so insurmountable. When's the U/S scheduled? I dunno if your DH is a boob-man, but if he is, I'm sure he's glad those boobs are yours. Did not hit the "beach" (DH did), but did some gardening work instead.

Marlie, I haven't noticed any bright yellow pee. But I have noticed the need to wake up in the middle of the night to pee. I almost NEVER have to do this. But I have 3-4 times in the past 1.5 weeks. I'm *reeally* hoping my boobs don't get too big. I'm already a 34-D, I don't want to go any bigger. :( In HS I was a 34B, but slowly went up in cup size through college and after college (I blame the HBC). Oh to be a B-cup again... :( My first appt & U/S will be July 25th, so a whole 2 wks away! Booo! Hey don't feel bad about what you're eating, it's all about survival mode right now.

Pancake, I think it's kinda real for J because every now and then he'll say something about babies or kids. Great job on the wholegrain & fruit carbs. Veggies too? I've having some dried cranberries as I'm typing. It's fruit but also a lot of sugar... ooh, cleaning service! I told DH that's a MUST when the baby actually comes. I wonder if I can it sooner... :Up_to_something:

Brown, wow, your DH sounds like a total sweetie. I hope you get some relief from the M/S soon. Hooray for your NT scan. it'd be fun to see a baby and not a gummi bear.

AFM, same ol'. I got a lot of sleep this weekend so haven't felt quite so tired tired today. Hitting the gym with Sis tonight. I was telling Sis about my few symptoms, tired, SLOOOW GI tract and she was like, "Ugh! That sucks. I'm so glad this is never going to happen for me." (SHe's choosing not be a parent). I've got a big bloated belly thus far, but so far my all my pants still fit me.

That's all for me!

~LC (7W-4D)
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