
Hilaria Baldwin. (Alec’s wife). Have you been following this?


Jul 17, 2008
My great (x7) grandfather is from NJ but his father was NY Dutch
Anyone mind if i pilfer a bit of NJ culture??
So i lookdd up a few things on how to sound more Jersey

Honestly its too hard and too much of an affort

Good luck to Mrs Baldwin !

Just drop the H at the beginning of a word like Huge so it sounds like uuuuge! I have a mid Jersey accent , not much left, but my Chicago friends love to make fun of my silent H’s.


Jul 17, 2008


Mar 11, 2013
Sometimes people take on the accent of their residence country. Someone I know married a Brit and has been living in the UK for twenty years. She has an English Accent all of the time. It sounds fake to me, but who am I to decide. When I went to college in the South, I had a Southern accent for a while even after I moved away, and especially when talking about certain things. I didn’t realize it. I also adopt the strong accent of my home state when I’m around others who were raised there. I like that. On the other hand, I know someone from a Scandinavian country who came here in her twenties, is now in her eighties and her accent is thick, almost incomprehensible, and unchanged. Her children have no accent. My parents had two different accents and the kids compensated with a mix.

Personally, I feel like examining anyone for their authenticity and non bullshitness, judging someone who wants to be a certain way, I feel it is mean spirited and a waste of precious emotional energy. What, we gonna start judging how male some people are, or how female? Or how rich or how poor? I dunno, just seems off to judge people nowadays when maybe it’s just feeling connection and kinship. Just my opinion.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
NZ has few true regional accents but way down south (im talking Milton in South Otago and south) they roll their Rs
They just always have
If you hang out with these southerners for any length of time its easy to pick up

its kinda cool to look at the origins of accents in the English language
i can hear a common ancestor in the NY accent and the kiwi southern way

but every launguage must have its own regional accents
How on earth would one replicate that with a fake attempt and have it sound authentic ?

Bit don't they say imitation is the greatest form of flattery

Do we know how the Spaniards themself feel about this ?

I remenber when the Australian Mary Donaldson became Crown Princess of Denmark and had to learn Danish and now her English sounds Danish now Tasmanian (i have no idea if Tassie english sound different to the rest of 'Oz)

Its a really fasinating thing, launguage

I personality love a strong American accent, not a generic Hollywood one - maybe that's why Mrs Baldwin had to invent a better one ?

Although nothing wrong with a Massachusetts accent


Feb 24, 2017
I was born in England and I’m changing my name to Elizabeth, but you can call me Your Majesty. After the first address, when I acknowledge you, you may then call me Ma’am :mrgreen:

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
Happy New Year to everyone! :)

I think the thing that bothers me most about Hilaria is how her lie affects her children. They were being raised to believe their heritage was different than it actually was for her self promotion.


Oct 20, 2007
Sometimes people take on the accent of their residence country. Someone I know married a Brit and has been living in the UK for twenty years. She has an English Accent all of the time. It sounds fake to me, but who am I to decide. When I went to college in the South, I had a Southern accent for a while even after I moved away, and especially when talking about certain things. I didn’t realize it. I also adopt the strong accent of my home state when I’m around others who were raised there. I like that. On the other hand, I know someone from a Scandinavian country who came here in her twenties, is now in her eighties and her accent is thick, almost incomprehensible, and unchanged. Her children have no accent. My parents had two different accents and the kids compensated with a mix.

Personally, I feel like examining anyone for their authenticity and non bullshitness, judging someone who wants to be a certain way, I feel it is mean spirited and a waste of precious emotional energy. What, we gonna start judging how male some people are, or how female? Or how rich or how poor? I dunno, just seems off to judge people nowadays when maybe it’s just feeling connection and kinship. Just my opinion.

This. So much this.

I live in England and I was not born here; I'm originally from the US. I honestly feel like I cannot win. If I pick up English words, phrases and accents I'm told I'm putting it on, but I've been surrounded by it for nearly as long as your friend has so it's natural to adopt and adapt. I have no American friends here. To the English I sound at least somewhat American though so am constantly asked where I'm from, but I've been here so long I really don't feel American either.

I forget American or English words and it's so so so frustrating. I snapped at my mom (American) last time I saw her. I wanted to put the post in her boot. I ended up screaming, "use context! I just don't know what it's called and no matter what I call it, it's wrong, I belong nowhere." and sat down and cried.

So Baldwin's accent is put on and she feels Spanish. I'm interested for entertainment value only. I don't wish to judge her. For all I know she's sitting sobbing about not belonging anywhere either.


Jun 14, 2018
That would be funny except when i first moved up north from down south i got mocked for how i talked
One of my workmates used to whistle dueling banjos when i walked in every morning

But the American southern accent is a chick magnet

You are so right. When I brought my southern first husband to California for the first time, the women lost their minds. In hind sight I should have left him twith them! them! :lol:


Feb 11, 2006

This is indeed a wonderful New Year. A thread on PS that gets better and better as it goes on, rather than deteriorating into anger and controversy. I wonder if we should lock it to preserve it and use it as an example for us to follow. Thank you Whitewave, Hilaria and all those who made me smile and laugh.

Happy New Year to All



Jan 26, 2003

This is indeed a wonderful New Year. A thread on PS that gets better and better as it goes on, rather than deteriorating into anger and controversy. I wonder if we should lock it to preserve it and use it as an example for us to follow. Thank you Whitewave, Hilaria and all those who made me smile and laugh.

Happy New Year to All


Great, positive post, Annette. How much had you imbibed prior to writing it?

(That was a New Year's joke. You do not need mind-altering substances to be a positive influence around here. I love you, Deb)


Apr 13, 2018
At least this whole Espania situation isnt as embarrassing as the whole Sarah McDaniel controversy where she wore a blue contact lense in her left eye, eventually getting an ice blue lense surgically implanted by the nightmare company BrightOcular and the entire time swore she was born with the extremely rare birth defect heterochromia.

It was super pathetic and even her sister and father eventually came out with childhood pictures saying that she was born with two beautiful brown eyes & didn't fully understand why she kept the lie going.

Despite everyone knowing she still denies it and has clung to the sob/bullying story she developed for her childhood with heterochromia.

She became a popular model for her special eyes and was even on talkshows before the truth came out!

Despite how naturally beautiful some people are I guess they never lose their Insecurities, even in adult hood. It's obvious that she's terrified of being boring or not special, but in my opinion this whole situation has made her exactly that.

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Nov 2, 2012
Since the topic has veered now, I think the general thing that this MAY fall under is interesting. I'm not going to pin this on this woman or her husband because I don't know much about them. However, I watch way too much Reality TV and follow too many "stars" and have been a little stunned at how easy it seems to become rich and famous. Is it really that easy?!

I mean, many of these young ladies (and many young men now too) seem to me to have very little going for them aside from being young and cute (with the cuteness being either natural or store bought) AND singlemindedly going after that luxury lifestyle by any means necessary.

I am sure some twenty-somethings really fall in love with partners in their fifties-to- hundreds but let's face it, it is not anywhere near as common when the much older one is not stinky rich.

This type (again, of which Hilary/Hilaria may or may not be) will also typically do anything for fame. And it's a whole lot easier to get public attention for doing something weird or nasty than it is to possess talents worthy of public attention.

I think there is also a widespread sense that those who married money have "cheated" somehow, like they've gotten away with something, getting a luxury lifestyle that they didn't earn. They receive the same gleeful mudslinging that women who get plastic surgery get, again, because of a sense that they "cheated" in some way. I think the older men (or older woman, as has also become popular) involved are also widely scorned or pitied. It's like people love to hate them.
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Aug 14, 2009
This. So much this.

I live in England and I was not born here; I'm originally from the US. I honestly feel like I cannot win. If I pick up English words, phrases and accents I'm told I'm putting it on, but I've been surrounded by it for nearly as long as your friend has so it's natural to adopt and adapt. I have no American friends here. To the English I sound at least somewhat American though so am constantly asked where I'm from, but I've been here so long I really don't feel American either.

I forget American or English words and it's so so so frustrating. I snapped at my mom (American) last time I saw her. I wanted to put the post in her boot. I ended up screaming, "use context! I just don't know what it's called and no matter what I call it, it's wrong, I belong nowhere." and sat down and cried.

So Baldwin's accent is put on and she feels Spanish. I'm interested for entertainment value only. I don't wish to judge her. For all I know she's sitting sobbing about not belonging anywhere either.

You certainly belong here, at least. Your writing is eloquent and empathetic.

Until middle of my high school years my parents moved around the globe - we never stayed in the same place for more than two years. Often not even one full year. I lived in and went to school in eleven different countries/provinces/states. They were usually primarily English-speaking, but not always... And even when they were, accents, slang, games, habits all changed. I had to leave my friends, knowing I’d never see them again, and try to make new friends thirteen times. I never called any of our apartments “home” - I didn’t want to get attached. I always wanted a pet but the most “permanent” animal my parents would commit to was a goldfish.

I know what it feels like to not belong. I talk about my nomadic childhood and other people find it exotic and exciting. I suppose it was. It was also terribly lonely and scary. My parents had an easier time of it - they grew up in India, with their extended families. I remember my mum calling her cousins almost every day, late at night once rates dropped, and sometimes I’d have to chat with her cousins’ kids. It was a chore - I never felt like I had anything in common with them. I think I’ve still got most of my younger self’s insecurities - I always want to fit in, I’m more change-averse than anyone I know. As an adult - I wanted to buy a house the minute I got married. One week of holiday away from home and the daily grind is lovely but I can’t do much more than that. My husband and I have six cats and two dogs.

I suppose that’s why stories like this grate on the nerves the way they do. An actual “blended” childhood that involves constant travel between countries and cultures hugely impacts the person you become... It’s callous and ridiculous to negate others’ experiences by turning your fantasies into your personal public romance novel.
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Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
At least this whole Espania situation isnt as embarrassing as the whole Sarah McDaniel controversy where she wore a blue contact lense in her left eye, eventually getting an ice blue lense surgically implanted by the nightmare company BrightOcular and the entire time swore she was born with the extremely rare birth defect heterochromia.

It was super pathetic and even her sister and father eventually came out with childhood pictures saying that she was born with two beautiful brown eyes & didn't fully understand why she kept the lie going.

Despite everyone knowing she still denies it and has clung to the sob/bullying story she developed for her childhood with heterochromia.

She became a popular model for her special eyes and was even on talkshows before the truth came out!

Despite how naturally beautiful some people are I guess they never lose their Insecurities, even in adult hood. It's obvious that she's terrified of being boring or not special, but in my opinion this whole situation has made her exactly that.

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That's all a bit pathetic isnt it
And whay does a surgery like that even cost ?
And why is it even available at all when millions of people in poorer countries have life altering sight problems that could be fixed by simple surgeries that just arnt accessible to them

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
At least this whole Espania situation isnt as embarrassing as the whole Sarah McDaniel controversy where she wore a blue contact lense in her left eye, eventually getting an ice blue lense surgically implanted by the nightmare company BrightOcular and the entire time swore she was born with the extremely rare birth defect heterochromia.

It was super pathetic and even her sister and father eventually came out with childhood pictures saying that she was born with two beautiful brown eyes & didn't fully understand why she kept the lie going.

Despite everyone knowing she still denies it and has clung to the sob/bullying story she developed for her childhood with heterochromia.

She became a popular model for her special eyes and was even on talkshows before the truth came out!

Despite how naturally beautiful some people are I guess they never lose their Insecurities, even in adult hood. It's obvious that she's terrified of being boring or not special, but in my opinion this whole situation has made her exactly that.

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This is fascinating. Not just that she faked her eye color but that her family outed her for doing so. I would NEVER out a family member to the press or general public for anything. But it in her family it makes sense I guess. She faked the color of her eye to get attention from people she does not know. Her family outs her to people they don't know. It's so incredibly sad and shallow to me.


Nov 2, 2012
This is fascinating. Not just that she faked her eye color but that her family outed her for doing so. I would NEVER out a family member to the press or general public for anything. But it in her family it makes sense I guess. She faked the color of her eye to get attention from people she does not know. Her family outs her to people they don't know. It's so incredibly sad and shallow to me.

I didn't think of it until you mentioned it but yes, it is also strange that her family would publicly call her out on it. And I totally agree, I couldn't see ever doing that to a close relative, even one I didn't get along with.


Jun 10, 2020
I suppose that’s why stories like this grate on the nerves the way they do. An actual “blended” childhood that involves constant travel between countries and cultures hugely impacts the person you become... It’s callous and ridiculous to negate others’ experiences by turning your fantasies into your personal public romance novel.



Apr 13, 2018
This is fascinating. Not just that she faked her eye color but that her family outed her for doing so. I would NEVER out a family member to the press or general public for anything. But it in her family it makes sense I guess. She faked the color of her eye to get attention from people she does not know. Her family outs her to people they don't know. It's so incredibly sad and shallow to me.

Yes! Exactly, I found it extremely fascinating how one could cling to a blatant lie like this for so long.

& Oh the family seems to have enough broken to go around, that's for sure.


Apr 13, 2018
That's all a bit pathetic isnt it
And whay does a surgery like that even cost ?
And why is it even available at all when millions of people in poorer countries have life altering sight problems that could be fixed by simple surgeries that just arnt accessible to them

The even scarier thing is how dangerous the surgery is! That's why it's banned in most countries! Its very risky and even in "successful" surgeries patients experience a myriad of issues after, the most common is blindness. It's sad that anyone would travel and choose to undergo this and possibly lose their sight only in the vain pursuit of appearing to be "unique".

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
The even scarier thing is how dangerous the surgery is! That's why it's banned in most countries! Its very risky and even in "successful" surgeries patients experience a myriad of issues after, the most common is blindness. It's sad that anyone would travel and choose to undergo this and possibly lose their sight only in the vain pursuit of appearing to be "unique".

The price of vanity ....
Possible blindness
How is this worth the risk ???
Not a lot of common sence going on here me think


Nov 9, 2018
At least this whole Espania situation isnt as embarrassing as the whole Sarah McDaniel controversy where she wore a blue contact lense in her left eye, eventually getting an ice blue lense surgically implanted by the nightmare company BrightOcular and the entire time swore she was born with the extremely rare birth defect heterochromia.

It was super pathetic and even her sister and father eventually came out with childhood pictures saying that she was born with two beautiful brown eyes & didn't fully understand why she kept the lie going.

Despite everyone knowing she still denies it and has clung to the sob/bullying story she developed for her childhood with heterochromia.

She became a popular model for her special eyes and was even on talkshows before the truth came out!

Despite how naturally beautiful some people are I guess they never lose their Insecurities, even in adult hood. It's obvious that she's terrified of being boring or not special, but in my opinion this whole situation has made her exactly that.

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My mother has a dark brown eye & a light blue eye.

She will be beyond baffled when she sees this!!


Apr 13, 2018
My mother has a dark brown eye & a light blue eye.

She will be beyond baffled when she sees this!!

Wow! Natural heterochromia which is that drastic is very rare and extremely beautiful in my opinion. I'd love to hear what she thinks of it all!


Nov 9, 2018

Not a clear picture. Her blue eye looks dark here (on the right). They really stand out in real life.

She would think it’s crazy. I’ll send her the link.

In primary school we were doing a eye colour family tree. My teacher told me I was a liar when I did the leaf two colours. I was so upset. She soon apologised when Mum stomped in to see her. When she is angry they seem to stand out more!


Jan 26, 2003
My best friend has one light brown eye and one dark brown eye. I went looking for where in this thread there was discussion of eye color relating to Hilaria, but did not find it. Did she change her eye color surgically?


Nov 9, 2018
My best friend has one light brown eye and one dark brown eye. I went looking for where in this thread there was discussion of eye color relating to Hilaria, but did not find it. Did she change her eye color surgically?
No she hasn’t. Post #134 talks about a model called Sarah McDaniel who claims to have
heterochromia iridum but she made it all up - even resorting to very dangerous surgery.
I’d never heard of her but I found it interesting.


Mar 6, 2006

Not a clear picture. Her blue eye looks dark here (on the right). They really stand out in real life.

She would think it’s crazy. I’ll send her the link.

In primary school we were doing a eye colour family tree. My teacher told me I was a liar when I did the leaf two colours. I was so upset. She soon apologised when Mum stomped in to see her. When she is angry they seem to stand out more!

That is so unique and cool! I think that someone lying about this and going so far as to have surgery to perpetuate that lie is insane.
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