
Help me accessorize/decide - shoes, jacket, alterations for my dress

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Jul 30, 2008
Question 4:
I don''t care for either jacket. Check out; they have some edgier boleros that you may like.

Question 5:
I like the white ones but they look mesh? i LOVE the purple ones and think they would looks great for a winter wedding.

You also asked about seamstresses. I ordered my dress online and had to find a seamstress on my own. I went into a local boutique and asked if they could do alternations without a purchase. They said no, but gave me the name and number of an independent seamstress who did a fabulous job on my alterations. At that time I lived in a small town and did not have many bridal boutiques available, so I''m sure bigger city bridal shops may take alterations without purchase. You can also look in the yellow pages and look for seamstresses there.


Feb 20, 2009
I think the sweetheart neck would look AMAZING!!!!!
I''m sorry I can''t be much help with the bustle; I have no knowledge of bustles!!!
I agree with beachrunner on checking out for a bolero/cape.
As far as the shoes go, I love them all, but the purple ones are INCREDIBLE for a winter wedding. Maybe you can do the ceremony in the white ones, pictures in the purple ones, and then walking around in the black strappys, with a switch to the white or purple for dinner.


Feb 8, 2009
The dress is lovely.

I could go either way on the sweatheart. Use a little hair clip to jimmy it & see if you prefer it.

The train can certainly be shortened if you think it will provide more hassel than it's worth. Maybe the scraps can be used to make a wrap, depending on how much you take off.

French bustle for sure, and the double bustle if you don't shorten the train.

Your dress is very soft & traditional, but the bolero you posted are a little harder. The structure is like a business jacket. The cape is pretty, but it would be better if you could pair it with the dress to see it for sure. I like the faux fur idea, because I imagine it will be fairly cold & if you'll be outdoors it's probabaly the warmest option. I found this ion etsy: =tags&includes[]=title:2o8h065d][]=tags&includes[]=title

Shoes: I'm not wild about pair #1, though they are best for your dress. I love #2, but not for your wedding. You should keep them & wear them often...maybe to your rehearsal or 2nd reception. I'm sorry to say it, but I hate #3. I hate the gladiator look in general, but I think they're pretty awful (I'm sorry!) and certainly beautiful enough for your wedding. If you love them, keep them & wear them with a hot dress or jeans, but not to your wedding. What about something like: , which you can dye to match your dress or dye a color from your wedding? Also thought these were hot: & these have great customer reviews for comfort.

What are you thinking for jewely? With your shroter hair & the neckline of the dress, you can do something a little more dramatic. Your bodice has detail & sparkle, so you can go without a necklace. =tags&includes[]=title:2o8h065d][]=tags&includes[]=title

I have to go stop procrastinating now...


May 21, 2009
Date: 11/21/2009 11:54:58 PM
Author: blackbetty
The dress is lovely.

I could go either way on the sweatheart. Use a little hair clip to jimmy it & see if you prefer it.

The train can certainly be shortened if you think it will provide more hassel than it''s worth. Maybe the scraps can be used to make a wrap, depending on how much you take off.

French bustle for sure, and the double bustle if you don''t shorten the train.

Your dress is very soft & traditional, but the bolero you posted are a little harder. The structure is like a business jacket. The cape is pretty, but it would be better if you could pair it with the dress to see it for sure. I like the faux fur idea, because I imagine it will be fairly cold & if you''ll be outdoors it''s probabaly the warmest option. I found this ion etsy: =tags&includes[]=title:2o8h065d][]=tags&includes[]=title

Shoes: I''m not wild about pair #1, though they are best for your dress. I love #2, but not for your wedding. You should keep them & wear them often...maybe to your rehearsal or 2nd reception. I''m sorry to say it, but I hate #3. I hate the gladiator look in general, but I think they''re pretty awful (I''m sorry!) and certainly beautiful enough for your wedding. If you love them, keep them & wear them with a hot dress or jeans, but not to your wedding. What about something like: , which you can dye to match your dress or dye a color from your wedding? Also thought these were hot: & these have great customer reviews for comfort.

What are you thinking for jewely? With your shroter hair & the neckline of the dress, you can do something a little more dramatic. Your bodice has detail & sparkle, so you can go without a necklace. =tags&includes[]=title:2o8h065d][]=tags&includes[]=title

I have to go stop procrastinating now...

just wanted to add LOVE this bolero/wrap from etsy. that is perfection for your dress & the wintery mountains.


Nov 12, 2008
My votes:

Sweetheart neckline - I think it would frame your face/figure best.
Keep the train!!! That is one of the best parts - and you''re a bride, and can get away with it. Love it. Keep it.
Double french bustle is win-win. Keeps the long train in check, and looks stunning.
Purple shoes (#2) all the way.
Not a fan of either bolero or cape. They seem a bit like kid''s dress up accessories when next to that gorgeous dress. I say go for something either more sheer/lacy, or just something more unique - a cover-up is a big piece of your overall attire - it needs to complement the dress and IMO, those two options don''t even come close.


Jun 19, 2008
Thank you guys so, so much for the responses so far!! You guys are such a big help!

lulu66 - Thank you for all the opinions!

Dogmom - I have heard of SRI but never been there - haha they have commercials all over the radio. I should check them out. Thank you for the input! Sadly, I haven't been able to make it down to the SPCA to volunteer yet. I'm hoping that once the wedding is over, I'll have a lot more time to dedicate to other things I'm really wanting to do. I'll definitely give you a heads up when I'm coming down there!

House Cat - Thank you for the opinions and different thought on the train. And for the opinion on the jackets.

Beachrunner - Thank you for the seamstress info - I'll definitely do some digging. The white ones have a sheer layer along the sides, but the heel is lined. Do you like or dislike the sheer-ness?

Princessplease - That's kind of what I was thinking about the shoes. Some sort of combination... just have to give it some thought. Thanks!

blackbetty - Thank you for all the ideas! I definitely think some sort of fur would be warmer too - that one from Etsy looks sooooo warm! I'll definitely look around there some. And PLEASE don't feel bad about hating the black shoes - I'm so not a gladiator fan either. I honestly don't know a time I'd ever pull them out and pair them with anything in my style, but they were just SO darn comfortable!! I love those Nina Erlias you posted - I can definitely use a platform and high heel, because FI is a lot taller than me - just have to be sure it's not too tall for me to walk in, haha! But when I looked earlier, the store didn't have many platforms. Maybe I should finally give Zappos a try! And I LOVE those earrings you posted!!! I haven't decided how I'm going to wear my hair, but I'm thinking about having at least part of it down. I haven't decided about a necklace, but I do agree that almost any necklace is going to compete with the dress. I'm really just entertaining the idea of my single pearl strand from my dad, more for sentimental reasons - but I don't know if even that would compete with the dress.

laughwithme - Thank you for the opinions! That's exactly what I worried about with the cape. FI told me yesterday that he'd actually envisioned me in a longer coat, like one that goes down and covers most of the dress... haha I gave him the crazy look, and tried to explain that it's not just "a coat" and that it's part of the attire! I definitely agree that it needs to complement the dress - I just couldn't decide if either of those even slightly did that. I do think a long coat would be warm, but I don't really want to cover up the entire dress!


Jun 19, 2008
What do you guys think about wearing some boots out around the grounds when we''re doing all that walking? I guess it would probably need to be some boots with heels, that are similar in height to the heels I decide to wear. So I guess the more winter-type boot (flat-footed) wouldn''t fly. Any thoughts on that? It would certainly keep me warmer while walking around outside in January in the mountains...


Jun 19, 2008
Ooo! Also, what do you think about a colored bolero? Maybe the purple color or even black, since FI is wearing a black suit? Would that be strange?


Aug 8, 2005
sweetheart neckline, leave the train long, double french bustle, dark purple shoes, not a fan of the cape or that bolero [and i''d stick with a cream/white one to match your dress]

check etsy for nice boleros. what i don''t like about the two options you tried on is that they are too big. they don''t do any justice to your petite frame. i think you need a very fitted bolero.


Jun 19, 2008
How about any of these?

1 - has different clasp styles

2 - crochet

Might not be very warm...
3 - =tags&includes[]=title:2o8h065d][]=tags&includes[]=title

4 - fur capelet

5 - Too harsh/too much structure?

6 - Same idea as 5, different sleeves

7 - Not very warm, but softer look

8 - furry shoulder wrap

9 - pretty thin

Ok that's enough for now... just wanted to see what direction you guys think I should go in. I think all those wrap-type things out there are pretty, but I think I need something that I actually wear, not just wrap around me - I'm not too good at wearing that kind of stuff, I look very awkward and never know quite what to do with it except wrap myself up in it like a blanket.
I end up looking more bummy and like I've got something just hanging on my arms.


Jun 19, 2008
Date: 11/22/2009 11:13:19 AM
Author: jcrow
sweetheart neckline, leave the train long, double french bustle, dark purple shoes, not a fan of the cape or that bolero [and i'd stick with a cream/white one to match your dress]

check etsy for nice boleros. what i don't like about the two options you tried on is that they are too big. they don't do any justice to your petite frame. i think you need a very fitted bolero.
Thanks for the input jcrow! Good point about getting some that are better fitting - I do think you're right there. Check out some of those I posted above - would something like #5 qualify as better fitting? Haha I am just so un-versed in stuff like this!


Jul 21, 2008
Date: 11/21/2009 8:19:12 PM
Author: luvthemstrawberries

Date: 11/21/2009 5:16:16 PM
Author: BeachRunner
Question 3:
IMHO, since you have a simple skirt to your dress, I think a double french bustle would look amazing. I also
think it may solve your long train dragging problem.

Here''s a picture:
Beachrunner - thanks so much for your input!! I think that bustle you posted is soooo gorgeous.

I need to find a good seamstress, since I didn''t get my dress at a bridal salon. Anybody have good suggestions on where to begin a search for a reputable one?
I love the bustle BeachRunner posted. Pretty much what I was thinking as well.

To find a good seamstress try posting a thread on TheKnot boards for your area. Thats how I got many recommendations. Or you could try looking at vendor reviews on Wedding Wire.


Jul 21, 2008
Date: 11/22/2009 11:31:55 AM
Author: luvthemstrawberries
How about any of these?

1 - has different clasp styles[]=tags&includes[]=title

I like the fact that its raw silk. Your skirt is raw silk, or something similar, right? I think the colloar and cuffs are a little too big. Perhaps this vendor could tone it down just a bit? I love the rosette or the ties for the closure options. I think this would be cute and effective for keeping you warm.

2 - crochet

I think this is too casual for your gown and winery wedding.

Might not be very warm...
3 - =tags&includes[]=title:2o8h065d][]=tags&includes[]=title

Beautiful but I think you are right about the warmth factor.

4 - fur capelet

Has the warmth factor but it is pretty bulky. Do you think this would overwhelm your dress? Really need to see it on... perhaps you can get it and return it.

5 - Too harsh/too much structure?

Just on its own, this is my favorite here. However, with a few design elements in your dress (lace, beading, scallopped layers on the bodice) I think adding ruffles might be too much. Perhaps if you could find something similar but with lace or beading details to try and tie it all together.

6 - Same idea as 5, different sleeves

7 - Not very warm, but softer look[]=tags&includes[]=title

Not warm enough.

8 - furry shoulder wrap

Not wild abou the texture or the way it photographs. Almost too reflective.

9 - pretty thin

I agree that its pretty thin. Also, it looks like this lace is very very different from the lace on your gown. Not saying that it has to be an exact match but something a bit closer would be good.

Ok that''s enough for now... just wanted to see what direction you guys think I should go in. I think all those wrap-type things out there are pretty, but I think I need something that I actually wear, not just wrap around me - I''m not too good at wearing that kind of stuff, I look very awkward and never know quite what to do with it except wrap myself up in it like a blanket.
I end up looking more bummy and like I''ve got something just hanging on my arms.


May 18, 2008
Your dress is still absolutely beautiful! I almost always like sweetheart necklines better, and that is what I vote for here, but I would talk to the seamstress first and make sure that it complements the embellishments of the dress. I think it needs to come to a point at the exact same point that the "waves" (for lack of a better name) in the detailing come to a point in the bodice. I also think it should be at a proportional angle, too.

Regarding the train and bustle, I would actually not recommend removing or shortening the train. I did this with my dress and it proved to be very difficult to get the shape of the dress right again. So much of the draping involves the train and I would hate for it interfere with the look of the dress. I actually prefer a simpler bustle, given the event. But, I would make sure there are plenty ties so it will not fall or loosen during the tour.

Shoes: Love the idea of the purple, but your dress is so soft and romantic that I would want to see them before giving my absolute vote. I would like to see a soft gold option. The black ones seem very, very harsh against your dress and neither of the black ones work with it. I assume the gem tones of the purple will soften that, though. I only suggest gold because 1) I love the way it looks with purple and wine and the other colors you are using and 2) non-metallic gold is about as romantic bridal as it gets, IMO.

The outerwear is a harder choice. My style philosophy is that details have to go with one another above all else. So many of these have fur or bows or ruffles that, at least IMO, don''t go with your dress that has none of those details. I think, of the ones you linked to, I like the first one--modified--the best because, like Clairitek said, it is also important to me that it is the same fabric as your skirt. I also like the idea of an opera cape, if you are going to do a cape, because it will be long and flow-y like your dress as opposed to a caplet and will work with your look versus competing with it. Something like this. I also like the idea of a cashmere or alpaca shawl, again to match the softness of your dress. I would certainly wrap yourself in it and use a broach, because I also agree that you should be wearing it and not just wrapped up in it. But, you could easily do something like this completely hands free.


May 18, 2008
I also really like this, if you want to do ruffles because of the softer ruffles were it able to be made in ivory or white.


Jun 19, 2008
Oh wow, you guys are aaaaaawesome!

Clairitek - Thanks for the recommendations on a seamstress. And thank you SO much for the opinions on those jackets! That really helps me get more of a direction to head in. It''s sad, but I really have no fashion sense when it come to stuff like this. Mom says my dress is satin (again, I honestly don''t even know fabrics that well, except that I know it''s not a silk dress).

Katamari - Thank you for all your opinions as well! You are right about the embellishments, which is what my mom was worried about as well - that since there is so much beading there, it might be hard to make the sweetheard neckline. We''ll see - never hurts to ask. Good advice about the train - that stinks you had issues with yours! Never would have known it though - it looked great in your pictures! And I also agree about the outerwear needing to somewhat coordinate, or at least not compete. I''m just not savvy enough to find whatever that is, haha! I do like that opera cape you posted... I wonder if she could make it in satin. I just showed it to FI and he likes it too (
)! You guys are giving great advice though in what direction to go in, especially pointing out about the softness of the dress. These are the things I don''t know to pay attention to, haha.


May 20, 2006
Have you considered buying some material that matches your dress and having a seamstress make you a bolero? While I like the idea (of course, I had one)...I really only think it works when some of the fabric matches or at least coordinates with what your dress is made of. Also, I really think etsy is a toss up. Sometimes the sellers are just terrible. Be careful.

I don''t think you should hem the train. A few inches is not going to be noticeable. I like the idea of a french bustle but there is a lot of material back there so I''m not sure if it would be the look you are going for unless you significantly chop the train.


Jun 30, 2009
my vote is sweetheart, ivory shoes or purple...not a fan of the black for the wedding (but they are pretty so maybe for another party? rehearsal) and as for the bustle, i love the one beachrunner posted. not sure what to do about bolero/cape but i''m not sure the ones you posted are the right ones. i agree that it should be the same fabric as the dress in order to make it look right.


Jul 21, 2008
Date: 11/22/2009 2:30:04 PM
Author: luvthemstrawberries
Oh wow, you guys are aaaaaawesome!

Clairitek - Thanks for the recommendations on a seamstress. And thank you SO much for the opinions on those jackets! That really helps me get more of a direction to head in. It''s sad, but I really have no fashion sense when it come to stuff like this. Mom says my dress is satin (again, I honestly don''t even know fabrics that well, except that I know it''s not a silk dress).

Katamari - Thank you for all your opinions as well! You are right about the embellishments, which is what my mom was worried about as well - that since there is so much beading there, it might be hard to make the sweetheard neckline. We''ll see - never hurts to ask. Good advice about the train - that stinks you had issues with yours! Never would have known it though - it looked great in your pictures! And I also agree about the outerwear needing to somewhat coordinate, or at least not compete. I''m just not savvy enough to find whatever that is, haha! I do like that opera cape you posted... I wonder if she could make it in satin. I just showed it to FI and he likes it too (
)! You guys are giving great advice though in what direction to go in, especially pointing out about the softness of the dress. These are the things I don''t know to pay attention to, haha.
I just took a closer look at your dress pics and I''m inclined to think that perhaps your mother is mistaken on the material. It just doesn''t seen to fall like satin. Is it thick or thin? A seamstress will definitely be able to tell you what it is so you can go ahead and find something to keep you warm while you are outside.

I like the idea that Katamari suggested in finding a wrap or shawl and using a broach to secure it so it stays put and it doesn''t just look like you are wrapped in a blanket. You''d be surprised how warm a few thin layers of silk or wool can be.

EM1 also has a good suggestion to get a seamstress to custom make you a jacket. That way it can be tailored to your dress, rather than taking a shot in the dark and ordering something online.

My friend ordered an alencon lace bolero for her wedding and it was a great experience. The seller delivered a gorgeously made jacket. I''ve also ordered jewelry and favors for a bridal shower with no problems. However, I''m sure there are people out there who have poor experiences with etsy. If you do order something from a vendor there just make sure to get a very clear return policy written in an email or in the sale agreement so if they won''t take it back in the event that you don''t like the product you have some sort of recourse.


Jun 19, 2008
EM1 - I hadn't considered that yet, but it is a good idea. I do remember yours and I remember thinking how it seemed like it was made exactly for your dress. It does pull the look together for pictures. Thank you for the Etsy advice - I've never been a big online buyer anyway, so I'm already pretty wary of it. Good to know to watch out on there as well.

marlie - Thank you for the input!

Clairitek - I honestly have no idea what the material is. I guess I'll just find out for sure from a seamstress like you said. What is silk like? When I think of silk, in my limited knowledge, all I think of is shiny material that stains easily, haha.
The skirt on my dress is a fairly smooth material, and I don't think it has any sheen to it - t's sort of thick, not very flowy. I wish there were more places out there to go and try on more ideas, like the wraps, etc and see what I like on my body shape. I saw some wraps on etsy that I thought were pretty too, but they all had a bunch of material poofing out at the front under where it's secured, which just looked like it would make you look baggy. I guess a good last resort would be having a seamstress make one - I'm just so not creative with things like that, so it would be putting a lot of trust that someone can make it creative enough to be pretty but still match my dress - I do think the plain one at DB I tried on looks way too boring and structured, but I also think that once you start adding ruffles or embellishments, it gets away from matching the dress... ugh. And I did notice on Etsy that some of those sellers do have final sales -especially when an item is on sale, there are no returns, which stinks.


Jun 19, 2008
What about these...

Wool on the outside - would this lace match my dress?

Is fur just too much altogether? Should I stay away from it with my dress and just focus on more streamlined outerwear?

And I''m still liking this one that was posted above


Sep 27, 2009
I''m sorry to say this about the opera cape but IMO it looks like too wizard-ish.

I really love
the one blackbetty posted, but for me I''d maybe make it a little shorter.


Dec 18, 2008
I just wanted to add my .02 with the bolero...a gf of mine is getting married on New Years Eve this year and I wanted something fun to wear so I was searching etsy and found this amazing bolero, I have it in a turquoise color. I''m willing to bet she could make it with a longer sleeve but its my favorite this on the face of the earth!


Jul 21, 2008
I know what you mean about silk typically being flowy, thin, and delicate! I didn''t realize that silk came in so many forms until after some of my friends started getting married and I spent a lot of time up close and personal with wedding dresses. It comes in chiffon, organza, dupioni (which is what I think your dress is), shantung, satin, taffeta, etc. Pretty much most fabrics that come in a polyester are also made in silk. I think your skirt is silk dupioni (the opera cape you posted is made from the same material) because of the texture and the light reflection. Silk dupioni is pretty light but not terrible flowy on its own. If you just look on the tag of your gown it should say what its made from...

Back to the topic at hand!

I LOVE that lacy wool capelet. I think its different from your dress to be interesting, but not so different that it clashes, KWIM?

I would definitely contact that seller and check out her return policy. Explain your situation and hopefully she will want to work something out with you.

You''re getting so close, if you haven''t already gotten there!


Jun 19, 2008
Miya03 - Thank you for the opinion!

lovebug1031 - Wow that is quite a beautiful bolero! If my dress had flowers on it like that, I''d jump on that one with some sleeves. I just think it probably would compete with my dress in this case. I''m going to keep it in mind for over some cocktail dresses though!

Clairitek - Wow, silk is pretty versatile, huh? My skirt very well could be what you say it is - haha I''ve never even heard my mom mention that type of silk before. All I''ve ever heard silk referred to is just plain "silk." The skirt material isn''t very flowy at all, but it''s not very heavy either. It''s fairly smooth, but not shiny. Oh I definitely would have looked at the tag if the dress had a tag - I wish it did! I got it at Brides Against Breast Cancer, which has everything from used dresses to salon samples to runway models. They think this one was from a runway, because it''s super clean and doesn''t have any tags at all except for a tiny one with either the number 6 or 9, which they lady told us sometimes is for the order they go out in for the shows. Haha, it''s a mystery dress! Anyway, we''re looking into seamstresses now, so I''ll make sure I ask for sure. It''s a task even finding one of those though - I''d like someone with experience, but I don''t quite know how to judge someone on if they''d do a good job hemming my dress based on the fact that "they''ve worked with a lot of wedding dresses!"
I''m glad you like the wool piece. I think the color matches well, and it''s not "too much" in terms of the detail and all. That''s been my exact worry with the piece clashing with the dress or overpowering it. I think that''s why I''m turned off by the fur - I''m not a fur-type of girl anyway, and I think it clashes with the bodice of the dress too. I''m much more streamline oriented. I just sent the seller a message, so we''ll see what she says. I also sent a photo of the dress and asked her opinion on it, since she''s got the piece there herself.
Haha so I''m not quite there yet, but you''re right - getting closer! Thanks to you guys!


Jun 19, 2008
Just a little update... I contacted the seller of the wool capelet. Her return policy is that all items on sale are final sales, and this capelet is on a pre-holiday sale she's got going on. She can't budge on that, but she is willing to send me a sample of the wool and the lace! So I'll be looking for that and will probably post some photos for opionions!
I did send her a photo of the dress as well to ask her opinion, and she thinks they'd work well together since the capelet is "understated and simple," in her words, so it doesn't clash with the dress.


Jul 21, 2008
Great to hear that she will at least let you see the material in person. Great news! Hopefully it arrives soon.

Silk is pretty neat, eh? I bought a dress last Spring from Nicole Miller (was supposed to be a post-reception dress) that had 4 kinds of silk on it- dupioni, organza, chiffon, and satin! I love all the textures. Wish I had actually gotten to wear it for more than half an hour!


Jun 19, 2008
Well I received the swatches in the mail last night. It's uncanny how much the lace resembles the lace on the bodice of my dress! I'm going to take the swatches over to my mom's this weekend, where the dress is, and compare the materials. If they look good together, I'm going with it. Time to just make a decision already!

I did find this the other night in a store and picked it up just in case. If I go with the capelet, I'll be returning this. It's knee length, and kind of a quilted feel on the outside. I can't remember the material off the top of my head, but it's fairly smooth, not itchy or rough. Plus it's lined, and my skin is grateful.
Any thoughts on this?

white coat R.jpg


Jun 19, 2008
Oh yeah... the black shoes went back.

Still have the white and purple ones, trying to make decision. Might order a few from Zappos and try them.
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