
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 7th July till 13th July

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Nov 24, 2006
I thought I would post this Article "Study shows value of food diary in losing weight" I know it works for me.


Mar 20, 2003
Hello all. I did my Firm workout yesterday, but I dilly-dallied until it was late afternoon. I''m going out for my run in a few minutes. It''ll be my first with shoes on in a while (since running barefoot on the beach and getting a blood blister). Then I''ll do the grocery shopping in the afternoon.

Skippy, we leave for Paris on the 25th. A friend of ours is moving to England in a couple of weeks to be with her boyfriend, and he has never been to Paris (I can''t believe it -- it''s not that far!), so they are going to come join us for a couple of days.

Perry, you''re right, that list is a doozy. I am also wondering about seafood like others have asked. I eat less red meat because of the saturated fat (and subsequent increased risk of heart disease, etc.), but from my limited knowledge it shouldn''t adversely affect efforts to lose weight (as adherents of the Atkins diet would tell you). But if you can, I''d eat more fish and eat the veggies and fruits that you can eat (if any!) to try to eat less meat at each meal. And you included chicken but not turkey -- is turkey ok? It''s lower in saturated fat as well. I''ve switched from ground beef to 99% ground turkey for those quick casseroles.

I''m looking in the book Eat, Drink, and Weigh Less at the fruit and vegetable families.

It sounds like these are out for you:
Legumes (beans, peas, soybeans)
Citrus (grapefruits, oranges, lemons, etc.)
Solanum family (the nightshade group you mentioned)

What about these groups -- are they ok?
Crucifers (broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, radishes, kale, cauliflower, etc.)
Umbel (carrots, celery root, parsley, parsnips)
Melon/Squash (cucumbers, zucchini, cantaloupe, etc.)
Lily (asparagus, leeks, onions, etc.)

Can you eat rice? Couscous?

I am not much of a cook myself so I''m afraid I can''t offer much help, but hopefully as we throw ideas out some might stick! I like Miscka''s salmon, rice, and asparagus suggestion.

Rod, I went on vacation and missed your anniversary, your new job, and your father''s ministroke. I''m very glad to hear that he''s ok. Enjoy your sushi and night off from working out!

Marcyc, I would love to make something like like this. It''s a fun idea, and I think it could be great for a five year anniversary present (not until Dec. 2009). But buying the pears and getting halos like Phoenix''s and having the whole thing made would be a bit expensive . . . more expensive than my studs themselves, which is why I''m thinking I''ll wait until a special occasion.


Mar 20, 2003
I''m back from my run -- I wanted to run three miles but only made it two. I''m sure the 1.5 margaritas I had last night didn''t help, but really it''s just too hot for me.

I didn''t start running until the fall so I''m not used to running in the summer in Richmond. Ick. It''s in the 80s and cloudy, but since I am an inferno who must add 20 degrees to the forecast to know what to wear running (I don''t wear long sleeves until it''s in the low 40s), that translates into too hot to be outside! I have been running the last month in just a bathing-suitesque sports bra and shorts, which is funny since I am a modest person but the inferno must be cooled down as much as possible. What am I going to do when it''s actually 90s and sunny? Then it might be time to do a cardio DVD inside instead.


Nov 29, 2004
I had a partial-PT today, I had a meeting that ran late so I was only at my session for 30-45 minutes, and my PT partner was feeling a little fatigued so our trainer went easy on us and didnt charge us for the session.


Mar 26, 2006
Hello all!

I got nabbed by one of my neighbors on my way to the gym and so my motivation had kind of waned by the time I actually got there (40 minutes giving your opinion on the new seagrass wallpaper in the office will do that to you... ) but I managed to do 65 mins on the elliptical. I never went above include 4 because I''m trying to be careful of my knees for one my day, but I think they''re pretty much OK.

The HH is making some crazy Mexican chicken dish tonight (there is a giant bowl of chicken parts marinating in god knows what in the fridge right now) but there is a 7:30 showing standing between me and my dinner. I''m not complaining though; I put a new listing in yesterday afternoon and I''ve gotten 5 showing requests in less than 24 hours. Bad market be damned!

Gotta hop--be back later!


Dec 9, 2007
Happy new week everyone!

Don't have a lot of relaxing PS time.(bummer!) School is a bit stressful this week.
Learning how to use new tools-- refractometer etc., and much more theory. Just when I thought I knew what I was doing...(with diamonds)now back to infancy with colored gems--much fun though!

Trying to treadmill as much as I can. Just did a half hour--going to do another. (been eating like a champ!)

Hope everyone is having a great week!


Jul 22, 2007
Hello, all!

Thanks for all the kudos on my update!

Perry~ Wow, you weren''t exaggerating in your initial posts! I don''t mean to be nosy (and you''re more than welcome to tell me to butt out) but, does your family have a history of food allergies, too? It always shocks me when one person has so many allergies. I can''t imagine the hours you must spend everyday just trying to put meals on the table for yourself.

Rod~ I''m so proud of you for keeping up on your workouts while settling in to your new job! Glad your dad got to come home!

Marcy~ That 3 pounds will melt right off of you. I''ve seen it happen!

Hi, Julianna~ I''m so glad to see you! REALLY twisted logic on the early AM! But, good luck on it!! You know how I feel about running...and I don''t feel any better on stairs! chuckling about the various places you could have ACTUALLY been by now!

Skippy~ interesting link. Thanks!!

PHX~ Wow for Paris!

Yay for everyone''s great workouts!!


Dec 28, 2005
Wow, lot's of posts today. Here it is after 10:30, and I'm just now getting the opportunity to check in. I worked a loooong day today, but accomplished some good things........I think. We had a major thunder storm just as I was leaving to go meet Charlie for dinner. The streets were flooded, and trafic was just a parking lot. One would think that with daily rains, FLoridians would become accustomed to driving on wet roads, but noooooo, it's as if they've never traversed wet pavement in their lives and they go and slide into ditches, they hit utility poles, they slide through red lights and hit each other......well you get the idea. Sushi place #2 is like 3.2 miles from my office and it took me 45 minutes to get there......aggghhhh. A large Sapporo and Rod got over the frustration and we enjoyed a very nice meal. We stopped off at Sbucks on the way home. Tomorrow's a gym night, so it will be another long day, but I'm adjusting. At least until I win the lottery and become 'uber' rich!! LOL

Thank you my dear Skippy!! I'm still having sleep issues. For whatever reason I wake up at 5 and then worry that I won't get up when it's time for the alarm to go off. Rod does not like getting up early. He never ever will.......LOL Thanks for the value of food link!

Marcy The Fat Burning Machine, you will burn those 3 pounds off in no time whatsoever!!

Thanks for the article Apple!

Hey there Julianna! I wondered where you'd been. Now, I know you get up at an hour that no one should ever get up at, thus by the time you get home in the evening, you have no energy left to write to your Healthier Lifestyle friends........LOL I'm super impressed that you do this for sure. Thanks for the kudos on becoming employed again. And I'm with Lorelei, the use of riveting and stairmaster together cracked me up!

Hey there Lorelei!!

Oh thank you Phoenix. I'm with you on running in the heat. I do just fine when it's cooler, well at least cooler for Florida, but I poop out too quickly when it get's in the 90's. That's one reason I use the elliptical so much. I see people running in mid-day, mid-90 degree, super humid, full sun weather and I wonder how they can tolerate it to be honest. At least you got in two miles. Good for you!

Hey DeeJay, maybe we could just saw off our condo and ship it up to you. It's dreadfully dead down here. I'm glad you're doing so well, but then I knew you would!!

Sorry that school's stressful Coat. I hope the stress get's less and less for you.

Thanks for being proud of me SS!! I truly appreciate it.

OK........that does it for me for another fun filled day. Have a great day tomorrow and while it will be late, I will check in tomorrow night.

Sleep well everyone.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I am impatiently waiting for Marty to get home from golf. I bought my pink laptop and am dying for him to get home and set it up!
I figured up our vacation expenses – our fuel was $1121. Ouch! We got about 9.2 miles per gallon pulling the 12,000 pound trailer. Ouch!
Appletini, thanks for the interesting article.
Miscka, I haven’t tried rice milk for a long time. I should give it a shot. I am pretty tired of dry cheerios for breakfast.
Julianna, I hope my scream didn’t startle you! You are very dedicated to get up that early to workout.
Lorelei, I’ll have to make your veggie dish for Marty. He’ll love it.
Skippy, thanks for the article on keeping a food diary. I tend to do mine in my head anymore but they are so helpful to just write down everything you eat.
Phoenix, I bet you are anxious to head to Paris. The pear shaped diamond earrings will be gorgeous. It’s always fun to design a new project. I can''t wait to see what you decide to do.
DeeJay, glad to hear business is keeping your hoping.
Coati, I hope to get in time on my treadmill tomorrow night. I just finished taking care of my last batch of laundry, got through my week of mail so the house is looking more normal. I am so excited to hear about your progress with colored gems.
Somethingshiny, I hope those 3 pounds just melt away soon. I am being very careful this week.
Rod, sorry to hear you are having problems sleeping. Marty takes Simply Sleep sometimes. He gets phone calls in the middle of the night a lot for work and then can’t go back to sleep. He’ll get so tired he can’t sleep so they seem to help him if he can get to bed on time some evening. I hope you do win that lottery soon. I am working on getting off those 3 pounds.
Well, I guess I’ll go work on getting some pictures to post from our trip. I have NOTHING else to do while waiting for my IT guy to show up.



Nov 24, 2006
No way Marcy, that is insane for gas!!!! Yay for a new laptop; that is funny, I thought you were going to keep the old one. Yay, I bet it is fun!!!

Sweet dreams Rod, I hope you don't wake at 5, grrr to waking early.

Nothing exciting on my end. Have a good night all!


Sep 19, 2004
Just thought I''d check in - but again short of time tonight.

I will post what I normally eat (other than Frito''s) another day. Some of you have hit upon some of it.

I will also post how I became allergic to so many things another day as well.... There is a lesson for most of you to know - and a way to avoid it (but of no help once you become allergic).

There are too many post for me to respond to in specific in my limited time tonight.

Just know that I completed my daily checklist. One step at a time.

Hopefully, I will have more free time the rest of the week.



Feb 27, 2007
Skippy, I think we could have driven our car and stayed in a very nice hotel for that kind of money. Oh well, huh? They finally had my pink vaio at a price I was willing to pay. A lady at work is buying my old laptop so I am happy with what I ended up paying for this one.
Perry, yay for completing your daily check list.
For those of you interested, I did post a few pictures of our trip at this link.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/8/2008 11:18:15 PM
Author: perry
Just thought I''d check in - but again short of time tonight.

I will post what I normally eat (other than Frito''s) another day. Some of you have hit upon some of it.

I will also post how I became allergic to so many things another day as well.... There is a lesson for most of you to know - and a way to avoid it (but of no help once you become allergic).

There are too many post for me to respond to in specific in my limited time tonight.

Just know that I completed my daily checklist. One step at a time.

Hopefully, I will have more free time the rest of the week.

No worries Perry, just check in as you are able!


Nov 24, 2006
Morning all!!! I ended up not able to workout last night so I will workout tonight! Hope everyone has a great day!!!


Jul 22, 2007
Hello, all!

It''s a beautiful day in my neighborhood! One of my favorite yoga series is on today (in a few minutes) and I think we''ll be on the Slip-n-Slide this afternoon. So, that looks like my workout for today. Yay for summertime!

I''m also hoping to go to a farmer''s market. We had one only about a mile from our house (which was more like a roadside stand), but it closed. I just found out about one a few miles away. Hopefully we can get some nice fruits and veggies.

Have a great day!


Mar 26, 2006
Hello! I just did 62 (yes SIXTY-TWO) laps in the pool! Woo Hoo!!! I was thrilled with myself at 60, but I was like, hey, what's one more trip up and back at this point?

This guy came down to the pool area when I was about half way done and he kept talking to me when I would stand up at the shallow end to turn around. It took me about 5 laps to realize he was *flirting with me*!
Too bad I'm not willing to wear The Brick in the the pool. That scares most people off. Oh well, he was pretty harmless, but I was just so surprised!

Somethingshiny, have fun at the farmers market! When the HH goes he always come back with such good stuff.

Skippy, have a good workout today!

Marcy, LOL on the pink Vaio. I hope you'll post a pic!

Perry, good for you for completing your checklist! I'm very interested in hearing your story about how the food allergies came about.

Rod, I know what you mean about people driving in the rain; we have the same problem up here with snow. Three consecutive flakes and the whole city driving population loses it's ability to get from one place to another.

Coatimundi, I'm living vicariously through you and the gem education. I would love to learn more about them.

Lorelei, how goes your weather? Not still pants I hope!


Apr 30, 2005
Hi all!

I haven''t felt up to working out since Monday as I have had to go through the delightful procedure of having a root canal
, but hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. This procedure has kicked my butt for some reason.


Mar 16, 2005
Hey, guys. Just a quick hello. Our laptop is actually on the fritz. The monitor just quit working, so I have it hooked up to the laptop right now to use really quickly. We are headed out to the beach for our family reunion we do every other year with Adam''s family, so I will be back on after we get back and get the computer fixed. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week and weekend!


Apr 30, 2005
Marcy, this is indeed a great veggie dish. The beauty of it is you can mix the veggies up to your own preference and exact measurements aren't needed - just throw in what you want and as much as you want.

Here is how I made our last one

3 or 4 red and green peppers, deseeded and cut into quarters or large chunks
2 large onions cut into chunks
whole mushrooms
some Portobello mushrooms also
baby sweetcorn
sliced zucchini
Potatoes - peeled and cut into chunks
4 cloves of garlic ( optional) peeled and crushed.

Prepare vegetables, place into roasting tin or foil container. Drizzle generously with olive oil, and mix the veggies to coat. Place into preheated hot oven ( roasting temp) and cook for around an hour, or until the veggies are tender and brown. Also you can vary it according to what is in season, also some root veggies go well with this such as parsnips too.
To serve - sprinkle with kosher or sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Some fresh ground parmesan also goes well.


Mar 16, 2005
Date: 7/9/2008 1:58:08 PM
Author: steph72276
Hey, guys. Just a quick hello. Our laptop is actually on the fritz. The monitor just quit working, so I have it hooked up to the laptop right now to use really quickly. We are headed out to the beach for our family reunion we do every other year with Adam''s family, so I will be back on after we get back and get the computer fixed. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week and weekend!

Oops, meant to say I had to hook up our laptop to the flatscreen....that didn''t make any sense


Jun 15, 2006
Hi All!

Seems like everyone is having a great week, aside from those fuel expenses, Marcy!

Went for a long walk this afternoon. Otherwise just keepin'' on. We''re having surf and turf for dinner, in an attempt to broaden my food horizons to include fish. John bought a steak just in case the fish, snapper, is a total bust. I want to try to get better about eating it though as there are so many health benefits, so today is as good a day as any.

Not much else to tell.



Nov 24, 2006
I just finished making chicken italian sausage with whole wheat pasta. I have some meals planned since I went to Whole Foods today; still have to make the spinach lasagna, fresh handmade mozerrella pizza and a lentil soup. Okay, I am the queen of procrasting today so I plan to mow the lawn in 15 mins; I pumped up the music to help get me in the mood. haha Tomorrow is my weight watchers weigh in, crossing my fingers I lost some weight.

PHX - Aweome for Paris on the 25th!!! We did Bike About Tours and it was lots of fun, if you want a small biking tour of the city! Wow, running in Richmond!

APPLE - Great on the PT!

DEEJAY - wooo hooo for 60 some laps!

MARCY - I was a little worried there would be no jewelry purchases, but yay for selling the old lappy! Loved your pictures you posted in HANGOUT!!

COATI - yay for the treddie, school sounds awesome!

SS - I bet you are so proud of losing 8 lbs!!!

ROD - How are you liking work? Hope you sleep better tonight and next week!

PERRY - Howdy!!!

LORELEI - Hugs, for you to feel better Love!

STEPHI- Hope the computer is fixed soon, we miss you when you are gone! Fun for a beach reunion!!!

KIMI - yippee for you awesome walk! Your dinner sounds yummy!


Jul 22, 2007
I made a delicious supper tonight of marinated roasted chicken breast (no skin) and roasted parmesean potatoes, and JT looked at it and mimicked gagging! He had mac and cheese instead.

And, I have to share a cute story. JT was supposed to be napping (recently he got a toddler bed that he can get out of). DH and I each went upstairs a couple times to lay him back down. Each time, he was standing with toys "showing" them things outside. Finally, he was quiet and we assumed he was asleep. About a half hour later DH showered and had to go upstairs to get fresh clothes. He peeked in JT''s room and saw no child. He tells me (over the monitor) to come upstairs. Together we start looking in JT''s room, behind the chair, in the closet, etc. And I notice poop in the potty (which is in his room) and his pull-up and clothes laying beside it. Hmmm... We look in the spare bedroom, nothing out of place. And the bathroom is clear. Finally we come to our room. I hadn''t made the bed so the covers are strewn about and the comforter is piled on the floor with the bed pillows. I start looking around, in and around the bed, and there he is. JT''s face was barely showing. He wrapped up his naked self in my big fluffy robe and laid on the floor at the foot of our bed and apparently passed out. It was so darn cute and funny, and a little sad, that I just cracked up.

Skippy~ Well, I kinda am proud of the 8 lbs, but, tonight I got on the scale and it''s down another lb! Apparently, I''m physically working my butt OFF! It took so long to see any changes since starting my workouts (yeah, I know they''re piddly compared to everyone else''s!) and I was getting a little bummed that I couldn''t SEE changes. Good luck on your weigh-in!

Kimi~ I''m not a surf eater either.

Steph~ I hope your beach day was fun!

Lorelei~ I make a dish similar to your veggie recipe, but I''ve always added chicken. I never thought to try it without meat, thanks! Sorry about the root canal. I''ve had several and I''ve always felt 100% within 48 hours.

DJ~ Wow, 62 laps! Yay for being flirted at while you''re in the pool!

Marcy~ I was just perusing your Glacier thread again, and those pictures are just amazing! And, I gotta say, my 20 mi/gal seems better and better compared to your trip!

have a great tomorrow!


Sep 19, 2004
I can''t seem to get home from work at a reasonable hour... So I again limit my time, and went for a quick supper.

Something tasty that I had tonight you all might want to try (I seem to eat this about once every 3 weeks, and it is quick & easy to prepare if you have it all on the shelf).

I call it my: Artichoke Melody (or quick canned wonder)

1 - 14 Oz can medium - small Artichoke Hearts (6-10): Cut Artichokes in half and drain

1 - 8 Oz can of sliced water chestnuts: Drain

1 - Small can (DRWT 3.8 Oz) sliced ripe olives: Drain

Dump above into medium mixing/supper bowl (I don''t like to create more dishes than needed) Make sure excess water is drained (or dried out).

1 - 6 Oz can pink salmon

Spice with oregano, black pepper, and a good splash of vinegar

Mix together well.


(1-4 servings depending on apatite)

Total nutrition: About 590 calories 56 g carbs, 17 g fat, 50 g protein

Oh, and I again finished my checklist. Off to bed now.



Dec 28, 2005
Well, it's 10:30 again and I'm just now getting around to reading today's posts.

Today was actually a good day workwise. There's just so much to learn in my new job and I'm making some good progress and felt in better control today. I work next to a very seasoned executive recruiter and when I was leaving tonight, he told me he thought I was doing an excellent job. That made me feel really good. I'd rather hear it from a peer than a boss as it felt more real. He certainly didn't need to say anything, so it was nice and put a smile on my face. I'm still not sleeping well. I just can't seem to get into a work/sleep routine. I guess after 5 months of staying up late and getting up late, my body doesn't want to adjust to going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. Hopefully, I'll adjust sooner than later. I'm determined to be at work no later than 8 AM and stay no later than 5:30, but I didn't leave tonight until 5:45 and I only took a 1/2 hour lunch too. From work, I went to the gym, with a quick visit to Restoration Hardware to see Charlie. He was finshing up with a customer who bougth over a $1,000 worth of sheets and towels, so he was pleased about that. He had to work until 7 tonight, so he came home and made a meatloaf, and I worked out. I didn't get home until a little after 9, but I had a really good and enjoyable workout, so that was good. I even got my favorite elliptical, which always makes me happy for sure! I can't believe tomorrow's Thursday. I must admit the week goes by much faster now that I'm working and the day fly's by quickly too. Maybe I'm going to actually enjoy being employed again. Just maybe........LOL. I'll work out again tomorrow evening, but plan to take Friday and Saturday off from working out.

Yay for a new laptop Marcy! I think you're right, you could have stayed in some pretty nice hotels for the money it cost you in gas. I also take Simply Sleep. And last night I took 3 of the little blue pills and that didn't put me out. I'm sure once I'm feeling more secure and comfortable at work, I'll sleep better. But thanks for thinking of me........ The lottery drawing is tonight, and I'm going to win the $9 Million. I just know I will. One has to think positively, right??!

Oh thank you Skippy. And yes, I did wake up at 5 again. Then, I just worry that I won't get up at the right time and can't really fall back into a deep sleep. So the last two nights, I've gotten like 5 hours sleep each night. I'm sure it will catch up to me and I'll just crash over the weekend. Only to start the whole thing over again the next week. Oh well. This too shall pass. I hope you enjoyed your workout tonight!! The meal you fixed sounds SO good.

Hey Perry, I'm glad you could check in and I hope all is well with you.

Hey SS. I'm glad it was a beuatiful day in the neighborhood (I can actually hear Mr. Roger's sing that......LOL) and that story about JT was just adorable.

So when are you trying out for the olympic swimming team DeeJay!! And, I'm sure it was such a nice thing to realize someone was flirting with you. And why wouldn't they? You're a beautiful person inside and out!!

Oh Lorelei, I'm so sorry you've had to go through a root canal. I had one a couple years ago and they're not fun for sure. I hope you're feeling better soon. Hugs to you my friend!

Enjoy the family reunion at the beach Steph!!

I hope you enjoy the fish Kimberly. I'm a shellfish person myself and Charlie was always a fish person. But since becoming healthier, I've actually been eating a lot more fish and enjoying it a lot. I hope you do too. Snapper is a good choice. It's a nice firm and not fishy tasting fish. Just think about all the heart healthy Omega Fatty Acids you're giving yourself!!

OK......time to get ready for bed. I'm still a bit wired from my workout, but I hope I sleep better tonight. Sleep well everyone!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone.
Well I am finally using my pink laptop. I had to run out and buy a new Money program as I couldn’t find it. Then getting my old computer all ready to pack up I found it in that bag. Rats. Oh well, I have a newer version of software now.
Somethingshiny, I am glad it is a beautiful day in your neighborhood. I hope you found some great fruits and veggies at the farmer’s market. I am glad you liked my pictures but I agree 20 miles per gallon doesn’t seem as bad after our trip.
DeeJay, yay for doing so many laps in the pool. Too funny that guy was flirting with you. I will post a picture of the new laptop tomorrow evening.
Lorelei, double rats for having a root canal. I hope you feel better soon. You have my total and complete sympathy. Thanks for the tips and recipe; I will surprise Marty some weekend after golf.
Steph, rats for your laptop being on the fritz. Good luck getting it fixed.
Kimi, glad you got in a nice walk today. Surf and turf for dinner sounds good.
Skippy, you are quite the cook this week! Good luck at your weigh in tomorrow. I lost a pound of my 3 already and hope to have made more progress tomorrow morning. I might just have to pick up a piece of 2 of jewelry soon. I do have 2 more teaching checks this summer.
Perry, I can get home at a reasonable time I just have too many things to do in one evening. Yay for completing your checklist today.
Rod, glad you are feeling more comfortable in your job. Woo hoo for Charlie making a big sale. I hope your body adjusts to your new sleeping hours. Even after a few nights of a star gazing when I stay up to 1 or 2 am it’s hard to get back on track. I hope you do win that lottery tonight!
Well, I must get ready for bed. I didn’t go to sleep till about 1 am this morning so I am tired.


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Thursday. I now have only 9/10 of a pound to loose to reach my goal as I am now back to having lost 159 pounds. Keep your toes and fingers crossed for me to make it by Saturday morning.

Have a great and healthy day!


Jan 13, 2006
Hey all!

Lorelei, are feeling better?

I can''t get in my mailbox.....


Mar 19, 2007
Hey folks o' Healthier Lifestyle!

It's Thursday. I didn't get one chance to glance at PS yesterday because work was wicked busy, but thanks everyone for the replies.

So here's the thing about the Treddy O Doom: Sometimes I can run with no real problems and I reach my goal with a relatively low heart rate and I don't notice the time going by. Like today, I got through my run so fast that I added another quarter mile at a quicker speed just for the heck of it. This is not the norm, though. Usually I'm dying at the 25 minute mark and I keep looking at the mileage and clock and my heart is exploding out of my chest. It doesn't seem to matter what I ate the day before. Matter of fact, my food yesterday was: Venti Starbucks chai with white mocha (WOOOO) for brek, then 3 Dunkin Donuts donuts interspersed throughout the day, and a chicken caesar sandwich from Panera, which is the food o' Satan. It's worse than eating a friggin' Big Mac, calorie-wise. That day of food could never be construed as healthy, and all that sugar should've burned off by this morning.

But no. Best. Run. Ever.

Sometimes I wonder if switching to all healthy food all of the time would be helpful at all. What with healthy food being yucky, and all.
Just kidding. I'll eat my asparagus!

BTW, Rod, I have the worst food-lifestyle envy. I would LOVE to have Starbucks/sushi/ice cream once or more a week. What a fabulous tradition. I know I've probably said that before but every time you mention it, I'm like "AW, MAAAN!!"
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