
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 21st July till 27th July

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Jun 20, 2008
Hey everyone!

Sorry I''ve been MIA this week- it''s been long and busy! Excuse me for not reading through all 90 posts already this week (I''ve got a lot of catch up to do).

I''ll probably have to wait and get back to you all next week, though. My boyfriend is coming to visit me tomorrow night- I''m SO excited because I haven''t seen him in over a month! Soooooo... I''ll be busy!

Also, I tried to be good this week and "save up" my calories so that I can splurge with him- we''ll probably still workout though, b/c we''re both training for a triathlon in September. (but I plan to eat well this weekend!)

Here is my word of advice: Making a lifestyle change requires a constant strive to consciously make the healthier decision. Choose water over soda, choose a walk over TV, choose vegetables instead of fries, etc. This doesn''t mean that you have to be on point 100% of the time. If you''re having a difficult day or a fun day, make at least ONE conscious healthy decision during that day to help keep you on track. Maybe it can be as simple as taking the stairs once or just drinking an extra glass of water. Remember that it''s the little things that matter!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey.........just read my post from yesterday and you've basically got today's summary. Am super duper tired. Had a great workout (2.5 hours again), but didn't get home till 9:30. Charlie baked some chicken thighs and steamed some squash and brussle sprouts, which were really good, and I don't usually like brussle sprouts. I guess I was tired last night as I see I wrote he made meatload - LOL. I'm guessing you realized I meant meatloaf! You're funny Dragon!!!

I wish I had the energy or time to write everyone personally. I'll catch up over the weekend.

I hope everyone's doing well and I meant to say welcome to HH!!

Rod is off to bed..........


Jul 22, 2007
Just a fly-by (again)

Welcome to the newcomers!!

I read in one of the posts that someone only spends $10 on groceries. It reminded me of being newlyweds and living on Ramen noodles and bologna, and a real treat was spaghetti. KoolAid was the beverage of choice in those days, too.

Anyway, JT''s doing better. He got to play with his cousin today. They were so cute together. They were walking through the yard and realized they had passed the area where they''re not supposed to go alone. So, they each reached out their hands for the other one and continued on their merry way. The only rule is "you need a hand to be over here", and I guess they did.

I''ve decided I want to do some more hiking again. I used to hike a lot before I had JT, but I think he''s getting to the age that he can come along. I need some new hiking boots and I''ll be set. We have one of the most beautiful and well taken care of set of trails near here. Actually, we have two. One is a Wildlife park and the other is part of a preserve.

I had to buy new pants!!

Have a great tomorrow!


Mar 20, 2003
We''re leaving for Paris today!

If we were going for the whole ten days like we originally planned, I''d be bringing running stuff, but I''m going to be walking all day and we''re only taking on carry-ons, so I''m not going to bother. It''ll be a little break from working out, although I''m sure I''ll do some situps and pushups in the hotel. We''ll be back Tuesday.


Mar 19, 2007
Date: 7/24/2008 10:01:27 PM
Author: IndyGirl22
Hey all!

Julianna - Does Emergen-C taste good? I've honestly never heard of this magical elixir of morning life!
Well yeah it's not bad at all! I am very picky about tastes of things, and I am really quite fond of the tangerine. It comes in all sorts of flavors: orange, raspberry, cranberry, pink lemonade, tropical, lemon-lime, and acai (might be forgetting some). The acai is yucky though.
Don't drink that one.

It's just a bunch o' stuff that's good for you. No caffeine or anything like that. It gives me enough energy to stay upright on whatever machine I'm on, that's good enough for me.

I guess 4oz of water is the consensus, ladies. All for one, one for all, and all that crap. We all go down togetha!!

*dashes off in the general direction of Costco*


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/24/2008 7:58:19 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Pulled hamstring advice please... It's not *killing* me, but it is sore. (I guess the good news is today it's only one leg, yesterday it was both!) Should I use heat or ice?
Ice Ice do do dododoodoo....

Thanks for the toof dust Indy! The root canal toof is settling a bit, but the wisdom tooth with the bl--dy great hole in ( according to my dentist) is a bit sore, I have to wait a couple of weeks to get it out, and I want to hurl at the prospect of it...drilling into bone....gawd.....


Mar 19, 2007
Date: 7/25/2008 9:00:42 AM
Author: Lorelei

Ice Ice do do dododoodoo....

Thanks for the toof dust Indy! The root canal toof is settling a bit, but the wisdom tooth with the bl--dy great hole in ( according to my dentist) is a bit sore, I have to wait a couple of weeks to get it out, and I want to hurl at the prospect of it...drilling into bone....gawd.....
Speaking from experience, Miz Lor, I can say that I''d rather have three hours of drilling right into my jawbone than put up with hurty teefs. When all this is over and you can masticate properly and exercise without your entire jaw throbbing and aching, all this crap will be nothing but a bad (and expensive) memory.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/25/2008 9:19:33 AM
Author: Julianna

Date: 7/25/2008 9:00:42 AM
Author: Lorelei

Ice Ice do do dododoodoo....

Thanks for the toof dust Indy! The root canal toof is settling a bit, but the wisdom tooth with the bl--dy great hole in ( according to my dentist) is a bit sore, I have to wait a couple of weeks to get it out, and I want to hurl at the prospect of it...drilling into bone....gawd.....
Speaking from experience, Miz Lor, I can say that I''d rather have three hours of drilling right into my jawbone than put up with hurty teefs. When all this is over and you can masticate properly and exercise without your entire jaw throbbing and aching, all this crap will be nothing but a bad (and expensive) memory.
Weally???? Tisn''t as bad as hurty teefs?? I take some comfort from that then - fanks!


Mar 19, 2007
Date: 7/25/2008 9:22:12 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 7/25/2008 9:19:33 AM
Author: Julianna

Date: 7/25/2008 9:00:42 AM
Author: Lorelei

Ice Ice do do dododoodoo....

Thanks for the toof dust Indy! The root canal toof is settling a bit, but the wisdom tooth with the bl--dy great hole in ( according to my dentist) is a bit sore, I have to wait a couple of weeks to get it out, and I want to hurl at the prospect of it...drilling into bone....gawd.....
Speaking from experience, Miz Lor, I can say that I''d rather have three hours of drilling right into my jawbone than put up with hurty teefs. When all this is over and you can masticate properly and exercise without your entire jaw throbbing and aching, all this crap will be nothing but a bad (and expensive) memory.
Weally???? Tisn''t as bad as hurty teefs?? I take some comfort from that then - fanks!
Get thee to a dentist as soon as you can, milady!
Meantime might I suggest heavy painkillers.


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

We rode to work and back yesterday, 5 miles each way, and it was great. The woman I rode with kicked my butt, but it felt so good to be back on a bike. I got really congested last night and have lost my voice (not sure what''s going on, I''ve never had allergies so it must be a summer cold) so I''ve opted out of riding today, but will join her/them again this weekend if I''m feeling better. We saw Batman yesterday afternoon then went to dinner at a little French bistro, yum.

Welcome back, ladypirate! Once you and DH have settled in and found jobs I highly recommend you go to Lucier for a celebratory dinner. It''s in my top ten list of amazing meals and the wine was fabulous. I had the best wine ever there and I can''t find it anywhere else, it bums me out! I''ve tried playing tennis, I suck at it, not coordinated enough, I wish I was as it seems like such a fun game.

SS, I''m so glad JT is feeling better. Good for you for adding hiking into the routine.

Whomever asked for breakfast advice, try a fruit shake (you can add Emergen-C into it, I bet). I''m totally into making shakes right now, so I''m going to buy some protein powder this weekend.

Lorelei, glad the canal is getting better, ask to be knocked out for the rest of the work that needs to be done if you haven''t already!

Phoenix, have an amazing trip.

Time for breakfast.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/25/2008 9:38:25 AM
Author: Julianna

Date: 7/25/2008 9:22:12 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 7/25/2008 9:19:33 AM
Author: Julianna

Date: 7/25/2008 9:00:42 AM
Author: Lorelei

Ice Ice do do dododoodoo....

Thanks for the toof dust Indy! The root canal toof is settling a bit, but the wisdom tooth with the bl--dy great hole in ( according to my dentist) is a bit sore, I have to wait a couple of weeks to get it out, and I want to hurl at the prospect of it...drilling into bone....gawd.....
Speaking from experience, Miz Lor, I can say that I''d rather have three hours of drilling right into my jawbone than put up with hurty teefs. When all this is over and you can masticate properly and exercise without your entire jaw throbbing and aching, all this crap will be nothing but a bad (and expensive) memory.
Weally???? Tisn''t as bad as hurty teefs?? I take some comfort from that then - fanks!
Get thee to a dentist as soon as you can, milady!
Meantime might I suggest heavy painkillers.

Thanks Jules and Kimmy! My teefs are a mess on the right side, I have had the RC done on the lower molar, the molar above that one is now hurting and the wisdom tooth to the right of that one has a hole in it. So he isn''t sure if it is the wisdom tooth causing all the pain, but I think it is also the tooth above the recently treated one.
All this is making me feel a bit pants, also I find eating a little challenging!


Feb 22, 2008
Happy Friday everyone!

Lorelei - Ouch! I hate teef pain! The only up side is I usually end up eating less and losing a few pounds. It''ll be better soon just keep your eye on the prize!

Choro - I know all about the poor college student grocery list
I lived on about $15 week in college and then $20-25 a week until this year b/c I was always broke. With inflation I just can''t imagine spending only $10 now days.

Skippy - YAY for 1/2 pound gone! And it took the pants weather with it! That''s great!

Deejay - Ice and don''t skimp on the slow stretching it really helps. Hope you heal up soon!

Charger & Julianna- I love the Emergen C! My favorite is the cranberry! I only use about 4oz too. I had a friend who put it in a whole water bottle and that looked terribly icky! I''ll have to start giving that a try before workouts.

I did good last night. It was like 98 outside again so we went to the gym and I actually did the treadmill I ran about a mile and walked about a mile (off and on) for a total of 30 minutes and when I got off my legs felt like wet noodles. Today I''m a bit sore but luckily we''re taking a day off. Tonight we''re going to see my BFF in a play then we''ll probably go out for dinner, but I''ll try to be good. This weekend I''m going to travel a couple hours to help move my sister back from college so I''ll be doing a lot of lifting and carrying and that''ll have to be my weekend workout.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/25/2008 10:27:52 AM
Author: KCCutie
Happy Friday everyone!

Lorelei - Ouch! I hate teef pain! The only up side is I usually end up eating less and losing a few pounds. It''ll be better soon just keep your eye on the prize!

Choro - I know all about the poor college student grocery list
I lived on about $15 week in college and then $20-25 a week until this year b/c I was always broke. With inflation I just can''t imagine spending only $10 now days.

Skippy - YAY for 1/2 pound gone! And it took the pants weather with it! That''s great!

Deejay - Ice and don''t skimp on the slow stretching it really helps. Hope you heal up soon!

Charger & Julianna- I love the Emergen C! My favorite is the cranberry! I only use about 4oz too. I had a friend who put it in a whole water bottle and that looked terribly icky! I''ll have to start giving that a try before workouts.

I did good last night. It was like 98 outside again so we went to the gym and I actually did the treadmill I ran about a mile and walked about a mile (off and on) for a total of 30 minutes and when I got off my legs felt like wet noodles. Today I''m a bit sore but luckily we''re taking a day off. Tonight we''re going to see my BFF in a play then we''ll probably go out for dinner, but I''ll try to be good. This weekend I''m going to travel a couple hours to help move my sister back from college so I''ll be doing a lot of lifting and carrying and that''ll have to be my weekend workout.
Thanks KC!

I think I have shrunk a bit over the last few weeks with all this teef nonsense! It really ruins your appetite, plus it is easier NOT to eat than to risk it!


Mar 13, 2008
Morning everyone!

Indy thanks for the advice for the shin splints. You''re either a health/fitness professional (e.g. personal trainer, physical therapy), or you''re just used to getting a lot of sports injuries. I"m the latter :)

Funny story about icing etc. I used to ride my bike to work at my last job. One day I got car-door''ed and fell off my bike. I ended up landing on my hand, and it hurt for like 3 wks. I finally went to the doctor and told her what happened.
Doc:"So have you been doing ice & ibuprofen?"
Me: "Um, no."
Doc: "Not even ice?!?!"
Me: [without missing a beat] "But it''s not a sports injury."

Needless to say, she gave me a really weird look from that comment. Guess that''s just the way my brain''s wired....


Sep 16, 2007
Date: 7/25/2008 11:24:00 AM
Author: lliang_chi
Morning everyone!

Indy thanks for the advice for the shin splints. You''re either a health/fitness professional (e.g. personal trainer, physical therapy), or you''re just used to getting a lot of sports injuries. I''m the latter :)

Funny story about icing etc. I used to ride my bike to work at my last job. One day I got car-door''ed and fell off my bike. I ended up landing on my hand, and it hurt for like 3 wks. I finally went to the doctor and told her what happened.
Doc:''So have you been doing ice & ibuprofen?''
Me: ''Um, no.''
Doc: ''Not even ice?!?!''
Me: [without missing a beat] ''But it''s not a sports injury.''

Needless to say, she gave me a really weird look from that comment. Guess that''s just the way my brain''s wired....
Ahahahah - that''s funny! Biking can be a sport! I was a sports medicine/athletic training major in college so I had to treat and rehab everything from broken bones to strains to ACL tears, etc. It was very interesting and I learned so much about how to take care of injured people, but I decided to go to law school...I sometimes feel like it was a waste but I had so much fun going to practices, games, and traveling with the teams I wouldn''t have traded it for anything.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/24/2008 8:35:22 PM
Author: ladypirate
Hi everyone!

So having finished moving, it''s time to rejoin this thread! I''ve been very lethargic the last couple of days because I threw my back out (grr--I think I have a pinched nerve, actually), but before that happened I was being quite good about walking/playing tennis/etc.

I''m sitting right around 141 lbs, which is higher than I''d like, but still down from my high of 146 or so. Ideally, I''d like to be right around 130-135, but we''ll see. The weather has been so nice, I''m sick of being flat on my back in any case.

A couple of reasons I''m really excited to be back to normal are because we have public tennis courts close to us so we can go play in the evenings (Well, during the day, too, until we find jobs!) and because my awesome college roommate lives in Portland and we''ve talked about going running a couple of days a week as well.

I hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to being back in the swing of things!

ETA: Forgot to add--one of my favorite things about Portland so far is that the tap water is DELICIOUS! Makes it way easier to drink 8 cups a day!
Hey LP - YARR MATEY - good to see you back!!


Aug 17, 2005
TGIF! I''m so ready for the weekend! are you?

did my morning workout- 4 days in a row for me. I''m thrilled about that.

i''m off to Orlando on Sunday for a conference, and I plan to keep the momentum going. I''ll have to get my PS/Healthy Lifestyle fix often to keep me on track.

Sorry that I can''t write more- i have a busy friday ahead of me.



Jun 27, 2008
hi! where was this thread 6 months ago for me (oh yeah, didnt even know about PS!).

Mind if i join in?

I have been trying to eat gluten and yeast free this month (i might be allergic). So far, not so good. but at least i am making more of an effort, such as passing up a glass of guiness
. I also realize that once i limit drinking (even wine!) every night, i''ll definately see at least a 5 pound drop. Dang, it hate it when the freshman 15 catches up to you 5 years later and becomes the freshman 30!

Here''s my main motivation right now to drop the lbs and get at least semi-fit.

Next June, boyf and i are going on another family vaca to the BVI. which means, bathing suits 24/7. Oh, did i mention that everyone in his family is perfectly fit, including the brothers GF?
Coming from a family (from the south) who didnt learn about "healthy" cooking until much later, well you can see why this might be a problem. At least i know i have an iron stomach compaired to the rest.

Also, besides looking "fit" (for me) i need to get some upper arm strenght!! I really dont like the idea of looking like a whale trying to get into a dingy boat

So if anyone has any tips, i''ll be glad to take them! At least i am gaining a bit of comfort knowing that i''ll be walking to lunch today instead of driving.


Nov 24, 2006
Hi Healthy Lifestyle Friends
It's Friday, yay!
Last night hubby made this wonderful dinner of ricotta, olive stuffed chicken breasts, it was out of my Weight Watchers cook book. He is such an awesome cook; if I made it the rolled up chicken breasts would look half as pretty! Yesterday I had a naughty sandwich for lunch but I didn't go too nutty last night for dinner.

I am so proud of my hubby
he has been riding his bike to work! It is 14 miles round trip! Yay, MR. Skippers!

This weekend hubby and I probably will take our bikes out for a spin. I love bike riding but hopefully we do it before it gets too hot out. Tomorrow my sister and I are going to a local nursery to look at trees and plants. We have a couple of trees out front that are dying so I hope to figure out or at least get some inspiration on what to plant out front when we go to replace the trees. Hope everyone has a Wonderful Weekend!!

ROD, is tonight sushi night? Yum to chicken thighs, we had chicken too! I don't like brussal sprouts either. hehe LOL to the meatload; I didn't notice. hehe

SOMETHINGSHINY, oh my goodness that is the absolute cutest story about your son and his cousin holding hands!!! Ah, soooo darling! Yay for the hike!

PHX, have fun in Paris, we loved it this past spring, hope you get to make it to Versailles!

LORELEI, you are cracking me up with the "Ice ice baby do do do dodooooo"
LOL Woman!!! Now you have that song stuck in Skippers head!
Yikes to the drilling, me thinks you need a present!

KIMI, you and my hubby rock! He has been riding his bike to work too! Yay for riding bikes!

KCCUTIE, ah, thanks for the kudos! Yay for the gym and running, you rock! That is super sweet to go help your sis out; yay for the workout too!

LLIANG CHI, good to see you! Gosh, that is awful you got hit with a car door. Sorry about all the injuries, now that I turned 30 I get them more.

Hello INDYGRL and JULIANNA! Have a fab weekend. JULIANNA hubby loves the emergen C's but I don't, I am not a fizzy drink girl.

CHARGER, have fun in Orlando and yay for the workouts!

JCARLYLEW, Welcome and of course you can join us! You should check out sparkpeople for meal plan. Try substitutions like a light beer.

MARCY, you must be getting our rains. What is the temp up there?


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/25/2008 2:28:35 PM
Author: Skippy123

LORELEI, you are cracking me up with the 'Ice ice baby do do do dodooooo'
LOL Woman!!! Now you have that song stuck in Skippers head!
Yikes to the drilling, me thinks you need a present!
Oh Skippers.....I have a little surprise for you.....

i do deserve a present.....


Mar 26, 2006
Thanks for all the advice! I iced my sore (right) leg last night. This morning I went over to the gym thinking I would bike again since that didn't hurt at all yesterday, but about 3 mins into it I bolted for the treadmill. I kept it on incline 1 and went 3.5 mph for an hour. I swear my heart rate never went over 130 (
) but I was just glad to so something. Funny thing is my right leg didn't hurt much at all while I was doing it but my left leg (which didn't hurt yesterday) did a little. I frickin' give up!!! Where do I trade this obviously defective body in for a new one?!? I must have the warranty around here somewhere...

Liang, I also get shin splints and the key for me has become streeeeeeetching. Relentlessly. Every time I think of it. As a matter of fact I'm sitting here stretching them right now as I type. I do still have some discomfort when I do the treadmill, but much less than I used to, and it goes away sooner now.

Gotta go take the monsters for a W-A-L-K and then pop into my office for a little while. Happy Friday all!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 7/25/2008 2:31:19 PM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 7/25/2008 2:28:35 PM
Author: Skippy123

LORELEI, you are cracking me up with the 'Ice ice baby do do do dodooooo'
LOL Woman!!! Now you have that song stuck in Skippers head!
Yikes to the drilling, me thinks you need a present!
Oh Skippers.....I have a little surprise for you.....

i do deserve a present.....
. . . okay, when you can't beat em join em
"vanilla ice ice baby" (DeeJay, this is all your fault!)
eta: hope your legs feel better soon and rest.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/25/2008 2:36:43 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 7/25/2008 2:31:19 PM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 7/25/2008 2:28:35 PM
Author: Skippy123

LORELEI, you are cracking me up with the ''Ice ice baby do do do dodooooo''
LOL Woman!!! Now you have that song stuck in Skippers head!
Yikes to the drilling, me thinks you need a present!
Oh Skippers.....I have a little surprise for you.....

i do deserve a present.....
. . . okay, when you can''t beat em join em
''vanilla ice ice baby'' (DeeJay, this is all your fault!)
eta: hope your legs feel better soon and rest.


Jul 30, 2007
You guys are too funny! I''ve missed this thread. Thanks for all the warm welcome backs!

My back is feeling better today than it has for the last few days, so I think we''re going to head downtown and check out the Portland Brewer''s Festival today! Beer may not be the healthiest, but at least we''ll be walking around a lot so that''s something...right? RIGHT?

Hi Choro! Good to see you on the HLT thread! My favorite snack food while I''m working is baby carrots. Yum!

Skippy, it''s good to see you too! Thanks for the well wishes. I''ve been loading up on ibuprofin, icing it, taking hot baths and resting a lot, and I think it''s starting to help! I can''t wait to be active again.

IndyGirl, I never said I was GOOD at tennis.
I''m really out of practice, but I do enjoy it. Also, playing with other people who are also only "okay" at it makes me feel better about my own mediocre skills. Good for you on your workout!

Hi Amanda. Have fun with your bf this weekend!

Rod, it''s good to see you! I hope you''re enjoying your new job.

SomethingShiny, JT and his cousin sound so adorable! I love hiking--you''ll have to post pictures when you go.

Phoenix, have fun in Paris!!!

Hi, Julianna!

Lorelei, you are bad! Now you have that song stuck in my head, too! I''m sorry about the tooth issues! *Sends lots of good mouth juju your way*

Kimberly, thanks for the restaurant recommendation! We''ll go check it out PCF (Post Cash-Flow--that''s what Kris has taken to saying when we want to do something expensive...hee!) As I said above, I''m not the best tennis player, but I have fun so that''s what matters.

KCCutie, good job with your workout! Have fun helping your sister move--you said you guys are really close, right? That''ll be fun to see her.

Hi lliang-chi! Your icing story is funny--the doctor must have thought you were crazy!

Hi ChargerGrrl! Have fun at your conference.

Welcome, jcarlylew! Good for you for resisting Guinness! I have nowhere near that willpower.

Feel better, Dee*Jay! Have fun on your walk with the D-O-Gs!

I''m going to go hang out with Kris for a while and play some Halflife, but I''ll pop in tomorrow!


Mar 16, 2005
Hey, guys just a quick fly-by. I have cut my cals back down to about 1200 hoping I can drop a few lbs. I am still running 4-5 times per week, but I just need to get my eating back under control after going on a baking rampage. Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend!

ROD, I had to tell you I thought of you the other day....I got to try tart froyo the other day. This lady that just moved here from LA opened up a cute dessert shop near us and is serving gourmet cupcake (which Adam & Andrew enjoyed) and tart froyo! Woohoo, I had some with blueberries and it was awesome. Just thought I would share that I am now hooked
. Hope you''re doing well!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/25/2008 3:36:13 PM
Author: ladypirate

Lorelei, you are bad! Now you have that song stuck in my head, too! I''m sorry about the tooth issues! *Sends lots of good mouth juju your way*

Thanks for the teef wishes!! I need ''em!


Sep 16, 2007
HAPPY FRIDAY ALL! Fridays always feel SO GOOD! I''ve got about a half hour left of work and I''m headed home for the weekend for some good home-cooked meals. Hopefully my diet stays on track and I can find a place to workout.

Amanda - Great advice about lifestyle choices. I''ve cut out every beverage but water in my diet for about a month now and I think it really helped. I was never a big soda drinker but I loved sweet tea, especially in the summer! The sugar adds up quickly and I love water now.

Kimberly - Did you like the Batman movie? Good job with biking!

Rod - I look forward to reading more about your week when you have some time. Sounds like you keep pretty busy and I can''t believe you still find 2.5 hours to work out! Yay
I''ll keep trying to convince BF to join haha

Somethingshiny - Good to hear that your little one is feeling better. Hiking sounds amazing and JT will learn about nature at the same time. I wish where I lived had better hiking trails...I''ll have to put that on my To Do List for Fall.

Phoenix - STILL jealous about Paris!
Have an amazing time and don''t worry about working out too much, you''ll probably burn a lot just sightseeing!

Julianna - Do they sell Emergen-C everywhere? I''ll have to look next time I''m at Wally World.

Lorelei, DeeJay, Skippy - You all are KILLING me with the emoties! They are so cute! Skippy - how great to have your DH onboard with working out. It makes me wish I was married already & that I wasn''t scared to bike in this city. Feel better and rest this weekend Lorelei & DeeJay!

Jcarly - You''ll drop those freshman 15/30 in no time. I know what you mean, though...I''m currently trying to get back to my freshman weight!
Don''t be intimidated by your BF''s family - *HE* enjoys your body at least.
As for arm strength, I would just suggest the usual exercises/machines for your biceps, triceps, delts, etc. I would also suggest a lat workout because its all related.

Ladypirate - Haha! I''ve always found that surrounding myself with less-able/similarly-situated people helps me feel better too! I am so short though, I can never seem to turn into Stretch Armstrong and catch the ball when I play tennis.


Jun 27, 2008
Thanks for all the warm welcomes everyone! I did walk down to meet my mum for lunch. I realized that if my calfs are hurting after 3 blocks, its time to start walking again! I used to be able to walk the lenght of D/T seattle (in high heals, no less) in under 30 minutes. Now...not so much!

Thank goodness this weekend is a big arts festival so i will drag the boyf with me and walk the whole thing.

Question --
Who else parks their car further away from the entrance to work? I park on the roof so that way I am forced to walk up some stairs.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/25/2008 4:07:22 PM
Author: jcarlylew
Thanks for all the warm welcomes everyone! I did walk down to meet my mum for lunch. I realized that if my calfs are hurting after 3 blocks, its time to start walking again! I used to be able to walk the lenght of D/T seattle (in high heals, no less) in under 30 minutes. Now...not so much!

Thank goodness this weekend is a big arts festival so i will drag the boyf with me and walk the whole thing.

Question --
Who else parks their car further away from the entrance to work? I park on the roof so that way I am forced to walk up some stairs.
Blast - I don''t think I said hi yet jcarly, welcome to the thread!


Jun 25, 2007
Howdy all! This morning I just did some jumping jacks. I''ve not been feeling well, not sleeping much. I''ll get more done on Vaca though!!! I did eat pretty well. Breakfast was whole grain toast with peanut butter and a few strawberries on the side, with a glass of grapefruit juice. mid morning I had half an apple. Lunch was tuna on whole wheat with some leftover peas. Not sure what I''m doing for dinner yet. My grandpa is in hospital waiting on some artery tests so SO and I won''t be eating with grandparents tonight as expected. I''ll be keeping a journal of everything I do on vaca so I''ll have a mini novel when I get back. I hope you all enjoy your weekend and week!
LIang - sounds like you had a fun vaca. Breakfast ideas : egg with low fat cheese, whole wheat or whole grain toast with peanut butter, fresh fruit, grapefruit, and smoothies are good breakfast options
Ladypirate - welcome back!!
Phoenix - have fun in Paris!
Kim H - yay for the biking! Hope you feel better
KC- GJ on the workout!
Jcar - Gluten free is usually recommended as only being a diet for those who are allergic to gluten. It can have very drastic effects on your health. My youngest cousin is allergic and his family has to make special meals for him only because their doctors warned against them doing the same...
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