
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 21st July till 27th July

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all !

I was thinking to myself about how often seemingly small changes can make such a big difference over time, that they can be well worth considering and making. When working out, pushing yourself just a bit harder, or going for a few minutes longer, can really get those extra pounds shifting! I am wearing a pair of jeans currently that last year, were a little snug around the waist. Although here we are one year later, the change isn't dramatic, but the jeans fit comfortably now. By having patience, and by realizing that if my overall eating and working out was in the right direction, I was content to know that in time, these jeans could indeed fit me properly. Sometimes we don't realize the progress we HAVE made, positive changes can be subtle, and often it can be a good thing to hold onto a pair of jeans, skirt etc, that you would like to fit into yet can't - and even if the scales aren't showing you what you want to see, sometimes a good old pair of jeans CAN!!

I am very pleased with this result, because it proves to me that the continued efforts I have made ARE paying off. I have fallen off the wagon many times - sure - but the important thing is, as us veteran HLTers know, is to climb right back on again! So for our newer members who have joined us, I think that is worth repeating, perfection isn't what will get you where you want to be, continued effort and persistance will!

Have a great week


Apr 22, 2007
Date: 7/21/2008 7:34:31 AM

I am very pleased with this result, because it proves to me that the continued efforts I have made ARE paying off. I have fallen off the wagon many times - sure - but the important thing is, as us veteran HLTers know, is to climb right back on again! So for our newer members who have joined us, I think that is worth repeating, perfection isn''t what will get you where you want to be, continued effort and persistance will!

Have a great week
Thanks for this Lorelei, I needed to hear it!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/21/2008 7:51:57 AM
Author: Delster

Date: 7/21/2008 7:34:31 AM

I am very pleased with this result, because it proves to me that the continued efforts I have made ARE paying off. I have fallen off the wagon many times - sure - but the important thing is, as us veteran HLTers know, is to climb right back on again! So for our newer members who have joined us, I think that is worth repeating, perfection isn''t what will get you where you want to be, continued effort and persistance will!

Have a great week
Thanks for this Lorelei, I needed to hear it!
You are most welcome Del, sometimes an encouraging word can really help motivation!


Sep 19, 2004
Hi all. I did not forget you last week - just a long & tough week at work.

I had to switch to a night shift for Wednesday - and then back to days on Thursday (which really messes me up); then to top it off I put in 14 hours on Friday.

I also seem to be reacting to something new - and suspect it is one of the drugs I have recently started taking. All that lead to sleeping 12 hours Friday night - and being very tired all day Saturday (for what I was awake as I tossed in some naps); Sleeping 10 hours Sat night - and being tired on Sunday (with naps), and being tired yet today. I did discontinue the drug I suspect on Sunday. Hopefully this will wear off in a few days.

I completed my checklist up to Friday - and then it fell apart.

On to a new week.

And I trust all of you will have a great week.



Sep 16, 2007
Hey Lorelei! Thanks for the positive note! I think it''s great that your clothes are fitting much better now - it''s much more obvious good feedback than anything a scale will tell you. I know I''ll never weigh 100 lbs because I have a muscular build, but if I see the dress sizes drop or the pants fit looser I will be happy. I am a packrat and have a closet full of clothes that are a bit "snug" so I''ll have to try them on in a couple weeks! Have a great Monday all!


Apr 9, 2007
Happy new week, everyone!!

Lorelei-thanks for the great opener, I am still working on that lesson myself! But I am getting better.

Yesterday I allowed myself some ice cream and some baguette with Alouette spread with a friend. It was worth it, and I controlled my portion.

I had 2 happy moments this weekend, related to my weight loss. 1 was that my "skinny" jeans are a little loose!! And 2 was when I was in a shop and asking about a dress in the window. The saleslady told me the size apologetically, and I thought she meant it would be too small, but she thought it would be too big! So that made me feel good.

This week I think I will work on getting a few nice walks in. My BFF is back from abroad, so I bet she will go with me and my dog. It is just so hard, since it doesnt get cool enough until 8:30 so I have to walk fast!!


Jun 15, 2006

You''ve forgiven my 7 layer dip dinner sin of last week with your post with your opener, as did my scale. I weighed a mere 126.8 this morning, and man did that make me happy. I weighed myself before leaving for my parents and the scale said 129.8 and then I wasn''t eating all that well while there so I was a bit nervous to get on the scale this morning. 129.8 is not a bad weight, for sure, but it just isn''t comfortable for me to be that close to 130, so it''s a happy morning. (Yes, I know, I''m a bit too scale driven but it keeps me honest and focused).

Anyways, today is a work/babysit day which means exercise will be playing with my charge rather than the elliptical, but it''s fun to play with him so that''s alright by me.

Have a wonderful day all.



Apr 30, 2005
Hi Perry!

Indy, I will never weigh 100 pounds either, I am quite tall with a large frame, but I concentrate in being the best '' me'' I can be and making the most of what I have, it took me a long time to get to this place, but I am very happy to be here!

Miscka, yay for the skinny jeans and the nice compliment!

Kimmie- that is excellent with the scales and proof that a wee treat now and then doesn''t hurt!


Mar 20, 2003
Lorelei, good job on the jeans fitting!

Perry, sorry to hear about the fatigue. I hope stopping the medication does the trick.

Kimberly, yay for 126.8!

When I've hit down patches recently I've tried to keep up my usual healthy routine, just not at full blast. My body has really been thanking me for exercising regularly with a lot of energy, which is really nice since my fear is that I'll spend the summer in my pajamas watching bad tv and eating ice cream out of the tub (actually, I don't like ice cream or watching tv that much but I definitely spend too much time on PS!).

I've been weighing in a little more than usual recently (+ 2 or 3 pounds), with some yoyoing almost down to my "normal" weight. Some of my non-curvy fit shorts are definitely snug too. I'm kind of resigned to it because it's too hot (99 today, 100 tomorrow!) to run and I'm not willing to live a monkish existence of no little treats or glasses of wine. Well, I am monkish by day, but then when DH comes home or I'm socializing I let loose a little.

I've found every Monday this summer when I haven't been traveling to be pretty depressing. My dad died on a Monday, so that might be part of it, plus the fact that the weekend and having company during the day is over. Also the thought of a week with "nothing to do" looms ahead of me. But I do think I've been good at coming up with tasks -- sorting and organizing throughout the house, etc. My task for today is the bookshelves. They have no organization and I'm sure there are books we can give away.

Yesterday, since it was too hot to run, I did the Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout. It's a Firm video that is cardio-oriented (although it does use 5 lb. weights for about half the sequences) rather than lifting. This afternoon I'll do another weights video, and then I'll run on Wednesday morning when the forecast is only a high of 88 and rainy (phew!).

Oh yeah, and we leave for Paris on Friday!


Feb 27, 2007
Good morning! Well the pancake breakfast was fun. I begged off to 2 small pancakes, 1 pat of butter and tried to get “just a little” syrup but they drowned them anyway. We were at the end of the line at 7:05 and done eating by 7:30 so not too bad. I just got throw cleaning and cutting up my strawberries for strawberry shortcake tonight and the veggies for my pasta salad. My in-laws don’t have any raw veggies to eat and don’t have fresh fruit so I plan on eating my raw veggies in the afternoon this week and make sure I eat fruit in the morning. Their salad is lettuce and 2 cherry tomatoes – I like carrots, celery and cucumbers with my salad so I’ll just eat them before we head out there after work.
Lorelei, I like your thought “perfection isn''t what will get you where you want to be, continued effort and persistance will!” a great deal. It is so true. Congratulations for having some great fitting jeans to remind you of that.
Hi Delster! Our Lorelei is so wise, I always look forward to her weekly starter.
Perry, that is rough switching shifts in such a short period of time. I try to avoid taking pills of any kind as they often make me ill or worse. Good luck with that.
IndyGirl, I am sure those snug clothes will fit great in no time!
Miscka, how wonderful to get such a great compliment. Woo hoo for your skinny jeans being loose.
Kimi, yay for the scale gods being kind to you this morning. That is a great way to start the week.
Have a great day!


Jun 24, 2008
Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Monday morning run. I wanted to see how fast I could do a mile run. I believe the run was about 1.08 mi and I did it in just under 8 min. Yay for me but not yay for my knee lol. I pulled a muscle a few weeks ago and ever since then my knee is sensitive. So now I have a slight sharp pain on the side. Luckily the bike ride into work doesn''t effect it at all.

But w00t! Sub 8min mile! lol


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/21/2008 12:16:30 PM
Author: Love2Travel
Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Monday morning run. I wanted to see how fast I could do a mile run. I believe the run was about 1.08 mi and I did it in just under 8 min. Yay for me but not yay for my knee lol. I pulled a muscle a few weeks ago and ever since then my knee is sensitive. So now I have a slight sharp pain on the side. Luckily the bike ride into work doesn't effect it at all.

But w00t! Sub 8min mile! lol

Thanks Marcy!


Oct 30, 2002
hi lovely workout gang...!!! i just wanted to check in and say HELLO and happy monday...!!

during the summer i tend to not wear jeans as much ...and i was reading something recently that said people should put their jeans on at least once a week during even hot summer months because it gives you a mental reality check on your weight, that so many people wear lots of loose fitting clothing during summer and then come fall they put jeans on and are horrified that they don't fit anymore...they had no idea they gained those 5 lbs during summer or whatever.

so i have been trying to wear jeans once a week, and today i put on some that i haven't worn in a few months, sometimes have fit snugly in the past, today they went on fine and buttoned fine and are totally comfy sitting down, woo. i haven't weighed myself in about 2 months now, i am entirely going off fit of clothes and how i look in the mirror to help keep myself in a 'realistic' frame of mind...i can be too scale obsessed and it's just not healthy long-term for a plan.

one of my good friends has been trying to lose 10 lbs and is plugging away and is obsessed with those last 2 lbs on the scale! i told her, you know visually you will not see one iota of diff in 2 lbs on the scale, that's 3 big glasses of water. she said she knows but it's mental. so funny the things we impose on ourselves!! i weigh a good 8 lbs or so more than i did at my thinnest but yet 90% of the same clothes still fit (some are just too small!)...and i eat 90% of what i want including desserts pretty much daily, and work out 5-6x a week, so i am very happy. plus i still have some curves which Greg likes.

on the workout note, i just joined club one since my company pays for it entirely, so now i belong to 2 gyms, one training facility, and my corporate work gym, AND pay $20 a week to go to this fab zumba class i love, so funny how diverse it all is right now but i am having fun with it!! trying new classes...adding to my workouts. on saturday i did a 9am kickboxing class, then went to my training facility, did 20 min of pilates, then 45 minutes of zumba class! whew.

hope all are doing well!!! have a great week.


Aug 17, 2005
Date: 7/21/2008 7:51:57 AM
Author: Delster

Date: 7/21/2008 7:34:31 AM

I am very pleased with this result, because it proves to me that the continued efforts I have made ARE paying off. I have fallen off the wagon many times - sure - but the important thing is, as us veteran HLTers know, is to climb right back on again! So for our newer members who have joined us, I think that is worth repeating, perfection isn't what will get you where you want to be, continued effort and persistance will!

Have a great week
Thanks for this Lorelei, I needed to hear it!
Me too! THANKS for the inspirational opener, Lorelei.

And THANKS to y'all for welcoming me back into the fold!

I was LAZY, LAZY, LAZY this weekend. DH has been gone on a biz trip since Friday, so i took advantage of time alone to catch up with some DVRed shows (MAD MEN!), and just organize/tidy areas around the house. I didn't make it to the gym at all, but wasn't really planning on going anyway. My eating was on track, so I'm glad about that.

I planned my dinners for most of this week (DH is gone thru Sunday), and headed over to to TJ's with my list early yesterday morning. I also prepped food for lunches here at work, and am good to go until Thursday. I've found that menu pre-planning works for me. Although I tend to eat the same thing for breakfast/lunch/snacks at work, I try to mix it up for dinner.

I plan to hit the gym after work today as i'm in no rush to head home. My goal is to get to the gym 5 times this week- it's gonna be tough, as DH won't be here to "help" get me up in the morning. I'm so not a morning person, and need all the help I can get. Perhaps I'll just work out in the eve this week... we'll see!

Perry- good luck with your checklist this week
IndyG- I too am a packrat- when it comes to clothes. I want to move from snug to comfy!
Miscka- CONGRATS on the skinny jeans feeling loose
Kimberly- YAHOO for a happy scale day!
PhoenixGirl- oooh, Paris! I'm sure you have a busy week prepping for that
Marcy- I'm with you- lots of different veggies makes for a good salad!

ETA- Travel, take care of that knee!
Mara- WOW, woman, you've got a smorgasborg of fitness options. Variety is the spice of life!


Apr 9, 2007
2 quick questions:

Can anyone recommend a good workout DVD? I need something to do inside! I have a Yoga one and a Pilates one, but could use something more intense. Thoughts?

Also, has anyone used The Daily Plate? If so, did you like it? Are there other websites that do the same that anyone likes better? I know food journaling is good, so I am trying to find a good system to use.

Mara-I did not know that 2lbs is equal to 3 big glasses of water. Wow! I drink A LOT of water, what is the deal with water weight? As far as how much you want, how to avoid too much, etc.

ETA: that was 3 questions...


Mar 20, 2003
Miscka, I know a lot of people like Denise Austin''s workout DVDs. I personally use The Firm. The new system doesn''t use the steps of the past so you wouldn''t have to get one of those. Any of their DVDs released this year like Total Body Toner just use handweights. I also really like The Ultimate Fat Burning Workout, which requires 3 or 5 lb. dumbbells.


Nov 29, 2004
I had my TBT class today, but we had a sub, so it was nice to change things up a bit. She had 10 stations setup, and the first time around we did each one for 30 seconds, then second time around did each one for a minute...we normally do 3 min each, but it really got my heart rate up.

Spent the weekends with the inlaws and MIL treated me to a massage, and the therapist did a combo of swedish and deep tissue so it was perfect.


Mar 19, 2007
What is up, folks of HLT!

Well I''m taking care of my friends'' house for a while. Luckily for me they own a fabulous elliptical and a menacing Treddy O'' Doom. This is fabulous because now I won''t have to get up at 4:15 in the morning to drive all the way to my normal gym. Today I was going to run but, at 4:45AM, couldn''t figure out why the treddy wouldn''t turn on (yes, I checked the power switch, smarty-pantses). THUS, I spent my first half hour in three or four years on an elliptical machine. It was cool, though. There was a little graphic of a woman on there and, depending on your stance and stride, the body parts being worked light up in different colors. NEAT! Also it had a button that said "fan". I was like "a fan? where is it hidden?". Sure enough, when I pushed the button, a little fan turned on at the top of the display, kinda like a car vent but less conspicuous. I could get used to this! AND it was very supportive, it kept telling me "you can do it" and "almost there" throughout my workout. I''ve decided that the elliptical is coming home with me.

Miscka: I''m not mara, but I think the point she was trying to make is that when her friend weighed herself, she was probably weighing the liquids she''d consumed that day, not that she was retaining water. You''re actually getting it right; drinking a lot of water is great for you! Water retention is caused by many things (sunburn, too much salt, some diseases, pregnancy), but it is NOT caused by drinking a great quantity of water.
Some people (me, for instance, or Dr. Oz) will argue that there is enough water in food that you don''t have to drink extra water on the side, but I don''t think anyone would argue the benefits of being well-hydrated!


May 18, 2008
Date: 7/21/2008 7:34:31 AM
Happy new week all !

I was thinking to myself about how often seemingly small changes can make such a big difference over time, that they can be well worth considering and making. When working out, pushing yourself just a bit harder, or going for a few minutes longer, can really get those extra pounds shifting! I am wearing a pair of jeans currently that last year, were a little snug around the waist. Although here we are one year later, the change isn''t dramatic, but the jeans fit comfortably now. By having patience, and by realizing that if my overall eating and working out was in the right direction, I was content to know that in time, these jeans could indeed fit me properly. Sometimes we don''t realize the progress we HAVE made, positive changes can be subtle, and often it can be a good thing to hold onto a pair of jeans, skirt etc, that you would like to fit into yet can''t - and even if the scales aren''t showing you what you want to see, sometimes a good old pair of jeans CAN!!

I am very pleased with this result, because it proves to me that the continued efforts I have made ARE paying off. I have fallen off the wagon many times - sure - but the important thing is, as us veteran HLTers know, is to climb right back on again! So for our newer members who have joined us, I think that is worth repeating, perfection isn''t what will get you where you want to be, continued effort and persistance will!

Have a great week

I needed to hear that too!

I’m a new member…at least to this thread. I need to start taking control of my health. This is probably the 4th summer in a row where I vowed to lose weight and haven’t done anything. I was sitting around getting all upset with myself again and decided I needed to stop feeling sorry for myself and get moving!!

So I’m starting small. I’m going to go walking in a local park when the sun has gone down a bit (it is too hot here

) at least four times this week. That’s my goal and darn it I’m sticking to it! LOL

I also realized that my biggest struggle is the weekend. I’m pretty good during the week but we love to go out to eat on the weekends and besides housework, I don’t really move at all. I’m thinking pool and taking some sort of classes, just don’t know what yet. Any suggestions would be great!


Nov 24, 2006
Afternoon friends, I just finished mowing the lawn and it is an absolutely gorgeous sunny day.
Tonight my family and I are going out to eat to celebrate my mom doing well from her hip replacement.
Then I need to get home in time to change and go walking with my cousin. Hope everyone is having a great start to the week! happy Monday!!!

LORELEI - wooo hoo for working out and wearking your skinny jeans!!! Great opening!

PERRY - I hope you aren't so tired soon. Yay for a new week!

INDYGIRL - You are doing great, glad you are part of this thread!

MISCKA - YAY for your skinny jeans being loose!! Have fun with walking with your friend and your dog! I love the Daily Plate too!

KIMI- I bet it was the salt that had you retain weight. Yay skinny minnie!

PHX - YAY for workingout!! Sorry about Mondays, sending you a hug!

MARCY - hey skinny minnie! Your pancakes sound yummy! Glad you had a nice visit with family over the weekend! I love cucumbers

LOVE2TRAVEL - Woo hooo for your 8 mi mile! I hope your leg feels better soon, my hubby biked to work today too!

MARA- Great to see you and sounds like you are doing fab and have some great workouts at both places!

CHARGERGRL - Great to see you!!! I love Trader Joe's dinners, we bought this wonderful PAD Thai in a box, and I just throw in the frozen veggies from TJ's and shrimp, yum!!! Yay for your workouts this week!

APPLE & JULIANNA yay for the workouts! Happy house sitting JULIANNA!

glad you joined us!!! I like to ride bikes on the weekend with my hubby, maybe pack a picnic and ride to a park? Go for a hike? As a friend to walk to Starbucks for tea or coffee?


Sep 16, 2007
Thanks Skippy! It's great that your mom's hip replacement has gone well...I worked at a PT clinic for awhile and it's amazing how some people heal so much faster than others with little explanation. I'm glad there are some newbies like me around here, as well as you veterans who know what a healthier lifestyle is all about! I took a day off yesterday and didn't run because Sunday is my off day, but I also ate less calories because I literally lounged around all day. I had the perfect lazy Sunday and caught up on my correspondence haha
You mowed the lawn?! That must've given you some workout in itself. It's quite humid here today, so I couldn't imagine doing anything outside. I'm not really an outdoor-exercise girl, I find that it hurts my throat and lungs, and so until I move into an actual house and am stuck in this apartment I will only have my treadmill. I do love ellipticals though. My BF is visiting tonight and tomorrow and I will be making him a low-fat dinner and we will go out to eat tomorrow before we see the Dark Knight at IMAX. I only see him about once a week so I'll get to try out my some of recipes on him...

ETA: Anyone else notice that the scroll down bar for this board says "Healthier Lifestye" lol


Jul 22, 2007
Thanks, everyone, for your continued support with me and JT. I really appreciate it. I know I post about JT being sick quite often, and hopefully I won''t be soon!

JT has discovered the delights of marshmallows, which he just calls "mellows". And, I didn''t realize how much I like them too, so I really have to watch myself or I''ll be eating puffed sugar mindlessly.

We had a terrible thunderstorm last night and into this morning. Our neighbors had a tree fall on their house (they''re fine), but luckily all we got was a few limbs down.

I got two great compliments recently. The first was from one of my oldest friends. We used to hang out a lot and ride together and do chores together. But in the past several years we don''t see each other very often. I took JT to her house to ride and while I was there I helped her with cattle and horse chores. She commented on how great my "pipes" are looking. I was very happy because my arms have been really bothering me lately. And, DH gave me a great compliment, too. (It''s really not printable though) But still good!

And, I''ve realized. It''s easier to back off the trough when you see changes. Just knowing that I''m wearing my skinny jeans is enough to limit my M&M consumption.

Lorelei~You''re right about the jeans!

Indy~(from last thread) I like being able to find "everyday" things for workouts too. I''m not much of a regimented workout person. And, speaking of kids learning physical fitness from their parents (or something like that), JT does yoga with me, too. He loves it.

Miscka~ Wow on the loose skinny jeans! Enjoy your BFF.

Kimi~ Hope you had a fun day off the elliptical.

Phx~ That''s TOO hot! Yay for Paris!

Mara~ I passed out just reading about one day of workouts!

Apple~ Your massage sounds wonderful.

Julianna~ You crack me up! When I first read your post I was going to reply with similar "fan" comments.

Fieryred~ I love to walk around the parks! I have a hard time staying focused for long when it comes to "working out", so it''s great to have scenery. Good luck with your goals!

Skippy~ Yay for your mom! Yay sunshine! ick on mowing the lawn, I hate it when the grass sticks to your skin!

Hi, Delster, Perry, Marcy, L2T, Charger!

have a great tomorrow!!


Dec 28, 2005
Heya.........Loooooong day, but what else is new. It was a really good day at work. I have candidates interveiwing and that''s reall good for the begiinning of 4th week. I mad a bazillion phone calls and managed to get horse towards the end of the day. Still, I went from the office to the gym nd worked my butt off. It was a normal overly crowded Monday night, but I''m getting used to working out with the masses. It''s hotter too, which means my normal intense workout get''s me even sweatier, which I suppose is a good thing. I did have a conversation with a young man tonight that made me feel like a MILLION bucks. Here''s how it went........

Young Man: "Excuse me, but I''ve noticed you working out for the longest time and I think you work out so hard. I heard you''re 50 years old, is that true???

Me: No, I''m not 50.

Young Man: Oh I couldn''t imagine you were 50 because you look so fit and you couldn''t possibly be that old!

Me: Well actually, I''m 53 but closer to 54.

Young Man: Dude, NO WAY! You look so good, it''s just not possible!

Me: Wow, Thanks, you''ve certainl made my day!!

I must admit that this conversation put such a smile on my face, and I felt even more energize, so I pushed even harder after that nice conversation! It just made me feel good to know that someone noticed how hard I workout......

Dinner was a nice salad and a protein shake. No workout tomorrow. I''ll meet Charlie at favorite sushi place #2 for dinner after work.

Great opener as usual Lorelei! You always start the week on such a postive note!

Hey Perry, I hope you have a better week this week for sure!

Indy, I''m glad you won''t be expecting to lose as much weight going forward. I''m glad your BF is off his meds and doing better too! Tell him to join us. No one will try to get him to buy any bling on this thread - LOL!!!

Yay for your skinny jeans fitting so well Miscka!!

Woo Hoo for evil scale monster being nice Kimberly! I''m sorry work was so tough last week and hope you have a more relaxed week this week.

phoenix, I''m glad your body has been thanking you for the regular exercise. I know you miss you dad so much. I hope over time it gets better for you. Not that you should ever think of him less, but I hope you find comfort knowing he is in a good place now and hopefully, he''s happier than when he was here. I know that''s hard to imagine. My thoughts are still with you.

Yummmm, pancakes sound so good Marcy. I haven''t had any in a looooong time. Charlie is off this coming Sunday. Maybe we''ll go out for breakast and I''ll have some myself.

That''s a very good time for running a mile Love2Travel! Good for you!!

So Mara, you are still out there? We miss you and wish you''d check in more often. I''m glad you and Greg are doing well. I miss your restaurant reviews! Yay for dual gym memberships!

Hey Charger, I''m so not a morning person either. The thought of working out in the morning just wouldn''t work for me. That''s why I''m a later afternoon workout guy on the weekends and a night time workout guy during the week. I hope you make it 5 times this week. We''ll just have to hold you to your word and you''ll just have to check in and let us know if you met your goal!!

I''m glad the sub mixed things up at TBT class Apple!!

Julianna, I''m glad you enjoyed the elliptical. I LOVE LOVE the elliptical and always do at minimum of 30 pretty intense minutes at the end of every workout.

Welcome fireyred! I hope you get a lot out of our healthy family here. Now that you''ve promised to go walking at least 4 times this week, we''re going to hold you to it, so you''ll have to come back and keep us informed on your progress. "You Can Do It!!"

I''m so glad your mom is doing so well Skippy! I hope you have a wonderful dinner celebration tonight with your family. Have a great walk too!

I guess that does it for me for this nice Monday. Sleep well everyone and I''ll check in again tomorrow night.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday all! Just a quick fly-by before I finally go to bed. It was a CRAZY day and I''m glad I went to the gym before it all hit the fan. I wanted to swim today but it was thunder storming all morning so I finally gave it to the elliptical. Of course in the time I changed out of my swim suit and into work out clothes the sky totally cleared and it was sunny, but I did 65 mins on the elliptical anyway.

The HH is out of town until Friday night so I''m on my own foodwise. I had a HUGE dish of leftovers for breakfast (yet another reason why swimming would not have been a good idea; I would have sunk down to the bottom weighted by chicken tikki masala, chickpea salad, saffron rice, and some other thing the HH made last night that I can''t remember right now). At 9:00 this morning it sounded like a good idea... by 9:30 it was like a dense weight in my belly! Oh well, I guess it fueled my trip on the elliptical.

I was pretty good the rest of the day but two of my girlfriends came over tonight and we had two bottles of wine between us.
I think that''s about 450 cals each...

Off to bed now. Have to meet with an appraiser first thing in the morning so the fur monsters and I are turning in. See you all tomorrow!


Aug 17, 2005
just a quick check-in for the night.

5:30pm this afternoon- quitting time! I got dressed at work, and instead of going to the gym there in my office complex (24hr fitness), I decided to try out the one near my house 20 minutes away. I got there around 6:10, and it was PACKED. the line for the 20-ish treadmills was 12 people deep. No joke! there were people EVERYWHERE. the lines for the other cardio machines were just as bad. UGH! So I headed home and went for a walk. I have a feeling that the mega-gym at work would''ve been just as crowded as the one near my house. I always see a stream of people in workout gear headed there when i''m leaving the office.

so yeah, I''m now a morning workout person (hehe, Rob!) I would MUCH rather work out in the morning that have to deal with that craziness again. DH called me this eve from his conference, and chuckled when I told him the story. He said that he too hates getting up so early every morning, but that it''s worth it to him.

I made half of a cooking light shrimp/tomato/basil recipe for dinner yesterday and had the second serving tonite. I tried it with wholewheat flaxseed pasta from TJ''s. YUM!

Sounds like everyone had a good Monday. Here''s to a healthy week!

I''m off to set my alarm for 6a...


Aug 23, 2005
Hi HLT-ers!

Thanks for a great (as always!) opener, Lorelei!

The persistence-not-perfection approach you mention has made the biggest difference for me. In days of yore, I would''ve tossed in the towel after my recent cookie-fueled weight gain with an "Oh, what''s the use?" attitude. This time, I redoubled my efforts, lost the new pounds, plus one for good measure. YAY!

Hi, Delster and IndieGirl! Hope you''re both having a great week.

Perry, so sorry to hear about the new reaction. Hope you can figure it out soon and feel less fatigued. Yay for a new week and a new checklist!

Miscka, those do sound like wonderful moments! I love being surprised when clothes don''t fit--because they''re too big! You''re doing great!!

Kimberly, kudos on the weight loss, despite the 7-layer dip! That''s great! Hope babysitting went well.

Phoenixgirl, keeping up your healthy routine makes good sense. Glad that exercise is helping you feel energetic! 100 is way too hot for me to run, too. Egads! I LOVE that you do the Firm. (Julianna, you too, right?) I think they have the hardest workout tapes EVER. I don''t think I''ve ever gotten through an entire Standing Legs workout. Bon voyage a Paris!

Hi Marcy! Sounds like a fun pancake breakfast. I love getting survival tips from you, like getting in fruits and veggies when you''re around folks who don''t typically include them in their diets. Good strategies!!

Love2Travel, WOOT! A sub-8-minute mile is oustanding!!
Take care of that knee!

Mara, your workout options sound wonderful! I''ve never heard of zumba, so I''ll have to google it. I''m intrigued. Sounds like you have a very balanced approach to your healthy lifestyle!

Hi ChargerGrrl, 5 days a week at the gym sounds like a good goal! Man, that gym sounded crazy busy post-work! There is something to be said for the morning workout!

appletini, yay for the massage. Delightful!

Julianna, your post about your pre-dawn workout made me laugh. I am awed by your early morning dedication! I wish there were a way for me to drink coffee while I run. Then I could exercise in the morning. Remember the Seinfeld where Kramer accidentally gives the NY Marathon runners hot coffee instead of water? Sounds good to me!

Hi fieryred! Starting small is good! I also love your idea of doing classes--especially if you could do ''em on weekends to keep active. Do you have a local gym, continuing ed program or parks/rec facility that offers fun classes? I''ve taken some good classes in the past, including belly dancing and group personal training (which, I realize is a complete oxymoron, but that''s what they called it!).

Hi Skippy! So glad your mom is continuing to do well. My mom had a hip replacement two years ago and is SO much better with her new hip. Hope dinner out is grand!

SS, hope JT is feeling better soon. My heart goes out to you. My 17-month-old had pneumonia a few months ago, so I know how awful worrying your little one can be. Eager to hear what the specialist has to say. (Am I remembering correctly that you have an appointment soon?) And FAB compliments! Nice!!

Rod, I didn''t have a chance to post last week, but I saw that your brother got good news from the doctor. I am so happy to hear that!! I can''t imagine how relieved you must be. Yay for the compliment/conversation! Very cool. Enjoy sushi tomorrow with Charlie!

Dee*Jay, sounds like a good/busy day! I love sharing a glass (or two!) of wine with my girlfriends!

Thanks to all who kept my mom in their thoughts/prayers. I went with her to a new doctor, and was very impressed. He was interested in getting the big picture on her total health instead of treating symptoms. ALSO, looks like she won''t have to have spinal surgery, so we''re very relieved. Now working on underlying causes and managing pain.

Healthy lifestyle wise, I''ve been continuing my running and have been working on increasing my speed. Continuing to run 5-5.5 miles each session. Feeling great!

ALSO...I did a little clothes shopping recently and fit into a size I haven''t seen in five years. Double yay! The one exception was the dress I bought for my *cough* 20th high school reunion this weekend. Unless I have some ribs surgically removed, there''s no way it''ll fit.
Now I''m scrambling for something else to wear. We''ll see.

Happy new week, everyone!!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone.
My pasta salad and strawberry shortcake were a hit. I am going to make my low fat lasagna this weekend for Marty’s family. Tomorrow is back to work. I did enjoy watching the Thunderbirds fly this afternoon. My photos are dark because it was very overcast and cloudy but it was still fun to watch them.
Love2Travel, rats for hurting your knee. I hope it gets better. Congratulations on a great run.
Lorelei, I was sorry to see the pants weather move in this afternoon and make my Thunderbirds photos dark.
Mara, it’s great to see a post from you. I did finally submit my photo and article to people and good housekeeping magazines and to Oprah. That is wonderful your jeans fit great and you are enjoying the benefits of 2 gyms.
ChargerGirl, good idea to plan out your meals for the week while your husband is gone. Good luck hitting the gym 5 times this week. I am with you on hoping it’s a healthy week.
Hi Miscka. I drink a lot of water so I actually put on a few pounds on days I don’t. Go figure.
Hi Phoenix Girl.
Appletini, a massage sounds divine. What a special treat.
Julianna, your friend’s elliptical sounds like a great machine. How fun!
Welcome Fieryred. That’ s a great plan to walk in the park 4 times a week. Weekends are tough. We go out a lot too. I try to plan ahead and determine what I am going to eat before I get there and I only eat ½ of something if it’s bad or questionable on calories. Good luck!
Skippy, yay for a celebration for your Mom’s recovery with her hip. I am delighted to hear she is doing so well. Cucumbers, carrots and grape tomatoes are an everyday staple in my diet.
IndyGirl, that’s always fun to lounge around on the weekend. My allergies are screaming after spending a few days outdoors so my treadmill and I have a date tomorrow evening.
Somethingshiny, that is wonderful to get 2 great compliments. It’s nice when someone notices. How awful that your neighbors had a tree fall on their house. I am glad they did not get hurt.
Rod, that is awesome the guy at the gym was so impressed by you and how hard to work out. And what a great compliment he thought you were younger. You deserve to have a big smile on your face. I hope you have some pancakes this weekend.
DeeJay, I am sure you enjoyed sharing some wine with your friends tonight.
Kathy, yay for losing an additional pound past the cookie weight. I am sure I’ll have a few pounds to lose after the relatives leave but since I am going to work tomorrow I will at least be on track through the day. Congratulations on getting in to a smaller size of clothes. Good for you continuing to work on your run. I am glad you like your mom’s new doctor. Hugs to her. I noticed everyone was kind of excited to see all the raw veggies in my salad tonight and commented they liked it. Tomorrow night I am taking out some grapes to put out.
Well, I must get to bed. Have a safe and healthy Tuesday.


Feb 27, 2007
Here is one of the photos I took of the Thunderbirds today.



Feb 27, 2007
And another one.



Mar 20, 2003
Hi guys,

I''ve timed my rest day to coincide with the 100 degree heat. Ick.

I cooked another successful meal from EatingWell last night -- peppers stuffed with Italian turkey sausage and rice. I am getting more confident in my cooking skills.

Speaking of, I checked Facebook last night, and my husband''s status update was "is watching his wife cook dinner. You read that correctly."

That really hurt my feelings. No, I don''t cook as often as I should, but I have been really trying. It was my goal to focus on learning to cook this summer, but I''ve been a bit sidetracked by losing my dad (not that I want that to be a catch-all excuse, but I have been trying so hard not to veg all day when alone that when DH comes home I am excited just to hang out with him). But in the last week I''ve cooked twice for DH and friends and a few other times just for us. He has over 150 friends on there that aren''t even friends of mine, and I didn''t like the thought of them thinking I am a terrible cook or a bad wife!

So I said, "Hey! No fair!" and DH kept grovelling (literally -- I went to take the trash out and when I came back he was on his knees) to get me to forgive him and saying he only meant it as a lighthearted joke. He changed his update to "is contrite." And then he tried to distract me by asking me questions about things things that interest me. Sigh. Anyway . . .

In happier news, a long lost friend called last night. He was a reader in our wedding but it''s been a year or so since we''ve spoken. He always recommends good books to read, and he''s recommended The Omnivore''s Dilemma about eating. He lost a family member to cancer and said that he has revamped his eating, which turned out to be a lot like I have too (hardly any red meat, lots of fruits and veggies, etc.). I just haven''t gotten into the whole organic thing and frankly I''m a little afraid to read up on it lest I have to change all my shopping habits.

OK, off to the bookstore before it gets any hotter out there . . .
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