
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 21st July till 27th July

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Mar 19, 2007
Morning all! Elliptical day number two, still can't get the treddy to work. Checked the fusebox, nothing. Perhaps I'll buckle and ask the owner of the house what the secret is. How embarrassing though... " do you make the treadmill....tread?" I'm sure it's something goofy. Anyway I switched the elliptical workout from glutes to hamstrings today, and if I can't work the treddy by tomorrow, I'm moving to quads! Onward and upward!

Hey Rod, you do 30 minutes of elliptical after your workout? 30 minutes of elliptical IS my workout! You maniac, you!
Fifty three, indeed!

Skips, yay for mowing the lawn. I hate when the ladies say it's a man's job to mow the lawn. It's not! Mowing the lawn in blast furnace heat gives one a sense of accomplishment.

ss, You've discovered the secret to lowering your M&M consumption. I bow to your self-restraint. Truly.

ChargerGrrl, one of the top three reasons I go to the gym at 5AM is so that I don't have to deal with a crowd. It's the same 20ish people in there every day (after a while you feel some camaraderie up in there), 2/3 of the cardio machines are open, and it's not smelly yet. A million times worth the horrid waking time.

kathleenmv, HEE HEE I totally remember that episode. Heh. It is actually possible to drink coffee on an elliptical or on the treddy if you walk slowly (I've seen it in my gym before), but if you intended to pull that stunt in a public place you'd have to deal with people looking at you and sadly shaking their heads.

marcyc, Cool pics! Very Top Gun-esque. I love those shows. What talent, to be flinging oneself all around the atmosphere in synchronization, in what amounts to a fuel-powered metal projectile.

phoenix: Dinner sounds like it was wonderful. Don't worry about the husband, sounds like he was just being silly and it went awry.

A good Tuesday to you, lovelies!


Sep 16, 2007
Good morning all! Yesterday was a typical workout for me, an hour on the treadmill then free weights and calisthenics. I found this headphone jack in my TV and I moved it closer to the treadmill - two shows later and I''ve run for an hour! I''ve never been a "run for fun" girl, so the shows keep my mind off the slow-moving numbers on the treadmill. BF & I are going to watch IMAX Dark Knight tonight...hopefully it''s good enough for me to miss my workout...the only downside to his visits is the lack of time I have to workout...I only see him once a week so it''s difficult for me to spend an hour and a half away when he''s driven down to see me. Anyway, I think we will be eating out tonight...anyone have any suggestions on healthy meals? I know restaurant food is PACKED of calories and bad things, but any restaurants/meal suggestions would be appreciated.

perry - Sorry to hear about the drug side effects...hopefully stopping the drug will get you back to normal.

Miscka - I''ve found that portion control is my biggest problem...I don''t eat that much "junk" anymore but I eat a lot of what I do eat so it kinda evens out.
That''s awesome about your skinny jeans! I need to find a pair to motivate me! And I bet you felt such a huge boost when the saleslady thought the dress would be too big! It''s always good to be recognized, no matter how small, for your efforts.

Kimberly - 7 layer dip? Must''ve missed that part last thread - sounds delicious! I *love* when you overestimate the scale and are pleasantly''s like that feeling you get when you find $20 in your pants pocket! I''m "scale-driven" too, and I focus on it way too much...I need to start weighing myself just a few times a week instead of everyday. Does anyone know when you weigh the least? Morning, I assume?

Phoenix - It''s great that you are using your summer to get healthier - I am doing the same. My main concern is how this lifestyle will change once school starts. I''m an obsessive student and when I am not studying I am stressing out about who is - I didn''t used to be so bad but law school is so competitive. Anyway, no need to be monkish and I''m sure little treats won''t hurt you! Have you found your videos to be easy starting out? I usually just treadmill then use my free weights and do some calisthenics because I am afraid I won''t be able to keep up with videos. I tried a pilates DVD with that ring thing - I didn''t find it too beginner-friendly. PARIS sounds so great! One of my co-workers recently returned from Paris and she LOVED it.

marcy - Breakfast sounds yummy - good for you for not being overly indulgent! Thanks for sharing pics of the ''Birds...those types of things are so much more impressive IRL.

L2T - <8 min. mile is fantastic! Keep up the good work!

Mara - I am definitely one of those people that abandon their jeans in the summertime! I better go try some on today and it might motivate me! I hope I keep my curves as well. All of your workout options sound amazing! Do you just go alone or with friends? I am intimidated by the gyms around here, and I would only be able to go at night and don''t feel to safe in the city...

Chargergirl - That''s crummy about the gyms being full...maybe someone can open another one and make some $$$...seems to be a good location for one! The dinner sounds wonderful and I LOVE shrimp!

appletini - The massage sounds DIVINE! I could really use a full body one! When my family toured Thailand I had the BEST full body massage and it put me to sleep - it was for two hours and was about $10 and done by these little old ladies who really knew how to make it hurt so good lol

Julianna - LMAO at your treadmill machine has this magnet you have to put in the middle to make it work and when I moved my siblings forgot to give me the magnet...I felt like an idiot trying to figure out how to turn it on until I finally asked them and they told me they had the key! I really want an elliptical once I move out of my apartment. My current place is big, but not big enough for two favorite thing to do on the elliptical and to go backwards, it really works the quads and I love workouts you can feel. I assume you all have tried this, no? If not, DEFINITELY do it!

fieryred - Welcome! I''m a newbie too, and everyone has already been so so helpful. I think the pool and classes would be great for you - I bet the PSers here could recommend some if you listed your likes/dislikes.

Somethingshiny - HOW CUTE is it that your little one does yoga with you?! I adore children and I think my biological clock will start ticking sometime very soon! Yay for the "pipes" complement...arms are the hardest part to tone up sometimes! I think we all know the area I''m talking about...that "Bingo winner" flap...

Rod - That''s great news about your conversation! I doubt you look 50 as well. BF is not a big Internet forum guy, I don''t think he''s ever posted/joined one...he just knows that I have several pages bookmarked of rings I love and he''s scared already because PS has altered my expectations (not that I expect something specific, but PS does show you how to make a diamond "be all it can be."
BF played basketball in HS & college, so he does that for his workouts mostly and then lifts sporadically. They played outside the other day and I think he developed a heat rash! Silly boys in the schoolyard, I tell ya''.

Kathleen - Thanks! Great news about dropping sizes - positive reinforcement at its finest. Yay for the 5 mile runs too, I have been working my way up there and am at about 4 now. HOORAY for no surgery for mom recently had foot surgery to fuse a couple bones and she has been practically immobile for about two weeks now and it is driving her CRAZY!

Have a great Tuesday all!


Mar 26, 2006
Morning all! I just did 60 laps in the pool, but I must be getting faster because I think it only took me 45 mins so either I''m going to have to do more laps or just take a watch with me and swim for an hour and never mind how many times I go back and forth. The weathere is goofy; it was probably only 70 when I went over this morning (fine with me -- makes the water feel warmer!) but the clouds are moving east to west and there is a low fog that keeps hiding the top of the Sears Tower and the Hancock Building. And now they sky has completely clouded over and it looks like rain again. PANTS!!!

Having lunch with a mortgage broker (we''re going to this place that has killer BLTs with avacado -- but I''m going for fruit on the side instead of fries!), meeting an appraiser at 2:00, and then I''m going to crank out some work. I have searches to do for clients, contract paperwork to get over to my office, all sorts of touching basing with people, and just a long list of "stuff."

Happy Tuesday all!


Jun 15, 2006

Dee, the wine sounds worth it to me.

Indy, I love 7 Layer Dip, DH doesn''t so I only make it at my parents. It was a treat. I weigh myself a few times a week, always first thing in the morning.

Beautiful picture, Marcy.

Babysitting was fun. My little one spontaneously told me he loves me and I cried (he has speech/language issues and doesn''t speak spontaneously very often). I''m working out this afternoon, and making dinner tonight. Tomorrow morning I begin riding with the ladies from work, I''m so excited!

Have a great Tuesday all.


Nov 24, 2006
Indygirl, I like to look at the restaurant websites because some of them give the nutrition information. Chili's has the Guiltless items, Olive Garden has the Garden Fare (lighter items), only one thing is healthy on Macaroi Grill's menu which is horrible, Applebee's has the WeightWatchers items. I just go to the website and see if they give the nutrition info. I ask for things on the side or ask for things without butter or heavy sauces.

eta: I will check in later; I have to run to a water class put on by the city


Sep 16, 2007
Thanks Skippy! Hopefully wherever BF decides he wants to go (his turn to choose) will have some lighter options. I guess anywhere we go will have some sort of grilled chicken dish that won''t be too harmful if ordered without the fries, etc. We might end up going to Chili''s so I will look for the lighter menu. Restaurant portions have gotten so huge (along with the prices), I just wish lunch portions would be served all day!


Nov 29, 2004
I went to yoga today, great to get some stretching in. Not sure if I''ll get to exercise the next two days, I have lunches planned, and with a hurricane in the gulf we are expected to get lots of rain.


Jul 22, 2007
Rod~ Awesome compliments!

Kathy~ JT''s appt is Aug 14. Hopefully, we''ll get something done!

Marcy~ Those are more great photos, what camera do you use? Ours got damaged by little hands, and we''re in the market for a new one.

PHX~ I understand your DH''s comment seems hurtful, but honestly, if I read that about anyone I know, I wouldn''t take it TOO seriously.

Julianna~ I accept your complimentary admiration for limited m&m consumption, but I bow to YOU for your Treddy-of-doom and elliptical workouts. You know I''d be dead.

Indy~ I call those the "bat wings". And, mine are still flapping, but not as much as they used to. (they''d create quite a cooling breeze on a sunny afternoon.)

Apple~ I am so envious of your yoga class!

Hi, all! Have a great day!


Oct 30, 2002
7 layer dip doesnt have to be bad for you...!!! use fat free sour cream, light cheese, beans are not so bad. use fresh avocado or make your own guac, healthy fat! we use black olives in ours and those are yummy and not bad either. then use a high fiber or flaxseed chip. my grandma makes an amazing 7 layer dip, her secret is to mix one of those taco seasoning packets with the sour cream and it kicks up the flavors a notch. everyone LOVES it.

whoever asked about water weight....yes the point i was trying to make is just that my friend who is obsessed with losing last 2 lbs is probably complaining about the water she just drank!! it is GREAT to drink a lot of water, many times when people feel hungry they are just THIRSTY instead...and their body wants water. i always drink water before i eat any food to see if that takes care of it. you CAN overhydrate but it''s pretty rare from what i hear.

indy...i go to some of my stuff with friends but mostly on my own...i don''t need the motivation from others, but sometimes it''s nice to go with a pal because then they drive, hahaa. but really i just need more variety or else i get bored. workouts for me are not like ''am i going to do it'' but rather ''when can i do it''..i treat it like a 2nd job,it''s something that has to happen. if it''s fun, even better.

marcy, YAY for submitting your stuff...i am so excited and hope you hear back! you deserve it. i am sure come this fall in people i will read about your story.

Rod, still here...we are doing quite well...i don''t check in very often but the PS world keeps turning..


Nov 24, 2006
The Trader Joe''s flaxseed whole grain tortilla chips w/3 grams of fiber are soooo yummy and sound good with a healthy 7 layer dip or the 5 layer dip, Apple posted


Nov 24, 2006
Greetings and Salutations friends!
This morning I went to a water conservation class; it was quite interesting and I have some homework to do in my backyard to figure out if I am watering smart.
It will be a fun little project. The class was held at the local senior center; they have so many fun activities for our seniors and I noticed they also had free exercise classes for them which looked so fun!

Tonight I am super duper excited to make this yummy boxed Pad Thai noodles from Trader Joe's and I have some fresh stirfry veggies and shrimp I will throw in for a nice low cal dinner.
I also have some low fat frozen yogurt I will eat with fresh raspberry's and blueberries, YAY! I am taking the day off from working out and then back to the workout Wed. Have a terrific evening all

ROD, how awesome on the compliment! I don't think you look like 53 either, and I mean that, you look much younger!!!

JULIANNA - wooo hoooo for 2 workouts in a row! I agree girls can do many thinks boys can. hehe
I like mowing the lawn partially because I am super anal about the lawn and also it is great workout for the booty!

MARCY, those are awesome pictures, thanks for sharing, I bet it was super duper cool to watch! Yum to cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes daily! I have one of those daily and other veggies. hehe

DEE - Wooo for the quick laps!

KIMI- You should try the flaxseed TJ's multi grain chips, they are so yummy! Have fun babysitting. I get to babysit my nephew on Sat. hehe

APPLE - yay for yoga. Hope the hurricane dies down.

INDY - have a great evening with your guy!!!

SS - How is JT? I hope he feels better soon and hope you had fun at mini golf

MARA - good to see ya! I love the TJ's flaxseed multigrain chips. hehe


Jun 15, 2006
Hi All,

Worked out this afternoon, just under an hour on the elliptical. We''re having chile rellenos gratin from a CL recipe for dinner. I''m meeting the ladies from work at 6:30 for our ride tomorrow morning, then work, then babysitting. I''m so excited about the bike ride.

John and I have decided that we''re going to join a gym in September so he can exercise with me, I''m thinking the Y as I don''t want to go to a meat market, just a nice place to work out. He went to the MD today and the doctor recorded that his body is in the same shape as that of someone in his mid-twenties. You can imagine how that thrilled my husband! But the MD wants him to start exercising more formally to help him relieve the stress he''s been feeling due to work.

Skip the class you took sounds interesting. Good for you for being proactive!

Mara, it''s nice of you to pop in every once in a while. Good to see you. I''m headed your way in August, perhaps we could get together for breakfast or something. Olives is a layer in our dip too, so are tomatoes, and we only use fresh avacado.

Apple, glad you had a good workout. Sorry for the dip talk, thanks for the recipe.

That''s about all she wrote, cuz the timer is beeping.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey.......Another "uber" long day, but a very good one workwise, so while I'm tired, at least it's a I feel like I accomplished a lot, tired. I got into the office early and left well after 6 PM, leaving Charlie sitting in favorite sushi place #2 waiting for me. That's dangerous as he was on his 2nd glass of wine by the time I arrived. He was in a good mood though!! Dinner was great as usual, then we stopped off at the Sbucks closer to our home for a cup of coffee, then me back to work.

Tomorrow will be super-uber long as I'll go to the gym directly from work, but I look forward to my workouts, tired or not.

Yes, Julianna - 30 minutes on the elliptical, AFTER at least 1.5 hours of core and weight training!! Can you say compulsive obsessive maniac?? Rod certainly can! LOL

Phoenix, I'm glad your hubby apologized for his facebook faux-pas. I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you, particually when you're hurting enough with all you've been through. I'm glad he felt contrite and was on his knees for you. Good boy, Mr. Phoenix!

DeeJay, yet another laugh out loud post. Your - ahem, breakfast sounded so light and nutritious!!!

Thanks Kathleen!

Great pics Marcy!

Good for you being a morning workout person Charger. Rod isn't and never will be!!! LOL

Sounds like a great workout Indy! Enjoy the Dark Knight on Imax. It's showing on Imax near us too. Hmmm, maybe I can convince Charlie (who isn't into blockbuster, comic-hero movies) that we should see on Imax too! Hmmmmm.........

Two days in a row Mara!! Gee, it's nice to see that. Stick around would ya. You always had a lot of great advice to offer.

I hope you got a lot out of the water conservation class and your Pad Thai dish turns out great Skippy! Yummmm. (Oh and thanks for saying I don't look my age!!)

If I missed anyone, please chalk it up to just plain being super pooped. Heading to bed early as I have such a long day tomorrow. Sleep well everyone.


Sep 16, 2007
Just checking in before bed...The Dark Knight was very, very good, especially on IMAX. Heath will 100% win the Oscar for his was so sad to see someone so talented lost. I highly recommend to see it on the IMAX screen if you have one near you, but a regular screen will be great as well. They filmed parts of the movie with special IMAX cameras and at certain parts you feel like you''re going to get sucked into the picture because the entire wall/screen is covered! We ended up going to this little steakhouse that was near the theater, I ended up getting a chicken breast with a baked potato without the butter or sour cream. It was sooo good and I had a light lunch so I didn''t feel guilty about it at all. Back to the grind tomorrow though...I''ve now had my two days off this week!

Somethingshiny - lol BAT WINGS?! That fits in the Dark Knight theme!

Mara - I would love to try some fun classes, but I just don''t have the time...maybe I will buy some DVDs and do it when I can. I hate driving, so if I joined a gym I would probably only go with someone who will take me!

Thanks Skippy! I don''t see him that often so we do try to make the best of it...I have to admit I do like being on my own at this point in my life...I get to do what I want, when I want, etc. and am enjoying my independence for now.

Rod - YES! You should definitely go again at the IMAX...maybe take your friend? The place was packed on a Tuesday night, so the buzz for this movie must be great. I don''t like comic book movies either, and hadn''t seen ANY of the Batman movies, but I loved Iron Man and I did like this movie because I didn''t feel like I was watching a cartoon or anything.

Night all! Keep up the good work!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I have 17 minutes before I should be in bed. Let’s see if I make it. We get ½ of a day off from work tomorrow. Yippee!!!
I finally got up at a normal time and weighed. I gained ½ pound from all my eating and drinking so I was pleased to see that. I was delighted to go back on track today. I missed my normal food. Tonight my BIL cooked dinner but I was very careful and ate a few slices of flank steak, some plain potatoes before he made sour cream / garlic mashed potatoes and stayed away from the corn on the cob and hot rolls.
Thank all of you so much for the compliments on my photos. I hope to get some better ones tomorrow.
Phoenix Girl, hugs to you; sorry to hear your DH’s comment hurt your feelings. If he’s like me he was trying to be funny and it just came out wrong. I am sure he feels really bad about it. Sorry to hear about your friend losing someone in his family to cancer.
Julianna, LOL at “how do you make the treadmill . . . tread?” I hope you get it working. You are doing great on the elliptical though. I like Top Gun! What a thrill it must be to fly something like that.
Indy, I see Skippy already mentioned checking websites for info. If I can’t find out nutritional values what I do is order things as plain as I can (chicken, steak or burgers, no seasoning and no sauce, baked potato with butter on the side, salad with low cal dressing, etc.). If I order something bad or that I don’t know the calories I only eat ½ of it. Have fun tonight on your date. I see you ordered wisely tonight.
DeeJay, yay for 60 laps in the pool today. It sounds like you are keeping busy with work.
Kimi, how nice the little guy said he loves you. That’s so sweet.
Appletini, thanks for the great recipe. I hope you don’t get a lot of rain from Dolly.
Somethingshiny, those photos were taken with a Pentax K10D. It’s a digital SLR and takes great photos. We also have a Sony Cybershot and it is okay.
Mara, great tip to drink water before eating. It can certainly curb your appetite. I think I’ll write another story and submit it to some other places as well. I don’t feel like I emphasized enough that I did it all on my own. I will be very excited if I hear from anyone.
Skippy, your supper plans sound great. I took my raw veggies to work and ate them about 4:45. We got over to my in-laws about 6 and didn’t eat until 7:30 so I am very glad I ate my veggies at work.
Rod, I am nodding my head in agreement with you on getting through long days. Having relatives in town is killing me. We stay there until 9, then drive home and then I have to grade papers and obviously catch up with my HLT friends. I hope you sleep well tonight. At least you had a nice dinner with Charlie.
Well, it is 2 minutes past my bedtime so I’d best proof read this and post.
TTFN! Have a great Wednesday!



Mar 19, 2007
Morning everyone. Note I left off the "good".
Finally figured out how to work the treddy. Yeah I had to ask my friend, it just wasn''t happening otherwise. Turns out there was a secret, having to do with the emergency stop key thingie. You have to put it in at a certain angle. There was also a sage ritual, some chanting and waving of arms, and lighting of candles. When the treddy gods were appeased, the darn thing finally kicked on. PROBLEM IS, the last two days on the elliptical really worked my hams, glutes, and quads in a way they''re not used to being worked. Thus, I had a craptastic time on the treddy and didn''t complete a full workout. Now I''m grumpy as heck. But hey I can always jump on it again after work. That''s the beauty of having a treadmill in your basement, I guess.

Indy: I''m sorta jealous of your ability to run for an hour. I am not sure that watching even my favorite shows would keep my lungs from exploding at minute 40. Will keep at it. One of these months... Also, glad I''m not the only one having mystical treadmill issues. Re: the elliptical, yeah it pretty much ordered me to go backwards so I did. I mightn''t have done it unless the display was reading "PEDAL BACKWARDS", and subsequently "PEDAL FASTER"...."PEDAL FASTER". At some point I was like "I am doing all I can! GEEZ!" like the elliptical was gonna hear me and apologize or something.

Dee*Jay: You are so silly. Your breakfast sounded great, I couldn''t handle either that volume or those ingredients so early in the morning. Sounds like you swam off the calories, though. Lucky to have a pool, a morning swim sounds so refreshing and private.

Skippies: Just wait til I have a lawn. I''ll insist on mowing it too!
Just for the booty workout''s sake, though. Can''t say I''d care how the lawn looks as long as it is full o'' grass.

Rod: And THAT is why everyone thinks you look 38 instead of 53. Don''t worry about those long days, pretty soon your body and brain will get used to the idea and you won''t notice as much. The only bad part is not having as much time to spend with friends and family.

Happy Wednesday...*yawn*...wish I had a foldout bed in my office.


Jun 15, 2006
It''s 5:30 and I''m up and ready to go bike riding. I''m suprised how easy it was for me to get going. I am really looking forward to this and hope we can continue to ride through the school year, though it will be difficult as school starts an hour and a haif earlier. Have a great day all.


Sep 16, 2007
Good morning all! I am DRAGGING today, I stayed up too late last night. I know sleep is so important for health reasons and hopefully I get to bed early tonight. Maybe I''ll take a nap when I get home before my workout. I''ve been using the high rep/low weight method with my free weights because I tend to put on muscle very quickly/easily and I am short so I don''t really want that right now. I''ll end up looking stocky! However, I have noticed that my legs are getting bigger - my outer thighs are getting more muscular and I definitely don''t want that...does anyone know how to avoid this?

Julianna - I actually don''t "run" for an hour, and about 6 mins of that time is devoted solely to warm-up and cool down. I just make sure I have a water bottle on the treadmill so I can take a sip at about the halfway point and it keeps me going. Great to hear about your elliptical adventures...I guess it''s kind of like having your own personal trainer! I might look into trading my treadmill for an elliptical...

Marcy - Thanks! I used to eat out a lot, so I think the reduction in times I go to restaurants to eat will do wonders for my waistline. I didn''t realize that those foods had so many calories...I was naive and thought a steak at a restaurant is the same as the ones we make at home...WRONG!

Have a great "Hump Day" all!


Jun 15, 2006
Well that didn''t work out as planned. About 1/2 a mile into the ride my bike went kaput, my tires locked up and my chain fell off. I was a bit embarrassed. The ladies were in front of me and didn''t see me beg off, so they came back looking for me, I''d waited a few minutes and tried to fix it and then started walking back to the house. J is going to fix it for me today and I''ll try again on Friday.


Mar 16, 2005
Hey, guys! Sorry I have been MIA lately. I went for a week to the beach for a family reunion which was really nice. Our laptop is still not working, the monitor burned out...guess I spent too many hours on pricescope
. Anyway, we took it in to Best Buy to see if they could fix it, but they wouldn''t work on it since we didn''t buy it from them, so now we have to ship it to Dell for them to fix it. Adam hooked up our old desktop, but I haven''t really been on it much. Anyway, still keeping up with eating well, and have gotten back into my running routine. I have been running 2 miles everyday for the past week. We are going out to sushi and to see Batman tonight while Andrew has a playdate, so that is exciting. Anyway, I need to go back and read and catch up with what everyone is doing, but just wanted to say hello!


Jun 25, 2007
Hi Ladies. I am so so so sorry I''ve been absent from this thread. I''ve been overwhelmingly busy. Tonight I"m taking my CPT so I can get back to school. I''ve also decided to start doing 3 day eventing, so I''m working on that. I''ve been exercising like crazy and am down to 124.8 so I''m excited about that. How is everyone doing!?!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday all! I just did 65 mins on the treadmill. Not as many cals at the elliptical, but I'm trying to shake things up a bit.

Yesterday I was feeling (mistakenly) good about what I had eaten... until I listed it all out in my head: yogurt, fiber one bar, bacon/tomato/avacado sandwich with fruit cup, granola bar, the rest of the Indian left overs, ham sandwich, strawberries, and the last big glass of wine out of the bottle from the other night. Geez... How many cals do you think that adds up to? About a million!
See what happens when the HH is not home to feed me regular meals? I become a noshing machine! Oh well, today I will be better.

Gotta go take down a big metal sign on a property that just went under contract (I hope I don't drop it on the sidewalk again like I did when I was trying to put it up on the balcony originally; to many bounces like that and they get pretty dented!) and then I'm going to spend a few hours in my office. How exciting is my life... NOT!!! Oh well, at least I have the fur monsters to keep me occupied with four walks a day. And the weather's good. No pants here!


Nov 24, 2006
Hi Friends! I am going nuts, I have the *hiccups* that won''t stop and no, I wasn''t in the liquor cabinet; I wish! hehe
I just hope I don''t have anyone calling me.
Tonight I will be going for a walk.

Hello Steph, we missed you!

Good to see you Dragonfly!

Dee, Yay for the workout!

Kimi, darn to your bike.

Indy, how was the movie? I loved it! use lighter weights and more reps for the legs.

Rod, have a great workoutout!

Julianna, you will get better at the treddie, good for you!! Or maybe just stick to the elliptical.

Marcy, yum your dinner sounds yummy! You will lose that, it might be salt weight too.


Sep 16, 2007
Date: 7/23/2008 4:24:18 PM
Author: Skippy123
Hi Friends! I am going nuts, I have the *hiccups* that won''t stop and no, I wasn''t in the liquor cabinet; I wish! hehe
I just hope I don''t have anyone calling me.
Tonight I will be going for a walk.

Hello Steph, we missed you!

Good to see you Dragonfly!

Dee, Yay for the workout!

Kimi, darn to your bike.

Indy, how was the movie? I loved it! use lighter weights and more reps for the legs.

Rod, have a great workoutout!

Julianna, you will get better at the treddie, good for you!! Or maybe just stick to the elliptical.

Marcy, yum your dinner sounds yummy! You will lose that, it might be salt weight too.
I always hold my breath as long as possible when I get the hiccups and then exhale and inhale very deeply...always works for me, but I know it doesn''t work for everyone. I really liked the movie, but I wasn''t in love with the ending...I don''t want to spoil it for anyone but I just didn''t see why Batman had to do what he did, if you know what I mean. I guess it leaves the storyline open for the next one. It was also sad to see Heath acting so well, knowing he won''t be in the next one.

I do really light weights (5 lbs.) for my arms and I don''t even do leg lifting...My body just puts on muscle so easily it''s ridiculous! I guess I can reduce the incline and just run for longer?


Oct 30, 2002
hah Rod...I just zone out and forget to check PS...other than this thread and the cupcake thread, it's a little bit of a snoozefest for me (unless you are in some stage of procreation, which I am certainly not but if i ever am, this i certainly the place to come!) i know you said i have good advice but then i also think well how often can i say the same stuff? broken record i guess...hehee....i can just create an auto post going 'and today, make sure to drink water!'...hehee.

kim i would love to try to get together with you in's really busy for me but let me know when you'll be around for sure!

i just had a horribly unhealthy lunch hahaa..i got a pedicure and walked over, so was limited on options. so went to a bubble tea cafe and got a tea and then this salt & peppr popcorn chicken and sweet potato fries and i squeezed off i swear like 30 paper towels of oil. in the end i just tossed like 1/3 of it because it was so fatty and oily. nasty! oh well...i worked out mon and tues with a crazy zumba class, i am so sore today its ridiculous...and did 30 min of pilates for hips and arms yesterday as well. today i'm just stretch things out.

pg your hub is so sweet to grovel...hehehe if i got upset about something like that, greg think that a pod person took me over. in fact if he did something like that i'd probably change my status to 'contemplating how hub will like sleeping on couch' HA! take that!
glad you guys made up!

everyone sounds like they are doing fabulously well...!! workout on.


Feb 22, 2008
I have no idea why I didn''t see this thread earlier but I''d love to join up with all of you in starting and keeping a Health Lifestyle!

My SO and I have gone on diets on and off and never seem to stick to anything but this summer we are both up to our own personal "high weights" and not so comfortable with it, so we decided to do something together. We bought bikes and found a great trail we went for a couple great rides and have also gone down to the school to run/walk around the track and when it''s too hot we go to the workout room at my apartment complex, which is what we have done the past 2 days b/c it was over 90 here. Tonight it should be cooler so maybe we''ll go for a ride or back down to the track.

We''ve also started a new way of eating. We''re doing a bunch of small meals. Cereal for breakfast then a hard boiled egg around 10, lunch of a small sandwich and fruit, some almonds or fruit in the afternoon, then we usually have snack when we get home like popcorn and a nice lite dinner after our workout. This has been working great so far! I''ve been really sticking to this and drinking at least 6 glasses of water a day (before I was lucky if I got down 3) and since Monday I''ve lost 4 pounds....I''m sure most of it was extra water weight but boy do I feel better seeing that number drop so fast. I don''t expect the weight loss to continue at that rate but that is great motivation.

I want to lose about 10 pounds, tone up and just over all feel more healthy and our goal is to do this by the time we close on our house....don''t get excited it''s a short sale and could take a long time (I''m hoping for 6 weeks but maybe 8-10 is more like it). It''ll be''s like having a new house to go with the new me!

Well I just finished my snack of about 15 raw almonds and a few baby to finish what''s left in my 32oz water bottle and I''ll be on the home stretch for the day!


Nov 2, 2006
Hey ladies,
When did PS get a Healthy Lifestyle room? This is awesome! I''m psyched. Anyhoo, I''ve been MIA lately but I''m back! During the time I''ve been gone I''ve gotten into a health kick, lost a bit of weight, gained a bit of muscle, and I''m now off the wagon and desperately trying to get back on board. One thing I found that really helped me get started was tracking my calories and making a concerted effort to bring my breakfast and lunch to work from home as well as cooking dinner at home. Not only did it keep me on track, but it saved a ton of money. I didn''t realize how much until I started buying lunch again. I''ve also been in a gym rut for the past month. Instead of going 3-4 times a week for an hour each day, I''m going maybe 2-3 times for 30 minutes or so. I know that everything helps, but it''s really just not enough. So anyway, I''m really going to try to start being better about everything moving forward. It''s helpful to have someone or something to hold me accountable. FI bugs me about it-because he needs to go too and needs the reminders-but I have no problem telling him where to stick it when I''m tired and cranky (which is most of the time).

Anyway, thanks for listening :)


Aug 17, 2005
Hi Everyone:

I made it to the gym yesterday morning and this morning- WOO HOO!

eating has been pretty good, except for this afternoon... my boss brought in some cuppies from a local shop for her team. there''s 6 of us, and she brought in 4. we quartered them up and did a taste test. So in the end, not sooo bad. Relatively speaking, i had 1/2 a cupcake.

Dinner this eve is tilapia & spinach.

that''s the news for now. Ciao!


Sep 16, 2007
Mara - did you order some bubble tea? I''m obsessed with the jumbo tapioca pearls! Yummy! I''ve been to restaurants where the food is literally glistening from the oil. I ordered a mini pizza from this moderately nice place one time, thinking it would be semi-healthy, but when it came out the crust wouldn''t even hold up the toppings because it was so soaked through with oil! I told the waiter to take it away and bring me something not so greasy.

KCCutie - Welcome! I just joined at the tail end of last week and it''s been great and very supportive already! Your little meals all day sound very effective...I wish I could do that but I don''t think my work would allow it.
I need to start incorporating more nuts and raw fruits and vegetables in my diet for sure. I also guess I should start waking up earlier to eat a better breakfast. I usually just grab a granola bar, but an egg sounds so much better. It''s nice when your SO is always see those couples on Dr. Phil where the SO is completely UNsupportive of a healthier lifestyle. Keep up the good work!

Hudson - Welcome back! It''s too bad you fell off the wagon, but since you already know how to live a healthy lifestyle I think most of your work is done, just time for execution.
I''ve been using the FitDay site to keep track of my calories/fat/protein/weight/etc. and I found it so so helpful. Good luck getting out of your gym rut! Maybe you can just ease back into your 3-4x/wk routine.

BF got tomorrow off so I''ll get to see him twice this week!
I''m off to run and start on dinner now...I didn''t have the time to drive the 20 mins to Trader Joe''s (and it was rush hour), so I just picked up some frozen vegetables and chicken breast and I think I''m going to make some kind of stirfry. BF has a lot of food restrictions now that he has Crohn''s and I have to admit it''s a PITA because he can''t have red meat, dairy, etc. and he used to be able to when we first started dating. It''s been an adjustment for both of us and I''m trying to be understanding, but we used to share food at restaurants and stuff and now we can''t...just mildly annoying. Anyway, I''m procrastinating from my workout. Have a great night all! I''ll be back before bed to check on you all (that sounded matronly).
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