
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 19th May til 25th May

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Jun 15, 2006
Happy Thursday Evening WWTers!

Marcy, I''m glad you are safe.

Skippy, have an amazing trip. I am having Chicago withdrawals and we have no travel plans in the near future. I hope you eat lots of amazing food, see all the fabulous sites, enjoy meeting DeeJay, she''s such a kick (ask her for my email address!!!) and just have a good time.

Stephanie, I am desperately ready to do be done with student teaching. I have a great amount of respect for my cooperating teacher, but our teaching philosophies don''t always mesh, and that can be hard to contend with. She has also been a bit nit-picky with me (today she told me I shouldn''t address the class as "kiddos" because words such as that are "inappropriate") and I feel like I''ve done a lot more wrong than right. It''s been a difficult process for me and I''m ready to move on.

Rod, I hope you come to a decision that leaves you at peace. Easier said than done.

We had delicious veal for dinner, along with a pinepple/blueberry fruit salad. John''s ankle is healing, slowly but surely. It''s raining here tonight, and I''m finding it very calming. I''m something like 3 weeks away from finishing school and I''ve been doing lots of work to finish up my portfolio as well as my normal classwork. I''m so excited about graduating, even thoguh I''m not actaully walking. It will likely be a bit anti-climactic.

Anyways, I''ve rambled enough for this evening. Have a wonderful night all.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006

I am SO Glad that you and Marty are OK. How scary that must have been for the both of you and having to stay in the basement, not knowing what is going to happen... UGH. That would really frighten me.

Hi Shay
We like to bike ride too, but not in this lousy wind. Ick. It finally died down this afternoon, hope it doesn''t start up again tomorrow. You should see my hair when I come in from outside ha ha ha. A total wild woman.

Bee: You are so lucky going to Australia. You get to see all those cute and adorable Koala Bears
. They are so precious.

Have a great evening all.



Dec 28, 2005
Date: 5/22/2008 9:19:35 PM
Author: marcyc
Thanks for your concern Rod - we are fine. Windsor is about 60 miles south of us. There was a tornado on the ground south of town and we spent about 45 minutes in the basement at work but we only had a lot of rain here.
Whew......I''m so glad to know you are both safe and sound. Thanks for checking in Marcy!


Feb 27, 2007
We had another tornado touch down outside of town about an hour ago. We put on our coats and were outside looking. The clouds are really nasty! The lightning is almost constant which is cool to watch as long as you''re safe. It’s in the 40’s I can’t believe tornados can still be forming in this cold of weather.
Kimi, sorry to hear you and your cooperating teacher don’t always see eye-to-eye. I am sure you’ve done many great things with your “kiddos” and I bet they have enjoyed having you as their teacher. These last 3 weeks will fly by.
Linda, I was telling some of my friends I’m should have picked up some candy on the way to the basement. That way if the big one hit I could have a PB cup before I go. Tee hee. All kidding aside, it is scary to not know what is going on outside and the damage in Colorado is awful. I just watched Twister this weekend and we are watching the news right now and they are showing how the super cell started forming today.
Rod, thanks again. I sure feel bad for the many people that had their homes destroyed today.


Dec 28, 2005
Thanks Kimberly! Your dinner sounded great and I''m glad John''s ankle is healing.

Skippy, Kimberly is right, you''re going to have a wonderful time with DeeJay. We so enjoyed our visit with them last fall for sure. I also hope you have a fabulous visit to Chicago. Eat lot''s of deep dish pizza for me, OK!!

Heading off to bed now. Sleep well everyone.


Aug 12, 2005
Hello HLT! Our internet connection has been ricidulously slow this week, resulting in my inactivity here and on the rest of the forum. I will make this short: Rod, best wishes on your new potential job situation! Everyone else, hope you are doing well/better/fabulous/etc.

Things on our front: DH did not receive an offer from the co. he was interviewing with, they stated that he was overqualified and that they were concerned that he wouldn''t stay with them long due to the fact that they could not offer him as high a salary as he''d been making. Boo! For me, I am still confident I will get an offer soon from the co. I''ve been interviewing with, I received a very positive email tonight and an apology that it is taking so long.

Otherwise, not too much to report. We went to our niece''s high school graduation mass/ceremony tonight, which was really nice and very enjoyable. She and her sister (our other niece on that side) were Jr. BM''s in our wedding and they''ve grown up so much over the past few years! It is amazing to see them becoming women and turning into such wonderful gals. the teenage surliness seems to have given way to grace and poise, we couldn''t be prouder as their aunt and uncle.

Take care, everyone, sorry this is short and rather vague, I am super ticked at our internet provider but I guess these things happen. Hope this post goes through!


Nov 24, 2006
Monnie, sending you good vibes for the job, yay!!! Hope to see you soon darling!

Rod, thank you; I am excited to meet D and others! I will have deep dish pizza; I am excited to try it out. I just pray I don't go overboard; I keep needing to tell myself stay on track. I packed snacks to help keep me in line. Sending you best wishes in your decision about the job!

Kimi, fly out; I would love to see you!!!! Well it is my 1st time there so I am excited; I just hope it isn't too cold. I packed sweaters just in case.

Marcy, thank goodness you are safe!!! I love lighnting shows (we get some pretty cool ones); how scary though, eeek! Can't wait to read your opener; I will be reading. hehee

Linda, hope the winds calm down and you can relax in your pool; I want a pool!

Shay, hehe to telling your hubby to keep up.

Bee, have a wonderful time and give Amber a hug for me!!

Lorelei, is the weather still pants? It has been pants here too.

Steph, is the tv there and I bet your hubby is happy. hehe

Hey Apple, how is the new table?

Okay, talk to you all much later; thank you for your sweet words my friends!!! Hope you all have a great holiday!


Apr 30, 2005
Hey all!

Skip, weather is sort of middling right now, rain has stopped, a little sunshine and a bit of cloud. Sorry to hear the pantsy weather has travelled to you!


May 14, 2006
Happy Friday everyone. Just heading to work in an hour and then I''ll take Mups for her walk tonight. Nothing hugely exciting for me today.

Linda-sorry to hear that you have awful weather! I can''t wait to see a Koala bear
and a kangaroo!

Rod-I have a cat at my parent''s house but she''s so unfriendly! I hope that this new kitten will be a little lovebug. I''m hoping to call up to see them after work on Sunday. We had a beautiful Burmese brought into the clinic yesterday-he was so handsome. Great article-thanks for posting it.

Marcy-glad to hear that you''re safe! That''s awful that there was a tornado. Marty was lucky that he decided to head home instead of having breakfast!

Monarch-sorry to hear that your DH didn''t get the job.I''m still keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Skippy-have an amazing time! Looking forward to hearing all about it.

Hi Lorelei-we''re having very mixed weather at the moment. Raining one minute and then dry the next.

Talk to you all later!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 5/23/2008 6:14:08 AM
Author: bee*
Happy Friday everyone. Just heading to work in an hour and then I''ll take Mups for her walk tonight. Nothing hugely exciting for me today.

Linda-sorry to hear that you have awful weather! I can''t wait to see a Koala bear
and a kangaroo!

Rod-I have a cat at my parent''s house but she''s so unfriendly! I hope that this new kitten will be a little lovebug. I''m hoping to call up to see them after work on Sunday. We had a beautiful Burmese brought into the clinic yesterday-he was so handsome. Great article-thanks for posting it.

Marcy-glad to hear that you''re safe! That''s awful that there was a tornado. Marty was lucky that he decided to head home instead of having breakfast!

Monarch-sorry to hear that your DH didn''t get the job.I''m still keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Skippy-have an amazing time! Looking forward to hearing all about it.

Hi Lorelei-we''re having very mixed weather at the moment. Raining one minute and then dry the next.

Talk to you all later!
Hiya Bee! That is similar to our weather, it is a bit brighter today but still a '' feel'' of possible rain. Give Mups a hug for me!


Aug 12, 2005
I will not let Skippy''s good health go to waste, I promise!!!! While she''s within the care of we Chicagoans I can assure you I will not let her succumb to the deepdish, or the whatever-unheallthiness that may persuade her! I am assuring you all, I will try my damnest to take care of her fitness and good health, long as she lets me! Rest assured, she is in the care of Monnie, DeeJay, Catmom, Jas, etc.
We will take good care of our gal Skippy!!


Nov 29, 2004
Good Morning everyone! I''m on the self magazine email list and this exercise move was in my inbox this morning so I thought I would share it with you. The name gave me a good laugh, but I do think that the mechanics of this move sounds better than doing mountain climbers...

Get a toned, tight butt!
Donkey kicks: how to do it
Start on floor with knees under hips, hands under shoulders and back straight. Bring left knee toward chest (as shown), then straighten leg behind you in line with back. Return it to chest for one rep. Do 20 reps. Switch legs; repeat.

Technique tip: Pull belly button into spine with each extension for extra ab toning.



Nov 6, 2007

Hello all!

Thank you all for your kind and supportive words. I took the bull by the horns and got right back on the wagon this week with a few good workouts under my belt. I''m hitting the gym again today and this weekend, along with doing another ice skating practice - can''t wait! I had a really uplifting conversation with the new manager at my gym last night (she''s also a certified nutritionist), so I am feeling pretty positive about finally making the weight loss happen. I feel like I work out so hard and see such minor results most of the time, but the key is the right balance of cardio, weight training, and nutrition, and she''s going to help me out with that balance. I''m looking forward to the coming months!

Rod - Glad to hear that you have some stokes in the job search fire. Yeah for a strong core - it is the key to a healthy back, among other things. Thanks for the support - I appreciate it!
marcy - It''s good to hear you are okay after that tornado. The photos and video I saw looked nasty. Thanks for the support!
steph - Glad to hear the workouts and eating are going so well for you. I wish I could send your lawn some of the rain we''ve been getting lately! Our May has been more like April. Swimming sounds so nice - enjoy the pool! And thanks so much for the support!
dragon - Hope you feel better soon! I had an URI a few weeks back that was probably one of my worst yet (I get them often with the allergy/asthma meds I take). I know how awful they can be

Bee - Oooh new kittie! Can''t wait to see photos! Glad you got in a great gym workout. Gearing up for S&TC and your trip? Thank you for the uplifting words. I have to try not to be too hard on myself and just pick myself up and keep going, which I think I have this week.
shortblonde - Yeah for the weight loss - congrats!
somethingshiny - way to go with cutting out caffeine!
Skippy - Glad you''re having a good time with your nephew. Little kids are so exhausting but fun
And yeah for losing 1 lb - way to go!!
Monnie - Good luck with getting the job offer - great news!
appletini - Love the donkey kicks! We sometimes do them in some of our classes at my gym - great exercise tip!

Welcome Shay! Hey Linda, Lorelei, Kim and my other WWTer friends! Have a great day and a wonderful weekend!




Jun 25, 2007
Good morning everyone. Today I am feeling a bit better. I don''t feel as weak, and my sore throat is virtually gone, just a bit scratchy. I''m still very congested, still sound like a frog, and still no apetite, but I don''t feel weak anymore. I did a half hour of yoga this morning to help stretch myself and keep my body working some. I''m hoping I can do some more tonight.
Linda - I''m sorry to hear its too windy to do much. Hopefully it will calm down
Mara - that''s great all that working out. Can you explain mango muffin bits to me?
bee - I can''t wait to see your new little kitty!
Rod - those were some great words of wisdom, and exactly how I''ve taken to looking at my new changes.
Marcy - those tornadoes sound scary!

Appletini - How do you sign up for that part? I never receive them....


Feb 21, 2005
just popping in to say hello again. i wasn''t feeling 100% at my dance class last night, but i managed to power through since it was our second-to last-class. only one more left until it starts back up in september - boo. i am going to try to find another class for the summer since i enjoy it so much and it''s such great exercise.

now that the weather is finally warming up around here, i have been enjoying smoothies for breakfast again. i can''t remember if i''ve shared my recipe before, but i use skim milk, a splash of orange juice, silken tofu or yogurt, frozen fruit, ground flax, and a big handful of fresh baby spinach. don''t be scared by the spinach - you can''t taste it at all and it''s a great way to get in some extra vitamins!

i hope everyone has a great long weekend.


Dec 28, 2005
Morning All,

Monnie, I''m so happy to see you believe you''ll get the offer you''ve been hoping for. I''m so sorry to see HH didn''t get the offer he was hoping for. I can truly relate to being told I''m overqualified. I''ve heard it more than once since I''ve been searching for work. Personally, I think it says a hiring manager is frigntened of someone perhaps stronger than they. I''ve always believed in hiring the absolute best resource I could for a position. One can only be more successful if surrounded by exceptionally strong people. So, shame on that manager for not recognizing he (or she) could have had a terrific resource.

Skippy, I''ve probably missed you, but here''s hoping you have a wonderful time in Chicago. How lucky that you get to see Monnie, DeeJay, Jas, and anyone else up there!!

Sorry for the pants weather bee* and Lorelei.

Hey SB, Dragon, PW and Apple!

Sorry for this being short, but it''s lunch time and I''m famished. Have a good Friday all.........

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hey everyone,

I wanted to pop in to say hello and to tell Skippy to have a wonderful time in Chicago. How fun.... you get to meet everyone. PLEASE TAKE PLENTY OF PICTURES MISS SKIPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is Ellen there too???? What a get together that is going to be.

I will post more later, Andrew is home with his Asthma, so I have to tend to him right now.

Have a wonderful day.



Nov 29, 2004
I had a lazy workout today and walked 1.75 miles on the treadmill. I have a feeling that I''m going to be in veg mode for the whole weekend.


Mar 16, 2005
Skippy, have a wonderful trip!!!


Mar 16, 2005
Good afternoon everyone. Well, the guys delivered the tv and it is all mounted onto our wall in the family room. It looks pretty good, but they were not able to hide the power cord for some reason, so we are going to have to hire an electrician to do would think for an additional $500 to mount the tv, hiding the cables would be included
. Anyway, Adam stayed home so he could be here while they were doing that then we went out for lunch. My healthy eating got a little derailed b/c we were going to have some sushi, but our place wasn't opened yet, so we went to this burger place. It was really good, but not the most healthy thing I've had in a while. Anyway, we are all eating light tonight, so I think I might just have a lean cuisie to make up for lunch. Then I plan to go on a nice run. Everyone have a great Friday night

Linda, hope your grandson feels better.

Mara, good to see you here. Mango muffins sound sooo good.

Appletini, glad you had a tough PT workout....I bet you feel like you got your money's worth that way.

Rod, the new tv is great but it seems so huge from our last one. It takes up a good portion of the wall. I'm stumped over how to decorate around it. Good idea to take the day off from the gym again to make sure you are 100%. Any more thoughts on if you are taking the job?

Bee, yea for the new kitten!

Shay, hope you have nice weather for a bike ride

Marcy, glad you are ok from the storms last night.

Kimmi, that is crazy that she said kiddos is inappropriate. When I was a teacher I always used things like that and guess what the "kiddos" loved me and I'm sure they love you. Sounds like she is not a lovey-dovey kind of teacher.

Monnie, hope you hear something really soon about the job...the email sounds positive!

Hi, Lorelei!

Patiently, yea for some great workouts. I feel the same way....I workout really hard and only see minor changes if I'm not careful about my diet. I really think weightloss for me personally is mostly about what I eat, but workouts make me feel sooo much better.

Dragonfly, glad you are feeling some better!

Shortblonde, hmmm...not sure if I can handle spinach first thing in the morning, but I might try it since you said you can't taste it.


May 14, 2006
Evening all. I got into my pyjamas for a night in front of the tv but just got a call from a tipsy D saying that he''d love to go for a walk
Ah well, I can''t deny Mups as she heard him say the walkies word, so this will be a quick post. No news from me at all-just working today and I''m in work for the weekend also-yuk. I''m a bit disappointed that I can''t do my aerobics tomorrow. Will have to wait until Monday night.

Lorelei-we actually did get some sun this afternoon! I wish we had sun all the time-everyones in such a good mood when the sun comes out. Passed on that hug to Mups.

Appletini-thanks for that workout tip!

Patiently-that''s great that you got back to the gym and enjoy your ice-skating this weekend.Glad to hear that you''re feeling positive about the whole thing. The SATC tickets are booked for the opening night on Wednesday! The countdown has begun. Perth is tomorrow week-can''t believe it''s so soon

dragonfly-glad to hear that you''re doing better. Keep taking care of yourself.

Hi SB-thanks for the smoothie recipe-I have to start making them again. I love them.

Hi Rod-hope the lunch was good!

Steph-you''d definitely think they would have hidden the wires. Enjoy your run tonight.

Talk to you all tomorrow evening. Better go meet a tipsy D-serves him right for going for pints after work


Dec 28, 2005

I spent the afternoon hunting the job boards and found a few things to send my resume to. I still don''t know what I want to do about the job I interviewed for. I''ll just think about it over the weekend and I have to go with my gut and not feel guilty if I decide it''s not the right opportunity for me right now.

We met some friends for Sushi tonight. They''re a young couple, getting married next fall and we ran into them while looking at new condo''s. It''s funny how well we hit it off and we wound up agreeing to have Sushi together. They''re both in their early 30s (which is young to us), but we seemed to have much in common, including working out and eating healthy. We had such a nice time with them. We decided to repeat the dinner next Friday, only we''re going to add going to see the movie Sex And The City which opens next week. Turns out they loved the show as much as we did. They weren''t able to join us for FroYo and coffee, so we still did that part of our normal Friday night ourselves.

My back is not 100%, but is much better. I will definitely go to the gym tomorrow. I''ll just take it easy at first and make sure I don''t push it too hard. I''ve found over the last couple years that if my back is just slightly sore, working out and doing my core routine makes the soreness go away. I''m hoping that''s what happens tomorrow.

I hope Andrew''s asthma get''s better quick Linda.

Enjoy veg mode this weekend Apple!! Sometimes, we just need to veg out and relax.

Steph, I''m sure you''ll adjust to and enjoy the larger screen quickly! We have a 50" Plasma in the great room and a 40" LCD in the bedroom and I wonder how we ever watched smaller screens - LOL. As you can see I don''t really know what I''m going to do about the job. But, thanks for asking.

bee*, lunch was OK. We had peanut butter and jelly sandwich''s, which were good. But, we also had some vegetable soup from Healthy Choice and to be honest it was pretty tasteless. It''s supposed to be healthier and less sodium laden, but it wasn''t very good to say the least. Sorry you can''t do your aerobics tomorrow.

Hey Marcy (since we seem to post at the same time almost every night!)

See you all tomorrow. Sleep well.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. Well, we spent another 45 minutes in the basement at work today because a tornado was on the ground about 5 miles from us. FUN!
This weekend will be very bad for healthy eating. Tomorrow we are going to meet Marty’s family for breakfast then we are headed south for the day including lunch with one of Marty''s friends. As always I will only eat 1/2 of what I get and try to make reasonable choices.
Marty and his friend are going to play golf and I am going shopping including back to my favorite jewelry store.

I will try to cook the rest of our meals over the holiday weekend to keep calories under control.
Rod, mmm deep dish pizza. I eat pizza occasionally but go for the thin crust to save on those pesky calories. Marty has the same philosophy in hiring the strongest people he can. I am a firm believer in going with what your gut tells you. I over analyze things then can’t make a decision at all. I am relieved to hear your back is feeling better. Enjoy going back to the gym tomorrow. I am late posting tonight since I talked on the phone to my sister for quite awhile.
Monnie, I am so sorry to hear about your husband’s disappointing news. I continue to hold much hope for your job offer and will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you. Your nieces sound like wonderful young ladies and you should be proud of them.
Skippy, have a great time. I am so excited you get to meet some of our PS friends. Take many pictures!
Lorelei, glad the pantsy weather has improved. We had rain, hail, wind and sunshine here today plus some annoying tornados. I hope you have a lot of sunshine this weekend.
Bee, I hope your new kitten will be a snuggler. I love cats but allergies prevent me from having one.
Appletini, that exercise is a killer. I used to do it when I did jazzercise. They called it “sweet cheeks” and we did it to “Sweet Dreams” by Heart. I feel pain just thinking about it.
Patiently Waiting, yay for getting in some great workouts this week. The new manager at your gym sounds like a great asset and should be a big help to you.
Dragonfly, that is wonderful news you are feeling better today. I hope the long weekend finds you fit as a fiddle again.
Shortblonde, I hope you find another fun class for the summer. Your smoothie sounds quite tasty.
Linda, I hope Andrew is feeling better. I wish we could go to the PS reunion this week!
Steph, ouch for paying that much to hide the cord! I hope you’ll enjoy your new TV.
I hope you all have a great 3 day weekend. Take care.



Nov 29, 2004
I went for my walk/jog today and did a few arm exercises afterwards and the donkey kicks. I''m going to a wedding tonight which will also be a psuedo-high school reunion, so I want to look my best.


Dec 28, 2005

I''m happy to report that I was able to do a full and complete workout at the gym this afternoon, without any back pain whatsoever!! After hurting my back just a few days ago, this would not have been possible, if it weren''t for a much stronger core. A few years ago, had I hurt my back, I would have been barely able to walk and would have been in chiropractic care for weeks.

Otherwise, it''s been a pretty normal Saturday. Breakfast on the terrace (it''s hot outside), lunch at our little deli we go to on Saturday''s, coffee under the oak, then the gym. We''re just going to our favorite little diner for dinner, which is between our FroYo and Sbucks.

Marcy, I was watching the elliptical while at the gym this afternoon and watched the tornadoes live in Oklahoma. Scary to say the least. I''m sorry you had to hid in the basement for 45 minutes, but I''m glad you''re safe. Wicked weather this time of year in the Mid-West.

I''m sure you''re going to look beautiful and fabulous at the wedding/reunion tonight Apple!!

I hope you''re all having a nice Saturday........


May 14, 2006
Happy Saturday
Well we have less than an hour and a half of it left over this side of the world. Work was so busy today so I was running around all day. D and I took Amber for a really long walk this evening as it was so warm out. I'm working tomorrow also so not heading out tonight. After work tomorrow we're going to see our little kitten so I'll bring my camera!

Rod-definitely think about the job offer over the weekend but do what's right for you. You don't want to accept just any job and it's important to be happy with your decision. That's great about your new set of friends-they obviously have excellent taste seeing as they love SATC too! Glad to hear that you had no back pain at the gym!! Woohoo!!!

Marcy-that's so scary about having to go into the basement! I hope that you and Marty are ok! That's a pity about your allergies. Are you allergic to all pet hair?

Appletini-enjoy the wedding!

Talk to you all tomorrow. night


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 5/24/2008 5:39:14 PM
Author: Rod

I'm happy to report that I was able to do a full and complete workout at the gym this afternoon, without any back pain whatsoever!! After hurting my back just a few days ago, this would not have been possible, if it weren't for a much stronger core. A few years ago, had I hurt my back, I would have been barely able to walk and would have been in chiropractic care for weeks.

Otherwise, it's been a pretty normal Saturday. Breakfast on the terrace (it's hot outside), lunch at our little deli we go to on Saturday's, coffee under the oak, then the gym. We're just going to our favorite little diner for dinner, which is between our FroYo and Sbucks.

Marcy, I was watching TV while on the elliptical at the gym this afternoon and watched the tornado's live in Oklahoma. Scary to say the least. I'm sorry you had to hide in the basement for 45 minutes, but I'm glad you're safe. Wicked weather this time of year in the Mid-West.

I'm sure you're going to look beautiful and fabulous at the wedding/reunion tonight Apple!!

I hope you're all having a nice Saturday........
OK.....just had to fix the grammatical errors in my earlier post. Dinner was good. I had a Grilled Grouper Sandwich for dinner and a bowl of homemade spicy chicken vegetable soup - Yummmm! Then we had FroYo (I had green tea with fresh blueberries) and a nice cup of decaf under the oak. It was a lovely evening to be outside. Warm, but nice gentle breezes and beautiful sunset.

Then we came home and I finally watched the movie "I Am Legeng" with Will Smith. Oh my, it's pretty intense and frightening.

Hey bee* Sounds like you had a busy day. I forget you are at least 5 hours ahead of us here on the east coast of the US. You're probably sound asleep right now. If you're not, you should be......LOL

Sleep well everyone.........


Feb 27, 2007
Hi! I started the day off a pound lighter so now I’ve lost 156 pounds. Yippee. 4 – count ‘em – 4 more to go.

I see there aren’t many posts so I guess that means everyone is out enjoying their long weekend. We had breakfast with Marty’s family first thing this morning then went to Denver. I didn’t make it to the mall (so no new clothes) but I went to both stores of my favorite jewelry store. I spent about an hour in each store and was caught in a traffic jam going between them so that took up most of my afternoon.
I wanted to look at upgrading an oval blue sapphire ring with either an orange or medium blue sapphire. The first store had a very nice round lavender sapphire but it looked too much like my pink sapphire so I didn’t want to buy it. The only orange I really liked was an 8 x 10 oval which was way too large for the setting I wanted to upgrade. So I decided to head to the other store to see what they had in stock.
They had a few stones I liked so I ended up getting a .81 ct RB Kentucky blue sapphire. They said they’d put a rush on it and get it ready for me in an hour so I drove over to the nephew’s house to drop off an old TV for them and 2 bags of clothes for a garage sale. Then I went back, picked up my upgraded ring and headed to the restaurant to wait for Marty and his friend to show up after their golf game.
I hadn’t had much to eat all day so I was starved by 5:30. I ordered a strawberry daiquiri and garlic bread while I waited for them to arrive. The daiquiri was very sweet but I managed to get it down. I had a little of the garlic bread to silence my growling stomach. For supper I had a filet mignon and a baked potato, I ate ½ of them and then the 3 of us split a piece of peanut butter cheesecake.
Appletini, you will be a knockout at the wedding tonight! I hope you had fun.
Rod, that is wonderful you were able to do a full workout today and your back is doing better. We saw some damage along the highway today going to Denver but the destroyed houses in Windsor weren’t visible from the highway. It seems early for this many tornados out here.
Bee, I can’t wait to see the new kitten. What is Amber going to think of having to share your attention? Yes, I am allergic to dogs, cats, horses and well the universe. Tee hee. I hate having to be in the basement at work because you can’t see outside and you have no idea what is going on. They make overhead announcements but there are about 100 people standing around in the hall talking so no one can really hear what they say. My husband’s guys have a lot of equipment in the basement so I go in their room and they pull up the weather radar so we can at least see what is going on that way.
I’m off to bed! I post pictures on my upgraded ring tomorrow.
Have a great Sunday.


Apr 30, 2005
Hi All!

Feeling a bit blah at the moment due to this cold, but I really HOPE to get some cardio in later.

Marcy, I am really looking forward to your opener for next weeks thread, and thanks again to Steph for this weeks, you did a great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOO HOO Marcy on 156 pounds lost, you must be at or close to your goal now???


Mar 16, 2005
Good morning all. Yesterday was a wonderful day. Andrew had swimming lessons first thing in the morning, so Adam and I took him over to the pool and afterwards we ended up staying and swimming for a few hours. Adam kept going down this huge waterslide that is in our pool and he finally convinced me to try it. When I got all the way to the top and saw how high it was, I wanted to come down but Andrew was cheering me on, so I was fun, but I only did it once! THen we went to our little sushi place and had a very healthy meal of miso soup and spicy tuna rolls
. Then we did a little shopping at Whole Foods which was a madhouse on Sat. On the way back, we passed by this little old lady with a stand of fresh Georgia peaches, so we stopped and picked up a basket and I made a fresh peach cobbler that was to die for. We ate it hot out of the oven and put a little vanilla bean ice cream on top...soooo good. So to make up for my indulgence, I hit the gym and did a very intese elliptical workout. Then as soon as my time was up, I started to leave and a huge thunderstorm started with a major downpour, so I decided to stay and wait it out and I did all the weight machines and lots of ab I am really sore this morning which is a good thing. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

Bee, hope you are not working too hard. That is funny about the dog.....if ours hears the word walk, she goes insane jumping up and down.

Rod, yea for having a great normal workout with no back pain!

Marcy, sounds like you had a great day of jewelry shopping...cant wait to see pics! Congrats on being down another lb...woohoo, only 4 more to go. How exciting!!!

Apple, hope you had fun at your wedding!

Lorelei, sorry you are still feeling blah...take it easy. Thanks for the kudos on the opener...can't wait to hear Marcy's.
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