
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 19th May til 25th May

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Mar 16, 2005
Date: 5/21/2008 10:19:12 AM
Author: Skippy123
Morning, this is funny because I don''t know what I have planned today except my nephew. hehe I bought a ball the other day so I can play kick ball out back with him. I need to do a little bit of cleaning this morning before he gets here.

Hey Ellen!!!

Hey Lorelei!!

Sharon, whooo hooo for the bike ride and workout!

Rod, sending you lots of prayers today!!!!

Kimi, have a great day!

Steph, yay for Andrew enjoying swimming! Good for you working out too! Did you get your LV purse or are you still figuring it out?? I don''t blame you if you are taking your time to find the one you like best.

Bee, glad you had a great workout w/your sis; pretty soon you will be flying to Perth. hehe

Dragonfly, hope you feel better soon!

Marcy, thanks! Tomorrow is suppose to drop to the 70''s yay; 20 degree drop weird.

SS, have a great day and yay for no caffeine, especially the evil Mt. Dew. hehe

Hey, Skippy! No, I haven''t chosen a LV yet. I still need to get to the mall with the LV boutique so I can try them on and see them in person. Have fun with your nephew.


Dec 28, 2005

I was a little too wound up to sleep well last night. It was partly because my back was hurting. But mostly because I had an interview this morning and knowing that it seems my options aren't too many and I really needed to do well on my interview. So, I got up extra early and just sat on the terrace and watched runner's, walker's, biker's and skater's on the waterfront sidewalk until Charlie got up. I had a bowl of fruit and a cup of coffee before getting ready for the interview. It went well. Actually, really well. The lady I would work for and I really seemed to hit it off. We didn't talk money, we just talked about the environment and what they expect. It's an individual contributor position. Pure recruiting production. Which is something I haven't done in a LONG time. I wouldn't manage anyone, except me. And there's nothing wrong with that. So now, I have to decide if this is what I really want to do. If I do, it seemed clear she'd like to bring me onboard. I promised to give her an answer about my interest early next week. I have two other opportunities I'm interested in and this will buy me a little time to see if one, both or neither are possibilities. At least I have some things cooking.

If ever I recognized the value of "CORE" training, it's now. In the past when I would hurt my back, it would take me down completely. While my back is still sore, I'm walking upright (usually, I'm hunched over like the Hunchback of Notre Dame - LOL) and I'm not in any severe pain (usually, the pain is excrutiating). I did decide it would be a good idea to not go to the gym today, but based on how I'm feeling, I should be able to go tomorrow, if only to do some less strenuous things. YAY FOR HAVING A STRONGER CORE!!!!!

We're having ground chicken meatloaf for dinner tonight, then we'll probably have a cup of coffee under the oak and I'll definitely want to see the coronation of this year's American Idol!

Thanks Marcy.......We've got to stop posting at the exact same moment!!! LOL

I'm glad Andrew's swim lesson went well Steph. How cute that he hoped it would be a daily happning! Yes, our boy David A did great last night. And the show was really entertaining. I had seen Simon Cowell on the Tonight Show the night before and he announced that he hoped David Cook was this year's Idol. I was glad to see Simon give credit where credit was do and acknowledge David A's phenominal performances last night. I voted like three times for him!!!

I'm sorry you're 100% sick Dragon. Now that flu season is nearly over, it's time for summer colds, which aren't much fun. I hope that's not what you have.

I'm with Lorelei, Kimberly. Even if all you have the time to do is say Hi, it's always good hearing from you and knowing you're OK!!!

You go bee*!! I've always found it amazing that people can get up and workout in the morning. I'm not a morning person and working out in the morning is not in my vocabulary!

Hey Sharon. Sorry for the pants weather up there........

Skippy, I hope you have a "ball" with your Nephew!! Sorry, just couldn't resist - LOL Thanks for the prayers!

Hey SB, congrats on being down a couple pounds!!!

Hey SS!

I'll check in again later. Thanks for all the positive thoughts for my interview this morning!


Nov 24, 2006
YAY, great news Rod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope the back gets better soon.


Mar 16, 2005
Hey, guys....just got back from the pool a little while ago. The water was a bit cooler today and it was quite windy here, but it was still nice to get in and enjoy the water. Dinner tonight will be salmon with Rod''s suggestion of mushrooms and spinach on top along with some asparagus and probably a big salad. I am going to go on a run after it''s over when the sun starts going down.
Okay, does anyone have any suggestions on what to do to have more energy? I really feel like I''m eating all the right things, working out and getting plenty of sleep most nights, but for the past week or two, I have had zero energy. I have a doc. appointment coming up so I will ask her what she thinks, but it''s just not like me. I take a multi-vitamin at night. Someone suggested vitamin B....anyone know of anything else (besides caffine) that might help? Thanks

Dragonfly, thanks for the tuna recipe...I will have to try it!

Good to hear from you Kimmi!

Hi, Lorelei

Skippy, hope you enjoyed the day with your nephew.

Bee, glad you had a nice workout this morning.

Canuk-gal, sorry it is pants weather. No worries about the weight, I''m sure it will come right off.

Shortblonde, Woohoo for losing a couple of lbs!

. I am such a wimp, the thought or sight of blood makes me queasy.

Rod, yea for your interview going well! Sounds like a great opportunity. Glad you are not in too much pain with your back...take it easy. I''m crossing my fingers for David A tonight!


May 14, 2006
Evening everyone! Work was quiet enough today thankfully so I got to catch up on all the gos. The vets I work for own three practices and I work in the smallest one every Wednesday and the largest one all other days so there''s lots to catch up on if you miss a few weeks. Nothing else to report. Amber and I are going to go for a short walkies and then call it a night.

Sharon-that''s great that you got exercise in yesterday! Plus woohoo for the loose summer clothes!

Skippy-what age is your nephew? Enjoy the day with him! It''s ten days to go till we fly out-getting excited

Hi SB-sorry to hear that you''ve been really busy! Well done on the weight loss.

Steph-have fun picking your LV! Looking forward to seeing which one you pick. I''m not sure what to suggest on the lack of energy front. I have found since I''ve worked out more, I''ve much less energy. Hopefully your doctor can suggest something. You''re definitely eating enough daily to cover your workouts?

Woohoo on the interview Rod-it sounds like it went fab! Take it easy today on your back. Glad to hear it isn''t as bad as it usually would be. All that training has had it''s effect. I''m much more a morning person than an evening person. I can''t lie on at all and so about 8.30am is a lie on for me. Luckily D''s the same!

Well I''d better take an impatient Amber out for her walkies. Talk to you tomorrow.


Mar 1, 2004
Great opener, Steph. Ah the good old days of fad diets.
Oh, well. We''re older and wiser now.

Let''s see. Today my DH and I rode a solid 25 minutes. It was short, but a lot of hills!
I was absolutely dripping and had wet noodles for legs when we got home. The bum had no feeling in it from peddaling up that last hill before home. However, I made it without having to get off and push.

This place is just so great. I answered a few questions from the other one at the end. My DH is off on Sunday and Monday. I do not get to look at the computer when he''s home. Yesterday I was trying to get some work done, so I couldn''t get back here. I think I am missing a 40 minute bike ride with the kids and honey on Monday. So far this week two rides. Wait, Sunday counts here too right? Okay. Three rides. I have not gotten on my lying insufferably arrogant scale yet. I don''t want to know what it thinks of me quite frankly.

Thank you all for the welcome. I will try to check in more often.



Nov 29, 2004
I should have gone on my walk/jog when I got home today, but I''m just mentally exhausted from all the work I''ve been doing, and decided to veg on the couch and watch the last two week of Desperate Housewives...and omg who was the guy with Susan at the end...where is Mike?


Nov 24, 2006
Hi all, I am pooped; I don't know how people do it.
My nephew napped for 3 hrs but when he was awake he was high energy; we played kick ball out back. I might watch him again tomorrow but if I do I need to switch cars w/my sister because I have to run errands and pick up something important.

It is super windy out here. Oh well. hehe Have a great evening!!!

Steph, yay for the pool; do you think it is the heat that is wearing you out and the big move? I am sorry,hope you feel better and they have answers. Can't wait to see the LV.

Bee, glad work was quiet. Did you go to WW? I might miss it tomorrow depending if I have my nephew again. hheehee

Shay, great to see you; glad you had a great workout even though it was hills. My hubby loves to ride up hills and I am always yelling slow down. hehe Good for the workout!

Apple, enjoy your day off. I missed the last 10 mins of DHW because hubby was talking to me so I don't really know what was going on at the end

Hey Somethingshiny and Shortblonde!!!

Kimi, the CAF (boat tour) what time is best? Did you do will call tickets or print them at home? Sorry for so many questions. TIA


Dec 28, 2005
Just finished watching American Idol. The show was really entertaining, but while a David did win, it wasn''t "the" David I had hoped would win. Instead David Cook won. I think he''s a genuinely talented and nice person, but I didn''t think he was the most talented. It really doesn''t matter though. David Archuleta is such a talent at just 17 years old and he''ll have a super successful career as a result of being in the competition. They had a lot of super talented people this season. I hope they all have great careers from this.

Steph, I wish I had some good advice on why you may be feeling a bit tired, but I don''t. I did wonder if you''re getting enough Potassium and Iron? With the multi-vitamin you take, plus knowing that you eat very healthy, I''m guessing you do. Anyway, I''m glad you''re going to speak with your doctor about it.

LOL Apple about the season ending to DHW. That was a snap shot of where they''ll be in five years. I''m guessing that Mike Delfino and Susan weren''t to be and that was her new husband 5 years in the future. It was an interesting way to end the show for the season, don''t you think?

Such a good Aunt Skippy. I''m sure you''re pooped. And just think......once we were that age and possessed that much energy!!

Night everyone.......


Jun 15, 2006
Hi All,

You are so sweet, and I miss you, and I''m almost done with student teaching and school which means life may go back to normal. I''m afraid that when this is over I''m not going to know what to do with myself. I have accepted a summer school position serving as an aide to an autistic child, but it''s only 4 hours a day, so I''m contemplating what else I''ll do with my time.

Skippy, I wish i had a good answer for you. We took the tour mid-afternoon and it was amazing, but other times could be equally fantastic. It''s such a neat tour if you''re at all interested in architecture.

Rod, hope you find the right answer for you regarding the job search. Not an easy situation, I''m sure.

Have a great evening all.



Nov 24, 2006
Kimi thanks for your post; that helps!!! That is wonderful about helping an autistic child!!!!

Rod, darn to the David you didn''t want winning winning; I don''t watch the show but I was cheering on your David. Oh well. I did have a "ball" with my nephew. hehe


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone! I had a frustrating day – family drama and I’m the mediator – AAAK. Oh well, that’ s what I do.
I went to my friend’s book party tonight. It was so cool. She is very excited about having her book published.
Steph, yay for Andrew getting his first swimming lesson. I am sure treading water is a great way to exercise. That salty food put 2 pounds back on me – rats. I was mostly good food wise today except for splitting a piece of apple pie a la mode with a girl friend I took out for her birthday tonight. I’ll be very good tomorrow and Friday. I am sorry to hear you don’t feel very energetic. Do you have allergies? This time of year really I get really tired because of my allergies.
Dragonfly, rats for being sick today. I hope you are feeling better tonight.
Kimi, I think all that you do with your kids certainly counts as exercise. You must be getting close to the end of the semester and graduating. Woo hoo! Have fun seeing your nephew this weekend. Your summer job sounds like something you’ll really enjoy.
Bee, darn the luck you had to go to work today. That’s wonderful you and your sister got up and worked out this morning. I agree that if you don’t give in to some cravings it will lead to eating more than you would otherwise.
Sharon, sorry to hear your weather is pants. It was nice today but breezy, tonight was really windy with a storm blowing in.
Skippy, I am sure you had a blast with your nephew today! I agree with you that taking care of a little one takes a lot of work. My tongue would be dragging after a day of babysitting. So are you going to pick up something sparkly tomorrow? Like your 10K surprise? It is super windy here too.
Shortblonde, yay for loosing a couple of pounds. I wish I could eat cupcakes too but I would go for cookies instead.
Somethingshiny, good plan to teach JT to swim since you live near a river.
Rod, that job sounds promising for you. Woo hoo!!! Good plan to explore your other opportunities – that is great she was fine with you giving her an answer next week. Yay for a strong core and your back getting better so quickly! I am not a morning person either.
Shay, I hope I’m wiser now. That’s wonderful you rode 25 miles today! I am sure my legs would be noodles too. LOL at your "lying insufferably arrogant scale".
Appletini, it sounds like you deserved a night relaxing and watching TV.



Apr 30, 2005
Hi all!

I think I have a cold coming, but hopefully it won''t be too bad, I had a doozy in December. I think it is this pants cold weather which doesn''t help. Oh well.

Did some cardio this week, so hope to do some more soon!


May 14, 2006
Morning everyone. Can''t believe it''s Thursday already! Time is flying. No plans for me today other than work. Might try and take Amber for a quick walk by the river as I''m in work till 9 tonight so will probably be too tired to take her out later. Hope everyone''s doing well.

Shay-that sounds like it was a good bike-ride! I''m rubbish on the hills.

Appletini-everyone needs a night on the couch from time to time. Hope you enjoyed it!

Skippy-our WW leader has been sick for the past two weeks and they haven''t got a replacement yet so I haven''t been going for the past two weeks. Hopefully they''ll find someone for next Tuesday. I''ve been keeping it up at home so hopefully I''ll have a big loss next time I go! Your nephew sounds like lots of fun. I''d say that you definitely gained some activity points by chasing him around all day!

Marcy-that''s cool that your friend got her book published! Sorry to hear about the family trouble.

Lorelei-sorry to hear that you''re coming down with a cold. Rest up and take care of yourself.

Hi Rod and Kimberley


Jun 25, 2007
Morning everyone. Sorry I didn''t update at the end of the day, I''ve kinda been zonked out. Went to the doctor, and I have an upper respiratory infection. JOY. SO I''m on cough suppresants, decongestants, and I''m doping myself out on Nyquil lol. I haven''t had much of an apetite, I forced dinner down last night, knowing I needed strength to get better. I''m going to have toast and tea this morning blah. Fortunately I''m not having trouble on the stomach end other than lack of apetite. Last night I made myself do some crunches and on the ground leg routines while watching Idol. WHICH WOOOOOO HOOOOOO For that. So glad David Cook won. Then I zonked out again. This morning I did about half hour of very light yoga just to keep mysel limber and up my heart rate a bit. I''m expecting some dance videos soon so I better get better. The doctor was glad to hear I take a multi vitamin. Other than that, not much going on. Working on some cookies tonight if I''m not passed out.
I''ll catch up with everyone in a bit.


Mar 16, 2005
Good morning everyone! Not too much to report today....I''m stuck at the house waiting on the people to deliver Adam''s new tv. They didn''t even give a window of when they might be here
. I had a nice run last night out in the neighborhood. I will probably be doing the same thing tonight and also doing some weights. Still staying on track with the healthy eating. Oh, I think I might have found the culprit of my tiredness. I really haven''t been drinking all that much water and with all the running and being out in the heat at the pool, I think I was becoming a little dehydrated. I started drinking more water last night and felt better right away. Hope everyone is enjoying their day!

Bee, Glad you got all caught up at work.

Shay, is good to be older and wiser on the diet front. I can''t believe I was crazy enough to try all those things. Oh well, you live and learn, right? Yea for your nice bike ride. I''m sure you burned a lot of cals with those hills.

Apple, sometimes we all need a good night of just vegging out on the couch.

Skippy, sounds like you had a great time with your nephew....isn''t it crazy how much energy they have? Andrew wakes up like that and goes all day.

Rod, I tried your yummy salmon topping last night with the mushrooms and was super and it will def. be on the menu a lot. Thanks for the advice about the potassium and iron. I eat a lot of bananas for potassium and get my fair share of red meat, so I don''t think that has to do with it, but I will def. ask the doc if she will do bloodwork just to make sure I am not anemic. Too bad about David A. I still think he will do really well, he is so talented.

Kimmi, yea for almost being done with student teaching...i know you will be relieved when its over.

Marcy, no worries about the 2 lbs. Just drink lots of water and I bet it will disappear very soon. I do have alergies this time of year....didn''t realize they could make you feel tired. Hmm, i will have to ask the doc.

Lorelei, oh no! Hope you start to feel better soon!

Dragonfly, Sorry about the upper respiratory infection. Take it easy and get lots of rest!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hi everyone,

Thought I would pop in to say hello.

Egad, it is sooooooooooooooooooooo windy here today. Everything is blowing really hard. I looked out the window this morning and everything is in the pool. The boys have their play things in the corner of the yard and now they are in the pool. Had to go out and fish them out.

I was going to go for a long walk with Mazie, but decided to stay in. I don''t want an allergy/asthma attack that I know the wind will bring on.

Oh Miss Skippy!!! Are you buy any chance picking up a sparkly gift today??? Tee Hee
I bet you get pooped out from taking care of your nephew. I know I do, from my two grandboys. I play referee a lot. HA!!

Rod: I hope you back is better. There is nothing worse then a sore back. I have to watch mine. I had back surgery in 1986, due to a water skiing accident. I have to watch how I bend over, or lift things. I want to wish you luck on the job too. I hope you get this one, if this is the one you truly want. How is Charlie doing?

Marcy: How is your sister? I am glad you enjoyed your friends book party. How exciting she is getting her book published. Don''t worry about the 2 pounds. I crave Mexican food and I always gain a couple of pounds with that or salty food too. Sometimes I crave salty food. I don''t know why, but I do.

Steph: I am so glad Andrew liked his swimming lesson. My grandboys love the water. I remember just a few years ago, they didn''t know how to swim. My hubby taught them in our backyard. Now both of them are fishes. They can''t wait for school to be out next month. They wake up at 7:00 and want to go swimming right away. HA!!

Hi Bee:
and everyone else. Have a great day.


Oct 30, 2002
hi everyone! Just a quick fly by to say YAY Rod...I hope you figure out if this is the job for might be something 'to do for now' as well yanno...doesn't have to be like the end all to be all really...! Just depends on where you are at with wanting to be working again. And YES for a stronger core. Mine is probably the strongest it's ever been and I just love it.

so last nite i just did 25 minutes of abs, jump rope and arms circuit training and walked about 1.5 miles over the day. today i'll do 30 min pilates, and an hour of zumba and probably get a walk in. my walking partner is in europe for 1.5 weeks and i totally miss her (she's my friend too)...but i'm still getting out on my own a bit...though busy.

i was out of egg whites today and i had an early call so i ate some mango muffin bits i made last nite and then brought a quickie protein shake with me to work, it's not even a shake really, it has nonfat milk, a scoop of anywhey protein powder, a teaspoon of sweetened cocoa powder and crushed raspberries. it's fairly tasteless because the anywhey IS tasteless...but i like it. at least it has a lot of protein and not any 'fakey' taste! it'll get me to lunch hehee.

anyway sounds like everyone is doing fab!! yay for continuing on, and i love seeing kimmy check in as well even if it's infrequent like me. hope everyone is enjoying their week.


Nov 24, 2006
hehe I have a new appreciation for moms for sure!!!!!
Today I don't have my nephew; my mom is feeling better and they missed watching him. I enjoyed him yesterday but it works out since I have a lot to do. I think I might check in tomorrow and then back next Sat. hehe It is so dark and rainy today; we need the rain though. Our lawn is tall but can't be mowed till we get back so it will be super tall, eek. I need to give the house sitter instructions too
, hopefully she comes over soon so I can run around like a mad woman. hehe

Good news is that I lost 1 lb this week!!!
Now down by 11 lbs, 20 more to go. hehe

Marcy, we are switching weeks; you do the opening this Sunday the 25th and me next Sunday. I can't wait to read what you say; I may not be able to post but I will read it from my handheld nokia.
Sorry about family drama; no fun, hope it gets better and yay about your friends book!!!

Lorelei, hope you don't get sick, sorry. Yay for cardio!

Bee, I might not talk to you till you get back from your trip. Have a wonderful wonderful time sweetie! Take lots of pics for us pretty please. I will think of you when I go S&TC. Darn to no leader; our normal leader hasn't been around so I skipped class today but did weight in.

Dragonfly, oh no to the upper resp infection; hope you feel better and get lots of rest.

Steph, sorry you are stuck in the house; I bet your hubby will be grateful you did that for him
It is crazy that they are little balls of energy; I need a dose. hehe I wish he could entertain himself but he wanted me doing something with him the whole time. hehe

Linda, it was insane windy here last night!!! Today it hailed and rained and now it might be sunny but I am not counting on it as it turned rainy again a few mins later. Are you guys getting rain? Oh no about the pool. Better be safe and stay in. hehe when I get back I will post pics; it is so dark today.

Mara, whooo hooo for superwoman core. . . probably better than superwoman!!! hehe

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Skippy dear!! WE HAVE TO WAIT A WHOLE WEEK TO SEE WHAT YOU BOUGHT!!!!! oh nooooooooooooooooooo, YOU DON''T HA HA HA. Can you at least tell us what it is?????? We have NO patience.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 5/22/2008 1:30:50 PM
Author: Linda W
Skippy dear!! WE HAVE TO WAIT A WHOLE WEEK TO SEE WHAT YOU BOUGHT!!!!! oh nooooooooooooooooooo, YOU DON'T HA HA HA. Can you at least tell us what it is?????? We have NO patience.
Linda, you know how much a ADORE you!!! It isn't on purpose to keep you in suspense but it would be boring to say what I got without pics.
hehe We are pic crazy here; I know I am so I promise when I get back there will be pics, promise. hehe
Plus I might have gotten new pants from Fedex.
Okay, gotta jet; millions of things to do, oh boy!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Skippy, I doubt they are new pants, ha ha ha ha. OK, I will be patient along with everyone else. but.... it isn''t my best virtue on PS. tee hee.



Nov 29, 2004
I had my PT today, but I had to skip out a little early b/c of a meeting I had scheduled...but it was a good workout. Usually we alternate 3 min strength with 3 min cardio, but today she upped our cardio to 4.5 min and it was tough.

Steph, I hope you don''t have to wait too long today...I hate waiting for service people.

Lorelei, Get well soon...I think you need to move y''all have pants weather too much...and its almost June!

dragon, get well soon too!

Monarch, any good news this week for you or DH?


Dec 28, 2005
Just popping in.........

Nothing much going on today. My back is still a bit sore, so I decided to hang up the gym till Saturday and give my back time to heal. I didn''t sleep well last night. I''m still not sure about this job. Yes, it''s a job I could do. But is it the right job. And like Mara said, I could take it to have something to do, but I''m not sure that''s the right thing for me. If I take the job, it should be because I want it. I''m just a bit confused about this right now. Otherwise, it''s a cloudy humid day down here. We did have coffee under the oak, and at least it wasn''t under blazing sun. Am having a nice salad for dinner.

Hey bee* Don''t work too hard today!

I''m sorry to hear you''ve got an upper respiratory infection dragon. I hope you feel better soon!

Steph, you''ll have to let us know how you all like the new TV!! I''m glad you enjoyed the salmon dish with spinach and mushrooms! It''s definitely one of our favorite dishes!

I''m sorry it''s so windy out there Linda. I read the winds were near 70 MPH?? That''s just about hurricane strength. Stay safe and secure. I hope I can avoid back surgery from having a stronger core. I had been told years ago I would need surgery, but so far I''m doing OK now that I''ve worked so hard to build better back muscles.

Good to see you Mara! Still not sure what I''m going to do about this opportunity. I''ll be thinking about it long and hard over the weekend. Thanks!

Skippy, when are you leaving for the windy city?? What on earth are we going to do on these parts without you. And like Linda commented........we have to wait a whole week to see what you got with your $1K Gift?????? Not fair at all - LOL

I''ll check back in later this evening. I hope you''re enjoying a nice day........


May 14, 2006
Hi all! Busy day at work today and then D and I took Amber for her walkies. We''re so excited-we were looking to get a kitten for when we move into our new house which will be the week we get back from Australia. One of the nurses in my clinic told me that her cat had kittens (was preggers when she adopted the cat), so we''re going to give one of the kittens a home. It''s a little grey kitten and she sent some photos to my phone but I can''t seem to get them to upload onto my computer. We''re going to visit the kittens in the next week so I''ll take plenty of photos then. D and I can''t wait and Amber adores cats so she''ll be thrilled too. Just have to think of a name now...

Steph-that''s rubbish that you have to sit in and wait! I hate it when they don''t let you know what time things will be delivered at.

Linda-sorry to hear that it''s so windy! Hope that the weather improves.

Hi Mara
Good to hear that you''re still doing tons of exercise. Hope your friend is home soon.

Skippy-can''t believe I won''t hear from you for so long! Enjoy your trip as well-I hope that you have a fab time and I want to see photos too!! Woohoo on another pound down!!!

Rod-think you''re doing the right thing by staying away from the gym when your back is still sore. Best of luck with your decision about the job.

Talk to everyone tomorrow. I''m off to bed


Mar 1, 2004
Just popping in. Lousy weather today, so no bike ride. Oh, well. Hopefully tomorrow.

Skippy, I yell slow down too. Poor thing he has to wait for me.

Rod, I hope that things will go well for your job hunt.

Marcy, it''s been a lying arrogant pain in my back side for a while now. LOL BTW, 25 minutes, not miles. I would have to have typed that report from ICU.

bee*, my DH says I''m rubbish on hills too. I will get better if for no other reason than to prove to him I can do it.

Lorelei, rest and lots of fluids, dahling.

dragonfly, see above advice to Lorelei.

steph, water is so important. I really try to get enough. I also take a variety of supplements that seem to help.

Linda, hello.

Mara, you are the iron woman. I envy your commitment.

Skippy, congrats on the weight loss. Way to go!!!
I need to lose about 20 my self. sigh!!!

appletini, but I bet you felt good when it was over.

Rod, sorry to hear you are so conflicted. Maybe a pro-con list for this job will help you make a decision. Just a thought.


Dec 28, 2005
Awwwww, a Kitten bee*!!! We're such cat people. Once you've been owned by a cat, there's just no going back - LOL We are so totally managed by our Burmese and we love every minute we have with her. I'll look forward to pics of the kitten(s) when you take some!

Thanks Shay. I am conflicted, so maybe a pro/con list would be good. It would be better if I had more than one opportunity to consider too. I'm just feeling I have so few options that as they say......"a bird in hand?"

We're back from having coffee, but not under the oak. Charlie just wanted to go to a different Sbucks, one less crowded and it was pleasant. Nothing really planned for the rest of the evening.

I found the following on Sparkpeople and I thought it was pretty appropriate to diet discussions we've had recently:

A new way to think about losing weight

I have to keep telling myself that it's not a diet. A diet is something you do for a short period of time in order to get a result that doesn't last, and you end up worse off than before. No, no...this is not a diet.

It is a way of life. A life change. Something different. I think we are often too hard on ourselves. I think we get disappointed in ourselves. We get frustrated because after a lot of hard work, the scale doesn't move, or the inches don't come off.

So we go to what we know best. Food. Then more guilt, more frustration, more disappointment.

But I've come to realize something. If this isn't a diet...and it is a way of life, then it's ok. It's ok to have a bad week on the scale, because it's not the end of the world. Next week will come...and then the next. If this is about life change, then I must look at this as a marathon and not a sprint.

I didn't get fat overnight. No, I got fat after years and years of neglect and overeating, lack of exercise, being tired, and a miriad of other excuses. Therefore I can't expect to lose this weight over night. And I won't lose it next week and I won't lose it next month.

But I will lose it. Why?? Because I'm not on a DIET!!. I'm changing my life. I'm changing my lifestyle. I know that while I may have a bad week on the scale or even a bad month, next year, I will not be the same person I was. I will be healthier. I don't know what that means on the scale, but I don't think it matters either. If this is my way of life, then I will be healthier. I know it.

So if I mess up and have a donut or a piece of cake or a slice of pizza now and then, it's ok. I'm not going to drown myself in guilt, nor am I going to drown myself in food. I'm just going to enjoy life. That might mean eating great for a month and then eating not so great for a day or two. But I'm going to enjoy life knowing that I'm making decisions that will make me a happier, healthier person in the future.

I'm not going to look in the mirror and get disappointed that I don't look the way I want to now. It will come. But it will take a while. And you know...that's ok. I'm changing. When the changes come and are visible...then great, but it's ok if I don't see them yet. I just know that everyday I'm going to make better decisions.

Remember...THIS IS NOT A DIET! This is a life change. A new way to live your life. Enjoy it.
________________________________________________________________________________CYA later............



Dec 28, 2005

Just saw a video on the news about a major tornado in Windsor Colorado. Such devastation. Are you OK? Are you near that town?


Feb 27, 2007
Thanks for your concern Rod - we are fine. Windsor is about 60 miles south of us. There was a tornado on the ground south of town and we spent about 45 minutes in the basement at work but we only had a lot of rain here.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. Yes, the tornado damage in Windsor is really awful! That is near the outlet mall we go shopping at quite a bit. Marty was coming back from Denver this morning and saw all the awful clouds building. He said if he’d decided to eat breakfast instead of heading home he would have been going through there about the time they hit.
Lorelei, sorry to hear you are getting a cold. Have some chicken soup and rest up – I hope you get better soon.
Bee, time is flying by this week. I am glad you had a lovely walk today. My mom fights with one of my sisters and my sisters fight and I am always in the middle. Oh well, I blathered on to Marty about it today and feel better now. He was in Denver last night for a concert so I just let it fester instead of blathering it out to someone. I am very excited for my friend. How fun to get a new kitten.
Dragonfly, I am glad you went to the doctor – sorry to hear you have a respiratory infection. I hope the drugs help you feel better and you get better soon. As I told Lorelei, have some chicken soup and rest a lot.
Steph, glad to hear you can fix your tiredness with water – that’s an easy solution. Marty gets really dehydrated when he plays golf to the point where he is almost sick. I hope you got the new TV delivered and are enjoying it tonight. When the pollen starts coming out in the spring I get really tired for awhile.
Linda, it is a good idea to stay in from the wind – all the dust and pollen would probably bother your allergies a lot. My sister is doing pretty well. She has developed floaters so has an appointment with a retina specialist. I rarely add salt to my food so I guess my body just wanted some salt. I am not well know for my patience either.
Mara, it’s good to hear from you. It sounds like you are doing great.
Skippy, I definitely appreciate the work moms do every day especially with little ones. They wear me out just watching them run around. We’ll miss you while you are gone but have a great time! No worries about me starting the next thread. I am working on it already. I agree with Linda – you need to at least tell us what you bought. Woo hoo for loosing another pound!!!

Appletini, glad to hear you had a great cardio workout today.
Rod, it is a tough decision whether to take this job or wait for something you feel is more suited for you. I am glad you are going to think about it through the weekend. I read that article this morning from sparkpeople and thought it was great and very much in line with many of our philosophies here.
Shay, LOL at typing your report about riding 25 miles from ICU. I am such a klutz I’d be there too if I tried to ride a bike down the street. Rats for bad weather today.
Have a great evening!

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