
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 19th May til 25th May

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Mar 16, 2005
Happy new week all. Well, I have been thinking all week about how I would start this week''s thread. First of all, I want to thank Lorelei for suggesting that we take turns starting each week. I am always so inspired by her thoughts and suggestions, and am looking forward to hearing others'' thoughts and experiences.

I really love the new name of our thread, because it really is fitting for how we are all trying to live healthy lifestyles. I was recently visiting my family in my hometown and met up with a few friends that I haven''t seen in a while. One friend said "wow, you look great....what diet are you on?" I said, "actually I am not on a diet at all....I''m just making healthy food choices and am exercising." She looked very surprised as this was my best friend from high school as well as a college roommate. We have been on every imaginable diet together including the atkins, south beach, cabbage soup, the hot dog and cottage cheese diet, grapefruit diet, liquid diets, and plain old starvation type diets.

All throughout high school and college and even afterward, I would diet to look good for an event...a trip, my wedding, etc. Each time, the diets would cause moodiness, headaches, and sometimes dizziness. I would look good for the event, then go back to not worrying about what I ate or working out at all. I used to see exercising as form of torture, and hated every moment. Now I love working out and see it as a time where I am doing something good for my body and making myself stronger mentally and physically.

Healthy habits are not formed overnight. There wasn''t a switch I flipped on and turned my thinking around. I committed to making a few changes a month such as drinking more water, getting more fiber into my diet, getting some form of cardio in at least 5 days a week, etc. Eventually these changes became habits and I truly feel better. It was so much easier to ease into a healthy lifestyle than making myself miserable by making my favorite foods totally off-limits, or setting unrealistic fitness goals that cannot be kept up for the long-haul. Since shifting my mindset from "diet" to "lifestyle", I am focused on my health and how I feel rather than how I look...being able to fit into skinny jeans or feel good in a bathing suit at the beach is just an added perk!

Living healthy is also not an all or nothing type of thing. I heard the analogy this week....if you go to bed one night and were too tired to brush your teeth, you don''t get up the next morning and say to yourself "I am such a slob, I''m just going to give up on brushing my teeth forever since I skipped last night". Same thing applies to diet/exercise....if you have an off day (or two or three or four), that''s okay. Cut yourself some slack and get right back on track.

So as we go throughout the week, let''s all remember that this process is long-term. Although it is great to have short term goals to try to accomplish, the true goal should be to live a healthy lifestyle....a lifestyle that will allow us to have a great quality of life throughout the years.

Hope everyone has a great week


Apr 30, 2005
What a great opener, thank you so much Steph!!! I really enjoyed reading it, you did a fantastic job!

hot dog and cheese diet????
I assume you could have as many hot dogs and cheese as you wanted without the bun?


Mar 20, 2003
Hi all. I''m so sorry to have been MIA for a bit.

I''ve continued making healthy choices, and I guess I''ve just been busy with life. DH races (mountain biking or road racing) almost every weekend, and between that and fitting in my exercising and spending time outside in the nice weather, I haven''t felt like I''ve had a lot of free time. I am looking forward to summer (I''m a teacher)!

I''m not perfect, but I do what I can each week. I wanted to work out with weights yesterday, but for whatever reason my run on Saturday had made me sore and off balance (ankle hurt during run, hip afterwards), so I saved it for today.

Keep up the good fight everyone!


Mar 16, 2005
Date: 5/19/2008 4:58:52 AM
Author: Lorelei
What a great opener, thank you so much Steph!!! I really enjoyed reading it, you did a fantastic job!

hot dog and cheese diet????
I assume you could have as many hot dogs and cheese as you wanted without the bun?

Thanks, Lorelei! Hehe, I think that diet was actually called the 3 day diet but I remember having to eat hot dogs without the bun and plain cottage cheese, which I hated at the time and remember gagging trying to get the meal down
. Life is so much better now without anymore fad diets.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 5/19/2008 7:26:49 AM
Author: steph72276

Date: 5/19/2008 4:58:52 AM
Author: Lorelei
What a great opener, thank you so much Steph!!! I really enjoyed reading it, you did a fantastic job!

hot dog and cheese diet????
I assume you could have as many hot dogs and cheese as you wanted without the bun?

Thanks, Lorelei! Hehe, I think that diet was actually called the 3 day diet but I remember having to eat hot dogs without the bun and plain cottage cheese, which I hated at the time and remember gagging trying to get the meal down
. Life is so much better now without anymore fad diets.
Oh my.....
I can imagine the gagging. I did plenty of that myself a few years ago, on one of my last ever and most revolting of fad diets - The Cabbage Soup Diet. I shudder to remember it.
How long did you last on the Cabbage Soup diet???


Mar 16, 2005
Date: 5/19/2008 7:32:13 AM
Author: Lorelei
Date: 5/19/2008 7:26:49 AM

Author: steph72276

Date: 5/19/2008 4:58:52 AM

Author: Lorelei

What a great opener, thank you so much Steph!!! I really enjoyed reading it, you did a fantastic job!

hot dog and cheese diet????
I assume you could have as many hot dogs and cheese as you wanted without the bun?

Thanks, Lorelei! Hehe, I think that diet was actually called the 3 day diet but I remember having to eat hot dogs without the bun and plain cottage cheese, which I hated at the time and remember gagging trying to get the meal down
. Life is so much better now without anymore fad diets.

Oh my.....
I can imagine the gagging. I did plenty of that myself a few years ago, on one of my last ever and most revolting of fad diets - The Cabbage Soup Diet. I shudder to remember it.
How long did you last on the Cabbage Soup diet???

Not long at all...couldn't stand the smell of it


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 5/19/2008 4:58:52 AM
Author: Lorelei
What a great opener, thank you so much Steph!!! I really enjoyed reading it, you did a fantastic job!
Ditto!!! And I especially liked the tooth brushing analogy!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 5/19/2008 7:40:39 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 5/19/2008 4:58:52 AM
Author: Lorelei
What a great opener, thank you so much Steph!!! I really enjoyed reading it, you did a fantastic job!
Ditto!!! And I especially liked the tooth brushing analogy!
Yep it fits well with the philosophy of the thread, just forgive yourself and start again as we always say or - cut yourself some slack and get back on track!

I think I lasted a day and a half on the cabbage soup diet, just the smell of that ' soup' was making me gag and retch - oh my goodness, the horrible memories.....

never ever again.


Apr 30, 2005
Hey PG, welcome back!


Aug 12, 2005
Errrr, awake but not happy Steph, I had to stay up for your opener (which was fab)...will be back later as y''all know I am not a morning person!!! it has taken me like 10 minutes to write this. going right back to bed!


Nov 29, 2004
Great opener Steph!

Also I know one of the "complaints" from the BWW thread was that ours was so hard to keep up with b/c it moves so fast. Well last week I actually subscribed to the thread, and it was so much easier to just check my email when some posts were made instead of actually coming to the site, plus for me these days this is the only thing I really keep up with on PS.

Anyway will check back in later after my TBT class.

Marcy, The pic of you and your hubby...wowie! Y''all are so cute, and you don''t even look like the same look so much *younger* and happier. I am so proud of you!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 5/19/2008 8:36:43 AM
Author: appletini
Great opener Steph!

Also I know one of the ''complaints'' from the BWW thread was that ours was so hard to keep up with b/c it moves so fast. Well last week I actually subscribed to the thread, and it was so much easier to just check my email when some posts were made instead of actually coming to the site, plus for me these days this is the only thing I really keep up with on PS.

Anyway will check back in later after my TBT class.

Marcy, The pic of you and your hubby...wowie! Y''all are so cute, and you don''t even look like the same look so much *younger* and happier. I am so proud of you!
That is a good idea Apple, the subscribe option is a very useful feature and a good reminder for us it is there!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Monday!

Great opener, Steph. I’ve tried and failed on many diets before – and even lost a lot of weight on some. In junior high my mom took me to the doctor and they put me on diet pills. They made me loose weight in spite of what I ate and after my monthly weigh in I’d go home, make chocolate chip cookies and over indulge in them. Once I was off the pills, I gained it all back. Post college I did a calorie counting diet, decided I was loosing much too slowly so I cut it down to 500 calories a day. I lost a ton of weight but ate rabbit food and once I started eating normal food again I gained it all back plus some. My OBGYN put me on fen phen so I lost about 70 pounds before those pills started making me sick, once I quit taking them I gained it all back. As with you, this time it wasn’t jus t a diet; it is about eating healthier, making wise choices and working out to not only improve my health but to improve my stamina and burn a few extra calories. As I often say now, “Life is Good”.
Lorelei, I must admit I have not heard of the hot dogs and cheese diet. Ewwe to the cabbage soup diet.
PhoenixGirl, that is great you’ve been enjoying the outdoors. I am sure you are looking forward to summer and no school.
Ellen, the tooth brush analogy is kind of gross.

Monnie, I hope you got a good night’s sleep.
Appletini, this thread does move fast but I enjoy it so much. Have a great class today. Thanks for the nice compliment about Marty and me. I do look and feel much younger – it’s great.

Well, I must go wake up Marty and get dressed. Have a great day!


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 5/19/2008 9:10:07 AM
Author: marcyc

Ellen, the tooth brush analogy is kind of gross.


Well, yeah, I spose so. But it DID get the point across!


Nov 24, 2006
Morning everyone, lots of running around to do this morning, eek. Well, it is suppose to get up into the 90's this morning. I think I will work on core today and go for a short walk this evening.

Morning PHXgirl, Lorelei, Miss Ellen, Marcy and Monarch!!!

Steph, AWESOME Opener
You are so right; I agree that it takes small changes. I try to work on something each week so that it helps me with baby steps and I don't feel overwhelmed. I remember trying to do it all and giving up and messing up so I love that you said you did small changes.
I agree on any diet; I felt deprived and starved or whatever and then ended up gaining it all back; love the toothbrush thing. hhehee


Dec 28, 2005
Fantastic opener Steph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I, like just about everyone here can so relate to what you wrote. I did get a chuckle (like Lorelei) about the hotdog diet. I remember being suckered into a diet once and all you could eat was hardboiled eggs and cooked spinach. It was just so horrendous and it took me years before I could even stand the look of either. At least we know fad diets don''t work and the only thing that does is a committment to make healthy changes in our lives for the rest of our lives!

Again, great opener. Thanks so much!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 5/19/2008 11:37:39 AM
Author: Rod
Fantastic opener Steph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I, like just about everyone here can so relate to what you wrote. I did get a chuckle (like Lorelei) about the hotdog diet. I remember being suckered into a diet once and all you could eat was hardboiled eggs and cooked spinach. It was just so horrendous and it took me years before I could even stand the look of either. At least we know fad diets don''t work and the only thing that does is a committment to make healthy changes in our lives for the rest of our lives!

Again, great opener. Thanks so much!


Jun 25, 2007
Your opener was fantastic, and it is kindof inspirational to me, I have felt rather lazy all weekend and have sortof trudged through my workouts, but I know It''s good for me and that makes me feel better. Normally I have a really excited outlook because I always feel so good after work outs. I think it is the boredom that sets in when I get on the treadmill. I really am going to just have to do outdoor runs as much as possible and use the treadmill at night only.

This weekend was very nice for me. I spent quite a bit of time outdoors. We had wonderful weather all weekend. Friday night we went to SO''s mom''s house and spent some time with them. Then Saturday we hit the farmer''s market in the morning and went to the local Watermelon Festival in the afternoon. Watched the concert that evening then took his mom late in the night to get a truck battery so she would no longer be stranded (eek). Then yesterday we went out on the boat for a while and enjoyed nature. I ran for 15 mins last night and did 45 mins this morning. Despite Moes, A veggie burger, a late night bean burrito, and a banana muffin I made last night, I actually dropped a bit more weight this weekend! So that was nice as well. I assume it was the walking we did.


Jul 30, 2007
Great opener, Steph!

This weekend was really busy--spent more time getting the house sorted now that we''re moved in. Also, funny story: my dad is still here for another few days and had to fix a plumbing problem on Sunday (leak in the main line into the house). I was helping him out by holding some pipes together. He went and turned on the main line and since the pipes weren''t held together by anything except me, they went everywhere and I got drenched. He thought it was hilarious--at least it was warm out!

I ended up not biking to work on friday (I know, I know) because A. it was 90 degrees out and B. Kris said that he''d rather we go down to the bike path rather than me riding on the streets because it''s dangerous. I didn''t want him worrying too much (and I have known a lot of people to get creamed on their bikes around here) so instead we''re going to do that. I''m a little disappointed, but it probably is safer to stick to riding where there aren''t any cars.

I haven''t weighed myself lately because our scale is hiding somewhere among all the rest of our stuff in the garage, but my clothes are fitting fine, so I''m not too worried. One thing I have noticed is that because it''s been so hot I''ve been drinking more water, which I think is really good for me.

OK--I have a ton to do this morning, so sorry for not having individual posts, but hi to everyone and I''ll try to check in later tonight.


Mar 16, 2005
Phoenix, I bet your looking forward to your summer break! I was a teacher too and I think sometimes the teachers looked forward to the summer more than the kids

Thank you Ellen!

Monnie, hope you got some sleep!

Apple, good idea about subscribing to the thread. I don''t think I''ve ever done that before, but I might start so I can keep up better.

Marcy, hehe, the toothbrush analogy was kinda gross, but true! Isn''t it crazy when we think back on the crazy diets we were on.

Skippy, have fun running errands. I am the same steps really work so you don''t feel overwhelmed.

Rod, your hardboiled egg/spinach diet seems almost as horrible as my hotdog and cottage cheese diet
. Glad we came to our senses and stopped doing those crazy least we can have a good laugh at it now!

Dragonfly, I am so like you. I get bored of doing the same exercise over and over so I constantly have to change it up from the elliptical, to running outside, to the treadmill, to swimming to stop the boredom. Yea for dropping some lbs!


Mar 16, 2005
Lady Pirate, I think we were posting at the same time....funny about the pipes. I''m never much help in those situations. Good for you for biking with Kris....It will be more fun that way anyway.


Nov 29, 2004
I went to TBT class today. It was a good workout...I was so sweaty....I think I sweated more in that class than I normally do with my trainer (who does teach the class). I actually hadn''t been to TBT in a few weeks, so it was good to go again. ALso no lunch workouts until Thursday so I''m going to try to walk or walk/jog (wog as my friend calls it) in the evenings when I get home.

I also finally made my homemade chicken stock from scratch yesterday. I didn''t have time to make my soup with it, so I''ll make the soup tonight. It smelled so yummy while it was simmering for hours and the whole time I kept thinking about how awesome my soup was going to be without all the preservatives.


May 14, 2006
Happy new week everyone. Steph-great opening!! It really hit home for me as I find that I do really well for a while and then switch back. This time I''m doing it slowly but surely. I have a couple of days off before I have to start work so I met D for lunch and then we took a walk in the gardens near where he works as there''s a sculptor exhibition on, which was really good. I also indulged in some shopping. I then went and did 20 minutes on the elliptical, 20 minutes on the bike and did some tummy exercises and then I did my salsa step class which was great fun. I really missed that when my exams were on.

Rod-glad to hear that you had a great workout yesterday! I love corn and tomatoes-I''d say they''re delicious over in Florida. I used to drink a lot more in my early twenties, but now at the age of 26, I''m a lightweight

Skippy-our trip is on the 31st of May-Saturday week. SATC movie is on the 28th of May over here-I booked my tickets last week! Can''t wait to see it. I''d love to fly to Chicago on the 27th-pity about the lack of money.

Marcy-that''s a pity that you only got one pair of pants. I''d say you were so excited buying the size 8''s! I''d be the same. You should definitely go back and buy the pair in your local mall.

Lorelei-I''ve never been on the cabbage soup diet but D''s mother has-ugh the smell was awful!!

Hi everyone else-I''m off to get some tea and then going to watch Britain''s next top model. Night


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday all! Steph, thank you so much for the great opener!

I didn''t work out yesterday due to the fact that every time I took a deep breath I got a crushing pain in the back of my ribcage (which is ironic because when I was in the emergency room on Saturday they keep asking me if I had an pain in my back and I didn''t then but I sure the he!! did 24 hours later!). My best friend kept making me laughing on the phone yesterday and it hurt so bad I truly had tears in my eyes at one point. I had to hang up on her, LOL, or I would have ended up back in the ER! Today that I feel *almost* OK so I''m hoping to work out tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest.

Not much else to report, but I''m doing my shin exercises religiously so I am ready for that treadmill when I finally get back on it.


Oct 30, 2002
afternoon all and happy monday....!

great opener steph, and so true...!!! people have the hardest time believing you can just make small changes to your lifestyle and it helps your weight and mental state. they always want to think that it requires some magical pill to be healthy.

anyhow i''m still around and lurking and reading sometimes...!! everyone''s doing wonderfully as usual. i''m keeping up with my workouts, we are starting to hike again, we did 3 miles yesterday in muir woods with a friend, just north of SF. today i have pilates and workout with trainer. saturday i did zumba and pilates.

my eating is pretty consistent now, though it took me a long time to ''normalize'' again, i finally did...whew...after months! and now i can eat dessert too and not freak out mentally hahaa. anyhow, that''s my not-exciting update...hope everyone has a great day!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi. I will post more later but I wanted to clarify I wasn''t grossed out or anything about the not brushing your teeth - I am just always brush and floss so it was more a yuck I would hate that.

I am off to the local book store to buy a new book - a friend of mine wrote it so I want to go purchase it. She is doing a book show at our local library tomorrow night so I can go get her to sign it for me. How cool to know someone who had a book published.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I hope you had a great day.
Steph, I feel really, really bad and hope you don’t think my comment to Ellen about not brushing your teeth was meant in any way to cast a blemish on your great opener. It is a great analogy and I only wanted to convey that it makes so much sense to me that I would NEVER consider not brushing my teeth. I apologize if I made you feel bad in anyway. There are a lot of crazy diets out there.
Ellen, I also hope you don’t think I was making any comment towards you either – it is a LOL comment and see above as to what I was thinking. I apologize to you as well. It certainly does get the point across very well to me.
Skippy, it’s in the 70’s here. I hope you got a lot accomplished running around this morning.
Rod, the hard boiled egg and spinach diet sounds tough to be on. My worst one was plain, boiled rice. It was to find out what foods I was allergic too. To this day I cannot stand the taste or smell of plain white rice.
Dragonfly, it sounds like you had a great weekend. Yay for dropping some more weight and getting in a lot of walking.
Ladypirate, that is a rough way to take a shower! I am glad it was at least warm weather. Sounds like a good idea not to ride your bike to work so you don’t have to worry about getting hit. That would be awful.
Appletini, your chicken soup sounds wonderful.
Bee, that’s great you have a few days off between school and work. I definitely will need to get some more size 8’s.
DeeJay, I am sorry to hear you are having pains still. I hope it gets better or a doctor can figure out what is wrong with you.
Mara, I am glad the weather is nice enough for your hikes to resume. I am looking forward to walking in the park or along our greenway this summer. That is great you are working in desserts. Yummy.
Have a great evening.


Dec 28, 2005

It was a decent day. The morning was dark and rainy and muggy, so it was kind of nice to sleep in a little. We don''t get many cloudy mornings in Florida, so it was a nice break. By the time we got going, we were able to still enjoy breakfast on the terrace, but then it started raining again right afterwards. Lunch was a nice salad and then it cleared off enough to go and sit under the oak and have a cup of coffee. But man, was it ever humid out. We came after that and did the normal job hunt stuff and Charlie decided to rewrite his resume. I got a call from a company I had applied to over the weekend and I spent about an hour on the phone with the managing partner and we had a nice conversation. I''m going to go in for an inperson interview Wednesday morning. It''s a job I''m certainly qualified for. The location is good (close to home), so we''ll see how this progresses. It''s funny, but there are days I''m petrified I won''t ever find a job. And there are day''s I''m petrified I will find a job and my time off will end and I''ll have to go back to work. I know that''s odd, but it''s the truth. We went to the same Sushi place we went last Monday for dinner, but it just wasn''t as good tonight as last week. Favorite Sushi place #2 will be reopening in their new location the day after Memorial Day. We can''t wait. Then of course we stopped off and got a FroYo (green tea with fresh blueberries - Yumm) and a cup of decaf under the oak. A front came through and the humidity just seemed to go away, so it was a beautiful and cooler evening for sure. Charlie has an interview tomorrow, but I''m guessing for a job he won''t be too excited about, so I doubt much will come of it. At least he has an interview. Of course we''ll be back in the gym tomorrow afternoon.

Hey Phoenix, it''s good to see you. Glad you''re doing well. Take care of that sore ankle.

Skippy, I hope the heat didn''t get you down while you were running around.

Sounds like you had a great weekend dragon!

I''m sure you all laughed about becoming drenched by the pipes you were holding LP!! I''m glad you''re using your clothes as a measure of how you''re doing. I used to weigh myself daily and became a slave to the horrible scale monster. Now, I rarely weigh myself. I know I''m eating healthy and working out hard and my clothes fit just fine. So there''s no reason to succumb to the nasty scale monster.....buahahahahahaha!!

Yay for homemade chicken stock Apple! How very Barefoot Contessa of you!!! I''m sure your homemade soup will be fantastic.

You sound more relaxed bee*!! The walk in the gardens sounded really nice. I''m glad you were able to get back into the fitness things you enjoy now that exams are over!

DeeJay, these pains you''re experiencing have me worried. I hope you''re OK??

Mara, like you, it''s taken me a long time to be able to eat more normally. We even had pizza this weekend, which you know for me was one of the foods I was terrified to eat. We have dessert more often and I just don''t worry as much as I did when I started rebuild Rod.

Marcy, I''m fanatical about flossing and brushing. So, I understand your comment. I don''t think anyone thought you were being critical. Honest. I floss and brush several times a day, or at least after eating pretty much anything. And the hardboiled egg and spinach diet was just awful. One of the best things I''ve learned through this process is that I will NEVER ever have to do anything like that ever again!

That''s a wrap from my end. I hope your week started on a bright note. See you tomorrow.


Mar 16, 2005
Hey, guys...quick check in cause it''s after 11 and I''m getting ready to go to bed. Did about a 30 min. run outside tonight after was so nice and cool and windy out, so it was a great run.

Bee, yea for a few days off...enjoy yourself!

DeeJay, hope you feel better soon.

Mara, I would love to go hiking....maybe when Andrew gets older, his little legs wouldn''t last long.

Marcy, no worries at all! I knew what you meant
. I am a fanatic too about brushing my teeth, that''s why when I heard that I was like, that is so true....if you didn''t do it one night, you wouldn''t even have the thought in your mind to just give up your dental health, so why is it that when we have a bad meal that we throw in the towel and say we failed on our diet.

Rod, sorry sushi wasn''t as good but at least your new place will be open soon!


Feb 27, 2007
Rod, good luck with your upcoming interview. I’ll be keeping my toes and fingers crossed for you. I hope Charlie’s interview goes well tomorrow. I am sure you will both be delighted and sad when you do go back to work. I look forward to the day I am not a scale monster, right now I weigh daily. Marty teases me because I floss even when we are camping. I agree it’s nice to know I won’t be resorting to fad diets again.
Steph, I am glad you understood my comment. That’s great you had nice weather for a good run tonight.

Well, I am off to bed 20 minutes early. Yippee!
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