
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 11th August till 17th August

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Mar 20, 2003
I''m sorry that I haven''t been checking in. What''s funny is that it''s not because I haven''t been working out . . . I have been, very regimented, 3 days running, 3 days The Firm, one day break.

Shorts are still tight. Sort of solves a problem as I have more 2P pants than 0P for when work starts next week (I realize that now that I''ve shared my "bigger" size no one feels sorry for me). But part of me is like, hey, what gives, and of course, I''m in that awkward one-size-is-too-tight, the other-size-is-too-loose limbo.

DH and I met some friends for a historical tour yesterday, and as we were heading out to this island for the main part of the tour we passed an ice cream truck. I hadn''t prepared properly (normally would have brought an afternoon snack) so DH and I popped over and had chocolate eclairs. But later with the same friends we were good and had non-fried egg rolls for appetizers and skipped dessert (although we all raided the dark chocolate bag while watching Michael Phelps break the record later).

My sister''s b-day is tomorrow and for the first time in my life it occurred to me to offer to cook. Of course, I don''t have a three year old who won''t eat anything (and a one year old who''ll eat anything, including his sister''s untouched plates) so I may not be quite up to that challenge yet.

Kim, the staycation sounds nice.

Deejay, yum, those cookies do sound good, not your run-of-the-mill cookies.


Apr 30, 2005
I just spent a little time with Ben and Jerry.....


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 8/17/2008 3:45:17 PM
Author: Lorelei
I just spent a little time with Ben and Jerry.....

Ahhhh, Ben and Jerry. I do my best to love them both equally!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey there..........I didn't get an opportunity to check in yesterday, but hope everyone had a great Saturday. We finally went and saw the Dark Knight. While I at least liked the movie, Mr. Charlie absolutely, completely, utterly hated it. I must admit it was longer and more violent than I had anticipated, but I thought Heath Ledger was just unbelievable as the Joker. I'm not sure the movie deserves the unadulterated praise it's gotten and it certainly doesn't stand in the same field of great movies such as Titanic for example, but I'm glad I at least saw it. Then we had our usual Friday night on Saturday night Sushi, but since we'd had popcorn at the movie, we just had a cup of coffee afterwards without any dessert. Today, was a regular Sunday. Coffee and fresh fruit on the terrace, then we actually fixed pancakes for lunch. One of my co-workers was on vacation a week ago and she brought everyone in the office huckleberry pancake mix as a gift. They were sooooo gooood! I only had three pancakes, but man what a treat! Then we had coffee under the oak, followed by a very long and productive workout at the gym. We went to Fresh Market to buy food for Sunday dinner. We had fresh artichokes, baked Monk fish and steamed shrimp. It was all good and whle I like the Fresh Market chain, it isn't, nor will it ever be a replacement for the specialty independent grocer I wrote about who closed last week. Oh well, life is all about change, right?? Tomorrow, Charlie is off at a regular hour, so we'll meet for Monday night sushi after work, and I'll work out at the gym on Tuesday night this week.

Oh, and we're currently under a Hurricane watch for Tuesday. Please send some PS dust that the storm goes away and harms no one, but at a miminum, that it avoids Tampa at least.......

Zoe, I hope your gym session went well yesterday as well as the meeting with the photographer! And you couldn't have gained two pounds of fat from one day of indulging. If you recall me mentioning a while ago that you have to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound, so the reverse is true and to have gained 2 pounds you'd have to have consumed 7,000 calories. Doesn't sound like you could have come even remotely close with what you wrote about. It's likely just water retention, especially since you ate movie theatre popcorn, which is loaded with sodium.

Oh Skippy, I can so see you tooling around in a BMW Hardtop Convertible!! In answer to your question, during the hot hot hot months, I don't put my top down much. But during the cooler months, I put it down a lot. And like yourself, I never really rode around with my windows open or my sunroof open in my previous non-convertible cars. But once you have a convertible, you feel obligated to put the top down when it's nice out and it is so much fun to be able to do that to begin with. I'm sure you'd look adorable in one too!!

Those cookes sounded wonderful DeeJay!!

I hope you have a great Staycation Kimberly. How incredibly thoughtful of John!! We certainly live in a Staycation area, and when we ever get ahead financially after us both being off for nearly 5 months, I think we'll take a staycation too!

Glad you had a good shopping day Marcy! Sorry about all the rain. What kind of watch did Marty buy? I love watches and have a nice small collection myself........

I'm glad you're doing well phoenix and still working out hard. I hope the dinner you offered to cook for your sister turns out fantastic!

So how was Ben and Jerry Lorelei??? I haven't visited them in over 2 years, but I have waved at them while looking at them in the freezer at our local grocery store. They still look good I must admit!! LOL

OK.....enough babbling from me........I hope you enjoyed your weekend and the upcoming week treats you just great!

Rod out..........


Nov 24, 2006
I am laughing because I think we all had a wee bit naughty Sunday! I went to party, guess what was served and I was hungry!!!
Wine, and more wine, cream puffs, brownies, pb bars, cheese, pepperoni, pita chips, chicken salad croissants and that was it, no healthy snacks. LOL I felt so special wearing my brooch (I know it is silly but I did). hehe There were a few of the local politicians wives at this party and one came over and complimented me on it so I felt like a million bucks!
The funny thing before the party happened I had in my mind what I was going to wear and didn't have my outfit pulled out and I didn't realize where I put it so I ended up cleaning out my closet which is a good thing, now I have clothes to give to charity! hehe No workout, tomorrow it will happen

Rod, honey, you just made my day with your sweet words! Maybe I can trade cars with hubby and convience him I need a convertible! LOL
Rod, I loved Heath Ledger in that movie but I can see how people think it is ultra violent. I actually prepared myself for it and ended up loving that movie!

Kimi, yay for a staycation! I love it when hubby and I spend the weekend in Santa Fe! Have a wonderful time!!!

DeeJay, honey you crack me up!!! hehe

Lorelei, I love B&J's oatmeal cookie ice cream my absolute favorite they have there! hehe Then they discontinued it, it was a sad day for sure!

Marcy, hi honey! Yay for a new pendant and earrings!!

SDL, the weight watchers chocolate shakes are yummy!

Linda, I forgot to reply to you and tell you I make the Weight Watchers Protein shakes and then mix in the cold flaxseed oil (it has to be stored in the fridge).

Zoe, it is probably from all the salt so water weight!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone.
I cooked BF for us – pancakes and bacon. Then we went grocery shopping and to the mall. I found a skirt, jacket, top and denim vest to buy then when I was starting to check out I noticed a teacher’s day coupon that is good on the 21st. I asked about it and I’ll get $50 off my purchase (it depends on how much you are spending how much you get). I asked them to hold them for me. I am excited to wear a skirt on the first night of school.
After lunch Marty went over to a friend’s house to play some PS3 games. I cleaned house this afternoon then made supper for us. Tonight I got all the club newsletters ready to go out in the mail.
While trying to get a container back up in the closet (I’m short) I knocked the lid off and it hit me in the mouth. It split my lip open inside. I hope I don’t get a fat lip. Marty said “great, people will be giving him a dirty look tomorrow.”
We ended up with over 3 inches of rain in the last few days. It warmed up to the 70’s today.
Zoe, you certainly didn’t consume enough food to gain 2 pounds. It is most likely water weight and will come right back off. Glad you had fun this weekend.
Lorelei, hope your teef are better. When do you have to go get tortured some more? Glad you had some time with B&J. Yummy.
PhoenixGirl, what a treat to come upon an ice cream truck. That sounds great. Have fun cooking for your sister’s Bday.
SanDiegoLady, I need to try gelato sometime. Enjoy the quiet for ½ a day tomorrow.
DeeJay, LOL at making sure you love both B&J equally. I used to be a frequent visitor to Cherry Garcia.
Rod, we haven’t gone to see Dark Knight. I think I’ll have the same reaction as Charlie to it. I was wondering if you were in the path of the hurricane. Take care and PS good luck dust coming your way. Marty got a Bell and Ross BR01-96. He loves it. He had to order a new watch winder for it so right now it’s sleeping at night with my bracelets. He has a Hamilton, a Maurice LaCroix and an Oris. What is in your collection?
Skippy, glad you had fun at the party. Of course you should feel like a million bucks – you are a sweetie and you are wearing a gorgeous brooch. The food sounds divine. Thanks for the yay for the new bling. I am working on a few things then I have to be good.
Sleep well tonight. Have a great Monday.


Nov 24, 2006
Marcy, I am so sorry the container fell on you that is awful; I hope you don''t have a fat lip either, you poor sweetie pie! Sending you a hug and hoping your mouth doesn''t hurt too much! You breakfast sounded yummy and yay for clothes. Thank you for your sweet words!!!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006

Can you post the WW protein shake for me. Is that a snack??? I was naughty over the weekend too. I ate soooo many naughty things.

Marcy: I am sorry you have a fat lip. Marty made me laugh, yes people will look at him funny, tee hee.



Nov 24, 2006
Linda, they sell it at the meetings. I think it is like $1 a shake so it is $7 for 7 shakes; I drink the chocolate ones. I use water but you can use milk and it counts as 2 of your daily milk intakes. I mix in flaxseed oil just because my hair is so dry and I heard it is good for you to get some oils in?

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Thanks Skippy, I will have to look into it.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 8/18/2008 12:04:05 AM
Author: Linda W
Thanks Skippy, I will have to look into it.
Melaleuca sells something similar called Attain that i use to buy in chocolate.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Skippy, is it a snack or a meal replacement?


Feb 27, 2007
Skippy, thanks for the hug. My lip has a little "v" bump and is cut both inside and out. It is a little achy but only hurts when I laugh or smile.

Linda, I''ll have to act like I''m afraid of Marty tomorrow. Ha Ha. When I told him I got hurt while he was gone this afternoon he immediately figured it was another "knife"incident.


Sep 16, 2007
Hope everyone had a great weekend. Although it''s technically Monday,
I thought I''d get in one last post here before bed. Had a semi-good weekend foodwise. The Cheesecake Factory calories I ate were a mystery, but I only ate half of my plate & my sister ate the rest. Their portions are so huge I don''t know how much a consumed! My parents came up this morning & after Sunday mass together (something I msis dearly) we went to my dad''s friend''s Vietnamese restaurant. It was so good! I think Vietnamese food is generally not as fattening as most commercial restaurant food, but who knows. I didn''t weigh much more when I weighed myself tonight, so I think I did okay. I have a few more days of freedom then my first class of the semester is Thursday night.
School will truly be a drag, but hopefully all my work will distract me from eating so much!

Zoe - Glad to hear you''re feeling better. Everyone has those BLAH days, so it''s good you''ve gotten past it so quickly. Those 2lbs were probably from the coke or popcorn, so no biggie. Good for you for eating healthy at the restaurant.

Skippy - Yay for brooch party! That''s so fun & compliments are great for anyone on a diet/workout regimen. I know I had a bit of a naughty weekend!

DeeJay - LOL @ your night planning! Good job on the elliptical - I''m so jealous b/c I love that thing, especially now that I am stuck w/the treadmill. That''s great about the skirts being too big...much better than being to small, at least, right?! It''s crazy to me how different lines vary, but you gotta love those ones that run "big."

Kimberly - Yay for hubby surprise! That sounds so lovely...staycations are amazing!

Marcy - Did you post pics of your pendant & earrings?
Your meals sound so yummy & it''s great how you can notice a change in you & your DH''s eating habits. The scale is my friend one day & my enemy the next...I think everyone has a love/hate relationship with their scale. My scale has some memory on it & I do this funny thing where I do an initial weigh-in where I see where I''m at relative to last time & if it''s good news then I weigh myself again through the memory function & then the scale records it! Otherwise, I just note the increase & don''t record it! Haha! Sorry about your lip injury...I''m short too & I always need to climb & jump on things to grab high-shelf items so I can sympathize.

Phoenix - Not to be unsympathetic or unsupportive, but size 2 & 0?!
Just kidding, I know that most people could have a healthier lifestyle regardless of weight.

SDL - I''m a bigtime late night eater but have been working on it this summer, as the temptation is so much higher when I don''t have school/work early everyday.
Protein shakes might be a good idea, I''ve never had them, but I can definitely understand you not wanting a full meal that late! Your job is so amazing!

Rod - I also found Dark Knight a bit violent, but less so than a majority of movies I''ve seen lately just b/c of the lack of blood/gore involved. The Joker was so dark, though, so it was quite disturbing in an entertaining way. Did you see it on an IMAX screen? Your weekend sounds lovely! You guys do such cute couple things!
**DUST** for a safe hurricane pass-over Rod!
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