
GOG chunky cushions - design opinions please?

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Dec 30, 2006
I''m sure whatever you pick will be beautiful AJ! Just another thing to consider. What colour will the sidestones be? If your centre stone is an L do you mind seeing a difference in colour? When I had my split shank the melee were F-G and the centre stone was a J. I could see the difference and it bugged me.

softly softly

Jun 13, 2007
A.J I hope my question didn''t sound rude - apologies if it did. I think your new cushion will be wonderful. There''s just something special about these chunky faceted cushions isn''t there?

As for the ring choices you have posted have to agree with Ellen, the C.M is amazing! Can''t wait to see what you choose. Perhaps we will have to get our chunky cushions together one day when I visit Perth!


Feb 25, 2009
I vote this setting. I think it will really enhance your gorgeous stone. It is also a bit more feminine, bit more simple and classy than the earlier settings that you posted. Can''t wait to see the final product.


Feb 25, 2009
Whoops, I didn't attach the photo of the setting I prefer. It is the last setting with the tapered side stones.


Jan 8, 2008
Date: 6/14/2009 8:02:51 AM
Author: arjunajane
here is an example with two diamonds on each side..(they will be very small, likely less than 15 points total from what I can tell..).
This setting gets my vote! YUMMY

pauly1 also had a gorgeous cushion in a custom setting by Greenlake. Check it out


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 6/14/2009 10:24:10 AM
Author: Ellen
Date: 6/14/2009 10:15:32 AM

Author: arjunajane

Thankyou Miss Ellen!

Although I still love my Legato, one thing I have discovered from going around and actually *trying rings on*

is that, surprisingly, thicker shanks look much nicer on my hand (thicker as in say ~3-4mm). I say surprisingly as I have very short fingers and small hands, so you would think it''d be the opposite right..?

So, that''s why I''m going with these more substantial styles this time around.

So, I do love this CM setting, and know it would complement the cushion perfectly..but I''m wondering, should I have the cushion set in the Legato for awhile until I ''get to know it'', incase I change my mind/tastes again?

Or just get the whole new ''package'' completed while the diamond is in the US, therefore avoiding the problems of international postage/customs/insurance back and forth in the future etc...?

I know this is alot of questions, lol!

But I do have alot to decide..I''d love your input?
Actually, that doesn''t really surprise me. My fingers are rather short too, and I''ve always felt a bit of width looks better on my hands, hence the x-prong! (and in looking on here, I think thin rings look better on long, slender fingers, but that''s just mho)That''s great that you went looking, I think your cushion will look fab in one of these styles.

Hmmm, that''s a good question on what to do. I ''would'' automatically say, put it in your Legato until you''re totally sure, but, there is that whole shipping thing.... I''m just not sure what to tell you sweetie. What''s your ''gut'' feeling on it? I''m just such a big believer in following my gut. It''s almost never wrong...

Cheers for your thoughts Ellen..
may I ask how wide is the band on your x prong ?(still adore that style btw). I''ve tried on a couple of plain bands I have around and 4mm seems to be perfect, leaving *just* enough room for a skinny w-band (2mm or less)..

Yeah, the shipping thing makes it really hard - this would have all been finalized weeks ago if it were up to me,
but its simply impossible for me to get an adequate level of coverage to send my ring back to the US - its really frustrating!
GOG are looking into what can be done on their side, so I''m crossing my fingers for some good news this coming week..

My gut says to get the CM while it''s not a drama - however, the whole idea of this project was a "downgrade" in order to free up some $, as I''ve gone from full time employment to f/t study - so the money thing comes into it too, yanno?
Ah well, I know only I can decide these things, but thankyou for your input anyway!


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 6/14/2009 10:51:05 AM
Author: ericad
Beautiful setting choices!

My personal favorite is the 1st one. I love the wide shoulders because it''s so different from your other, more delicate JM.

As for whether to use JM or CM, I would just ask James about it. Tell him you have fallen for this setting style, has he made anything like that before, that you really want to work with him again but don''t want to ask him copy Caleb''s design, etc.

That will be stunning!

Hey Erica,
thanks for tuning in - I thought this may be right up your alley
So that''s one vote for the wide shoulders huh...
Yeah, I think I will follow the good advice here and just ask James upfront when the time comes.
Thankyou for your input!


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 6/14/2009 10:51:05 AM
Author: ericad
Beautiful setting choices!

My personal favorite is the 1st one. I love the wide shoulders because it''s so different from your other, more delicate JM.

As for whether to use JM or CM, I would just ask James about it. Tell him you have fallen for this setting style, has he made anything like that before, that you really want to work with him again but don''t want to ask him copy Caleb''s design, etc.

That will be stunning!

Hey Erica,
thanks for tuning in - I thought this may be right up your alley
So that''s one vote for the wide shoulders huh...
Yeah, I think I will follow the good advice here and just ask James upfront when the time comes.
Thankyou for your input!


Jan 18, 2008
Thankyou D&T, Libra and LTP for your very clear confirmations, lol! Also cheers Tigian and akmiss, I''m glad there is a consensus.

Next question though for you ladies who voted - do you prefer the look with one small diamond on each side, or the two small diamonds..? (like the photo I posted with the round diamond centre).

And do you think this will look ok in two tone? Here''s a photo of a two tone example I found, (however I wouldn''t ask for the knife edge)

It looks like we have a clear fave so far, thanks everyone!



Jan 18, 2008
Date: 6/14/2009 12:17:56 PM
Author: Maisie
I''m sure whatever you pick will be beautiful AJ! Just another thing to consider. What colour will the sidestones be? If your centre stone is an L do you mind seeing a difference in colour? When I had my split shank the melee were F-G and the centre stone was a J. I could see the difference and it bugged me.

Hey maisie, thanks hon. I did def. consider this, and yep that would bug me too.
I know small melee are usually F-G, but I would specifically request for them to be at least I/J and hopefully they''d agree - I think that would look fine, don''t you?
I know this sounds awful...but I wonder if I could ask them to use ACA melee......

I''m sure that would sound terribly rude, but I know those lil side diamonds will have alot to compete with
these cushions, lol! I''m sure they are great, but its a bit too hard to make out in any of calebs pics what the cut of the small diamonds are, yanno?

Oh no..I''m starting to sound like one of those hyper detail control ppl I usually criticize, lol!


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 6/14/2009 7:29:10 PM
Author: softly softly
A.J I hope my question didn''t sound rude - apologies if it did. I think your new cushion will be wonderful. There''s just something special about these chunky faceted cushions isn''t there?

As for the ring choices you have posted have to agree with Ellen, the C.M is amazing! Can''t wait to see what you choose. Perhaps we will have to get our chunky cushions together one day when I visit Perth!

No, not at all SS, don''t be silly! Sorry, my answer wasn''t rude was it?
Don''t worry, I knew this question would come up sooner or later (obviously), seeing as I already have an ering, lol..
I''m happy to chat about it, but I just don''t want to say much about the details yet until Jon receives my ring back and all the decisions are made, that''s all

I would love to visit with your chunky cushion, it''s certainly one of my faves

Thankyou for your vote on the ring choice.


Feb 5, 2004
Date: 6/14/2009 11:19:17 PM
Author: arjunajane

Date: 6/14/2009 7:29:10 PM
Author: softly softly
A.J I hope my question didn't sound rude - apologies if it did. I think your new cushion will be wonderful. There's just something special about these chunky faceted cushions isn't there?

As for the ring choices you have posted have to agree with Ellen, the C.M is amazing! Can't wait to see what you choose. Perhaps we will have to get our chunky cushions together one day when I visit Perth!

No, not at all SS, don't be silly! Sorry, my answer wasn't rude was it?
Don't worry, I knew this question would come up sooner or later (obviously), seeing as I already have an ering, lol..
I'm happy to chat about it, but I just don't want to say much about the details yet until Jon receives my ring back and all the decisions are made, that's all

I would love to visit with your chunky cushion, it's certainly one of my faves

Thankyou for your vote on the ring choice.
Another vote for the ring with the "narrower" shoulders. I also like the two tone. But will Caleb use your stone? I thought someone on the colored stones forum said they weren't sure whether he would. I would love to consider him for a future project but didn't know if he'd be open to using a stone I had sourced.

I also have short fingers and I tend to like wider shanks on rings. While I love my JM, it took me a while to get used to the narrow, delicate look to that shank. There is something I like about a substantial shank. It just has a lot of "presense" to it. I sometimes feel out of the loop though because it seems like the very narrow shanks are much preferred.

Edited to add: I'm not sure why I quoted those posts-lol.


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 6/15/2009 1:08:09 AM
Author: Cind11
Date: 6/14/2009 11:19:17 PM
Another vote for the ring with the ''narrower'' shoulders. I also like the two tone. But will Caleb use your stone? I thought someone on the colored stones forum said they weren''t sure whether he would. I would love to consider him for a future project but didn''t know if he''d be open to using a stone I had sourced.

I also have short fingers and I tend to like wider shanks on rings. While I love my JM, it took me a while to get used to the narrow, delicate look to that shank. There is something I like about a substantial shank. It just has a lot of ''presense'' to it. I sometimes feel out of the loop though because it seems like the very narrow shanks are much preferred.

Edited to add: I''m not sure why I quoted those posts-lol.

ha ha, thats ok Cind.

Yes, I remember someone saying that on the CS forum too - but I''m hoping that applies more to coloured gems, as they have a greater risk of damage while setting? (that''s what I''m hoping anyway, lol)..

I dunno - I looked at the loose stone range on the CM site and its *very* narrow, so it would seem odd to me not to accept outside diamonds, esp. for engagement rings, kwim? But I guess we will soon find out, when i hear back about my quote

Yep, I have to admit I was influenced thinking narrow shanks were the way to go for my ering, but I''m glad I now know what actually suits me better.
However, with my JM I don''t mind it, I guess because its got the split there, and plus its so well made - even how delicate it is, I haven''t been concerned about damaging it at all.

cheers for your input Cind!


Oct 21, 2007
It was me who posted on CS about CM not accepting outside gemstones for setting. I had hoped to send some of my gemstones to him for setting, but NO can do.

I emailed him yesterday about sending a diamond to him for setting and should hear back later today....will let you know what he says ASAP.....crossing fingers!



Jan 18, 2008
Date: 6/15/2009 3:07:19 AM
Author: loriken214
It was me who posted on CS about CM not accepting outside gemstones for setting. I had hoped to send some of my gemstones to him for setting, but NO can do.

I emailed him yesterday about sending a diamond to him for setting and should hear back later today....will let you know what he says ASAP.....crossing fingers!


Thanks Lori, I would love if you could post the reply , cheers.
Did he give a reason about not accepting gems?
Yeah, crossing fingers he''ll think differently about the diamonds for sure!


Jan 5, 2009
loriken and aj -

my communication with CM was in regards to using my diamond in one of his settings, and he was fine with it. i didnt speak with him, but i spoke with a woman there who seemed pretty ''on the ball'' and she said it would be fine.


Jan 5, 2009
aj - this is the style i''m having. i can imagine this exactly with your cushion....

(i''ve attached this because it''s in two tone with no knife edge. i love the shoulders on this also)

CA ring e.jpg


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 6/15/2009 5:34:01 AM
Author: whitby_2773
aj - this is the style i''m having. i can imagine this exactly with your cushion....

(i''ve attached this because it''s in two tone with no knife edge. i love the shoulders on this also)

Thankyou whitby for the details and the photo, I appreciate it. That''s good to know about the diamond. Will you be doing gold or plat?
Do you mind if I ask, seeing as you have already made enquiries about this exact design, what the prices are like compared to JM? You don''t need to tell me your exact quote of course, just approx? (only if you don''t mind)..

I am just on pins and needles waiting to find out if I can afford him or not is all !

Thankyou for your help Whitby, I hope you don''t mind we may potentially end up with just the same setting ?


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 6/14/2009 10:55:44 PM
Author: arjunajane

Cheers for your thoughts Ellen..
may I ask how wide is the band on your x prong ?(still adore that style btw). I''ve tried on a couple of plain bands I have around and 4mm seems to be perfect, leaving *just* enough room for a skinny w-band (2mm or less)..

Yeah, the shipping thing makes it really hard - this would have all been finalized weeks ago if it were up to me,
but its simply impossible for me to get an adequate level of coverage to send my ring back to the US - its really frustrating!
GOG are looking into what can be done on their side, so I''m crossing my fingers for some good news this coming week..

My gut says to get the CM while it''s not a drama - however, the whole idea of this project was a ''downgrade'' in order to free up some $, as I''ve gone from full time employment to f/t study - so the money thing comes into it too, yanno?
Ah well, I know only I can decide these things, but thankyou for your input anyway!

The x-prong is 4mm at the head and then begins tapering. The width on the upper part of my finger is like a hair over 3.5.

I hope everything works out, and I trust you''ll make the right decision!


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 6/15/2009 7:42:22 AM
Author: Ellen
Date: 6/14/2009 10:55:44 PM

Author: arjunajane

Cheers for your thoughts Ellen..

may I ask how wide is the band on your x prong ?(still adore that style btw). I''ve tried on a couple of plain bands I have around and 4mm seems to be perfect, leaving *just* enough room for a skinny w-band (2mm or less)..

Yeah, the shipping thing makes it really hard - this would have all been finalized weeks ago if it were up to me,

but its simply impossible for me to get an adequate level of coverage to send my ring back to the US - its really frustrating!

GOG are looking into what can be done on their side, so I''m crossing my fingers for some good news this coming week..

My gut says to get the CM while it''s not a drama - however, the whole idea of this project was a ''downgrade'' in order to free up some $, as I''ve gone from full time employment to f/t study - so the money thing comes into it too, yanno?

Ah well, I know only I can decide these things, but thankyou for your input anyway!

The x-prong is 4mm at the head and then begins tapering. The width on the upper part of my finger is like a hair over 3.5.

I hope everything works out, and I trust you''ll make the right decision!

Thankyou Hon - yep, 4mm seems *just right* for me too.
I think I will really try to re-use the Legato, but if its gonna be a large cost or chance to mangle the ring, I''d rather save it for a nice coloured gem..kwim?

Than, maybe once I am ready to send my diamond back to the US someone would''ve joined the 21st century here and found a way for me to send it over without costing an arm and leg, lol...I kid you not, one price I was quoted for insurance plus freight was half the value of the ring

Can you believe that?!

Argh, so many decisions, lol!


Feb 8, 2003
Date: 6/14/2009 11:13:33 PM
Author: arjunajane

Date: 6/14/2009 12:17:56 PM
Author: Maisie
I''m sure whatever you pick will be beautiful AJ! Just another thing to consider. What colour will the sidestones be? If your centre stone is an L do you mind seeing a difference in colour? When I had my split shank the melee were F-G and the centre stone was a J. I could see the difference and it bugged me.

Hey maisie, thanks hon. I did def. consider this, and yep that would bug me too.
I know small melee are usually F-G, but I would specifically request for them to be at least I/J and hopefully they''d agree - I think that would look fine, don''t you?
I know this sounds awful...but I wonder if I could ask them to use ACA melee......

I''m sure that would sound terribly rude, but I know those lil side diamonds will have alot to compete with
these cushions, lol! I''m sure they are great, but its a bit too hard to make out in any of calebs pics what the cut of the small diamonds are, yanno?

Oh no..I''m starting to sound like one of those hyper detail control ppl I usually criticize, lol!
aj, you lucky lucky lady! I''m sorry I''m late in joining in, but what a fantastic project! I can''t wait to see more photos of your actual stone. I lo
ve the two tone mounting you have chosen. Frankly, I would''t do it any other way, and I''d go for the two diamonds on each side option. I just like that one better. The one diamond on each side option is too abrupt for me.

You have no worries about using precision cut H&As diamonds. Ask Jonathan about the ones that his shop uses. I have them in my new earrings. (They''re not ACAs, but they are precision cut and each does display H&As) I don''t want to post the name of the company they use here as they are not PS vendors, but I imagine Jon can get you any color and clarity you desire and ship them with your center stone. (Knowing what I know from my jewelry designer friends and my GIA studies, I would stay within two color grades of your main stone).

I think this is going to be one heck of a spectacular ring! I don''t think of it as hyper control, I think of is as knowing and understanding the many details of creating a beautiful custom design.


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 6/15/2009 8:28:11 AM
Author: arjunajane

Thankyou Hon - yep, 4mm seems *just right* for me too.
I think I will really try to re-use the Legato, but if its gonna be a large cost or chance to mangle the ring, I''d rather save it for a nice coloured gem..kwim?

Than, maybe once I am ready to send my diamond back to the US someone would''ve joined the 21st century here and found a way for me to send it over without costing an arm and leg, lol...I kid you not, one price I was quoted for insurance plus freight was half the value of the ring

Can you believe that?!

Argh, so many decisions, lol!

Um, I''m thinking it might be cheaper just to move here.


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 6/15/2009 9:32:07 AM
Author: Ellen
Date: 6/15/2009 8:28:11 AM

Author: arjunajane

Thankyou Hon - yep, 4mm seems *just right* for me too.

I think I will really try to re-use the Legato, but if its gonna be a large cost or chance to mangle the ring, I''d rather save it for a nice coloured gem..kwim?

Than, maybe once I am ready to send my diamond back to the US someone would''ve joined the 21st century here and found a way for me to send it over without costing an arm and leg, lol...I kid you not, one price I was quoted for insurance plus freight was half the value of the ring

Can you believe that?!

Argh, so many decisions, lol!

Um, I''m thinking it might be cheaper just to move here.

Yeah, I know its a joke - I couldn''t believe the stupidity of it.
Exactly, I could go on a trip and deliver it in person for less than that

Guess how much the second cheaper one was......



Jan 13, 2006


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 6/15/2009 9:19:22 AM
Author: gemgirl
Date: 6/14/2009 11:13:33 PM

Author: arjunajane

Date: 6/14/2009 12:17:56 PM

Author: Maisie

I''m sure whatever you pick will be beautiful AJ! Just another thing to consider. What colour will the sidestones be? If your centre stone is an L do you mind seeing a difference in colour? When I had my split shank the melee were F-G and the centre stone was a J. I could see the difference and it bugged me.

Hey maisie, thanks hon. I did def. consider this, and yep that would bug me too.

I know small melee are usually F-G, but I would specifically request for them to be at least I/J and hopefully they''d agree - I think that would look fine, don''t you?

I know this sounds awful...but I wonder if I could ask them to use ACA melee......

I''m sure that would sound terribly rude, but I know those lil side diamonds will have alot to compete with

these cushions, lol! I''m sure they are great, but its a bit too hard to make out in any of calebs pics what the cut of the small diamonds are, yanno?

Oh no..I''m starting to sound like one of those hyper detail control ppl I usually criticize, lol!


aj, you lucky lucky lady! I''m sorry I''m late in joining in, but what a fantastic project! I can''t wait to see more photos of your actual stone. I lo
ve the two tone mounting you have chosen. Frankly, I would''t do it any other way, and I''d go for the two diamonds on each side option. I just like that one better. The one diamond on each side option is too abrupt for me.

You have no worries about using precision cut H&As diamonds. Ask Jonathan about the ones that his shop uses. I have them in my new earrings. (They''re not ACAs, but they are precision cut and each does display H&As) I don''t want to post the name of the company they use here as they are not PS vendors, but I imagine Jon can get you any color and clarity you desire and ship them with your center stone. (Knowing what I know from my jewelry designer friends and my GIA studies, I would stay within two color grades of your main stone).

I think this is going to be one heck of a spectacular ring! I don''t think of it as hyper control, I think of is as knowing and understanding the many details of creating a beautiful custom design.

Hey there GG,
that is really great info, thankyou, and also for your input on the setting choice - I didn''t know GOG had their own H&A melee, cheers for that!

Do you have any idea if they come in really small, say a 3 pointer for example?
The ring pictured below will likely have similiar dimensions to "mine", as the centre is a 0.9ct..
and the sides are only 0.08ct I need them pretty tiny!

Thankyou for the tip on two colour grades -ppfftt.. I''ve got a feeling that getting matching 3 pointer J colour VS H&A melee may represent a bigger challenge than the diamond or setting, lol!

I just hope that CM wouldn''t take offence to me wanting to use my own melee - it really would be cool to have a ring with both a GOG chunky and still have some H&A showing, what a dream!

Oohh, now you have me all excited, lol..

2128-C-143 CM.jpg


Feb 8, 2003
Date: 6/15/2009 10:01:53 AM
Author: arjunajane

Date: 6/15/2009 9:19:22 AM
Author: gemgirl

Date: 6/14/2009 11:13:33 PM

Author: arjunajane

Date: 6/14/2009 12:17:56 PM

Author: Maisie

I'm sure whatever you pick will be beautiful AJ! Just another thing to consider. What colour will the sidestones be? If your centre stone is an L do you mind seeing a difference in colour? When I had my split shank the melee were F-G and the centre stone was a J. I could see the difference and it bugged me.

Hey maisie, thanks hon. I did def. consider this, and yep that would bug me too.

I know small melee are usually F-G, but I would specifically request for them to be at least I/J and hopefully they'd agree - I think that would look fine, don't you?

I know this sounds awful...but I wonder if I could ask them to use ACA melee......

I'm sure that would sound terribly rude, but I know those lil side diamonds will have alot to compete with

these cushions, lol! I'm sure they are great, but its a bit too hard to make out in any of calebs pics what the cut of the small diamonds are, yanno?

Oh no..I'm starting to sound like one of those hyper detail control ppl I usually criticize, lol!


aj, you lucky lucky lady! I'm sorry I'm late in joining in, but what a fantastic project! I can't wait to see more photos of your actual stone. I lo
ve the two tone mounting you have chosen. Frankly, I would't do it any other way, and I'd go for the two diamonds on each side option. I just like that one better. The one diamond on each side option is too abrupt for me.

You have no worries about using precision cut H&As diamonds. Ask Jonathan about the ones that his shop uses. I have them in my new earrings. (They're not ACAs, but they are precision cut and each does display H&As) I don't want to post the name of the company they use here as they are not PS vendors, but I imagine Jon can get you any color and clarity you desire and ship them with your center stone. (Knowing what I know from my jewelry designer friends and my GIA studies, I would stay within two color grades of your main stone).

I think this is going to be one heck of a spectacular ring! I don't think of it as hyper control, I think of is as knowing and understanding the many details of creating a beautiful custom design.

Hey there GG,
that is really great info, thankyou, and also for your input on the setting choice - I didn't know GOG had their own H&A melee, cheers for that!

Do you have any idea if they come in really small, say a 3 pointer for example?
The ring pictured below will likely have similiar dimensions to 'mine', as the centre is a 0.9ct..
and the sides are only 0.08ct I need them pretty tiny!

Thankyou for the tip on two colour grades -ppfftt.. I've got a feeling that getting matching 3 pointer J colour VS H&A melee may represent a bigger challenge than the diamond or setting, lol!

I just hope that CM wouldn't take offence to me wanting to use my own melee - it really would be cool to have a ring with both a GOG chunky and still have some H&A showing, what a dream!

Oohh, now you have me all excited, lol..
Jon's shop uses a particular brand of H&As melees and they do come very small. I have sixteen 1 pointers in my new earrings. I can't say for sure (because my melees are G/H), but J color diamonds are not all that uncommon any more. It's definitely worth asking about. I'd bet Jon could get anything he asks for!

People who are not particularly color sensitive won't see any difference between the two colors grades, and for people who are color sensitive, there's not enough of a difference in color to be distracting. Staying within two color grades keeps you on the safe side.

I really don't think CM would be offended by Jon sending along a few melees with your center stone. You're contracting him to make you a custom mounting. You can choose to put whatever you'd like to put in it. I say go for the baby H&As diamonds!

I'm excited for you too! That mounting is just gorgeous and it's going to look fantastic on your hand.

Edited to include: I just looked on the company website for the precision cut H&As that Jon uses and these are the color groups for small round brilliants. (It wouldn't let me copy and paste, so I'm going back and forth to transfer the info) And I can't find it anywhere on their site, but Amy told me that these H&As come as small as half pointers. Look below, they have all colors.

G+ Colorless
H/I Near colorless
J/K Near colorless to faint yellow
K/L Faint yellow
L/M/N Faint yellow to very light yellow
TTLB Top Top Light Brown
TLB Top Light Brown
LB Light Brown



Dec 12, 2008
I''d asked about using my own stone also, when I was originally planning on antique cushion diamond for the CM setting, and was told they prefer to use their own stones. When I''d finally decided I really wanted a colored stone, I asked about that too, and she said the same thing. I did tell her that when I actually have the stone and am ready to have the actual ring, I''d email again and see if anything could be worked out. (although now I''m wanting to change gold colors, so who knows!) I''ve since emailed another vendor to see if they can do something similar. I hope it works out for you AJ-gives me hope for what I want too!


Jan 23, 2008
I have an idea that I think would be great...instead of getting H&A melee...why dont you get OEC melee from either Jon or Old world diamonds? I think that would be beautiful!


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 6/15/2009 10:28:01 AM
Author: gemgirl
Date: 6/15/2009 10:01:53 AM

Jon''s shop uses a particular brand of H&As melees and they do come very small. I have sixteen 1 pointers in my new earrings. I can''t say for sure (because my melees are G/H), but J color diamonds are not all that uncommon any more. It''s definitely worth asking about. I''d bet Jon could get anything he asks for!

People who are not particularly color sensitive won''t see any difference between the two colors grades, and for people who are color sensitive, there''s not enough of a difference in color to be distracting. Staying within two color grades keeps you on the safe side.

I really don''t think CM would be offended by Jon sending along a few melees with your center stone. You''re contracting him to make you a custom mounting. You can choose to put whatever you''d like to put in it. I say go for the baby H&As diamonds!

I''m excited for you too! That mounting is just gorgeous and it''s going to look fantastic on your hand.


Edited to include: I just looked on the company website for the precision cut H&As that Jon uses and these are the color groups for small round brilliants. (It wouldn''t let me copy and paste, so I''m going back and forth to transfer the info) And I can''t find it anywhere on their site, but Amy told me that these H&As come as small as half pointers. Look below, they have all colors.

G+ Colorless

H/I Near colorless

J/K Near colorless to faint yellow

K/L Faint yellow

L/M/N Faint yellow to very light yellow

TTLB Top Top Light Brown

TLB Top Light Brown

LB Light Brown

Hey again GG,
thankyou so much for looking that up for me, I really appreciate it. Thats great news about both the size and colour. I think I would go J/K, what do you reckon?..

Well, fingers crossed that CM will accept the centre diamond to begin with, than we will go from there on the melee, lol..

So far, it doesn''t sound very promising from other PS''ers

Thankyou GG for all your great help, very kind of you!


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 6/15/2009 11:36:45 AM
Author: packrat
I'd asked about using my own stone also, when I was originally planning on antique cushion diamond for the CM setting, and was told they prefer to use their own stones. When I'd finally decided I really wanted a colored stone, I asked about that too, and she said the same thing. I did tell her that when I actually have the stone and am ready to have the actual ring, I'd email again and see if anything could be worked out. (although now I'm wanting to change gold colors, so who knows!) I've since emailed another vendor to see if they can do something similar. I hope it works out for you AJ-gives me hope for what I want too!

Hi Packrat,
thats' a shame..
I wonder if it has something to do with what type of stone the client wants to use..? I find it interesting they are refusing business based on this policy really..
It's a bit disconcerting that Whitby seems to have had a different response to you other ladies hey..

Ah well, fingers crossed. Of course I would still love to work with Jim again, but there's those design/copy issues..
anyways, I guess I'm just getting ahead of myself pretty far anyways, lol..

I'll just leave it to fate, otherwise I'm gonna get all twisted up about it I think!
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