
Do you think dogs are more respected than cats and why?


Jun 29, 2011
HollyS|1333749759|3165292 said:
Exactly. Cats KNOW immediately who likes them and who doesn't. And they don't have an all consuming need to make you like them, unlike dogs. That's why they get the rap for being 'aloof'. Cats are actually very social with people they feel comfortable around. I always have to wonder what is wrong with a person that a cat dislikes, disdains or ignores them, or shows fear.
Not all cats are the same. We've had 8 over the course of my childhood (between two households). Two were downright nasty and never really got on with humans (like this siamese we had, and a tailless grey). Two were snuggly and got along with everyone, even the dog. Another was only nice to immediate family (but not the dog).

I wouldn't trust any of them as a personality barometer.


Nov 12, 2007
MissStepcut|1333753570|3165345 said:
HollyS|1333749759|3165292 said:
Exactly. Cats KNOW immediately who likes them and who doesn't. And they don't have an all consuming need to make you like them, unlike dogs. That's why they get the rap for being 'aloof'. Cats are actually very social with people they feel comfortable around. I always have to wonder what is wrong with a person that a cat dislikes, disdains or ignores them, or shows fear.
Not all cats are the same. We've had 8 over the course of my childhood (between two households). Two were downright nasty and never really got on with humans (like this siamese we had, and a tailless grey). Two were snuggly and got along with everyone, even the dog. Another was only nice to immediate family (but not the dog).

I wouldn't trust any of them as a personality barometer.

Me either. Because of the allergies, I would think I give off 'stay away from me' vibes to cats, I totally ignore them, move away from them if they get near me, yet many specifically come up and rub up against me (eek!) and owners have to remove them from the room so they don't cuddle up near me. I *am* nice to animals, but I really don't want to be anywhere near a cat.


Aug 8, 2005
MissStepcut|1333753570|3165345 said:
HollyS|1333749759|3165292 said:
Exactly. Cats KNOW immediately who likes them and who doesn't. And they don't have an all consuming need to make you like them, unlike dogs. That's why they get the rap for being 'aloof'. Cats are actually very social with people they feel comfortable around. I always have to wonder what is wrong with a person that a cat dislikes, disdains or ignores them, or shows fear.
Not all cats are the same. We've had 8 over the course of my childhood (between two households). Two were downright nasty and never really got on with humans (like this siamese we had, and a tailless grey). Two were snuggly and got along with everyone, even the dog. Another was only nice to immediate family (but not the dog).

I wouldn't trust any of them as a personality barometer.

Okay. But did you take the time to find out why the 2 'nasty' ones were nasty? I have one cat that some might consider nasty, and it took three years to help her trust... and she even bites me a couple times a year still, but the rest of the time she's very affectionate to people she likes.

I've worked with feral cats, worked in cat rescues, done trap and release and have fostered. I own 5 now and have owned others as well. 8 cats in the same household (that might not have been cat friendly) is a good amount, I'm not saying otherwise, but there is a lot that probably could have been done to understand the ones with issues and make them more human friendly.


Aug 8, 2005
rubybeth|1333754620|3165356 said:
MissStepcut|1333753570|3165345 said:
HollyS|1333749759|3165292 said:
Exactly. Cats KNOW immediately who likes them and who doesn't. And they don't have an all consuming need to make you like them, unlike dogs. That's why they get the rap for being 'aloof'. Cats are actually very social with people they feel comfortable around. I always have to wonder what is wrong with a person that a cat dislikes, disdains or ignores them, or shows fear.
Not all cats are the same. We've had 8 over the course of my childhood (between two households). Two were downright nasty and never really got on with humans (like this siamese we had, and a tailless grey). Two were snuggly and got along with everyone, even the dog. Another was only nice to immediate family (but not the dog).

I wouldn't trust any of them as a personality barometer.

Me either. Because of the allergies, I would think I give off 'stay away from me' vibes to cats, I totally ignore them, move away from them if they get near me, yet many specifically come up and rub up against me (eek!) and owners have to remove them from the room so they don't cuddle up near me. I *am* nice to animals, but I really don't want to be anywhere near a cat.

My cats do that. My Duncan targets people who don't like cats. Sits right next to them and purrs happily and 'smiles' at them. And they all end up loving him (unless they have allergies) and always say "if all cats were like him, I'd like cats" ... I've actually had non-cat people try to take off with him, only half jokingly.

If you are an animal lover they can tell. They can tell you are kind. The only people my Duncan and Hally stay away from are people with mean streaks that like to f*ck with animals.

Like I said, you have to take the time to understand them. If you don't understand them and just assume you know what you are talking about, you won't 'get' cats. Any of them. They really are misunderstood.


May 9, 2006
I detest cats because they have a sadistic streak and make a beeline for me as if they KNOW that I will be unable to breathe within 15 minutes of being in their presence. They are evil! :cheeky:

There can be a room full of people begging for their attention, but nooo ... they will saunter right over to the girl who is perpetually sneezing and whose face is swelling by the minute, and try to stick their butt in her face. They know. THEY KNOW. :shock: :-o :errrr:


Oct 15, 2011
I would say that I'm a dog and bunny person. Cats cause horrible allergic reactions for me.

I know a lady who hates dogs and calls them dumb because they suck up to everyone. She mocks that they think everyone is their friend and aren't as smart as cats.

My dog and rabbits have been better friends to me than some humans...

I love how affectionate dogs are. They will stick to you whether you're happy, sad, or sick. And they are ready to play any time.
I love how my bunnies behaved like cats and dogs. They groomed themselves and used litter boxes just like cats, they would play with you, but once they've had enough play time, they would just hop back into their cage. They played with toys just like a dog does, and snuggled. I would say that my dwarf bunny was more cat-like and the mini-lop was more dog-like. The mini-lop did tricks and jumped onto the couch to sit with me, just like the dog!

Any pet will love you unconditionally. They don't care if you're rich or poor, what kind of clothes you wear or what kind of car you drive. All you need to do is give them food, lots of love, and a warm home. I respect those who give these things to any animal, whether they be dog, cat, bunny, lizard, rat or dung beetle. It absolutely breaks my heart to hear stories of people abusing or neglecting animals (I can't watch Animal Cops). Those people don't deserve one ounce of respect.


Apr 28, 2008
Gypsy|1333749163|3165280 said:
ForteKitty|1282769763|2690958 said:
my dog slobbers all over me and doesn't understand what, "leave me alone" means.

my cat knows that when i say enough, i mean it. they will walk away and come back later when i'm not in a bad mood or busy.

My cats also know that when i want to be alone and the dog doesn't leave me alone, it's time to come up and swat the dog or bite him in the butt so he runs away. he's a big dog, but terrified of the cats... always kissing up to them by grooming them and rolling over.

I love my dog, and he's a good dog, but for the life of me, i can never understand why dogs get more respect... the kissing up and ass-kissing is so not attractive.

I agree with this 100%. My dogs used to drive me nuts.

Cats are more respectful of your personal space and expect you to be more respectful of theirs.

Cats are also misunderstood by the majority of non-cat owners.

They aren't aloof, any more than people are. And they are very affectionate if you take the time to understand their individual personalities.

THANK YOU! I get so tired of hearing how cats are aloof, they're secretly plotting to get rid of their owners, they have disdain for everyone, etc.

My two girl cats are constantly following me around the house and they always greet me and DH when we come home. When we wake up in the morning, they trip over themselves running to see us and get pets. They also know their names and they come when called. Cute little critters. :))


Jan 30, 2008
Galateia|1333774196|3165554 said:
I detest cats because they have a sadistic streak and make a beeline for me as if they KNOW that I will be unable to breathe within 15 minutes of being in their presence. They are evil! :cheeky:

There can be a room full of people begging for their attention, but nooo ... they will saunter right over to the girl who is perpetually sneezing and whose face is swelling by the minute, and try to stick their butt in her face. They know. THEY KNOW. :shock: :-o :errrr:

I'm sorry, but I did just bust out laughing at this. ;)) A cat I had years ago, used to do this very thing - find an allergic person and go up and say......"Hi there. I just think you are FABULOUS." and LOVE on him. For some reason though, this cat didn't set many allergic people's allergies into high gear. She did get bathed quite a lot more than your average cat, so maybe that was it. Or maybe it was just the breed? She was a birman.

As for cats "turning" people who "didn't like cats", I've seen it quite often. We had 3 semi-feral kittens in the neighborhood. Big dog and space constraints made it so that we couldn't take one, but my neighbor ended up being adopted. After moving to the next level of letting them stay in some nights, she told me, "You tell them to stay off the bed and they don't!" They jump on the sofa whenever they want!" I was like, "Have you ever had a cat before...?" And she said, "No!" Me, grinning, "I can tell." She's quite the cat owner now though, with 3 of them, all fat and happy.


May 14, 2006
Galateia|1333774196|3165554 said:
I detest cats because they have a sadistic streak and make a beeline for me as if they KNOW that I will be unable to breathe within 15 minutes of being in their presence. They are evil! :cheeky:

There can be a room full of people begging for their attention, but nooo ... they will saunter right over to the girl who is perpetually sneezing and whose face is swelling by the minute, and try to stick their butt in her face. They know. THEY KNOW. :shock: :-o :errrr:

Manolo does this every time-I have a friend who has mild allergies to cats and she also hates them in general and the one person that Manolo always loves to sit on is her. All my other friends are dying to pet him and coo over him but he has no interest :lol:


Nov 16, 2010
I totally agree! I can't stand the "oh I hate cats!" 99% of the time, the person never had a cat, nor was raised with one, or their parents hated cats, therefore they do too? I've had both growing up and right now we have two cats. We plan on getting a dog when we get a bigger place but our one cat is my boys cat. He sleeps with them, meows when they go outside, loves to travel in the car. I think he thinks he's human. I love dogs too but I cannot stand the constant need of wanting attention. Lol


Nov 16, 2010
I also wanted to add, almost always in movies cats are made to look bad or evil where the dog is always sweet or the big hero.


Aug 1, 2003
It's true. Most people that don't like them haven't had much experience with them. Or had a chance to bond with one.


Jun 29, 2011
Gypsy|1333759263|3165414 said:
MissStepcut|1333753570|3165345 said:
HollyS|1333749759|3165292 said:
Exactly. Cats KNOW immediately who likes them and who doesn't. And they don't have an all consuming need to make you like them, unlike dogs. That's why they get the rap for being 'aloof'. Cats are actually very social with people they feel comfortable around. I always have to wonder what is wrong with a person that a cat dislikes, disdains or ignores them, or shows fear.
Not all cats are the same. We've had 8 over the course of my childhood (between two households). Two were downright nasty and never really got on with humans (like this siamese we had, and a tailless grey). Two were snuggly and got along with everyone, even the dog. Another was only nice to immediate family (but not the dog).

I wouldn't trust any of them as a personality barometer.

Okay. But did you take the time to find out why the 2 'nasty' ones were nasty? I have one cat that some might consider nasty, and it took three years to help her trust... and she even bites me a couple times a year still, but the rest of the time she's very affectionate to people she likes.

I've worked with feral cats, worked in cat rescues, done trap and release and have fostered. I own 5 now and have owned others as well. 8 cats in the same household (that might not have been cat friendly) is a good amount, I'm not saying otherwise, but there is a lot that probably could have been done to understand the ones with issues and make them more human friendly.
Oh my goodness, we did not have 8 cats at the same time! Haha I was trying to phrase it to make that clear, but I guess I failed. The most ever was 3, and that was only for about a year. My parents are divorced (and divorced again) so over the course of my childhood and teen years, I lived with 8 different cats.

I'd consider a cat who bites a nasty cat, even if it does have good moods. In fact, that's about the definition I'd give for the nastier ones. Except the nastiest of all, who bites and scratches often despite being raised from a kitten by her owner.

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
I decided to go to the source and ask my cats the question: Do you think dogs are more respected than cats and why? The little one looked up at me, saw that I had no treats, stretched and yawned luxuriously, and went back to getting her beauty sleep. The big one interrupted her yoga practice for a moment to ask me who wanted to know. I explained that people on a forum were discussing this. She gave me a glare that suggested she will never begin to fathom the drivel on which humans will waste their time. *Dogs* may be more respected than cats by humans? Seriously, why would one even care about anything humans hold in high esteem, much less dogs. Then she went back to a particular stretch she uses to groom particular parts -- I don't know what it's called, but definitely *not* downward facing dog -- hoping she made me feel ridiculous for even wondering.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006



Aug 8, 2005
MissStepcut|1333817579|3165713 said:
Gypsy|1333759263|3165414 said:
MissStepcut|1333753570|3165345 said:
HollyS|1333749759|3165292 said:
Exactly. Cats KNOW immediately who likes them and who doesn't. And they don't have an all consuming need to make you like them, unlike dogs. That's why they get the rap for being 'aloof'. Cats are actually very social with people they feel comfortable around. I always have to wonder what is wrong with a person that a cat dislikes, disdains or ignores them, or shows fear.
Not all cats are the same. We've had 8 over the course of my childhood (between two households). Two were downright nasty and never really got on with humans (like this siamese we had, and a tailless grey). Two were snuggly and got along with everyone, even the dog. Another was only nice to immediate family (but not the dog).

I wouldn't trust any of them as a personality barometer.

Okay. But did you take the time to find out why the 2 'nasty' ones were nasty? I have one cat that some might consider nasty, and it took three years to help her trust... and she even bites me a couple times a year still, but the rest of the time she's very affectionate to people she likes.

I've worked with feral cats, worked in cat rescues, done trap and release and have fostered. I own 5 now and have owned others as well. 8 cats in the same household (that might not have been cat friendly) is a good amount, I'm not saying otherwise, but there is a lot that probably could have been done to understand the ones with issues and make them more human friendly.
Oh my goodness, we did not have 8 cats at the same time! Haha I was trying to phrase it to make that clear, but I guess I failed. The most ever was 3, and that was only for about a year. My parents are divorced (and divorced again) so over the course of my childhood and teen years, I lived with 8 different cats.

I'd consider a cat who bites a nasty cat, even if it does have good moods. In fact, that's about the definition I'd give for the nastier ones. Except the nastiest of all, who bites and scratches often despite being raised from a kitten by her owner.

My 'nasty' cat was abused. Badly. We found her on the street in bad shape and she still has a broken bent tail. It really did take us 3 years to work with her until she's where she is now. And her biting is a over stimulation or a startle response. And she feels HORRIBLE about it when it happens. She really does. Only another abused cat owner would understand, I suspect.

Being raised by someone as a kitten means nothing if the person doesn't know how to socialize a cat. Also with cats much of their key socialization occurs at or before 6 weeks, which is why it is so important to get your cat from someone who has been working with them from really early if you want a kitten and aren't patient with cats (or you can get an adult, which is always great). I had to learn how to socialize mine and I was raised with cats. There are all kinds of dog training classes. Have you ever seen a cat socializing class? No. So some of it is our own faults. Just because they are small and stay in the house most people don't social their cats or train them. But you can. You just have to want to, and to know how to. If a dog bites, people look to the owner a lot of the times and the training. If a cat bites it's nasty. Cats are misunderstood.

Plus cats have MUCH more personality than dogs. Seriously. They are little individuals and you have to understand the quirks of your just like you would with a human. I've never been able to make friends with EVERY person I meet, like a dog does. Nor would I want to be like that, some people just rub me the wrong way or don't interest me and I save my energy for people that have qualities I like. Cats are the same way. Cats don't need to know everyone and be loved by everyone. They really are walking meowing individuals.


Jun 29, 2011
Gypsy|1333836026|3165870 said:
My 'nasty' cat was abused. Badly. We found her on the street in bad shape and she still has a broken bent tail. It really did take us 3 years to work with her until she's where she is now. And her biting is a over stimuation or a startle response. And she feels HORRIBLE about it when it happens. She really does. Only another abused cat owner would understand, I suspect.

Being raised by someone as a kitten means nothing if the person doesn't know how to socialize a cat. I had to learn how to and I was raised with cats. There are all kinds of dog training classes. Have you ever seen a cat socializing class? No. So some of it is our own faults. Just because they are small and stay in the house most people don't social their cats or train them. But you can. You just have to want to, and to know how to.
I don't have any reason to suspect the cats I grew up with were abused. I think some cats are just more pleasant than others, particularly because some of those cats had similar/the same socialization and "upbringing" with divergent results. I also suspect some breeds are less pleasant on the whole. But, of course, that's the same nature v. nurture debate as we have with humans.

At any rate, I don't have any plans to get another cat. I'd much rather adopt another rat, and eventually get a dog.


Aug 8, 2005
MissStepcut|1333836524|3165871 said:
Gypsy|1333836026|3165870 said:
My 'nasty' cat was abused. Badly. We found her on the street in bad shape and she still has a broken bent tail. It really did take us 3 years to work with her until she's where she is now. And her biting is a over stimuation or a startle response. And she feels HORRIBLE about it when it happens. She really does. Only another abused cat owner would understand, I suspect.

Being raised by someone as a kitten means nothing if the person doesn't know how to socialize a cat. I had to learn how to and I was raised with cats. There are all kinds of dog training classes. Have you ever seen a cat socializing class? No. So some of it is our own faults. Just because they are small and stay in the house most people don't social their cats or train them. But you can. You just have to want to, and to know how to.
I don't have any reason to suspect the cats I grew up with were abused. I think some cats are just more pleasant than others, particularly because some of those cats had similar/the same socialization and "upbringing" with divergent results. I also suspect some breeds are less pleasant on the whole. But, of course, that's the same nature v. nurture debate as we have with humans.

At any rate, I don't have any plans to get another cat. I'd much rather adopt another rat, and eventually get a dog.

Cats aren't for everyone. And neither are dogs. Dogs wear me out unless they are extremely well trained, and most aren't. And I fully admit I am not a person who has the patience to constantly train a dog, and doesn't appreciate a dogs neediness. I find them cute and fun in short bursts (if they are well trained), but I'm always happy I don't own one any more and thrilled to escape to my dog free house when I around them for too long.


Oct 4, 2011
Pandora|1333834466|3165860 said:

Oh Pandora!!! that is HIlarious!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: I laughed at that one! "My captors" vs "my favourite thing!" - so true! Our lab looks at every moment of life as just the best ever... including her twice a day meals of a scoop of kibble. It's gone in about 15 seconds, but she thinks we have Emeril Lagasse in the kitchen preparing it for her alone!!! :lol:


Aug 1, 2003
MissStepcut|1333817579|3165713 said:
Gypsy|1333759263|3165414 said:
MissStepcut|1333753570|3165345 said:
HollyS|1333749759|3165292 said:
Exactly. Cats KNOW immediately who likes them and who doesn't. And they don't have an all consuming need to make you like them, unlike dogs. That's why they get the rap for being 'aloof'. Cats are actually very social with people they feel comfortable around. I always have to wonder what is wrong with a person that a cat dislikes, disdains or ignores them, or shows fear.
Not all cats are the same. We've had 8 over the course of my childhood (between two households). Two were downright nasty and never really got on with humans (like this siamese we had, and a tailless grey). Two were snuggly and got along with everyone, even the dog. Another was only nice to immediate family (but not the dog).

I wouldn't trust any of them as a personality barometer.

Okay. But did you take the time to find out why the 2 'nasty' ones were nasty? I have one cat that some might consider nasty, and it took three years to help her trust... and she even bites me a couple times a year still, but the rest of the time she's very affectionate to people she likes.

I've worked with feral cats, worked in cat rescues, done trap and release and have fostered. I own 5 now and have owned others as well. 8 cats in the same household (that might not have been cat friendly) is a good amount, I'm not saying otherwise, but there is a lot that probably could have been done to understand the ones with issues and make them more human friendly.
Oh my goodness, we did not have 8 cats at the same time! Haha I was trying to phrase it to make that clear, but I guess I failed. The most ever was 3, and that was only for about a year. My parents are divorced (and divorced again) so over the course of my childhood and teen years, I lived with 8 different cats.

I'd consider a cat who bites a nasty cat, even if it does have good moods. In fact, that's about the definition I'd give for the nastier ones. Except the nastiest of all, who bites and scratches often despite being raised from a kitten by her owner.

I think the term there are no bad dogs also applies to cats. There is usually something going on that needs to be worked on when a cat or dog bites. I have been bit twice by dogs. Once really bad on my leg but I still like dogs.


Jun 8, 2008
Pandora|1333834466|3165860 said:

So true. I love this.

A few more humorous looks at cats vs dogs:

The Difference Between Cats & Dogs
A dog thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me... They must be Gods!

A cat thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me... I must be a God!





Jun 8, 2008
innerkitten|1333731275|3165044 said:
I know this is a little OT. But my allergist told me that is you continue the monthly maintenance shots for like 4 years it could keep your allergies away for even more than 10 years. Like forever. Just some info to pass along to your husband.

Thanks innerkitten. I passed this along to my dh. He has been getting allergy shots monthly now for over 7 years! He did weekly shots for over a year and then every 2 weeks for a long while and now it has been well over 7 years of monthly shots. I wonder if we are getting taken by the allergist!! I am going to have to research this because I think my dh's allergist would be happy for him to continue monthly shots forever. ::)

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
missy|1333888465|3166094 said:
innerkitten|1333731275|3165044 said:
I know this is a little OT. But my allergist told me that is you continue the monthly maintenance shots for like 4 years it could keep your allergies away for even more than 10 years. Like forever. Just some info to pass along to your husband.

Thanks innerkitten. I passed this along to my dh. He has been getting allergy shots monthly now for over 7 years! He did weekly shots for over a year and then every 2 weeks for a long while and now it has been well over 7 years of monthly shots. I wonder if we are getting taken by the allergist!! I am going to have to research this because I think my dh's allergist would be happy for him to continue monthly shots forever. ::)

I suspect some people do better on them than other.

We live in the UK with free healthcare - it took 2 years for my husband to get a place on the programme and since the shots are free to us, the hospital has zero incentive to continue with them if they didn't think they might eventually work. He's currently waiting to start shots for hayfever for some specific pollens, but the waiting list just got frozen for a year... hey ho.


Oct 4, 2011
missy|1333888187|3166093 said:
Pandora|1333834466|3165860 said:

So true. I love this.

A few more humorous looks at cats vs dogs:

The Difference Between Cats & Dogs
A dog thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me... They must be Gods!

A cat thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me... I must be a God!

Awesome collection Missy!!! I'm pretty sure my lab says all those 'dog things' posted!!! Funny that it is a universally perceived impression that dogs are friendly and cats are aloof.

Enjoy each for what they are. :bigsmile:


Nov 12, 2007
Gypsy|1333836889|3165874 said:
Cats aren't for everyone. And neither are dogs. Dogs wear me out unless they are extremely well trained, and most aren't. And I fully admit I am not a person who has the patience to constantly train a dog, and doesn't appreciate a dogs neediness. I find them cute and fun in short bursts (if they are well trained), but I'm always happy I don't own one any more and thrilled to escape to my dog free house when I around them for too long.

Substitute 'dogs' for 'children' and I agree completely. :D


Jun 8, 2008
rubybeth|1333978682|3166580 said:
Gypsy|1333836889|3165874 said:
Cats aren't for everyone. And neither are dogs. Dogs wear me out unless they are extremely well trained, and most aren't. And I fully admit I am not a person who has the patience to constantly train a dog, and doesn't appreciate a dogs neediness. I find them cute and fun in short bursts (if they are well trained), but I'm always happy I don't own one any more and thrilled to escape to my dog free house when I around them for too long.

Substitute 'dogs' for 'children' and I agree completely. :D

LOL!!! Yes, I could not agree more rubybeth. :bigsmile:
I love love love my nieces in short bursts and while I enjoy them immensely I am always glad to return to my childless (human child that is) home. Below are 2 of my darling nieces and my parent's dog Tara in the background who just had radiation for a brain tumor and fingers crossed will be OK (sorry for the blurry pic)...

and just to show my family is an equal opportunity pet household...Alexa with my parent's cat JJ whose expression is priceless. Poor JJ looks like one of those cartoon cats in that pic LOL.
And one more of her with Tara. :))





Dec 12, 2008
I'm a cat person by far. We had one cat when we were really little, and then got a dog. We had about 8 different dogs until about 5th grade and in that time three cats. My grandparents lived down the road from us and had outside barn cats that were allowed into the kitchen sometimes. When they moved to town, Grampa said NO CATS, so they came to our house and stayed outside. Started out with I think five cats. instant overnight cat people to the Nth degree. Got big plastic barrels from the packing house where my dad works, cut the top open and filled them w/straw, putting them under the patio. My dad and his brother had a pet squirrel when they were little (lived a looooong time, my brother and I used to feed it when we were little) and we got his old squirrel cage and revamped it for the cats for when they had babies. My mom and I would pick up stray cats, we'd get strays from the vet so they wouldn't be put down, encourage people to bring us the cats they were going to turn over to the vets, dad brought a few home that were living in the dumpsters at work, and I live trapped some where I worked. None of them got fixed but they all got shots etc. We had the Cat Book of all the names, when we got them, when they got wormed, when they died etc..For a while we had about 50 cats outside. We did yard work bent over w/a cat on our backs, tripped over them every step we took. We had blind kitties, kitties that were deformed that other people tossed out, kitties that had been abused. They all had names and they all had lots of attention.

JD was never a fan of cats. Then a stray showed up at his farmhouse before we got married and I wanted her. We had her for 11 years and she completely changed his views on cats. We have three cats now and they're not very affectionate which drives me bonkers. Opilio and Chucknorris will play, chase the laser light, Opilio plays w/sponges and round cereal, and Chucknorris carries around the kids' zhuzhu pets. But they don't snuggle. They did when they were little for a few months and now they don't at all. I've never had cats that weren't snuggly, so this is new.

Cats are easier to take care of. Show them how to scratch in the litter and you're good to go.

We have two dogs also..dogs are harder. A lot harder for me. I love my dogs but they're a lot of work.


Jul 28, 2008
We went to a local dog show this weekend - my sister has a dog and my niece and nephew wanted to enter it into a couple of the events. I have never been to anything like it before and to be honest it was my idea of hell, but my kids wanted to go too so we went.

It was held outdoors at the local rugby club and there were marquees everywhere with a hog roast, face painting, dog treats, ice cream, bouncy castles tombolas and all sorts of other stalls. We live in quite a small town and literally every man and his dog was there. We all had a lovely time, saw lots of people we know and it was a real community event. Its not hard to see why dogs get so much more positive attention when you take things like this into account. My daughter wants to go to a cat show next but there just are not any near us and they simply won't be the same sort of thing as the dog show.


Jun 8, 2008
packrat|1333982136|3166606 said:
I'm a cat person by far. We had one cat when we were really little, and then got a dog. We had about 8 different dogs until about 5th grade and in that time three cats. My grandparents lived down the road from us and had outside barn cats that were allowed into the kitchen sometimes. When they moved to town, Grampa said NO CATS, so they came to our house and stayed outside. Started out with I think five cats. instant overnight cat people to the Nth degree. Got big plastic barrels from the packing house where my dad works, cut the top open and filled them w/straw, putting them under the patio. My dad and his brother had a pet squirrel when they were little (lived a looooong time, my brother and I used to feed it when we were little) and we got his old squirrel cage and revamped it for the cats for when they had babies. My mom and I would pick up stray cats, we'd get strays from the vet so they wouldn't be put down, encourage people to bring us the cats they were going to turn over to the vets, dad brought a few home that were living in the dumpsters at work, and I live trapped some where I worked. None of them got fixed but they all got shots etc. We had the Cat Book of all the names, when we got them, when they got wormed, when they died etc..For a while we had about 50 cats outside. We did yard work bent over w/a cat on our backs, tripped over them every step we took. We had blind kitties, kitties that were deformed that other people tossed out, kitties that had been abused. They all had names and they all had lots of attention.

JD was never a fan of cats. Then a stray showed up at his farmhouse before we got married and I wanted her. We had her for 11 years and she completely changed his views on cats. We have three cats now and they're not very affectionate which drives me bonkers. Opilio and Chucknorris will play, chase the laser light, Opilio plays w/sponges and round cereal, and Chucknorris carries around the kids' zhuzhu pets. But they don't snuggle. They did when they were little for a few months and now they don't at all. I've never had cats that weren't snuggly, so this is new.

Cats are easier to take care of. Show them how to scratch in the litter and you're good to go.

We have two dogs also..dogs are harder. A lot harder for me. I love my dogs but they're a lot of work.

I agree for the most part. Except if you travel with your pets. Then dogs have it all over cats IMO. Get a dog to go into the car, easy peasy. Get ready to take a cat into the car oh boy. Make sure you are ready for a fight LOL. We almost have it down to a science at this point and still it is not easy by any means. We travel with our 4 cats wherever we go (by car always) and it is quite the adventure rounding them up. They always seem to know when we are getting ready to round them up LOL. They have very sensitive spidey senses for sure. Getting them into their carriers, every weekend we go to the beach. Going and returning. Lots of energy and that is the one time it is easier to have dogs over cats. IMO.


Aug 8, 2005
missy|1334005908|3166850 said:
I agree for the most part. Except if you travel with your pets. Then dogs have it all over cats IMO. Get a dog to go into the car, easy peasy. Get ready to take a cat into the car oh boy. Make sure you are ready for a fight LOL. We almost have it down to a science at this point and still it is not easy by any means. We travel with our 4 cats wherever we go (by car always) and it is quite the adventure rounding them up. They always seem to know when we are getting ready to round them up LOL. They have very sensitive spidey senses for sure. Getting them into their carriers, every weekend we go to the beach. Going and returning. Lots of energy and that is the one time it is easier to have dogs over cats. IMO.

Missy, I recently heard the analogy that trying to get cats in their carriers is like trying to bag smoke. I laughed and laughed... so true.
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