
Do You Have a Favorite Gold Designer?

Date: 7/26/2009 6:56:32 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Bummer. At the outset, were you notified of the same?

When I ordered a smaller size in the Gehry T/C torque ring--I was told AT least 2 months, so no suprises for me...

Hi, no, only that the order would have to be placed before August aka holiday time.
The pieces are in!

7/29/2009 9:37:15 PM
Author: Harriet

The pieces are in!
A good first step, Harriet! When do you think that you and they will be united?

Deb ;-)
I suspect the other half will withhold them until our anniversary.
I have them!

8/12/2009 12:25:22 AM
Author: Harriet

I have them!
So where are the pictures? Seriously, I am very happy for you! But you do know that you owe us some pictures!!! Did your anniversary come or did your husband give them to you early?

Thanks, Deb. Our anniversary was last Saturday and we couldn''t have had a lovelier time.

I''ll post pics once I get my spirits up (see Coloured Stones).

8/14/2009 9:43:08 PM
Author: Harriet

I''ll post pics once I get my spirits up (see Coloured Stones).
This latter part of your posting sounds ominous! I have been wondering where you disappeared to (from this forum). I guess I have to go to to Coloured Stones to solve the mystery!

DiamanteBlu has been ordered to repost some photos she has been witholding from Pricescope of some high karat gold cups. She finally broke down today and posted the photos in the Royal Jewels forum, but-as we all know-they belong here.

Date: 8/24/2009 4:39:56 PM
Author: AGBF

DiamanteBlu has been ordered to repost some photos she has been witholding from Pricescope of some high karat gold cups. She finally broke down today and posted the photos in the Royal Jewels forum, but-as we all know-they belong here.



ROTFL! Thanks for alerting me. Here you go, all of you gold bugs!
The King Edward VII Gold Cup is the oldest match-racing trophy in the world for competition involving one-design yachts. It was given at the Tri-Centenary Regatta at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1907 by King Edward VII in commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of the first permanent settlement in America.

C. Sherman Hoyt won the regatta and was the first to accept the now historic cup. After three decades of holding the Cup, Hoyt gave it to the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club and proposed a regular one-on-one match-race series in 6-Meter yachts. In his letter he expressed the propriety of "my returning a British Royal trophy to the custody of your club, with its long record of clean sportsmanship and keenly contested races between your Bermuda yachts and ours of Long Island Sound, and elsewhere..." The first winner of the Cup in its new format was Briggs Cunningham, who was also the first skipper to win the America's Cup in a 12-Meter.

My ex was tactician for the winning boat [an IOD] of the King Edward VII Gold Cup Match Race five times in six years. Their reign ended when the event became a professional event [with prize money - LOL - so our professional buds came out of the woodwork!]. The parties, however, got even better!

Now for some less proper pics! [Chuckle, chuckle]

Here I am drinking champagne from the Vrengen Gold Cup at the RBYC. [Yup, won that too!].


The Vrengen is a smaller solid gold cup donated to the RBYC by a friend of mine [he's the guy on the left with his eyes closed - guess I should not pass on his real name?]. The guy next to him was another crew member. He is holding one of the keeper [silver] trophies. I should have photographed some of those too. I'll polish them up, photograph them and post the photos later if anybody would like to see them.

You see, back then, tradition had it that the cups were to be filled with champagne and passed around for everybody to drink. No pics of me drinking from the Gold Cup - probably because the would be photographers were too busy "helping" me drink the champagne - while giving me a shower at the same time! LOL! Man, was that thing heavy! It is bad enough when it is empty - try to lift it when it is full!

Of course, drinking from only one cup was not enough - you had to drink from both! [I apologize for the photo quality - it is a photo of a photo. I may need to go and have the actual photos scanned to post a better one.]
After the champagne got consumed we would get silly. Here is a vignette I insisted on setting up: Nested Gold Cups [sans the big lid - it was probably still at the bar]. The Vrengen Gold Cup is inside the King Edward VII Gold Cup.
I think it looks pretty cool. Again, this is a pic of a pic.

Now, the RBYC no longer allows people mess with the cups. The winning team is allowed to hold it - with close supervision and only for the photo op - but that''s about it. Wonder if our annual antics had anything to do with the change in policy?
[Note - Amazingly, we never did drop either cup!]

Gurhan is an excellent designer. He won an award this year at the JQ International Jewelers Choice Awards for Best Gold Jewelry Designer. He was photographed with my father, Michael B., who won Best in Bridal Design. David Yurman came to the party too, as he won Best in Silver. It was a beautiful event in Las Vegas. In any event, for gold jewelry, Gurhan really is the best, although I also like some of the work from Roberto Coin and Marco Bicego, both excellent gold jewelry designers as well.

8/26/2009 7:22:11 PM
Author: Engagement Ring Expert

Gurhan is an excellent designer. He won an award this year at the JQ International Jewelers Choice Awards for Best Gold Jewelry Designer. He was photographed with my father, Michael B., who won Best in Bridal Design. David Yurman came to the party too, as he won Best in Silver. It was a beautiful event in Las Vegas. In any event, for gold jewelry, Gurhan really is the best, although I also like some of the work from Roberto Coin and Marco Bicego, both excellent gold jewelry designers as well.
Welcome, Engagement Ring Expert! Many of us gold aficionados who post to this thread love Gurhan Orhan! I posted photos of some of the high karat gold jewelry I have made by him and by Yossi Harari earlier in this thread. Here is a link. I believe I have a couple of the rings from your father''s collection on my Pearlman''s wishlist! (Sometimes I like jewelry that is not high karat yellow gold and the rings I admired were white metal...I forget if they were white gold or platinum.)

There''s a Gurhan line with opals. Yum.
paging coatimundi_org!!!!
Can you please tell me who made that amazing ring for you? I''d like to set my diamond in 22kt gold if possible. I looked through this thread but did not see who the designer is. If anyone else knows please chime in. Thanks!


Tried on 5 Isabella Fa bracelets yesterday--they were to die for. Ultra heavy and superbly crafted.

Date: 9/6/2009 1:15:37 PM
Author: b5s4
paging coatimundi_org!!!!

Can you please tell me who made that amazing ring for you? I'd like to set my diamond in 22kt gold if possible. I looked through this thread but did not see who the designer is. If anyone else knows please chime in. Thanks!

Sorry, I'm not able to share that info, but I am certain that any competent jeweler can burnish set a diamond in 22k. And, thanks about the ring! My mother was thrilled!

9/6/2009 3:12:44 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Tried on 5 Isabella Fa bracelets yesterday--they were to die for. Ultra heavy and superbly crafted.

I had never heard of her, Sharon, but this thread has introduced me to a lot of designers I had not previously known! I devoured her website! Fascinating! Let us know if you buy!

Date: 9/6/2009 6:58:51 PM
Author: AGBF

9/6/2009 3:12:44 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Tried on 5 Isabella Fa bracelets yesterday--they were to die for. Ultra heavy and superbly crafted.

I had never heard of her, Sharon, but this thread has introduced me to a lot of designers I had not previously known! I devoured her website! Fascinating! Let us know if you buy!


Deb, you must see this--site forwarded to me by Gailey... McTeigue & McClelland:

I love their work. McTeigue and McClelland are such knowledgeable gentlemen too. They use a technique called "blooming," whereby their 22k gold is alloyed for strength and the surface stripped of alloy such that you see only the high K gold.
Date: 9/8/2009 9:37:14 AM
Author: Harriet
I love their work. McTeigue and McClelland are such knowledgeable gentlemen too. They use a technique called ''blooming,'' whereby their 22k gold is alloyed for strength and the surface stripped of alloy such that you see only the high K gold.

I wish I had close access like you do to these wonderful places! I can only imagine what their pieces look like IRL.

Date: 9/8/2009 9:37:14 AM
Author: Harriet
I love their work. McTeigue and McClelland are such knowledgeable gentlemen too. They use a technique called ''blooming,'' whereby their 22k gold is alloyed for strength and the surface stripped of alloy such that you see only the high K gold.
Here''s an interesting article about the process
Date: 9/8/2009 5:10:38 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Date: 9/8/2009 9:37:14 AM
Author: Harriet
I love their work. McTeigue and McClelland are such knowledgeable gentlemen too. They use a technique called ''blooming,'' whereby their 22k gold is alloyed for strength and the surface stripped of alloy such that you see only the high K gold.

I wish I had close access like you do to these wonderful places! I can only imagine what their pieces look like IRL.

I think we should take a trip Sharon. We could stay with Harriet. I hear she loves houseguests!!
Date: 9/9/2009 11:59:39 AM
Author: Gailey

Date: 9/8/2009 5:10:38 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Date: 9/8/2009 9:37:14 AM
Author: Harriet
I love their work. McTeigue and McClelland are such knowledgeable gentlemen too. They use a technique called ''blooming,'' whereby their 22k gold is alloyed for strength and the surface stripped of alloy such that you see only the high K gold.

I wish I had close access like you do to these wonderful places! I can only imagine what their pieces look like IRL.

I think we should take a trip Sharon. We could stay with Harriet. I hear she loves houseguests!!

Mc2 is located in the Berkshires, near my ILs. Would you ladies like to take a trip there?
Date: 9/9/2009 10:42:37 PM
Author: Harriet

Date: 9/9/2009 11:59:39 AM
Author: Gailey

Date: 9/8/2009 5:10:38 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Date: 9/8/2009 9:37:14 AM
Author: Harriet
I love their work. McTeigue and McClelland are such knowledgeable gentlemen too. They use a technique called ''blooming,'' whereby their 22k gold is alloyed for strength and the surface stripped of alloy such that you see only the high K gold.

I wish I had close access like you do to these wonderful places! I can only imagine what their pieces look like IRL.

I think we should take a trip Sharon. We could stay with Harriet. I hear she loves houseguests!!

Mc2 is located in the Berkshires, near my ILs. Would you ladies like to take a trip there?

Excellent--ans we could see RW there as well!

OK, gals...I have a sob story involving the pair of 14K gold earrings my husband "gave" me for my birthday and my daughter. (She has them now.) I tried to buy her another pair of earrings to trade with her, but she didn't like them. Now I am considering -if I can scrape up the money for them-buying a pair of Buccellati earrings that does not dangle quite as long, but is fluffier around the face, with which to replace the ones she took.

I need to see Harriet's jewelry first, though. And she has been recalcitrant, as anyone can see. She has just not posted any photos. How do I know which earrings to copy if she will not post a photo? (I have been looking at the Hawaii earrings.)

Please post photos, Harriet. You know everyone copies you, girl!

Deb dearest,
You have a wicked sense of humour. Do buy the Buccellatis, so that I may borrow them. There's a pair of Hawaiis or Honolulus (I can't keep them straight) coming up for auction. I'll search for the link. As for being copied/imitated/inspired, I don't give a d*mn. All I ask for is common courtesy. Gosh, I am a naïve one.

When will I have the pleasure of meeting you and Gailey?

9/26/2009 6:58:28 PM
Author: Harriet

You have a wicked sense of humour.
Thank you, Harriet. I was just flirting with you, though. You are a fashion icon, you see, and I feel sheepish about the possibility that I may have to copy you. My daughter took the pair of earrings I wear most often and I cannot replace them with anything I have found. I bought a pair of "replacement" earrings, but I am going to return them. They are not at all close to what I had had or what I expected when I ordered them. I think only the Buccellati earrings may be close to what I had. But since you have been planning on having a special set of Buccellati jewelry made for you for such a long time, and it was a special anniversary gift from your husband, I feel bad that it may come to this. That''s all.

I may never be able to afford the Buccellati earrings, though :-). So I may never copy you at all.

I really, really want to see the set your husband gave you. I believe that you said that it is now yours. Are you able to post pictures of it? Preferably some of the pictures of you wearing the jewelry?
