
Dear Diary

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Aug 16, 2007
Awe, tenfour, keep looking, it must be out there!

Dear Diary,
Today was a much better day! I got to meet with the coordinator for the church, and although the music person is still causing issues, we did get a bunch of things nailed down! And tonight I get to have dinner with my moh! Yay!


Nov 18, 2007
Date: 6/19/2008 2:39:32 PM
Author: tenfour
dear dress that i like,
why don''t you exist??

Dear tenfour,

Because you haven''t found me yet, but you will soon. Especially if you tell PSer''s what type you''re looking for.

Yours truly...soon,

Your dress


Aug 15, 2005

Date: 6/19/2008 4:34:52 AM
Author: Gypsy
Okay... so a couple more.

Dear Family,

I know that none of you have planned a wedding in recent memory. This goes for you too, John''s family. So please... just stop with the advice. You don''t offer to help and on two occassions you have offered, when I have taken you up on it I ended up doing the task myself.

Grandpa and Grandpa:

When you told me you would make it for the ceremony, then want to go home, then MAYBE come back... well. I don''t know what to say. I know you are very old, and tire easily... but I was hoping you would stay for the reception. I''ll even rent the onsite suite at the new venue so you can rest there. It''s handicapped accessible. Plus, I don''t know if you realize this... but you are going to be putting SOMEONE I care about and also want to attend the wedding out because they''ll have to drive you home, then drive back... missing over an hour of what will only be a 5 hour event. You don''t speak english that well anymore (well, you do... but you can''t hear very well, assume everyone is speaking Farsi and it all just goes to heck in a handbasket from there) so it''s not like I can hire someone to drive you about all night. Although the idea has merit. I''ll have to see if the lady you hire for errands during the week is available that night.

Dear Mom,

Please. I KNOW this is an important life decision. But Please. Please figure out this surgery thing and make a decison. I''m 90 days away from my wedding. I need to know if you are going to make it to be there... my only parent to share that day with me... or if you will be in a hospital bed somewhere. I can''t bear that thought. So please... make a decision soon. I think this unknown s driving me slowly insane.

Dear Self,
GET A FREAKING GRIP. This is not worth losing your mind over. It really isn''t. It will be okay. All of it. Somehow. Find some faith, get a grip... build and bridge and get over yourself. Seriously.
I really understand every frustration you''re going through, and having been a bride, MOB twice, MOG once and now a grandma, I can see the picture from very different points of view.

You know you''re my favourite bride to be and I want nothing less than to see happy pictures of your beautiful wedding to John and to celebrate your joy from a distance.

Just a few words of caution regarding your grandparents: If I remember correctly, they''re in their 80''s and hardly know how they''re going to feel tomorrow, let alone three months from now.
. Please see that their needs are accommodated as 5 hours doesn''t seem long for us, but, if they''re anything like my mom they''ll seem like "dog years". They''ll take great joy and pride in seeing you happily married!
Maybe I''m warped (and I''m sure you''ll let me know if I am
), but having them alive and reasonably well to celebrate with you is an honour not often bestowed on brides. Have someone make sure they are well looked after
. My best GF looked after this for me, and it was a blessing.


Jul 17, 2007
Date: 6/19/2008 2:08:27 PM
Author: ladypirate
Date: 6/19/2008 1:45:50 PM

Author: oobiecoo

Mimzy! What color green flats are you looking for? How dressy and what size?

Is there a thread about this already?

I don''t know how dressy you''re going for (you''re talking to someone who wore old navy flip flops to her high school prom), but I think that these dress sandles from Anne Klein are really cute and not too they''re kind of lime/peridot colored, which I think matches your theme???

thanks oobiecoo and ladypirate
. oobiecoo - i''m looking for some lime-ish colored shoes that are pretty dressy. there have been some fabulous green heels, but no flats

ladypirate - thanks for the link! unfortunately the wedding is going to be in december and i know that i am going to be outside for at least a bit (walking to the venue from the church, pictures, etc) so i don''t think that sandles would really work. if it was in august they''d be perfect though! thanks again


Apr 17, 2007
Date: 6/19/2008 2:43:53 PM
Author: Courtneylub
Date: 6/19/2008 2:39:32 PM

Author: tenfour

dear dress that i like,

why don''t you exist??


Dear tenfour,

Because you haven''t found me yet, but you will soon. Especially if you tell PSer''s what type you''re looking for.

Yours truly...soon,

Your dress

i started a thread on here back in september and it was about the dress i love(d). that is in the past tense because i ordered the dress from a store on the other side of the country. it arrived and unfortunately there were big time changes between runway and production (which is common, but the changes were HUGE in this case). the fabric was not longer silky and fancy. it was parachute-like. the dress was not even fancy enough to wear to the grocery store. it also had a collar (??).
i ruled out finding a seamstress to make it for me. i''d rather just buy something off a rack. not really looking for a bridal gown...just something fancier than a tea party dress and white.
thanks for the offer to help me out!!


Oct 18, 2005
Dear Diary,

It's me again. Well, another day gone by with no RSVP in the mail. We haven't received any for 10 days! What are people waiting for? I've been reflecting a lot on our families lately, and quite a few things lately have spoken volumes on what kind of people they are. My mother's family all sent checks and nice cards with their RSVPs and are absolutely thrilled. J's mother's family, on the other hand, have opted for the occasional insult and... phentex slippers. Odd for a wedding present, but at least it's not a re-gift... I hope. Weird people. And then there's my grandma. I love her to death and she's been very generous for the wedding. However,
she decided to wear the beautiful dress she had picked when I went shopping with her at my brother's wedding instead of mine (hmph) and she ordered at new dress 8 weeks before my day. It's still not in, and she's getting nervous... I don't know what she expected. I guess I'm disappointed.

My BM is absolutely fantastic. She definitely has been and still is the greatest support and helper through my engagement and it's wonderful. She's now an eager LIW and I hope I can be as good a support to her as she has been to me!
Oh, and my boss tried to switch my off weekends today. I almost died.
I only have 2 weekends off before the rehearsal (1 week before the wedding) and they are packed with appointments. I must have looked like a deer caught in headlights because she ended up not doing it. Thank God.


Feb 17, 2006
I''m already married, but if you don''t mind, I have a little to vent too...

Dear MIL -
The wedding was eight months ago. Please get over not having place cards. Please stop telling me that you didn''t like the shoes or dress that the jr. bridesmaid wore. I assure that nobody else mentioned it to me because they didn''t notice. Also, I''m sorry you don''t like any of the wedding pictures but it''s not my fault that you looked horrible in your dress, since you picked it yourself, and it''s not my fault that you went on six cruises the year of our wedding, gained twenty pounds, and didn''t contribute a dime to our wedding so we weren''t all that wrapped up in pleasing you. Also, we would really like that wedding gift you promised us... are you waiting for our anniversary? Or is it because you are mad at your son for daring to speak to his family that you don''t like? Get over it!

Dear Mom -
I''m sorry the wedding was so expensive, but you spent most of the money so could you please stop telling me that you are still paying for it? I''m not the one who decided to invite the whole town and serve 10 seafood dishes. My desires were actually quite inexpensive. Thanks.

Dear DH -
I''m so glad you enjoyed the wedding. Thanks for telling me how much fun it was for you. I just wish you had helped a little bit more and maybe not gotten so drunk before the ceremony so that you could hold your head (and your tie) straight in the pictures. You look crooked. Love you!

Dear Self-
Please start using your beautiful crystal wine glasses and get back to work... you can''t say you have wedding brain anymore. It''s been eight months! You have to focus! But it is ok to secretly wish you could wear your veil to the office. Must bring it back from mom''s house next trip. Oh, and it''s also ok that you wish your MIL would fall off one of those cruise boats she keeps going on while claiming she couldn''t afford to help with the wedding. Just don''t mention it to DH. For some reason he expects you not to hate her.



Dec 29, 2006
Dear ZoZo,

There are only 23 days left until the wedding. Eek! There are so many positive things to look forward to, so please stop being so darned nervous when it comes to a) the dress and b) being in front of people. The dress is very pretty, and no longer strapless, so stop worrying that it will fall down. It won''t. I promise. Yes, the bustle is uncomfortable (the dress seems a tad heavy -- will the buttons really hold it up???), but there''s nothing you can do about it. Yes, it feels like your bum weighs 20 pounds but it doesn''t. I swear. As for being in front of people, that''s what happens when you get married and have 122 guests. Just premember that everyone in attendance loves you and wants the best for you. No one is judging you (so stop thinking that) -- stop perseverating.

Overall, planning has gone well. No major drama to deal with. There have been a few bumps in the road regarding comments from mom along the way (no need to rehash those) and FILs having no clue how to plan a wedding. FILs haven''t been involved at all in the planning, but as much as that might bug you, please remember that they did contribute financially. This should be more than enough, so please just be grateful for what they DID do.


Aug 8, 2005
Date: 6/19/2008 7:14:15 AM
Author: SarahLovesJS

I am so glad you got a venue.
Secondly, breathe deep (but not too deep) and slow. It will work out. ((Hugs))

Thank you Sarah! How are things going with you? I saw you took the LSAT and that you are feeling confident! YAHOOO!!!!

Sumbride... about your mom. That''s so hard. My mother gives me articles on budget weddings one day then is HORRIFIED when I mention that I am considering a buffet to keep costs down the next. It''s not a sane thing, and I totally get your frustration because I remember what you wanted... and know that your momma went overboard on her own. ((HUGS))

Zoe-- it''s going to be amazing. I can''t wait to (hopefully, you will please share them right?) pics with us. I know what you mean about the huge bottom thing. The seamstress pinned up my bustle and I''m like... Um... my arse weighs an additional 50 pounds now. Lovely. The buttons will hold. The straps will too. And it''s going to be just amazing.

Sabine, I''m so glad that things are better today.


Aug 8, 2005
Dear Diary,

Today is better. I think. I''m very... jittery though. I talked to the florist, we are now doing high and low centerpieces, we are also doing different ceremony pieces, and scaling back a couple of things. Ultimately, I''m not sure it''s going to save me a lot of money, but I''m happy with it. I made the reservations for the rentals, called the baker and the DJ and updated them on the venue, and told the DOC of the venue switch too.

Must go and clean lthe iving room and dining room now. Really. It has to be done, and since I''m home, I''m the one that''s got to do it. Tomorrow is Friday, this is not optional.

Okay well. Things appear to be back on schedule. Have avoided talking to my mother. Gonna have to talk to her tonight though. No longer optional.

I think it''s going to be okay.


Apr 17, 2008
Date: 6/19/2008 7:37:27 PM
Author: Gypsy
Dear Diary,

Today is better. I think. I''m very... jittery though. I talked to the florist, we are now doing high and low centerpieces, we are also doing different ceremony pieces, and scaling back a couple of things. Ultimately, I''m not sure it''s going to save me a lot of money, but I''m happy with it. I made the reservations for the rentals, called the baker and the DJ and updated them on the venue, and told the DOC of the venue switch too.

Must go and clean lthe iving room and dining room now. Really. It has to be done, and since I''m home, I''m the one that''s got to do it. Tomorrow is Friday, this is not optional.

Okay well. Things appear to be back on schedule. Have avoided talking to my mother. Gonna have to talk to her tonight though. No longer optional.

I think it''s going to be okay.

Hi Gypsy

Just wanted to say HI.

It is all going to be ok!


Aug 8, 2005
Thank you iluvcarats, I appreciate you taking the time to post that, so sweet!! How are you??


Apr 17, 2008
I am well, thanks!
Did you start your new job yet?
You sound very busy with your wedding!(which sounds gorgeous!)


Aug 8, 2005
I''m glad you are well! I like the thin band you''ve chosen for your AMAZING Landi ring (I adore your ring, it''s one of my ultimate favs on here!). Am I recalling right that it was a Richard Landi band? His stuff is just TDF.

No, I start next week and am taking this week off. Yes, all of the sudden I''m wedding busy. There isn''t that much to do now that I''ve told everyone of the venue switch though... just order things, and check on things.


Apr 17, 2008
Date: 6/19/2008 8:05:47 PM
Author: Gypsy
I''m glad you are well! I like the thin band you''ve chosen for your AMAZING Landi ring (I adore your ring, it''s one of my ultimate favs on here!). Am I recalling right that it was a Richard Landi band? His stuff is just TDF.

No, I start next week and am taking this week off. Yes, all of the sudden I''m wedding busy. There isn''t that much to do now that I''ve told everyone of the venue switch though... just order things, and check on things.

Since everything is under control, and you have the week off, I order you to a spa ASAP!]


Aug 8, 2005
Oh MAN. Don''t tempt me. I have a pinched nerve in one of my shoulders and oh... I would just kill for a massage. You know. I COULD... tomorrow. I don''t know why I didn''t think of that. Hmm... iluvcarats... you are one smart PSer and a life saver. I could get a pedicure too. Oh... I wonder if they have time tomorrow. THANK YOU.


Apr 17, 2008
I hope you can get an appointment!


Aug 8, 2005
ARGH. Ate my post.

The had time for a massage but no pedicure. I''m not complaining though. YAY!

Thank you iluvcarats! I''m not good at pampering myself, so this was just the nudge I needed.


Aug 8, 2005
Thank you again honey!


Apr 17, 2008
Enjoy! I''ll check in with you tomorrow!


Dec 29, 2006
Thanks Gypsy! I can''t promise that my face won''t be blurred in pics that I post, but I will post pics. Sorry for the badly worded sentence, but you get my drift.


Aug 8, 2005
Talk to you then iluvcarats!

Zoe... I totally understand. I''m sharing my pics too, but don''t know if I''m gonna post my face. I''m glad I''ll be able to see the details of your planning and your dress... and all of it.

I''m confused about exiting the wedding too. I''m hoping our new catering manager has some ideas. She''s very experienced so maybe she''ll have some suggestions.


Jul 17, 2007
Date: 6/19/2008 9:12:13 PM
Author: oobiecoo
So... green flats are hard to find! Here are the only 2 possibilities I came across:

SUPER cute...

Not my style but would work for someone...

i actually like both of those a lot! especially the first pair. unfortunately my budget is a rather dismal $40ish. Cleopatra started another thread in the forum so we can stop highjacking this one! i think that finding ones that would work and aren''t more ''business casual'' than ''AWESOME'' would be nothing short of a miracle. i think i am just going to start looking for ivory ones!
thanks again!


Jan 23, 2007
lol Sumbride-- "It''s been eight months! You have to focus! But it is ok to secretly wish you could wear your veil to the office. Must bring it back from mom''s house next trip." Good idea! What about the tiara?


Jan 23, 2007
6/6/08-Dear Diary,
I cannot believe the wedding is tomorrow. I have not eaten since Wed and my palms are sweating at the mere thought. Rehearsal tonight was...ok...I let FI and MIL plan the dinner. I hated the food and they knew I would but did it anyway. Can I change my vows tomorrow to "I take you FI, but not your family, to be my husband?" The dress is ominously hanging in my closet and I already got a spot on the train today when trying to step near it to get my rehearsal clothes out of the closet. I can''t believe I worked that hard to have the perfect dress and already have it dirty....must calm down and convince self no one will see it. French manicure doesn''t look that great because she free-handed it???? Optimistic MOH even said "sloppy". I didn''t think I needed a practice manicure.

6/7/08--Dear Diary,
This is my wedding day. It felt a little surreal, excited and nervous at the same time. Tried to focus on having fun and taking it all in just like everyone said but it was impossible. Now I know the ONLY way to truly relax and have fun on your day is to have a wedding planner for at least the day of. I thought my Mom could pull it off and she tried but we kept seeing our plans falling apart and it just drove FI and I NUTS!!!! Must convince self that no one else really noticed but us......
Flower girl dresses looked g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s at the seamstress. Their Mom''s didn''t put any effort into tying the bow in back decent so they barely looked like bows and were falling down, definitely not cute.
People are constantly knocking to come into the dressing room like every 30 seconds. No one feels comfortable changing and the groom for some weird reason decided to get dressed down the hall when he''s supposed to be upstairs. Last heard he was in the ladies room asking for help with his tie. I am trapped and want everyone out of the dressing room!!!
What''s with the pew bows? I can see mostly rubber bands and plastic ties wrapped around the pew. The florist couldn''t hide that with all that tulle?

The service was beautiful. I did not sob like I had worried. I walked into the organ and trumpet playing and felt like a princess. Very happy with ceremony...until I found out the church person was never around as promised and didn''t turn on the air so we almost lost the groom and 1 groomsman to fainting. FI says "I was so hot, I couldn''t wait til it was over". WHAT???? Everyone repeatedly telling me they really really L O V E my dress. Must remember to tell the PS girl who had doubts about her Sophia Tolli dress that people really will love it.

Now time for photos....bridal party is not moving, I''m going to have to get bridezilla. Arggggh all these extra people are coming along for photos to the park and want to "follow". You can''t "follow" downtown. Severely regret not making maps and directions for that but didn''t plan on all these out of town people coming along. Brother got lost...twice and keeps calling my cell. Photographer pulled over by cops for running a red light. I can NOT believe she did not scope out the park I said I wanted pictures at...she had to run the red because she didn''t know how to get there!!!! She lives here! grrrr There are serious black clouds rolling in. It is starting to sprinkle. Still waiting for cop to release the photographer. Now I''m seriously MAD. Photos were a huge priority and all we mostly got were boring photos in front of church.

Finally at reception. Guest book person (was having them sign cards and take photos) showed up late and missed 75% of the guests.
Our big event involved taking a boat cruise for all the guests up the river (thus no time to run over on photos!). Sky looks bad, sad it is not a nice day!!! Take boat out anyway and suddenly begin to dock half-way through. Mother then tells me that there are tornados and severe storm warnings but boat captain insisted they were watching radar and just needed to dock until it blew over. Photographer is now asking me if she can get off because she''s seasick (was very smooth on the river so I suspect she just wanted off). Had to break it to her that we were docked in the middle of downtown with no way for her to get back to reception....digging dramamine out of my purse for her. Yeah, these will be great photos today! Guests still seem to be having fun though and think it''s cool (phew!!) Boat shockingly very very smooth ride still and I''m the first to feel sick so not believing photographer so much.
Have now returned to reception. Shoes are trashed and wet from the rain. Hair is starting to look bad. I made TWO people come to the dress fitting and they STILL can''t figure out how to bustle me right. My dress dragged all night and drove me nuts
Dress now ripped in several spots.
Lining up to get announced for dinner. Friend comes running downstairs crying hysterically. Find out her ex-FIL died and no one had told her. People are starting to leave as they find out their basements are flooded out. Nonetheless, dinner is phenomonal. The sea bass was even better than our taste testing.
Winding down with dinner. SIL starts beckoning me from her table to come over by her. She "has a question" for me. I tell her I''m the one in the big dress, come over here. After much going back and forth, she finally says she wants to show me how to mingle. I''m still eating!! BMs say do NOT go over there. grrrr I love my bridesmaids today despite their previous lack of involvement.
I have finished eating; I am mingling and talking....why is there ONE DJ when we hired TWO??? Why are people starting to leave already and he hasn''t started the dancing yet? I see FI having "words" with him. Photographer informing me she''s leaving in 30 mins so all our dances have to be over in 30. He''s not announcing anything except the bare essentials....could have had someone do this with an iPod. Jerk!! Our first dance--FI whispering in my ear how mad he is at the DJ, informs me BM left our car window completely down during the storms and our new car is SOAKED. FI helped all the ladies get off the boat by walking them in with an umbrella. His hair is now funky and his tux shirt is for some reason starting to smell like puke. Kindly reminding FI to enjoy our first dance, not easy.
Already time to go home, still can''t believe all that drama and how fast it went. Also can''t believe how many people left without saying goodbye to the bride. Isn''t that what you do as a guest?? Question if they didn''t have a good time?

6/9/08 Dear Diary,
Strangely sad it''s over despite that much stress. Re-hashing day with Mom who informed me of all the other "issues" she diverted. I mostly heard people say they liked my dress. But they told her they thought the boat ride was super cool--getting to watch a storm out over the lake and how unique it was. Loved the hors d''oevres, loved the food, the cake was just awesome. Many said it was the best wedding they''ve been too! HAAAAAAAAAA That was my goal, but maybe they all say that. Why why why didn''t I feel it? I tried to focus but that was a lot of drama. People saying it was perfect! At least we fooled them!
Best of all, multiple people commented I looked like Audrey Hepburn!!

6/14/08 Dear Diary,
Met nice young couple from Texas today who are also honeymooning. She said "I''m day by day trying to forget all the things that only we knew about that went wrong. We knew exactly what was going to happen so it drove us crazy when it didn''t go right. So many things weren''t right" Ah, glad I''m not the only one! I was prepared for a few things to not be perfect, I just didn''t know it would be THAT many. I did not even list them all.

Too long a post, sorry, sure felt good to get that off my chest. PS is the best!!!


Feb 11, 2008
Winston, congratulations!! Sounds like a wedding from a movie

Can''t you request at least a partial refund from the photographer and the DJ?


Jan 23, 2007
Date: 6/20/2008 1:17:47 AM
Author: choro72
Winston, congratulations!! Sounds like a wedding from a movie

Can''t you request at least a partial refund from the photographer and the DJ?
We haven''t seen the results from the photographer yet. Our engagement photos were really excellent so I''m not sure what to do about her yet. I was dancing with my adorable flower girl 2 feet in front of her and had to yell over to her to get her to take our photo because she wasn''t paying attention. Felt I was doing that a lot. After she left, I realized she never asked for a photo of our rings either. Guess we''ll have to wait and see but I am nervous. Glad I got her to throw in the engagement session though, that''s for sure! I''m guessing it will be hard to argue for a discount unless she missed major stuff! I''m stressed about it.

The DJ--we only got a little back, but definitely not what we wanted. Basically only because the contract said 2 dj''s and only 1 showed so we had him on that. The rest of it was just lies. The DJ wrote down that he asked the bride 3x if I was ready for the first dance but she was too busy talking. He never once talked to me!! FI once saw him standing directly behind me where I couldn''t see him. His letter with the refund check says by cashing the check that this is settlement and that he requests we cease and desist any negative comments about them. Not sure what to do about that. I feel I should have full rights to tell people they are awful. Does he have any legal right to prevent me from that even if I cash the check? This is a major DJ company in our area, and I can''t believe they performed that badly.

I said I didn''t care for the pew bows, but otherwise my florist was phenomonal. She helped me walk up the stairs and waited with me during the processional and straightened my train, even fanning me to keep me cool. Mom said she even helped her zip her dress. So our vendors weren''t all bad at least!!


Jul 28, 2007
Date: 6/18/2008 3:49:32 PM
Author: choro72
Oh my gosh Sabine, how do you sleep at night!? I hope in worst case scenario you have your family to help you out...

Mine won''t be a Dear Diary, but Dear Family

Dear FFIL. We have forgone our wishes of having a ceremony in Japan to please you. Now you are insisting on a Saturday Dinner. Our desired venue is booked for Saturday. Our second choice of venue is $4000 in room charge alone, if it isn''t booked already. You had better keep your word about paying the difference.
No, we don''t HAVE to pay for the groomsman''s tuxes. Please help yourself.
No, we do NOT have to match the number of groomsman with the number of bridesmaids. Please get over it.

Dear FMIL. How many times do I have to tell you that my family knows how to travel. We are NOT scrapping our choice of venue just because it''s not attached to a hotel.
No, we are NOT having a ceremony in a Chinese banquet hall with partitions, where regular restaurant guests are eating.
I don''t care what you say, the ceremony is the most important part to me, my family, and our friends. Just because YOUR guests (whom we have never met, thank you very much) are all Chinese people who cares nothing about weddings except a 12 course meal, we are NOT going to trivialize the ceremony.
I don''t care what politician killed himself 2500 years ago. The day is NOT bad luck in our dictionary. We are already accommodating your superstitions about bad luck in Lunar July. Deal with it.

Dear FI. You missed their office hours yesterday. Please, please, PLEASE keep your word about contacting the venue on time today. You want to negotiate prices, and you know I am no good at that. I know you are busy at work, but you MUST call them during their business hours. I cannot stress enough how important it is to me that we have a venue set by the end of this week.
No, I am NOT going make my relatives do all the work by default. I am going to rely on the wedding coordinator for the most part. And YES, I do understand that I can rely on my family if all fails.

Dear Mother. You say we should save our money for our future. Yet you prefer a Saturday dinner, fresh flowers as opposed to Crystal Bouquets, fancy trail mix favors as opposed to more affordable candies...Please make up your mind.

Dear Father. Thank you for not having an opinion whatsoever.
Absolutely priceless! I love it! You should keep going and write all these down, you could write a book at the end of it all and make some $$$ back. That post put a smile on my face!!
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