
Really wanting a solitaire instead of my halo....


Jul 30, 2015
The problem is my halo setting is only a year old. I'd previously had a solitaire setting, my husband upgraded my diamond 8 years ago to the diamond in the pictures (set in a solid WG band). It's 0.94 carats, H color. I love it. DSS didnt really kick in, I just started really wanting small little diamonds on the band. DH told me to go pick out a setting I liked and of course we had a budget. I told the sales person and she started pulling out halos and I was floored - didn't realize the finger coverage and how big it looked and what I could get for the money! Then the other sales people and a couple of customers were saying how great they looked on and I totally got caught up in the excitement. So I bought the halo setting and the small band shown.

It's super blingy and sparkly and I have no complaints! Other than just a few months after, I just wanted a small band with the diamonds on the side. My real life friends have said I'm a little crazy, and I get it because they're all going for bigger. I totally understand but I like a classic, timeless look (but still sparkly). I feel this halo is really pretty but it's too much. OR if could get a much smaller, more delicate halo that would be great. Although I don't have small, delicate hands, ha ha. My ring size is 5.75 but my hands aren't dainty.

Has anyone gotten a halo and preferred a solitaire? My problem now is that I think I'm stuck. I know my jewelry store takes diamonds and gold to put towards purchases for a credit. Since I won't be getting an upgrade (and can't afford it or really justify it), would this make sense to do? Should I keep the halo? I don't know what options I have. Maybe buy an inexpensive band with diamonds on the side like on eBay and pay for someone to set it? I'm pretty new at this and I'll be fine if I have to keep the halo. I've attached pictures.






Jul 30, 2015
Another picture...



Jul 23, 2009
I think your current setting is beautiful but I understand about being more of a solitaire girl. I love love all the halo rings on Pricescope and tried very hard to get one but everytime I go and try on settings at the store, I am just not in love with them in real life. I ended up going with a 3 stone... satisfy my bling craving and yet simple enough for me. Have you priced solitaire settings at your jewelers to know what kind of $$ your're dealing with? How much difference would it be between the store credit and the setting itself? If not much, then maybe just bite the bullet and do it or save up for it. You can also troll ebay, loupetroop and diamondbistro for used settings too. ;))


Jan 16, 2013
Your halo setting is very adorable, but I totally understand you. I had same dilemma. My first first setting was bezel, second was halo and now I wear six prong solitaire. Finger coverage was great with halo, but I always missed that simple look of solitaire. Also stacking rings are much easier to wear with solitaire. The halo setting holds now sparkly garnet. Win-win situation to me. I hope you'll find suitable solution as I did :wavey: .






Feb 12, 2011
I love your setting but I felt exactly the same.. sold the halo setting and went to a solitaire... There are some stunning halos here and I loved mine but the longer I wore it I found I longed for a simpler solitaire setting.


Mar 13, 2004
Yes, Halos are not for everyone.....I have wavered and gotten quotes for a halo setting from several vendors, but when I stare at my solitaire, I still think it is a classic that I'll love forever, so I can't pull the trigger.


Jul 30, 2015
Diamondbug, thank you! I haven't priced anything yet except online. I've been so indecisive that I've done nothing. I'm off tomorrow and going into the jeweler I went to originally, plus others nearby. I figured I should probably have an idea of what I want to do before going in and then it totally occurred to me that I don't. I can just go look. Plus talk money. I never thought of a 3-stone ring. I've seen them on here of course but I have no idea why that never occurred to me. And I've never tried one on. We literally spent all day trying halos when I was in there before. I'd never even ended up looking at the bands with small diamonds on the side either.

I think I wanted to put pics on here of the halo to get people's honest opinion of the ring. The truth is I do love it in some ways like you said you do. In real life, I can't figure out the problem though. I think it's coming down to being too busy looking maybe. Not the bands, but the halo part. Not as smooth looking as I'd like? I know that sounds picky. It looks pretty in the pics? I finally have something to think about though! I want to try the 3-stone and see about money. I'm fine with waiting and saving. Well, not really but I will wait!


Jul 30, 2015
Confection10, your post is perfect too! I'm not going crazy, thinking the finger coverage can't be beat but I like the look of the solitaire a lot. What I really like is the stacking bands idea. I have two thin diamond bands now and a small diamond eternity ring that I've always worn as my wedding band (with my old solitaire setting). I'm not sure why I didn't think of stacking to create my bling. Because I do want that, I've grown accustomed to it with the halo. So I could potentially just get a regular band and stack. I have options! Thanks!


Jul 30, 2015
Mayk and jaysonsmom, all my thoughts exactly. And I think even if I go back to a solitaire setting (or other setting), I'm still going to love this halo just because it's big and blingy. What's not to love. It sucked me in, ha ha. But I love the classic look I think. And I think some halos actually do have that. Like a very small, dainty halo. It's weird because my costume jewelry is funky, trendy, and most of it is big. I've been really unsure of my decision. You all have helped big time. I'm curious how many have had halos and went back to solitaires or opted out of them altogether. This has helped a lot.

My next concern was the money. I hate to pay retail for a diamond halo setting and then sell it back for most likely next to nothing. As understanding as my DH is, he'll shake his head at that one. And yet I'm ready to make some kind of a decision. Once I see the price difference, I'll save up. Unfortunately my DH will not consider our savings now to be part of a new ring purchase and I'd have to agree, lol. Maybe.


Oct 23, 2011
So I am the queen of resets :oops: :oops: :oops: . You can look up my posts, and you will see that I swap out my settings on a quarterly basis. I seriously think that I am a serial setter and love the novelty that a new setting brings. What I have learned is that I like solitaires on other people. I love love love spotting solitaires from a distance. But on me, not so much. I get bored and even changing the bands and stacking them doesn't do it for me. It took me a while to realize that I'm definitely a halo girl. For a while, and even in some threads, I have said otherwise. But I think the issue I had with my previous halos was not the fact that it was a halo, but the quality of the halo that I was wearing and at the time, the quality of my center stone (I have since upgraded my diamond). Anyhow, solitaires are fairly inexpensive in comparison to halos, so if you feel the urge to go solitaire, I would say don't rush to sell your halo. You can always reset your stone into the halo in the future!


May 27, 2013
I just recently upgraded from a haloed 8.08mm round diamond (which measured 11mm in the halo) to a 8.5mm cushion diamond set as a solitaire. I really thought the overall visual downsize would bother me - and it did for about 20 minutes - and then I was good with it. I have no current desire to halo this cushion for the foreseeable future. I did keep my blingy band though - I couldn't give up all the sparkle at once!! :naughty:


Jun 9, 2010

Welcome! I'm on the complete opposite end of the! I have a Cushion with 2 small bullets, and am suffering from DSS, and will be resetting my stone. I am actually considering a new stone, altogether coupled with a new setting, so I am contemplating consigning my stone. I completely understand your desire for a reset, but I would be concerned about your loss of finger coverage... especially if you love the blind factor! Is your setting by chance, a Daussi? It looks it, you may consider selling or consigning it and using the funds for a new solitaire setting, or a more refined halo- just something to think about. If it is, indeed, a Daussi, or another branded setting it may be worth consigning or trying to sell in the preloved section of the forum. Either way, I wish you the best of luck!! I have been on the resetting kick for over a year now, and still haven't pulled the trigger, but it's just a matter of time. My Hubby has made it clear that this is my only reset, and is in celebration of our 5 year, so I am taking my time!!! Keep us posted on your journey!!


Jul 30, 2015
nala, I think that's probably a good idea. I might keep the halo regardless. I never thought I'd want to get rid of the halo in the first place, I was mesmerized by it when I walked out of the jewelry store last year. So I don't know, maybe I like a few different things. Kind of like my clothes and handbags, my taste does change? If it doesn't get too expensive, I'm ok with this!


Jul 30, 2015
UrsTx, that's good to know. I might be surprised at less coverage again (being a 1 ct center), but if have bling around it I thought I'd be ok. I'm trying them on!


Jul 30, 2015
TruLuv858, I've definitely had the same thoughts as you! I do wonder if I'll miss the amount of finger coverage. I'm thinking if I do change, I might keep my halo. I'm really excited for you and resetting your stone, and possibly getting a new one! I found it was exciting and fun going in for a new (more diamonds) setting! This is more confusing and a little more stressful going in the other direction, ha ha! It's not a Daussi unfortunately! It's not a brand name I know. If it was worth a lot more, that might be a little easier to get money for. I'm going to the jewelry store in a little while to just try things on. I love your suggestions, I hadn't thought about some of them and at least it all gives me options and things to think about.

I'm definitely interested in seeing what you ultimately choose!


Jun 9, 2010
Lizzy- it totally looks like a Daussi, I love halos, and I didn't get one originally because I worried that it would look dated or I would tire of it, but DSS has definetly set in, and I still love them ... I am just torn on what type of halo I want, larger melee or a very delicate halo... then I started to grow a love for OEC's, which I wouldn't halo... I'm still sort of all over the place! Lol! Knowing I only get to to do this once really adds to the pressure. :shifty:

I hope your visit went well with the jeweler!!! Interested to hear how it went!


Jul 30, 2015
Oh wow, I'm so glad it looks like a Daussi! I'll take that. I've tried a few things on but taking a break at the moment and will go back. I want to look at a few different places (and then go back). I have had the exact same thoughts too, I don't want my halo to look or feel outdated and so far I haven't felt that way. I think my issue is what you said - maybe this halo isn't the exact one I want. I think I like ones that are more seamless and delicate maybe?

I know a halo is the way to go as far as finger coverage (I know you already know this, lol), unless we can afford a much larger diamond. Honestly, I don't see many halos in real life and when I do, I take notice and almost always love them. I've noticed people notice mine too. This morning I was even in the vet's office and the girl behind the counter loved my my ring. The sun was coming through the window and it was like pow pow bling hitting you in the face. I looked at it and though "what am I thinking?? I have to keep this ring." I know if you got a halo (depending on the type), you'll be so happy. I'm in the same boat, my DH had said in not so many words that this last reset was it, and I totally agreed. That's why money is an issue now to a certain extent.

I will keep you posted! I'm still indecisive but tried on a gorgeous 3-stone ring that I'd take in a heartbeat. It was way, way out of my price range though....but the fact that I'm still indecisive is telling me something so I'll look at other places. I'll report back here once I decide! P.S. I love the OEC's on here too! It's a hard decision.


Jan 11, 2006
I think your ring is beautiful, but as you have said, I think a more delicate halo would work better and be more subtle (see Victor Canera Emilya, for one example). But well done pave halo settings are expensive. I think if you go back to a plain solitaire, you might have DSS (Diamond Shrinkage Syndrome)! But I understand the struggle well...we always have a tendency to want the opposite of what we have, because both looks are beautiful!


Jul 30, 2015
Diamondseeker2006, that's what I was thinking (all of it) in a nutshell. And the struggle is real! I'd saved some inspiration photos with much smaller, daintier halos as well as solitaires with stacking bands. Also a 3-stone ring that would definitely work with my original stone. I was afraid I just want what I don't have! But after the last few days, I've know that this halo is really pretty but it doesn't feel right to me for sure. I'm now certain, and feel better than my complete indecisiveness before. So now I've narrowed it down to a few that I'm absolutely liking and they feel right somehow. I'm going back today to pick one out and buy!


Jun 23, 2005
Good luck Lizzy - hope you find exactly what suits you!! Can't wait to hear about your adventure!


Jul 30, 2015
This was an adventure alright! It was stressful at first but a lot of fun and I can't believe I finally made a decision, but I did - I ended up going with a solitaire! Well, actually my solitaire diamond and then diamonds on the band. I still can't quite believe it, I thought a delicate halo or 3-stone might win out because of the coverage.

It was really busy there this weekend (a promotional sale) so more salespeople from other locations were in there to help. The guy who initially helped me said he used to work for Pricescope, lol. I told him I'd just joined but had been looking around here for a long time. He said his name was Ori. He had an appointment not long after so I then worked with a girl who was great and very patient. I was able to get most of my money back from turning in my halo (wasn't sure if I was going to do that but ultimately decided to). I think they worked with me because I wasnt expecting much.

Then we tried on all the rings again that I'd tried on before and was interested in. I also talked to the designers of the ring I got, who happened to be there for the big promotional event (Atara is their name). Long story short, I just simply kept coming back to the solitaire with diamonds on the band. Even over the delicate halo I had in mind (and it was even almost the same price). It just felt right and felt completely me. The designers thought it might be too plain for me and even that didn't deter me so I knew I was going with my gut. Then Ori came over to check on us and said he wasn't a fan of halos, loved solitaires. My salesgirl loved the solitaire. Another guy came over and said he liked my halo better, lol. So I had all kinds of opinions which really helped a lot. Ultimately I chose the solitaire. It has .50 ct diamonds on the shank and they're G-H. I think she said SI-1. I'll know more when I pick it up Tuesday.

What I thought was interesting was that I also tried on and loved a solitaire with 1.00 ct on the shank and that was still in my price range, yet I preferred the .50 ct. It was so sparkly and blingy and the perfect proportion to my center diamond. So I really feel that sparkle and bling was always my problem vs. finger coverage. I did worry though, wasn't sure. A lot of them said to stack if that ever became the case, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Oh, and it also has a few tiny diamonds on the basket. It's a four prong. But it was white and shiny and I was super happy with everything about it. I just knew.

I can't wait to pick it up and I'll post pictures here! Thank you all, this has been a huge help! And just fun talking about!


May 27, 2010
Lizzy thats a beautiful diamond!! The solitaire setting showcases the diamond very well!! :))


Dec 27, 2013
Looking forward to seeing your new ring! :appl:


Jun 23, 2005
That is wonderful and so happy for you that they would take the halo back in trade or whatever!

It is so nice that you were finally able to figure out just exactly what you wanted - I can't wait to see your pictures!


Jul 30, 2015
I picked up my ring last night and I have to say it's amazing. It's my dream ring and exactly what I've envisioned. It's so blindingly white. And sparkles a ton more than what I've been used to. It's a more substantial ring and has bigger and better diamonds on the shank. A funny side note though - she brought it out and my initial reaction was "omg it's so sparkly and white! Omg it's so small!" Ha ha! That went away before I left the store though. I obviously was used to the finger coverage....

I haven't decided what kind of band to get so will go looking tomorrow. I'm so happy wearing this ring on its own anyway! I forgot how much my center stone popped, I love it. I'll attach more pictures once I get a band!






Jul 30, 2015
More pictures....






Jul 30, 2015
Sorry if there are duplicates! I can't stop taking pictures and can't keep them straight. :love:





Jun 23, 2005
It is beautiful Lizzy and your diamond is once again the star! I am so glad that you finally have the ring that you felt that you wanted all along. I love happy endings!

Do they make a matching band to the ring or is it something you would consider?

I can only imagine the sparkle this all puts out plus you have your solitaire ring back - great choice!!


Jul 30, 2015
Thank you!! They do have a matching band which is the main contender but I just want to see a bunch of different ones to be sure this time. Plus the matching band needs to be ordered, they said it would be 4 to 8 weeks. It would be hard to wait that long but I could do it.

I love happy endings too! That's what it feels like. My pics are not the best and of course they don't really show the whole effect. The halo was pretty in a different way, bigger and more unique. This solitaire is smaller but more visually stunning and brighter in person. Each ring has its own pros and cons. I know now that it was the brightness and sparkle I was after. And now I know what people mean when they practically drool over their rings!


Jun 23, 2005
Keep us posted on the band you choose - it's so nice to hear the happiness in your post over your new ring!
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