
Why am I always injuring myself?

Are you accident prone?

  • 1. Yes

    Votes: 18 45.0%
  • 2. No

    Votes: 14 35.0%
  • 3. I used to be but I no longer am and this is what I did to change it

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • 4. Sometimes

    Votes: 7 17.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jun 8, 2008
Not a day goes by I don't do something that causes me to bleed or bruise or both. Oy to the vey I'm a KLUTZ aka accident prone.
Just cut myself putting groceries away. Don't ask how. I'm not sure myself. ::)

I swear I try to be careful but darn it if I don't end up doing something every day that makes me SMH.
I should buy stock in Curad or Bandaid.



Can anyone else relate to me and my klutziness?
Or Is there anything you do every day that you wish you could change?

Poll attached.
I heal poorly from any sort of injury so mysterious bruises and cuts are par for the course.
I heal poorly from any sort of injury so mysterious bruises and cuts are par for the course.

I'm sorry you are no stranger to this either @chrono. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make everything all better for everyone.
I'm not overly accident prone. My son is low vision so he is regularly bumping into things. It's better now that he uses a cane outside of the house.
The worst for him is if one of the dogs leaves a toy on the floor, he frequently finds them by tripping over them.
When he was very small, before we knew of his eye issues, we used to call him "Crashy" because we always knew where he was based on the sound of things crashing. Less funny now that we know why.
For him, glasses and orientation & mobility specialists are blessings.
I’m so freaking accident prone. My husband likes to joke that I’m not built for manual labor because any time I do anything physical, I get hurt. I’m not even talking about heavy duty stuff. I’m the kind of girl that falls walking up the stairs.
I'm very accident prone too. Can I ask, do you move quickly? I've always darted around in life, zipping here and there. I'm trying to train myself to move slower bc being in a mask all day makes me very hot when I'm speeding around and, I find my accidents are happening less. Just wondering.
Oy, Missy, I’m sorry! I’m not accident prone per se, but I am always moving at 100 mph so
I tend to bang into things, cut myself while cooking, etc. I’m always covered in bruises. My family is used to it!
I am not but my husband is. He's always banging into something, watching him chop anything with a knife always has me holding my breath!
I am very accident prone, I am ambidextrous and I figure that is why..I remember years right after I moved into my current house I was coming down the stairs and missed the last step and went down, I cussed and cursed as I had sprained my ankle, I finally was yelling for hubby to get up and I ask him didnt you here me thump and cuss loudly, he said you fall so much I make the assumption you are ok unless you start yelling for me.....and see the above response my hubby doesnt let me handle sharp
I'm very accident prone too. Can I ask, do you move quickly? I've always darted around in life, zipping here and there. I'm trying to train myself to move slower bc being in a mask all day makes me very hot when I'm speeding around and, I find my accidents are happening less. Just wondering.

Yes I do and I think you hit the nail on the proverbial head! Thanks @Begonia. I am always moving so fast. I need to remind myself to slow the heck down! Thank you!

Oy, Missy, I’m sorry! I’m not accident prone per se, but I am always moving at 100 mph so
I tend to bang into things, cut myself while cooking, etc. I’m always covered in bruises. My family is used to it!

Aww thanks sweet @yennyfire. We have that in common lol. But I am glad you are not accident prone!
And my family is used to it too :lol:

I am not but my husband is. He's always banging into something, watching him chop anything with a knife always has me holding my breath!

I feel for him. My DH doesn't allow me to use knives for the most part. But only because he loves me :lol:
I am dangerous with knives and that is the prudent thing to do. Stay away from using them :)

I am very accident prone, I am ambidextrous and I figure that is why..I remember years right after I moved into my current house I was coming down the stairs and missed the last step and went down, I cussed and cursed as I had sprained my ankle, I finally was yelling for hubby to get up and I ask him didnt you here me thump and cuss loudly, he said you fall so much I make the assumption you are ok unless you start yelling for me.....and see the above response my hubby doesnt let me handle sharp

I am sorry you are accident prone too. And yes not to be the boy/girl who cried wolf so I only holler for my DH when it is really serious. Or else I'd always be yelling for him haha.

I'm not overly accident prone. My son is low vision so he is regularly bumping into things. It's better now that he uses a cane outside of the house.
The worst for him is if one of the dogs leaves a toy on the floor, he frequently finds them by tripping over them.
When he was very small, before we knew of his eye issues, we used to call him "Crashy" because we always knew where he was based on the sound of things crashing. Less funny now that we know why.
For him, glasses and orientation & mobility specialists are blessings.

I am super near sighted but I cannot blame that as I am wearing my glasses. Your poor son...that nickname lol. And I am glad his glasses and mobility specialists are helpful for him @Mekp.
I’m so freaking accident prone. My husband likes to joke that I’m not built for manual labor because any time I do anything physical, I get hurt. I’m not even talking about heavy duty stuff. I’m the kind of girl that falls walking up the stairs.

You are a girl after my own heart @elle_71125. Sorry about that :/
My DH likes to joke about that too. He says he doesn't know how I have survived in this world for 50 plus years haha.

But at least we are in good company, right? :)
I always have mystery bruises and cuts...I have learned to just ignore them
I always have mystery bruises and cuts...I have learned to just ignore them

Yeah those I ignore but bleeding is hard to ignore especially the way I do it :wink2:
During a routine physical, my doctor once asked me if I was being physically abused because I had no many bruises. I'm a born klutz. I fell down so much when I was a kid, my mom took me to the pediatrician convinced I had some sort of muscular disease. I've replaced childhood klutziness for adult klutziness caused mainly by the fact that my mind is usually not focused on what I'm doing. As a consequence, I'm always bumping into stuff, tripping over things, banging myself in the face. I think if I paid more attention to what I was doing -- being more in the moment -- I'd cut my boo boos by at least half.
Well this thread is timely, sliced my lower palm open last night while cooking dinner.... sigh
Oh @Polabowla - this is so miserable! Get well soon, heal perfectly, and quit with the injuries, ok??!

Seriously tho - HUGS to you!
I'm not accident prone, and neither is my DH...except for one thing: he seems to have no concept of where his head starts and finishes! He has grazes and scratches and lumps and bumps on his head ALL the time. He's also pretty bald, so no padding there, either! He literally cannot get things out of the trunk, go down into the basement, or do anything above his head without coming out bleeding. I've never seen anything like it. Poor little duffer. <3

And @missy - quit wounding yourself, please! Goodness woman - as if you need anything else to deal with!!
Me too. I have a weird tendency to break my toes repeatedly. Combination of walking barefoot and having dogs underfoot. And the scrape and cut injuries. If something on my body feels wet, I ask myself where I am bleeding. Seriously- not kidding.

For you, me and everyone else it could be a combination of genetic and environmental conditions. Since I am slightly ADD I take that in account. Sometimes my mind has moved on faster than my body. Could that be you as well?
I am totally accident prone and every gets nervous if they see me using a knife. My nephew even tells on me. :lol:
Lucky i heal quick and don't bruse much
Ive never broken anything or even cracked a bone and ive had some tumbles !
although i have back trouble

but im always burning myself on anything and everything thats hot
Me too. I have a weird tendency to break my toes repeatedly. Combination of walking barefoot and having dogs underfoot. And the scrape and cut injuries. If something on my body feels wet, I ask myself where I am bleeding. Seriously- not kidding.

For you, me and everyone else it could be a combination of genetic and environmental conditions. Since I am slightly ADD I take that in account. Sometimes my mind has moved on faster than my body. Could that be you as well?

Yes my mind does move very fast. I talk too fast too. I am sorry you have broken your toes repeatedly, ouch.

Thanks @mrs-b !
I learned not to touch my kids lego things. I touch & pieces randomly fall off

LOL I fee you girl.

I am totally accident prone and every gets nervous if they see me using a knife. My nephew even tells on me. :lol:

Another thing we have in common @marcy, besides our love of bling and laughter. And haha to your nephew being an informant to keep you safe. :)

Lucky i heal quick and don't bruse much
Ive never broken anything or even cracked a bone and ive had some tumbles !
although i have back trouble

but im always burning myself on anything and everything thats hot

I am glad you heal quickly and that you have never broken any bones @Daisys and Diamonds! And as for burning yourself that's no fun so be careful please. I am one to talk though. In the last week I have cut myself numerous times, bit my tongue (still hurting) and yes, burned myself. Which is quite a feat as I don't really even cook. :eh:
Well this thread is timely, sliced my lower palm open last night while cooking dinner.... sigh

Ugh sending you healing vibes @Polabowla.

I'm not accident prone, and neither is my DH...except for one thing: he seems to have no concept of where his head starts and finishes! He has grazes and scratches and lumps and bumps on his head ALL the time. He's also pretty bald, so no padding there, either! He literally cannot get things out of the trunk, go down into the basement, or do anything above his head without coming out bleeding. I've never seen anything like it. Poor little duffer. <3

And @missy - quit wounding yourself, please! Goodness woman - as if you need anything else to deal with!!

Thanks @mrs-b, I am trying! LOL you are right. I don't need anything extra to be dealing with so cmon universe. Help me out. And I am going to move a bit more slowly! :)
During a routine physical, my doctor once asked me if I was being physically abused because I had no many bruises. I'm a born klutz. I fell down so much when I was a kid, my mom took me to the pediatrician convinced I had some sort of muscular disease. I've replaced childhood klutziness for adult klutziness caused mainly by the fact that my mind is usually not focused on what I'm doing. As a consequence, I'm always bumping into stuff, tripping over things, banging myself in the face. I think if I paid more attention to what I was doing -- being more in the moment -- I'd cut my boo boos by at least half.

Yes I can relate. Definitely I need to be paying more close attention to what I am doing and stop multi tasking and stop moving so fast. That is probably the cause of the majority of my injuries. Though there is a percentage just related to being klutzy for me. That is genetic. Of that I am sure. Thanks mom and dad. :)
Haha, I can definitely relate. At one point in my life (much younger) my primary email was [email protected]. I stopped using it once it became apparent I was not getting any internships or interviews with that email.

At some point it changed. What specifically changed? Interspersed with whatever else goes on in my mind, I remind myself DANGER, CAUTION whenever I move about, drive a vehicle, cut food in the kitchen so that my brief, imagined mental images of me falling down the stairs, getting into an accident, cutting my finger, makes me more careful.
Haha, I can definitely relate. At one point in my life (much younger) my primary email was [email protected]. I stopped using it once it became apparent I was not getting any internships or interviews with that email.

At some point it changed. What specifically changed? Interspersed with whatever else goes on in my mind, I remind myself DANGER, CAUTION whenever I move about, drive a vehicle, cut food in the kitchen so that my brief, imagined mental images of me falling down the stairs, getting into an accident, cutting my finger, makes me more careful.

Yes! Glad you kicked the klutzy behavior to the curb. I definitely am more cognizant of my actions since my op diagnosis. I know one mistake can cause a world of problems. One mistake can change one’s life. It’s hard to always be super aware but the alternative isn’t palatable. However even with doing so I have lapses. So must live in the moment acutely aware of my movements etc. Thanks for chiming in and good for you @voce for being successful in changing your risky klutziness. Maybe there is hope for me. :)
@missy all the same, my klutziness in the past did hold me back in some ways, like I just completely ruled out any kind of medical career because I had zero confidence in my ability to give people shots without pain (my dad's a miracle worker with needles), and I was deathly afraid of what would happen if my hand slipped when operating on a living being.
@missy all the same, my klutziness in the past did hold me back in some ways, like I just completely ruled out any kind of medical career because I had zero confidence in my ability to give people shots without pain (my dad's a miracle worker with needles), and I was deathly afraid of what would happen if my hand slipped when operating on a living being.

Interesting. I never had that concern because the only people I’ve ever injured was/is myself. I had a successful career in healthcare and I’m sorry you weren’t able to pursue that dream. I’m sure you realized an even better dream for yourself. ❤️
I was not interested in surgery however as I don’t do well with blood but that’s another story for a different thread lol.