
Who was curious about the GIA program?

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Nov 10, 2009
I cant find my last post (?) so I dont remember the names of who asked. It is very easy. I actually JUST completed the whole program, and it took 4 hrs. Anyone who knows about gems should breeze through it. There was ALOT (prolly 50% of it ) in it I didnt know though, so for someone just starting out it could take some time. Alot of good information in there that would deff. help with buying gemstones.

Anywho, I should get my GIA cert for Colored Stone essentials, Cert for Diamond essentials, and my Diploma for the Accredited Jewelry Professional program in about 6 weeks.


Mar 11, 2009
Congratulations! That sounds exciting.


Feb 27, 2007
How fun!


Jan 29, 2008
It was me that asked.

4 hours for EVERYTHING? I thought I was actually gonna have to study for this....

Sadly enough, I know a local GG and, when I questioned her about certain things, it seemed that I knew a lot more than she did. Doesn''t say much about the GG degree....


Nov 10, 2009
I know one too. Some (not all!) Gemologists are strictly book smart about gems. IMO you gotta be book and ''street gem'' smart ;-). Its like doctors and lawyers. Some are good and adapt to situations, and some seem like they are reading from a book.


Jan 29, 2008
Excellent point Tropic.

I guess it is about passion. I have been in printing for 25 years and I have a passion for graphic design. But my TRUE passion is my stones. I am very lucky in that I get to do TWO things I am passionate about.

Of course, at some point I am going to have to sell some of my stones. I am running out of places to put them!

(how''s that for a PROBLEM?)


Nov 17, 2004
This sounds quite disappointing to me. How much can you really learn in 4 hours? For 4 hours of learning, I sure hope it was not expensive!


Nov 12, 2006
I''m a little surprised about the time too. Do you think it was worth the money for the information that you got? Or do you think that other books would be as good?


Oct 27, 2008
Date: 1/19/2010 10:36:59 AM
Author: icekid
This sounds quite disappointing to me. How much can you really learn in 4 hours? For 4 hours of learning, I sure hope it was not expensive!
Ditto this. I remeber looking into it and it being way to expensive to be worth my while. But I''m not looking to work in the trade.

For those who just want to do it to learn more, there are many cheaper courses out there.


Nov 10, 2009

I learned quite a bit actually. I am a VERY fast learner, and soak stuff I am interested in up. Alot of it I actually know as well, so it made it much easier.

I didnt really do it for the knowledge aspect, I did it for the credentials for my resume. I want to go back to working in a jewelry store, and dont want to start at the bottom 'grunt' worker. My last store job, I was treated like I didnt know anything (because it was my first jewelry type job) and stocked boxes, cleaned counters, ect...even though I demonstrated with coworkers and customers that I knew alot about jewelry and stones. With a GIA background, it deserves a little more respect in the workplace KWIM?That is my main reason for doing it. To put credentials behind what I already know.

My next step is the 2 more classes to get my Graduate Diamonds diploma. But that is another 2600$, and I cant afford that right now.

Ditto to above, if you arnt doing it to work in the trade, the cost might not be worth it. There are courses out there through other smaller labs that are MUCH cheaper. I plan on workin gin the trade and wanted the GIA name.


Sep 23, 2009
I took all the introductory courses from the GIA also. The online courses are introductory. Additional coursework must be completed on one of the campuses and include laboratory time and testing with lab equipment, etc.

In my experience, the jewelry business is first a business, secondly an ''aesthetic'' pursuit, thirdly a scientific component in the stones and metalworking aspects. Most of the people we meet at the counter are only a part of the business or sales aspect. That is why I always want to talk to the bench jeweler or a designer rather than sales staff.


Nov 3, 2009
Sorry, but don''t you have to practice at a gemologis''s site to be fully certified? One of my acquaintances who wants to become fully GIA-certified told me you had to have a practicum. Now, I understand it is much more than GG, but 4 hours online won''t be much, would it? Seems like an easy way for GIA to collect the money.
I mean, Matlin''s book seems to have more worth. I am a VERY fast reader, but it would probably take me more that 4 hours to fully go through it.


Nov 10, 2009
What I took wasnt GG, It is AJP.

With each course, there are 6-8 ''volumes''. Each volume is 25-35 pages long. And at the end of each volume, there is a test (so 6-8 tests per course). You pass each test, and then you can take the final exam for the course (50 questions). If you pass the exam, you pass the course.

The AJP has 3 courses, so 3 final exams to pass the program. When you complete all 3 they send you your certs and diploma.


Jun 29, 2008
I''m sorry but this is appalling. If this is the level of study required then it''s not worth the paper it''s written on.

Just curious but are you actually allowed to use the titles you have in your signature line? Presumably you can''t do so until you have completed the course, submitted the exams and been told you passed?


Nov 3, 2009
But Chrono, would you recommend such a program to me? I did some calculations yesterday, it was 630 pages + tests + final exam. Even if the brochures have larger font, which they usually do, it would still be impossible for me to go through it in 4 hours and pass the exam, and I am a fast reader. I do not doubt TropicGal's statement, but the fact she could do it means only one thing to me: by the time she was taking these classes she already knew it all and was just using her knowledge. It would be good for someone to get a degree through them, but to learn? 2600 dollars is not a little sum, although I tend to use more on my stones, but wouldn't it be more cost-effective for a person like me to buy Gubelin's book which is only 450 dollars and go through it? What do you think?

Basically, after I posted it I read all previous posts - seems that people share the same opinion. I know a way to do it in 4 hours, you just find answers to quizes in the book without reading the book. I am not implyint that it's what TG did, I just think that she or Revolution could easily pass it without even looking into the books. Does anyone know a better investment for my # 2600.00? Gem-knowledge-wise?


Jun 29, 2008
Date: 1/20/2010 11:32:51 AM
Author: crasru
But Chrono, would you recommend such a program to me? I did some calculations yesterday, it was 630 pages + tests + final exam. Even if the brochures have larger font, which they usually do, it would still be impossible for me to go through it in 4 hours and pass the exam, and I am a fast reader. I do not doubt TropicGal''s statement, but the fact she could do it means only one thing to me: by the time she was taking these classes she already knew it all and was just using her knowledge. It would be good for someone to get a degree through them, but to learn? 2600 dollars is not a little sum, although I tend to use more on my stones, but wouldn''t it be more cost-effective for a person like me to buy Gubelin''s book which is only 450 dollars and go through it? What do you think?

Basically, after I posted it I read all previous posts - seems that people share the same opinion. I know a way to do it in 4 hours, you just find answers to quizes in the book without reading the book. I am not implyint that it''s what TG did, I just think that she or Revolution could easily pass it without even looking into the books. Does anyone know a better investment for my # 2600.00? Gem-knowledge-wise?
Yep - read tons of books, look on the internet, join different forums, ask tons of questions. Buy a great loupe, a microscope, chelsea filter etc etc and educate yourself! I''ve been collecting stones for many years and I looked at the examples of the tutorials and whilst they''re interesting, I didn''t actually learn anything. Ok, it''s a way of getting up to speed quicker and without dodgy information from weird and wonderful websites BUT for $2600 it''s not worth it!


Nov 10, 2009
Date: 1/20/2010 11:28:04 AM
Author: LovingDiamonds
I'm sorry but this is appalling. If this is the level of study required then it's not worth the paper it's written on.

Just curious but are you actually allowed to use the titles you have in your signature line? Presumably you can't do so until you have completed the course, submitted the exams and been told you passed?
So its appalling that I was able to complete it so fast? I am sorry you feel that way. Hundreds of future employers dont find it appalling, and neither do the hundreds of people who have completed the program and have jobs in the field. Considering I need the completed courses to get my graduate diamonds, and graduate gemstones, it has high value in my book. I took the course for the GIA diploma to verify to employers that I know what I say I know. There are many people who go into the program with limited gemstone and diamond knowlege, and take it for the learning aspect, and it can take months to complete. I am sure they would find your comment appalling.

And yes I am allowed to use my title. I have completed the course, submitted the exams, and have been told I passed. My diploma and certs are ordered, and I should get them in about 6 weeks. So yes....I can use MY new title in my signature, cards, and resume, thank you.

By the way, if you want to work in the jewlery industry puttin gon your resume "Learned if off the internet" isnt going to fly. Thats why I said in my above posts, this course is best if you want to use it to find work.

ANYWHO, Crasru- GIA does offer a 30 day money back guarantee for their courses. So if you decide to take it, and dont like the teaching style, or what is being taught then you get your moneys back.
-The colored stones course covers the treatments, chrystal structures, some chemical compositions, gemstone classes and explains why/placement, and more that I cant think of off the top of my head. In my opinion very important information for any buyer.
-Diamonds course covered inclusions, shapes, cuts, parts of a diamond cut, how to measure the diamonds dimentions, and basics on fancey colored diamonds, measuring PPC in sales. Again, more then I can think of right now.
-Jewelry course covers metal alloys, definitions, FTC guidelines, guildines of germany, england, france, and aisia, metal plating and the guidlines for that, types and styles of jewelry, and antique jewelry. I had the hardest time with this course because it osnt something I know well, and is actually pretty indepth with the mentioned topics.

ETA: excuse my crazy typos, I have the flu and am flying high on benedryl :razz:.


Nov 3, 2009
Date: 1/20/2010 11:57:37 AM
Author: Tropicgal10

Date: 1/20/2010 11:28:04 AM
Author: LovingDiamonds
I''m sorry but this is appalling. If this is the level of study required then it''s not worth the paper it''s written on.

Just curious but are you actually allowed to use the titles you have in your signature line? Presumably you can''t do so until you have completed the course, submitted the exams and been told you passed?
So its appalling that I was able to complete it so fast? I am sorry you feel that way. Hundreds of future employers dont find it appalling, and neither do the hundreds of people who have completed the program and have jobs in the field. Considering I need the completed courses to get my graduate diamonds, and graduate gemstones, it has high value in my book. I took the course for the GIA diploma to verify to employers that I know what I say I know. There are many people who go into the program with limited gemstone and diamond knowlege, and take it for the learning aspect, and it can take months to complete. I am sure they would find your comment appalling.

And yes I am allowed to use my title. I have completed the course, submitted the exams, and have been told I passed. My diploma and certs are ordered, and I should get them in about 6 weeks. So yes....I can use MY new title in my signature, cards, and resume, thank you.

By the way, if you want to work in the jewlery industry puttin gon your resume ''Learned if off the internet'' isnt going to fly. Thats why I said in my above posts, this course is best if you want to use it to find work.

ANYWHO, Crasru- GIA does offer a 30 day money back guarantee for their courses. So if you decide to take it, and dont like the teaching style, or what is being taught then you get your moneys back.
-The colored stones course covers the treatments, chrystal structures, some chemical compositions, gemstone classes and explains why/placement, and more that I cant think of off the top of my head. In my opinion very important information for any buyer.
-Diamonds course covered inclusions, shapes, cuts, parts of a diamond cut, how to measure the diamonds dimentions, and basics on fancey colored diamonds. Again, more that I can think of right now.
-Jewelry course covers metal alloys, definitions, FTC guidelines, guildines of germany, england, france, and aisia, metal plating and the guidlines for that, types and styles of jewelry, and antique jewelry. I had the hardest time with this course because it osnt something I know well, and is actually pretty indepth with the mentioned topics.

ETA: excuse my crazy typos, I have the flu and am flying high on benedryl :razz:.
I did not mean to offend you, TG, and thank you very much for sharing a way to learn - I think many people find it interesting - but I have noticed how fast you learn in general and I think you KNEW a lot. A diploma helps - any diploma adds to whatever already is under your belt. But have you noticed that only once you have mentioned "it is not something I know well"? Well, I do not know much - it comes with experience, even taking good photos is new to me. That is why I plan to post every stone I bought here and get honest opinion of the PS-ers, without getting offended, because these people have wonderful stones, and it comes with time, knowledge, and also - contacts which I yet do not have. That is the only way I can beat the prices at which gems are offered to me, buy better stones and negotiate better.
BTW, some of my patients got "high" on Benadryl - it is a person-specific effect, so you do not want to use it sparingly. I always buy oral rehydrating solution and use it, too, because hydration is very important expecially if you have a fever. Get well soon, it is fuin to read your posts!


Nov 10, 2009
Date: 1/20/2010 12:13:29 PM
Author: crasru

Date: 1/20/2010 11:57:37 AM
Author: Tropicgal10

Date: 1/20/2010 11:28:04 AM
Author: LovingDiamonds
I'm sorry but this is appalling. If this is the level of study required then it's not worth the paper it's written on.

Just curious but are you actually allowed to use the titles you have in your signature line? Presumably you can't do so until you have completed the course, submitted the exams and been told you passed?
So its appalling that I was able to complete it so fast? I am sorry you feel that way. Hundreds of future employers dont find it appalling, and neither do the hundreds of people who have completed the program and have jobs in the field. Considering I need the completed courses to get my graduate diamonds, and graduate gemstones, it has high value in my book. I took the course for the GIA diploma to verify to employers that I know what I say I know. There are many people who go into the program with limited gemstone and diamond knowlege, and take it for the learning aspect, and it can take months to complete. I am sure they would find your comment appalling.

And yes I am allowed to use my title. I have completed the course, submitted the exams, and have been told I passed. My diploma and certs are ordered, and I should get them in about 6 weeks. So yes....I can use MY new title in my signature, cards, and resume, thank you.

By the way, if you want to work in the jewlery industry puttin gon your resume 'Learned if off the internet' isnt going to fly. Thats why I said in my above posts, this course is best if you want to use it to find work.

ANYWHO, Crasru- GIA does offer a 30 day money back guarantee for their courses. So if you decide to take it, and dont like the teaching style, or what is being taught then you get your moneys back.
-The colored stones course covers the treatments, chrystal structures, some chemical compositions, gemstone classes and explains why/placement, and more that I cant think of off the top of my head. In my opinion very important information for any buyer.
-Diamonds course covered inclusions, shapes, cuts, parts of a diamond cut, how to measure the diamonds dimentions, and basics on fancey colored diamonds. Again, more that I can think of right now.
-Jewelry course covers metal alloys, definitions, FTC guidelines, guildines of germany, england, france, and aisia, metal plating and the guidlines for that, types and styles of jewelry, and antique jewelry. I had the hardest time with this course because it osnt something I know well, and is actually pretty indepth with the mentioned topics.

ETA: excuse my crazy typos, I have the flu and am flying high on benedryl :razz:.
I did not mean to offend you, TG, and thank you very much for sharing a way to learn - I think many people find it interesting - but I have noticed how fast you learn in general and I think you KNEW a lot. A diploma helps - any diploma adds to whatever already is under your belt. But have you noticed that only once you have mentioned 'it is not something I know well'? Well, I do not know much - it comes with experience, even taking good photos is new to me. That is why I plan to post every stone I bought here and get honest opinion of the PS-ers, without getting offended, because these people have wonderful stones, and it comes with time, knowledge, and also - contacts which I yet do not have. That is the only way I can beat the prices at which gems are offered to me, buy better stones and negotiate better.
BTW, some of my patients got 'high' on Benadryl - it is a person-specific effect, so you do not want to use it sparingly. I always buy oral rehydrating solution and use it, too, because hydration is very important expecially if you have a fever. Get well soon, it is fuin to read your posts!
Nothing you said was offensive. So dont worry about the top portion of my post. It takes alot to offend me anyway lol.
I love benedryl. It works for so many things. Did you know it stops neausea? I had a bad stomach flu years ago and ended up in the hospital. I found out I was allergic to composine (horrible horrible story) and they gave me benedryl instead to make me feel better. Who knew!! We all have the cold, kids included. My fever stopped yesterday thank goodness. Thank you for the get well soons!

Your right, knowlege comes with experiance. Like I said before, you can have 50 classes under your belt, but still not know what you NEED to know. That only comes from working with and touching the stones, working with the people in the industry, and of course enjoying the gemstone experiance! I am going to now float away to my happy place. LOL. Dave is sleeping on the couch and I think I am going to go join him!!


Apr 28, 2008
Congratulations Tropicalgal! What a great idea and accomplishment. I look forward to hearing your valuations on future threads!


Jun 29, 2008
It is appalling that the industry standard is so poor. Not that you are appalling. For goodness sake read my post again.

If I were in the jewellery industry, would I want somebody who had taken a course and passed it in 4 hours? No. I am a firm believer in further education BUT it must be meaningful education. If somebody (and this is generic - so please DON''T take this personally) is using letters after their name, I expect them to have worked for it. I DO have letters after my name after 4 years of intensive study.

Some people (and again do not take this personally) would use those letters to advise people.


Nov 10, 2009
Date: 1/20/2010 1:38:53 PM
Author: LovingDiamonds
It is appalling that the industry standard is so poor. Not that you are appalling. For goodness sake read my post again.

If I were in the jewellery industry, would I want somebody who had taken a course and passed it in 4 hours? No. I am a firm believer in further education BUT it must be meaningful education. If somebody (and this is generic - so please DON'T take this personally) is using letters after their name, I expect them to have worked for it. I DO have letters after my name after 4 years of intensive study.

Some people (and again do not take this personally) would use those letters to advise people.
So because I passed it quickly, the industry standard must be poor? God forbid its because I might actually know a thing or two about the subject. And for your information, I did work for the letters behind my name. I have worked my butt off for them. For the past 8 months, I have spend hundreds and hundreds of hours working with stones. Researching them, studying them, and working with people in the industry to learn about them. Anyone who knows me, expecially my immediate family who has been so patient with me while I was studying about it knows I earned the letters 150%.

By the way, I am 23 and I have 3 other sets of letters behind my name as well from a typical college setting. I finished my college programs VERY quickly as well. So I guess that means that industry standard is poor as well?

Edited to add, everyone knows we dont see eye to why post something like that on my thread knowing it would stir the pot anyhow? I really really dont feel like arguing with you today.


Jun 29, 2008
Date: 1/20/2010 4:08:29 PM
Author: Tropicgal10

Date: 1/20/2010 1:38:53 PM
Author: LovingDiamonds
It is appalling that the industry standard is so poor. Not that you are appalling. For goodness sake read my post again.

If I were in the jewellery industry, would I want somebody who had taken a course and passed it in 4 hours? No. I am a firm believer in further education BUT it must be meaningful education. If somebody (and this is generic - so please DON''T take this personally) is using letters after their name, I expect them to have worked for it. I DO have letters after my name after 4 years of intensive study.

Some people (and again do not take this personally) would use those letters to advise people.
So because I passed it quickly, the industry standard must be poor? God forbid its because I might actually know a thing or two about the subject. And for your information, I did work for the letters behind my name. I have worked my butt off for them. For the past 8 months, I have spend hundreds and hundreds of hours working with stones. Researching them, studying them, and working with people in the industry to learn about them. Anyone who knows me, expecially my immediate family who has been so patient with me while I was studying about it knows I earned the letters 150%.

By the way, I am 23 and I have 3 other sets of letters behind my name as well from a typical college setting. I finished my college programs VERY quickly as well. So I guess that means that industry standard is poor as well?
For goodness sake. Lighten up. I don''t care how old you are, how long it has or hasn''t taken you to do things. I just don''t care. I was making a GENERAL COMMENT about education. You appear to have completely and utterly taken this out of context and turned it into something personal. Even when I have attempted to explain you appear to have taken that out of context too.

As you always like to have the last word, I''m sure you''ll respond but please be assured I won''t.


Nov 10, 2009
Thank you, because this thread was i ntended to inform those interested in the GIA program, not to argue about it.


Mar 15, 2009
A quick google tells me that AJP is the Accredited Jewellery Professional program. We in Oz have something similar offered by the GAA in a day course format, so if it is at all similar, it could very well take only 4 hours to complete.

However, if one was to want to become a gemmologist, in Australia through the GAA, and be eligible for Fellowship, it would take about 2 years... And that is basics. You have to do additional courses on diamonds, opals, and pearls. So total, it is about 2.5 to 3 years.

Congrats. Hopefully the course helps with your future employment.


Jun 8, 2009

This thread should be retitled: "Who was curious about the A.J.P. program at GIA"

The Accredited Jewelry Professional program at GIA is a very basic introductory course on the "Essentials." This course is generally for sales staff, and it is not a requirement of the Graduate Gemologist program. If you click on the link that Chrono posted, it states that the fee for this course is $365.

If you've hung out on PS for about 48 hours, you could probably pass this course within a few hours and with flying colors! It's for new sales staff, who don't yet know the language of jewelry, and who don't know how to communicate with customers. The short Jewelry Essentials course has definitions for "figaro link" chains--you get the idea. I don't consider the A.J.P. to be a gemological program, no.

For those who are interested in Colored Stones, the most beneficial course at GIA (imo) is called "Gem Identification," and I would recommend you take it on campus, as opposed to distance ed. In that course you learn to id gems, and that is most valuable when you are faced with a sea of synthetics and treated gems. In Gem ID, you learn to use the necessary tools--refractometer, spectroscope (prism or diffraction-grating-whichever floats your boat), polariscope (optic figures are fun!), dichroscope, and of course, a microscope. You also learn which tests are best when identifying particular treatments and specific gemstones. If you want to take Gem ID, do it on campus, because you will get to id thousands of stones as opposed to the 500 minimum requirement for online study. On campus, you can id as many as you like--the more you see, the more you can id out in the trade.

Also, I've been noticing posters say, "I took the stone to my G.G." for identification purposes and the like. Some, G.G.s have the proper tools for identification, like those who run appraisal businesses and labs, but the "title" alone does not bestow one with magical powers to id tricky stones without tools. If you are uncertain about a gem of value, then send it to a LAB. I wouldn't go around hitting up random G.G.s for gem id. This may be worth a new thread?

In any case, GIA has a really fun Colored Stone program, and it's worth considering if you have the time and the means.


Apr 22, 2004
Great clear and concise explanation. I took a quick look at the coursework for the AJP and it looks like they cover only the very basics and is geared for new jewellery sales staff.


Jun 8, 2009
Thanks, and you are absolutely correct.


Oct 6, 2008
I haven''t been on much lately but just wanted to say I took the Diamond Essentials course several months ago, and as its been said, it''s basic and geared towards sales staff. I wish I could complete the program (to get the GG) but don''t have the time to take a few days off work and take the courses here in London that aren''t offered online.
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