
Blog What Does Your Engagement Ring Mean?


Staff member
Apr 11, 2012
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but did you know that the same thing can be said about engagement rings? That’s right, not all engagement rings mean the same thing which is why we’re going to bring you a round of, “What does that engagement ring mean?” right after the jump. So what kind do you have and what does it mean to you?

From the blog:


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Jul 17, 2008
My first was a brushed yg solitaire.35. It meant marry me! It seemed huge. Now I have a three stone. When we purchased it meant past, present, future ; no upgrade ring. It also had religious meaning of the trinity.


Jan 22, 2014
When I met DH I had just exited, at 38 and a half a marriage and was not in any way interested in dating. As my marriage had faltered over first husbands change of heart regarding children ie no children, I came to accept that going forward I would concentrate on my career and a single, no kids life.
When DH asked me out I told him in no uncertain terms I was only interested in dating if he wanted to get married and have a baby straight away. He didn’t run for the hills. After considering a pink diamond I then said “that’s the engagement ring I want” looking into a prestigious Antique Jewellers shop window with the one ring displayed and no price tag.
Fast forward a few months and he did indeed propose with the Art Deco ring from the window on my 39th birthday, we married the following January and just before my 40th birthday we welcome our daughter into the world.
Given my somewhat fragile emotional state after having my first marriage crash and burn and trying to accept I’d not have a child, to me the engagement ring represented a serious commitment towards a future I thought I’d lost.
That was nearly 20 years ago now.


Jun 8, 2008
“What does that engagement ring mean?” right after the jump. So what kind do you have and what does it mean to you?

It is a symbol of my DH's unconditional love.

The ring I have now is an OEC. He proposed with an MRB. The proposal was a complete surprise and he knew it was for me the best way to propose. However due to the surprise he chose what he felt was a beautiful and classic engagement ring. I had never given it any thought since I was never planning to get married.

Fast forward to present times and I have my dream ER. It might have taken a couple of decades and a few different diamonds and settings but we finally got there.

The diamond journey proves to me that my DH loves me unconditionally and in every way he is my dream guy, my soulmate, my b'shert.

The ring is but a symbol but my DH is the true gem through and through and I would give up all my jewelry including my ER for my DH. He is my everything.


Apr 7, 2017
I believe I attempted to capture this very topic in my original thread of my ER, “Uisce”.

To simplify, this ring represents a promise of forever. The ring, itself, in its design and craftsmanship, demonstrates our shared love of art, and shared taste for history, and style that weathers all storms. The ring may not be vintage, but the design mimics true vintage pieces that he & I both appreciate.

The center stone is also a reflection (pun intended) of the very place he chose to propose: a lake. Which has now become our favorite place on Earth.

The sentiment is strong, and I concur with others, above: DH is the true gem. I’d sacrifice everything I had for him, and I know he’d do the same for me.

We have discussed what an “upgrade” would mean for us...yes US...HE put this ring on my finger, HE chose the design (eventhough I left him a trail of bread crumbs), and HE fell in love with this particular ring for ME. Any upgrade would have to be a mutual decision, and we have agreed that since we both have sentimental feelings associated with this ring, I will not be using Uisce to trade in for a larger diamond; I’ll be purchasing a new diamond, and keeping Uisce...if/when an upgrade becomes an option. ♥️

This is a fabulous thread!! Thank you for posting,@PriceScopeKayti!!


Jun 8, 2008
Oh @Matthews1127 SWOON! Love your gorgeous ring and thank you for sharing the thread with photos! :love:

Please everyone share photos of your ER in addition to sharing what it means to you.



Feb 24, 2017
What does it say about me that I didn’t have or didn’t want an engagement ring? :lol: We just got married as quickly as we could. Fast forward 40 years, and I finally decided I’d like an ‘engagement’ ring, and boy was it worth the wait. I met @missy, and Bella became mine.

I love the fact that Bella is an antique, and has a history of being ‘preloved’.


Jun 8, 2008
What does it say about me that I didn’t have or didn’t want an engagement ring? :lol: We just got married as quickly as we could. Fast forward 40 years, and I finally decided I’d like an ‘engagement’ ring, and boy was it worth the wait. I met @missy, and Bella became mine.

I love the fact that Bella is an antique, and has a history of being ‘preloved’.

And I couldn't be happier she is yours. Truly meant to be and a perfect match. It might have taken you 4 decades but you finally got your dream ring. But you had/have the dream husband from the beginning and that is the most valuable gem of all. :love:

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
My original engagement ring blew my little socks off, not because it was fancy or huge, but because I completely wasn't expecting it & my heart was so full of love for that man. It was 12 quad set princess cuts totalling 1ct. It got damaged by my eldest when she was little, so I got my pear instead.

I never really LOVED the princess cuts & it was grubby & hard to clean from day 1, but actually once it became too vulnerable to wear, I decided I really DID love it very much & I miss it. The memories attached, the sentiment, the weight of it on my hand, the fact that a man proposed to me that I loved SO much, rather than a previous proposal that was more of an instruction. I still have it but don't wear it for fear of the stones tumbling out - they're lose in the centre. I try it on fondly sometimes though.

@Bron357 Do you have a picture of your ring?



Feb 29, 2012
I guess I see the ER like the wedding: what is more important, the marriage or the things that go along with marriage?

I don’t have a dream story about my engagement. After 9.5 years of dating, I had to issue an ultimatum, even though we bought the ring together 1 year before that. We started dating at 16, so the 9.5 years is somewhat understandable in that context.

DH had a BAD childhood and an absent addict for a father and an odd (to say the least) mother and situation. He didn’t like change and the thought of things like graduating from high school, med school (he entered med school on fast track without a college degree) buying a ring, engagement, marriage, buying a house, having children all caused him a very high level of panic.

But, he is my soulmate and is BRILLIANT and always was the one for me.

So one day we went to lunch and he took out a scrap of paper (I posted it here once) that was an ad he had cut out from a local jewelry store (this was 1993) that had a .75 round for $995 on sale. He said he wanted to go look at it with me and then immediately his arm pits were soaked through his shirt, lol.

While I hadn’t really wanted a round, the stone was very pretty and white and sparkly and so he bought it and we set it in a 6 prong Tiffany.

A day or two later, the credit card company called his house and he wasn’t home so they told his grandmother that they wanted to verify he made a large purchase at a jewelry store. Lol. He was in medical school and didn’t live at home.

His family were CRAZED and it caused so much CHAOS. Fast forward to the ultimatum and I said “new year’s even at midnight or I’m walking” and I meant it. So he waited until New Year’s Eve at midnight.

His family fought me every step of the way.

Finally we got married and moved out of state (yay!) away from both our toxic families.

He is still my soul mate, an excellent provider, a wonderful husband, a good father, and we are still passionately in love with each other and have been married nearly a quarter of a century at this point.

After about 16 years, I upgraded the uncertified .75 D I1 round for my dream stone, my 1.52 G vs1 asscher set in a CVB ID pave split shank (had the stone in a solitaire for 4 years before I reset it into the glam setting). The original ER is a pendant now.

I also have bought a .64 I CBI that I am upgrading to a 1.07 K as soon as Antwerp opens back up because I have decided I want two engagement rings that I can switch up.

So that’s the story. I guess in the end, my original engagement ring was a means to an end. We got married, moved to a new state, he started residency, we had a baby, he got cancer, we got pregnant with twins, and we moved to another state all in the first 5 years of marriage. Life isn’t a fairy tale.

Life is what you make of it. Absolutely I would love to have a dream engagement story and a wow stone and also that it was a surprise— but oh well. Sometimes those marriages end in dust anyway.

So I have no deep philosophical attachment or idea about what an engagement ring symbolizes. To me, it’s about the raw people with their issues and their relationship and how their marriage ends up.

I do enjoy reading other people’s wonderful dream engagement stories.

My husband and I have a beautiful, functional, healthy family and that is more important to me that any engagement story or ring.


Staff member
Apr 11, 2012
I LOVE this! I am so in love with love! My own engagement ring is Princess cut and made me feel really special and loved. DH had never been interested in being married before, in fact he had been in 2 separate long term relationships that lasted about 5 years each and never felt the pull to propose and broke things off when pressured. Imagine my surprise when 6 months in he took me to the jewelry store and asked me which I preferred.

I love him more today, 11 years later than I did that day and I look at my ring and smile all the time. He (and now our family) captured my whole heart and this ring feels like a symbol of the spark that set the fire and I love it.


Apr 20, 2017
I am not very sentimental. So an engagement ring is really just a bauble for me. Don't get me wrong, I adore my bauble and I love wearing it. However, I don't put much stock in jewelry as sentiment though. I do wear some type of wedding band (not necessarily the original) at all times though. Not that it matters... I'm getting so old I doubt any suitor would give me a second glance! :lol-2:


Jun 3, 2017
I am not very sentimental. So an engagement ring is really just a bauble for me. Don't get me wrong, I adore my bauble and I love wearing it. However, I don't put much stock in jewelry as sentiment though. I do wear some type of wedding band (not necessarily the original) at all times though. Not that it matters... I'm getting so old I doubt any suitor would give me a second glance! :lol-2:

Ditto to all of this!


Mar 18, 2019
Wow I love reading all the stories! To me, my engagement ring was a sweet promise fulfilled by my DH.

When DH and I first started dating, I had recently broke up with my ex and I was sad that we were two years together and it didn’t work out. So early on, I told DH that if we made it to three years I’d like a promise ring from him.

Fast forward three years later, he still remembered that request although I had forgotten about it and did not expect him to put it to heart. So when he got us a pair of promise rings, I was very touched that he remembered even the little things, and he promised to marry me eventually and I promised to wait for him.

A year later, he proposed to me with the engagement ring that we’ve picked together (after some research and consultation on Pricescope when I first joined this amazing community!), and after another year of wedding planning, we got married!

He wore that promise ring up till the hour of solemnisation on the day of our wedding and never really took the ring off since his promise two years back, which I found it incredibly sweet and touching of him! Love that man to bits.

So to me, my engagement ring is a five-year request/promise that was fulfilled, and a lifetime to unfurl!



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Apr 30, 2005
When I wonder what a term means I go to a dictionary.
The 7.8 billion "meanings" offered by every person walking the planet are not equally legit.

Screen Shot 2020-04-23 at 8.23.01 PM.png
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Feb 28, 2012
The engagement ring was really just the icing on the cake for what was a very happy time with us deciding to spend our lives together. The actual ring doesn't mean anything to me though. A girl's got to move on from a 0.2 carat diamond ring. I have two "engagement" rings and switch them out depending on mood or outfit. I think they are beautiful and I love looking at them but in addition I also find them oddly comforting, in a way that I don't experience with other pieces of jewelry.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
The engagement ring was really just the icing on the cake for what was a very happy time with us deciding to spend our lives together. The actual ring doesn't mean anything to me though. A girl's got to move on from a 0.2 carat diamond ring. I have two "engagement" rings and switch them out depending on mood or outfit. I think they are beautiful and I love looking at them but in addition I also find them oddly comforting, in a way that I don't experience with other pieces of jewelry.

I feel this way about my wedding ring. It literally hasn't left my finger since the day my husband put it on, even being taped over for the 3 surgeries I've had during our marriage. My husband hasn't ever removed his either & it's the only piece of jewellery he owns. I cannot even feel it on my finger when it's alone, as it seems to have been absorbed by my brain as a part of my body now. It is hands down the most precious piece of jewellery I own & more treasured than any of my diamonds.


Apr 7, 2017
Wow I love reading all the stories! To me, my engagement ring was a sweet promise fulfilled by my DH.

When DH and I first started dating, I had recently broke up with my ex and I was sad that we were two years together and it didn’t work out. So early on, I told DH that if we made it to three years I’d like a promise ring from him.

Fast forward three years later, he still remembered that request although I had forgotten about it and did not expect him to put it to heart. So when he got us a pair of promise rings, I was very touched that he remembered even the little things, and he promised to marry me eventually and I promised to wait for him.

A year later, he proposed to me with the engagement ring that we’ve picked together (after some research and consultation on Pricescope when I first joined this amazing community!), and after another year of wedding planning, we got married!

He wore that promise ring up till the hour of solemnisation on the day of our wedding and never really took the ring off since his promise two years back, which I found it incredibly sweet and touching of him! Love that man to bits.

So to me, my engagement ring is a five-year request/promise that was fulfilled, and a lifetime to unfurl!




My DH & I had promise rings, too!!!
Plain stainless steel bands. We wore them on our right hands, until our wedding day.
DH works heavy highway construction, and prefers to wear the promise ring over his wedding band for fear of loss or damage. He wears his wedding band on weekends, and when we go out, together.
I’ve been wearing my promise ring, in place of my wedding set, since COVID-19 protocols started. All the disinfecting, gloves, and hand washing makes it difficult to wear my diamonds, so my promise ring stays on my finger.
I wear my diamonds on my days off, which feels like a treat! lol!!!


May 3, 2001
Well, I cannot post a picture of my wife's original engagement ring. She was chatting with a friend at the stable she kept her horse in and had her hand on a fence post. Her (expletive deleted) horse popped the center stone out of the mounting and inhaled it. My wonderful lady called me in tears and told me she was going to put the horse in a stall and sift his poop every morning until she found the small square shaped ruby.

I put my foot down and said, "No, you are not! That ring was the best symbol I could afford of my love for you when you agreed to marry me, now it is time for me to get a better symbol for you." Silly wonderful lady, she cried even harder.

Here is the back story. The year was 1972 and Resa and I were both in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. I was a Marine Security Guard at the Embassy, i.e. lower than whale poop on the ocean floor in the social ladder of the Embassy.

I had somehow gotten this beautiful young lady to fall in love with me and after I proposed we took a trip to some of the local jewelers in Copacabana. We found a pretty ring that she loved. It had three square rubies set baseball style with eight small round brilliant cut diamonds set in a rectangular style with a diamond between each ruby and at the corner. It "happened" to be the right size within half an hour and as she was wearing it on the way home she started to cry.

I asked her why and said if she did not love the ring we could take it back and choose a different one. She told me she wasn't sure she could marry me. I simply looked at her and said she had promised and I knew her to be a woman of her word. It was probably something that would get me shot today, but we have been happily married for nearly 47 years now. I am so glad I refused to take no for an answer,

I did get her another nice ring and took the two remaining rubies and the eight diamonds and made nice pair of earrings from the original ring.

I bought her another engagement ring a few years later, so she now has two engagement rings.

All three of them, were symbols of my love for this incredible lady. She has been a wonderful wife, a great mother and a true blessing in my life. We have walked hand in hand through life, except when I made a financial error back in the early 1990's that put us in crisis mode. Then she stood back to back with me for two years while we fought off the dragons. Now we are back to hand in hand and enjoying the journey through these interesting times.

Long story short, those rings were and still are symbols of the love I feel so strongly for this lady who pledged to spend her life with me and has done so, just as she promised.



Oct 25, 2012
Well, I cannot post a picture of my wife's original engagement ring. She was chatting with a friend at the stable she kept her horse in and had her hand on a fence post. Her (expletive deleted) horse popped the center stone out of the mounting and inhaled it. My wonderful lady called me in tears and told me she was going to put the horse in a stall and sift his poop every morning until she found the small square shaped ruby.

I put my foot down and said, "No, you are not! That ring was the best symbol I could afford of my love for you when you agreed to marry me, now it is time for me to get a better symbol for you." Silly wonderful lady, she cried even harder.

Here is the back story. The year was 1972 and Resa and I were both in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. I was a Marine Security Guard at the Embassy, i.e. lower than whale poop on the ocean floor in the social ladder of the Embassy.

I had somehow gotten this beautiful young lady to fall in love with me and after I proposed we took a trip to some of the local jewelers in Copacabana. We found a pretty ring that she loved. It had three square rubies set baseball style with eight small round brilliant cut diamonds set in a rectangular style with a diamond between each ruby and at the corner. It "happened" to be the right size within half an hour and as she was wearing it on the way home she started to cry.

I asked her why and said if she did not love the ring we could take it back and choose a different one. She told me she wasn't sure she could marry me. I simply looked at her and said she had promised and I knew her to be a woman of her word. It was probably something that would get me shot today, but we have been happily married for nearly 47 years now. I am so glad I refused to take no for an answer,

I did get her another nice ring and took the two remaining rubies and the eight diamonds and made nice pair of earrings from the original ring.

I bought her another engagement ring a few years later, so she now has two engagement rings.

All three of them, were symbols of my love for this incredible lady. She has been a wonderful wife, a great mother and a true blessing in my life. We have walked hand in hand through life, except when I made a financial error back in the early 1990's that put us in crisis mode. Then she stood back to back with me for two years while we fought off the dragons. Now we are back to hand in hand and enjoying the journey through these interesting times.

Long story short, those rings were and still are symbols of the love I feel so strongly for this lady who pledged to spend her life with me and has done so, just as she promised.


That brought me to tears


Oct 25, 2012
My mother in law is first cousins with Helene Fortunoff . So when my husband was a baby she purchased 3 stones from Helene for each of her 3 sons (albeit) one carat pear shapes. My husband hid the ring in the challah one Friday night. So nice. But I didn't get to select what I wanted. So at our one year anniversary he had it made into a pendant and he bought me a beautiful 1.44 carat trillion stone with 2 1/2 trillion side stones. So nice
Then just after 911 I lost my BFF /my mom. She gifted me her EC engagement ring. I wear this ring with such pride and love and my husband understands that he could never compete with the sentiment of wearing my mothers ring (plus its 3.66 carats which we couldn't afford.
So that is my story


Feb 29, 2012
Well, I cannot post a picture of my wife's original engagement ring. She was chatting with a friend at the stable she kept her horse in and had her hand on a fence post. Her (expletive deleted) horse popped the center stone out of the mounting and inhaled it. My wonderful lady called me in tears and told me she was going to put the horse in a stall and sift his poop every morning until she found the small square shaped ruby.

I put my foot down and said, "No, you are not! That ring was the best symbol I could afford of my love for you when you agreed to marry me, now it is time for me to get a better symbol for you." Silly wonderful lady, she cried even harder.

Here is the back story. The year was 1972 and Resa and I were both in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. I was a Marine Security Guard at the Embassy, i.e. lower than whale poop on the ocean floor in the social ladder of the Embassy.

I had somehow gotten this beautiful young lady to fall in love with me and after I proposed we took a trip to some of the local jewelers in Copacabana. We found a pretty ring that she loved. It had three square rubies set baseball style with eight small round brilliant cut diamonds set in a rectangular style with a diamond between each ruby and at the corner. It "happened" to be the right size within half an hour and as she was wearing it on the way home she started to cry.

I asked her why and said if she did not love the ring we could take it back and choose a different one. She told me she wasn't sure she could marry me. I simply looked at her and said she had promised and I knew her to be a woman of her word. It was probably something that would get me shot today, but we have been happily married for nearly 47 years now. I am so glad I refused to take no for an answer,

I did get her another nice ring and took the two remaining rubies and the eight diamonds and made nice pair of earrings from the original ring.

I bought her another engagement ring a few years later, so she now has two engagement rings.

All three of them, were symbols of my love for this incredible lady. She has been a wonderful wife, a great mother and a true blessing in my life. We have walked hand in hand through life, except when I made a financial error back in the early 1990's that put us in crisis mode. Then she stood back to back with me for two years while we fought off the dragons. Now we are back to hand in hand and enjoying the journey through these interesting times.

Long story short, those rings were and still are symbols of the love I feel so strongly for this lady who pledged to spend her life with me and has done so, just as she promised.


I love this story and it would be incredible if someone found that ruby some day while digging a garden or something. Are the stables still there? Do you know?


Feb 29, 2012
My mother in law is first cousins with Helene Fortunoff . So when my husband was a baby she purchased 3 stones from Helene for each of her 3 sons (albeit) one carat pear shapes. My husband hid the ring in the challah one Friday night. So nice. But I didn't get to select what I wanted. So at our one year anniversary he had it made into a pendant and he bought me a beautiful 1.44 carat trillion stone with 2 1/2 trillion side stones. So nice
Then just after 911 I lost my BFF /my mom. She gifted me her EC engagement ring. I wear this ring with such pride and love and my husband understands that he could never compete with the sentiment of wearing my mothers ring (plus its 3.66 carats which we couldn't afford.
So that is my story

It’s gorgeous!!


May 3, 2001
I love this story and it would be incredible if someone found that ruby some day while digging a garden or something. Are the stables still there? Do you know?

Sadly, it is long gone. My first thought when you asked was this old song

The old stable was under the flight path of the Boise airport and they actually build some incredibly long lights used as part of the landing lights and also for IFR guidance if coming down through the clouds. So not really a parking lot, but the ruby is gone for sure.



Feb 24, 2017
I feel this way about my wedding ring. It literally hasn't left my finger since the day my husband put it on, even being taped over for the 3 surgeries I've had during our marriage. My husband hasn't ever removed his either & it's the only piece of jewellery he owns. I cannot even feel it on my finger when it's alone, as it seems to have been absorbed by my brain as a part of my body now. It is hands down the most precious piece of jewellery I own & more treasured than any of my diamonds.

I wore my original wedding ring for about 3 days and never wore it again, I’m not even sure where it is, like @Gussie, I have no sentimental attachment to anything. Don’t get me wrong, I’d be devastated to lose Bella, but she’s insured.


May 3, 2001
I wore my original wedding ring for about 3 days and never wore it again, I’m not even sure where it is, like @Gussie, I have no sentimental attachment to anything. Don’t get me wrong, I’d be devastated to lose Bella, but she’s insured.

This is a very interesting comment to me, Austina.

I am deeply sentimental, it is a big part of the reason I have spent so much of my adult life in pursuit of the perfectly cut diamond. I spent the young adult years after high school going to college for a year and a half, quitting school to join the Marine Corps and go fight in Vietnam, as I agreed with what we were trying to do. It would be many years before I finished college, but I finally did. I reenlisted while I was stationed in Hawaii, and went to Embassy guard school and ended up stationed at the Embassy in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

While there, I fell in love with colored gems and eventually met and fell in love with Resa. When my second enlistment was nearly up, both of us enrolled in the GIA Graduate Gemologist course in residence. It was there that I also fell in love with diamonds, and there that I began my quest to find the best cut diamonds. That was in 1975. I came close a few times, even having thought I might have found the best with EightStar, but it was not until 2002 that I found the diamond I had been looking for so long. The quality of cut available by even the best cutters in 1975 was NOTHING like what can be found today. Hearts and arrows were none existent back then.

Resa graduated at the top of the class, in spite of being 8 2/3 months pregnant when she took the six hour essay exam a week before our first child was born. You practically had to have a note from God to leave your seat to go to the bathroom during that exam, yet the proctor kept checking to see if she would like to go lay down as she was looking so tired. Poor lady had to sit with her shoulders perpendicular to the exam table as my 9 pound 15 ounce son would not let her sit normally at the table. I can tell you for sure she did not enjoy six scheduled hours of essay exam in that torqued position. She finished the morning session in about 2 hours and 30 minutes, and in even less time for the afternoon session, and according to one of my instructor friends, kicked all of us hot shots to the curb. He swore she had the highest score of the test and was in fact top of her class.

Oh, the stories I can tell about some of my clients, especially some of the men, who in spite of being rough and tumble in the military or in business, are also sentimental about what they want for symbol of their love for the lady of their dreams.

Sure, some few of my clients just wanted a diamond to offer up. They did not need/want to know more than size and how much. Yet others spent hours, weeks and days learning everything they could to be sure the symbol of their love was worthy enough to be presented to HER.

Oh, the ladies? They too have wonderful stories to tell about what those symbols mean to them. To talk about how the sparkle of the diamond surprised them in crazy locations, making them think about how much HE cared to take the time to research the symbol that was offered.

Many of these stories are from right here on Pricescope. It brings joy to me on this beautiful Sunday day in Boise, Idaho to think about these stories. It brings me great joy to know that for some, the stories are of the second or third symbol given. For some, the quest for the perfect symbol continues long after the heated blush of first love.



Feb 24, 2017
That’s a lovely story @Wink. I suppose the reason I’m not sentimental is that to me, things are just things, they come and go, but love is still enduring after 42 years together.


Aug 5, 2018
I cannot even feel it... as it seems to have been absorbed by my brain as a part of my body now.

A couple of pieces of jewelry feel this way; the rest is art & play.
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