
What do our friends across the pond think of Harry and Meghan

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
You don't - which is perfectly fine.

Monarchy is kinda like religion.
There is no logical reason anyone should believe in (or fall for) either.
Yet zillions still do.
Because their parents (aka the software programers who write the operating systems for every newborn brain) did.
Similarly drugs make certain folks feel good.
Who wouldn't want eternal life, et al.

People just vary.

Actually in history at high school we learned about this thing called the divine right of kingship
You would not have liked it in those days Kenny

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
So anyway the Oprah interview is screening here the next day after the US (time difference taken into account)
7.30 after the news
My tv remote is broken and i cant get that channel till i buy a new tv ill have to watch it on my laptop


Mar 3, 2018
We like them and wish them well. I can see their doing good things here, philanthropically.

Of course, I liked Suits so what do I know? :cool2:

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Wow so much in the latest drama

I feel bad for the Queen...
Me too
She had dedicated her entire life to the service of all her people

Her father and mother (and i would say grandmother) did a wonderful job installing in her a life of service and dedication

Can you please remind me next time we have a H&M thread i need to step away


May 6, 2019
Reading some of these posts saying H&M are "greedy" or "hypocrites" without even mentioning the rest of the royal fam are missing the forest for the trees (imo).
As one of those posters, the question I answered was “What do our friends across the pond think of Harry and Meghan”. Not Harry, Meghan and the entire RF. Who has the time to delve into all of *that*?!




Aug 29, 2014
As one of those posters, the question I answered was “What do our friends across the pond think of Harry and Meghan”. Not Harry, Meghan and the entire RF. Who has the time to delve into all of *that*?!


Absolutely true! I think the question pulled the string at a rant about the RF that I should have kept to myself :lol:


Jun 14, 2018
Hang on is Harry a pilot too? I thought that was William :)

Lmao! Idk, I saw this on the Facebook page of US military wives when they married. See, I know even less about them than I thought :lol: :lol:

As an American girl <10 years older than the them, I just remember thinking William was the cute one when young, and Harry is better looking as they grew older. :think:


Apr 30, 2005
As one of those posters, the question I answered was “What do our friends across the pond think of Harry and Meghan”. Not Harry, Meghan and the entire RF. Who has the time to delve into all of *that*?!


Internet fora threads just go wherever they go.
You can try but you can't herd cats, or forum posters.

I accept this.
Many don't.


May 6, 2019
Internet fora threads just go wherever they go.
You can try but you can't herd cats, or forum posters.

I accept this.
Many don't.

Wasn’t trying to herd anyone, just responding as to why I had only answered re Harry and Megs =)2


Mar 9, 2012
American here. I was 13 in 1981 when I woke at the crack of dawn to watch Charles and Diana marry. As an avid follower of Vogue and WWD back then I was waiting for the first glimpse of Diana’s dress and boy, young me was sorely disappointed at the over abundant frippery. Then at 16 still following the tabloids for her sartorial evolution I remember thinking this relationship is doomed to failure.

But I was happy to see her devotion to her boys and rooted for them as they grew up. Yes, Harry had very questionable choices growing up (haven’t most of us?) but I hoped for both of them to find compatible mates and have long happy marriages. It seems they both have but only time will tell.

Marriages/partnerships work when each person knows themselves well - faults, familial and personal baggage, mental/emotional issues, etc., acknowledges it, works through it, and is transparent with their spouse. Of course financial values, child-rearing disciplines, religion (if applicable), personality compatibility, and give and take play into all that after the physical attraction.

In the best of times, marriage can be tricky. Add parenting and unforseen outside influences, it can be stressful. Apply the tabloids to this equation, we can all agree it can be detrimental. I had no idea who Meghan Markle was prior to their engagement. All this to say that Harry is a big boy and every decision they’ve made to lead them to this point can’t be put solely on Meghan’s shoulders.

I thought the US tabloids were invasive, but it seems the UK paparazzi is determined to perform a daily colonoscopy, especially on the royal family. The women are under a microscope even more so.

I wish H & M well. I don’t understand the well-spring of animosity against them, or her. Maybe not being from the UK, I’m not that invested, except for their fashion sense. They’re damned if they do, damned if they don’t so my advice to them would be “you do you.”

Also, the stones in Camilla’s EC -ring has always bothered me because of their light leakage and over darkness. I know, I know, that’s for Rocky Talky.
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Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Lmao! Idk, I saw this on the Facebook page of US military wives when they married. See, I know even less about them than I thought :lol: :lol:

As an American girl <10 years older than the them, I just remember thinking William was the cute one when young, and Harry is better looking as they grew older. :think:

Im pretty sure they are both pilots
Isnt that what Harry was doing in Afghanistan ?
I can't remember
Maybe he was just on an armoured personal carrer ?

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Saw some on the news tonight
i sincerely hope she is not throwing the race card at HM
because one thing the Queen is most definatly not, is racist
That is not how her parents raised her who both loved and respected the people of the commonwealth
And i would also think Charles and William and Kate feel the same way about us

When im famouse im not having Oprah interview me
Has Oprah interviewed Bruce Springsteen .... um no !

Also Prince Philip seems to be having some serouse health issues
this is very bad timing that i would go as far as saying bad manners and possible disrespect of very elderly grandparents


Oct 2, 2014
They both annoy me because they are two of the most privileged people in the world - how many people are actually royal? - and they were showered with every luxury imaginable, and yet they're so unhappy.

The difficulties that Meghan experienced are experienced by all royals except the Queen. They are, broadly, 1) backbiting and 2) having to fit in with the institution's ways, and not being able to go and do your own thing.

Whenever someone marries into the royal family, they attract a lot of jealousy from the press and now people on social media. Kate was hounded for YEARS by the press, called Waity Katie, the Duchess of Doolittle, and they made fun of her mother for being former cabin crew. "Doors to manual, " they'd scream, when Kate came along. Kate was once followed around London for an entire day by a photographer. Kate earned respect by never once reacting in all those years. Oh - and when Kate went to a temple and had to take her shoes off, the press ran an enormous close-up of her feet, pointing out and criticizing every bump and hangnail! Also, once respected journalist (now deceased, James Whitaker) wrote an article flat-out stating that Kate wasn't good enough, and that William's friends didn't think she was, as well. The press reported that she was called The Mattress and The Limpet. Hurtful things to appear in the newspaper.

When the Duchess of York had her children, the press nicknamed her the Duchess of Pork. Sophie Wessex was entrapped by a fake sheikh who was a journalist, and she lost her PR company as a result. Prince Philip has been dogged by affair rumors his whole married life - for over 70 years - and ignored it all. He was VERY badly treated by the court when he married the future queen, because they didn't feel he was good enough for them. Oh - and an intimate conversation between Charles and Camilla was not only taped by a newspaper, the recording AND the transcript were both published, so then everyone knew that Charles wanted to be Camilla's tampon. And when Fergie had an affair with her financial adviser, the press ran a photo of her having her toes sucked by the pool ON THE FRONT PAGE. Kate has had to endure topless pictures of her appearing. Not in the British press, sure, but they were all over the global web.

Given all this, I don't see how Meghan can think that she got press treatment that was worse than the other royals have got over the years. Just the other day, some paper was reporting that Princess Anne, the Queen's daughter, had had seven lovers. How embarrassing for her! Oh, and remember the idiotic fuss about Pippa's bottom by the press after Kate's wedding? How humiliating for her, to have yards of column inches written about your bottom in the national press.

So I think Meghan actually had favorable press treatment. None of it was as bad as the above. Unlike the Duchess of Pork and Waity Katie, she didn't even get called names.

The criticism that Meghan did get, I'd have thought she could rise above it, given her new status and role in life.

And the reason Meghan couldn't go off and do her own interviews is that the RF is a well-oiled machine and each cog has its part. The family works together, supporting each others' interests, not stepping on toes. If you don't want to fit into the mold, fine, but why make it the institution's fault? Why not just say, "Hey, I don't think I'm the right fit for this job?"

They were given an incredibly lavish wedding, approx. a million pounds' worth of designer clothing, same again in jewels, a large house that the taxpayers paid 2million to refurb to the highest standard, a dukedom, Meghan was given an HRH and is officially Princess Henry, they were given opportunities to travel, lots of downtime, and help with future children. All of it given to them. In return all they had to do was ignore the jealous sniping and work for charity. It really doesn't seem like a bad deal.

I'm sure that parts of it really surprised Meghan, and weren't what she thought it would be, but a situation like this - marrying into foreign royalty - was always bound to have teething troubles. I do not feel that she gave her new role, the people, or the country a chance. She was gone so quickly! I think it was a very sad wasted opportunity, and that if she had given her new life a chance, she could have blossomed and made a great contribution over many years. It seems like she didn't even TRY to understand how the monarchy worked, she just came up against a few fences, because her approach was wrong for that environment, and then she just threw all the good away with the bad. She could have made a huge difference within the royals, with the backing, connections, and logistical support they offer in terms of carrying out charity duties.


Feb 24, 2017
You know the Queen’s mantra is never complain, never explain.


Nov 7, 2004
I have sympathy because when I first heard about them leaving the royal family, I thought how bad could it be, and then I read stuff that was printed about them and their kids, and honestly, I don't blame them one bit. It is kind of like signing onto a job where the job owns you, and as part of the job you have to give access to press, who say mean nitpicky and ugly things not just to you, but your children and family members. Yes all newbies get the "treatment" but it seemed esp harsh with Meghan and not even racist undertones but racist overtones.

A royal person attending the same lunch chose to wear a "blackamoor" brooch
A newscaster compared Meghan and Harry's baby to a chimpanzee

If you look at how Kate and Meghan were treated side by side, they were much more negative to Meghan

So I understand it is not just publicity, but negative/mean attacks as well as lack of privacy for their family that made them do this.

I think they are doing the publicity thing because again that is one of the few ways they can make money. I don't follow celebrities so I won't be supporting them that way but I wish their family health and sanity. I do hope that the Royal family re thinks how much access the press should get to the royal family. If that could be dialed down maybe they could rejoin and continue to do royal duties like charities and philanthropic events.
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Oct 2, 2014
The brooch incident was completely disgusting. I wouldn't blame Meghan for bringing that up in the interview at all. There was no excuse for it. That Princess Michael is a nasty old thing. I hope the Queen ripped her a new one.

Since the British don't see everything through the prism of race like Americans do, it's just possible that the chimpanzee incident was meant to be a joke about the royals having to perform like circus animals....but it's a bit of a stretch. It was a stupid and ugly thing to post whether the poster had racist intentions or not.

In the last example, the article is comparing the press that Kate gets today with Meghan's press. Kate has spent the last fifteen years earning respect. In all those years of provocation (see the many examples I wrote above), she has never once complained, and carries out all her duties with cheer when she'd probably have preferred to be at home with her very young children. She accepted everything about being royal, together with all the restrictions and the bad press, and she understands how it all works. She is meant to be the support role to William (like Philip is to the Queen), and she understood that it's all a big trade-off.

Additionally, her family has been dragged through the mud, with her mother's humble roots being made much of, and the humiliating press about her sister's body. But the whole family kept their dignity through YEARS of provocation, and that's why they have the nation's respect.

After fifteen years, Kate has proved herself to be stable and reliable, and generally a real asset to her country.

The article should have compared Kate's former press with Meghan's. And there were plenty of bullies saying that Kate's bump was fake, criticizing her for her weight, for wearing heels, for agreeing to appear on the steps shortly after birth.

The last article is just cherrypicking good things that were said about Kate and putting them next to Meghan's bad press. It's not a fair comparison.


@Jambalaya is right - I remember the years of horrendous press about Kate, despite her always seeming to be a perfectly nice, well-mannered, inoffensive person.

The British tabloids are pretty disgusting. Though I wonder why people care so much what they write. It's not that hard to just... not read them. I suspect that's the approach Kate and her family took!


Sep 17, 2008
These 2 are low on the pole, I don't think about them and I just can't care. end of the day they have rich ppl problems and I have no time for that.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
They both annoy me because they are two of the most privileged people in the world - how many people are actually royal? - and they were showered with every luxury imaginable, and yet they're so unhappy.

The difficulties that Meghan experienced are experienced by all royals except the Queen. They are, broadly, 1) backbiting and 2) having to fit in with the institution's ways, and not being able to go and do your own thing.

Whenever someone marries into the royal family, they attract a lot of jealousy from the press and now people on social media. Kate was hounded for YEARS by the press, called Waity Katie, the Duchess of Doolittle, and they made fun of her mother for being former cabin crew. "Doors to manual, " they'd scream, when Kate came along. Kate was once followed around London for an entire day by a photographer. Kate earned respect by never once reacting in all those years. Oh - and when Kate went to a temple and had to take her shoes off, the press ran an enormous close-up of her feet, pointing out and criticizing every bump and hangnail! Also, once respected journalist (now deceased, James Whitaker) wrote an article flat-out stating that Kate wasn't good enough, and that William's friends didn't think she was, as well. The press reported that she was called The Mattress and The Limpet. Hurtful things to appear in the newspaper.

When the Duchess of York had her children, the press nicknamed her the Duchess of Pork. Sophie Wessex was entrapped by a fake sheikh who was a journalist, and she lost her PR company as a result. Prince Philip has been dogged by affair rumors his whole married life - for over 70 years - and ignored it all. He was VERY badly treated by the court when he married the future queen, because they didn't feel he was good enough for them. Oh - and an intimate conversation between Charles and Camilla was not only taped by a newspaper, the recording AND the transcript were both published, so then everyone knew that Charles wanted to be Camilla's tampon. And when Fergie had an affair with her financial adviser, the press ran a photo of her having her toes sucked by the pool ON THE FRONT PAGE. Kate has had to endure topless pictures of her appearing. Not in the British press, sure, but they were all over the global web.

Given all this, I don't see how Meghan can think that she got press treatment that was worse than the other royals have got over the years. Just the other day, some paper was reporting that Princess Anne, the Queen's daughter, had had seven lovers. How embarrassing for her! Oh, and remember the idiotic fuss about Pippa's bottom by the press after Kate's wedding? How humiliating for her, to have yards of column inches written about your bottom in the national press.

So I think Meghan actually had favorable press treatment. None of it was as bad as the above. Unlike the Duchess of Pork and Waity Katie, she didn't even get called names.

The criticism that Meghan did get, I'd have thought she could rise above it, given her new status and role in life.

And the reason Meghan couldn't go off and do her own interviews is that the RF is a well-oiled machine and each cog has its part. The family works together, supporting each others' interests, not stepping on toes. If you don't want to fit into the mold, fine, but why make it the institution's fault? Why not just say, "Hey, I don't think I'm the right fit for this job?"

They were given an incredibly lavish wedding, approx. a million pounds' worth of designer clothing, same again in jewels, a large house that the taxpayers paid 2million to refurb to the highest standard, a dukedom, Meghan was given an HRH and is officially Princess Henry, they were given opportunities to travel, lots of downtime, and help with future children. All of it given to them. In return all they had to do was ignore the jealous sniping and work for charity. It really doesn't seem like a bad deal.

I'm sure that parts of it really surprised Meghan, and weren't what she thought it would be, but a situation like this - marrying into foreign royalty - was always bound to have teething troubles. I do not feel that she gave her new role, the people, or the country a chance. She was gone so quickly! I think it was a very sad wasted opportunity, and that if she had given her new life a chance, she could have blossomed and made a great contribution over many years. It seems like she didn't even TRY to understand how the monarchy worked, she just came up against a few fences, because her approach was wrong for that environment, and then she just threw all the good away with the bad. She could have made a huge difference within the royals, with the backing, connections, and logistical support they offer in terms of carrying out charity duties.

Very well put @Jambalaya

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
@Jambalaya is right - I remember the years of horrendous press about Kate, despite her always seeming to be a perfectly nice, well-mannered, inoffensive person.

The British tabloids are pretty disgusting. Though I wonder why people care so much what they write. It's not that hard to just... not read them. I suspect that's the approach Kate and her family took!

There is something about Kate that reminds me of the Queen Mum's tenure as Dutchess of York
And you know Elizebth Bowes -Lyon turned out pretty darn good for the future of the monarchy

I think despite her commoner background, George V & Queen Mary would very much approve of Kate just like they did with Lady Elizebth


Nov 7, 2004
I do remember the press being quite terrible with Kate as well. Taking pics of her topless, calling her waity katie, trying to dig up any negative angles about her family. Honestly it feels like the press and paparazzi are a bit off the hook, like dogs you constantly have to feed or they will bite you. And while u can say it's only their fault, it's also the fault of the appetites of people who buy the tabloids. They wouldn't print this crap if no one read it. They are treated like they are not real people, with real feelings. I personally could not deal with that level of invasion (and negativity) in my life. (Sure they don't have to read the papers, but they can't stop their garbage from being gone through, mail read, phones tapped, family and friends harassed...) Maybe some should say harry should divorce since his wife couldn't handle it. But I think it is a note of character he would rather stay with his wife and step down, than keep his "job". And now that they are private citizens, really not my business either.
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Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I do remember the press being quite terrible with Kate as well. Taking pics of her topless, calling her waity katie, trying to dig up any negative angles about her family. Honestly it feels like the press and paparazzi are a bit off the hook, and while u can say it's only their fault, it's also the fault of the appetites of pepe who buy the tabloids. They wouldn't print this crap if no one read it. It's almost like they are treated like they are not real people, with real feelings I personally could not deal.with that level of invasion of my life, so I'm not going to judge.

I will always feel quilty about buying those magazines because Diana was on the cover :(2

i do buy the odd souviner type issue occasionally (for the photos) but the vast majority are so badly written and researched its bad for my blood pressure


Nov 7, 2004
Anyways just because something is not unhealthy physically, does not mean it is not harmful psychologically. Mental trauma is real. A large percent of people suffer, and lives are lost through suicide. I honestly don't know how well they will navigate this situation. It does seem like no matter what they do it will be a lose-lose situation for them. Kind of sad.


May 13, 2018
I honestly gave no thought to them at all between Megexit and when @kenny posted his thread on who would be watching the Oprah interview. At this point I've seen some clips and heard mainly word of mouth from my in-laws from them having watched this. I hope they are happier now, and while H&M do strike me as acting privileged with their rich people problems, the institution isn't above reproach. I turn my nose up at anyone who can't handle the least bit of constructive criticism, no matter how much blue blood they have in their veins.

I think most news media coverage on this has been fairly neutral, though some American op-eds use it as a lense to magnify the faults of the monarchy itself, instead of making it focused on the individuals. I think there's some bias there.

Fox News has been consistently negative on Meghan and taking much the same view as British press. I never thought I'd see the day @kenny holds the same views as Fox News so that's been a little ironic.

I myself have generally been skeptical of any extremism, either politically, socially, or when it comes to judging people. I see good and bad, and can believe when someone else perceives they've been mistreated, and have feelings about that perception, even though that perception may be wrong. I can be sympathetic to someone without lapping up every word in their version of the story as the only truth. This is a family tragedy that is coming out in public because the family hasn't handled it well in private. Pinning the blame only on one side is unfair whichever side you choose. As they say in Chinese--you can't clap with only one hand--it takes two to make that sound.
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