
What do our friends across the pond think of Harry and Meghan


Dec 20, 2012
So saturated with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Was the British media so bad to have run them out of the country?


Feb 29, 2012
Did you watch Harry and James Cordon? I think Harry comes across as so likable, but many Brits I know are seething about the whole situation.


Nov 21, 2013
Yeah I'm interested to know this as well. What is the British media like? I feel for Harry and what happened with his mum so understand he'd be protective of his little family.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Things ive read in the Telegraph don't seem so bad
im thinking its the trashy publications that are the problem


May 1, 2009
Personal opinion and all that... imo the British press tends to give newbies a hard time. Thinking of Camilla and Kate here but as they settled into their roles I think the perception shifted and things got better for them (let’s not forget that Camilla was the other woman and the dog nicknames etc that she got, so much worst imo).

The Sussexes were just so immature about it IMO, not to mention that Meghan does have a messy and strange family situation (if you don’t invite any family to your wedding but instead just celebrities friends over, what do you think your family would do??).

But that was in the beginning and now I just outright dislike them and what they do. They complained that the press is intrusive in UK yet now give interviews left right centre... huh??? Plus all those stagey pics and all... yucks. And disrespect to the queen is a big NO to me. I’m in Singapore and not UK but I do read a lot of royal family news and I just feel like Meghan is greedy... for fame, for money... I just think of her expensive designer maternity wardrobe (paid by her father-in-law??) and cringe.

Anyway sorry for the rant but yeah I really don’t like them.

One thing i don't like is how (either by design or coincidence) they seem to announce things and steel someone else's royal thunder, its bad manners in anyone's family- if they had stayed in the royal fold someone's job would be to stop that happening
But it seemed HRH didn't like to listen to advice from people who might just know more than her

Yes!!! Such bad manners! the Queen, their cousin... there must be others but I forgot.

Not to forget how their staff were resigning non stop when they were royals? There must be a reason for people to resign like that right?


May 1, 2009
So saturated with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Was the British media so bad to have run them out of the country?

Do the Americans really like them?


Dec 20, 2012
Any other readers with an opinion on this? Harry was always so popular. It does have similarities to his great uncle and Wallis.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Personal opinion and all that... imo the British press tends to give newbies a hard time. Thinking of Camilla and Kate here but as they settled into their roles I think the perception shifted and things got better for them (let’s not forget that Camilla was the other woman and the dog nicknames etc that she got, so much worst imo).

The Sussexes were just so immature about it IMO, not to mention that Meghan does have a messy and strange family situation (if you don’t invite any family to your wedding but instead just celebrities friends over, what do you think your family would do??).

But that was in the beginning and now I just outright dislike them and what they do. They complained that the press is intrusive in UK yet now give interviews left right centre... huh??? Plus all those stagey pics and all... yucks. And disrespect to the queen is a big NO to me. I’m in Singapore and not UK but I do read a lot of royal family news and I just feel like Meghan is greedy... for fame, for money... I just think of her expensive designer maternity wardrobe (paid by her father-in-law??) and cringe.

Anyway sorry for the rant but yeah I really don’t like them.

Yes!!! Such bad manners! the Queen, their cousin... there must be others but I forgot.

Not to forget how their staff were resigning non stop when they were royals? There must be a reason for people to resign like that right?

You are dead right about everything but especially the press
I remember mum growling at the telly to leave Fergie along when the press where busy compairing Di to Fergie - Fergie, just like Meghan, had briefly been that breath of fresh air the monarchy needed till for what ever reason the tabloids turned on her

then poor Sophie was compaired to the late Princess Diana, then set up with that fake Sheik
Poor Ann had a hard time from the press for a long time as a young woman and then her private love letters were stolen
Before her Princess Margaret (another spair)
Its just headlines and circulation numbers for the newspapers - not people and families with feelings
Although i also think some of the liberal papers have an anti monarchy agenda

Just recently a publication had to apologise for referring to the 16 year old heir to the Dutch throne as plus sized

All Meghan had to do was ask ... or even google, what it was going to be like

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I must say he mostly gets positive coverage here, or on the telly news anyway
Apart from Andrew (lets not go there today) the Queen and the Royal family have had quite agreeable coverage here the last few years
Jisinta tells us when the Queen calls to ask after us, Prince Charles got behind the Christchurch cathedral rebuild
They say and do the right things that feel appropriate and genuine when tragedy befalls us
That's how the Queen's parents raised her, to care about all the people of the commonwealth
Im sure Charles and William and Harry feel the same way

Here is today's story

i mean i got mad when Charles and Camilia came last time and they didn't get leading stories (i think Harry and Meghan actually stole one :angryfire: ) Charles is going to be the next king !!!
But Camilia got rather pleasent coverage as she visited prisons, battered woman and the SPCA - all causes very worthy of her patronage and publicity and people who have actually met her speak very highly of her

Sometimes a lot of the gutter coverage is just cheap shots written by uneducated, uninformed, non fact checking young junos writting option pieces (sounds a bit like netflex's The Crown)

The amount of time i see them refer to the Queen as HRH it makes my blood boil and i wonder what they learn in junolism school ?

What also worries me about today's media is a publication who can't get the royal family stuff correct - like getting George V and Vi mixed up or what ever -I might not be able to spell but i know my history !

But- how can i trust them about the things in the news i don't know anything about if they make such basic mistakes on things a quick Google check would sort out

And if i see one more stupid story about the Queen wanting to abdicate and she should pass the crown to William I'll have a mental :angryfire:


Jan 29, 2021
IMO, the press and the love of the almighty dollar is the problem. You can't believe anything in the media anymore, and even if you could, you don't know really what goes on behind closed doors. For that reason I don't follow the royals anymore...I do look at their jewels, esp a new engagement ring, etc, but other than that I don't pay attention.


Jun 6, 2013
I think Meghan wanted it, to marry up into royalty. I don’t blame her, many people do. But like Grace Kelly, she realized it was not great, it was in fact very restrictive. So being a modern, influencer-type Hollywood star (similar to Blake Lively and Gwyneth Paltrow), she tried to renegotiate her contract but realized the Establishment was not willing to negotiate. So they left...

Personally, I don’t think they can live a quiet life. They like attention, both of them. Will and Kate are the ones who would disappear into rural Wales if you let them off the hook, not these two.


Jun 27, 2014
I'm not really keeping up with any of it but I think that Harry was the true impetus to them leaving and I think it would've happened no matter who he married. The trauma of losing his mother the way he did shaped him. The difference of it coming to fruition so quickly is the woman he married supported that decision. I think the seed for this decision was planted long ago.
If it means he can live happily, feeling like he did what he could to protect the people he loves, then more power to him.


Nov 21, 2013
I'm not really keeping up with any of it but I think that Harry was the true impetus to them leaving and I think it would've happened no matter who he married. The trauma of losing his mother the way he did shaped him. The difference of it coming to fruition so quickly is the woman he married supported that decision. I think the seed for this decision was planted long ago.
If it means he can live happily, feeling like he did what he could to protect the people he loves, then more power to him.

I totally agree. And the reason why so many of his long term girlfriends didn't move further to marriage because they didn't want that life. No one in the circle wanted that. So I was happy that Harry found happiness with someone outside the royal/aristocracy.


Aug 27, 2011
Most of the coverage here this morning (U.K.) seems to be in the tabloids and much of it has a negative slant.

They wanted a private life. I don’t get why they are now, almost constantly, seeking publicity and trying to attract attention!

Harry is a spoiled, immature, ignorant boy. I’m guessing most of us over here have little respect for him or his decisions.


Dec 18, 2014
Mmm they dont have any other marketable skills. They seem to want to live a very high lifestyle -- I suspect theyre both used to it. But I think there is nothing there for them to earn an income off except maybe megan's acting skills. I dont think they started off with large bank balances. So theyre selling off probably the only asset they have which is their profile and names and err probably gossip.

I cant think of what else they could have done. Other than live a much more modest lifestyle. Maybe realistically they couldnt do that -- it would probably be very difficult for them as theyll be acclamated to what they had and what all their friends have.

You have to hand it to them. Theyve gone from living on handouts with little real world experience to raising theyre own funds. Realistically they didnt do a bad job.


Apr 30, 2005
People blame the trashy press, but aren't they just providing what trashy people want?
IMO the blame belongs to the consumers of the low brow trash talk, myself included.

And how did so many of us get so air-headed and trashy anyway to care/obsess over people famous for being famous like Paris Hilton, Kim Kartrashian et al?
Too much TV?
Too much comfort and boredom in our first-world lives?

I've heard it all started with that 1969 documentary the royal family put out on TV.
I think that brought them down to earth (reportedly one desired outcome) but it shattered that royal mystique and got tongues wagging and telephoto lenses probing.
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Apr 30, 2005
Apr 22, 2020
Im not British and I don’t ever really read about the British royal family, so no dog in this fight. I will say though that whatever articles I’ve read from those trashy tabloids really do seem incredibly racist and it seemed like Meghan was always wrong for doing something that Kate was praised for (I think there was an article about Meghan cradling her baby bump which called her an attention seeker while Kate cradling her baby bump was called maternal). Also, in terms of racism, there was an article or tweet where a journalist compared Harry and Meghan’s baby to a chimpanzee. That is absolutely not okay in any form and I don’t blame them from pulling away from the lot.


Feb 24, 2017
It wasn’t a journalist @AllAboardTheBlingTrain, it was a radio presenter that made that comment, and he was immediately sacked. That’s part of the problem, someone makes a stupid, ignorant comment, and the whole of Britain is branded racist.


Feb 23, 2017
It's interesting to hear how other people view them, from both in and outside of the UK. I say good luck to them. I do believe they are both independently wealthy, I remember reading that Diana left a sizable inheritance (whether that's true or not I can't say). Their comment on being 'sacked' last week was fair enough. (They reportedly replied that 'service is universal'. I agree with that, if we all focused on ways we could be of service/do a good deed/be compassionate to those around us and in our community, I believe we would all be better off). As to the notion of royalty, I am not a fan. The idea that one human reigns over another is beyond me. There was a headline last week suggesting that when the Queen dies that should be the end of the line, that the monarchy should come to an end with no handover. In my experience the royal family have little relevance in the lives of the people I know, beyond 'oohing and ahhing' at the latest wedding dress/scandal. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. I also read a snippet suggesting that Meghan may use the Oprah opportunity to launch her political career, again no idea whether that's true or not.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
I am also across the pond. As @AllAboardTheBlingTrain said, Megan did get a bad rap in the press compared to the glowing coverage of Kate, with such comparison articles that she mentions. It always felt that Megan would never do right for doing wrong & even before they decided to check out, there were a couple of headlines that made my head shake. Harry's relationship with Megan was whirlwind, she was a divorcee, a woman of colour and not British. Even though times have moved on, some people still feel that all of those points were to be seen negatively. They were immediately compared to Edward and Wallis Simpson & she was always going to be wrongly painted as the vixen from the beginning. It's sad.

I don't think they were hounded by the press, but Harry is VERY sensitive to intrusion after what happened to his mother, almost say paranoid.

They 'escaped' Royal life to check out of being constantly reported on, but all I can see so far is them being reported on in the US. It just seems to be more orchestrated & under their control rather than being papped eating a muffin on the run with food stuck in their teeth.

I respect our Royal family & adore the Queen, but I don't think they serve the purpose they once did. However, I also believe in live & let live, so I'm glad they have chosen to lead the life they want to & wish them all the luck in the world in the Californian sunshine. They seem blissfully happy & I hope life works out for them.


Feb 23, 2017
I think in days gone by marriages were about allegiance, you can't go to war with your daughter's father-in-law type thing. But I will admit my historical knowledge is 0 out of 10 (I was a geography girl) and I learned more about the king's and queens of England from the Stoned book (it's about the history of jewels). I agree with @Alex T that the royal family no longer serve the purpose that they once did and if Harry and Meghan are still in the limelight it does seem to be more under their control.

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
They may be the nicest people in the world, but when stories about them show up on my news feed it annoys me. I think their PR team works overtime to get them press, and I am not personally interested in their lives. I am more interested in human interest stories which the press does not seem to cover anymore. For example, how people helped each other out in Texas during the weather crisis. I feel like I have to search for those type of stories.


May 6, 2019
I’m British living in America. The main thing that annoys me about them is how they self righteously preach to the general public on climate change and the environment whilst living a life of excess, private jets etc. Feels hypocritical and as if they are above the rules they believe everyone else should live by.


Sep 23, 2017
i'm american. i check a consolidated news feed most days (google news or apple) that links to a bunch of articles in different topics. harry/megan show up in headlines in the celebrity/entertainment section more than i would have guessed. i thought they were trying to live a private life but an interview w/ oprah is not laying low. i'm with @Lisa Loves Shiny and would rather see human interest stories.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
i'm american. i check a consolidated news feed most days (google news or apple) that links to a bunch of articles in different topics. harry/megan show up in headlines in the celebrity/entertainment section more than i would have guessed. i thought they were trying to live a private life but an interview w/ oprah is not laying low. i'm with @Lisa Loves Shiny and would rather see human interest stories.

AND an interview with Harry & James Corden in an open topped bus was released a couple of days ago too. They video called Megan at one point. Yuk.
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