
What bling gift to mark a special birthday?


Dec 16, 2007
Rosebloom|1352382265|3301036 said:
I just turned 35 a few weeks ago and I got my DBTY to mark the occasion (a few months early). So obviously disregard my previous statement about saving bling for "romantic" moments! I love this necklace so much. And part of what I love about it is that it was a significant gift to me from me. I've never really done that before and it felt great!!!

When I saw this on eBay, I thought of you:

Weren't you hoping for a yellow antique diamond? I would love one some day too so I keep an eye out. I think this would look awesome in a 22kt yellow gold double bezel. Yum...

That one is clarity enhanced Rosebloom! It is not disclosed but if you read the appraisal it says there are seven laser drill holes on the stone (can't think of another reason for that?). Anyways, the idea is nice!

I am enjoying reading what everyone else would do! Thanks for responding! :bigsmile:


Jun 17, 2009
Circe|1352377222|3301017 said:
Dreamer, I know you and I are similar in loving deals - might I suggest something gorgeous that you covet that is hard to come across in any way other than to order direct? A Van Craeynest stacker or Singlestone band, perhaps?

Oh, this is a great idea! Just throw caution to the wind and splurge on a special piece you really can't find anywhere else. And that is what I would get - some type of stacker or eternity band.


Jun 6, 2010
Dreamer_D|1352342132|3300894 said:
I am turning 35, which is a milestone for me for some reason. I am much more... affected... by 35 than I am by 40 at this point in time.

I don't have any plans, just in the dreaming stage. I only have my e-ring, so its a wide open playing field :lol: I think studs are out though. Been there and it was not my bag.

Mostly just interested in what other people did or plan to do!

Just wait til you get to'll for sure be affected by it! :lol:

I agree that I'd go with a classic piece to fill out your collection. Something you won't have the urge to sell/change etc. so that when you turn 70, you can look at your 35th bday gift and think about the good ole days!


Oct 4, 2011
DD, I would not buy anything that I do not truly desire, especially for a special birthday. I haven't purchased any special birthday presents for myself. I am currently having two gold bangles custom made to commemorate my two boys that I plan on wearing 24/7 once I receive them. (They will be hand forged and personalized in a non-obvious way to represent my kids.) Maybe you can have custom jewelry made to represent your two boys, too?


Jan 10, 2009
I was thinking possibly a charm bracelet and each charm would represent a milestone in your life.


Feb 2, 2011
Well I was supposed to get a tattoo when I turned 40. :ugeek:

Seemingly overnight at that time, I developed gray hair, a spare tire around my middle and needed bifocals, so I figured what the cluck, might as well get a tasteful tatt. The spare tire disappeared (wheat my friends, wheat), the gray hair is actually platinum and fabulous, and I have funky glasses. Alas the tatt still has not happened.

Perhaps another thread...


Dec 16, 2007
yennyfire|1352403875|3301318 said:
Dreamer_D|1352342132|3300894 said:
I am turning 35, which is a milestone for me for some reason. I am much more... affected... by 35 than I am by 40 at this point in time.

I don't have any plans, just in the dreaming stage. I only have my e-ring, so its a wide open playing field :lol: I think studs are out though. Been there and it was not my bag.

Mostly just interested in what other people did or plan to do!

Just wait til you get to'll for sure be affected by it! :lol:

haha! Maybe! There is a lot of personal meaning attached to 35 for me. Somehow my feelings are all wrapped up with Sex and the City (not sure why!), my mom's big 35th birthday bash, motherhood and the social/biological meaning of "35", and who knows what else!

Of course, I know all this is silly and 35 is quite young. I don't look at OTHER women my age or older and think they look old. But that type of logic doesn't change feelings!

In general I am not going to be one to age gracefully I think, at least not psychologically. Ever since I had kids time has sped up. I call having kids the "freight train to the grave" :lol:


Dec 29, 2004
Hey, I can understand weird milestone birthdays. For me, it was 33 - because that's when my mom had me, and the marker I put on having kids myself if I ever had any (I missed that marker, btw, and I now forever am comparing my age in relation to my moms...and knowing that I will be older relatively speaking when I compare myself to Amelia.) Also 33 was the last time I'd be half or less than half of my mom's age.

Anyway, my milestone birthdays usually have had some trips attached to them in that year. 30 I bounced around europe for a few months. This year to kick off 40, I went to Spain for Tomatina, then Scotland to drink whiskey.

This is the first milestone birthday I celebrated with jewelry, which was of course a 3 stone. All of my "big" rings are major milestones (engagement, child, 40th birthday). I have other jewelry which cost a bit, but they were mostly to congratulate myself when I got my annual bonus check (those "gifts" to myself were a pendant and a watch.)

Although I agree that for a milestone birthday it's nice to pick something you will keep, your past history shows you aren't that emotionally tied to jewelry (even your erings, I think?) So therefore I'd say a lovely evening or weekend trip with your DH to mark the occasion - if you can get away without the kids.

If it has to be jewelry, then I'd say a nice watch. For "0" birthdays, a watch is kind of meh (because I personally prefer a less practical gift for a big bday), so it might be a nice marker for your 35th, as it will commemorate the passage of time on a year that is special to you.


Jun 8, 2008
I agree that finding a gift that you really want and will cherish is a great way to mark a special birthday. For one of my milestone birthdays my dh and I picked out a necklace that I fell in love with. (I posted it on PS a few times- diamond/sapphire/aquamarine necklace). I wasn't looking for that special birthday at the time (7 months before the birthday) but that's how I find my most important pieces. When I am not specifically looking for them. So if I see something I fall in love with, even if it's way before a special date, we usually purchase it for that occasion. And I usually wear it before the date also LOL. But I am good with that. I know some people would want it put away for them to unwrap on their bday/anniversary etc but I have no self control when it comes to that. The good news is I get to enjoy for even longer this way and there really is no downside for me. I don't need to get the gift on the day but if I wanted to I would just give it to my dh the night before and he could wrap it and give it to me on my bday. Just a thought.

I hope you find that special (bling or otherwise) gift that makes your heart sing dreamer!


Dec 16, 2007
I thought about a vacation, could get a heck of a vacation for $2k in my book. Can I go on my own? :devil:

However, that is even less permanent than my jewelery has been :lol: I may not have kept things long, but I have kept it all for longer than three days!

(TGal I still own my engagement ring and am attached to it, even though I do not wear it).

I am really pondering a watch. It is practical, useful, lasts a long time, and I do not have one. But it is not very "fun" to me. I would want something with diamonds, small, delicate, and engraved. Like a bracelet to tell time.


Oct 4, 2011
[quote="missy|1352418972|3301500"So if I see something I fall in love with, even if it's way before a special date, we usually purchase it for that occasion. And I usually wear it before the date also LOL. But I am good with that. I know some people would want it put away for them to unwrap on their bday/anniversary etc but I have no self control when it comes to that. The good news is I get to enjoy for even longer this way and there really is no downside for me. I don't need to get the gift on the day but if I wanted to I would just give it to my dh the night before and he could wrap it and give it to me on my bday. Just a thought.

Lol, I'm the exact same way. I've been wearing a Xmas present from my boys (sapphire earrings) since October!


Dec 29, 2004
Dreamer_D|1352422023|3301543 said:
I thought about a vacation, could get a heck of a vacation for $2k in my book. Can I go on my own? :devil:

However, that is even less permanent than my jewelery has been :lol: I may not have kept things long, but I have kept it all for longer than three days!

(TGal I still own my engagement ring and am attached to it, even though I do not wear it).

I am really pondering a watch. It is practical, useful, lasts a long time, and I do not have one. But it is not very "fun" to me. I would want something with diamonds, small, delicate, and engraved. Like a bracelet to tell time.

Ah, I couldn't remember if you sold your original or not. I have a terrible memory.

OK, then how about a antique watch with diamond bracelet? I fell in love with Alj's ages ago and it got me started a crazy watch hunt, but I decided I needed something that I could wear for work. You could have tons of fun on ebay searching for that. If you're interested, I can let you know some reputable watch ebay watch vendors if I still have those searches...

btw, I still want one of those watches. But I want an all platinum one in pristine condition for a reasonable price, which is a bit harder to find!


Aug 28, 2008
How about a really nice watch? Or a strand of pearls, if it's something that you can see yourself wearing? I think a classic piece of jewelry would be a great way to mark your birthday.


Aug 25, 2009
I have been really spoiled so far with milestones. However a lot has happend in the last 5 years. I'm pretty sure that after this I get nothing big till our 10 year anniversary where I told DH I want to get my 4ct upgrade!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 year anniversary i got a 3ct diamond tennis bracelet (pre ps)
2 year anniversary I got a sapphire halo wedding set to wear when I dont' want to wear my diamond
3 year anniversary we upgraded my center from .76 ct to a 2.04ct
Birth of DS I got a 4.75 eternity band
4 year anniversary and birth of DD I got a .93FLy in double halo
5 Year anniversary I upgrade my Natalie K engagement ring to a VC Emilya Halo
A very early 30th birthday (which is next summer) I got a cartier love bracelet which I have wanted forever!
6 year anniversary will be a 3 stone ring that I'm working on now

I don't remember who posted but I agree with the PSer who said if you can swing it then get a single stone band. I know you loves deals but sometimes it is nice to splurge! Lots of my milestone jewelry I thought was a pretty good deal. We always bought on sale, with a military discount or in Asia where pricing was better except my 30th bday present. We went to Italy for our 5 year anniversary and happend to go into the Cartier store at the Spanish steps. We were only going to try on the bracelet so when I turned 30 yo the following year DH would know what size I need in the love bracelet. I was having so much fun trying on all the different bracelets (with diamonds, without diamonds, with sapphires and other gemstones) that DH just said we were here let's just buy it! I almost fell out of my chair. The manager at Cartier found out it was for my birthday and brought out a bottle of champagne. So it was a splurge but also a fantastic memory making the bracelet so much more to me. Congrats on YOUR milestone Birthday! I can't wait to see what you get!



Feb 11, 2006

How about the Victoria Secret diamond bra. Put it on layaway.



Mar 11, 2010
When I turned 29, my dad gave me an Omega constellation watch. I remember that birthday being a particularly tough one for me (much worse than the big 3-0, actually), and I think my dad was trying to cheer me up. :) He passed away several months ago, so the watch has even more meaning for me now.

I've got a couple of years before my next big milestone birthday. Diamond studs seem like the obvious purchase, but I can't quite work myself up to it since I can't stare at them obsessively, like I would with a ring. A Cartier rolling ring would be nice...


Nov 25, 2002
Dreamer_D|1352422023|3301543 said:
I thought about a vacation, could get a heck of a vacation for $2k in my book. Can I go on my own? :devil:

However, that is even less permanent than my jewelery has been :lol: I may not have kept things long, but I have kept it all for longer than three days!

I may be in the minority on this one, but for me, the value in the vacation isn't just about the actual duration but in the memories I'll revisit of it.

Hub and I just took a vacation to Italy. While the actual trip was 10 days long, we've already reminisced and chatted about things we so enjoyed on it. Tonight, we went out for dinner to a great italian place, and it evoked so many memories of our trip. For me, that's the real value in doing them - the memories really do last a lifetime, which is much longer than i keep most things.

This may not apply for you, but thought it might be worth pointing out. :)


Dec 29, 2006
aljdewey|1352530124|3302422 said:
Dreamer_D|1352422023|3301543 said:
I thought about a vacation, could get a heck of a vacation for $2k in my book. Can I go on my own? :devil:

However, that is even less permanent than my jewelery has been :lol: I may not have kept things long, but I have kept it all for longer than three days!

I may be in the minority on this one, but for me, the value in the vacation isn't just about the actual duration but in the memories I'll revisit of it.

Hub and I just took a vacation to Italy. While the actual trip was 10 days long, we've already reminisced and chatted about things we so enjoyed on it. Tonight, we went out for dinner to a great italian place, and it evoked so many memories of our trip. For me, that's the real value in doing them - the memories really do last a lifetime, which is much longer than i keep most things.

This may not apply for you, but thought it might be worth pointing out. :)

This is exactly why I'd probably always choose a vacation over getting a new piece of jewelry. It sounds cliche, but those memories really do last a lifetime.

Hey Alj, we're always looking for new restaurants to try. Do you mind letting me know the name of the place you just went to?


Dec 16, 2007
Well I wanted to share what I ended up getting for my 35th birthday!

I got a bicycle! :appl:

I used to ride all the time but stopped about 8 years ago. We bought a house only 1km from my work in part so I could ride my bike! Well it took three years for my to get it, but I am so happy!

I thought an investment in my healthy lifestyle goals was better than any bling.

This is my new beauty, it is really comfortable and fun to ride.



Jan 1, 2007
Sweet ride! I just got a commuter bike a month or so ago and have been riding it to work regularly and I love it! It's about 5 miles round trip so a good little work out too. Ride safe and happy bday!


Oct 20, 2007
Congratulations! I ride the 40 minutes to work and back most days. It's quicker than public transport and a great way to stay in shape.


Feb 29, 2012
That is a great gift and wonderful attitude! Hope you enjoy your bike for many years to come :appl:


Jun 11, 2012
Very nice! Happy Birthday young miss! :appl:


May 27, 2010
Dreamer_D|1368938911|3449857 said:
Well I wanted to share what I ended up getting for my 35th birthday!

I got a bicycle! :appl:

I used to ride all the time but stopped about 8 years ago. We bought a house only 1km from my work in part so I could ride my bike! Well it took three years for my to get it, but I am so happy!

I thought an investment in my healthy lifestyle goals was better than any bling.

This is my new beauty, it is really comfortable and fun to ride.

Very Good choice!!! Healthy lifestyle is the way to go!!! :appl: :appl:

Im turning 40 this year. Been looking at body in the mirror lately, leaning towards the healthy lifestyle decision as well. Boy does time fly.

Happy 35th B-Day Dreamer!!!!


Aug 25, 2009
Hahah Love it dreamer!


Apr 28, 2008
Now that's a great gift!! Might not be as pretty as bling, but it sure is a lot more useful!


Jun 8, 2008
Dreamer_D|1368938911|3449857 said:
Well I wanted to share what I ended up getting for my 35th birthday!

I got a bicycle! :appl:

I used to ride all the time but stopped about 8 years ago. We bought a house only 1km from my work in part so I could ride my bike! Well it took three years for my to get it, but I am so happy!

I thought an investment in my healthy lifestyle goals was better than any bling.

This is my new beauty, it is really comfortable and fun to ride.

Woohoo!!!!! What a great choice Dreamer!!!
Ofc I might be a bit biased but I love this gift and may you use it often in health, happiness and good fitness! Plus, it's so much fun!

(Next on your bicycle wish list perhaps a tandem? :cheeky: Something you and your dh can enjoy together)!


Jan 11, 2006
Nice choice, Dreamer! :appl: You have many more birthdays and anniversaries for bling gifts!
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