
What are you wearing today?!

Mapo, those ripples are so incredibly beautiful :love: !

Pkinnew, I really like the combination of your akoya with those interesting earrings!
bsomlo, thanks :wavey:

pkinnew , thank You! I like very much Your very tin cup. Light and airy=perfect for summer. Your akoyas look very lovely. Are they more colourful IRL? I drool those pearls :lickout:

renwea, stunning Tahitians! Amazing green hue :love:

mapo, all so different, but oh so lovely. Those ripples are heaven. Could You take some photos more? Please :wavey:

Today pale pinks with antique cushion dangles



thank you baby nurse and confection10! I really am enjoying these pearls. they look different everytime I study them. more pictures as requested -


mapo -- if cursing was allowed on the board, I'd be cursing in exclamation of their beauty!
mapo, they are delicious. And that clasp suits them perfectly. Very pretty necklace :clap:
Mapo - Wow, that clasp really complements the pearls so well! Looks great on you.
My Edison globe.

SMC, wonderful pendant. Big and colourful. What else woman can ask?

Today Hornets (in evening sun) and keshi bracelets




Confection - Woah, the luster on your bracelet/necklace is breathtaking! The lighting there really sets the stage for these pearls to shine! Maybe they feel at home near the water.

SMC - your Edison looks positively edible! Yum! The colors work well for you.

Mapo - gorgeous necklace, the colors are just right on you and that blouse! The clasp definitely takes it up a notch. Very nice.

I'm wearing my Tahitian rope again, with one of my favorite colors. Thinking about having it restrung into a torsade since I like it tripled always.

Elysian, I adore your Tahitian rope. The colors are perfection to my eye. Congrats! I agree that the tripling is a beautiful way to style this piece.
Thank you, bsomlo. The colors are crazy-shifty on this necklace, I love the chameleon effect it has. It's usually more grey less saturated than this picture. I adore your grey T rope and the way you style it as well. :-)
Confection10 - Your pale pinks are so feminie and the earrings are gorgeous! Diamonds & pearls - yum! And that is sure one glowing wrist of pearls! Beautiful!
bsomlo, you're hilarious!

Here's my contribution for today - metallic lavender fwps on the neck and ears.
mapo -- great metallics!

Today, lavender/green metallic souffle:


This thread makes me want one (or several) of each... My bank account/ CC's are not safe in these parts.

Mapo - very pretty set! Love the metallic luster of these pearls!

Bsomlo - You really have an enviable collection! Two words for you: demure vixen. ;)
Today, going to a movie with DH wearing 75" of my 144" PP white rope and "beehive" earrings:

DH approved.


bsomlo - Now that's a movie night strand! No wonder DH approved!
I don't think I ever shared the deep gold SS pearl necklace I purchased from Pure Pearls during their sale so here are a few pictures. The first 2 are taken outside (finally some sunshine!) and the 3rd is the necklace next to my white & gold SS strand. Neck shot to follow...

Since Ashley designed this so that the pearl can be removed I hope to get a few more pearls (Tahitian, white SS) to mix and match, maybe making a mini-Pelosi on a gold wire!



Hmmmm - I was just trying to post neck shots and it says the file is invalid!?!?! I will try with different pictures later today - sorry!
That final picture is stunning!
Thanks bsomlo! I took it inside on a sunny day with regular lighting but the picture looks like it was taken at night (in a restaurant the strand just glows and pops like this!).
krissy7|1405570113|3714838 said:
Mapo - Wow, that clasp really complements the pearls so well! Looks great on you.
I was going to say the same thing! Those pearls are stunners and that clasp is like the sprinkles and cherry on top! Magnificent! :love: :love: :love:
My pearls are packed for the Ruckus so I'm left with my 75" rope. I realized I can have a lot of fun with this baby alone! At the moment, doubled and knotted. Easy breezy, no fears about knotting since it's pure nacre and no fears about stretching silk since Hisano wisely chose synthetic thread for this 144" total piece (made in three sections):

Bsomlo I am so happy to see so many photos of you wearing your rope! It looks fabulous worn knotted and really stands out against your lovely dress! You must be counting the hours until you leave for the ruckus :mrgreen:
Beautiful, casual rope! I wish all my pearls were packed and with my boarding pass in hand!!!
Let's try this again! Here's my gold SS necklace with gold SS & diamond earrings.


OMG, it was worth the wait. Fantastic in every respect!!!
The two together!

I unpacked the triple that started it all (a gift from DH picked strand by strand in HK) for a job interview this morning to bring me luck! And the sweet earrings he bought when I declined the first pair as being "too old looking" from pictures he emailed me for my approval:



bsomlo - I know your beautiful pearls will being you lots of good luck today! Knock 'em dead!