
Weekly Workout Thread 5th May till 11th May

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Nov 24, 2006
I love this thread too; keep it up. We all would be sad if it were gone
It feels like a huge family and you keep it going rain or shine Lorelei!!! xoxoxxo to you Lorelei.

This morning I fed Trevor, I wish we had Trevor. My sister won't give me her dog; I know I should get my own but Trevor should be mine I think
I took Trevor for a walk; the other days my parents walked him but they were busy today so I walked him. Tonight is muscle hour! Yay!


May 9, 2006
Please please please stick around!

I adore the daily support system and the encouragement of lifelong habits...which includes the occasional treatie.

Don''t make me try to manipulate your decision by crying.


Mar 16, 2005
Please, please let''s keep this thread going!! I love all the encouragement and support. I would be so sad if it went away!


Jun 25, 2007
Please don''t take away the WWT I think it is a great support system, and I find myself wanting to join in more, and read everyones updates!


May 14, 2006
Evening all! I''m so nervous-my first exam is in just over 13 hours-help!!! I did nothing much today at all-I went up to Raffles this evening with Amber and gave him a groom and pulled his mane. I was just sick of sitting in the library. Hope that everyones having a good day!

Skippy-you''ll have to run away with Trevor-he sounds like a dote!

Talk to you all tomorrow! Night


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 5/6/2008 6:17:04 PM
Author: bee*
Evening all! I'm so nervous-my first exam is in just over 13 hours-help!!! I did nothing much today at all-I went up to Raffles this evening with Amber and gave him a groom and pulled his mane. I was just sick of sitting in the library. Hope that everyones having a good day!

Skippy-you'll have to run away with Trevor-he sounds like a dote!

Talk to you all tomorrow! Night
Bee, I wish, but she knows where I live and can track me down. I do love Trevor
Trevor thanks Amber for the kiss and says she has a boyfriend in New Mexico. hehe Best wishes tomrrow on your test, you will do wonderful!!!

Dragonfly, I am glad you are around.

Kimi, glad you are back home safe and sound. How is school? How was the nephew? I bet fun!

Steph, how is your hubby??

Jas, I glad you popped in here

Rod, hope your workout was uber like always you sweetie!!

Lorelei, we love you and this thread!!! Yay for the workout!

Sparkalicious, glad you are sticking around! How is the voice?

SS, I ditto what you say. How is JT feeling; I hope better.

Since people like to hear eating suggestions. I went to Costco the other day and bought this organic Spinach Lasagna in the freezer section and it is delicious and super duper low cal. It has a lot of tomato sauce (an excellent source of Lycopene) and lots of spinach, onions and spices. . . it is WONDERFUL and good for you. I have been on a weird spinach kick; I came off the Trader Joe's Spinach Pie kick, now on to Spinach Lasagna. I noticed a Weight Watcher (WW) Broccoli and Cheddar Quiche recipe and will posted to the healthy meal thread Mara started

I thought I would post the food I eat that keeps me satisfied through out the day for lurkers or ideas. Mara talked about eating Center cut bacon. Well for breakfast I took my cue from her and eat 2 egg whites, Oscar Myer Center Cut Bacon (2 slices for 60 calories), and small bagel. For lunch I eat a Boca burger and double Fiber bread (90 calories and 6 grams of fiber) and vegtable soup I posted in this wonderful thread chocked full of healthy meal ideas

I try hard daily (usually succeed) to get 5 fruits/veggies in a day, I eat 2 milk products (usually Trader Joe's) string cheese, rest in protein and carbs. I aim to get 20-25 grams of fiber and 8 glasses of water.

Okay, off to get ready to do muscle hour; I do muscle hour to increase my metabolism. Muscle does that and is good for the bones (helps aid in preventing osteoporosis). Have a great evening all


Jun 15, 2006
Good Evening All!

Lorelei, if you are tired of being the lady in charge of openings I totally understand wanting to get out of being responsible for starting this thread each week, but would be sad if the WWTers thread disappeared all together. It''s so nice to have a group of like minded people to discuss being healthy with (even though I''ve been a bit absentee while finishing up school!).

Skippy, my trip was wonderful. My nephew is starting to say sentences and we had tons of fun playing. School is going well, I have 4 weeks left of student teaching and 6 weeks left of school. I think you should steal Trevor.

We''re having wheat pasta for dinner. I''m working on school and getting a bit sleepy.

Have a great evening all.


Jul 22, 2007
Skippy~ JT is perfect again. He somehow was able to sneak 3 hershey''s kisses in the time it took me to answer the phone. So, he''s back to his old self!! Thanks for asking.

Rod~ LOL at you on the BWW thread!

bee~ GOOD luck! You''ll do fine!

I''m going to try an hour of yoga tonight. Speaking of yoga, which I always do
, my wrist is getting quite sore during my workouts. I''ve never had a problem with it before, and I can''t tell if I''m putting more weight on one side than the other, but it is really bothering me especially during the workout. I don''t know what kind of wrist wrap thing to try and I''m concerned that I won''t have the needed range of motion. Suggestions??

btw- I know some of you don''t check the other threads, so I thought I''d post it here too. I just found this free radio online at You just enter your favorite artists/songs and it plays those and similar songs for FREE! I''m quite excited about it. Usually I have to decide what I''m in the mood for and then make a playlist on my media player while I''m PSing.


Nov 29, 2004
wow I didnt know there was a BWW WWT thread, until Lorelei mentioned it here. I love ours because it is about making healthy lifestyle changes and sticking with it. Since I''ve been married for almost 2 years, I don''t really care to read about people trying to fit into their dresses. That being said I wish I had made the effort to be more active before my own wedding, b/c it would have been nice to look more toned. But its not about looking good for one day, its about staying looking good not only for your hubby, but more importantly for yourself.

I had my PT today b/c my partner can''t go Thurs, so I''m also going to have a private session on Thurs, we are doing twice a week for the next few weeks (and one day when I have a conflict my partner will get her private session to even it out). I have my anniversary in two weeks and two weddings at the end of the month, so I want to look extra great for all of those events.

I didnt go to TBT yesterday b/c I had an allergist appt at 1, and had tons of work to do. On the plus side, I''m glad I finally went to the allergist b/c over the last few months I have developed eczema on my face, I think its a combination of seaonal allergies, as well as increasing my workouts and physical activity which means more sweating which requires more hydration. Anyway I had the skinprick test and am mostly allergic to cats (fortunuately we dont have any as DH is highly allergic to them), followed by various grasses, trees, mold, ragweed, hosue dust and mites. However my test reactions weren''t severe enough to require allergy shots--I''m grateful for that a) i dont like shots and b) i don''t my arms having giant inflamed spots from the shots. Long story short I have a prescription non-steroid cream to use on my face to hide the skin from the allergens.

p.s. I''m addicted to cheese


Feb 2, 2008
Hellooo everyone!

Sorry for being lazy lately, I've been going through finals and on pricescope less (yeah I know that sounds funny consider I am still posting a lot, but uh I was on A LOT this semester as in way more than right now).

Lorelei Thank you! :) I hope you saw your posts over in BWW, but just wanted to say again this thread is welcoming and supportive. Please don't worry about that!
Kimberly I gained a 1lb this weekend this weekend, too. So let's lose it together.

ladypirate I am going to try to be better at posting, too. I am so lazy lately.
somethingshiny Sounds like you got a lot done!
CrownJewel I am exercising the same way, and totally not eating enough lately, so I feel you. Sometimes I just forget to eat.
bee Ahh finals are almost over, right? I have one more this week, yuck! History woo.
Steph I want to see Iron Man, glad to hear a good review!

Ah gosh I am behind! I need to take a break for now.
Hello to everyone I have not said hello to yet!

I am going to try to eat better this week in spite of bad influences.

ETA: I may not always post, but I will at least be around.


Dec 28, 2005
Evening Everyone!

Clearly, we want this thread to continue, so there will be no more talk of moving it anywhere!

We had a nice normal (if there is such a thing as normal) Tuesday. Summer is nearly here, but it's still not too hot. So, we were able to enjoy breakfast on the terrace and lunch at home before heading out for coffee under the oak, then a really good and long workout. Nothing earth shaking about my workout, but it was a strong one. I took a muscle quiz on Sparkpeople that is interesting to take and only includes 12 questions. I got 7 out of 12 correct, but the one I found the most interesting, at least for my fitness goals is that if one combines muscle building with cardio (which they think is fine), doing more than 40 or 45 minutes of cardio can actually negate the positive effects of building muscle as the body begins to burn the calories the muscles need to build up. I guess I'm on the cusp of that, as I have always done 35 minutes of pretty intense cardio after 1.5 - 2 hours of muscle work. They recommended 15 - 20 minutes instead. Maybe, I'll try to limit my cardio sessions to 30 minutes and give myself a 5 minute break!

Dinner was homemade chicken noodle soup, baked chicken thighs and some tomato, cucumber and onion salad. All was yummy. We split a pastry from Panera for dessert while having a cup of decaf under the oak. Then, we came home to see American Idol as I'm pretty hooked on that show. GO David Archuletta!

Nothing much planned for tomorrow. It will likely be pretty much a repeat of today. And that's OK as today was pretty good.

Hey Jas, it's good to see you! I love the daily support too!

bee*, I'm wishing you luck on your exam because that's the nice thing to do, but I know you don't need the luck as I'm sure you've studied hard and will earn a great grade from doing a great job! All the best to you and I know all your hard work will pay off well!

Really good advice on the food selections Skippy. You clearly think through your food choices and make sure you're getting enough calories, protein and fats to sustain a healthy lifestyle! You rock!!

SS, I'm not sure I can offer much advice on wrist protection. But I've actually been thinking of buying some wrist guards myself as some of the things I do, like dips, chinups and pushups put a lot of pressure on my wrists. For my needs something that will limit my range of motion might be best. For your needs something that adds stability but doesn't limit motion might be more appropriate. I'd recommend going to a good fitness store and trying on a variety of wrist wraps and see what feels best to you.

Apple, there are far worse things you could be addicted to!! I too love chesse.

Hope your finals are going well for you Sarah.

Hey, Monnie.......How did your interviews go today?? Please let us know. I was thinking about you today for sure.

Night everyone. Sleep well and see you tomorrow.



Mar 26, 2006
End the WWT?!? NO WAY!!!

Even though I don''t post much I read it every day and I would be very sad without it.

Banish the though!

(Dee slinks off to finish her Heineken light -- which is about the most disgusting thing I''ve ever had to drink but I asked for some beer to have around for when we eat Indian food and this is what the HH came home with...
What''s wrong with a nice Kingfsher?)


Aug 12, 2005
Bah! to the possibility of the WWT as we know it ending!!!!
I can totally understand if there are brides who would rather have their own version over in BWW, but I''m casting my vote in favor of having both threads.

Thanks everyone for the good luck wishes on my interviews today. I''m happy to report that both of them went very well. I should hear about one of them this week, and the other interviewer said I would hear from her early next week.

Meanwhile, I have come down with a nasty cold. Probably the result of spending time with a 2.5 yr. old all last week, her mother told me yesterday that she was starting to cough and sound like she had the croup. Yikes. I thought initially it was seasonal allergies that were bothering me and I was downing Benadryl like crazy, but that didn''t help and this afternoon I started feeling more stuffed up so I''ve been taking actual cold medicine which is helping somewhat. I ate a ton of fresh fruit (mostly citrus) today and sat outside in the sun for about an hour in hopes that some extra Vitamin C and D would help speed along my recovery. No body aches/pains or fever, so that is good, but still it''s a PITA to have a stuffy nose and watery eyes. Thankfully both of those symptoms held off until after my interviews were over.

It''s supposed to thunderstorm here tomorrow all day, so I will probably try to do some exerciseTV workouts inside, depending on how well I feel.

Have a great evening everyone!


May 1, 2006
Date: 5/6/2008 8:48:05 PM
Author: somethingshiny

I'm going to try an hour of yoga tonight. Speaking of yoga, which I always do
, my wrist is getting quite sore during my workouts. I've never had a problem with it before, and I can't tell if I'm putting more weight on one side than the other, but it is really bothering me especially during the workout. I don't know what kind of wrist wrap thing to try and I'm concerned that I won't have the needed range of motion. Suggestions??
Hi somethingshiny,

I'm coming out of lurkdom to respond to your wrist pain question. I, too, have some wrist pain during certain yoga poses. Some poses can be modified ~ such as doing plank position using your fists instead of on flat palms (make fists and support yourself by placing the "fronts" of your fists on the floor and keeping your wrists straight). You can also do plank on your forearms if your wrists need a break. Other positions can be modified in similar ways. Also, you mention that only one wrist hurts -- does this happen to be the wrist on your dominant hand? I ask because then it could just be over-use pain that gets aggravated during yoga. This is what happens to me. My right wrist hurts because it is the one I move my mouse with (and also the one I mainly use if I am painting or stirring batter in a mixing bowl, etc.) I got a brace from the doctor that mostly immobilizes my wrist (a piece of metal against the back of the forearm and then velcro straps around the forearm and thumb) -- when it acts up I use it while working on computer (slightly annoying, but doable) and especially wear it when sleeping. I am one of those people who curls up their arms underneath them while sleeping, and this was really aggravating and prolonging my wrist pain. Now I don't need the brace regularly ... usually only after a long project involving a lot of graphics works (and therefore lots of mousing). HTH!!!
ETA: With the type of brace I have, I wouldn't be able to do yoga while wearing it.

ETA2: I lurk and read this thread about every day. I always love Lorelei's openings ... please keep the WWT!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
NO, No you can''t banish this into thin air!!! Even though I don''t post every day, I read as often as I can.

You all keep me motivated. So that ends that thought.

Rod: you crack me up. Saying you aren''t a bride, nor will you ever be, ha ha ha ha ha ha. That made me laugh. Well, I am a 58 year old grandma, that is just as funny.

I will post more tomorrow.

Love to all.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I am STARVING. Maybe my scale will reflect back a lower number to me in the morning. I’d be SOOOOO happy.
I am driving myself crazy trying to decide what to do with some money I get from teaching this week. I thought of getting a new RB blue sapphire ring or upgrade the 2 sapphire rings I have to larger stones or buy some green sapphire earrings, pendant and bracelet to go with the green sapphire ring I got for Christmas. To make matters worse I also am in the planning stages of my “reward” when I have lost 160 pounds. I don’t know if I should save money for it or be greedy and buy things now and later or just something small now and save my money for my reward. I know you at least can commiserate with my dilemma. I just want it all and can’t narrow it down to what to buy. My reward (most likely) will be ¾ ctw diamond dangle earrings. I have an email in to WF to get pictures of 2 stones.
My niece is too funny, I’ve been helping her find erings online and she’s been very nonchalant about they might get engaged sometime, but they are in no hurry . . . Well anyway I get an email from her tonight in a panic she can’t find the ring she likes just browsing through their rings online. Sounds like they must be getting more serious. Tee hee.
Bee, yay for having a good weigh in at WW. Good luck with your studies and your first exam (and of course the rest of them too).
Lorelei, yippee for being on a roll with cardio this week. Keep up the good work. And ditto to what Skippy said – I don’t say it often enough but I so appreciate your inspirational opening threads each week. It’s the first thing I do after my shower and weighing is come out and open my laptop to see what you said. I love this thread and I would SOOOO hate to see it end. I kind of don’t fit in here workout wise but I have never, ever felt like I didn’t belong here. Everyone is always so kind and supportive. I will check out the new thread but I am very comfortable here in this thread.
Ellen, I love your quips. You make me laugh and I’m always happy to see your posts.
Hi Sparkalicious, Jas, Steph, Dragonfly, Kimi and Turtledazzle.
Rod, LOL at you not being a bride. Mmm to homemade chicken noodle soup. The next time we get a cold day I am going to make some and have the in-laws over.
Skippy, I am sure Trevor loves his auntie Skippy and enjoys your company. Yay for a healthy muscle hour.
Somethingshiny, I hope your wrist improves. I hate the mysterious aches and pains that show up.
Appletini, I am glad you don’t need to take allergy shots. I need to start mine again but never seem to have the time to leave work to get shots twice a week.
Sarah, good luck on your finals.
DeeJay, I hope you enjoyed your beer.
Monnie, I am delighted to hear your interviews went so well. Good luck on getting some great job offers. I hope your cold gets better.


Feb 2, 2008
Thank you marcy and rod for the well wishes!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Linda. I hope you are doing well.

Sarah, I just posted my grades so I am done with my class for a month. Woo hoo!

I did go read through the new thread and think it is great. I remember well how it felt to start here and not know everyone and thier stories but I am glad I stuck around and asked questions to catch up with everyone. I think PS is big enough for both threads and I''m will always cheer on anyone trying to loose weight, become more fit or just trying to be more healthy.

Well, it''s 30 minutes past my bed time. Aak. That alarm will still ring at it''s normal time. Rats.

Sweet dreams!


May 14, 2006
Hi everyone! Just logging in before I drive to the farm
I feel sick I''m so nervous so coming onto PS relaxes me!

Skippy-damn, I thought we had a plan there!! Well the offers still open that if you ever come to Ireland you can take Amber for a walk.........I''ll be putting a tracking device on her though
Thanks for the wishes! I hope Muscle hour was good!

Kimberley-hope the wheat pasta was good. I love wheat pasta!

Something-thank you! I''ve no advice about which band to buy but try not to put too much pressure on it tonight at yoga.

Appletini-that''s one of my addictions too unfortunately. I love cheese-all types of it, especially cheddar which is so fattening.

Sarah-That''s great that your finals are almost over!!! My exams are only starting today-eek.

Rod-ditto-this thread isn''t going anywhere! I never knew that about the cardio and the muscle building. I heard that Carly was voted out of X-factor. Thanks for the good luck! I wish I could be as confident as you are about the exam!!

Monarch-that''s great about the interviews! I hope that you get an offer soon.

Marcy-ooh get a pressie now. You deserve it after 160lbs! Earrings would be great!! I''d love to see pics of your sapphires. Thanks for the luck. And I ditto what you''re saying to Lorelei. I''ve never felt left out of this thread and I only came back to it a couple of months ago. I''m more comfortable here also and I think that you do an amazing job of opening up the thread each week Lorelei!

Well I''m off to get dressed up in my attractive green overalls and wellies. Talk to you all after the exam


Mar 16, 2005
Good morning everyone. I have been awake since 4:30 am. I woke up to a dream where I was dying, so then I was wide awake. Ahh, oh well. I am going to make Adam a wonderful breakfast in a little while. It is his bday today, so he is taking the day off. He is going to open gifts, Andrew and I are making him red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, and then we have a date tonight at a yummy resturant. I can''t wait. It is so nice living near relatives again so we can have date nights every once in a while! Anyway, everyone have a great day!

Hi Jas, DeeJay, Kimmi, Turtledazzle, Linda, and Dragonfly!

Hey, Skippy....Adam is doing fine, thank you for asking about him. Don''t really know what happened to his blood pressure the other day, but he is getting himself into the doctor very soon. That spinach lasagna sound so good...I am going to head to Costco this weekend to pick up one!

SS, sorry your wrist is hurting. Hopefully it will feel better soon for you so you can continue to do your yoga! Keep up the good work!

Apple, glad you don''t have to have the shots. Hopefully the cream will work well for your allergies.

Sarah, yeah I would def. recommend going to see Ironman, it was really entertaining.

Rod, that is interesting about doing more cardio not being good for muscle building. I was doing 45 mins. for a while, but recently have been doing 30 mins. of more intense intervals which I feel is working better for me. I loved David Archuletta''s performances last night...he is my fave too!

Monarch, Glad your interviews went well. Do you like one company better than the other? Hope you feel better....keep getting that vitamin C!

Marcy, I would love to have your jewelry fun! I would save it and put it towards something big, but that''s how I am about things. My bday, anniversary, and Christmas are all within a month of each other, so I like to put them all together and get something really great

Bee, good luck on your exam!


Apr 30, 2005
I want to thank you ALL so sincerely, for saying how much you enjoy the thread and want it to continue!!
This thread IS and always has been open to those who just want to try to make healthy changes, and even not workout so much, although the title may be a bit misleading to newbies that it is just all about working out, it really isn''t. The thread is to me primarily, a safe place for those who may be struggling with weight issues for whatever reason, as so many of us have done. So we will carry on as our healthy group, be open to anyone who wants to join AND mix things up a bit with their thoughts and tips, and have our usual fun along the way!

I was also thinking, I am quite happy to take the reins and kick us off every week, but I wanted to ask if anyone else might like to do so, that we take it in turns? Of course, doing so would be completely voluntary, but I was wondering if it might be good for some/ all of us to take it in turns to start the thread in our own way? I just thought it might mix things up a bit and make it more interesting, and give others a chance to lead the thread so to speak?

Let me know your thoughts peeps and if so, then we can perhaps do a rota of who and when etc. I would say if we do this, then the USA based thread starter kicks us off on a Sunday to Sunday if that is easier from a time point of view? Anyway those who are interested, let me know and we will sort out a new routine.


Jan 13, 2006
I don't think you want me opening a thread. I'd probably say something like,

Morning all!

As I reflected over the weekend, I realized just how short life really is. Why deny yourself one of the true pleasures in life, comfort food! They don't call it that for nothing folks. So fry that chicken, mash those taters, and whip up some of that awesome milk gravy! Seriously, it just doesn't get any better than that. Well, no, that's not true. A lil pecan pie for dessert would be better......


Best I leave the opening to someone more responsible.



Apr 30, 2005
Date: 5/7/2008 7:29:03 AM
Author: Ellen
I don''t think you want me opening a thread. I''d probably say something like,

Morning all!

As I reflected over the weekend, I realized just how short life really is. Why deny yourself one of the true pleasures in life, comfort food! They don''t call it that for nothing folks. So fry that chicken, mash those taters, and whip up some of that awesome milk gravy! Seriously, it just doesn''t get any better than that. Well, no, that''s not true. A lil pecan pie for dessert would be better......


Best I leave the opening to someone more responsible.



Jan 13, 2006


Jun 15, 2006
Taking turns would be fine with me, but how would we figure out who does so when? And I vote that Ellen not be allowed to start the thread (ducks).

Sarah, we can lose the pound (but I have 2) together for sure! I just need to eat more normally than I did last weekend.

Marcy, I feel your dilemma. When I lost my goal weight I bought myself a really expensive pair of boots. I don''t wear them anymore, but the''re still in my closet as a reminder. I don''t see anything wrong with a little reward now and a bigger reward later.

Have a great day all.


Apr 30, 2005
Heehee! I am trying to think how it would be best to organize a rota Kimmy, so lets put our thinking caps on and get names first perhaps of who would be interested in taking a turn, if we change every week and see how that goes? Maybe once we have the names of those who are up for it, we could do it in turn on a listing? Let me know what you think, perhaps once we have the list, we could go in alphabetical order or something like that? Then that way if the next on the list can't do the thread for whatever reason or doesn't want to that time, we can ask the next on the list if they want to take it.


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 5/7/2008 8:57:46 AM
Author: Lorelei
Heehee! I am trying to think how it would be best to organize a rota Kimmy, so lets put our thinking caps on and get names first perhaps of who would be interested in taking a turn, if we change every week and see how that goes? Maybe once we have the names of those who are up for it, we could do it in turn on a listing? Let me know what you think, perhaps once we have the list, we could go in alphabetical order or something like that? Then that way if the next on the list can't do the thread for whatever reason or doesn't want to that time, we can ask the next on the list if they want to take it.
Makes sense to me. I would be happy to start the thread sometimes, but not for another 6 weeks or so (I need to get through school first!). I also think whomever is responsible for doing so, including you, shouldn't feel pressured to write a prize-winning opener (I don't know how you do so week after week, Lorelei!). Simple is great too.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 5/7/2008 9:28:55 AM
Author: KimberlyH

Date: 5/7/2008 8:57:46 AM
Author: Lorelei
Heehee! I am trying to think how it would be best to organize a rota Kimmy, so lets put our thinking caps on and get names first perhaps of who would be interested in taking a turn, if we change every week and see how that goes? Maybe once we have the names of those who are up for it, we could do it in turn on a listing? Let me know what you think, perhaps once we have the list, we could go in alphabetical order or something like that? Then that way if the next on the list can''t do the thread for whatever reason or doesn''t want to that time, we can ask the next on the list if they want to take it.
Makes sense to me. I would be happy to start the thread sometimes, but not for another 6 weeks or so (I need to get through school first!). I also think whomever is responsible for doing so, including you, shouldn''t feel pressured to write a prize-winning opener (I don''t know how you do so week after week, Lorelei!). Simple is great too.
Thats fine Kimmy, we can do it on an easy basis that if you would rather not for X amount of time, then that is fine, and also the opening poster can take the thread in whichever direction they choose, and write as little or as much as they feel!

Thanks for your kind words, I try to think of interesting openers!


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 5/7/2008 9:33:33 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 5/7/2008 9:28:55 AM
Author: KimberlyH

Date: 5/7/2008 8:57:46 AM
Author: Lorelei
Heehee! I am trying to think how it would be best to organize a rota Kimmy, so lets put our thinking caps on and get names first perhaps of who would be interested in taking a turn, if we change every week and see how that goes? Maybe once we have the names of those who are up for it, we could do it in turn on a listing? Let me know what you think, perhaps once we have the list, we could go in alphabetical order or something like that? Then that way if the next on the list can''t do the thread for whatever reason or doesn''t want to that time, we can ask the next on the list if they want to take it.
Makes sense to me. I would be happy to start the thread sometimes, but not for another 6 weeks or so (I need to get through school first!). I also think whomever is responsible for doing so, including you, shouldn''t feel pressured to write a prize-winning opener (I don''t know how you do so week after week, Lorelei!). Simple is great too.
Thats fine Kimmy, we can do it on an easy basis that if you would rather not for X amount of time, then that is fine, and also the opening poster can take the thread in whichever direction they choose, and write as little or as much as they feel!

Thanks for your kind words, I try to think of interesting openers!
Lorelei, your openings are always so amazing. It will be wierd that you aren''t the only one writing them anymore. Not that others can''t do a great job, I just always look forward to my Monday morning dose of Lorelei.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 5/7/2008 9:35:25 AM
Author: KimberlyH

Date: 5/7/2008 9:33:33 AM
Author: Lorelei
Lorelei, your openings are always so amazing. It will be wierd that you aren''t the only one writing them anymore. Not that others can''t do a great job, I just always look forward to my Monday morning dose of Lorelei.
Kimmy, you are so sweet as always! I am happy to continue, just wanted to see if anyone else might want to take a turn, but I so appreciate your kindness!!!

Do you have ( and indeed anyone else) any other ideas or suggestions for the thread that we can improve it in anyway?
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