
Weekly Workout Thread 2nd October - 8th October

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Jul 6, 2005
Good morning,

last night, i ran for 2.5 miles and then walked another mile. part of me felt like i could have kept running, but part of me (the part that won) decided that 2.5 was enough. i did raise the incline of the treadmill and kept a brisk pace for the walk -- i figure as long as i''m sweating, i''m getting a decent workout.

for dinner, we had pizza from our most favorite local place. they use all fresh ingredients and why we love them so much is the crust is quite thin and crunchy and they use the sauce and cheese more sparingly. the result is that you taste all the flavors more than if you just piled on gobbs of cheese. i never thought i would say it (especially with regard to cheese) but sometimes less is more
i also limited my portion.

dixie: i''ll make a list of some of the foods i tend to eat in the morning and afternoons.

healthy cereal and milk
apple or banana with some natural peanut butter
hard-boiled egg(s)
try to avoid

often leftovers from previous night''s dinner (easiest option)
variety of salad (with any combo of cheese, tomatos, avocados, turkey breast, tuna, cranberries, almonds, etc)
whole wheat pitas and assorted fillings (hummus, turkey, etc)

and right now i''m loving eating grape tomotoes. they are so full of flavor and make for a great snack!


Oct 30, 2002
Lorelei I felt like I was getting a cold too on last Friday...maybe I was pushing too hard and not resting enough or who knows. Anyway I kept powering on and also took Echinacea for a few days (if i catch it early enough typically that works) and now I feel okay. But who knows, sometimes it sneaks off for a few days then comes back and GETS ME!! hehe. Just take care of yourself, take some extra vit C or zinc or something to help ward it off. And I find that working out actually helps keep me healthier! So don''t stop the workouts to nurse the cold IMO...scale them back or whatever but getting a sweat going on when I am much as I just want t just lay on the couch, working out when sick makes me feel so much better.

Dixie...learning to eat right for me took a really long time. I don''t DEPRIVE myself of anything really, but it''s all about portions. For me portion is a huge deal because if I love something, I want EAT IT ALL! I am a total foodie so I love tastes and yummy tastes of course I just want more of. One way that I got around this was by not depriving myself and eating something I loved more often. Like the hummus and pita thing. I could easily eat the whole little TJ tub of hummus in 2 sittings! But instead I just do like 2 servings for lunch, and then I have it for lunch again the next day!!! Within a week I am like okay you know what? Kinda sick of hummus now!!! So by doing that, I give my mind what it wants, more hummus, but not at detriment to my eating plan...and within a few weeks I want it again.

Above and beyond that, I use Cooking Light''s website and recipes to help me plan our meals. Also with working out as much as I am...I have realized I can eat MOST anything I want, as long as it''s not all the time. I don''t feel guilty for eating something super yummy or bad for me if I know I am working out 6x a week. I think before I was only doing like 1x a week or MAYBE 2x and so I couldn''t afford to eat anything that I really loved or knew was bad for me. It just wasn''t ''balancing'' out.

With Cooking Light also you can find your fave recipes on there and tweak them and still keep them healthy. That is the fun part for me for dinners. For lunch I am all about ease of use. So I eat things like Campbell''s soups aka Bean and Ham is super yummy, the whole can stuffs me and is 2 servings at 360 cals and about 4g of fat. Also I eat lowfat canned Turkey Chili which is 2 servings in whole can and it''s about 450 cals and 6-8g of fat. I get Salads from TJ''s or WF''s and I also take some leftovers from dinner sometimes. I like to vary it. Sometimes I just feel like having a big ole bowl of my high fiber cereal and some crunchy fun cereal esp if I did not have that for breakfast. Oh and Lean Cuisines save my life sometimes when I don''t feel like doing anything else. I don''t eat them all the time because I don''t do that much processed food but the spaghetti and meatballs one is divine as are some others and they are all pretty much under 400 cals with low fat, some are more filling than others but typically the caloric intake is a good indicator of how filling. For example the marsala chicken is a fave but it''s only 140 calories because the chicken piece is tiny and the green beans are not many. So that lasts me maybe 3 hours before I am hungry, so I supplement with like 2 fruits or something til snack time. But if I eat the spaghetti one it''s like 350 calories and 12 oz of food, so its fairly substantial plus it''s pasta and fiber so your body makes more of it. So it just depends.

For breakfast, I eat at I mix and match cereals to make sure I am getting fiber, protein and also something yummy to taste. I also will have Kashi Heart Smart Oatmeal or whatever it''s called. Today I am having cream of wheat with some brown sugar and some multigrain toast. You can do egg whites and toast, you can do an egg white omelet with oatmeal, or an egg white burrito with some cheese in it and veggies, you can make bran or high protein pancakes, there are so many things to do for breakfast!

Anyway long post here...but there are a ton of easy things to make or take with you to work etc. I always keep a ton of fruit around too. Now that I am going to be back in the office full time-ish...I am going to have to stock my desk and the company fridge with my goodies for snacks and lunches and stuff. I''ll be coming home for Portia 2x a week so I can have lunch at home then but the rest of the days I will be out so I want to be sure I get my salads going and my soups and LC''s and all that.

I think that if you invest a bit of time each morning in ''planning'' that it helps avert disasters. I plan out our dinners either the day before or the morning of. If I don''t know what I want, then I try to get something in my mind at least so that I don''t run off and say Oh that chicken pot pie looks good for dinner! I try to have something in mind at least. And of course we do splurge. But I think that actually ''thinking'' about it and planning it helps me out immensely.

Hope that helped!! I actually calculated up my calories burned last week and it was about 2500! So I have definitely ratcheted it up since I first started and even from a month or two ago!! This week I am on track for about 2650 but we''ll see. Yesterday I just did the gym workout, no kbox, so I tried to make it count by burning 545 cals since with a kbox and a shortie gym it would have been 600.

Here''s my calorie burning schedule for this week, in case anyone is interested. Hope I do it all. Obviously T-Sun are just estimates but it helps me mentally to have a goal in mind esp for Gym and then I can do a few more minutes if I feel like it. In case you guys are wondering how I know how many calories I burn doing jumping jacks and kbox, I wore Greg''s heart rate monitor programmed for my height and weight a few nights and got an idea of how many calories I was burning and then now I use those numbers for my calculations. I asked for my own HRM for my birthday!

Monday: Gym: 545
Tuesday: Kbox: 350
Wednesday: Gym: 500
Thursday: Kbox: 450 (kbox and then 300 jumping jacks)
Friday: Gym: 500
Saturday: Kbox: 300 (i figure i burn less in the mornings when i have just gotten up and have less in my system)
Sunday: Either Rest OR a long 3m walk with Greg and P (~200)
Total: 2645-2685

Anyhow that''s enough babbling for me. Man I could just talk forever!! Have a great day all!!!


Feb 10, 2006
Jeff, thanks for bringing up vitamins. I need to go buy some and actually *take* them. I am so bad about that. Part of the problem is that I easily get an upset stomach and anything I take can sometimes do that, especially if I haven''t eaten. For awhile, I brought them to work to take after lunch but would always forget. I need to start writing big notes around the house! Congrats on not gaining anything. That is an accomplishment!

Cinderella, I love Jamba Juice or any smoothies. Yum! I try to have some fruit so that I can make them at home and reduce the sugar and whatever else is in there that makes it bad for you.
The Ab Lounge looks fun, if I''m thinking of the right machine from tv commercials. I thought about buying it but my house is too crowded as it is. I did buy an exercise ball though and do my crunches on there.

Monarch, congrats on the weight loss! That is great. I have a similar October weight loss goal but am just starting it so hopefully we can meet our goal together. Of course, for lunch I had a lamb pita w/hummus and more pita so that probably won''t help that goal.
Now I am definitely working out tonight!

Cailet, we are getting a Trader Joe''s in our area too so I am excited also! Since it''s right by Whole Foods, I''m wishing that WF will lower their prices. I''m not counting on it but boy would it be nice!

Thanks everyone for the breakfast and lunch suggestions! I am going to add them to my list of possibilities.


Aug 12, 2005
Good afternoon everyone! Wow Mara, that was a long post, but as always I enjoyed reading it! You are a veritable fount of information, he hee.

Hi Dixie, just wanted to say a co-worker of mine has been using Seattle Sutton for about 4 months now and has lost 35 lbs so far...she is well on her way to a goal loss of 100 lbs and is happy with the program. I don''t know how much JC differs from SS, but she is the type of person who needs a very structured program to keep her on track. She also joined a gym with her two kids and husband and they have all been working out together and it''s going well for all of them.

I was a good girl today and walked back to work from lunch, then will walk back home after work. I have gotten out of that habit the past couple of months and we''ve had some nasty weather the past few weeks. It is gorgeous here today, though, so I had no excuse not to walk! Although it only takes me about 12 minutes, it''s still something, and I am a firm believer that the little things you do physically really add up. Like today, just walking twice for 12 minutes I will probably have burned about 50 calories that I wouldn''t have had I not walked. And the more little things I do, I find I am even more motivated to go to the gym and work out, or just basically keep up the good work. Sometimes I get that defeatist attitude of "I didn''t do anything today, the whole week is shot now," because I have a tendency to be very "all or nothing" especially when it comes to working out. I''m working on that, though.

Lunch today was 1/3 of a Chipotle vegetarian burrito bowl that DH picked up for me. I felt like 1/3 was probably a good amount, and I''m estimating it was around 350-400 calories. That''s a little more than I typically consume for lunch, but I think tonight I will just eat what I had planned for lunch today instead (fresh veggies cut up with 2 tbsp. crunchy PB and possibly a little leftover jasmine rice, depending on how hungry I feel.) Wow, I was just thinking I''ve come a long way from my cheese pizza/Italian food loving days--I feel like since last spring I have really made some good changes in my eating habits, thanks in part to PS and the workout (and detox) threads. Yay for PS!

Hope everyone has a great day--and those of you who are injured/ill I wish you a speedy recovery!


Feb 10, 2006
Mara, thanks for all the info. You have convinced me to subscribe to Cooking Light. I was thinking about it but never sure. My only worry is that I cook a little bit but nothing very difficult. I don''t know if the recipes will be a bit over my style. But I''d like to try.
This might be a silly question but how does one make just egg-whites vs. the actual egg? Do you separate the parts and just use the egg white? Does it taste much different than an entire egg? Does one egg whilte equal one egg in terms of portion size?
I definitely agree w/you about working out more giving you more room to eat what you please. That''s why I''m trying to go back to 4-5 days /wk so that I don''t have to limit myself so much. I also totally agree about planning. That is key for me! I do so much better when I plan but either I forget or feel lazy. So that is something I want to work on.
Thanks for the post!! I wish it were time to leave work b/c I''m really feeling energized to work out. Now, it just has to last a few more hours. For some reason, once I step inside my house, the motivation disappears.


Oct 30, 2002
haha, i know monarch my posts can be really long.

dixie...i actually have honed my cooking skills more by using CL recipes. i find when you are not using butters and oils to flavor your foods as much, you have to start to get more of an appreciation for things like spices and other things.

i love CL because they have a TON of recipes, you can find basically any recipe you want and it''s going to be pretty healthy plus i love when recipes give you all the nutrtional info so you can track what you are eating. and you can modify as necessary, aka more spice or whatever. also, their recipes are pretty easy to follow and specific with details, i have never had a problem with anything.

about the egg whites, i just crack the egg then use the shells to keep the yolk from going into the pan. yuo can also use your fingers to hold the yolk and let the egg white through but that''s messier. i typically do like 5 or 6 egg whites and then some cheese in a 8" tortilla for a 300ish calorie lunch or breakfast. each egg white is about 30 calories whereas the whole egg is like 80 i think. i looked it up online. they have protein but none of the bad cholesterol or fat of the yolk. for me two egg whites is like one egg. when i make cookies or whatever if it calls for 3 eggs, i typically put in one egg only and the 3-4 egg whites to make them a bit more healthy. they just end up being a little more ''chewy''.


Jul 6, 2005
real simple is another magazine that has an online search engine full of great recipes -- the layout looks a ton like cooking light, so perhaps they are the same parent company? but, you can find all sorts of great recipes that aren''t too challenging or time consuming.

i also use a bunch.

i never had the kitchen knowledge passed down to me, so i''m a strong believer in following a recipe.


Aug 5, 2006
I''ve skimmed this thread in the past, but yesterday, I decided I''d really read what everyone posts in here and see if it motivated me. I even decided I''d go to Weight Watchers. I''ve done the program in the past and liked the accountability of it because I was doing it with other co-workers. But they quit, then I quit. So I read the entire thread and with determination drove to the Jewish Community Center where the closest meeting to me is held. Marched up to the door and realized it was a Jewish holiday and they were closed!! Oh, that really made me feel awful. I even thought about walking when I returned home but it was too dark outside by this point. Thankfully by the time I got home, I stopped looking at the situation as a bad sign and just though of it as a minor set back.

So then today another bad thing happened. My boss use to bring us donuts all the time, but he hasn''t in over a year. Of course he chose today of all days to bring them. I said no to them. Even turned down a co-workers offer to eat half of one (she felt bad about eating them too and thought half would be better). I left the room and was so proud of myself. But they were still there at lunch and everyone was digging in them again. I felt like they were calling my I had two! Not half or one, but TWO!

I was really upset with myself and decided to not go walking tonight either. So at home, I sat down at the computer and did my usual Pricescope forum check and came to this thread. Well, the motivation arrived a little too late for me to go walking (I really hate walking in the dark), but you did motivate me to not completely give in. I fixed a big veggie salad with no crutons or cheese and just a little low fat dressing so I can make up for those donuts.

Just thought I''d let all of you know that I love hearing about your successes even as little as they may seem. Too bad I wasn''t reading this thread when the donuts came walking in at work. Hopefully tomorrow I will start the other part of my get-in-shape plan and start working out.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey Everyone,

Today was not too bad overall. Still feeling the sting from being laid off, but each day I do something positive on the job search front. I have a phone interview tomorrow and an in person interview on Friday morning. It's actually a breakfast interview. They don't want me to come to their offices because I suspect I'm being considered as someone's replacement. They said the position was very confidential. Must remember to eat healthy!

A friend is trying to make a connection for an amazing job which would require us to move to the west coast (Seattle). This would be a dream job and I would relocate in a heartbeat if given the chance. So, all in all, not a bad day when you consider I've only been out of work a week and two days!

Went to the gym this afternoon and my back while still a little sore, was much better so I was able to do a relatively normal 2 hour workout. There are still moves that make the lower back spasm a bit, but it's calming down as I'm calming down. This time I was able to push at my normal level on the elliptical and maintained a solid 88 RPM for the entire 45 minutes. And I burned over 700 calories to boot.

Have noticed one thing about my weight. If you all recall, I was moaning about not being able to lose any pounds when I was at the gym 5 days a week. Turns out, it is indeed muscle gain because while I was not working out, I lost 4 pounds pretty immediately. And those 4 pounds have stayed off. Now, since I couldn't work out too much, I was very careful with what I ate, but I didn't starve myself either. Now that I'm back at lifting weights I'm expecting the weight to come back up, but at least I know it's not flab, it's muscle.

Anyway, just wanted to check in. I hope everyone's doing really well with their fitness goals.

Take care..........Rod

ps: Dixie: We're really into supplements. I take about 25 pills every morning and have done this religiously since we started working out. Maybe it's all in my head, but I have had way more energy since taking supplements and KNOCK WOOD......I haven't had a single cold in over a year. There's got to be some connection between the supplements and working out that has kept me so healthy. Anyway, I highly recommend taking vitamins a lot.

pps: Curls: Hope you find lot's of healthful advice here. The friendships on this thread are absolutely amazing. There's an entire group of us who are truly dedicated to eating healthy and exercising to be in the best shape we can be. Stick around and let us know how we can help you achieve your fitness goals too.

Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
Today was a great day. I had my weekly hour of Brazilian Small Circle Jujitsu. It''s more for self protection than anything.
It might be useful someday if I need to disarm someone, take a bat or knife away from a bad guy, etc. Fun stuff, huh?
Then I did 1 hour at the gym. I''m using heavier weights and doing more reps. I''m pleased with my progress.
Hello to the new folks here
Happy to have you on board

Everyone...keep on TRACKin

Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
Hi Curls

Repeat after me...DONUTS ARE THE DEVIL

Good can make positive changes


Oct 30, 2002
heehe but donuts are SO DAMN GOOD!!! i also have the donut weakness at times.

i have found that i love food so how do i combat the weight monster? i have to work out more! so that''s why i am up to 6-7x a week...because then i have a bit more foodie freedom. and quite honestly, finding 45 minutes a day to work out is not that much of a trial for me. it will be harder once i change jobs but i am committed to keeping it up. i feel great too.

rod...hang in there and keep us posted re: job. interesting about the seattle job. would your partner be up for moving too? guess so since from what you said, you are the primary breadwinner? hmmm wonder how i''d feel if greg got a job elsewhere!! i am the one who doesn''t want to move from here. hehe. and GREAT about your workout, interesting about the weight loss vs muscle. i think i am in that camp for the most part too. i am ''looking'' pretty lean at this point in my opinion. my butt seems like it''s almost gone! however my mom is quick to say she still sees it right away. thanks mom!

jeff, you have totally come up to speed quite quickly, kudos!!''s tough to get motivated but you have to find it within yourself. for me personally i just plain and simply got tired of my old clothes not fitting as well as they used to. and what''s more expensive? losing weight or buying a whole new wardrobe? and it''s never any fun to go out and buy bigger clothes, not as much fun as it is to go out and buy smaller clothes! hehee. i know with winter coming on it''s much easier to just sit on the couch than get up and go workout, you mentioned that when you came home you were discouraged about eating the donuts so you decided not to go walking? eating the donuts would have motivated me to get out there and do EXTRA laps!! hehe. but i know for everyone their ''motivator'' seems different, so hopefully you find yours and then you will be a powerhouse!

went to kbox tonite. i can tell that my body is really getting ''up there'' in terms of getting used to my workouts, because tonite''s class seemed really easy to me. i also did a lot of extra bouncing which typically makes me feel like i am getting more of a workout but i was mentally kind of bored. i worked up a good sweat so i figure i burned a decent amount of cals but i felt like i could have gone way harder tonite than the class took us. then had sushi afterwards with my that was a fun diversion for a weeknight!! greg has rehearsal tonite so he gets take-home sushi, yum.

anyway hope everyone had a great night, tomorrow is a new day. a gym day for me!


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks for the tips Mara and great post BTW- I have some of that echinacea somewhere I will have to dig it out! I still feel about the same and think it might be a cold brewing. I am very cold too which is unusual, but the temp has dropped here - time to order some firewood. I fought off the blahs and went and did 50 mins treadmill this morning, but I couldn't face the ST so I will try this afternoon if I am not too
that is. I think I have been overdoing things a bit recently and it is catching up with me.

Curls welcome to the thread
Don't worry, getting motivated will come, you just need to keep trying and realize that sometimes life and donuts intrude and you have to fall of the wagon temporarily!
Tomorrow is always another day to begin again! We all use the thread as motivation, it really does help, I always find thinking long term regarding health and fitness is the answer, that puts todays donuts and damage control into perspective! The salad you made was a very positive thing to make up for the donuts, we enjoy ourselves here with food when we want to, but also try to strike a balance with eating what we want, but knowing we might have to work out a bit extra or eat a little less here and there to make up for it. Keep up the great work and I hope you stick around! hehehe...donuts aren't a problem for me actually, other cake or chocolate IS though!

Still rooting for you Rod!

Great stuff Jeff! I am really glad you are enjoying the gym, and are getting such great results!

Great job everyone


Dec 28, 2005
Thanks Mara and Lorelei!

Mara in answer to your question, Charlie is more excited about the possibility of Seattle than I am. It will sadden me if we have to leave our beautiful new home, but he would love love love the Seattle area. I''m not too fond of rainy weather and I hear they get a lot of it there, but I''m sure I''d adjust just fine.

Going to the gym this afternoon. Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!


Nov 16, 2005
Date: 10/4/2006 8:59:41 AM
Author: Rod
Thanks Mara and Lorelei!

Mara in answer to your question, Charlie is more excited about the possibility of Seattle than I am. It will sadden me if we have to leave our beautiful new home, but he would love love love the Seattle area. I''m not too fond of rainy weather and I hear they get a lot of it there, but I''m sure I''d adjust just fine.

Going to the gym this afternoon. Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!

The one great thing about Seattle - is that all the rain makes everything SO GREEN and LUSH!!

It''s gorgeous out there. I was out there in January for a little over a week a year or so ago and the weather was fantastic! I came from the chilly arctic that is WI and Seattle was warm (50-60s in Jan) it drizzled a couple of days I was there but no all out rain storms. And I had some of the best Thai food I''ve ever had in my life. mmmmmmmmmm Thai food......

Good Luck on getting that dream job Rod!!


Dec 28, 2005
Thanks Cailet.......I don''t want to get my hopes too high. We''re only in the submit my background stage, so it''s way too early to even think we will actually move there or I will get the job. The good part about this is that there are opportunities out there and if we have to leave Tampa, some of them in are in pretty nice places.

Thanks again. Hopefully, I''ll at least get to go out there and have some great Thai food!!!


Jan 13, 2006
Sorry to barge in here, just wanted to wish Rod good luck.


Jul 6, 2005
welcome curls! i love your avitar. do you have a pup? i do and i found a really easy way to ease into adopting more healthy lifestyle was to take my own dog for longer, more vigorous walks. she/he will appreciate it and so will you

lorelei: good luck fending off the cold. i was unsuccessful in my attempts, but fortunately it had a rather short duration. i managed to workout during it and was glad. cardio tended to have a decongestive effect. but don''t push yourself too much.

rod: excellent progress on the job front. just yesterday, i found myself daydreaming about life in seattle. i don''t exactly know why? i''ve never been there, but both my husband and i are outdoor enthusiasts (camping, rafting, climbing, etc) and it seems like an idyllic place -- aside from the rain. here''s to hoping all of your leads lead to better things

jeff: jujitsu sounds intersting. i''ve never taken any sort of martial arts. how did you get into it?

last night, i went to the gym and did the elliptical for 35 minutes. felt good. went home and really wasn''t feeling like preparing dinner and DH wasn''t going to be home in time to take on that task -- opted for cereal. lazy, but good

normally, after two cardios in a row, i''d take wednesday off, but since i''m going to the oral surgeon tomorrow morning and will be out for at least the next few days, i think i''ll make it to the gym tonight.

boo to wisdom teeth.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 10/4/2006 9:58:45 AM
Author: Ellen
Sorry to barge in here, just wanted to wish Rod good luck.
Oh thanks Ellen. You too lovelylulu!


Feb 10, 2006
Good morning,
I''m feeling pretty good this morning (trying to ignore how much my son got on my nerves before leaving for work UGH!). I have 3 workouts down, 2 to go. I actually worked out last night and felt so happy w/myself for doing so. I am finding that my biggest motivator is accomplishing a goal. Even a small daily like working out. It feels very good to do that workout and not make an excuse. It is hard but so worth it and really boosts my confidence and makes me want to keep going. I think that helped me this morning. I woke up late but still did my morning leg/ab exercises. I like looking at my calendar where I''m making little notations about what I do each day. I wanted to be able to keep that going this morning. Tonight is a gym night.

Monarch, thanks for the suggestion at Seattle Sutton. I have heard of it and there is actually one close to me. I went to the website and it''s a little expensive for me right now but the meals do look good. It''s sort of like having a personal chef... ah, I wish! I also agree that the little things make a big difference, especially w/motivation. I think my morning exercises have helped me accomplish my evening workouts. It starts my day in a positive way and I want to keep that up. Great job walking on your lunch break!

Lulu, thanks for those other sites. I am going to try them out too. I also need the recipes b/c don''t have a lot of base knowledge when it comes to cooking. Everything I make on my own is pretty simplistic and I''d like to venture out a bit.

Curls, try not to beat yourself up over the donuts or other stuff like that. It happens! I understand how one bad thing can really ruin your positive mood. Just try to keep perspective and realize that it''s only ONE bad thing. Easier said than done but for me, staying positive means everything. When I get down on myself, I rarely do anything. Maybe when you''re feeling that way you can do something small so that you''ve accomplished having that salad! Do you have a particular workout plan?

Rod, good luck w/your interviews..they sound promising! Moving sounds exciting, especially if you''re feeling good about going. I think moving anywhere can be tough but as you said, you will adjust. I may move out of state in a few years and it makes me nervous but a couple people have suggested that I look at it as an adventure. I''m working on that theory

What sort of supplements do you take? I could definitely use help w/energy and fighting off colds. For awhile, I was taking wheat grass shots daily, vitamins and a few other things and I sure felt the difference. The problem is that my stomach doesn''t do so well w/all of that stuff... although I must''ve adjusted back then b/c I don''t remember having a problem w/it. Hmmm...

Jeff, sounds like you''re doing great! Progress is always a wonderful thing. It keeps me going!

Mara, I''m sure it feels good that your class seemed easy for you. Are you thinking of doing something different now that it''s not as much fun. Mmm, sushi sounds good. I might have to make a stop at WF soon.

Lorelei, 50 mins. on the treadmill sounds great to me! I think your workouts are pretty good even when you''re feeling tired. If nothing else, you keep me motivated!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 10/4/2006 9:58:45 AM
Author: Ellen
Sorry to barge in here, just wanted to wish Rod good luck.
Ellen, you are more than welcome to pop into this thread whenever you want!

Thanks for the kudos Dixie, and I am so glad I can help you with the motivation! I will let you into a little secret
, despite me twittering on in previous threads to others about not feeling guilty if they miss a workout - I do feel so guilty at the prospect of skipping out, so that gets me out there and working! Silly really that I won't allow myself to ease up at all, but my routines are so ingrained now...

Lulu - I hope all goes well with your teefs


Jul 6, 2005
thanks lorelei! i think that i''m looking forward to ice cream shakes and mashed potatoes for a little while, which i suppose isn''t all that bad


Apr 30, 2005
My I offer some suggestions while your poor mouth heals that you can take advantage of?

Mashed taties in butter
Hummus a la Mme. Mara
Rice pudding with jam

creme caramel
LEMON PIE FILLING ( couldn't resist!
Jello pud
lots of icecream

I would make the most of all the above for sure! yumyum!


Dec 28, 2005
Well let''s see Dixie.....I take the following:

Mega Men Sport Multi Vitamin
Vitamin D
Vitamin C
Cranberry Pills (good for urinary tract health and prostate health in men too)
Triple Lecithin
Fish Body Oils with Fatty Omega 3 Acids
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Isomer E
Red Yeast Rice (for cholesterol)
Prostate Formula (you don''t need this, but Jeff might benefit from it)
Glucosamine and Chondroitan (good for joints such as hips and knees)
CoQ10 (really good for the heart)
Amidren (another supplement primarily for men over 50 - Jeff you might want to look into this one too)

I used to get a little stomach discomfort when I first started taking the supplements, particularly if I took them on an empty stomach. But, I don''t anymore since I learned to take them when I''m eating breakfast. Counting them it''s really 17 pills I take every morning, not 25. Still it''s a moutful!

If you''re looking for guidance, go to your local GNC store and ask them to help you put together a general core supplement group that would benefit your particular needs. They''re really good at helping one pick out the right supplements.

Good luck......Rod


Jul 6, 2005
thanks for all of those tasty suggestions...i''m thinking oatmeal should be good too. especially since the weather where i am is going from a balmy 85 to an ugly and rainy 50-something in only a days time.


Aug 5, 2006
Thank you so much for all the positive words, everyone!!! It really helps me. I''ve done great so far today and plan on going walking after work. I really hope that I can post that I did. (I have to hurry up and go as soon as I get home though because tonight is the first night of Lost!

Dixie: as far as my work out plan, I really don''t have one per se. I''m just hoping to go for at least 30 minute fast paced walks 4 times a week. I''d really like to get back in the routine of doing toning exercises as well, but since I have been fairly seditary for a while, I''m just going to start this first week with just the walking. Next week I plan to add on the other things and gradually I''d like to work out 6 times a week. Also, Dixie, you said you were thinking of Jenny Craig. I''ve never tried it, but as I mentioned earlier, I''m planning on doing Weight Watchers and have done it in the past for a short while. I''ve actually started it on my own this week, but won''t officially go until Monday. I don''t know if you''ve tried it before, but I really like the program. I''ve always known what was healthy and what wasn''t, but using their point system made me put things into perspective. I''d think stuff like "ok, if I eat this little piece of chocolate, I''m going to have to sacrifice something more filling and satisfying" or "if I eat this spaghetti with whole wheat noodles instead of the regular ones, I get to eat a larger portion of noodles." Anyways, just thought you might want to check it out.

Good luck everyone.


Jul 6, 2005
here is a quick little article. i know that it''s knowledge we already know, but it''s good to keep reinforcing the habits!

runner''s fuel


Oct 30, 2002
i woke up this morning and had a random thought. a few weeks ago greg had some article that said that fidgeters burn more calories by being fidgety! i''m a fidgeter so i was like WOO HOO. i am going to try to find it and see if i can post a link or something. so not being able to sit still isn''t always a bad thing.

good luck with the teeth thing ll...i don''t want to freak you out but i was a total wuss when i had mine out when i was 17 and basically lived off cream of wheat and ice cream for 2 whole weeks. i had a really hard time healing and it took a while...i tried to go out and eat a sandwich after 2 weeks and it was still too tender. so it was more like 3.5 weeks until i was totally healed. i don''t know if you like cream of wheat but i LOVE it with a little brown sugar. perfect for cold mornings. also soups like minestrone or chicken veggie etc will be great. you will probably end up losing a bit of weight since it''s hard to keep caloric intake up when eating soft or liquid foods i find, unless you just eat ice cream every meal! hehe.

i have a dentist appt today, but just a checkup...i hope! hehee. anyway this morning is kashi oatmeal for me. i tend to eat 2 servings because 1 is just not enough. i am going to the gym today but trying to figure out if it will be after the dentist appt or before, i''m thinking after works better. my left foot is a little sore around the toes, not too sure from what but maybe either adjusting to my new shoes or doing the extra bouncing yesterday at kbox. dixie, i really love kboxing and it''s just that one instructor who can be boring sometimes, but he changes it up, so hopefully i won''t be bored all the time now...there are a few instructors that can still kick my butt!!! so hopefully on thurs we''ll get one of those. also i have been trying to do my 300 jumping jacks after 1 kbox a week to add a few more burnt calories in there (and it''s just a good stretching thing for my arms and legs after a workout). 300 jacks takes me less than 10 minutes and burns about an extra 100 calories so it''s not bad to add in sometimes!!

gosh rod that is a ton of supplements!! i don''t even take a morning vitamin though i know i should. i can''t imagine 25 pills in the morning!

lorelei hope you feel better! curls, be sure to get out for your walk!!! starting out by just walking 3-4x a week is a great idea!! hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Oct 30, 2002
hmm greg could not remember where he read that article, thought it was WSJ but it's not. anyway i did google 'fidgeting burns calories' and found a bunch of hits, here is just a clip from one particular article:

"In his calorie-measuring room experiment, Ravussin installed motion detectors to monitor how much movement the study participants made. He discovered there is a big difference in the way people perform an everyday activity like watching TV. Some people sat as still as statues without moving a muscle. Others couldn't stop from changing position every so often. Others kept getting up and moving around the room. Ravussin calculated that fidgeting alone could burn anywhere from 300 to 800 calories a day. He found that the tendency to fidget or to be restless also ran in families.

In another experiment at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, researchers James Levine and Norman Eberhardt found that people who fidget while seated burn 40 to 60 more calories compared to people who sit motionless. Fidgeters burn 70 to 100 calories more per hour when they stand compared to laid-back people who stand still."

As a leg jiggler while I am sitting down and since I pretty much find it hard to sit still for any period of time..I'm happy to know that it's benefitting me in some tiny way. hahaha.


Jul 6, 2005
i''m going to try the jumping jacks (in the privacy of my own home) tonight. 100 calories sounds good to me!

and mara, 3.5 weeks is terribly scary to hear. the dentist did allude to the fact that because i''m not a teenager, my healing might be a longer process. crap.

it''s a good thing i REALLY like ice cream
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