
Very sick kitty.


Aug 8, 2005
Hally (AV kitty) only has a 50/50 chance of surviving the next 24 hours. We were on vacation and came home, she was sick. The pet sitter didn't know her well enough to know that. We took her to the regular vet today. And she was transferred to a 24 hour critical care specialist vet tonight. Just got home. She anemic, has a very elevated white count and an upper respiratory infection, can't control her bladder, and is jaundiced. They are stabilizing her tonight, and tomorrow they will do x-rays and ultrasounds to find out what's going on. If she's too far gone, we will have to consider euthanasia. It's been a shitty night. Dust?
Oh no I am so sorry :( sending your kitty lots of healing dust. Again so sorry (((hugs)))
I'm terribly sorry to hear about your very sick kitty Gypsy. Sending all the dust out there to your special kitty.
I'm very sorry Gypsy. Much dust for a better outcome!
back at vet. she's vomiting blood. chances just went down.
thank you for your support friends.
So sorry to hear about your kitty.Pets are family members and when they are sick or injured we hurt too. Hoping for a recovery.
Oh gypsy! I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. I'll keep her in my prayers and thoughts and pray for a speedy recovery if possible and for her to remain as pain free as she can. Big hug to you!
Sorry to hear the news, Gypsy, a sick furry friend is difficult :(

I hope she pulls through.
That totally sucks. I had a Scottie puppy (my first litter of 2) born with a congenital heart defect (which we didn't know about) that became ill at 10 weeks of age and despite my best efforts, my vets, the dog hospital here and a leading dog heart guy I had to put an exceptionally cute little ball of fur down. It was heartbreaking, so I am sending lots of dust your way and lots of hugs & strength if it doesn't work out.
prayers outgoing
thank you all.. back home for now. authorized transfusion and meds for blood pressure. a little hope is a very dangerous thing. Hoping very hard she pulls through. she's a fighter. like i said... very dangerous thing, hope. thank you all for the support.
Oh no, I am so sorry Gypsy. I am sending bucket loads of healing ***dust*** to Hally and am keeping her in my thoughts and prayers. Praying she pulls through and recovers. (((Hugs))) to you.
Thinking of you all. Love and healing dust to you from across the oceans. ❤️
By chance I just saw this thread after I finished posting a pic in the fur ball one, breaks my heart.....Such a tough thing to go through, I am so sorry and my prayers are with you and Kitty.
Hi Gypsy, I feel sick about this, do they know what it is? I fear FIP been there but I hope not then she surely has a chance. If she getd through the critical period I would recommend You use Vetri Dmg it is an amazing immune stimulant. Please keep us postes, I am really crossing fingers.
Oh no! Prayers for a total recovery, Hally! My felines and I will be keeping fingers, toes, and paws crossed for good luck, Gypsy.
So sorry to hear, hope she pulls through.
So terribly sorry to hear this. Loads of dust coming your way!
So sorry Gypsy... :(sad
Thank you all so very much.

I have insomnia normally, so... sleep is out.

Hally was diagnosed with Mast Cell cancer last January. She's been in treatment since then and was doing much better for a while. She was a little off before we left, but nothing BAD, just a bit off her food, she'd eat but not as much. Which with the meds and the cancer is something that happens occasionally. But this was a very quick and unexpected decline and they are too focused on stabilizing her to be able to figure out why right now. It could be any number of things. She could have a bleeding ulcer as a result of the meds she's been on. And she had an upper respiratory infection too, that the pet sitter SHOULD have seen and told us about, which could have exacerbated things since it went untreated. Or it could be that her cancer has spread either to her bone marrow, or her stomach or both. She's critical so they are focused right now on stabilizing her. And she's still not there yet. So any diagnosis of the root problem will wait till if, and when she stabilizes. It's just killing me right now that if we hadn't gone away for the weekend then we would have been here and probably would have seen the changes in her and been able to get her to the vet sooner. We got back last night. And she ate, so we took that as a good sign. But then this morning she was having trouble breathing. And then she hid behind the washer/dryer stack and we couldn't get her out for hours. Then when we did we were alarmed by how she appeared and so I called the specialist vet (cancer care and so forth) they said it sounded like something for the regular vet not them, so we took her in and by that time she was on a fast decline. By the time we got to that vet... she was in critical condition. And then THEY said, it was something for the OTHER vet, not them. So we had to drag her to them. Just... hours, wasted. Days and hours wasted, that we could have spent having her cared for. I feel like a horrible mom. And my DH is beating himself up too. My head says we couldn't have known, but my heart says we should have.

She my little girl. And I just ... I don't want to lose her. I just want her to stabilize and come home. I know we don't have long with her. We knew that when she was diagnosed. But... just a little longer. I'm not ready say goodbye.

But I also can't keep her suffering. If she doesn't stabilize soon, we'll have to make a decision.

I'm going to log off for now and read. I'll call in to check on her in a while. I just did, and there was no change. I don't know if I am being a good mom, doing the transfusion. Or if I'm being a selfish and should just have... let her go. But when we got back to the vet they said her pulse had rebounded when they thought it wouldn't, and we took that as a sign that she was still fighting. A little bit of hope. A dangerous thing.
Oh gypsy.. you're doing the very best you know how for her.. we can't know everything, or all the what if's..

Hang in there, I'm praying she does too..
Dust, Gypsy, tons and tons of dust for your Hally :(sad

I will be checking this thread every chance I've got - I am praying they can stabilize her today... I'm so, so sorry to hear this :(sad

A little bit of hope - hold dear to that little bit of hope, love.
Gypsy - I'm so sorry to hear all of this. As a veterinarian and cat mom myself, I can appreciate everything that is happening, both from a medical as well as an emotional standpoint. I hope she can rebound from whatever this is that is so acutely debilitating, and continue to fight. I lost one to suspected mast cell as well, and I know how hard it is to let them go. My thoughts are with you.
The anemia alone can cause a collapse. I think you did the right thing with the transfusion. It's worth a try. (hugs)
Gypsy, I am so sorry this happened to your beloved kitty. My prayers are with you for her speedy recovery.
hang in there!
Gypsy, I'm keeping my thoughts with you, your DH, and her. Our little boy pup was diagnosed with parvo before our rescue had even pulled him from the shelter. We were told that very few pups make it through, and the rescue prepared us for the worst, as in many cases they have to let them go. We were heartbroken when we heard the news but were hopeful, and two months later our little guy finally made it home. Even if the chances are not optimistic at the outset, hope is worth having, and I hope that she is able to make it home to be with you and your DH.
Gypsy, so sorry to hear you're going through this. I've been in similar situations with cats and it's rough. We're here and sending thoughts your way. 8)
so sorry Gypsy... Sending dust and positive thoughts your way, that there's a rebound in her health and she recovers from this set-back Please don't beat yourself up about your trip. You had no way of knowing this would happen.
I hope you and your DH find the strength to make whatever decision is needed for Hally. I deal with my dear clients facing terminally ill pets on a daily basis and believe you'll know in your heart when it's time to let her go. Again so sorry :(sad
She's gone.

Again, my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to you all for your dust, prayers, love and support. My husband too.