
Vent/Rage of the day thread

Just a minor vent, but it is super annoying.

Our washer has been on the fritz for 2 months and it's been throwing up the same error message. Our repair guy came buy and tried to fix it with parts that correspond with that make and model. But no dice. So he tried calling the factory, but since that model was bought by a major department store we have to go through them to fix it (he was really nice and didn't charge us anything) So I make an appt and 2 weeks later (today) they come and fix it. Before they came I told them about the error message, and what our repair guy had tried to do, and didn't work, and the parts he ordered. Well....They fixed it and replaced the SAME part our guy did, and it worked.... ONCE. Now it is throwing up the same error. And isn't working. I got ONE measly little load of kitchen towels out of it! UGH!

That really isn't my major problem, see we paid about double what we would have paid our repair guy, but that's the way things work. And the repair comes with a 90 day guarantee. (they keep trying to get us to get an extended service plan). So when I contact the department store and mention the guarantee and wanting my washer fixed, they said ONLY if it is the same problem they fixed before will they cover it, if not we have to shell out even more money, again, to fix the same problem we asked them to fix today.

I mean I appreciate it all BUT if they were here and couldn't fix it why should I pay them again for their incompetence, or their lack of really trying to find the problem. I could have bought a BRAND new washer for close to what I am paying to get this fixed, by people who are supposed to be experts with this model!

And it's not even the money that is the issue, really that is fine, it's more the principle of it.

am I being to dramatic, or unreasonable?
Vent of the day: I went to the derm to have a skin cancer screening. It runs in my family and it had been a few years. I had to pay $30 co-pay for seeing a specialist. Totally worth it. Well, I just got a bill for $104.36 MORE. So I called my health insurance. She isn't allowed to tell me what the doctor billed me for. No labs, nothing removed, she did poke around a "dilated pore" for 30 seconds. So confused. So now I have to call the office to find out (even though it is my medical record) and file an appeal. Annoying.
It is so frustrating and sad to me that we, as a society, have made ourselves so dependent on machines and electronics.

I was given a Samsung tablet which I use for work. It is downloaded with info, and itineraries that I need, as I travel locally for my job.
Well, last night the wall charger wouldn't work. My DH tried our charger for the cell phones, and I hooked it up, but really didnt think it would work. I tossed and turned all night, worrying that I wouldnt get my work info for today. It finally did charge.

Then, this morning, the Check Engine light came on in the car.

Internet, online banking, credit/debit cards, cell phones........
When these things are on the fritz, it is a major crisis.
I ask you, how has it come to this????
I spent about 45 minutes at my daughter's school yesterday using die cuts and making copies. Now I have pink eye. :(sad
Our phone system (from freakin like 1980) died over the weekend at work. We came in monday to the PBX being completely shot. (basically that's the main control of a phone system) I called ATT to get them to confirm the line was not the problem, and a local phone system company that is Union (requirement) and the soonest the replacement could be in was "sometime next week."

We are trying to work on the narrowest of financial margins right now and this was not budgeted for this year. Not ideal. We have been trying to write the numbers down as they call in (caller id shows the numbers but the person hears a static line), and calling them back on our cell phones with the number blocked. I am about to lose my mind.

tyty333|1430399100|3870039 said:
I spent about 45 minutes at my daughter's school yesterday using die cuts and making copies. Now I have pink eye. :(sad
GAH. I have had it TWICE in the 5 weeks. I had to throw out hundreds of dollars in makeup twice now. :angryfire:
ckrickett|1429653299|3865504 said:
Just a minor vent, but it is super annoying.

Our washer has been on the fritz for 2 months and it's been throwing up the same error message. Our repair guy came buy and tried to fix it with parts that correspond with that make and model. But no dice. So he tried calling the factory, but since that model was bought by a major department store we have to go through them to fix it (he was really nice and didn't charge us anything) So I make an appt and 2 weeks later (today) they come and fix it. Before they came I told them about the error message, and what our repair guy had tried to do, and didn't work, and the parts he ordered. Well....They fixed it and replaced the SAME part our guy did, and it worked.... ONCE. Now it is throwing up the same error. And isn't working. I got ONE measly little load of kitchen towels out of it! UGH!

That really isn't my major problem, see we paid about double what we would have paid our repair guy, but that's the way things work. And the repair comes with a 90 day guarantee. (they keep trying to get us to get an extended service plan). So when I contact the department store and mention the guarantee and wanting my washer fixed, they said ONLY if it is the same problem they fixed before will they cover it, if not we have to shell out even more money, again, to fix the same problem we asked them to fix today.

I mean I appreciate it all BUT if they were here and couldn't fix it why should I pay them again for their incompetence, or their lack of really trying to find the problem. I could have bought a BRAND new washer for close to what I am paying to get this fixed, by people who are supposed to be experts with this model!

And it's not even the money that is the issue, really that is fine, it's more the principle of it.

am I being to dramatic, or unreasonable?

Had 3 other technicians come, spent close to cost of the washer and it still doesn't work, they have practically replaced the entire thing!!! :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
Okay... Tough choices ahead.

We have just enough cash left to pay the mortgage on Friaday plus water, electricity, internet for another month. Groceries on hand for a month or two.

Or we can do the car payment(which I didn't do last month) plus all expenses but mortgage (garbage, phone, gas, insurance, plus the others above) for several months.

I don't know what to do. Getting the word out about our product as fast as I can. No offers for DH after interviews.

I'm scrambling to see if I can get some kids to take care of over summer to cover the bills while DH keeps working on the next product (almost done) and iPhone versions (waiting for the iPhone to show up but should be ready to sell soon).

So what do I do? Pay the mortgage and hope for the best? Pay and then overdraft to get $1000 cash to live on while hoping for best? Skip the mortgage because foreclosure takes time???

I have even been considering a yard sale or trying to rent out the room downstairs (with no bed....).

Advice? Dust? Marketing tips?
Oh no, Too Patient, I haven't checked in here for a long time and I am so sorry about what you and your family are going through. :( I wish I had wise advice to offer but I am sending you bucket loads of PS ***DUST*** hoping for a resolution for you and your money issues. I hope that app you are working on takes off and the money starts pouring in and I hope you can find families that need you to take care of their kids for some extra money.

If you called the bank and spoke to them would they allow you to skip a few months of mortgage payment without penalty just so you can get back up on your feet? If you miss a car payment could the car be repossessed? Which is the more critical payment? I would definitely pay electric for sure that would be first for me.

And a yard sale sounds like a good idea. Get rid of what you don't need so you are clearing out the extra stuff you don't use or need and earning money at the same time. Win win. Not sure about renting out a room in your house but I guess if you find someone you trust completely. That is something personally I would do as a last resort just because it is in your house and not a separate house.

Good luck and I am thinking of you and your family and sending lots of good thoughts and dust your way.

ckrickett, hope your appliance woes have been solved by now. How frustrating it is when things break down. Hope your washer is working well finally.
Thanks Missy.

I haven't called the bank. That is a great idea.
Not sure how the other bank deals with car stuff. I know they can reposses. Just don't know how long they wait. I do know they are a bigger bank and not nearly as friendly and helpful as the mortgage holder.

I am also looking into associate degree jobs in the area. A mega company sent someone to school a couple of years ago to talk about a program where they hire people with an associates degree heading towards bachelor's. Can't find it. Not sure if it is even still around. Will keep looking.

Really not comfortable with renting a room out. Would have to be just the right person. Even then... Icck.

I'm trying to prioritize. Already cut every bit of extra I can find.
Must have is water, electricity, and internet (otherwise no job applications, Skype interviews, or app selling) plus car/dog food.
Next is car insurance, gas, car payment so we have way to get to all the schools and gyms in the area to promote the apps. Oh, and garbage service as it is required in city limits.
Mortgage plus insurance is important. This is a must have too but my thinking is worst case of we miss a few, they threaten and we can catch up when things are better. My mother lived in her house for almost a year after foreclosure started and even that was some months of warning before.

One thing I am having trouble fitting in that list is the hangar rent for the airplane. Or the big,crate of parts as a more accurate description. Of we don't pay that, they are pretty quick to do Pay or vacate orders. Big crate can't just be moved. We would have to abandon the airplane for them to sell off as scrap. Looked at selling the engine. Hardly worth anything in current condition and that is IF someone would buy it. Airplane is worth next to nothing right now. We'd be lucky if we could sell it as parts. Fixed up, it is rare and worth near 100k. (but needs probably 50k+ to get there)
But $200/month is the electricity plus water...

So glad we don't do much with credit. Few,payments has made this a lot more tolerable. Looking forward to catching up on all our bills and getting back to a little ahead. Also thankful for the savings we had and plan to rebuild it as soon as possible.

Sorry to ramble. It helps just to write it all out.
Too Patient,

Have you considered calling the utilities companies and letting them know you are having financial difficulties right now. I would think with all the foreclosures and people being out of work the past few years they may work with you. I would also contact the mortgage company. I really have no idea if it would be helpful but it may be worth a try. I am so sorry you are dealing with this.
too patient so sorry about your troubles hope they resolve quickly,

Some suggestions: Yard sale Yes! absolutely go for it you would be amazed on how much a yard sale can bring in. Also it sounds like you're a great cook, bake something put it out with a price tag at the yard sale preserves anything that will make their mouth water. You have a room downstairs, how big is it? Is it big enough to hold parties ( children's birthdays, baby showers etc ) you can rent it out as a party venue and with your cooking talent you can cater it and charge for that. Catering small affairs on week-ends is also an idea. Tutoring is another idea. Good luck to you, if I can think of anything else I'll come back.
Thanks for all the suggestions!
I've been taking care of someone far more important than money this week (lost my poor puppy ;( ) but will be back later with more personal replies.

Scrambling to sort out today. Pulling everything into one location and trying to sort it out from there. We had an unexpected $500 expense (my poor sweetie needed medical help and a decent cremation) that has made our situation even worse. (don't get me wrong, that money went to her comfort and proper cremation without a 2nd thought)

We have an outstanding $200 check from taking care of her plus the mortgage. We WILL be over drafting. No question of it. Even if I pull every last penny we have from other accounts (including retirement), it won't cover those two things. Let alone water & electricity that are over due. Electricity will work with us, but water has to be dealt with or they will shut off.

Need to get some homework done. Am ONE MONTH away from graduating (if I can keep it together and pass this one class).

Also in works:

Watching the weather for a yard sale. Not going to label stuff individually. Just going to do $2 per each clothing item and $1 per each book. Special stuff on a case by case (like the brand new only worn once tuxedo that DH wore for his wedding to ex). Idea being to keep work down so I can keep up on the other stuff.

Applying to jobs that will take an associate's degree (science with focus on mechanical/civil engineering and focus on computer/electric engineering)

Re-contacting recruiters now that DH can do contract for the mega company in the area.

Contacting parents in the area about summer care for their kids. (I'm looking at $400/week per kid with a cap at 4 kids. Only ages 7-12. In our house with outings and projects.)
TooPatient - I'm very sorry to hear about your troubles and especially, the loss of your dog. You've certainly got a lot on your plate and I hope that things start turning around for you soon!
Aghhhh! Someone I live with is a complete nightmare when it comes to the dishwasher. Half the time she just puts the dishes in the sink....when the dishwasher is RIGHT UNDER the sink. Why? Why would you do that? Is the extra millisecond required to bend ever-so-slightly at the waist and open the dishwasher truly too much trouble?

But then....when she DOES put the dishes in the dishwasher, they look as if she has taken aim from the far side of the room and just flung them in. Bowls haphazardly on the top, falling over, instead of in the spikey things at the bottom, leaving no room for all the cups and glasses which are meant to go on the top - and in fact can't go on the bottom.

I just had about five dishes that wouldn't fit because of her total carelessness, so I had to take the dishes out, re-arrange them, and put everything back in, and then everything fit fine.

Let me repeat: I had to take it all out and then put it back in. Because, you know, I have nothing better to do with my time. That makes me SO effing MAD!!!!!!!! :angryfire:

What is so incredibly difficult about stacking the dishwasher in a sensible way so that everything fits? Why is this such a constant challenge? Clearly, flinging everything in so it's completely haphazard means you can only fit in about half what you should be able to. Why is that so difficult to understand?
And another pet peeve of mine is.....When using public bathrooms, has anyone ever noticed how many people don't flush the toilet? I find it incredible. I mean, maybe it's sometimes younger children whose parents haven't bothered teaching them basic things like that, but for most people, seriously? I cannot imagine not flushing, and yet probably a third of public restrooms I venture into have not been flushed.

This is kind of related to putting the dishes in the sink which is atop of the dishwasher because each of these things takes barely any time at all. I mean, really? The microsecond required to flush the toilet is too much for you? Jesus.
Jambalaya|1432326040|3880193 said:
And another pet peeve of mine is.....When using public bathrooms, has anyone ever noticed how many people don't flush the toilet? I find it incredible. I mean, maybe it's sometimes younger children whose parents haven't bothered teaching them basic things like that, but for most people, seriously? I cannot imagine not flushing, and yet probably a third of public restrooms I venture into have not been flushed.

This is kind of related to putting the dishes in the sink which is atop of the dishwasher because each of these things takes barely any time at all. I mean, really? The microsecond required to flush the toilet is too much for you? Jesus.

I actually "saw" a woman leave a public restroom without flushing the other day. Her kid (probably about 3-4 years old) reminded her as she was walking out of the stall and she still didn't flush. Instead, she told him that it is gross to flush in public! :eek: :angryfire:

Go figure, she also didn't bother to wash her hands...
Jambalaya -- I hear you on the dishwasher issue! I finally gave up on hoping people could actually load in a sensible way and have banned "A" from putting anything in and DH knows that he can unload but except the rare exception, just leave it on the counter. We had a bowl get broken in the dishwasher (well, duh! You set a metal pan against it what do you expect!?!?) and a piece of the glass got past the filter screens and into the motor unit. Thankfully it didn't fry the motor, but it still cost us over $200 (and a week of hand washing everything) to have a guy come out to figure out what was wrong and get the glass out.

Is it really so hard?
Plates fit in one row only. Put them there.
Silverware won't come clean if nestled together (like 3 spoons stuck together...). So separate them a bit.
Bowls only come clean on the top rack. Put them there.
Crystal wine glasses do NOT run with the dirty pots....

Oh..... And why is it that I can fit twice to three times as many dishes in a load than anyone else? It isn't like I'm cramming anything! Just stick stuff where it belongs and we are all happier!

Hmmm.... and at least scrape stuff. A little rinse for some things is good too.
Hi TooPatient! I hope things are looking up for you. :wavey:

God, I can't believe that woman purposely not flushing! So she obviously thinks it's OK for someone else to be grossed out by what she's left behind. I don't think I've ever heard of such appalling manners. You know, people who have no consideration for others in small ways like that tend to be inconsiderate in larger ways, too. In which case, her behavior will come back to bite her. That's the way I think of it. Anyway, often I have to peek into two or three stalls before I can find a clean one. It was the same when I was out last night. I guess some people just live like animals. I just can't get my head around not flushing after myself. I mean, I wouldn't dream of not doing so.

Yeah, the dishwasher thing. Annoying, isn't it. It's one of those things which is such a small thing in life but which can just fill you with annoyance because it's so inconsiderate. There should be a thing called Dishwasher Rage!
I used to work in a place where one of the female employees wasn't flushing. So gross!
I eventually figured out who it was. I never had to confront her, because she quit shortly thereafter, so the problem went away.
It's even worse when you know who's doing it!
Vent: doctors (and everyone else) writing off patients because of their weight. This attitude that a high BMI is the singular cause of everything wrong with you. Just lose weight and you'll be healthy. GAH!!!!

My aunt just had her second stroke. She's 40. Like seriously what is going on?

I asked what testing was being done to get to the bottom of the problem and everyone looked at me like I said something ridiculous. Apparently she just needs to exercise. Her weight and lifestyle are causing her strokes.

OK so maybe they are, but she is very young and otherwise healthy (no smoking, no drinking). There are a lot of possible causes for stroke and she should be tested for every last one of them.

I want to jump up and down screaming in the middle if the ICU.

The sad part is that she believes it. She feels guilty for bringing this on her family. Not cool.
Are the strokes embolic (clogged) or hemorrhagic (bleeders)? You need to know this to devise the correct treatment plan.

For docs who like the "blame the patient" method, *smoking* is the blamie thing for stroke and heart attack.

Lots of overweight patients never have strokes. Two strokes at 40 says get to a neurologist with stroke subspecialty asap.

I'm sorry to hear the guilt trip they are laying on her is causing her not to get the treatment she deserves. She's done nothing wrong. I hope a good neurologist steps in here.
They are embolic.

I am convinced she has a clotting disorder. She has had several pregnancies, but all ended in miscarriages. Her medical care has been spotty in the past because they move a lot and she hasn't always had a family doctor. In our province, 3 miscarriages trigger an investigative process that would find a clotting disorder. In her case this didn't happen.

They live in the town I grew up in, it's small and there are no specialists of any kind. They do have family in the city. I'm going to try and convince them to get referred here. Heck they can stay in my spair bedroom.
Haven't been on RT for a while and just reading some of the requests annoy me. These people who are complete newbies seem to have somewhat unreasonable expectations, white, eyeclean, decent size and well cut for peanuts. These are DIAMONDS people. This SH!T ain't free! And if you aren't educated, look up threads and read up on his website. I'm kinda over the spoon feeding thing. Lucky for these people so many PSers are so generous and patient. I guess I'm not one of them. :roll:
LLJsmom|1434221310|3888813 said:
Haven't been on RT for a while and just reading some of the requests annoy me. These people who are complete newbies seem to have somewhat unreasonable expectations, white, eyeclean, decent size and well cut for peanuts. These are DIAMONDS people. This SH!T ain't free! And if you aren't educated, look up threads and read up on his website. I'm kinda over the spoon feeding thing. Lucky for these people so many PSers are so generous and patient. I guess I'm not one of them. :roll:

Quite the contrary LLJsmom, you are incredibly generous and warm hearted. It's just lazy doesn't sit well with you nor should it. Anyway just had to say that because you are a wonderful and generous and kind person!
LLJsmom|1434221310|3888813 said:
Haven't been on RT for a while and just reading some of the requests annoy me. These people who are complete newbies seem to have somewhat unreasonable expectations, white, eyeclean, decent size and well cut for peanuts. These are DIAMONDS people. This SH!T ain't free! And if you aren't educated, look up threads and read up on his website. I'm kinda over the spoon feeding thing. Lucky for these people so many PSers are so generous and patient. I guess I'm not one of them. :roll:

Everybody but *them* should sell goods/services at a loss, right???? Lol.
missy|1434230684|3888898 said:
LLJsmom|1434221310|3888813 said:
Haven't been on RT for a while and just reading some of the requests annoy me. These people who are complete newbies seem to have somewhat unreasonable expectations, white, eyeclean, decent size and well cut for peanuts. These are DIAMONDS people. This SH!T ain't free! And if you aren't educated, look up threads and read up on his website. I'm kinda over the spoon feeding thing. Lucky for these people so many PSers are so generous and patient. I guess I'm not one of them. :roll:

Quite the contrary LLJsmom, you are incredibly generous and warm hearted. It's just lazy doesn't sit well with you nor should it. Anyway just had to say that because you are a wonderful and generous and kind person!

Thank you Missy. (((hug)))

azstonie said:
LLJsmom|1434221310|3888813 said:
Haven't been on RT for a while and just reading some of the requests annoy me. These people who are complete newbies seem to have somewhat unreasonable expectations, white, eyeclean, decent size and well cut for peanuts. These are DIAMONDS people. This SH!T ain't free! And if you aren't educated, look up threads and read up on his website. I'm kinda over the spoon feeding thing. Lucky for these people so many PSers are so generous and patient. I guess I'm not one of them. :roll:

Everybody but *them* should sell goods/services at a loss, right???? Lol.

Yes, so true. Why should businesses operate at a loss? ***sigh***
chemgirl|1433990195|3887673 said:
They are embolic.

I am convinced she has a clotting disorder. She has had several pregnancies, but all ended in miscarriages. Her medical care has been spotty in the past because they move a lot and she hasn't always had a family doctor. In our province, 3 miscarriages trigger an investigative process that would find a clotting disorder. In her case this didn't happen.

They live in the town I grew up in, it's small and there are no specialists of any kind. They do have family in the city. I'm going to try and convince them to get referred here. Heck they can stay in my spair bedroom.

Chemgrl, they should screen her for a patent foramen ovale. Multiple strokes in young or middle-aged can be caused by a PFO.
Clothing care tags that are like three inches long because they're apparently printed in every language under the sun - :evil:
VRBeauty|1435971237|3898658 said:
Clothing care tags that are like three inches long because they're apparently printed in every language under the sun - :evil:

Agree, Agree, Agree! This must be something new . . . I just received an order of baby gap clothes and had to cut all of those tags off of each item before washing. Every time I turned a onesie inside out, I found myself hoping that it wouldn't have one of those tags. No such luck. Arrgghh!
Workplace drama is really pushing my buttons lately. I am a big fan of addressing problems with the individual and letting everyone else get on with their day :rolleyes: