
Unique Diamond Cuts!


May 24, 2012
I have spent so much time lurking on PS over the last year, that sometimes I think I've seen it all-- so when I see something new, I get really excited!

I was browsing the diamond shops in Seattle yesterday, and I stopped by Turgeon-Raine and I was really impressed with some of the fun things I saw there. I saw two cuts that were new to me: the virtue cut and the spirit sun cut (which the saleswoman told me is sometimes referred to as the "double pavilion" cut).

I should have taken pics, but I forgot, and they may not have let me anyway, so I'll just post some pics from the internet:

Here is a photo of the ring I saw:
Interesting combination of brilliant pave with this stone. The ring was lovely, though I almost think a simpler setting would have complemented the center stone better. I generally like longer stones better when set N-S, but I think the E-W orientation works for this one.

The virtue cut has 21 facets.

Here's a photo of the spirit sun three stone ring I saw. The stones were very slightly recessed in the bezel, perhaps to help protect the upper culet? It was a gorgeous and unique ring, though I personally might be a little afraid to wear it. Perhaps it isn't meant as an everyday ring.

The spirit sun has 16 facets each to the upper and lower pavilions.

In theory, it doesn't seem like something I would like, but these diamonds were very alluring!

Anyone have any more unique cuts they can share? DiaGem started a great thread some years back, but it has since been locked. You can see it here:
I love Turgeon Raine. I love the way their store is laid out - sort of like a museum. I doubt that I will ever be able to own anything from them though.

One more interesting cut from them:

The Lighthouse Cut: Light house cut diamonds appear similar to emerald cut diamonds with a sparkle like no other. The Lighthouse diamond is an exclusive Turgeon Raine cut.

sortmon said:
I love Turgeon Raine. I love the way their store is laid out - sort of like a museum. I doubt that I will ever be able to own anything from them though.

One more interesting cut from them:

The Lighthouse Cut: Light house cut diamonds appear similar to emerald cut diamonds with a sparkle like no other. The Lighthouse diamond is an exclusive Turgeon Raine cut.

Wow! How interesting! I didn't see that when I was there. I'd love to see more examples-- wonder what the facet patterning is like.
cygnet|1358374087|3357201 said:
Wow! How interesting! I didn't see that when I was there. I'd love to see more examples-- wonder what the facet patterning is like.

I never saw this in real life either - just copied and pasted the description from their website. I was a little intimidated walking into their store and seeing a .90 ct priced at $11K.
ooh very interesting cygnet. I was wondering what you meant with that 3 stone when you said *upper* culet and I was like huh?? and then I saw the profile. So cool!
That Astralis RB.... :love: :love: :love:
Ok, I just found an interesting cut....shaped like a part of the male anatomy. :lol: Think I'll get put in timeout if I post it?
Oh wth.... Mods please remove if it's too over the top!

cygnet|1358382690|3357343 said:

That's quite a statement piece! That's one expensive joke...

lol I think it's called the Viagra cut. I couldn't help posting it. :lol:
:rolls off chair giggling:

Sorry. Clearly I cannot act like a grown up. :tongue:
Christina, I'm laughing so hard visualizing the perfect setting. :lol:
cygnet|1358383244|3357350 said:
:rolls off chair giggling:

Sorry. Clearly I cannot act like a grown up. :tongue:

:lol: Me either...I keep checking back to see if anyone will ask how big it is.
ROFL! Oh my god, you guys...

Seriously having a gigglefit over here....

edit: awwww, Kenny, where'd your Mohs joke go? That was amazing!
kenny|1358383558|3357359 said:
Christina, with Mohs 10 hardness that one will never need viagra. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
kenny|1358383558|3357359 said:
Christina, I'm laughing so hard visualizing the perfect setting. :lol:

I wonder if it has any enhancements?
Christina...|1358383773|3357369 said:
kenny|1358383558|3357359 said:
Christina, I'm laughing so hard visualizing the perfect setting. :lol:

I wonder if it has any enhancements?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
ahaha.... ohmigod.... STAHP!!

So, uh, anyone else got any other unusual diamond cuts they'd like to show us?
Great thread :naughty:
Here's the Crisscut, a branded cut from Christopher Designs:


And one set in a ring-- very "Angelina," but before she got hers!

I tried viewing them on his website, as he had videos of the stones rotating, but they wouldn't load. :'(
The Meteor Cut :love: :love: :love:


From the website (

The Meteor Cut was born on 10/10/10. This superb diamond cut has a decagonal shape, and its 10 straight walls are wondefully built of 71 facets. It took 10 months of dilligent work and persistent attempts to overcome the technical challenges, in order to cut the diamond with flawless symmetry, each facet perfectly angled, so that it radiates dazzling brilliance. With its exceptional luminosity and endless refraction of light, any Meteor Cut diamond is easily recognised at first glance.

I want to see an ASET of that stone really badly.
nielseel|1358390695|3357481 said:

Oh, how could we forget! That ring is interesting. I wonder if it's more dazzling in person than it looks in photos.
Hahaha, I just watched the video-- the tagline is apparently "only now is eternity in your hands." Makes me feel like I should be saving the world or something now. :D
cygnet|1358389814|3357474 said:
Here's the Crisscut, a branded cut from Christopher Designs:


And one set in a ring-- very "Angelina," but before she got hers!

I tried viewing them on his website, as he had videos of the stones rotating, but they wouldn't load. :'(
I LOVE the Crisscuts. I seriously debate getting a cushion/asscher someday if I ever quit the Star129.

Speaking of:





These designs might seem new to the diamond world but there's plenty of these same cuts in the coloured stone world, and some that are even more creative. The downside to these cuts for diamonds is that they aren't cut for light performance but to show off the cut design.

I hope I don't get booted off RT for posting coloured stones but these designs are fabulous and as you can see, some of the diamonds posted in this thread are of the same design as shown.



