
This may be dangerous...

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Dec 11, 2009
...but hi! I''ve been lurking for who know how many months and have finally given in to the temptation to join up.

I''m going to give you a bit of a backstory on me. I can be a bit long winded, so skip to the end for my dangerous question if you wish!

I found this site when my fiance and I decided to go for it and buy a ring
I became horribly obsessive over anything sparkly and ring shaped. Initially I had figured that I would end up with a white diamond engagement ring, that being the traditional thing to do. And, diamonds are quite sparkly (as you may have noticed). However, two things turned my attention to coloured stones instead. One, the first place I go when entering a jewelry store is straight to the blue stones (then orange... and red... and green...). Two (and I will not lie) the price. Ironically, i think I ended up spending a little more on my sapphire engagement ring than I would have a diamond one just because I was getting exactly what I wanted.

I learned a lot in the process of shopping around and this place was very valuable in giving me enough information to help me decide exactly what I wanted. I decided, from reading posts on this forum, to go with someone who does custom work.

Well, fiance doesn''t much like the idea of buying a stone without seeing it (and dealing with all the shipping stress) so i started looking for a local jeweler. Turns out the picture I pulled off the net as my dream ring belongs to a local custom jeweler! I was over the moon! Although his site has a huge emphasis on diamonds, it turns out he''s quite a sapphire nut. He was more than happy to source me a center stone. I had been nervous about asking for a sapphire from a place that seemed to deal primarily in diamonds, but I''m glad I did! He did a good job.

So, what i learned from this whole adventure is that sapphires are extremely fun to buy. And these forums are extremely fun to read. And that yes, i do like coloured stones as much as I think I do. So much so that I think I want to start a collection. (Yes, lifetime project, yay) I found a few very cheap gems (both in cost and quality) that I bought, and I enjoy them very much. They are loose, and I am unsure what to do with them (maybe find a cheap setting and play around with mounting them? I saw this mentioned previously here) they may remain loose. Loose gems are... very sexy :p But since I am new to this whole thing, buying cheap gems that I can enjoy seems to be the safest way to start up collecting. I get a thrill out of showing my friends "See, *this* is a sapphire too!" "But it''s orange!" they say.

So, onto the dangerous question. Is there anyone here who has found a decent place online to buy very cheap gems (for cheap thrills)? I''m talking 20$ or less. Looking for a place that will ship what they say they''ll ship, an honest dealer. Suggestions? I have gone through the coloured vendor list, but as far as I can tell, it is just a list of sites selling gems, not nessesarily a tried and true vendor list. Anyone have a favourite?


Mar 2, 2009
Unfortunately, under 20$ typical means ebay since many of the vendors on the list are precision cutters and the cutting fee alone would be more than that, or deal in higher quality gems.

However gemline ( has a "under 25$" category, and they are very honest. And certainly there are ebay sellers that people have had good experiences with in terms of buying cheap but pretty/interesting things.


Jun 29, 2008
Ah ha! I feel a new coloured stoner in our midst!!!! Welcome! Be warned - this not only gets addictive but on occasion you will also dream gems! Yes, I kid you not!!!

Now then, onto your dangerous question (which isn''t dangerous btw)! Firstly, you can get cheap gemstones everywhere BUT BUT BUT they will be typically treated to within an inch of their life. If that doesn''t bother you then Ebay (strangely) is probably the best place. You have to accept that at that price you''ll be getting all manner of cuts (mostly poorly cut) and you''ll probably get a fair few synthetics along the way as well. You''ll be able to pick up a ton of BE diffused sapphires in all manner of colours though. Very pretty to look at but not really as nature intended.

If you''ve been reading this forum for a while, you''ll probably have gathered that we fall into two categories (1) will only accept totally untreated gemstones - heat/treat and (2) those who accept heated gemstones but not other forms of treatment. Getting great gemstones that fit either of those categories in your price range is a challenge to say the least which is why the list of recommended gemstone dealers in the sticky may not be the best place for you to start.

However, if you want a gemstone (heated or unheated) and treatments do bother you then finding gemstones in your price range is going to be difficult. If you up the budget a little you can get some lovely (and more natural gemstones).

Anyway, collecting is fun so please keep us in the loop and post up tons of photos!!!!


Apr 22, 2004
Cheap, sure but will it look pretty? Inexpensive gems do exist but there are many trade offs:
1. Highly treated as in beryllium diffused or nuked.
2. Very small
3. Most likely included and with noticeable cutting issues
4. Very common gemstone material

That said, it is very possible you don’t mind any or all of the above. After all, not everyone has the same priorities when it comes to gemstones.


Aug 31, 2009
I have nothing to add, as you''ve heard from people more knowledgeable than I, except: Welcome! And, can we see a pic of that ring


Dec 11, 2009
Oooh, neat! That is exactly the kind of thing I''m looking for.

Really, I''m interested in... "samples". I''m not expecting to get anything that I really want to have set for me. I am basically looking for examples of the different kinds of coloured stones. This is all for learning (and guilty pleasure)! When looking for a decent stone, I will find out what to *avoid* or what flaws I can live with. For example, i have a very cloudy orange sapphire. I actually quite like it, the colour seems.. to glow slightly. I also have a nice sparkly round garnet, although it has a touch too much brown. But, I find the cheap stones do have a charm to them, even if they wouldn''t be the best jewelry peices. So, no, treatment doesn''t much matter for this. And seeing a few fakes would be a good learning experience as well... long as I can figure it out

When there comes a time for me to buy something that is actually jewelry worthy, I''m not going to be limiting myself to 20$ :razz: but that will be a little while off...

Thanks for your responses!


Dec 11, 2009
Date: 12/11/2009 2:23:30 PM
Author: Chrono

Cheap, sure but will it look pretty? Inexpensive gems do exist but there are many trade offs:
1. Highly treated as in beryllium diffused or nuked.
2. Very small
3. Most likely included and with noticeable cutting issues
4. Very common gemstone material

That said, it is very possible you don’t mind any or all of the above. After all, not everyone has the same priorities when it comes to gemstones.
Heh, you''re right. Size, not an issue. Treatment, not an issue so long as I know what it is. Inclusions, no issue. Common... well, I''ll work up to uncommon
I''m interesting in collecting, but I''m also interesting in becoming okay with ordering stuff online. Right now it makes me nervous. For stones at least. Never know what you''re going to get!

I have read many posts here detailing purchases from the high end vendors (and I am inclined to start saving for something from them...) but rarely do I see anything about buying cheap gems. Which is why I posted. I figure there might be some lurker out there like me who might want to know what you people think about it as well.


May 14, 2008
Welcome Gingersnap.

Your question isn''t dangerous. But beware, we are a highly addicting dangerous group! I would take a look at Multicolour. But beware that you don''t order something that you suspect you may have to return. That could cost you as much as the stone.

If you do a search for Multicolour, you will bring up stories from people who have bought from them.

Beware of E-bay for buying gems. It is not for the un-initiated.

Now how about satisfying our photo lust and post a picture of your engagement ring?


Dec 11, 2009
Date: 12/11/2009 2:24:47 PM
Author: Novel
I have nothing to add, as you''ve heard from people more knowledgeable than I, except: Welcome! And, can we see a pic of that ring
Heh! Eventually! I will work on it :) Thanks for the welcome.


Mar 2, 2009
djraregems is also a good place for budget goodies and located here.
Also ajs and multicolour.

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005

actually, buying cheap in $ amount and quality may be a great way to get educated and develop your inner color stone eye. however, that could be dangerous as you''ll realize all the things you might have had and then will feel the necessity to step up the bar for both $ amount and quality.

most of us here have bought one or two [or several] cheap in $ amount and quality stones........i don''t think we regret it. but it certainly gave me an understanding of what i didn''t know and what i needed to know if i was going to get the most bang for my $.

there are worse addictions......



Nov 10, 2009
Date: 12/11/2009 2:58:44 PM
Author: movie zombie

actually, buying cheap in $ amount and quality may be a great way to get educated and develop your inner color stone eye. however, that could be dangerous as you''ll realize all the things you might have had and then will feel the necessity to step up the bar for both $ amount and quality.

most of us here have bought one or two [or several] cheap in $ amount and quality stones........i don''t think we regret it. but it certainly gave me an understanding of what i didn''t know and what i needed to know if i was going to get the most bang for my $.

there are worse addictions......

HAHA thats what I tell hubby. I could be doing heroin LOL!


Dec 11, 2009
Date: 12/11/2009 2:58:44 PM
Author: movie zombie

actually, buying cheap in $ amount and quality may be a great way to get educated and develop your inner color stone eye. however, that could be dangerous as you''ll realize all the things you might have had and then will feel the necessity to step up the bar for both $ amount and quality.

most of us here have bought one or two [or several] cheap in $ amount and quality stones........i don''t think we regret it. but it certainly gave me an understanding of what i didn''t know and what i needed to know if i was going to get the most bang for my $.

there are worse addictions......

Heh, that''s exactly what I was thinking. Just as long as I don''t go in expecting to end up with stones like you guys chase for a very small price. And... I don''t.

Hence... this is a dangerous question. Small cheap stones. The gateway drug.


Dec 11, 2009
Date: 12/11/2009 3:07:19 PM
Author: Tropicgal10

Date: 12/11/2009 2:58:44 PM
Author: movie zombie

actually, buying cheap in $ amount and quality may be a great way to get educated and develop your inner color stone eye. however, that could be dangerous as you''ll realize all the things you might have had and then will feel the necessity to step up the bar for both $ amount and quality.

most of us here have bought one or two [or several] cheap in $ amount and quality stones........i don''t think we regret it. but it certainly gave me an understanding of what i didn''t know and what i needed to know if i was going to get the most bang for my $.

there are worse addictions......

HAHA thats what I tell hubby. I could be doing heroin LOL!
Yeah... fiance says I can collect them as long as I find a decent way to display/use them. So, perhaps I shall be figuring out cheap ways to set them...

or I will just have to hoard them like a dragon and be feirce in my protection of them

But I seem to have peeked his interest in having a coloured stone set in his wedding band


Nov 10, 2009
Date: 12/11/2009 3:14:02 PM
Author: gingersnap

Date: 12/11/2009 3:07:19 PM
Author: Tropicgal10

Date: 12/11/2009 2:58:44 PM
Author: movie zombie

actually, buying cheap in $ amount and quality may be a great way to get educated and develop your inner color stone eye. however, that could be dangerous as you''ll realize all the things you might have had and then will feel the necessity to step up the bar for both $ amount and quality.

most of us here have bought one or two [or several] cheap in $ amount and quality stones........i don''t think we regret it. but it certainly gave me an understanding of what i didn''t know and what i needed to know if i was going to get the most bang for my $.

there are worse addictions......

HAHA thats what I tell hubby. I could be doing heroin LOL!
Yeah... fiance says I can collect them as long as I find a decent way to display/use them. So, perhaps I shall be figuring out cheap ways to set them...

or I will just have to hoard them like a dragon and be feirce in my protection of them

But I seem to have peeked his interest in having a coloured stone set in his wedding band
LOL thats what I do :- X.


Jul 25, 2008
I am very satisfied with David at TipTopGems. He is a great guy, a gemologist, very honest as well. He has some nice, inexpensive stones (and some very expensive ones as well), which tend to be smaller rather than low quality. He also deals with synthetics, which are always very clearly stated (no trying to rip a customer off!).


Nov 3, 2009
Date: 12/11/2009 2:47:56 PM
Author: Gailey
Welcome Gingersnap.

Your question isn''t dangerous. But beware, we are a highly addicting dangerous group! I would take a look at Multicolour. But beware that you don''t order something that you suspect you may have to return. That could cost you as much as the stone.

If you do a search for Multicolour, you will bring up stories from people who have bought from them.

Beware of E-bay for buying gems. It is not for the un-initiated.

Now how about satisfying our photo lust and post a picture of your engagement ring?
I totally agree re. ebay. I tried to buy several stones for a couple of projects. The ratio of decent:bad gems was 1:10. Plus, you have to pay shipping cost, plus, most often they are non-returnable since they came from Thailand. Some of lapis was fake. Some of (allegedly) reputable vendors sent bad quality stones. When I counted all that I had spent I realized I could have bought a nice stone from a jeweller who I first thought was costly. If you are drawn to ebay, I would recommend buying only from US vendors - their stones are at least returnable.


Dec 3, 2008

Date: 12/11/2009 2:58:44 PM
Author: movie zombie
actually, buying cheap in $ amount and quality may be a great way to get educated and develop your inner color stone eye. however, that could be dangerous as you''ll realize all the things you might have had and then will feel the necessity to step up the bar for both $ amount and quality.

So true. This is exactly what I did.

Multicolour has already been mentioned. I''ll throw out there as another vendor that sells cheapie "starter" stones. My gemselect stones are definitely not the greatest in cut or color, but they were really educational for me (especially when held up against a Dan Stair or Barry Bridgestock stone with great cutting) and when I was done studying them, they made nice everyday earrings. So I''d recommend them for inexpensive stuff that can still look nice enough to be worth setting once you''re done.

ma re

Aug 10, 2008
I was going to mention as well - they have quite a lot of those affordable stones. BTW, I suggest you browse calibrated stones as well, regardless of where you're buying. Those are usually cut from lower quality material, so that it's possible to cut many of the exact same size and shape from the same rough. Because of that, they're priced lower than those cut without specific size/shape in mind, but be sure to check with the vendor if there's a minimum order of calibrated stones (sometimes the case, but not always). Calibrated stones are also much easier (and often, cheaper) to set, in case you decide to do so with some of them.


Nov 3, 2009
Multicolour has been mentioned many times as a good website to buy from, but their pictures are horrible. Clearly they have a good selection, but I never bought anything from them because of the way their website is set. How does one buy from them? Do you contact them by the phone and ask to make a photo of the stone you like?


Apr 22, 2004
Actually, their pictures are reasonably accurate. I use that plus the GIA colour grading they provided to give me a fairly good idea of how the stone will look in person. That said, their search function drives me crazy and I have no patience to sort through tons of stones in order to find something with a medium tone and strong saturation.


Jun 29, 2008
Crasru - I''ve just bought two gemstones from Multicolour and they were accurate in every way in real life when compared to the website photos. If you''re interested in buying something you can email them via their website with additional questions. I would suggest you use this route to contact them because emails to their other inboxes can go straight into spam.


Dec 3, 2008
Date: 12/14/2009 12:39:51 PM
Author: Chrono

That said, their search function drives me crazy and I have no patience to sort through tons of stones in order to find something with a medium tone and strong saturation.
I''m glad I''m not the only one bothered by how bad their search is.

I''ve never bought anything from multicolour just because it is such a PITA to find anything I''d want to buy. I like that they have a huge inventory, but it could really, really stand to be better organized.

Stone Hunter

May 12, 2006

This is a very fun hobby. My post PS stones are nicer than my previous stones. My very first PS colored stone was cut by Barry Bridgestock. So I really prefer well cut stones. As long as you know what you prefer you''ll be fine. Enjoy PS!!

ma re

Aug 10, 2008
Date: 12/14/2009 12:39:51 PM
Author: Chrono
Actually, their pictures are reasonably accurate. I use that plus the GIA colour grading they provided to give me a fairly good idea of how the stone will look in person. That said, their search function drives me crazy and I have no patience to sort through tons of stones in order to find something with a medium tone and strong saturation.
Well you can always sort by price from highest to lowest
Now, I''m not saying that doing so will save you any money...


Apr 22, 2004
Date: 12/15/2009 2:42:02 AM
Author: ma re
Well you can always sort by price from highest to lowest
Now, I''m not saying that doing so will save you any money...
A good idea, but are you encouraging me to get boulder sized stones?

ma re

Aug 10, 2008
Date: 12/15/2009 8:09:40 AM
Author: Chrono

Date: 12/15/2009 2:42:02 AM
Author: ma re
Well you can always sort by price from highest to lowest
Now, I''m not saying that doing so will save you any money...
A good idea, but are you encouraging me to get boulder sized stones?
LOL! Well, if Liz can pull ''em off...


Dec 11, 2009
Thanks for the helpful responses!

Multicolour, eh? I have to agree, the search is not up to my liking. Knowing that it is worth sifting through might give me more patience. The pages load reallly slowly for me, but that might be my connection as well. I had read about people have trouble with returns which kind of gave me the feeling of a red flag. Further digging into the forums pulled up some interesting vendor photo/customer photos which show the stones being sold are really accurately photographed. Their reliability seems to be vouched for quite often. I will have to give them a try! (Maybe with some christmas money... hee)

I really enjoy gemselect''s search engine, but the accuracy of the stone photos are in question. It seems it is hit and miss as to what I''m getting. I''m curious to buy from them just to see what I get (and give you guys some comparsin photos
) Add to the knowledge base helping me!

Biggest fear being here (here being the forum)? That I will learn things that will make me less appreciative of my e-ring. However, the design of the ring is *very* much my style (low profile, very unobtrusive in day to day life, fiance and I picked it out together, sentimental value...) so perhaps I will develop a blind eye to the flaws of the stone :razz: I think a blind eye in this matter is something I will need to aquire. Makes me nervous to post a picture of it here! Hah!


Jun 29, 2008
Date: 12/15/2009 1:33:22 PM
Author: gingersnap
Thanks for the helpful responses!

Multicolour, eh? I have to agree, the search is not up to my liking. Knowing that it is worth sifting through might give me more patience. The pages load reallly slowly for me, but that might be my connection as well. I had read about people have trouble with returns which kind of gave me the feeling of a red flag. Further digging into the forums pulled up some interesting vendor photo/customer photos which show the stones being sold are really accurately photographed. Their reliability seems to be vouched for quite often. I will have to give them a try! (Maybe with some christmas money... hee)

I really enjoy gemselect''s search engine, but the accuracy of the stone photos are in question. It seems it is hit and miss as to what I''m getting. I''m curious to buy from them just to see what I get (and give you guys some comparsin photos
) Add to the knowledge base helping me!

Biggest fear being here (here being the forum)? That I will learn things that will make me less appreciative of my e-ring. However, the design of the ring is *very* much my style (low profile, very unobtrusive in day to day life, fiance and I picked it out together, sentimental value...) so perhaps I will develop a blind eye to the flaws of the stone :razz: I think a blind eye in this matter is something I will need to aquire. Makes me nervous to post a picture of it here! Hah!
You know what? It doesn''t matter what anybody says about your ring - you love it and it has buckets of sentimental value. THAT''S what loving jewellery is all about. You could buy the biggest gemstone in the world with the best cut and yes, it''ll be universally admired but it won''t mean as much as the pebble your child found for you on the beach! Enjoy your ring and wear it with pride.


Sep 2, 2009
Date: 12/11/2009 2:18:36 PM
Author: LovingDiamonds
Be warned - this not only gets addictive but on occasion you will also dream gems! Yes, I kid you not!!!

i am a prime example !!haha
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