
The sapphire ring that makes me cry: Story time for animal-lovers


Oct 23, 2019
Hello, all. I would like to share the ring I made to memorialize my beloved pet mouse, Celine. Sorry if this story is a long.

I know what many of you are thinking: A mouse? How much can you love a mouse? They're pests, they're vermin (I get this a lot).

Well, Celine was not my only pet mouse but she was my "soul-mouse". It goes back to the day I went to collect her from the breeder. I was trying to pick up a "blue" grey mouse from the tub when Celine ("lilac" grey) jumped onto my hand. I put her back because I had my heart set on the "blue" one. The breeder helped me pick up the one I wanted, put it in my carrier and I made the payment. But as I was about to leave, something told me to "take the one that jumped on my hand". So I went back to the breeder and did a swap. And that's how Celine came into my life. She chose me.

Within a week or two, Celine would just sit in my hand or on my lap, like a tiny dog. We bonded and she trusted me, much more than Ruby ever did.

In our time together, she had a few health episodes where she would have died if she hadn't been such a fighter, with me fighting alongside. The first was when she had surgery to remove an abscess under her right ear. The surgery itself went off without a hitch but the swelling in the area and eye-dryness from anaesthesia led to her eventually damaging and losing her right eye. She had another surgery to stitch the eyelids closed so it could heal - but during that surgery, she sustained burns on her left side from the heating pad. She lost patches of fur as well as a portion of skin from her left ear. She also lost almost 25% of her original weight through this ordeal. But I fed her with a syringe every 2 hours and got her through it. I moved into the spare room with her so I could care for her overnight without disturbing my husband. Luckily I run my business from home so I was able to attend to her full time. A month after the initial surgery, she was a one-eyed, patchy furred little thing - but she was alive, she was healthy and she was happy. We survived.

The second time was when she suddenly had paralysis in half her body, completely out of the blue. The vet suspected she had a brain tumour but I decided to postpone cancer medication for a week and see if she could improve. She got better for a few days but then went downhill. On her worst day, she was having seizures every few hours. I decided it was the end and that I would protect Celine from any further suffering. The next morning, I made an appointment with the vet to put her to sleep. But when I went to give her some final cuddles, she walked a few steps. For the first time in 2 weeks, she walked. The appointment was cancelled as she continued to improve through the day. Over the next few weeks, she had to re-learn how to do everything, from holding food to drinking from her bottle, to running on her wheel. She had permanent brain and sensory damage from her mystery illness (brain injury/infection/stroke?) but once again, she fought and survived. She went 12 months with no health issues whatsoever. Loved her food, loved running around and loved cuddles.

Finally, as Celine hit the 1.5 year mark (mice typically live 1.5 - 2 years), I started to be more vigilant about checking for lumps and bumps. One day, I found a lump on her right side. She had surgery to remove it and tests concluded that unfortunately, it was an aggressive malignant mammary tumour and it would regrow/spread. This is common in domestic mice. It was growing back at such a rapid speed that removing it again was pointless. I decided that I would maintain her quality of life for as long as I could. She spent her final two months even more spoiled than normal. Even as the tumour continued to grow, she didn't let it ruin her ability to enjoy her food and she remained active pretty much until the end. She only had a couple of bad days at the end when she wouldn't eat and I had to feed her with a syringe again. But eventually I could see the cancer taking its toll on her tiny body. She no longer had the energy to do what she loved (eating) and her quality of life was diminished. And so we said goodbye and had her put to sleep peacefully at the vet.

I knew for some time that I wanted to have a ring made with a stone as unique as Celine. After the mystery brain illness fiasco, I started my search. I found a poorly cut unheated Madagascan sapphire and had it recut into a shield shape. A shield for my little fighter. The colour is a greyish lilac - her coat colour. It shifts in different lighting (between pink and violet) and is full of character, as she was. It has some inclusions/flaws - just as she did, but it is beautiful regardless - just as she was. The sapphire arrived back from the cutter the day Celine was having her last surgery. I was so anxious that day, waiting to hear back from the vet on how it went and what she thought the lump might be. When I saw the stone, I cried instantly. It represented Celine and her journey so well. It has now been set on a wide platinum band with a matte finish to keep the focus on the sapphire.

I miss Celine every single day. She passed away in late April, two months short of 2 years old, and I haven't been able to go even a week without shedding a tear (or 50) for her. But when I look down at this ring, it reminds me to be strong and a fighter like she was. It also makes me cry because I remember how much she meant to me and how broken my heart is now that she's gone. I know many people won't understand the bond we had or how I could get so attached to a mouse. I even had friends laugh at me for spending so much money on her vet care. But I've had cats, dogs, bunnies, hamsters, etc growing up and I can honestly say that the love you have for your pet should not be limited by its size or life span. I'm just so grateful that Celine chose me to love and take care of her. Now I wear this ring and keep her close to me wherever I go.

If you have fur babies, hold them and cherish them while you can. I'll end story-time with this quote: Grief is just love with nowhere to go.

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Jul 23, 2019
Ohhh. What a beautiful way to remember that bond. What a special creature. I’m happy you all shared such a great love ❤️


Dec 25, 2018
thank you for sharing your story, @roxta, love knows no bounds.


Jan 22, 2014
Awww @roxta your beautiful Celine was your heart mouse. Sometimes animals find us because they were meant to. And it’s not about their size or their lifespan, it’s about the magical connection we have with these special creatures.
I once scoffed at people who talked about their “heart” pet, sure I loved all my pets and was sad when they left to journey on but a “heart” pet? Silly.
Then I met Zoomie.
Zoomie came to me after our first Rescue dog, Lily, was attacked and killed while I walked her with my then 7 year old daughter. To say it was horrific is an understatement. I was broken, devastated and in shock.
Zoomie came into my life and life became better.
When he passed with bone cancer I can’t describe the pain in my heart. It was like nothing else. I felt as if part of me was lost, and it was. Zoomie took part of my heart with him when he left. He was my “heart” dog and I then understood.
Your ring is beautiful, like Celine, and I hope it brings you comfort. I now have other beautiful dogs that I love to the moon and back but my Zoomie remains forever the holder of my heart.


Jul 7, 2013
Angels with furs come in different sizes, big as well as small.

R.I.P. Celine.

Love the story and the ring, and yes it made me cry.

Welling up while I wrote this, thinking about the beloved dog that I lost recently after having him for over 12 years, to find my new 7-month old puppy came up to me and rested his little head on my arm, as if to say 'it's ok, mum, I am here for you now,' and made me cry even more.

DK :cry2:


Oct 23, 2019
Ohhh. What a beautiful way to remember that bond. What a special creature. I’m happy you all shared such a great love ❤️

She was so special indeed.


Oct 23, 2019
thank you for sharing your story, @roxta, love knows no bounds.

I admit I didn't expect to love her as much as I did. But she chose me for a reason - she must have felt something with her magical animal 6th sense.


Oct 23, 2019
Awww @roxta your beautiful Celine was your heart mouse. Sometimes animals find us because they were meant to. And it’s not about their size or their lifespan, it’s about the magical connection we have with these special creatures.
I once scoffed at people who talked about their “heart” pet, sure I loved all my pets and was sad when they left to journey on but a “heart” pet? Silly.
Then I met Zoomie.
Zoomie came to me after our first Rescue dog, Lily, was attacked and killed while I walked her with my then 7 year old daughter. To say it was horrific is an understatement. I was broken, devastated and in shock.
Zoomie came into my life and life became better.
When he passed with bone cancer I can’t describe the pain in my heart. It was like nothing else. I felt as if part of me was lost, and it was. Zoomie took part of my heart with him when he left. He was my “heart” dog and I then understood.
Your ring is beautiful, like Celine, and I hope it brings you comfort. I now have other beautiful dogs that I love to the moon and back but my Zoomie remains forever the holder of my heart.

Thank you so much for sharing. It sounds like fate that Zoomie came to heal you from that trauma. I felt perfectly happy being in lockdown with Celine. Can't leave the house? Can't travel? No sweat! It was only after Celine passed away in April that I started to feel myself sucked into the black hole of sadness and isolation that I heard so many others describe since the pandemic began. But she had saved me from more than a year of it. Yes, she was absolutely my heart mouse - though I prefer "soul-mouse" because I like to think our souls will stay connected even after our hearts stop.
I know what you mean about loving others but it not being the same. Ruby actually passed away unexpectedly two weeks before Celine. She was not ill and we were completely unprepared (unlike with Celine's cancer). When she passed, I was sad and I'm still sad, but it's not the same ache as missing Celine. Sometimes I worry I will forget her, especially when I get other pets in the future. But from what you're telling me, this will never happen.


Oct 23, 2019
Angels with furs come in different sizes, big as well as small.

R.I.P. Celine.

Love the story and the ring, and yes it made me cry.

Welling up while I wrote this, thinking about the beloved dog that I lost recently after having him for over 12 years, to find my new 7-month old puppy came up to me and rested his little head on my arm, as if to say 'it's ok, mum, I am here for you now,' and made me cry even more.

DK :cry2:

That is so sweet. I think maybe your puppy could sense your grief (love that has nowhere to go) and decided he was going to create a new place for your love to go.
I wish mice lived for 12 years, but then even 12 years isn't enough, if I'm being honest. Why can't our beloved fur babies live as long as we do?


Jun 27, 2014
This is such a beautiful story and it surprised quite a reaction out of me that I wasn't expecting.
Being a lover of small animals, especially ones most consider vermin is a special little call to heed. I was touched by your story and it made my heart clench in memory for my little ones, well maybe not little, they were considered 'giant' rats. Two brothers who were one of the many surprises brought randomly home by my DH and kids- which like all other animals that ever enter into this house become my ultimate responsibility. They were with us three years(a good long time for a rat!)and I lost them within a week of each other as one wanted to go where his brother had gone, and so, he followed. What huge personalities in such tiny bodies and the beauty and cruelty of so little time.
Beautiful Celine, immortalized forever. It's perfect.


Jul 7, 2013
I made this collage of photos of my beloved dog, and it is hung up in my campervan so that he is with us in spirit when I go camping with my new dog.

I am also having some cremation jewellery made with his ashes so that he is to me as often as possible.

DK :cry2:


Jun 8, 2008
I am so sorry for your loss @roxta. :(
I think most of us understand. I have loved animals small and large and they are better than most/many humans.

Grief is the price we pay for great love.
You gave Celine a wonderful life and she knew love. I hope that brings you some comfort.

I am glad you have this beautiful piece to commemorate her memory and may you wear it with love and good memories.


Jan 29, 2012
It’s a beautiful ring and a beautiful tribute to your little warrior mouse, Celine. She was a beauty! Lucky for us, sometimes, love comes in tiny (and adorable) packages. Losing a heart / soul pet is indescribable and I’m so sorry for the pain you’re feeling right now.


Oct 23, 2019
This is such a beautiful story and it surprised quite a reaction out of me that I wasn't expecting.
Being a lover of small animals, especially ones most consider vermin is a special little call to heed. I was touched by your story and it made my heart clench in memory for my little ones, well maybe not little, they were considered 'giant' rats. Two brothers who were one of the many surprises brought randomly home by my DH and kids- which like all other animals that ever enter into this house become my ultimate responsibility. They were with us three years(a good long time for a rat!)and I lost them within a week of each other as one wanted to go where his brother had gone, and so, he followed. What huge personalities in such tiny bodies and the beauty and cruelty of so little time.
Beautiful Celine, immortalized forever. It's perfect.

Three years is absolutely a good life span for a rat! They are so intelligent and full of personality, as are mice. I've fostered four different mice since Celine and Ruby passed and I can testify that all six of them have totally unique personalities. I was so in-tune with Celine that if someone tried to trick me by swapping her with an exact doppelganger, I would know within 10 seconds that this wasn't MY Celine.
It's such a shame rodents don't live longer.... Your boys sounded so tightly bonded, so sweet.


Oct 23, 2019
@roxta whether it’s good or not so good at times, Celine will always be with you.
Zoomie has been gone 6 years now but just writing his name causes tears to roll. :cry:
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Oh, what a gorgeous lad he was! He had such kind eyes. We are so lucky to have known the love we have for our heart/soul pets. Somewhere in Doggie Heaven, Zoomie is smiling because a story about a little one-eyed mouse got you reminiscing about him.


Oct 23, 2019
Your story made me well up for your soul-mouse. I don’t think love knows what size it is. Your ring is a beautiful tribute to her

Thank you. I didn't expect others to get so emotional reading Celine's story, but somehow I've created a thread for PSers with pets as their avatars! I know I'm not alone in the overwhelming joy and grief that comes from our fur babies.


Oct 23, 2019
I made this collage of photos of my beloved dog, and it is hung up in my campervan so that he is with us in spirit when I go camping with my new dog.

I am also having some cremation jewellery made with his ashes so that he is to me as often as possible.

DK :cry2:

He was such an adventure doggie! How wonderful to have these memories to cherish forever. Please do share your jewellery when it's finished. I have Celine's and Ruby's ashes in little tins by my desk and perhaps one day I'll be able to sprinkle them in the ocean as I originally planned. Right now it's still too hard to say goodbye.


Oct 23, 2019
I am so sorry for your loss @roxta. :(
I think most of us understand. I have loved animals small and large and they are better than most/many humans.

Grief is the price we pay for great love.
You gave Celine a wonderful life and she knew love. I hope that brings you some comfort.

I am glad you have this beautiful piece to commemorate her memory and may you wear it with love and good memories.

Thank you so much. Yes, I have no regrets with Celine (other than not cloning her). I know I did everything I could for her and she knew how loved she was.
That quote in your signature is beautiful!


Oct 23, 2019
Crying tears for a much loved little mouse
Some times love comes in tiny packages

I love the ring
Its very fittingb

Love does come in tiny packages sometimes. 30g in this case. :)


Oct 23, 2019
It’s a beautiful ring and a beautiful tribute to your little warrior mouse, Celine. She was a beauty! Lucky for us, sometimes, love comes in tiny (and adorable) packages. Losing a heart / soul pet is indescribable and I’m so sorry for the pain you’re feeling right now.

Oh, the blessing (and curse) of finding your heart/soul pet. Well, unfortunately we can't have one without the other. Celine will always inspire me to be a warrior myself - and not many people can say that about a little mouse.


Jan 9, 2006
I love the ring, and I loves your story. Our fur babies really wiggle themselves into our hearts, and never leave. I still feel pangs of sadness and that empty ache that comes with losing pets, when I think of my Bubbles - our teeny, tiny, ditsy, airhead fox terrier, who passes age 5. She's been gone for twelve years now, but is still so desperately missed by myself and DH. I wish you didn't have to experience such heartache, but I am happy that you had that wonderful time with Celine, and her with you. She was one lucky little fluffball! And super, super cute. Her wee footsies though :kiss2:


Jun 26, 2007
@roxta, she was a beautiful little mouse!
And a very lucky one, to have you as a mom!


Jun 8, 2008
I know some people are scared/grossed out by mice, but I mean.... look at this sweet girl and her tiny, perfect little paws.

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What a beautiful girl ♥️I’m so glad she had you and you her. One day you will be reunited.


May 19, 2020
She was beautiful! I’ve had 3 pet mice myself. Reading your story made me tear up :(.

Your ring is so beautiful and so unique! I absolutely love it. What a beautiful memorial for little cutie pie Celine

Diamond Girl 21

Jun 26, 2017
What a beautiful girl! Your story made me tear up. I think your ring is a lovely tribute to Celine.❤
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